Pop Cycle Semester 2

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Teacher Induction Program Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form

(POP) Updated December 2023

All parts of this form should be merged into a single document

and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on the
NT ILP as appropriate.

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

● New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-observation
● NT prepares POP Cycle Form a minimum three days before lesson delivery,
● NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
● NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
● ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section
2, Part A: NT Reflection
● ME completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback
● ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference.
● NT adjusts lesson plan as needed and finalizes lesson plan for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
● ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
● NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery prior to Post Obs. conference
Post Observation Conference Directions
● NT and ME conference to share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes;
● NT and ME complete Section 4.

All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to the course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
(completed by NT)
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level

Katelyn Wilson [email protected] Math 3rd

Mentor Email School/District Date

Allysha Neebe [email protected] Abiding Savior Lutheran 03/06/24

Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Topic Lesson Title

Students will be able to Division Dividing 3

● 3.OA.B.6:
fluently divide numbers 3
facts with at least 90%
division as an
percent accuracy.

CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle

(In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills Skills are developing Skills are applied as Skills are refined as NT Skills are polished as
are newly formed and as NT investigates NT makes combines elements NT expands ability to
just coming into and examines increased relevant into a cohesive and add new methods and
prominence pedagogical and suitable use unified pedagogical strategies into
practices of pedagogical repertoire pedagogical repertoire

CSTP Initial Rating Rating Description

(Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
Using knowledge of students’ T – emerging T -I currently use all curriculum provided for the third grade level.I have
academic readiness, language S – emerging begun to implement student interest and background into lessons by
proficiency, cultural background, adding examples of items students are interested in like Minecraft or
and individual development to sports.
plan instruction. S -some students’ backgrounds and language proficiency is implemented
into the planning of lessons
Planning instruction that T – emerging T- I incorporate some strategies like additional time and shortening
incorporates appropriate S – emerging assignments. However, I want to work on students being able to access
strategies to meet the learning the content by meeting their learning goals from their IEPs.
needs of all students S- Some students have strategies to meet their learning needs, but not all
students' needs are being met.

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Completed by NT and ME
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Summarize critical w/ILP/504
needs and how you
will address them FS1 is a bilingual student who FS2 has recently been tested for FS3 just recently had their
during this lesson. speaks Mandarin at home. She is fine motor skills and dysgraphia. parents divorced and I have
moving from expanding her He has difficulty with writing and noticed their math grades
English language to bridging needs additional help via a scribe declining. In order to support
levels. To support her I will be for her work and extra time for FS3, I will do check-ins with her
providing an anchor chart with assignments. To assist him, I will during the lesson/ independent
pictures as examples for division not set a time limit for his timed work activity to make sure she is
facts. She is a very visual assessments. During the lesson, understanding the concept and
student and needs those he will use a cut and paste is given additional support/
additional visuals to assist her method of the worksheet instead attention.
language development and of writing the division facts down.
understanding of the lesson.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the lesson Provide feedback on lesson plan and
plan. reflection.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
Inquiry Focus/Special ● What impact will differentiated Thi is a great focus choice for your class. I like
Emphasis assignments/teaching modalities have your variety with learning modalities to help
● What is your inquiry focus on student achievement/understanding reach all students. Choice boards allow students
and/or special emphasis? of the selected math lesson? to pick activities that resonate with them and
● How will you incorporate the ● I will incorporate differentiation via add engagement, but do not reinvent the wheel.
inquiry focus and/or special For example, they can make a poster describing
the use of visuals (anchor chart), the process, complete a worksheet with many
emphasis into the lesson?
movement breaks, kinesthetic problems on it, write a song/film or perform it
● What specific feedback do you
want from your ME?
learning (counters), and scribing about division, etc. You could also utilize the
students' answers when iPads. For example, EdPuzzle would allow you
necessary. to assign the same instructional video but you
could pause the video to assign different levels
● What are additional ideas for of questions for each student to confirm
differentiated learning that does understanding and ability.
not reinvent the wheel?
Inquiry Focus/Students ● Was the differentiation for the student I will monitor your student in class to verify the
● What specific feedback appropriate, what else could I do to differentiation is appropriate. At this time, it
regarding your focus support their learning needs? appears to be an appropriate adjustment.
students do you want from
your ME?

Specific Feedback ● What can I do to help my high achieving Your high achieving students could benefit from
● What additional specific students? challenge problems, like the ones you're giving
feedback do you want from in the coloring page. They could also be
your ME regarding lesson
challenged to help their friends by creating
content to instruct, assist, and demonstrate their
own depth of knowledge.

Instructional Planning ● Prior to the lesson students will take the You have planned appropriate assessment plans
● How is the lesson pre-assessment to determine what they for before and after to demonstrate knowledge of
structured (opening, know about division 3 and 4 facts. I will the subject matter. Movement breaks are an
body, and closing)?
open the lesson by playing an important inclusion that I believe will benefit your
● What varied teaching
strategies and differentiated educational video about division. During class.
instruction will help students the lesson I will follow the I do, We do,
During the lesson, will they be using whiteboards
meet lesson goals? and You do method. I will close the
for the “we do” and “you do” section? or their
● What progress monitoring lesson by having students answer an exit
Math worksheets/books?
strategies will be used? How ticket via Google forms.
will results inform instruction? ● I will use anchor charts. extra time,
manipulatives, movement breaks, and
scribing answers.
● Students will take a pretest of the division
3 and 4 facts prior to the lesson. I will
score these to see what students may
already know and what they do not know.
After the lesson, students will take a
post-assessment of the division facts. I
will score the assessment and compare
the scores of the pre and post-
assessments. I will also observe any
comments left on the Google form exit
ticket to determine if I need to reteach the
lesson to the whole class, or practice with
a few students during independent work

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
● I will explain how division is helpful when
Student Engagement/Learning This will be very exciting and engaging for the
● How will you make the we need to split things evenly like pizza students. Your mastery goal is attainable for a
lesson relevant to all the or cookies, and you want to make sure it singular lesson and with continued practice, your
students? is even so your sibling does not get students should demonstrate efficiently and
● How will students show more of the cookie than you. I will also mastery of division.
progress towards master of include fun educational videos of division
lesson objectives?
facts for students to sing and move to.
● They will show mastery by participating
in class, and scoring at least 5-10%
higher on their post-assessment versus
the pre-assessment.
Classroom Management ● Our classroom uses a class economy Based on our conversation, utilizing the
● How will you maintain a where each student has a specific job/
positive learning environment classroom economy will be an effective strategy
role in our classroom. This provides a
with a welcoming climate of sense of responsibility. Students get paid in maintaining classroom behavior. The exit ticket
caring, respect, and fairness? bonuses for meeting expectations. on the iPad is a good way to use technology and
● Identify specific classroom ● The economy also involves students get a quick check on your students'
procedures and strategies for receiving fines when not meeting
preventing/redirecting understanding.
expectations. I will also provide
challenging behaviors. movement breaks which helps prevent
behaviors from occurring.

Closure ● I will close the lesson by having students

● How will you close your complete the post-assessment and after
lesson? the post-assessment they will complete
● How will you assess
an exit ticket on Google forms.
student learning and
prepare them for the next ● I will assess student learning via the exit
lesson? ticket and their scores from the
post-assessments. This will help me
determine if I need to re-teach the lesson
to the whole group, or if I need to pull
individual students during independent
work to re-explain the lesson.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Completed by ME and NT
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Lesson Delivery
Teacher Actions Student Actions

The teacher taught from the front of the Students participated in the video practice, During the lesson I felt strong in my
classroom and instructed using the video, used manipulatives to practice their work, execution of the differentiation strategies
iPad, manipulatives, technology, and practiced group work, and completed the used. I did not feel overwhelmed planning
What information facilitated walking around activities. She exit ticket. or implementing the lesson from the
can you provide checked in with struggling students, strategies I used.
the NT accommodated IEP students, and
regarding demonstrated good classroom management.

The teacher selected and led a video that Students participated in the movement I started the lesson with a movement break
CSTP 1: used the practice of dividing by three and video activity. video reviewing our x3 facts to, “get the
Engaging All let the students get their wiggles out. wiggles out”, before we began our lesson.
Students Students who were not engaged were Students love the math break videos and are
In what ways The teacher redirected distracted students talking. The teacher redirected them to more focused during the lesson when we
were students and encouraged struggling students. focus and get back on task. start with a movement break. Students also
engaged? walked around the classroom and dis
The teacher asked the students to use their Students moved manipulatives around to
How were manipulatives to demonstrate and practice demonstrate the division and raised their Some students were playing with their math
students not dividing by three. She led the students in hands to answer the teacher’s questions. manipulatives, or were talking with their
engaged? demonstrating that divide on her iPad and They also walked around the room to friends. Something I could do next time is
called upon students to answer. The teacher answer questions in small groups. At the give them two minutes to play with the
How did students assisted in the group walking around end they answered their exit ticket with a manipulatives how they want and after those
contribute to their question answering activity. She facilitated post it due to iPad/Google issues. two minutes they become tools and not toys.
iPad exit ticket systems and adjusted to
post-its when the technology did not Students were able to see how they were The students contributed by participating in
How did teacher cooperate. doing as they answered questions together, the movement of manipulatives, sharing
and/or students collaborated with their peers, and got answers to the class, and working in the
monitor learning? She monitored student learning through encouragement from their teacher. groups to solve the task card questions. I
observation, completion of the first and was able to monitor learning via student
How were the second activities, and collected the exit The students got assistance from the responses to questions, observation from
focus students ticket as an assessment tool. teacher during each of the activities. walking around, and checking their answer
engaged and sheet once they solved all task cards.
supported The focus students were engaged through Students monitored their learning through
throughout the teacher check-ins, encouragement, and asking questions, working in groups, and an
lesson? instruction. The teacher checked in with exit ticket to identify what they did well and
them during each of the activities. what they needed more help with.

The focus students were engaged in the

lesson, and were provided with all the
necessary differentiations. There was an
anchor chart, manipulatives, additional time
on the tests, and I paired each group with
leveled abilities to assist the focus students.
The teacher set up clear behavior Students reflected the teacher’s I set up clear expectations for behavior at
CSTP 2: management and expectations for the expectation of quiet and focus during the the start of the lesson, and for each activity.
Effective students at the beginning of the lesson and lesson. They worked well with their peers My directions were clear and repeated. I
Learning at each transition of activity. She and encouraged one another. When a reminded students that we are all at different
Environment encouraged them to support their peers and student was unkind, their friends did not levels of learning and we need to be kind to
How did students show patience when a friend was thinking contribute to the mistake and instead everybody to create a positive learning
and teacher or struggling. She provided appropriate allowed their teacher to address it so that environment. The students did meet my
contribute to an accommodations for the students in her the lesson could continue. expectations, and engage in the lesson
effective learning class who have needs. appropriately.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
The teacher planned an effective lesson that Students watched and participated in a I had planned an appropriate lesson for the
demonstrated the topic, had students video, used manipulatives to demonstrate academic and developmental level of the
practice the topic with their teacher, then knowledge, and completed an exit ticket class. I demonstrated the topic, students
Subject Matter the teacher allowed the students to try it proving their grasp of the concept. practiced with me, and students worked
What actions of independently to verify their knowledge. independently on the topic.
the NT Students demonstrated misconceptions of
contributed to The teacher addressed misconceptions by multiplication and addition by completing
student showing the math problems on the board, the wrong function. After the teacher Students participated in a video review of
assimilation of talking through the process slowly, and addressed the misconception, the students the multiplication facts, used manipulatives
subject matter? reminding them of prior knowledge in more easily grasped the concept. to demonstrate division, and completed an
multiplication and addition to solidify their exit ticket to explain their understanding of
How did students understanding. the subject matter.
knowledge of
subject matter? I noticed many students accidently gave the
multiplication answer on the pre-tests versus
the quotient. I re-explained to them that we
What are working on division and explained how
misconceptions division is the opposite of multiplication,
did students have just like subtraction is the opposite of
and how were addition. After this explanation, the students
they addressed were able to grasp the concept of division.
by the teacher?
The teacher planned differentiation Students were given the appropriate Prior to teaching the lesson, I referenced a
strategies appropriate for her students. She amount of work for their level, and spreadsheet of all student learning needs and
had some students demonstrate every assisted one-on-one when needed (for accommodations during the planning of the
Experiences problem while others got one-on-one some students a lot). Students built lesson. This ensured appropriate support for
How were assistance building with their problems with manipulatives, worked as a students. I ensured there was differentiation
students manipulatives. She also planned group to complete the exit ticket, helping in the form of visuals with anchor charts,
supported appropriate exit ticket groupings with their peers if they were able, and wrote manipulations with math counters, and
through problems at the student’s group level. down their facts/answers along the way, collaboration in groups leveled based on
differentiated They also participated in the movement skill.
instruction? video and direct instruction of the lesson
by answering questions. Students participated by asking and
How did students answering questions, collaborating with
participate? their group to solve the division questions
How did the NT on task cards, movement during the brain
contribute to break, and practicing division with the
student learning? counters. Students also participated by
completing an exit ticket to identify any
questions, comments, and what they liked
best about the lesson.

I planned an appropriate lesson based on

student learning levels to ensure successful
student learning. I started the lesson by
modeling division problems and slowly
moved students to independent work on the
topic. I assisted students by answering
questions, and walking around during the
group work to assist any students struggling.
The teacher contributed to student Students demonstrated understanding Students demonstrated achievement through
achievement by correcting through their movements, answering their verbal answering of questions/
Assessing misunderstandings, guiding understanding questions, moving manipulatives, participation in the lesson. They also
Student of the concept and verifying their accuracy, completing of the worksheet, and showed an understanding through the
Learning and working one-on-one with struggling completion of the exit ticket. An completion of the task card worksheet, and
How did students students. She also planned appropriate assessment will also be completed at exit ticket. Students completed a
demonstrate student groupings for differentiation and another time. post-assessment the following day to show
achievement of student success. mastery.
lesson Originally students were mixed up
objectives? between multiplication and addition, but After observing the pre-assessment scores
this was corrected by the teacher. and completing practice problems as a class
In what ways did at the start of the lesson, students were
students struggle mixing up division and multiplication
or demonstrate answers of x3. I was able to correct this by
limited explaining division is the opposite of
multiplication like subtraction is to addition
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
understanding? I contributed to achievement by correcting
the original misunderstandings, leveling the
What teacher lesson with the I do, we do, you do method,
actions assisted students struggling with one-on-one
contributed to time, and creating groups for differentiation.

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

Completed by NT
Students, as a whole class, on the pre-assessment scored an average of 84% accuracy for the division 3 facts. After the in-depth
To what degree
lesson with varied tasks and differentiation techniques, the class scored an average of 98% accuracy on the post-assessment for
did students the division 3 facts during the 5 minute time given. There was a 14% jump in accuracy from the pre versus post- assessment.
achieve lesson Students met and exceeded the lesson objective of dividing 3 facts fluently with 90% accuracy.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student w/ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
To what degree did
focus students FS1 scored an 81% on the pre-assessment FS2 scored a 55% of the pre-assessment FS3 scored a 79% on the pre-assessment
achieve lesson and a 99% on the post assessment. She and a 100% on the post assessment. With and a 93% on the post-assessment. She
objectives? achieved the lesson objective of fluently supports appropriate per their IEP they exceeded achieving the lesson objective
dividing three facts with 90% accuracy. were able to achieve the lesson objectives. of fluently dividing 3 facts with 90%
She exceeded the 90% accuracy by 9%. With a 45% increase in understanding of accuracy by 3%.
the objectives.
Something I would do differently is letting the students play with the manipulatives for 2-3 minutes before using them like
What would you do
tools. I think doing this would prevent students from playing with them during the lesson, as I caught students doing so.
differently next
The first strength would be having students work on the task cards around the room. Students were collaborating and working
What were three
together to solve the equations, and all of them collectively wanted to complete more lessons with solving task cards. The
top Lesson
second strength was using the math counters. I found using the visuals, especially for FS2 extremely helpful in accessing the
Strengths? content. The third strength was the grouping strategy I used. I created groups with one high academic student, one medium
academic, and one lower academic student. I found this leveled grouping allowed the higher academic student to act as the
teacher to challenge them to explain the topic in the group, and the lower academic student was able to access the information
through their partners.
The first area of improvement would be allowing students to play with the manipulatives before the lesson to curb the use of
What were three
them as toys. The second would be changing the exit ticket. I wanted to complete it on a Google form, however, there were
top areas for
technical issues with the form. I should have checked the site before beginning the lesson. The third area of improvement would
improvement? be providing more challenging problems to my high achieving students. The start of the lesson seemed too easy for them and
they were bored.
Based on the achievements during the lesson, and the scores on the post-assessments, it is appropriate to move on to the next
What are next steps?
fact family of division.

Other Comments/Notes (optional)

Completed by NT or ME

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.

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