PREPARE 5 Culture Video Answer Key
PREPARE 5 Culture Video Answer Key
PREPARE 5 Culture Video Answer Key
SHOPPING IN LONDON 02 If you are just passing through London and can’t stay long,
there are now many shops in the bigger train stations. You
1 Begin the activity by asking the students to work in can spend hours shopping in stations such as King’s Cross
groups and discuss the statements. Conduct a brief and Liverpool Street.
whole class feedback session. Also, London’s many airports often have the most popular
shops, so you can buy something from London without
2 02 Ask the students to read the questions quickly even going into the city!
and then watch the video to answer them. Then check Whatever you want – clothes, books, or something
the answers with the whole class. different, London has it all.
7 or 8 with King’s Cross and Liverpool Street as 2 separate places
Oxford Street, Knightsbridge, Covent Garden, Spitalfields in East
London, Portobello Road, King’s Cross and Liverpool Street train 1 Begin the activity by asking the students to work in
stations, airports pairs and answer the questions. Encourage them to
remember anything they learned when they looked at
3 02 Ask the students to read the 8 questions quickly. the Culture section in the Student’s Book.
Then watch the video and ask the students to match the (It is north of the USA, it is the second largest country in the
questions to the photos. Ask the students to check their world by area (Russia is largest), it has mountains, lakes,
answers with their partner. rivers, forests, glaciers and islands.)
Answers 2 Ask the students to work with a partner and match the
1e 2d 3c 4a 5c 6b 7c 8b outdoor activities to the correct definitions. Then ask
them to decide which might be mentioned in the video.
4 This task builds on the language and content covered Check the answers with the class.
in the video and the Student’s Book, Unit 1 and Answers
Culture Section. Put the students into groups. Ask 1f 2e 3h 4g 5j 6a 7i 8d 9b 10c
them to discuss the questions giving reasons for their
choices. Make sure they understand the word bargain
in question 3 – this is when you think the price is too 3 05 Play the video and ask the students to tick which
expensive and you ask for a discount and try to get a activities listed in Exercise 2 were described. Then ask
cheaper price. them to check their answers with their partner.
Video script 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
Shopping in London
London, a city of 11 million, amazing sights, and 4 05 Ask the students to read through the questions
nationalities from all over the world. And where you have quickly. Play the video again and ask the students to
people … you have shopping! But where should you begin? write the answers. You may need to play the video
There are, of course, the most famous shopping areas, like again, pausing in the right places to give the students
Oxford Street, which has thousands of people no matter time to write the answers. Then check the answers with
what day of the week it is. the whole class.
Or Knightsbridge where there are always a lot of people.
Or even Covent Garden where you can shop while listening Answers
1 football, baseball, basketball and ice hockey 2 It’s a large
to local performers.
country; it has areas with very few people 3 Because nature is
But if you’re looking for a different kind of shopping near home. 4 climbing, mountaineering 5 There are roads
experience, why not try some other neighbourhoods? just for biking/cycling. 6 canoeing, kayaking, fishing, whitewater
In recent years, London has changed a lot. One new spot is rafting 7 It’s very far north. 8 All kinds/Everyone
Spitalfields in East London. Spitalfields has existed for a long
time – since the 12th century! It was rebuilt in the 19th century 5 This task builds on the language and content covered in
in honour of Queen Victoria. And in 2005, it was opened again the video and the Culture Section of the Student’s Book.
as a modern market with shops, restaurants, and stands. Put the students into groups. Ask them to discuss the
People come with their products, often handmade. You can questions giving reasons for their choices.
find clothes, belts, handbags, and all kinds of food.
Further west in London, there is another place to explore …
Video script
Portobello Road. It began in the 1960s as a place to sell stuff
Sports in Canada
that you didn’t want anymore. Now you can find both old and
new things. There is so much to look at – posters, delicious Canada is known for its team sports and they are similar to
food… even old teacups. And if you don’t have much money competitive sports in the USA, like football, baseball, and
to spend, you can still find something special. basketball.
But Canada is, of course, most famous for their national 4 08 Ask the students to read through the text and see
sport: ice hockey. Most Canadians grow up either watching if they can complete any of the spaces. Point out that
the sport live on TV or playing it! this text is a summary of the video and the sentences
But Canada has more than team sports. Because it is such are not exactly the same as the ones the students hear.
a large country with areas that have very few people, there Play the video again and ask the students to check their
are many opportunities for outdoor sports. These can answers and complete the text. Then ask them to check
include anything from walking and canoeing to skiing and the answers with a partner before checking with the
snowboarding. whole class.
And since nature is often close to home for many
Canadians, as they just have to walk out their front door, Answers
they tend to be quite active - in the sun or the snow! 1 parks 2 deserts 3 wildlife 4 don’t exist 5 national
6 pouch 7 two/2 8 marsupials 9 meat 10 noises
For people who want some excitement, there’s climbing
and mountaineering. The mountains in Canada are
spectacular. During the summer, the canyons and cliffs of 5 This task builds on the language and content covered in
the Canadian Rockies are a dream for climbers. the video and the culture section of the Student’s Book.
But if you’ve never climbed before, there are plenty of other Put the students into groups of four or six. Ask students
easy hikes. And if you prefer cycling, there are roads just for to discuss the questions giving reasons for their choices.
mountain biking. (Endangered species include certain types of possum,
If you like water sports, the many lakes and rivers of wombat, bat, bird, fish and the koala.)
Canada are perfect spots for canoeing and kayaking.
Friends and families often spend time in the summer on Only in Australia
these lakes. They fish in the nearby rivers and hike the Australia, a place of natural beauty, with many national
paths of the surrounding area. In some parts of Canada, parks, wet rainforests, and huge open spaces from the
there is also good white water rafting. desert to the coastline.
In the winter, the mountains have a different purpose and And, of course, it’s famous for the Great Barrier Reef where
Canadians practice other outdoor sports, such as skiing you can find exotic fish and other ocean life.
and snowboarding. Australia is full of all kinds of wildlife. There are animals
Because their country is so far north and often experiences that live only here and don’t exist in any other place.
extremely cold temperatures, Canadians are used to a lot of In fact, more than 80% of Australia’s wildlife is only found
snow in winter and they know how to live in it. in Australia.
So you can see that while Canada is known for its ice These animals are unique and there are plenty of them.
hockey, other outdoor sports are just as common since To give you an idea, there are more than 300 mammal
everyone can do them. species, 800 bird species and 4,000 fish species. That’s a
Because Canadians have access to so much nature, they lot of fish!
have lots of outdoor activities. In addition to that, there are 300 species of lizards (yes,
What outdoor sport would you do in Canada? lizards). And if you like snakes, there are at least 140 types
of those.
ONLY IN AUSTRALIA 08 Let’s take a look at some of these animals in their natural
1 Begin the activity by asking the students to work in pairs First, the obvious – the kangaroo. The kangaroo appears on
and circle the words in the box they think they will hear Australia’s coat of arms as its national animal. They are part
in the video. Ask them to discuss their choices. of the species called marsupials. They carry their babies in
a pouch – a special part of the body that is like a pocket.
2 08 Ask the students to watch the video and check Sometimes you can see them fighting.
their predictions. Check the answers with the class. Another marsupial is the koala. Unlike kangaroos, koalas
are a little lazy. They are only active for two hours a day!
They eat leaves all day and this gives them all of the liquid
desert, rainforest, ocean, kangaroo, lizard
they need. They don’t drink much water!
The Tasmanian devil is also a marsupial but it’s
3 Ask the students to read the numbers and words carnivorous, which means it eats meat. It gets its name
quickly. Ask them to match the numbers with the words. from the strange noises it makes, especially at night. It
Then play the video again so they can check their sounds like a scary creature but it’s actually quite shy.
answers. There are many other animals, including the wombat, the
emu and the platypus.
And all of these creatures are part of one of the most
1e 2c 3f 4b 5a 6d
amazing places in the world – Australia.
SOCIAL MEDIA DETOX 11 Number two: Remove all social media apps from your
phone and other devices.
1 Begin the activity by asking the students to work in pairs Number three: Block all social media sites from your web
and discuss the questions. browser.
Number four: Replace the time you spent checking social
Make sure they understand the idea of checking for likes or
media with other activities. Play an instrument, hang out
waiting for the next ping.
with your best friend, do something outside!
(Checking for likes, is looking to see if people have clicked
Your social media detox can take three months or more.
the ‘like’ icon by a post or photo.
This is how long it takes to make the dopamine cycle in
The ping, is the noise that is made when you receive a
your brain begin again.
response to a post.)
But if this sounds like too long, try it for at least a week.
2 Ask the students to work with a different partner, if Then maybe one more week. Soon you will find you’re
possible, and discuss the questions. spending real time with your friends again – that is, if your
friends do a social media detox, too – you have more time
3 11 Ask the students to watch the video and check for your studies, and you are probably sleeping better.
their answers to Exercise 2. Check the answers with the After all, if you use your phone as your alarm clock, it’s the
class. first thing you check when you wake up. Maybe it’s time for
an old-fashioned alarm clock – that could be your first step
Answers to your social media detox.
1 A social media detox means stopping all use of all social media for
a set period of time.
2 The results could be better health, more sleep, better friendships. COLLECTORS 15
3 No, some people would find it hard.
1 Begin the activity by asking the students to work in pairs
4 11 Ask the students to read the notes quickly. Play the and discuss the questions.
video again and ask them to complete the notes. Then ask
them to check their answers with their partner. 2 Ask the students to continue working with a partner
and to complete the words to write items that people
Answers collect. Check the answers with the class.
1 school, work, fun 2 studies, friendships, health 3 waits
4 produces / makes 5 good / happy 6 Deactivate 7 Remove Answers
8 Block 9 Replace 10 Buy / Get 1 bracelets 2 stamps 3 aeroplanes 4 records 5 flags
6 plates 7 teddy bears 8 postcards 9 coins 10 fridge magnets
5 This task builds on the language and content covered in
the video and the culture section of the Student’s Book. 3 15 Play the video and ask the students to tick which
Put the students into groups. Ask them to discuss the items in Exercise 2 they hear.
questions giving reasons for their choices.
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
Video script
Social media detox
4 15 Ask the students to read through the questions
Social media has become a part of daily life. quickly. Play the video again and ask the students to
For some people, it’s something they use many times a day answer the questions. Then check the answers with the
and on many different platforms – checking “likes” to their whole class.
posts and waiting for the next “ping”.
They use it for school, for work, and often just for fun. Answers
But is social media controlling us? Have you ever tried not 1 more than two versions of an item 2 (vinyl) records, bracelets, cars,
using it for a day? Or a week? Or longer? If you haven’t, you aeroplanes 3 by chance 4 colour, size, favourites 5 stamps, old
coins, postcards 6 shoes, special figures, film posters, football cards
might be ready for a social media detox. 7 in (breakfast) cereal boxes
Studies show that breaks from social media can improve
your studies, your friendships, and even your own health.
5 This task builds on the language and content covered
So why is it so hard to stop using social media? Think about
in the video and the Culture Section in the Student’s
what happens after you post something and you’re waiting
Book. Put the students into groups. Ask them to
for a reply.
discuss the questions giving reasons for their choices.
Your body is anticipating that “ping”, that “like”, and your
(Plenty of material on Internet if you want to discuss
brain wakes up when it happens. It produces something in
this further. Largest museum collections, unusual
our brain called dopamine and our brain likes it. That’s why
collections - see Guinness Book of World Records, etc.)
you keep checking. And soon you can’t stop.
Here are some things you can do to start a social media detox:
Number one: Deactivate all (yes, all) of your social media
accounts. This will make it more difficult for you to check.
Look around your room. Are you a collector? If you have
more than two versions of the same item, you could be.
So, what do people collect? All kinds of things! From vinyl
records to bracelets, from very little cars to quite big cars …
and even airplanes!
But how does it start? For some people, they became
collectors just by chance. They started with one thing – like
a shell or a comic book, and then they got another one and
another one and soon they were organizing them by colour,
size, and favourites – a sign that they were becoming true
And then after a few months or sometimes years of
collecting, they suddenly realise that they are collectors!
In the old days, many people liked to collect stamps from
different countries and keep them in special books, or old
coins that were often worth a lot of money.
Some people collected postcards from different places
around the world when they travelled or they asked other
people to send them postcards as a memory of the trip.
When travel took longer and was more expensive, this was
one way to feel like a traveller without actually going to
those places.
Nowadays, you can collect almost anything, but some of
the more popular collections include shoes, special figures,
film posters, and, of course, football cards.
These items are sometimes quite expensive, which makes
some of the collections very valuable.
Some cultures actually encourage collecting. More than
fifty years ago, you could collect toys from breakfast cereal
But collecting is not for everyone. Some people prefer to
only keep what they need and nothing more. What about
you? Do you collect anything?