Line Commuted
Line Commuted
Line Commuted
1. (i) Name and explain different types of power quality 1 Remember
issues that affects the power systems depending upon
the severity? (6)
2. (i) Discuss the following characteristics of power 1 Remember
quality issue (7)
(a) Short duration variations
(b) Long duration variations
1 Remember
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. When sag leads to interruption 1 Remember
13. Demonstrate how voltage sag can be mitigated and list the types 3 Apply
to mitigation devices
14. Demonstrate the causes for voltage sags due to transformer 3 Apply
15. Define active series compensator 4 Analyze
4. (i) Explain various indexes used to estimate voltage sag (7) Understand
(ii) Discuss some of the solutions for voltage sag and interruption
(6) Understand
5. What is the need for estimating sag performance Explain the
different methods of estimating voltage sag Performance (13) Understand
10. (i) Explain active series compensator to compensate the voltage Apply
sag occurs in power system (7) 3
(ii) Explain how ferro resonance transformer to improve the
3 Apply
voltage sag performance (6)
11. (i) Explain the solid state transfer switch with transfer operation 3 Apply
(ii) Explain fast transfer switch with transfer operation (6) 3 Apply
12. (i) What are the different voltage sag mitigation techniques? 6 Create
Explain the principle of operation of DVR used for sag mitigation (7)
(ii) Analyze about estimating the cost of voltage sag events in the
1 Remember
power system (6)
13. Explain any two voltage sag mitigation Techniques with 4 Analyze
necessary circuit diagram and waveform (13)
14. Explain the role of compensators in mitigation of voltage sags. 5 Evaluate
3 What are the different voltage sag mitigation sag techniques? 5 Evaluate
Explain in detail (15)
4 Briefly explain static transfer switches and fast transfer switches 4 Analyze
Sources of over voltages - Capacitor switching – lightning - ferro resonance. Mitigation of voltage swells -
surge arresters - low pass filters - power conditioners. Lightning protection – shielding – line arresters -
protection of transformers and cables. An introduction to computer analysis tools for transients, PSCAD and
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What is transient overvoltage? 1 Remember
15. Prepare the common ways for the utility to protect the transformer 6 Create
1. Analyze the source of transient over voltages in power systems. Analyze
2. Write short notes on the following: Understand
(i) Low pass filters (7)
(ii) Power conditioner (6) Understand
3. (i) Explain the problems associated with Ferro resonance. (7) 4 Analyze
(ii)What are the different sources of transient over voltages?
1 Remember
Discuss the capacitor switching transient. (6)
4. 4 Analyze
(i) Explain the underground cable system protection. (7)
4 Analyze
(ii) Explain in detail about the protection of transformer (6)
5. Write short notes on the following 2 Understand
9. (i) Explain in detail about the surge arrestors and surge suppressors Analyze
for over voltage protection. (7)
(ii) What are the advantages of surge arrestors? Discuss about the
application module (6) 1
10. .(i) What are the various lightning protection schemes used Create
for over voltage lines? (7)
14. (i) Define lightning. Discuss in detail about the over voltages due 3 Apply
to lightning and the problems associated with it. (7)
1 What are the various lightning protection scheme used for over
4 Analyze
voltage protection under the presence of harmonics (15)
12. Point out the sources of harmonics from industrial loads 4 Analyze
7. Write short note on the active filter and passive filter in 1 Remember
controlling harmonic distortion (13)
11. (i) Explain the waveform distortion due to different types 4 Analyze
of nonlinear loads (7)
12. (i) Write short notes on THD and TDD. (3) 2 Understand
(ii)Discuss the effects of harmonic distortion on
2 Understand
transformers and motors. (10)
Q.No Questions BT Level Competence
1. What is the role of expert system in power quality studies 1 Remember
16. Name the factors of selecting the instrument for power 1 Remember
quality monitoring
17. Infer the power quality disturbance analyzer. 4 Analyze
18. List the difference between offline and online power 1 Remember
quality data assessment
19. What is meant by proactive monitoring 1 Remember
20. Write any two IEEE standards to assess the power 6 Create
quality monitoring
1. Discuss the power quality monitoring considerations in 2 Understand
details. (13)
2. Explain the flicker meter and flicker measurement 3 Apply
techniques in details. (13)
3. Explain in detail with necessary diagram the working 5 Evaluate
principle and functioning of power quality analyzers(13)
9. Describe the modelling of power quality problems by 1 Remember
mathematical solution tools. (13)
11. (i) Analyze the role and application of expert systems in 4 Analyze
power quality monitoring (7)
12. (i) Explain in detail about the flicker meter (7) 4 Analyze
(ii)Design and explain about power quality disturbance
4 Analyze
analyzer (6)
13. Design the block diagram of advanced power quality 6 Create
monitoring systems. Explain it in detail. (13)
14. .(i) Bring the significance of power quality maintaining? 3 Apply
Demonstrate the objectives of power quality maintaining?