Math 4TH Quarter Reviewer

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4th Quarter Reviewer

Qk= smaller value + (decimal part)(larger
value-smaller value)

● Collection
● Organization
● Analysis
● Interpretation


● Q2=50%
● Q4=100%


● A method used for statistics for Engineering

and the Sciences, a different method of
finding quartile values.
● Quartile 1 → Round Up
❖ is used in organizing data
● Quartile 3 → Round Down
1.) The following data are the scores of
● Quartile:
Grade 10- Wozniak students in a
Qk= K(n+1) / 4
100-item quiz.
● Decile:
Dk= K(n+1) / 10
N is the ‘total of all the numbers in the table'
● Percentile:
Pk= K(n+1) / 100 58 56 45 63 64 70 62 66

40 61 66 47 76 61 75 53

55 84 52 46 54 82 57 42

64 48 41 60 92 65 49 50

75 65 65 44 98 76 51 59

Solution 1: find the RANGE (R)

R= HS - LS
➔ HS= higher score
➔ LS= lower score
R= 98 - 40
R= 58

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4th Quarter Reviewer

Solution 2: find the NUMBER OF CLASS R= HS - LS

INTERVALS (K) ➔ HS= higher score
K= 1+3.322LogN ➔ LS= lower score
K= 1+3.322Log(40) R= 48 - 13
K= 6.32 (round off) R= 35
K= 6
Solution 2: find the NUMBER OF CLASS
Solution 3: find the CLASS SIZE (i) INTERVALS (K)
i= R/K K= 1+3.322LogN
i= 58/6 K= 1+3.322Log(30)
i= 9.67 (round off) K= 5.91 (round off)
i= 10 K= 6

Solution 4: do the FDT CHART Solution 3: find the CLASS SIZE (i)
frequency Lower Less than i= R/K
Class Tally (f) Class Cumulative i= 35/6
Interval Bound-ary freque-ncy
(LCM) (ㄥCf) i= 5.83 (round off)
i= 6
90-99 II 2 89.5 40

80-89 II 2 79.5 38 Solution 4: do the FDT CHART

70-79 IIIII 5 69.5 36 Class Tally frequency Lower Less than

(f) Class Cumulative

60-69 IIIII-IIIII 12 59.5 31 Interval Bound-ary

43-48 IIIII 5 42.5 30
50-59 IIIII-IIIII 10 49.5 19
37-42 III 3 36.5 25
40-49 IIIII-IIII 9 39.5 9
31-36 IIII 4 30.5 22
N= 40
25-30 IIIII-III 8 24.5 18
2.) Given are the ages of the citizens of
Claro M. Recto Street, the ages are the 19-24 IIIII-I 6 18.5 10
N= 30 13-18 IIII 4 12.5 4

23 18 16 30 21 N= 30

38 34 22 25 26

28 36 27 44 37

46 35 25 21 29

22 45 29 18 13

20 48 31 43 37

Solution 1: find the RANGE (R)

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4th Quarter Reviewer

3.) Below are the scores of CMRICTHS

students on their statistics test, the ff.
are their scores.
1 4 5 1 6 1 1 3 1 3 4 2
Solution 4: do the FDT CHART
1 1 8 5 0 5 7 0 9 6 9 3 Class Tally frequency Lower Less than
(f) Class Cumulative

5 2 6 1 3 4 3 1 3 3 6 3 Interval Bound-ary
5 8 1 8 0 4 6 9 8 9 3 9
67-74 II 2 66.5 48
4 1 4 3 4 4 4 4 2 5 6 5
1 2 3 2 5 7 8 9 3 0 8 5 59-66 IIIII-I 6 58.5 46
2 5 5 1 5 1 6 2 3 6 6 5 51-58 IIIII-I 6 50.5 40
7 6 7 4 9 5 0 9 9 5 7 4
43-50 IIIII-III 8 42.5 34
Solution 1: find the RANGE (R)
35-42 IIIII-III 8 34.5 26
R= HS - LS
➔ HS= higher score 27-34 IIIII-I 6 26.5 18
➔ LS= lower score
R= 68 - 11 19-26 IIII 4 18.5 12
R= 57
Solution 2: find the NUMBER OF CLASS 11-18 IIIII-III 8 10.5 8
K= 1+3.322LogN
K= 1+3.322Log(48) Note: If the highest age WAS NOT contained to the
K= 6.59 (round off) last Class Interval, then ADD 1 to the computed K
K= 7 (K+1)
➔ K= 8 (wait till solution 4) In this problem our Class Interval (K) will be 8.
K= 7+1
Solution 3: find the CLASS SIZE (i) K=8
i= R/K
i= 57/7
i= 8.14 (round off)
● R= HS-LS
● K= 1+3.322LogN
➔ but this may change depending on
th table.p
● i= R/K
● For the table, to get class interval, lowest
value + class size
● For the table, to get LCM, higher bound (the
one on the left side in class interval) - 0.5.
● The N or total of the numbers in the table,
the total of the frequency in FDT and the ast
number in (ㄥCf), must be EQUAL

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4th Quarter Reviewer


● Quartiles divide the distribution into four
equal part

● Particularly useful in relating individual
scores to their positions in the entire group.
● is typically defined as the proportion of
scores in a distribution that a specific score
is greater than or equal to.


● Deciles are those values that divide the total
frequency into 10 equal parts.



● is used to characterize values according to
the percentage below them.

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4th Quarter Reviewer

carrying out the proposed study. These

research questions must be simple,
specific and important.

● How do you formulate good research


1. Relevance. Is the research question

something that I or others care about? Is it
arguable and not obvious?
2. Adds New Knowledge. Is the research
question a new spin of an old idea, or does
it solve an existing problem?
3. Reasonable Scope and Focus. Is the
research question not too broad not too
RESEARCH 4. Doable and Manageable. Is the research
● is the systematic investigation into and question researchable within the given time
study of materials and sources in order to and location?
establish facts and reach new conclusions. 5. Measurable. Is the research question
The following are good sources of research answerable? If so, what information is
ideas: everyday life, practical issues, past needed?
researches, and theory.
● Begins with person’s curiosity and interest. ● Prima Facie Questions - are questions that
● Good research topic is that which you start off with when you first formulated
generates a number of other research them. They can change and become more
questions or objectives. defined as you read more about the topic in
the literature.
● A research is conducted for various
purposes: ● Review of the Related Literatures –
needed to help you improve and refine your
1. For knowledge’s sake – The pursuit of research research questions.
is purely out of curiosity.
● If your topic and questions are too broad,
you review of literature can help you narrow
2. For evaluation – The research aims to find out
down and sharpen your focus.
the impact of a certain program, project, practice,
Consequently, your research title will also
policy, an intervention, or an innovation.
be improved.
3. For improvement of current practice – A closer
scrutiny of the current practice may lead to METHODOLOGY
suggestions for improvement.
● Research Methodology- refers to
the detailed description of
FORMULATING RESEARCH QUESTIONS procedure, instrument, and
participants. This includes sampling
● Research questions refer to queries which procedure, that is, how you selected
the researcher would like to be answered by the participants in your study.

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4th Quarter Reviewer

● Target population- refers to the

totality of all the persons which one
has an interest at a particular time.
● It is the entire group of people a ● Sampling- process of selecting the
researcher identifies to study and participants from the target population to be
about which to draw conclusions. included in the study.
● The usual notation for population ● A sampling method is classified as either
is N. probability or nonprobability sampling.
● Sample- refers to the part of a
population determined by sampling
● It is usually denoted by n. 1. Probability sampling - It is a sampling
procedure where every element of a population is
given an equal chance of being selected as a
SLOVIN’S FORMULA member of the sample.
● The number of samples is determined by ● Samples are obtained using some objective
using the Slovin’s formula. chance mechanism, thus involving
● is used to calculate the sample size n given randomization
the population size N and a margin of error ● Requires the use of a complete listing of the
e. universe called the sampling frame
● Formula: ● Probabilities of selection are known
● Generally referred to as random samples
● Allows one to make valid generalizations
about the universe/population
● It ensures that the sample is representative
of the population and that the statistical
conclusions are valid.
● Let N be the population size and n be the
sample size.
● The following are types of probability
sampling methods.

a. Simple Random Sampling.

● Most basic method of drawing a probability
● Assigns equal probabilities of selection to
each possible sample
● Results to obtaining a simple random
● Types of SRS:
1. SRS Without Replacement – does not
allow repeats in the selection of the
2. SRS With Replacement – allows repeats
in the selection of the sample
● It is a sampling procedure may be done by
lottery or with the aid of a Table of
Random Numbers.
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4th Quarter Reviewer

● For bigger population, computers can be ● The sample size of each group is
programmed to randomly select the proportional to the size of each group in the
samples. population.
● This is also known as the fishbowl method ● The grouping may be done based on grade
or the lottery method. level, income groupings or gender.
● Each member in the population is assigned
a number from 1 to N. Each member is
written on a piece of paper (or a ballot),
which is then placed and thoroughly mixed
in a bowl or a convenient container. The
researcher then draws out n number of
these ballots. The numbers are then listed,
and their corresponding participants are
1. Gives a better cross-section of the
b. Systematic Random Sampling. population
● Adopts a skipping pattern in the 2. Simplifies the administration of the
selection of sample units survey/data gathering
● Gives a better cross-section if the listing 3. The nature of the population dictates
is linear in trend but has high risk of bias some inherent stratification
if there is periodicity in the listing of units 4. Allows one to draw inferences for
in the sampling frame various subdivisions of the population
● Allows the simultaneous listing and 5. Generally increases the precision of
selection of samples in one operation estimates
● It is a sampling procedure with a random
start. This is the method of selecting d. Cluster Sampling.
every kth element in the population list. ● Considers a universe divided into N
● The value of k is determined by the mutually exclusive sub-groups called
formula: clusters
● A random sample of n clusters is selected
and are completely enumerated
● Administratively convenient and has simpler
● N = number of population
frame requirements
● N = number of sample
● If the population is too big, a sampling
● The first element in the list is randomly
method may be employed to smaller area.
selected. Thereafter, every kth element
● The population may be divided
is selected until the sample is
geographically into regions, divisions, or
● To these smaller areas, other probability
c. Stratified Random Sampling. sampling procedure can be employed.
● The universe is divided into L mutually
exclusive sub-universes called strata e. Simple Two- Stage/ Multistage Sampling.
● Independent simple random samples are
● In the first stage, the units are grouped into
obtained from each stratum
N sub-groups, called primary sampling units
● The population is divided into groups
(psu’s) and a simple random sample of n
based on certain characteristics.
psu’s are selected
● The groups are called strata.
● In the second stage, each of the n psu’s
selected with Mi elements will be

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4th Quarter Reviewer

independently sampled by getting a simple ● This is used when the specific objective
random sample of mi units (called under study requires a particular sample
secondary sampling units or ssu’s) which may not cover the entire population.
● The sample is selected by combining at
least two different

+ Researchers usually allot additional participants

or respondents called buffer on top of the target

1. Descriptive Statistics- It deals with the

collection and presentation of data and the
Summarizing values that describe the group’s
2. Non Probability Sampling - is a sampling characteristic.
procedure in which not every element of the ● The most common summarizing values
population is given an equal chance of being are the MEASURES OF CENTRAL
selected as sample. The drawing of samples TENDENCY and the MEASURES OF
is based purely on researchers’ objectives. VARIABILITY
● Samples are obtained haphazardly, Respondents in a survey maybe describe in
selected purposively or are taken as the form of how many are males and how
volunteers many are females, what percent are literate,
● Probabilities of selection are unknown what is the average family income, how many
● May not be used for statistical inference belong to a certain age group, etc.
● Results from the use of judgement
sampling, accidental sampling, purposively Measured of Central Tendency and
sampling, etc. Measures of Dispersion for Ungrouped Data

● Measures of Central Tendency or

a. Convenience Sampling.
measures of “average” serve as
● The researchers’ convenience is the
quantitative representation of the set of
primary concern in using this method.
data under investigation and tend to lie
● For instance, if the convenience of having
within the center of the distribution. The
the internet connections will be considered,
not every element in the population is given
three measures of central tendency are
the chance to be chosen as a sample since the mean, median and mode.
not everyone has access to this technology.
● The mean or arithmetic average is the
b. Quota Sampling most important, the most useful and the
● This is similar to stratified random sampling most widely used measure of central
but the drawing of samples in quota tendency. The mean for the ungrouped
sampling is not done randomly. data is equal to the sum of the
● If the desired quota is reached, the drawing quantities, divided by the number of
of samples is terminated. quantities under consideration.

c. Purposive Sampling

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4th Quarter Reviewer

● The three measures of dispersion are

the range, standard deviation and
The range is the quickest way to determine the
dispersion of data by calculating the difference
● There are instances where items do not of the highest (H) and lowest (L) value in the
have the same weight. These examples data set.
require weighted mean or weighted
average. 𝑅=𝐻–𝐿
● The median is the middle value in a set
of quantities. It separates an ordered set The standard deviation is the most important
of data into two equal parts. measure of dispersion. It is more useful than
● The mode is the quantity with the the range because of its several applications in
greatest number of frequencies. inferential statistics.
● A set of data is unimodal distribution if it
contains only one mode.
● It is bimodal distribution if it contains two
modes and trimodal distribution if it has
three modes.
● A set of data can also have no mode.

2. Inferential Statistics- it deals with

predictions and inferences based on the
analysis and interpretation of the results of the
information gathered by the statistician.

A survey groups wants to know the prevailing
sentiments among Filipino people on a certain
issue. Asking every Filipino to answer a
questionnaire would be impossible. It is
expensive and time-consuming and
impractical. Instead, a small part of the entire
population is scientifically and probabilistically
chosen. The data gathered from this group is
used to draw a general opinion of the entire

● Measures of Dispersion or measures

of variability (or spread) indicate how
close or widespread the data are from
the average.
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4th Quarter Reviewer

1. Population- refers to the totality of all the

elements or persons from which one has an
interest at a particular time.
4th Year students of CMRICTHS in the year
2013-2014, Filipino people in 2013

2. Sample- It is part of a population determined

by sampling.
What is DATA?
● Any qualitative or quantitative
information. 3. Parameter- is any statistical information or
● Could be found through surveys, Attribute taken from a population. It is a true
experiments, records, etc. Value or actual statistics since its source is
The population itself.

4. Statistic- is any estimate of statistical

Attributes taken from a sample.

5. Variable- is a specific factor, property, or

characteristic of a population, or a sample
which differentiates a sample or group of
samples from another group.
POPULATION VS SAMPLE Examination: Time, gender
NAT score, high school graduated from

1. Qualitative Data-
● Represent differences in quality,
character, or kind but not in amount.
They yield non-numeric values.
● Take on alpha-numeric possible values
Ex: Gender, birth month, locations,
eye color
2.Quantitave Data-

10 | Mathematics
4th Quarter Reviewer

● Refers to numerical information 1. NOMINAL DATA

obtained from counting or measuring ● Use numbers for the purpose of
that can be manipulated by any identifying name or membership in a
fundamental operation group or category. As the name implies,
● Take on numeric possible values it consists of naming observations or
● Ex: age, speed, test scores, classifying them into various categories.
temperature ● Purely categorical
● *Quantitative data are further ● Example: Gender, Civil Status
classified as either discrete or m2.ORDINAL DATA
continuous. ● Connote ranking or inequalities. One
category is higher than the other. In this
CLASSIFICATION OF QUANTITATIVE DATA type of data, numbers represent “greater
than” or “less than.”
1. Discrete Variable- is a variable whose ● Categorical with inherent ordering of
values can be counted using integral values. categories
● Examples:
Examples: ● Social class or incomes, grades (A,B,C)
Number of employees, number of students in winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd )
classroom, number of cars owned, number of ● Educational attainment; Academic Rank
2.Continuous Variable- is a variable that can ● The measurement where data are
assume any numerical value over an interval or arranged in some order and the
intervals. It yields fractions or decimals. differences between data are
Examples: ● Data at this level may lack an inherent
Height, weight, temperature, time zero starting point.
● Quantitative with constant measures of
SCALES OR LEVELS OF MEASUREMENT magnitude and arbitrary zero point
● relates to the rules used to assign ● Examples: Aptitude test score,
scores and is an indicator of the kind of temperature, IQ Score
information that the scores provide
● This measurement is an interval level
modified to include the inherent zero
starting point.
● Quantitative with constant measures of
magnitude and fixed zero point
● Examples: Election votes, ages of
students, weights of beef, Weekly
Allowance, Number of Cellphones

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4th Quarter Reviewer


Fr. Wozniak


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