Module 4 Measures of Location or Position
Module 4 Measures of Location or Position
Module 4 Measures of Location or Position
Learning Outcomes:
a. Calculate various measures of location
b. Interpret various computed measures of location
Measures of Position
A. Quartile
- It is a score distribution where score point is divided into four (4) equal parts.
[ ( )]
nth score
k k
Qk = n+ 1−
4 4
Qk = is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
3. Interpret the quartile value.
Using the data 6, 8, 11, 5, 6, 2; Find Q 2 and Q 3. (Q 2 is done for you. You solve for Q 3)
Step1: 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 11
Step 2:
[ ( )]
nth score
k k
Q k = n+ 1−
4 4
[ ( )]
nth score
2 2
Q 2= 6 + 1−
4 4
[ ( )]
nth score
Q 2= 3+
[ ( )]
Q 2= 3+
[( )]
Q 2=
Q2=3.5 th score
The value of Q 2 lies within the 3rd and 4th scores. That is, the sum of the 3rd score and 50% of the difference
between the 4th and 3rd scores.
2 5 6 6 8 11
Q2 = 3rd score + 0.5 (4th score – 3rd score)
Q2 = 6 + 0.5 (6-6)
Q2 = 6 + 0.5 (0)
Q2 = 6 + 0
( )
Qk =L bk + c.i
f qk
Qk = is the indicated quartile
k = 1, 2, 3
n = number of cases
Lbk = Lower boundary of the quartile class
Cfp = cumulative frequency before the median class if the scores are arranged from highest to lowest.
f qk = frequency of quartile class
c.i =size of the class interval
f <cf
30 – 34 2 30
25 – 29 8 28
20 – 24 14 20 Quartile Class
15 – 19 4 6
10 – 14 2 2
n = 30
Step 2: Descending
Step 3:
kn ( 2 ) (30 ) 60
= = =15 Quartile Class: 20 – 24
4 4 4
Step 4: Lbk = 19.5 cfp = 6 , f qk = 14 c.i. = 5
Step 5: Step 6:
( )
4 Therefore, 50% of the scores in the
Qk =L bk + c.i
f qk
Q 2=19.5+( 15−6
14 )
5 distribution are less than 22.71
Q =19.5+ (
14 )
2 5
B. Decile
- It is a score distribution where score point is divided into ten (10) equal parts.
[ ( )]
nth score
k k
Dk = n+ 1−
10 10
Dk = is the indicated decile
k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
n = number of cases
3. Interpret the decile value.
Using the data 6, 8, 11, 5, 6, 2; Find D 2 and D 8 . ( D 2 is done for you. You solve for D 8 )
Step1: 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 11
Step 2:
[ )]
nth score
D 2=
n+ 1−
10 (
[ )]
nth score
D 2=
6+ 1−
10 (
[ )]
nth score
D 2= 1.2+
10 (
[ ( )]
nth score
D 2= 1.2+
nth score
D2=[ 1.2+ ( 2 ) ]
D2=3.2 th score
The value of D 2 lies within the 3rd and 4th scores. That is, the sum of the 3rd score and 20% of
the difference between the 4th and 3rd scores.
2 5 6 6 8 11
D2 = 3rd score + 0.2 (4th score – 3rd score)
D2 = 6 + 0.2 (6-6)
D2 = 6 + 0.2 (0)
D2 = 6 + 0 Step 3:
( )
Dk = Lbk + c .i
f dk
Dk = is the indicated decile
k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
n = number of cases
Lbk = Lower boundary of the decile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the median class if the scores are arranged from
highest to lowest.
f dk = frequency of decile class
c.i =size of the class interval
Scores of 30 students in an English test consist of 60 items and they are tabulated below. Find the
value of D3 and D9. (D3 is done for you. Solve for D9 as your exercise)
Step 1:
f cf
30 – 34 2 30
25 – 29 4 28
20 – 24 14 20 Decile Class
15 – 19 4 6
10 – 14 2 2
n = 30
Step 2: Descendingly
Step 3:
kn ( 3 )( 30 ) 90
= = =9 Decile Class: 20 – 24
10 10 10
Step 5: Step 6:
( )
4 Therefore 30% of the scores in the
Dk = Lbk + c.i
f dk
D 3=19.5+( 9−6
14 )
5 distribution are less than 20.57
D =19.5+ ( )5
C. Percentile
- It is a score distribution where score point is divided into hundred (100) equal parts.
[ )]
nth score
Pk =
100 (
n+ 1−
Pk = is the indicated percentile
k = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 … 99
n = number of cases
3. Interpret the percentile value.
Using the data 6, 8, 11, 5, 6, 2; Find P2 and P58. ( P2 is done for you. You solve for P58)
Step1: 2, 5, 6, 6, 8, 11
Step 2:
[ ( )]
nth score
k k
P 2= n+ 1−
100 100
[ ( )]
nth score
2 2
P 2= 6+ 1−
100 100
[ ( )]
nth score
P2= 0.12+
[ ( )]
P2= 0.12+
nth score
P2=[ 0.12+ ( 0.98 ) ]
P2=1.1 th score
The value of P2 lies within the 1st and 2nd scores. That is, the sum of the 1st score and 10% of the difference
between the 2nd and 1st scores.
2 5 6 6 8 11
P2 = 1st score + 0.1 (2nd score – 1st score)
P2 = 2 + 0.1 (5 – 2)
P2 = 2 + 0.1 (3)
P2 = 2 + 0.3 Step 3:
P2= 2.3 Therefore, 2% of the scores in the distribution are less than 2.3.
( )
Pk =L bk + c .i
f pk
Pk = is the indicated percentile
k = 1, 2, 3 … 99
n = number of cases
Lbk = Lower boundary of the percentile class
cfp = cumulative frequency before the median class if the scores are arranged from
highest to lowest.
f pk = frequency of percentile class
c.i =size of the class interval
f cf
30 – 34 2 30
25 – 29 4 28
20 – 24 14 20
15 – 19 4 6 Percentile Class
10 – 14 2 2
n = 30
Step 2: Descending
Step 3:
kn ( 16 )( 30 ) 480
= = =4.8 Quartile Class: 15 – 19
100 100 100
Step 5: Step 6:
( )
100 Therefore 16% of the scores in the
Pk =L bk + c .i
f pk
P16=14.5+( 4.8−2
4 )
5 distribution are less than 18
P =14.5+ (
4 )
16 5
Main Task:
Find and interpret the Q3, D8, and P78 of the following data. Show your solutions:
A. (Ungrouped data)
5, 7, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
B. Grouped data
f cf
5–8 4
9 – 12 9
13 – 16 6
17 – 20 6
21 - 24 5
n = 30