BRE 377 Research Methods: Qualitative Research - Lecture Outline (4 Sessions) Session Topics / Learning Outcomes
BRE 377 Research Methods: Qualitative Research - Lecture Outline (4 Sessions) Session Topics / Learning Outcomes
BRE 377 Research Methods: Qualitative Research - Lecture Outline (4 Sessions) Session Topics / Learning Outcomes
Dr. Tang Bo-sin Department of Building & Real Estate The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Describe how ontology and epistemology affect research Explain the differences between methodology and methods Describe how to establish scientific knowledge Identify different qualitative research methods and data sources Determine how to establish coherency in research
Teaching Notes
(Abridged and condensed version of powerpoint)
What is Research?
1. Scholarly or scientific investigation or inquiry. 2. Close careful study. (The American Heritage College Dictionary, 3rd edition, p.1160) a detailed study of a subject, esp. in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding (Cambridge International Dictionary of English, p.1208)
Research Concepts:
Research Questions Literature Review Methodology vs. Methods Theor-y (ies) Hypothe-sis (ses) Data (Collection, Analysis) Conclusions Further Studies
Source: Judge et al., (1995) Theories of urban politics, London: Sage, pp.1-2.
Probes for explanation Study Objective/Scope Indepth/Depth Nature Generalization Cases Analysis Value Holistic Theoretical Generalization Deviant cases Interpretation Credible
A 30-second test:
Topic: I am studying_________ Question: because I want to find out what/why/how_________ Significance: in order to help my reader to understand_______
Source: Booth et al. (2003). The Craft of Research, Chicago: Chicago U Press, p.56.
Possible sources:
Personal interests Current hot issues Literature Constraints/Restrictions
Structure around theoretical paradox or debate Replicate a project (different place or time) Keep a boundary: e.g. 1978-1997 Avoid current issues (history) Organizing disorganized information Do you control some key information and data? Rely on your own efforts; not others (e.g. survey) No failure scenario; Covers all possible outcomes
2 Concepts:
Ontology What is the reality? What really exists? Epistemology The philosophy of knowledge and evidence.
Logics: Particular General Observation Law/Theories
Logics: Theory What to observe Theory Prediction/Implication Disprove it
Paradigm = Power to define Assumptions, methods, problems,etc.
To establish coherency:
What How Where
Problem Statement
Literature Review
Data Sources
Qualitative Methods:
Archive analysis Case study Field survey Direct observation Participant observation Interview Questionnaire Focus group
Data Sources:
People (individuals or groups) Texts (published or unpublished) Settings and environments (visual or virtual) Objects, artefacts, media products Events and happenings
Focus-down model
Literature Review
Research Results
Length / Space
Open-up model
Research methods
Analysis of results
Length / Space
Locating Values:
What are the Core Materials? Share of Core Materials = around 60%.
Pattern in Argument:
Descriptive approach Analytical approach Argumentative approach Matrix approach
Length: 10,000 words (absolute maximum) 40 A-4 pages (assuming @250 words) Better to have < 100 pages. Number of Chapters: 5 7. (6 chapters plus or minus one) One order of numbering only, i.e. 1.1 and 1.2. Substantive headings/subheadings Research methods etc put in the Appendices.
Keep to one A4 pages No more than 200 words
Dissertation title
The art of naming Keywords Main title + subtitle
Be substantive and purposeful Correct description of content Avoid excessive sub-headings
Each chapter serves a distinctive function Opening paragraph summarizes the section Each paragraph has more or less equal length (say 200 words) Watch 1st and last sentences Conclusion/summary signposts next chapter
Principle: One stop, unambiguous look-up for readers Complete precision of referencing, page, chapter number, year, etc. Indent + Put inside double-quotation marks
Dot Thread Surface Point Line Paragraph
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