20253478 724944
Echoes of
By Mike Kimmel and Nate Wright
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253478
Echoes of Desperation
Table of Contents
Mike Kimmel and Nate Wright
Mike Kimmel
Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Encounters ��������������������������������������������16
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Encounters �������������������������������������������21
Mark Seifter
Appendix 3: Game Aids ��������������������������������������������������������������� 26
K. Tessa Newton
Organized Play��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
K. Tessa Newton
Tony Barnett
Emily Crowell
Linda Zayas-Palmer
Erik Mona Summary
HOW TO PLAY The PCs meet up with Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh in the capital city of Anthusis
in Vidrian. There, he shows them a magic bell that he believes was made to protect a
community of Song’o halflings from the attacks of ravenous fey. Wishing to improve
PLAY TIME: 4–5 HOURS the Society’s standing in Vidrian, the venture-captain tasks the PCs with investigating
the ship wreckage where the bell was recovered to find evidence of its origins. After
fighting off dangerous wildlife that had settled into the wreckage, the PCs discover
evidence pointing to a specific region of the Laughing Jungle.
LEVELS: 3–6 The PCs set out through the Laughing Jungle to return the bell, dealing with vicious
fauna along the way. When the PCs reach the Song’o village, they’re invited to join the
community in a friendly meal, during which they have the opportunity to learn the
bell’s history. Lastly, while the Song’o halflings lure and entrap the ravenous fey with
PLAYERS: 3–6 a ritual, the Pathfinders lead a counterattack to help free the community from the fey
leader’s cruel bargain!
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Scenario Title
Echoes of Desperation
By Mike Kimmel and Nate Wright
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253480
Echoes of Desperation
Getting Started “Unfortunately, the Imminent Laughter—that’s the ship—
The adventure begins at Anthusis Lodge in the capitol crashed during the pursuit. Our priority was rescuing the
of Vidrian, where Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh has marooned crew, so the thieves escaped, and we didn’t have
summoned the PCs to meet him. When they arrive at his time for a thorough search of the wreck. We grabbed what
office, he invites them in and begins the briefing. Read or looked important and got our people back to shore. There
paraphrase the following. may be documents on board indicating where the bell came
from—after all, the whole point of the Imminent Laughter’s
The office of Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh is densely voyage was to bring cultural relics back to Vidrian so
packed with shelves of books, maps, scrolls, and even they could be returned to their rightful owners.
more esoteric methods of note-keeping. The room’s “So, your mission is to head to the wreckage just up
wide windows are open, allowing a cool breeze to pass the shore and see what you can find. Report back to
through the office. As the venture-captain stands me once you’ve explored the wreck. Then, perhaps
to greet the gathered Pathfinders, a small crystal we can send you to return the bell and learn why
ball that had been used as a paperweight rolls off it’s so important. If we can lend a helping hand
of his desk, falling into a nest of scrolls that are and make some new allies along the way,
covered in scribbled notes. “Whoops,” the all the better. Any questions?”
venture-captain says with a chuckle,
deftly navigating the mess to replace Venture-Captain Bellaugh
the paperweight. Having ensured welcomes questions before
no vital documents are at risk the PCs depart. Possible
of blowing away, he addresses questions, and his answers,
the group. “Pathfinders! Today, include the following.
we have an opportunity to do Can I ring the bell?
some good for the people of “You most certainly
Vidrian and earn a little favor can!” Bellaugh gestures
with the government. Here, let’s take Finze Bellaugh towards a frayed rope that hangs 724947
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253481
Echoes of Desperation
KNOWLEDGE) Song’o halflings are among the more reclusive people
A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Fey Lore or DC 18 Nature of the Mwangi Expanse They live primarily in small,
check to Recall Knowledge remembers some information familiar groups that migrate in caravans along the Korir
about bilokos. PCs who are from the Mwangi Expanse River and throughout the Laughing Jungle, though
gain a +2 circumstance bonus to their check. A failure they have a few permanent settlements where they
grants no information, and a critical success grants grow food and congregate for important celebrations.
the additional information in the critical success entry. For more information about Song’os, see pages 82–91
Remember, these checks should be rolled secretly. of Pathfinder Lost Omens The Mwangi Expanse.
Critical Success Bilokos have a fascination with bells, often Some player characters in your group might be
using them for hunting and setting traps, but they can Song’o halflings. This may impact some of their
also be tricked by these covetous instruments. Bilokos interactions throughout the adventure, though
who eat spellcasters can become more powerful creatures the unique circumstance of the Song’o community
known as elokos, and rumors tell of powerful eloko featured in this adventure—the River Sentinels—means
leaders with connections to primal forces deep within the that even Song’o PCs aren’t likely to have specific
jungles of the Mwangi Expanse. knowledge that might spoil the story. This community
Success Bilokos are cunning hunters who like to use tricks isolated themselves as part of a desperate bargain with
to single out victims and lure them away from their malicious fey. They haven’t been seen or heard from,
companions. They subsist entirely on humanoid flesh. even among other Song’os, in several years.
Critical Failure As an ancient offshoot of halflings, bilokos will
parley with outsiders and accept an invitation to dinner, so
long as the offer is genuine and made in good faith. Creatures: The bloodshed from the recent battle
attracted some territorial creatures that have since
A. Shipwreck Low taken up the area as a hunting ground. Some predatory
After about 2 hours of uneventful travel north along crocodiles (or an aggressive hippopotamus, for levels
the shore of Desperation Bay, the PCs reach the 5–6) lie in wait and ambush the PCs soon after their 724948
wreckage of the trade vessel Imminent Laughter. search begins, attacking from the water and rolling
Read or paraphrase the following. Stealth for initiative. Though territorial, crocodiles
instinctively flee when reduced to 5 or fewer Hit
Driftwood litters the sandy beach, still flowing Points (hippopotamuses flee if reduced to 10 or
freely from the bisected remains of a trade vessel fewer Hit Points).
resting in the shallows. Smooth rocks break
the surface and surround the wreckage, as if Levels 3–4
the land itself reached up to tear the boat to
pieces before clumsily grasping its prize. CROCODILES (2) CREATURE 2
Page 16
The PCs begin this encounter in the
middle of the wreckage, where the Levels 5–6
majority of its cargo has spilled. Use the
map on page 6 for this encounter. ELITE HIPPOPOTAMUS CREATURE 6
Terrain: Most of the water ranges Page 21
from knee- to waist-deep, and is difficult
terrain for any creature smaller than Development: With the hungry foes
Large. Any creature smaller than Large repelled, the PCs are free to search the ship
can choose to Swim instead of wading for clues. There is a cache of documents
(DC 10 Athletics). contained in a leather satchel within a
The water north of the ship’s secret compartment that came partially
stern drops off severely and doesn’t dislodged during the crash, and is on
benefit from the protection of the the verge of slipping into the water
wreckage; Swimming through this thanks to the commotion of their
water requires a successful DC 15 cold iron bell recent fight. Searching PCs must
Athletics check. succeed at a DC 20 Perception or
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Echoes of Desperation
A. Shipwreck
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Echoes of Desperation
Sailing Lore check (DC 24 for levels 5–6) to find it. Each The venture-captain arranges for the PCs’ passage on a
check represents 10 minutes of searching the area for sailing ship south along the coast to Port Freedom. There,
clues. If the PCs fail to find the satchel after 30 minutes, he explains, they’ll need to speak with the Rivermen’s
the satchel slips free of its hidden compartment and Guild to book safe passage on the treacherous waterway.
audibly splashes into the water, where it can be easily He advises the PCs to hire a Rivermen’s Guild guide,
retrieved—though some of the contents are lost (see as the Korir River’s shallow waters and sandy banks
Rewards, below). are notoriously difficult to navigate. He states that he’ll
The satchel contains several journals and loose sheets gladly provide enough money for both the barge and
of parchment. These include a manifest that lists the guide, along with a note for the PCs to present to the
cold iron bell as an important piece of cargo, as well as guild. He estimates that a journey along the coast and
sketches of a variety of cultural objects and their likely up the river to the tributary should take approximately
points of origin throughout Vidrian. The notes reveal 10 days. From there, he admits, there’s no telling what
that the crew of the Imminent Laughter discovered they might find or how far they might need to travel up
a small coastal cave several miles south of Anthusis, the tributary. He also admits that Song’os are notoriously
where some smugglers had stored the bell along with reclusive, but expresses his hope that the bell’s former
numerous other plundered relics. Thankfully, the owners might notice someone traveling into their
smugglers’ possessions included a journal, which the territory with it. He suggests, with a chuckle, that if all
PCs also discover in the satchel. The journal is tightly else fails, “maybe you can try ringing the bell.”
bound in a waterproof case. None of the pages have Treasure: Venture-Captain Finze offers the PCs a bag
dates or names. Each page instead has an entry devoted of holding type I to help transport the bell—he’s feeling
to a single object, along with where it came from, especially generous and asks that they consider it a gift!
who might be interested in purchasing it, and what He also fills the bag with 4 weeks of rations for each PC.
other future plundering opportunities it might present. Finally, he gives them a small pouch of coins to pay for a
Individually, none of the objects depicted are immensely guide and passage along the Korir River.
valuable, but all together they could fetch a hefty sum.
One exception, of course, is the cold iron bell the PCs PORT FREEDOM 724950
are investigating. If they look through the smugglers’ The PCs’ 10 day voyage is uneventful. It first takes them
records, they discover a single entry with a sketch of the southwest along Vidrian’s coast. There are countless
bell they saw in Finze Bellaugh’s office. Give the players farmers, herders, and fishers working at all hours along
Handout #1, which contains the journal entry (written the coast. When the PCs reach the river outlet town of
in Common) that accompanies the illustration. A PC Port Freedom a few days after they set out, it’s a simple
who succeeds at a DC 15 Crafting check discerns from matter to locate the Rivermen’s Guild—one of the
the aging parchment and faded ink that it’s at least a most influential groups in the town—and present the
few years old. venture-captain’s papers (and money).
Rewards: If the PCs saved the hidden satchel before it Negotiating Passage: When the PCs meet with the
fell into the water, they also find a scroll case containing Guild’s representative at the bustling docks of Port
a scroll of invisibility (2nd) and a holly bush feather Freedom, they face a minor dilemma. Finze Bellaugh’s
token (or three scrolls of invisibility (2nd) and a shark contact with the Rivermen’s Guild is Ellekkara Olin (CN
tooth charm for levels 5–6), as well as a journal with female human guild enforcer), a Vidric Bekyar native with
detailed notes on much of the remainder of the ship’s bright, colorful clothing and flamboyant jewelry that
cargo. Returning these notes to Finze Bellaugh allows presents the exact opposite mood as her perpetual scowl.
the venture-captain to return the remaining cargo much She accepts’ the Pathfinders’ coins and skims over Finze’s
more easily to its rightful owners. letter three times, her frown deepening each time. Then,
she addresses the PCs. Read or paraphrase the following.
The Journey
Once they’ve explored the wreck and discovered “The Rivermen’s Guild appreciates your venture-captain’s
the smuggler’s journal, the PCs should return to generous contribution. However, we’ve had substantial
Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh to report on their troubles lately that have tarnished the guild’s reputation.
findings. Finze is thrilled with their discovery, as the Poachers, smugglers, thieves, pirates, spies—all manner of
smuggler’s journal suggests a decent starting point—a people with ill intent have used our barges in recent months.
tributary leading off a point where the Korir River turns Our former, more open policies are no longer in our best
south nearly 200 miles in from the coast. interest. We can provide you with a river barge suitable for
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253484
Echoes of Desperation
your party, but not a guide. I recognize that the Pathfinder avoid running up on the sandy banks, but the barge is
Society has worked hard to establish itself as a respectful designed for just this purpose. It easily fits the entire
and helpful organization—but many people in Port Freedom, party and has a small, covered area to protect their
and across Vidrian, disagree. Until you’ve proven the Society supplies from moisture, although the party must stop
is truly here to work with us, not against us, the Rivermen’s to make camp on shore if they wish to rest. The dense
Guild can only do so much for you. This coin is sufficient for jungle to the north and south teems with wildlife and
the barge. Our prices have gone up.” insects, though the PCs pass few other people on their
trip up the river.
A PC who successfully Senses Motive with a DC 17 This region of the Mwangi Expanse is far from safe,
Perception check (DC 20 for levels 5–6) realizes that but the PCs are fortunate enough that it’s relatively well
Ellekkara is stretching the truth when she says that traveled. The few days that it takes for them to travel
the guild has problems with the Pathfinder Society. 200 miles inland pass uneventfully. Once they reach the
With a critical success, the PC suspects that Ellekkara’s tributary leading north, however, a problem arises: the
opposition is more personal. barge is too big to navigate this narrower portion of the
The PCs can accept the guild’s offer of a barge with river system, requiring that they proceed by land.
no guide and move on, or they can attempt to smooth As long as they follow the river, the PCs can avoid
things over and negotiate for a guide. If they move getting lost. However, finding what they’re looking for
on, proceed to Into the Laughing Jungle below. If they is another matter entirely. The following exploration
speak further with Ellekkara, a PC can attempt a DC activity, Search the Laughing Jungle, is available in
18 Diplomacy check to Make an Impression (DC 20 this adventure. To represent the PCs’ search along the
for levels 5–6). Ellekkara’s attitude begins as indifferent. tributary over the course of several days, have each PC
The PCs gain a +1 circumstance bonus to this check if roll a check to Search the Laughing Jungle once before
they successfully Sensed Motive, or a +2 circumstance the group reaches area B (see page 9). Based on the results
bonus if they critically succeeded. If Ellekkara becomes of their efforts, they may need to make more checks, as
friendly based on this check, she begrudgingly returns described in the Development entry for area B.
the extra coins to the PCs and tells them to send Finze Ellekkara’s Guidance: If Ellekkara accompanied the 724951
Bellaugh her regards. If she becomes helpful based on PCs as a guide, she grants each PC a +2 circumstance
this check, she admits that she holds an old personal bonus to each of their checks to Search the Laughing
grudge against the Pathfinder Society; Finze sent another Jungle. After these checks, she leaves them to return
group of Pathfinders on a mission a few years ago, and to Port Freedom—either because she’s confident they
though they, too, were “just trying to help” then, the have a handle on the situation, or because it’s clear that
mission resulted in the death of a dear friend. Ellekkara they’re in over their heads. If she’s convinced they’re
doesn’t wish to speak of the matter further, but with a in over their heads, she urges them to return with her,
heavy sigh, she agrees that those were different people and hopes that her departure will motivate them to
during a different time. She offers the PCs a choice: they follow her back, or at least not to venture heedlessly
can accept her own services as a barge pilot and guide, into deeper, more perilous reaches of the jungle.
or they can accept a few useful items, in case they run
into danger. Either way, she still returns the extra coins, SEARCH THE LAUGHING JUNGLE
admitting that Finze may have been a bit too generous. CONCENTRATE EXPLORATION MOVE
Guide: If the PCs accept Ellekkara’s services as a While traveling along a tributary of the Korir River in the
barge pilot and guide, she accompanies them during Laughing Jungle, you use your knowledge of the area
their river trip. See Into the Laughing Jungle below for or natural terrain to navigate, find the best possible
details of the benefits she provides. route, and search for signs of inhabitants. Attempt a
Rewards: If the PCs accept Ellekkara’s helpful items DC 18 Nature, Scouting Lore, Society, or other relevant
instead, she gives them two lesser healing potions (or Lore check, such as Jungle Lore or River Lore (DC 20 for
four lesser healing potions for levels 5–6). Levels 5–6).
Critical Success You make significant progress in your
INTO THE LAUGHING JUNGLE search. Earn 2 Exploration Points.
Regardless of the outcome of their negotiations with Success You make some progress in your search. Earn 1
the Rivermen’s Guild, the PCs can proceed from Port Exploration Point.
Freedom along Korir River using a river barge. The river Critical Failure You make a mistake and waste time. Lose 1
is relatively shallow, requiring thoughtful navigation to Exploration Point.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253485
Echoes of Desperation
Development: After each PC attempts a check to (see page 11), a –1 circumstance penalty in the second
Search the Laughing Jungle, their search takes them round, and no penalty in subsequent social rounds.
to an even smaller tributary leading east. A mile or so Rewards: If the PCs have accrued at least 2
along this tributary, the PCs have their first encounter Exploration Points (or 3 Exploration Points for a party
in the Laughing Jungle. The number of Exploration of 5 or more PCs), they’ve located the spot where Mr.
Points they’ve earned up to this point determines Riverside buried the payment he received for the cold
whether they’ve come across something useful, or merely iron bell when he traded it away to a smuggler, hoping
something dangerous! never to see it again. The area nearby has eroded a
bit, and a corner of the chest pokes out of the sandy
B. Riverside Low riverbank near the boulder, so the PCs automatically
find the chest when they look around. It contains 10 gp
On the bank of the river, a large boulder at the edge of the (or 30 gp for Levels 5–6).
jungle rests near a narrow path leading north.
The Bell Returns
This encounter uses the map on page 10. The PCs A short distance away from the narrow tributary, the
approach from the western edge of the map, along the PCs discover what can best be described as a camp that
northern bank. The river is 10 feet deep at its center and has settled into the jungle to stay awhile. Several tents
flows slowly (DC 15 Athletics to Swim) of various colors and sizes surround a small, sandy
Creatures: As the PCs approach, they draw the clearing. Most of the tents seem to have not been moved
attention of a few hungry insects. These creatures attack in ages, based on the way they’re embedded in the
from the south, focusing their attacks on the nearest nearby undergrowth: flowers, vines, and branches grow
foe. They instinctively and relentlessly fight until killed. around and even inside some of the tents. Tiny flower
and vegetable gardens line a stream running through the
Levels 3–4 camp. Most of the flowers are bright colors, but some
of the tents have only dark flowers growing nearby,
GIANT DRAGONFLY CREATURE 4 including dark blue, purple, and even black flowers. 724952
Page 17 Several Song’os of all ages are busily going about their
days when the PCs arrive.
Levels 5–6 As the PCs approach, two people come forward
to greet them. One is Efala Toru (LG female halfling
GIANT DRAGONFLIES (2) CREATURE 4 aspiring champion; art on page 27), who informs the
Page 22 PCs that they must be in the wrong place, stating,
“Nobody comes this way, not even our own kin. Our
Development: If the PCs have accrued at least 2 home is haunted. You should go.” The other is Irena
Exploration Points (or 3 Exploration Points for a party Vella (CN female halfling community healer; art on
of 5 or more PCs), they’ve found a path that’s only a page 26), who greets the PCs excitedly and tells them
short distance from the River Sentinels camp. Proceed to to forgive Efala’s rudeness, stating, “You are welcome
The Bell Returns, below. Otherwise, the path is a dead here—assuming your intentions are kind—though
end—this isn’t the right spot. In this event, the PCs must my friend is right. Our home isn’t haunted, exactly,
continue their search. but it may be dangerous to stay.” The two introduce
Any number of PCs can attempt one more check to themselves, then ask who the PCs are and why they
Search the Laughing Jungle. If the group accrues the have come to visit their community, the River Sentinels.
requisite number of Exploration Points, as stated above, When the River Sentinels learn that the PCs have come
continue the adventure as normal—otherwise, the PCs to return the cold iron bell, their expressions become
find what they are searching for a few hours later, but serious. Any nearby onlookers immediately run off to
only after getting turned around in the dense jungle a gather the rest of the community. Irena gestures for the
few times. Proceed to The Bell Returns (below), but PCs to take a seat beneath a wide awning facing the
when they arrive at the camp, it’s obvious to the NPCs clearing at the center of the camp, stating that they have
they meet that the PCs are somewhat inept at navigating much to discuss—and they’d best do the talking over a
the jungle. As a result, the PCs take a –2 circumstance nice meal. Their eldest leader, Atamu “Mr. Riverside”
penalty to their checks to Discover or Influence the Godoko (N male halfling caravan trader; art on page
NPCs during the first social round of A Friendly Meal 26), should be along shortly.
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Echoes of Desperation
B. Riverside
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Echoes of Desperation
A FRIENDLY MEAL any skills that you already now), one of the NPC’s
Several members of the community lay out a nice meal personal biases, one of the NPC’s resistances, or one of the
consisting mostly of food foraged from the nearby NPC’s weaknesses.
jungle, fish from the river, and a few squashes and other Failure You learn no information.
things they’ve grown themselves. All the food is fresh Critical Failure Choose a piece of information to learn
and delicious, and the portions are generous—the River about, as success, but the information is incorrect.
Sentinels haven’t forgotten the joys of food and cooking,
even after all they’ve been through. INFLUENCE
The River Sentinels, like many Song’os, CONCENTRATION SECRET
don’t put much trust in outsiders. You attempt to make a favorable impression on
When the PCs reveal that they’ve an NPC to convince the NPC to support your
brought back the lost bell, they cause. Attempt a skill check to impress that
might be expecting immediate NPC. The DC and skills which can apply can
relief or gratitude. Instead, the be found in the NPC’s stat block.
Sentinels respond with caution, Critical Success You gain 2 Influence Points
suspicion, and curiosity. Although with the chosen NPC.
some of them believe they need the Success You gain 1 Influence Point with the
bell and should continue using it, chosen NPC.
others want it gone. Regardless of Failure You gain no Influence Points with the
how any individual River Sentinel feels about it, chosen NPC.
the community as a whole recognizes the great Critical Failure You lose 1 Influence
sorrow and suffering associated with the bell. Point with the chosen NPC.
The PCs’ goal in this encounter is to learn
as much as they can about the bell and the Influencing the
River Sentinels and make an overall Sentinels
good impression on the community The social rounds for this 724954
and its leaders. While the River encounter play out in the
Sentinels are overall hospitable and following structure. For
curious, they don’t immediately the first 3 rounds, Efala and
share their story with the PCs. To
Efala Toru Irena are the only NPCs present
represent the PCs’ interactions for the PCs to interact with. On the
with these NPCs during this scene, this scenario uses the 3rd round, Mr. Riverside joins for the remainder of the
Influence subsystem (Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide meal. The NPCs’ statistics are located starting on page
151). During the meal, PCs have multiple opportunities 18 (page 23 for Levels 5–6). As the PCs converse with the
to gain Influence Points with Efala, Irena, and later with group, they learn Tale Fragments, which are described in
Mr. Riverside. During each of these social rounds, any Tale of the River Sentinels on page 12.
PC can attempt to either Discover something about an Round 1—Introductions: During round 1, the PCs
NPC or Influence them in some way. These actions are have a chance to share more about themselves and make
detailed in the Gamemastery Guide and reproduced an initial impression on Efala and Irena. An NPC of
below for your convenience. your choice shares the following information about the
community’s background with the PCs.
DISCOVER The River Sentinels are a group of nine extended Song’o
CONCENTRATION SECRET families, originally numbering about 50 halflings in all,
You watch or study an NPC to learn more about that NPC’s though their numbers have dwindled to around 30 in recent
preferences. Attempt a Perception check or an appropriate years as they’ve suffered regular biloko attacks. They once
skill check determined by the GM. The DC is found in the migrated around the Laughing Jungle, like other Song’os,
NPC’s influence stat block. largely enjoying life and regularly visiting other Song’os for
Critical Success Choose two of the options detailed in Success feasts, celebrations, and stick-fighting tournaments.
below; you can choose the same option twice to learn two Round 2—First Course: The group continues the
pieces of information from the same category. conversation and digs in to the first course of the meal.
Success Choose one of the following: You learn which skill At the end of this round, the River Sentinels all start to
that can Influence the NPC has the lowest DC (skipping clean up and get ready for the next course. The PCs can
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Echoes of Desperation
attempt a DC 16 Society check (DC 18 for levels 5–6). On will fight them when they come to feast. Perhaps then, their
a success, they realize that pitching in might be considered leader, Wrigglemaw, will know the River Sentinels are not to
rude, as they’re the guests—but some Song’os might also be trifled with. Will you do this with us?”
consider such an act as a sign of boldness. PCs who pitch
in take a –1 circumstance penalty to Discover or Influence The PCs may have questions, especially if they have
Irena or Mr. Riverside in the following round, but gain yet to learn all the River Sentinels’ story as described
a +1 circumstance bonus to Discover or Influence Efala, in Tale of the River Sentinels. Rather than withholding
who admires their gumption. the story from the PCs (and the players) because
Round 3—Late Arrival: As everyone is they failed to earn enough Influence Points,
preparing the next course, Mr. Riverside have Mr. Riverside reluctantly share some
joins the others who have gathered for the of the details from any of the tale they
meal. He states that he’s been informed have yet to learn—enough to make it
of the PCs’ story thus far, but he asks clear that the River Sentinels are ensnared
point blank what the Pathfinder Society in a cruel bargain with evil fey, that the
is hoping to get out of helping the River bargain involved conjuring semi-living people
Sentinels—he doesn’t believe anyone could be who the fey then devoured, that Mr. Riverside
completely altruistic. The group continues the couldn’t take it anymore and got rid of the bell,
conversation; from this round forward, the and that they are losing members of their own
PCs can Discover or Influence any of the community as a price for refusing to take
three NPCs. part in the fey ritual. Now that a bit of
Round 4— Second Course: The group outside help has found its way to them,
continues the conversation and enjoys Mr. Riverside believes that they can
the second course of the meal. lure the bilokos by beginning the ritual,
Round 5—Final Decisions: As and that the Pathfinders can fight the
the meal is coming to a close, the creatures off. This, perhaps, would be
PCs have one more opportunity to enough to convince Wrigglemaw to leave 724955
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Echoes of Desperation
would be severely hampered if he kept losing hunters drowns his guilt and sorrow with strong drinks. He’s
during raids. Instead, he ensnared the River Sentinels in convinced that the River Sentinels are better off accepting
a fey bargain that would produce food for Wrigglemaw these losses rather than taking part in the vile ritual, but
and his hunters for generations to come. he’s ashamed of his inability to break the River Sentinels
Tale Fragment 2: Wrigglemaw charmed the River out of the bargain. The community knows what he did—
Sentinels’ leaders, forcing them to accept stewardship of he admitted it to them—but he feels terrible for taking
an enchanted cold iron bell. Their agreement required the things into his own hands rather than let the community
River Sentinels to perform a ritual using the bell once decide their fate.
each year. The ritual would call Wrigglemaw’s
hunters, who would join in the eerie dance C. Ringing Grounds
with bells and songs of their own. Each time Moderate
the ritual was completed, the bell’s magic When the PCs are ready to assist the
would draw on the life essence of the River River Sentinels in fighting off the bilokos,
Sentinels, fusing it with primal energies from Irena guides them about a mile through
the First World to conjure strange, quasi-real the jungle, along the tributary, to a circle
simulacra of the Sentinels. The bilokos would of standing stones. The eight stones have
then feast upon these semi-living beings. carvings resembling those on the bell, and at
Tale Fragment 3: According to the terms of the center of the circle is a larger stone arch.
the bargain, if a year went by and the River Beneath the arch is a circular pool of pure
Sentinels did not ring the bell, the bilokos water about one inch deep and just wide
could seize whomever they wished enough to contain the cold iron bell.
at any time, but not more than Several other River Sentinels
three victims each year. Any direct accompany the group—a total of
resistance, such as destroying the nine, one for each stone in the circle
bell or fleeing the area, would end and one for the stone at the center of
the bargain, allowing the bilokos the circle. Mr. Riverside asks if the PCs 724956
to attack in full force and feast on need to make any preparations before the
the River Sentinels indiscriminately. battle—the bilokos usually show
Furthermore, the agreement up within moments of ringing the
forbade direct violence against the
Mr. Riverside bell. He reminds them that the
bilokos—any River Sentinel who River Sentinels can’t take part in
performed such an act would be doomed to waste away, the fight—the fey bargain prevents them from doing so.
consumed by their own shadow. Furthermore, they’ll be preoccupied with the ritual itself,
Tale Fragment 4: The charm was powerful, and the which should keep the bilokos from being able to flee
River Sentinels debated whether they should obey the the area. Mr. Riverside hopes that none of the bilokos
terms of the bargain or attempt to flee. They decided survive the attack, which should send a clear message to
to continue with the ritual. However horrific it might their leader, the dreaded eloko, Wrigglemaw.
be, the leaders reasoned, it would give them time to Use the map on page 14 for this encounter. The River
find a way out without risking the destruction of the Sentinels taking part in the ritual arrange themselves
entire community. For years they participated in the among the standing stones. The PCs can begin this
strange ritual, horrified by the suffering of the shadowy encounter throughout the mapped area—Mr. Riverside
beings it created, who barely had time to take in their informs them that the bilokos are likely to come from the
surroundings before being set upon by gaping maws. north, based on their past experiences, and head straight
Tale Fragment 5: Several years passed before one for the circle of stones to join in on the ritual. He advises
of the River Sentinels’ elders (Mr. Riverside himself) the Pathfinders to engage the bilokos before the evil fey
decided he could no longer take part in this supernatural reach the standing stones, but aside from that, he leaves
cruelty. He stole the bell, traveled a short way down the the combat decisions to them.
river, and sold it to the first person he encountered. This Terrain: The areas with trees are greater difficult terrain.
act of indirect resistance prevented the bilokos from The water isn’t too deep—it is difficult terrain, but Small
being able to attack in full force, but in the five years or larger creatures don’t need Athletics checks to Swim.
since, the bilokos have taken advantage of the bargain’s When the PCs are ready to proceed, read or paraphrase
terms, taking three victims each year. Now, Mr. Riverside the following.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253490
Echoes of Desperation
C. ringing grounds
20253491 724957
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Echoes of Desperation
With the ringing of the cold iron bell, an ominous ripple Scaling Event A
of shadows and distant, unearthly screams reverberates As they rest and feast back at the River Sentinels camp,
throughout the jungle. With each strike, the screams grow Mr. Riverside addresses the PCs. He thanks them for
clearer, and the jungle’s sounds grow fainter. The shadows their help in repelling the bilokos. While he fears reprisal
coalesce like fog along the water, creating a river of darkness. from the evil fey, Mr. Riverside is confident that the fight
sent a strong message to their leader, Wrigglemaw. With
Creatures: One round after the Sentinels strike the the bilokos’ forces weakened, he believes the River
bell, several bilokos emerge from the shadowy river to Sentinels can break the fey bargain without fear of
attack. If no one interferes, they approach the standing being attacked. He ponders aloud, stating that he has
stones to join the ritual. Within minutes, several shadowy an important decision to make—and that he’ll be sure
simulacra of the River Sentinels appear nearby, and the to consult the rest of the River Sentinels community,
bilokos devour them. Assuming the PCs interfere, the rather than deciding their fate on his own. Should the
bilokos turn their full attention to the Pathfinders and River Sentinels take the fight straight to Wrigglemaw
attack them viciously. They attempt to surround and and strike while the bilokos are reeling from the recent
gang up on individual foes and stay together as much battle? Or should the River Sentinels travel away from
as possible. The ringing bell prevents these bilokos from the area and try to stay one step ahead of the vengeful
leaving, so they fight to the death. fey as they put their past behind them? If the PCs
None of the River Sentinels are able to take part in the learned the full Tale of the River Sentinels by accruing
fight due to the fey bargain forbidding them from doing Influence Points during the social rounds, Mr. Riverside
violence to the bilokos. They remain near the standing asks their opinion.
stones, ringing the bell and performing the ritual.
Levels 3–4 If the PCs advise Mr. Riverside to take the fight to
Wrigglemaw, check box A. If they advise Mr. Riverside
BILOKO WARRIORS (3) CREATURE 1 to leave the area and seek a peaceful life—even if it
Page 20 means a life on the run from ravenous fey—check box 724958
Development: Once the PCs defeat the bilokos, the SECONDARY OBJECTIVES
River Sentinels cease performing the ritual and let out a The PCs fulfill their secondary objective if they learn
cheer as the shadows recede. They help bring any injured the full Tale of the River Sentinels by accruing Influence
PCs back to their camp, where they prepare a meal to Points during the social rounds. Doing so earns each PC
celebrate their victory against Wrigglemaw’s forces. 2 Reputation with their chosen faction.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253492
Echoes of Desperation
Appendix 1: Level 3–4 Scaling Encounter A
Encounters To adjust for the PC’s overall strength, use the
The statistics presented in this appendix include full following Challenge Point adjustments. These
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this adjustments are not cumulative.
scenario. These encounters are written for four 3rd-level 10–11 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, to one crocodile, and increase the other crocodile’s Hit
refer to the GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized Points by 5.
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use the 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one crocodile to
scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group. the encounter.
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one crocodile with the
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on elite adjustment to the encounter and increase each
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked other crocodile’s Hit Points by 5.
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ Players): The PCs face
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars). three crocodiles with the elite adjustment.
HP 30 724959
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253493
Echoes of Desperation
B. RIVERSIDE (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling Encounter B
To adjust for the PC’s overall strength, use the
GIANT DRAGONFLY CREATURE 4 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
N MEDIUM ANIMAL adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 98 10–11 Challenge Points: The PCs instead face
Perception +11; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feet one giant dragonfly nymph with 5 additional Hit
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+12 to Maneuver in Flight), Athletics Points and one giant dragonfly nymph with the
+12, Stealth +12 weak adjustment.
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha +0 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one additional giant
AC 21; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 dragonfly nymph with the weak adjustment to
HP 60 the encounter.
Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet 14–15 Challenge Points: Increase the giant
Melee [one-action] mandibles +14, Damage 1d12+7 piercing plus Grab dragonfly’s Hit Points by 5 and add one giant
Clutch [one-action] Requirements The giant dragonfly has a Medium dragonfly nymph to the encounter.
or smaller creature grabbed in its mandibles; Effect The 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ Players): Add one giant
dragonfly tries to transfer the grabbed creature to be dragonfly to the encounter.
clutched by its legs. The giant dragonfly attempts an
Athletics check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On a
success, it transfers the creature (which remains grabbed)
to its legs, freeing its mandibles to attack. The dragonfly
can have only one creature clutched at a time.
Snatch The giant dragonfly can Fly at half Speed while it has
a creature grabbed or restrained by Clutch, carrying that
creature along with it.
Swoop [two-actions] The giant dragonfly Flies up to its Speed and makes
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253494
Echoes of Desperation
A FRIENDLY MEAL (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling A Friendly Meal
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
ATAMU “MR. RIVERSIDE” GODOKO following Challenge Point adjustments. These
N SMALL HALFLING HUMANOID adjustments are not cumulative.
Caravan trader 10–11 Challenge Points: Increase the number of
Perception +9 Influence Points needed for each result by 1.
Will +12 12–15 Challenge Points: Increase the number of
Discovery DC 14 Cooking Lore, DC 17 Society, DC 19 Mercantile Influence Points needed for each result by 2.
Lore, DC 21 Perception 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ players): Increase the
Influence Skills DC 14 Cooking Lore, DC 17 Society, DC 19 number of Influence Points needed for each result by
Diplomacy, DC 19 Intimidation, DC 19 Mercantile Lore, DC 2 and increase all DCs by 1.
21 Deception
Influence 2 Frustrated with Efala and Irena constantly
bickering, Mr. Riverside offers advice on how to mediate good food and drink tend to put him in a better mood.
between them. Each PC gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Personality Ashamed, resigned, fearful
their next check to influence Efala or Irena as long as it Penalty If the PCs focus too much on discussing the damage
doesn’t play off their mutual antagonism. The PCs learn one Mr. Riverside has done to his community, he becomes even
Tale Fragment (page 12). more quiet and withdrawn. The PCs can’t gain Influence
Influence 4 Mr. Riverside insists on everyone sharing a few Points with him for 1 social round.
drinks with the Pathfinder guests. This grants each PC one
extra check to Discover or Influence an NPC of their choice,
though they must use Diplomacy. The PCs learn one Tale
Fragment (page 12).
Influence 6 Atamu, not entirely sober, admits his shame
and guilt at the part he has played in his community’s
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253495
Echoes of Desperation
Aspiring champion Community healer
Perception +12 Perception +12
Will +9 Will +12
Discovery DC 13 Gladiatorial Lore, DC 16 Scouting Lore, DC 17 Discovery DC 15 Herbalism Lore, DC 18 Nature, DC 19
Athletics, DC 21 Perception Perception, DC 21 Society
Influence Skills DC 12 Warfare Lore, DC 17 Performance, DC Influence Skills DC 12 Lore (any plant or animal Lore), DC 17
19 Deception, DC 21 Diplomacy, DC 23 Intimidation Nature, DC 19 Diplomacy, DC 20 Intimidation, DC 22 Deception
Influence 1 Efala asks to hear a story of the PCs’ bravery. Influence 1 Irena can’t help but openly gossip about the other
One PC can attempt a DC 17 Performance check. If they leaders. The PCs learn Efala’s weakness or resistance
succeed, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their next (their choice).
check to Influence Efala. Influence 2 Irena can’t help but openly gossip about the
Influence 2 Efala challenges a PC to a test of strength. One other leaders. The PCs learn Mr. Riverside’s weakness or
PC can attempt a DC 20 Athletics check to Grapple. If they resistance (their choice). The PCs learn one Tale Fragment
succeed, they gain 1 additional Influence Point with Efala. (page 12).
The PCs learn one Tale Fragment (page 12). Influence 4 The PCs have gained Irena’s trust. The PCs learn
Influence 4 Efala tells a story of her own bravery—a time one Tale Fragment (page 12).
when she battled a powerful river bison twice as tall as Resistances Irena’s not impressed by “simple solutions,” as
normal. It’s clear she’s stretching the truth. A PC who she prefers to think creatively and collaboratively and
Senses Motive by succeeding at a DC 17 Perception check knows that there is no such thing as the “right way” to do
realizes that she’s testing whether they’ll call her bluff—and something. If the PCs make statements like “why don’t you
she’ll be impressed if they do. If the PCs call her bluff, she just…” or “it’s as simple as…” or “if I were you…” increase the
laughs at their cunning and boldness and offers them more DC for their check by 2.
food. The PCs learn one Tale Fragment (page 12). Weaknesses Irena has a fondness for natural creatures. Any
Resistances Efala prides herself on her skills on the battlefield, PC who allows her to play with their animal companion 724962
but believes that getting results is the only true way to or familiar (as long as it is an animal or plant) gains a +2
prove one’s skills. Attempting to Influence her in a way that circumstance bonus to their next check to Influence her.
relies entirely on flattery increases the DC by 2. Background Irena is the community’s most accomplished
Weaknesses Efala enjoys physical comedy and practical healer and a friend to all. She is responsible for making
jokes, even if she herself isn’t very good at them. Reduce sure that all those who have perished are not forgotten—
the DC by 2 to any Performance or Deception checks that thus the dark flowers she plants throughout the camp and
involve self-deprecation. wears in her hair. She lost an arm in a biloko attack when
Background Efala was on the cusp of becoming a leader among she strayed too far from the camp.
the River Sentinels’ fighters when they were forced into the Appearance Irena is a halfling woman with dark skin and
bargain with the bilokos. She hates that they cannot fight short hair. Her clothing has earth tones, and she wears
back and longs for the day when she can lead her people flowers that are darker than throughout the rest of the
in battle against formidable enemies—or even just return to community. She has one arm; her left sleeve is stitched up
Lakay Se for a decent stick fighting tournament. at the shoulder.
Appearance Efala is a grim and determined halfling woman. Personality Irena is creative, kind, and determined to find a
She is muscular and wears colorful clothing, flowers, and way out of this situation. She prefers nonviolent solutions,
warpaint, like many other Song’o warriors. but if it comes to a fight, so be it. Irena is a friend to all in
Personality Efala is somewhat sullen due to the River the community. She is especially close with Efala, as the
Sentinels’ grim circumstances, but it’s possible to get her in two share a friendly rivalry and share deep mutual respect
a joking mood with silly humor. despite their frequent disagreements.
Penalty Efala herself can take a joke and doesn’t mind barbs or Penalty Irena feels that rushing into violent situations will
insults aimed at her, but she’s deeply offended by attempts only lead to more lost loved ones. If the PCs attempt to gain
to humiliate her friends and family. Any direct criticism of Influence with Efala by playing up her desire to fight, they
any other River Sentinel in Efala’s presence results in the take a –2 circumstance penalty to checks to Influence Irena
PCs taking a –2 circumstance penalty to Influence Efala until the end of the following social round.
until the end of the next social round.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253496
Echoes of Desperation
C. RINGING GROUNDS (LEVELS 3–4) Scaling Encounter C
To adjust for the PC’s overall strength, use the
BILOKO WARRIORS (3) CREATURE 1 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
NE SMALL FEY adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Lost Omens The Mwangi Expanse 294 10–11 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Perception +7; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet to all three biloko warriors.
Languages Mwangi, Sylvan 12–13 Challenge Points: Add one biloko veteran to
Skills Athletics +7, Crafting +7, Nature +5, Stealth +6, Survival +6 the encounter.
Str +3, Dex +2, Con –1, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1 14–15 Challenge Points: Add one biloko veteran to
Items spear, wooden shield (Hardness 3, HP 12, BT 6) the encounter and apply the elite adjustment to all
AC 16 (18 with shield raised); Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +7 three biloko warriors.
HP 19 16–18 Challenge Points (5+ Players): The PCs
Shield Block [reaction] instead face four biloko veterans.
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +7, Damage 1d8+3 piercing
Melee [one-action] spear +7, Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Ranged [one-action] spear +6 (thrown 20 feet), Damage 1d6+3 piercing
Primal Innate Spells DC 14; 1st charm
Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) If a biloko feasts on a human
corpse for 1 minute or more, they gain a +1 status bonus to
attack rolls and a +2 status bonus to damage rolls for 1 hour.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253497
Echoes of Desperation
Appendix 2: Level 5–6 Scaling Encounter A
Encounters To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
The statistics presented in this appendix include full following Challenge Point adjustments. These
stat blocks for creatures and hazards appearing in this adjustments are not cumulative.
scenario. These encounters are written for four 5th-level 19–22 Challenge Points: The PCs instead face 2
PCs. If your group has a different composition or size, hippopotamuses; these hippopotamuses have only 70
refer to the GM Basics section of the Guide to Organized Hit Points each.
Play: Pathfinder Society for instructions on how to use the 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one hippopotamus
scaling sidebars to adjust the encounters for your group. with only 70 Hit Points to the encounter.
Some scaling sidebars reference the elite or weak 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one hippopotamus
adjustments. Rules for these adjustments appear on with 105 Hit Points to the encounter.
page 6 of the Pathfinder Bestiary. If a creature is marked 33+ Challenge Points: Add one elite hippopotamus
“(0)”, don’t include it in the encounter unless otherwise to the encounter.
specified (likely from the scaling sidebars).
HP 105 Melee [one-action] jaws +15 (deadly d10), Damage 2d8+8 piercing 724964
Speed 25 feet, swim 20 feet Melee [one-action] foot +13, Damage 1d10+8 bludgeoning
Melee [one-action] jaws +17 (deadly d10), Damage 2d8+10 piercing Aquatic Ambush [one-action] 30 feet
Melee [one-action] foot +15, Damage 1d10+10 bludgeoning Capsize [one-action] (attack) The hippopotamus tries to capsize
Aquatic Ambush [one-action] 30 feet an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The
Capsize [one-action] (attack) The hippopotamus tries to capsize hippopotamus must succeed at an Athletics check with a
an adjacent aquatic vessel of its size or smaller. The DC of 25 (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is
hippopotamus must succeed at an Athletics check with a DC than the hippo) or the pilot’s Sailing Lore DC, whichever
of 25 (reduced by 5 for each size smaller the vessel is than is higher.
the hippo) or the pilot’s Sailing Lore DC, whichever is higher. Trample [three-actions] Medium or smaller, foot, DC 23
Trample [three-actions] Medium or smaller, foot, DC 25
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253498
Echoes of Desperation
B. RIVERSIDE (LEVELS 5–6) Scaling Encounter B
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
GIANT DRAGONFLIES (2) CREATURE 4 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
N MEDIUM ANIMAL adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Bestiary 2 98 19–22 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Perception +11; darkvision, wavesense (imprecise) 30 feet to one of the giant dragonflies and increase the other
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+12 to Maneuver in Flight), Athletics dragonfly’s Hit Points by 10.
+12, Stealth +12 23–27 Challenge Points: Add one giant dragonfly
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +2, Int –5, Wis +3, Cha +0 to the encounter.
AC 21; Fort +12, Ref +14, Will +9 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one giant dragonfly
HP 60 to the encounter. Increase each giant dragonfly’s Hit
Speed 20 feet, fly 60 feet Points by 10.
Melee [one-action] mandibles +14, Damage 1d12+7 piercing plus Grab 33+ Challenge Points: Add two giant dragonflies to
Clutch [one-action] Requirements The giant dragonfly has a Medium the encounter.
or smaller creature grabbed in its mandibles; Effect The
dragonfly tries to transfer the grabbed creature to be
clutched by its legs. The giant dragonfly attempts an
Athletics check against the creature’s Reflex DC. On a
success, it transfers the creature (which remains grabbed)
to its legs, freeing its mandibles to attack. The dragonfly
can have only one creature clutched at a time.
Snatch The giant dragonfly can Fly at half Speed while it has
a creature grabbed or restrained by Clutch, carrying that
creature along with it.
Swoop [two-actions] The giant dragonfly Flies up to its Speed and makes
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253499
Echoes of Desperation
A FRIENDLY MEAL (LEVELS 5–6) Scaling A Friendly Meal
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
ATAMU “MR. RIVERSIDE” GODOKO following Challenge Point adjustments. These
N SMALL HALFLING HUMANOID adjustments are not cumulative.
Caravan trader 19–22 Challenge Points: Increase the number of
Perception +11 Influence Points needed for each result by 1.
Will +14 23–32 Challenge Points: Increase the number of
Discovery DC 16 Cooking Lore, DC 19 Society, DC 21 Mercantile Influence Points needed for each result by 2.
Lore, DC 23 Perception 33+ Challenge Points: Increase the number of
Influence Skills DC 16 Cooking Lore, DC 19 Society, DC 21 Influence Points needed for each result by 2 and
Diplomacy, DC 21 Intimidation, DC 21 Mercantile Lore, DC increase all DCs by 1.
23 Deception
Influence 2 Frustrated with Efala and Irena constantly
bickering, Mr. Riverside offers advice on how to mediate good food and drink tend to put him in a better mood.
between them. Each PC gains a +1 circumstance bonus to Personality Ashamed, resigned, fearful
their next check to influence Efala or Irena as long as it Penalty If the PCs focus too much on discussing the damage
doesn’t play off their mutual antagonism. The PCs learn one Mr. Riverside has done to his community, he becomes even
Tale Fragment (page 12). more quiet and withdrawn. The PCs can’t gain Influence
Influence 4 Mr. Riverside insists on everyone sharing a few Points with him for 1 social round.
drinks with the Pathfinder guests. This grants each PC one
extra check to Discover or Influence an NPC of their choice,
though they must use Diplomacy. The PCs learn one Tale
Fragment (page 12).
Influence 6 Atamu, not entirely sober, admits his shame
and guilt at the part he has played in his community’s
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253500
Echoes of Desperation
Aspiring champion Community healer
Perception +14 Perception +14
Will +11 Will +14
Discovery DC 15 Gladiatorial Lore, DC 18 Scouting Lore, DC 19 Discovery DC 17 Herbalism Lore, DC 20 Nature, DC 21
Athletics, DC 23 Perception Perception, DC 23 Society
Influence Skills DC 14 Warfare Lore, DC 19 Performance, DC Influence Skills DC 14 Lore (any plant or animal Lore), DC 19
21 Deception, DC 23 Diplomacy, DC 25 Intimidation Nature, DC 21 Diplomacy, DC 22 Intimidate, DC 24 Deception
Influence 1 Efala asks to hear a story of the PCs’ bravery. Influence 1 Irena can’t help but openly gossip about the other
One PC can attempt a DC 19 Performance check. If they leaders. The PCs learn Efala’s weakness or resistance
succeed, they gain a +1 circumstance bonus to their next (their choice).
check to Influence Efala. Influence 2 Irena can’t help but openly gossip about the other
Influence 2 Efala challenges a PC to a test of strength. One leaders. The PCs learn Mr. Riverside’s weakness or resistance
PC can attempt a DC 22 Athletics check to Grapple. If they (their choice), as well as one Tale Fragment (page 12).
succeed, they gain 1 additional Influence Point with Efala. Influence 4 The PCs have gained Irena’s trust. They learn one
The PCs learn one Tale Fragment (page 12). Tale Fragment (page 12).
Influence 4 Efala tells a story of her own bravery—a time Resistances Irena’s not impressed by “simple solutions,” as
when she battled a powerful river bison twice as tall as she prefers to think creatively and collaboratively and
normal. It’s clear she’s stretching the truth. A PC who knows that there is no such thing as the “right way” to do
Senses Motive by succeeding at a DC 17 Perception check something. If the PCs make statements like “why don’t you
realizes that she’s testing whether they’ll call her bluff—and just…” or “it’s as simple as…” or “if I were you…” increase the
she’ll be impressed if they do. If the PCs call her bluff, she DC of their check by 2.
laughs at their cunning and boldness and offers them more Weaknesses Irena has a fondness for natural creatures. Any
food. The PCs learn one Tale Fragment (page 12). PC who allows her to play with their animal companion
Resistances Efala prides herself on her skills on the battlefield, or familiar (as long as it is an animal or plant) gains a +2 724967
but believes that getting results is the only true way to circumstance bonus to their next check to Influence her.
prove one’s skills. Attempting to Influence her in a way that Background Irena is the community’s most accomplished
relies entirely on flattery increases the DC by 2. healer and a friend to all in the community. She is responsible
Weaknesses Efala enjoys physical comedy and practical for making sure that all those who have perished are not
jokes, even if she herself isn’t very good at them. Reduce forgotten—thus the dark flowers she plants throughout the
the DC by 2 to any Performance or Deception checks that camp and wears in her hair. She lost an arm in a biloko
involve self-deprecation. attack when she strayed too far from the camp.
Background Efala was on the cusp of becoming a leader among Appearance Irena is a halfling woman with dark skin and
the River Sentinels’ fighters when they were forced into the short hair. Her clothing has earth tones, and she wears
bargain with the bilokos. She hates that they cannot fight flowers that are darker than throughout the rest of the
back and longs for the day when she can lead her people community. She has one arm; her left sleeve is stitched up
in battle against formidable enemies—or even just return to at the shoulder.
Lakay Se for a decent stick fighting tournament. Personality Irena is creative, kind, and determined to find a
Appearance Efala is a grim and determined halfling woman. way out of this situation. She prefers nonviolent solutions,
She is muscular and wears colorful clothing, flowers, and but if it comes to a fight, so be it. Irena is a friend to all in
warpaint, like many other Song’o warriors. the community. She is especially close with Efala, as the
Personality Efala is somewhat sullen due to the River two share a friendly rivalry and share deep mutual respect
Sentinels’ grim circumstances, but it’s possible to get her in despite their frequent disagreements.
a joking mood with silly humor. Penalty Irena feels that rushing into violent situations will
Penalty Efala herself can take a joke and doesn’t mind barbs or only lead to more lost loved ones. If the PCs attempt to gain
insults aimed at her, but she is deeply offended by attempts Influence with Efala by playing up her desire to fight, they
to humiliate her friends and family. Any direct criticism of take a –2 circumstance penalty to checks to Influence Irena
any other River Sentinel in Efala’s presence results in the until the end of the following social round.
PCs taking a –2 circumstance penalty to Influence Efala
until the end of the next social round.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253501
Echoes of Desperation
C. RINGING GROUNDS (LEVELS 5–6) Scaling Encounter C
To adjust for the PCs’ overall strength, use the
BILOKO VETERANS (4) CREATURE 4 following Challenge Point adjustments. These
NE SMALL FEY adjustments are not cumulative.
Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse 294 19–22 Challenge Points: Apply the elite adjustment
Perception +11; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet to three of the biloko veterans.
Languages Mwangi, Sylvan 23–27 Challenge Points: Replace one biloko veteran
Skills Athletics +10, Crafting +10, Intimidation +12, Nature +9, with one eloko. Apply the elite adjustment to one of
Stealth +13, Survival +11 the remaining biloko veterans.
Str +4, Dex +4, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +3, Cha +2 28–32 Challenge Points: Add one eloko to the
Items longspear, shortbow (20 arrows) encounter and apply the elite adjustment to one
AC 21; Fort +8, Ref +14, Will +11 biloko veteran.
HP 58 33+ Challenge Points: Add one eloko to the
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] encounter and apply the elite adjustment to all four
Speed 20 feet biloko veterans.
Melee [one-action] jaws +12, Damage 2d8+4 piercing
Melee [one-action] longspear +12 (reach 10 feet), Damage 1d8+4 piercing
Ranged [one-action] shortbow +12 (deadly d10, range increment 60 ELOKO (0) CREATURE 7
feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6+4 piercing NE SMALL FEY
Primal Innate Spells DC 18; 1st charm Pathfinder Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse 294
Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) If a biloko feasts on a human Perception +15; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30 feet
corpse for 1 minute or more, they gain a +1 status bonus Languages Aklo, Mwangi, Sylvan
to attack rolls and a +2 status bonus to damage rolls for Skills Athletics +18, Crafting +13, Deception +15, Nature +13,
1 hour. Stealth +16, Survival +13
Swipe [two-actions] The veteran makes a melee Strike and compares Str +6, Dex +5, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +4, Cha +1
the attack roll result to the AC of up to two foes, each of Items blowgun (10 poisoned darts), +1 dagger 724968
whom must be within their melee reach and adjacent to AC 25; Fort +12, Ref +18, Will +15
each other. Roll damage only once and apply it to each HP 115
creature hit. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the biloko Speed 20 feet
veteran’s multiple attack penalty. Melee [one-action] jaws +16, Damage 2d8+6 piercing
Melee [one-action] dagger +16 (agile, magical, versatile S), Damage
1d4+8 piercing
Ranged [one-action] blowgun +16 (agile, nonlethal, range increment
20 feet, reload 1), Damage 1 piercing plus 2d4 persistent
Ranged [one-action] dagger +16 (agile, magical, thrown 10 feet, versatile
S), Damage 1d4+8 piercing
Primal Innate Spells DC 22; 1st charm
Inspired Feast (emotion, mental) As biloko veteran.
Size Alteration [two-actions] (polymorph, primal, transmutation) The
eloko is affected by a 4th-level enlarge spell. This lasts for 1
minute, and the eloko can Dismiss the Spell.
Sneak Attack (precision) The eloko deals 2d6 extra precision
damage to flat-footed creatures.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253502
Echoes of Desperation
Appendix 3: Game Aids
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253503
Echoes of Desperation
Appendix 3: Game Aids
Efala Toru
20253504 724970
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253504
Echoes of Desperation
Handout #1: Smuggler’s Note
I rarely stop along the Korir River. It’s best to reach Port Freedom as quickly as possible and avoid the dangers
of that horrible jungle. This time, though, I am glad that I stopped; otherwise, I’d never have met the fellow who
traded this bell to me. It is a beautiful object, and obviously magical, though its owner was tight-lipped about its
purpose. The fellow never shared his name. I am sure he was a Song’o, but he refused to answer any questions
about his family, his home, or his occupation. It’s like he never wanted me to find him again. I suppose I can
understand that.
I’ve tried returning to that spot—just before the river turns south, nearly 200 miles in from the coast—but he’s
never there. Next time, I think I’ll explore farther along the tributary to the north. It’s risky, and I’ll be breaking
my own rules for Safe Smuggling and Profit, but if that foolish halfling was willing to sell me a magic bell for a few
measly coins, there’s no telling what else I might find.
20253505 724971
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253505
Echoes of Desperation
Organized Play
Treasure Table Treasure Bundles
▫▫▫ A. Shipwreck, page 5: 2 Treasure Bundles for
recovering the notes on the ship, and 1 additional
3 3.8 gp Treasure Bundle for recovering the items before they’re
4 6.4 gp damaged in the water.
5 10 gp ▫ Port Freedom, page 7: 1 Treasure Bundle for securing
6 15 gp a guide or receiving Ellekkara’s useful items.
▫ B. Riverside, page 9: 1 Treasure Bundle for defeating
the insects.
▫▫▫ A Friendly Meal, page 11: 2 Treasure Bundles
for participating in all five social rounds during the
meal. 1 additional Treasure Bundle for accruing enough
Influence Points to learn the full Tale of the River
▫▫ C. Ringing Grounds, page 13: 2 Treasure Bundles
for defeating the bilokos.
20253506 724972
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253506
Echoes of Desperation
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
-2 □ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
-2 □ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
-2 □ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: Level □ Infamy
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
20253507 724973
□ Grand Archive □ Envoy’s Alliance □ Slow Track
Character Name:
□ Radiant Oath □ Horizon Hunters □ Dead
-2 □ Vigilant Seal □ Verdant Wheel
Org Play #: Level □ Infamy
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253507
Echoes of Desperation
Open Game License Version 1.0a PAIZO INC.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Creative Director • James Jacobs
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Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-03: Echoes of Desperation © 2021, Paizo Inc.; Pad, Starfinder Flip-Mat, Starfinder Flip-Tiles, Starfinder Pawns, Starfinder Roleplaying Game,
Authors: Mike Kimmel and Nate Wright. and Starfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Inc.
paizo.com, Matt Dobson <[email protected]>, Feb 26, 2022 20253508
Scenario #3-03:
Echoes of Desperation
Character Name Organized Play # Character #
Adventure Summary
You met with Venture-Captain Finze Bellaugh in the capital city of Anthusis in Vidrian. There, he showed you a magic bell that he
believed was made to protect a community of Song’o halflings from the attacks of ravenous fey. The venture-captain tasked you with
learning where the bell came from so you could return it to its keepers.
After learning where to look, you set off through the Laughing Jungle to return the bell, dealing with vicious fauna along the
way. Upon reaching the Song’o village, you joined the community in a friendly meal, during which you learned some of the bell’s
dark history. While the community leaders lured the ravenous fey with a mysterious ritual, you led a counterattack to help free the
community from the fey leader’s cruel bargain!
Boons Rewards
Congratulations on completing the adventure! You’ve earned Pathfinder Society (second edition) Starting XP
Achievement Points, a currency that be redeemed on our website at paizo.com for special character boons,
such as access to rare or uncommon ancestries, feats, and more! To redeem your Achievement Points, go XP Gained
to paizo.com/organizedPlay/myAccount and click on the Boons tab. Note that you must have created a
paizo.com account and registered a character before you can begin making Total XP
Starting GP
Reputation Gained
GP Gained
GP Spent
Total GP
Items Purchases
Items Sold / Conditions Gained
Notes Downtime
Chronicle Code: GCXO
For more information about the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program, including how to use this Chronicle Sheet, visit pathfindersociety.club