Dissertation Process

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General Outline of the Quantitative

 Chapter 1: Introduction
 Chapter 2: Review of the Literature
 Chapter 3: Methodology
 Chapter 4: Results
 Chapter 5: Summary, discussion, and
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Background
 statement of the Problem (Rationale)
 Purpose of the study
 Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
 Research Questions/Hypothesis
 Significance of the study
 Limitation and Delimitation
 Definition of terms
 Organization of the study
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Background
 Contextualizing the dissertation topic
 Brief literature review
 Setting the stage
 What is it that we know with respect to the topic
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Statement of Problem(Rationale)
 Making a case for the topic
 Compelling reasons for the worthiness of the
 Extensions of understanding
 Methodological advancement
 Current issues
 Evaluation of specific practice or policy at a
given site
 Exploratory research
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Purpose of the study

 Succinct statement of objectives
 Conceptual /theoretical framework
 Relationships among major variables
 Research Questions/Hypotheses
 3-5 ‘burning’ questions
 Explicit statements of hypotheses (not always
Chapter 1: Introduction

 Significance
 The intended contributions of the study
 Limitation and delimitation
 Limitation – researcher has little or no control
 Delimitation – self imposed limitation or boundary
 Definitions
 Conceptual definitions of major terms
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature

 Not just a summary; a critical analyses of

relevant literature.
 A synthesis of the literature
 May be organized according to: major
variables, meth0dology, chronology
 Relevance; depth; current
Chapter III: Methodology

 Introduction
 Research Design
 Population and Sample
 Instrumentation
 Procedure
 Data Analysis
 Summary
Chapter III: Methodology

 Introduction
 Reintroduce purpose of the study
 Appraise readers of what they can expect to read
in this chapter
Chapter III: Methdology

 Research Design
 Non-experimental
▪ Descriptive
▪ Comparative
▪ Correlational
▪ survey
 Experimental
▪ True experimental
▪ Quasi-experimental
▪ Single-subjects
Chapter III: Methodology

 Research design
 Be specific
 Provide a rationale
Chapter III: Methodology

 Population and Sample

 Probability or non-probability
 Sample size
 Power
 Sampling procedure
Chapter III: Methodology

 Instrumentation
 Description
 Development
 Validity
 Reliability
Chapter III: Methodology

 Procedure
 Detailed explanation of the procedure taken to
implement the research design
 Ethical and legal considerations
 Consent forms
 Confidentiality and anonymity
Chapter III: Methodology

 Data Analysis
 Treatment of data
▪ Scale and variables
▪ Missing values
 Statistical techniques used for answering the
research questions
▪ assumptions
 Rationale for choice of analyses
Chapter IV: Data Analysis (Results)

 Introduction
 Description of the sample
 Answering the research questions/hypothesis
 Additional analysis
 Summary of major findings
Chapter V: Summary, Discussion and
 Summary
 Purpose
 Literature review
 Methdologoy
 Results (major findings)
Chapter V: Summary, Discussion and
 Discussion
 Explaining why you got what you got.
▪ Literature review
▪ Personal insight
 Recommendation
 ….for practice
 ….for research
Conducting the research/writing the
 Advisor/committee input
 ground rules for advisor, student and committee
 25-30% of the dissertation is the committee’s
Defending the Dissertation

 Pre-defense
 Institutional policies for the oral defense
 Formal defense
 External examiner
 format
 Revision
 Sign off

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