Adamantidis C
Adamantidis C
Adamantidis C
Napier Port Proposed Wharf and Dredging Project: Assessing Potential Changes to Surfing Amenity
Chris Adamantidis, Benjamin Williams, Martin Single, Michel DeVos, Sylvia Allan
Napier Port has recently been granted consents to construct a new wharf and deepen the navigation channel
swinging basin and part of the inner harbour. The Port is a vital regional asset, underpinning local
employment of an estimated 27,000 people in Hawke’s Bay. The additional wharf and associated dredging
will assist future regional growth by ensuring the port can accommodate increases in the number and size of
cargo vessels calling at Napier.
Napier Port is committed to ensuring the proposed wharf and dredging project can be carried out in a way
that respects the environment, including cultural and community values. There is potential for the swell
corridor of locally important surf breaks, present to the west of the port to be affected by the dredging project.
Avoidance of adverse impacts on the surfing amenity was part of the project design brief.
This paper describes a method used to assess any potential changes to the surfing amenity as a result of
the project at the surf breaks and outlines some of the key findings of the surfing amenity assessment. The
assessment analysed the surfing amenity classification of two breaks based on long term measured wave
data and calibrated and verified numerical wave transformation modelling. The results of the assessment
indicated that the surfing amenity at the two breaks would not change considerably as a result of the
dredging project and may be improved under some wave conditions.
• Obtain long term wave statistics close to the breaks, with “surfable” conditions reported 14% of
surf break, but in sufficiently deep water and the time and “good” surfing conditions 3% of the
sufficiently offshore to not be significantly time [3].
affected by the features that we are trying to
assess – i.e. this should be seaward of the
proposed dredging, navigation channel or
beach nourishment works. N
• Undertake measurements of nearshore wave
data capturing at least two significant wave
events, one for calibration and one for
validation of the wave model
• Setup a calibrated spectral wave model over a
range of offshore wave directions, periods and
heights encompassing the full range of
conditions that can occur at the surf break.
• Develop a look-up table of transformed
spectral wave model results over the entire
model domain under existing and post-
dredging conditions. The look-up table can
Figure 1: Location of surf breaks (aerial image from
then be used to derive local wave conditions at Google Earth, 28 Feb 2013) and location within New
the surfbreaks based on 10 years of measured Zealand. Dots represent discrete locations within the surf
offshore wave data. breaks where surfing amenity has been analysed.
• Derive a local time-series of wave direction,
and local wave height and then use this to
assess the key surfing metrics of peel angle, 2.2 Surf break data
breaker height and breaker type. Data on the surf breaks was required to enable the
characteristics of the surf breaks to be assessed
Details of and insights into the steps undertaken, and their surfing amenity characterised. For the
as well as a demonstration of the application of the assessment, data on the spatial locations of surfer
process for the two locally significant surf breaks in pathways was required, to enable a characteristic
Napier, New Zealand, are provided below. surfing pathway to be plotted for the extraction of
information on the key surfing metrics.
2.1 City Reef and Hardinge Road surf breaks
The impact of a proposed capital dredging MetOcean Solutions Ltd. [8] studied the City Reef
programme on surfing amenity near Napier Port break, recording surf tracks through the use of
has been assessed with respect to existing GPS, as part of a study into the effects of a
conditions. Figure 1 shows the location of the two breakwater that was proposed for the area. The
surf breaks near Napier Port that were analysed: GPS study identified the location of the left-hand
and right-hand surf breaks, plotted in relation to the
bathymetry (Figure 2).
• Hardinge Road (right hand surfing path); and
• City Reef (including left-hand and right-hand
In addition to the left-hand and right-hand breaks,
surfing paths, and “inner” break).
an “inner” break, predominantly used by surfers
with kayaks and longboards, has been identified
The surf break at Hardinge Road, which extends
[3]. Locations at which existing and post-dredge
west of the groyne at Battery Road, is a sand
spectral wave model time-series were extracted
bottom point break characterised by a uniform
are indicated in Figure 3.
foreshore slope, with swell waves from the East
and South sectors refracting around the Port of
2.3 Key Surfing Metrics
Napier and providing a long ride length with
Lewis et al [5] described various methods for
relatively large peel angles under the right
quantifying the surfing amenity. Mead described
the recreational surfing amenity through a series of
descriptive parameters including the wave peel
The City Reef wave break is located immediately
angle, breaker intensity and breaking wave height
West of the Ahuriri harbour entrance at the
southern end of Westshore Beach. The surf break
is characterised by Rangatira Reef, which covers
2.3.1 Wave Peel Angle
an area approximately 55,000 m2 between the
The peel angle is defined as the angle between the
western training mole at Ahuriri inlet and the
crest of an unbroken wave and the trail of the
concrete cube groyne at the southern end of
broken wave (white water) [7]. Larger peel angles
Westshore Beach [3]. It is reported that the reef
(70° - 90°) suit beginners, with smaller peel angles
break offers good left and right-handed surf
Australasian Coasts & Ports 2019 Conference – Hobart, 10-13 September 2019
Napier Port Proposed Wharf and Dredging Project: Assessing Potential Changes to Surfing Amenity
Chris Adamantidis, Benjamin Williams, Martin Single, Michel DeVos, Sylvia Allan
locations within the surf breaks, assuming that the -0.5
-0.5 00
Take-off location-2 -2
m m metres
• Spilling Breaker (b < 0.4)
Figure 2: GPS tracks indicating City Reef’s right-hand
• Plunging Breaker (0.4 <b< 2.0)
surfing path (after MetOcean Solutions [8]), with red
representing wave focussing and blue representing • Surging or Collapsing Breaker (b > 2.0).
wave sheltering
Waves suitable for surfing tend to break in the
Take-off location -2 m
Take-off location
-2 m
spilling or plunging range. Spilling breakers break
City Reef left -1 m
gradually and are characterised by white water at
Whakarire Ave "right"
locations. A nomogram to describe surfing skill in shown in Figure 7, including at the Hardinge Road
terms of peel angle and breaker height [4] is break, and against two independent wave events,
presented in Figure 6, with nine regions numbered using wave height as the calibration parameter.
from 1 to 9, with Region 1 representing waves Wave data was collected between March and
suitable for beginners, and Region 9 representing September 2016 using RBS Solo® Pressure
waves that can only be ridden by the top Transducers located in about 6m water depth and
professional surfers. A detailed description of the a Triaxys Waverider Buoy at the Channel
nine regions on the nomogram is provided in [4]. Approaches. The model was validated against
wave height, peak period and wave direction at the
inshore locations. The model results correlated
very well against the measured wave height and
peak period data at Hardinge Road and City Reef,
and wave direction at the Channel Approaches. An
example of the calibration for Hardinge Road is
shown in Figure 8.
The characteristics of the Hardinge Road and City Figure 7: Location of wave gauge instruments in relation
Reef surf breaks have been studied using the to Napier Port [1]
results of wave transformation analysis as
described in Section 2.5. The breaking wave
height vs. peel angle have been plotted as a ten-
year time series at each of the discrete locations
along the ride path within the two surf breaks.
locations in the model domain, corresponding to induced wave shoaling affects the largest waves in
particular locations within the two surf breaks. The a wave group to a greater extent than smaller
discrete locations at which 10-year wave time- waves, gains in Hmax at City Reef are larger than
series were derived included: those expected for Hm0. For the storm wave
considered, Hmax is predicted to increase by about
• Hardinge Road surf break, 2m, 1m isobaths. 0.4m at City Reef and decrease by about 0.4m at
• City Reef take-off point, 2m isobath. Hardinge Road. West of the existing surf break at
• City Reef right-hand, 1m isobath. Hardinge Road, Hmax is predicted to remain
• City Reef inner right-hand, 1m, 0.5m isobath. unchanged.
• City Reef left-hand, 1m and 0.5m isobath.
2.6.2 Results – Wave Crest Patterns
For the storm conditions considered, wave crests
Table 1: Range of wave directions, periods and were broadly predicted to remain unchanged at
significant wave heights run through SWAN model both the Hardinge Road and City Reef surf breaks.
Offshore Mean Offshore peak Offshore Swell crests will remain long and clean with good
Wave Direction wave period (s) Significant wave quality right-hand surf.
(°) height (m)
30, 60, 90, 120, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5,
150 14, 16 3, 3.5, 4
• Whether the surfing skill required and hence, It can be seen from the results shown in Figure 10
the overall surfing amenity, would be expected that there is predicted to be very little change to
to change due to the channel dredging. the wave height or peel angle at City Reef and
consequently very little change to the surfing
The characteristics of each of the two surf breaks amenity following dredging.
have been studied using the results of the wave
transformation analysis covering the entire length
of wave record at the offshore Triaxys buoy and
plotting the wave height vs. peel angle at each of
the discrete locations along the ride path within the
two surf breaks.