(Asce) 0733-9410 (1983) 109 1

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By Mysore S. Nataraja,1 M. ASCE, and Barbara E. Cook/ A. M. ASCE


An expression was developed from large-scale laboratory tests by

Marcuson and Bieganousky (3) relating standard penetration test blow
counts (SPT N-values) in sands to relative density (Dr), effective over-
burden pressure (CT„), and overconsolidation ratio (OCR). This relation-
ship was used by Donovan (1) to predict the effects of placement of fill
and driving of displacement piles on SPT AT-values at a site in California.
An updated version of the Marcuson-Bieganousky expression (4) was
used by the writers to predict the increase in blow counts in a sand
deposit in Wisconsin due to driving of displacement piles.
The location under investigation was the site of an existing 50 MW
nuclear reactor on the bank of the Mississippi River near Genoa, Wis-
consin. Fig. 1 shows the structures of interest and their piling plan. The
soil profile contained relatively uniform clean fine to medium sands,
generally in a loose to medium dense condition. Estimates of in situ
density, as evidenced by SPT blow counts, were of interest in that the
site was being analyzed for potential susceptibility to liquefaction under
design earthquake conditions. In commonly-applied empirical methods
of liquefaction analysis (9), SPT N-values at a given site are compared
to those at other sites known to have liquefied or not liquefied under
specified seismic conditions. At the Wisconsin site, blow count data
were available from several borings near the reactor containment vessel
and stack; however, it was suspected that blow counts directly beneath
the structures were significantly higher than in the free-field condition,
due to increased soil density caused by driving of displacement piles for
the foundations. Therefore, it was desirable to account for this increase
in density in a rational manner, assess its effect on blow counts, and
thus quantify, if possible, the reduction in liquefaction potential. The
analysis presented here is of the predicition of increased N-values be-
neath the stack and subsequent verification of predictions.
'Consulting Geotechnical Engr., Gaithersburg, Md. (formerly Sr. Engr., Dames
& Moore, Washington, D.C.)
'Project Engr., Dames & Moore, Washington, D.C.
Note.—Discussion open until June 1, 1983. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Technical and
Professional Publications. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for re-
view and possible publication on January 11, 1982. This paper is part of the Jour-
nal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 109, No. 1, January, 1983. ©ASCE, ISSN
0733-9496/83/0001-0108/$01.00. Proc. No. 17601.


J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113


In order to predict the increases in SPT N-values and density, the re-
lation between relative density, confining pressure, and uniformity coef-
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ficient developed for normally consolidated sands in Ref. 3 was used:

Dr = 11.7 + 0.76 [|222 N + 1,600 - 53a„ - 50 C2U\]1/2 (1)
in which Dr = relative density (percent); N = standard penetration test
blow counts;CT„= vertical effective stress (psi); and C„ = uniformity coef-
ficient. The above relation was applied to calculate relative density of
sands penetrated by three borings (Borings 1, 2, and 3 in Fig. 1). Density
and blow counts in these borings were considered to be relatively un-
affected by pile-driving as each boring was located at least 13 ft (4.0 m)
from the exterior wall of the nearest structure and supporting piles.
From earlier investigations it was known that conditions across the site
were relatively uniform and these calculated relative densities were as-
sumed to represent conditions throughout the site prior to pile-driving.
Relative density values calculated from Eq. 1 were converted to dry
density values by the following equation:


10 0 10

FIG. 1.—Piling Plan


J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113

id U m a x Imin/

in which 7max = maximum dry density of soil obtained by ASTM D2049-

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69; yd = in situ dry density; and -ymta = minimum dry density obtained
by ASTM D2049-69.
In order to predict the increased N-values due to pile driving, the in-
crease in density and thus the increase in relative density in the sands
around the driven piles were then estimated. Increase in the relative
density beneath the stack was estimated by accounting for the displace-
ment of sand by the volume of 78 foundation piles supporting the stack.
In this analysis no densification was assumed to result from the vibra-
tory action during pile-driving, although in loose sands such as these,
such densification from vibration is likely to occur.
The diameter of the stack under which the piles were driven at 3.5 ft
(1.1 m) spacings is approximately 40 ft or 12.2 m (see Fig. 1). However,
it is probable that the effect of soil displacement by the piles extended
beyond the soil cylinder immediately below the stack. Past studies by
others (5,6,7,2) have indicated that the densification effects of pile-driv-
ing extend to 3 to 7 pile diameters beyond the pile or group of piles. For
this study, affected soil cylinders with various diameters were evaluated
to assess the influence of the density increase with distance away from
the pile cluster. Diameters chosen correspond to approximately 3, 5, and
8 pile diameters beyond the periphery of the soil cylinder immediately
below the pile cap. The calculations to estimate the density increase re-
sulting from the soil displaced by the 78 piles are summarized in Table
1 where the following parameters were used: D = assumed effective
diameter of soil cylinder in which displacement occurs; V, = total vol-
ume of effective soil cylinder = IID 2 / 4 (for a representative thickness of
1 ft); V = pile volume of 78 piles with average shaft diameter of 11 in.
= (Il(ll/12) 2 /4 x 78 (for unit thickness); Vt - V„ = volume of soil within
cylinder after displacement; Ws = weight of dry soil effective cylinder
Vt X ydi- ydl = initial average dry density of soil (104 pcf, from labo-
ratory and field data); and ydf = final average dry density of soil after
displacement = WS/(V, - Vp).
The calculations shown in Table 1 indicate that the increase over the
inital average dry density of 104 pcf (1.66 g/cm3) varies from 4.4 pcf to
2.3 pcf (0.07 to 0.04 g/cm3) as the assumed diameter of the soil cylinder

TABLE 1.—Increase in Density Due To Soil Displacement

ydf, in
D, in V„ in Vp, in V, - Vr, in W„ in pounds per
feet cubic feet cubic feet cubic feet pounds cubic foot
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
40 1,257 51 1,206 130,728 108.4
45 1,590 51 1,539 165,360 107.4
50 1,963 51 1,912 204,152 106.8
55 2,376 51 2,325 247,104 106.3
Note: 1 ft = 0.305 m, 1 ft3 = 0.028 m3, 1 lb = 454 g, 1 pcf = 0.016 g/cm 3 .


J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113

20 40 60 80
* ™ — — ^ — = — - 1 ™T ^ 1 f = ) —
T 1 ~T=

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• » # » 0® O© D
• © ®
•®#D© OO 0 0 ( ? ) FINE GRAVEL

•m © •O 0

8:9 SB©
| aaoa

. | | Q 8O O

l 8 D ©-C


FIG. 2-—Initial, Predicted, and Measured N-Values

affected by the soil displacement varies from 40 ft to 55 ft (12.2 to 16.8

m). It is likely that the actual increase resulting from displacement alone
is somewhere in this range; from these calculations an average density
increase of 3 pcf (0.05 g/cm3) was assumed. With this increase in density
of 3 pcf (0.05 g/cm3) at every depth, increased values of Dr were cal-
culated using the relationship among yd, ymin, and 7max.
The changes in density and changes in lateral stress conditions due
to the pile-driving were then applied to estimate the increase in N-val-
ues. At-rest earth pressure coefficients were chosen as equal to 1.0, a
conservative assumption in this case because of the close spacing of the
piles (3.5 ft or 1.1 m on center). The increased K0 value corresponds to
an OCR of approximately 4, according to conservative interpretation of
data presented in literature (8,10,11).
The changed parameters were applied in an equation developed from
tests on overconsolidated sands (4), in order to back figure increased N-
Dr = 12.2 + 0.75 [|222 N + 2,311 - 711 (OCR) - 536\, - 50 C?u\f (3)
Predicted (increased) blow counts based on values from each of the
three free-field borings (Borings 1, 2, and 3) are shown in Fig. 2. Also
shown are the free-field blow counts from Borings 1, 2, and 3.


In an attempt to verify the predictions made using the above ap-


J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113

proach, two additional borings were drilled in locations shown in Fig.
1. Borings 4 and 5 were drilled as close as possible to the exterior walls
of the stack, on opposite sides, and within the influence of the existing
driven piles. The borings were advanced by the rotary wash method,
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maintaining the hole by use of casing and bentonite drilling mud. Sam-
ples were obtained with a standard split spoon driven by a 140-lb ham-
mer falling 30 in., in accordance with common industry practice
Results of the standard penetration tests in these borings are also
shown in Fig. 2. It can be seen that the measured SFT N-values compare
very well to the predicted N-values. Some of the apparent discrepancies
with predicted N-values may be due to a variety of factors, including
localized soil inhomogeneities, and possible overlapping influences from
nearby driven piles. In Boring 4, for example, a silty sand layer was
encountered at depths of 20 ft to 25 ft (6.1 m to 7.6 m), which may
account for the lower than predicted N-values obtained at these depths.
Occasional thin seams of fine gravel were encountered in all borings
below a depth of about 40 ft (12 m), and may partially explain the higher
than predicted N-values at these depths. In general the predicted values
lie near or are bracketed by the actual measured N-values from Borings
4 and 5.


Equations developed in the literature to relate relative density to SPT

N-values and certain other soil parameters such as effective stress, uni-
formity coefficient, and overconsolidation ratio were used to predict the
increase in SPT N-values resulting from increased density due to dis-
placement piles. Verification of the predicted N-values was made by ac-
tual SPT N-value measurements and reasonable agreement was ob-
served between predicted and measured N-values. It was concluded that
this method was successful in predicting increased N-values at this site,
and may have value as a tool for predicting the general increase in N-
values due to compaction piles in similar sandy soils at other sites.


The writers wish to thank Richard E. Shimshak, Plant Superintendent,

LaCrosse Boiling Water Reactor, Genoa, Wisconsin (Dairyland Power
Cooperative) for his permission to publish the results of their work per-
formed at the plant site.


1. Donovan, N. C, "What is the Value of a Successful Prediction?" Proceedings

of Third International Conference of Applications of Statistics and Probability in Soi
Mechanics and Structural Engineering, 1979, pp. 816-825.
2. Kishida, H., "Utimate Bearing Capacity of Piles Driven into Loose Sand,"
Soil and Foundation, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1967, pp. 20-29.
3. Marcuson, W. F., and Bieganousky, W. A., "Laboratory Standard Penetra-
tion Tests on Fine Sands," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division,
ASCE, Vol. 103, No. GT6, Proc. Paper 12987, June, 1977, pp. 563-588.
4. Marcuson, W. F., and Bieganousky, W. A., "SPT and Relative Density in

J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113

Coarse Sands," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.
103, No. GT11, Proc. Paper 13350, Nov., 1977, pp. 1295-1309.
5. Meyerhof, G. G., "Compaction of Sands and Bearing Capacity of Piles," Jour-
nal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 85,
No. SM6, Proc. Paper 2292, June, 1959, pp. 1-29.
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by Indian Institute Of Technology Madras on 07/06/23. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

6. Philcox, K. T., "Some Recent Developments in the Design of High Buildings

in Hong Kong," Structural Engineer, Vol. 40, Oct., 1962, pp. 303-323.
7. Robirisky, E. I., and Morrison, C.E., "Sand Displacement and Compaction
Around Model Friction Piles," Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2,
1964, p. 81.
8. Schmertmann, J. S., "Measurement of In Situ Shear Strength," Proceedings
of the Conference of In Situ Measurement of Soil Properties, Specialty Conference
of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. II, June, 1975, pp. 57-
9. Seed, H. B., "Soil Liquefaction and Cyclic Mobility Evaluation for Level
Ground During Earthquakes," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division,
ASCE, Vol. 105, No. GT2, Proc. Paper 14380, Feb., 1979, pp. 201-255.
10. Seed, H. B., and Peacock, W. H., "Test Procedures for Measuring Soil Liq-
uefaction Characteristics," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Divi-
sion, ASCE, Vol. 97, No. SM8, Proc. Paper 8330, Aug., 1971, pp. 1099-1119.
11. Sherif, M. A., Ishibashi, I. D., and Ryden, D- E., "Coefficient of Lateral Earth
Pressure at Rest," Soil Engineering Report No. 9, University of Washington,
Seattle, Wash., 1974.


By Roland Pusch 1


Despite the fact that considerable information o n rock structure a n d

composition can be gained t h r o u g h g r o u n d surface geophysical inves-
tigations in the search for suitable sites for nuclear waste repositories o n
land, boreholes for core examination a n d in situ logging have to b e m a d e
as well. Some of the tunnels or excavations i n t e n d e d for the waste stor-
age in such an area are likely to truncate certain holes, which thereby
form short circuits between the waste packages a n d the biosphere. It is
therefore required to seal off, effectively, all boreholes drilled as part of
such site investigations. Traditional m e t h o d s based on the use of cement
compounds are hardly suitable since the applications of such sealings
^rof., Div. of Soil Mechanics, Univ. of Lulea, S-951 87 Lulea, Sweden.
Note.—Discussion open until June 1, 1983. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Technical and
Professional Publications. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for re-
view and possible publication on January 27, 1982. This paper is part of the Jour-
nal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 109, No. 1, January, 1983. ©ASCE, ISSN
0733-9496/83/0001-0113/$01.00. Proc. No. 17601.


J. Geotech. Engrg., 1983, 109(1): 108-113

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