Changing Dimensions of Indias Foreign Policy
Changing Dimensions of Indias Foreign Policy
Changing Dimensions of Indias Foreign Policy
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1 author:
Mohammed Viquaruddin
Tripura University
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammed Viquaruddin on 04 March 2019.
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DOI: 10.4172/2332-0761.1000327
Public Affairs
ISSN: 2332-0761
As a need of an hour which travelled to years, decades and centuries in between nation to nations; kept them in
continuous changing mode. But this doesn’t mean the basic structure of the foreign policy be scarifies. They were
being safeguarded through extent of existence. India being experienced in Diplomatic immunity performed pro to
both Bipolar and Unipolar system across the world as a Nehruvian realistic approach in his era and under the image
of cultural power, soft power pace to a multialignment approach to foreign policy dimensions were mainframe to the
different political parties as being in the government machinery. These policies related with external affairs bring
many forms of development and progressive tendencies to the new scientific and the neo liberal economic changes
as a performer in the third world nations.
Keywords: Third world; Sovereignty; Nonalignment; Indian “A country which faces tunnoil in domestic politics cannot withstand
diplomacy; Multialigning policy the turbulence of world politics” [4]. As being a standup democracy of
third world nation in every field to base India a major power in front
Historically Summarized of the second and first world countries. Whereas Chinese foreign
policy saw profound changes in late 1970s by Deng Xiaoping.
As India does mattered approach towards the international system,
more study of its foreign policy and its dealing with the world should India’s foreign affairs saw some categorical changes up to the 70s.
broadly discuss crucial journey within international relations. Foreign End of the decade of 80s and beginning of 90s brought pivotal changes
Policy of any nation had highly multi facial aspects that are many to economic system run under the liberal setup of governance around
changes were recognized from the Decolonial process in 1947 to an the world. An emergence of open/free market economy become a core
independent nation. Policies adopt according to the need of situations factor to the socio-liberal-economic democracies of earth destine. The
which vary subjected to the national favour, domestic view points, French industrial revolution had its peak to express and the consumer
traditional, and customary line up which had a strong historical base. oriented democracies were following the path of new order which the
“There is an integral relationship between domestic politics and foreign foreign polices of sovereigns. In 1990s as compare to other Asian
affairs of a country” [1]. The flow of ideas apart from any particular or countries and particularly with China; an economic development of
rigid formulas the foreign policy tends to keep it alive and base India was not up to that mark.
convinces that foreign policy had their value based formulas in which Liberal economy of world market convinced many nations as well as
new diplomacy can fit accordingly. On the other hand the external to India diplomacy to facilitate self with neo charting governance for
factor appeared on international arena crop major dimensions to the external matters. Indian has practically abandoned its old active role in
exiting functional approach to it. Likewise we had some strong political developments and in favour of a higher priority for promoting
witnesses in past that “the Labour Party victory in British polls and was international economic cooperation and consequently economic
a significant coincidence that the change in Moscow should be diplomacy [5]. India was opened to foreign direct investment, and
followed by the nuclear blast by China the next day” [2]. access to markets in the developed world. The slow but successful
It was structure of power on world arena in 1964. India was treated economic reforms unleashed the potential of the nation. Generated
and feels behavioural approach that searched multi-dimensional task rapid economic growth provided a basis to transform its relations with
must get added to us in our diplomatic immunity to the geopolitical great powers, regional rivals Pakistan and China, and the
world. The Golden Sparrow in the eyes of the world were transmitting neighbourhood as a whole. An another transition in Indian foreign
itself as being colony of major Monarchies and afterward the end of policy is about the shift from being a great power of the third world to
Cold War era commence to end which invites many nations as well as the recognition of the potential that India could emerge as a major
India to think within more frames in external matters or policies as power even though a soft power journey of worthwhile as being in its
being independent nation. “The jubilance of the cold war conquest was own right to prove. Economically among one of the big powers
vitiated by the cry of a newly emerging cultural adversary” [3]. Some historically India as being a pre-colonial nation and proves a class of its
structural decade of 1970s shows some sort of changing issues in own economic reforms in 1990s one amongst the several dimensions
foreign policy of India. And world had witnessed the socialistic pattern to the foreign policy. An adoption of new policies wide to anti west
and its development. During India had remarkable up lift through approaches and shades.
becoming socialist republic a considerable pace of growth and proving As being world largest democracy a mix blend of idealism towards
the might in scientific technological development through Pokhran I. realism proven by policies towards the realistic per view of the worldly
J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000327
ISSN: 2332-0761
Citation: Viquaruddin M (2018) Changing Dimensions of India’s Foreign Policy. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 6: 327. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000327
Page 2 of 4
governance. The 19th century West and European world tendering himself with a foreign policy that to maintain friendly relations with
their own vicinity India proves itself in front of the world with worldly nations. Such as immediate neighbours. Rajiv Gandhi during
Nehruvian realistic approach to the world relations on politico- address to the nation which was his first ever broad cast on 31st
diplomatic arena. Nehru advised the Indians to identify themselves October, 1984 as a Prime Minister said that, “India’s traditional foreign
with the local community, adopt a more positive attitude towards the policy with its commitments to non-alignment, co-existence and
political aspirations of the people of their adopted countries. In friendly relations with all, will remain unchanged” [14]. However “few
economic matters he advised them not to seek any special privileges at African nations gave diplomatic support to India, bilaterally or at
the cost of equal opportunities for the struggle” [6]. “During the Nehru multilateral for a like NAM” [15]. NAM not only acquired a political
years of India’s policy, the basics of dismantling colonial mould were dimension but also strong economic content over a period of time, the
worked out” [7]. Contemporary international context is become Group of 77 which consist mostly of the non-align countries became
picturesque to some elements which can be can be responsible for an important instrument of negotiation and articulation of views of the
changes viz; cold war get ended, globalization in process and developing countries in all for a where economic issues were discussed.
Westphalia state system facing challenge. India played an active role in strengthening the movement and making
it an effective voice in representing the collective aspirations and
Base of Theory interests of the developing countries on such vital issues as
development, peace and stability [16].
Whenever the dealing with the topic is concern some basic factors
occurred to explain within a broad vicinity of Sovereignty which cover, P.V. Narshimha Rao was become the head of the Indian government
explain, expand and provide broader development to any of the nation when world faces some crucial problems of polarisation and
around the world. And connotes in the manner that “Sovereignty is an depolarisation’s Soviet Union collapse and USA become the singular
international institution, meaning a set of rules that states play by. The Unipolar Nation as a super power before the world. Than Prime
rules constitute and regulate the external independence and the Minister, Narasimha Rao, inculcate needed understanding to get
domestic authority of states” [8]. supported on international affairs ground and to avail the requirement
adopting the liberal economy for the nation build an image on internal
Sovereign confers the highest and absolute power of any nation with and external matters. And these particular years witnessed the
an obvious no limitations to supremacy provide a sense of security and completion of the Cold-War era as its ending were start in 1970s. Rao
futuristic elaboration in different dimensions in favour of nation state. regime was discussed under new free market or open economic policy
Foreign Policy of Indira Gandhi is a sort of continuation to Nehruvian issues related with trade, investment and the grounds of technological
era with major attribution to some steps which proves the meth of developments: destination Europe attract Indian policy affairs. He
Indian Foreign Policy as far as futuristic course were concern. “Indira came in power after the short span of governments under the
Gandhi’s foreign policy illustrates realist theory in being more attuned leadership of V.P. Singh and Chandra Shekhar. As V.P. Singh had strong
to power relations and pragmatic solutions than to moral principles or colleague in his cabinet, I.K. Gujral for Indian Foreign Affairs. Gujral’s
liberal institutions” [9]. Her foreign policy success chart had big Doctrine was an immense sought of intellect uproots to the Indian
contribution of Bangladesh crisis resolution. And very strong form of diplomatic immunity before the Sovereign World particularly the
collaborative picture was on the world sites that India was run on the changing international environment post-cold war world. It set some
grounds of Non-Align as well as its strength through the development important principal of India’s foreign policy which provides a great
in the field of science and technology. This progress travel under the and heuristic impact on many other powers around the world like
proving process that later governments helped its pace for the sake of USA, Russia, Germany, China, Iran, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. A proctor
better Sovereign conditions to the India as long as possible to empower to foreign policy doctrine Inder Kumar Gujral become nonaligned
the largest democracy. “Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, faced with the policy of India that couldn’t be unnecessarily in repetition apart from
task of securing his own political position while bringing domestic other avenues plat formed and no one against the movement. With the
stability to the country, has also inherited some formidable foreign end of nonalignment for all practical purposes, India's foreign policy
policy problems” [10]. Rajiv Gandhi accepted the responsibility of was suddenly bereft of a grand strategic vision.
guiding the Indian ship to the right destiny after his mother. Rajiv
Gandhi with his charismatic leadership and multi faceted personality Apart from the South Asian regional affection and domination of
greatly influenced not only the domestic policy but also the foreign the policy it has been sever on the grounds of anti-terrorist campaign
policy decisions. “The first condition of a good foreign policy is a good and the policy was heavily criticised after Mumbai terror attack which
domestic policy” [11]. were the violation of the policy that Gujral framed by saying “it can act
in good faith and trust”. He also argued that no country in South Asia
Rajiv Gandhi had strong experience that formerly his mother and should allow its territory to be used to harm another. 1990’s era were
grandfather were great leaders of India. He tries his best for new dedicated to huge discussion on the world faces major changes to all
avenues to resolving domestic and international issues. P. Shivashankar that is a Bipolar World change to Unipolar power which concentrate to
the External Affairs Minister in Rajiv Gandhi’s cabinet made it clears USA after collapse of Russia. And at another level India faced some
that “External Affairs claims a good deal of attention from the Prime fiscal crises due to the oil prices because of Gulf War in 1991 that Iraq
Minister who chalks out the policies. The Ministry implements them” invaded Kuwait which affects the prices of petroleum and crude oil.
[12]. Rajiv Gandhi’s Leadership in 1986. India contribute a huge fund Countries purchase that get drained their economy for the exchange of
was contributed by India for “the fund rendered valuable assistance to foreign currency, India was amongst them. And almost all worldly
the frontline states and the liberation movements in South Africa” governments had the comparative look up to their Foreign Policies
[13]. which had new focuses of interdependency factors to new avenues.
Rajiv Gandhi, as a key foreign policy maker made substantial
contributions to the field of India’s foreign policy. He committed
J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000327
ISSN: 2332-0761
Citation: Viquaruddin M (2018) Changing Dimensions of India’s Foreign Policy. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 6: 327. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000327
Page 3 of 4
Foreign Policy and Interdependence buckle down under U.S. ressure in the conduct of international affairs.
L.K. Advani, commented that “The Hyde Act passed by the U.S.
Whenever human race begin to civilise itself they get educated with congress may emerge as an instrument to subvert India’s foreign policy
the terms of self-reliance under the roof of interdependence social decision in such a way as to favour its grand strategy of global
strata. Earlier monarchial form proves the might of one and the hegemony” [22].
libertine democratic vicinity elaborate the each one fruitful
dependence for natural resources in particular facing realism of In the last decade India’s economy gets rapidly developed and the
materialistic world emergence. The Nation state theory in essence of scenario of foreign policy also changes their dimensions in the
futuristic back scores of City state commemoration by greats like character. Some indifferent changes as far as the emergence of pressure
Aristotle, Palto and the Athenic nostalgia. Some issue arises in their groups play canvassing part for lobbying in between India and US for
own under the Sovereign Nation State that increase interdependence the sake of strategic partnership; during UPA-I period prime minister,
amongst the nation around the globe, distinct role of the Multilateral Manmohan Singh get supported by these groups for India US strategic
Trade Agreements, problems like extremism and terrorism, better way partnership. But as came near to 2012 these groups however created
to handle the human civilised societies through worldly good distance from Manmohan Singh who rooted him well and many
governance and the prominent role of non-state actors in nations. Viz turned unfriendly with an unrealistic approach to US India
the role of Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), are relationship under the realm of nuclear deal. Typical thinking to
play major role in today’s digitised data oriented world; provide chances of rotation the UPA tenure came to end in 2014
communication transfers to instant mode and the transition of general elections in India. And BJP came in power. On the foreign
information text obviously in digitized manner. Marshall McLuhan’s affairs ground Some of the last years witnessed relations between India
concept of world village or global village is in needing full theory of and China had trust building phase which was cumulative due to the
realism. Now a day’s sovereignty relies on the mercy of increasing strategic cooperation and partnership for resolving border issue,
interdependence of states on each other. Interdependency prolonged people-to-people exchange, economic cooperation and defence deals.
partnerships in prosperity as well as to the diversity. In the destine of These ties and particularly the economic chapter flourish growth in
time India establishing itself with the neo-economic order of free bilateral trade during the years of 1998 and 2012. BJP’s tough stances
market culture in the worldly trade affairs. against China in a different spectrum and the Manmohan Singh
showed strategically some soft skills between relations create
After tentative disturbances in world economic order due many favaourable conditions of world diplomatic immunity towards India. A
reasons which one is the decline of Soviet Union, the era saw the end big sign of bold steps in foreign policy were glimpses after Modi take as
of cold war and Indian version of foreign policy to somewhat the Premier ship of India the first change in foreign policy relates
recalculate on these grounds a changed internal preferences and the availing new objectives to development of economy. India adopted the
external imperatives were pivotal to new economic overlook through new technological development around of 1960’s The NDA II showed
Manmohan Singh with his primer Narsimha Rao and afterward I.K. their a sign of newness in comparison to the policies of predecors A
Gujral and Atal Bihari Vajpayee boldly out sketch the external policy cleanliness drive knowing the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and campaign
for India. A. B Vajpayee were taller leader as far as foreign policy to make India more digitalised, both of which involve the use of
portfolio were concern with an outlined pervious trajectory facing appropriate technology. “Modi’s decision to hark back to Vajpayee’s
perpetual cannonade from colleagues in the BJP and the sartorial along legacy, one hope, is also about restoring the relative autonomy of the
with regional priorities from the partner sin coalition, Vajpayee had government in the making of India’s foreign policy and its diplomatic
prove himself with the tactics in Indian diplomacy along with pressure execution” [23]. “The NDA II government is clearly defining Indian
politics on domestic including regional embargo and confronted interests ‘India First’ in terms of technological and economic
circumferences to relations on grounds to any leader under such development with a greater focus on these goals in foreign policy” [24].
situation, Vajpayee had success to developed new options for India Modi as a initiators to Communications, Water and Energy, as a prime
when he was one of the senior leader to his party said that “history can minister, taking attempts of leaps from the previous NDA, the party
be changes but not the geography” [17]. “The Bhartiya Janta Party BJP and the parent organisation in support known as RSS. A multi
(BJP) believes firmly that the peace, security and progress of this aligning policy by Narendar Modi inculcating the existence as strategic
region lies in friendship with India and Pakistan” [18]. Moreover to tools of the previous one. An assessment of multialignment to strategic
this a peace in the subcontinent apart from particularly China’s base, some futuristic prospect obviously paving ways for the
neighbouring prolonged issues the border conflicts with India already expectations of elite of Indian foreign policy.
had sound strategic sense. The singed agreement during visits of
Indian Prime Ministers Rajiv Gandhi, Narshimha Rao and A.B.
Vajpayee not only helps the border issues in common but also go ahead
to resolve these issues and set a criteria to the economic exchange Apart from above write up the theory, practice and many
across the land borders. India were passed through a safest and smooth dimensions of foreign policy of India in particular is very vast to cover.
proclamation under the Manmohan Singh’s regime, once mentioned A successful mileage of NAM within bipolar world maintaining and
that the Civil Nuclear deal with the US in 2008 become one of his best proving self before the unipolar power is an applaud situation to India.
achievement feathered to Indian foreign policy as a Prime Minister. A third world soft power nation to great/proving power before world
“The India-U.S. nuclear deal is historic” [19]. “As it has profound with a multicultural aspects is like carrying bundles of thronged hard
implications upon two areas of vital importance for India: the energy woods on hand and lap. Not only in the case of India but there are all
deficit and the overarching issue of national security” [20]. In addition most all nations of the world had to melt down, curved in realm of
to this Moscow and Beijing were also worried about the growing dimensions. Foreign Policy is an important subject matter in the study
strategic ties between India and the West [21]. A segment of the of Political Science in general and International relations in particular.
domestic opinion in India is concerned about the preservation of an Especially India has developed its foreign policy based on its history,
independent foreign policy and the ability of the policy makers not to
J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000327
ISSN: 2332-0761
Citation: Viquaruddin M (2018) Changing Dimensions of India’s Foreign Policy. J Pol Sci Pub Aff 6: 327. doi:10.4172/2332-0761.1000327
Page 4 of 4
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J Pol Sci Pub Aff, an open access journal Volume 6 • Issue 3 • 1000327
ISSN: 2332-0761