(Asce) 0733-9410 (1983) 109 1
(Asce) 0733-9410 (1983) 109 1
(Asce) 0733-9410 (1983) 109 1
In order to predict the increases in SPT N-values and density, the re-
lation between relative density, confining pressure, and uniformity coef-
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69; yd = in situ dry density; and -ymta = minimum dry density obtained
by ASTM D2049-69.
In order to predict the increased N-values due to pile driving, the in-
crease in density and thus the increase in relative density in the sands
around the driven piles were then estimated. Increase in the relative
density beneath the stack was estimated by accounting for the displace-
ment of sand by the volume of 78 foundation piles supporting the stack.
In this analysis no densification was assumed to result from the vibra-
tory action during pile-driving, although in loose sands such as these,
such densification from vibration is likely to occur.
The diameter of the stack under which the piles were driven at 3.5 ft
(1.1 m) spacings is approximately 40 ft or 12.2 m (see Fig. 1). However,
it is probable that the effect of soil displacement by the piles extended
beyond the soil cylinder immediately below the stack. Past studies by
others (5,6,7,2) have indicated that the densification effects of pile-driv-
ing extend to 3 to 7 pile diameters beyond the pile or group of piles. For
this study, affected soil cylinders with various diameters were evaluated
to assess the influence of the density increase with distance away from
the pile cluster. Diameters chosen correspond to approximately 3, 5, and
8 pile diameters beyond the periphery of the soil cylinder immediately
below the pile cap. The calculations to estimate the density increase re-
sulting from the soil displaced by the 78 piles are summarized in Table
1 where the following parameters were used: D = assumed effective
diameter of soil cylinder in which displacement occurs; V, = total vol-
ume of effective soil cylinder = IID 2 / 4 (for a representative thickness of
1 ft); V = pile volume of 78 piles with average shaft diameter of 11 in.
= (Il(ll/12) 2 /4 x 78 (for unit thickness); Vt - V„ = volume of soil within
cylinder after displacement; Ws = weight of dry soil effective cylinder
Vt X ydi- ydl = initial average dry density of soil (104 pcf, from labo-
ratory and field data); and ydf = final average dry density of soil after
displacement = WS/(V, - Vp).
The calculations shown in Table 1 indicate that the increase over the
inital average dry density of 104 pcf (1.66 g/cm3) varies from 4.4 pcf to
2.3 pcf (0.07 to 0.04 g/cm3) as the assumed diameter of the soil cylinder
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Indian Institute Of Technology Madras on 07/06/23. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.
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maintaining the hole by use of casing and bentonite drilling mud. Sam-
ples were obtained with a standard split spoon driven by a 140-lb ham-
mer falling 30 in., in accordance with common industry practice
Results of the standard penetration tests in these borings are also
shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the measured SFT N-values compare
very well to the predicted N-values. Some of the apparent discrepancies
with predicted N-values may be due to a variety of factors, including
localized soil inhomogeneities, and possible overlapping influences from
nearby driven piles. In Boring 4, for example, a silty sand layer was
encountered at depths of 20 ft to 25 ft (6.1 m to 7.6 m), which may
account for the lower than predicted N-values obtained at these depths.
Occasional thin seams of fine gravel were encountered in all borings
below a depth of about 40 ft (12 m), and may partially explain the higher
than predicted N-values at these depths. In general the predicted values
lie near or are bracketed by the actual measured N-values from Borings
4 and 5.