Atmoic Structure 11th

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Atomic Structure

MODULE-5 8. Electromagnetic radiation having   310 A
is subjected to a metal sheet having work
SINGLE ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS function=12.8 eV. What will be the velocity of
1. Rutherford’s experiment, which established photo-electrons having maximum kinetic
the nuclear model of the atom, used a beam of energy.
A)  -particles, which impinged on a metal foil and A) 0, no emission will occur B) 4.352  106 m / s
got absorbed C) 3.09  106 m / s D) 8.72  106 m / s
B)  -rays, which impinged on a metal foil and
9. The ratio of slopes of Kmaxvs.  and V0 vs. 
ejected electrons
curves in the photoelectric effect gives
C) Helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil
(  =frequency, kmax=maximum kinetic energy,,
and got scattered
V0=stopping potential):
D) Helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil
A) Charge of electron B) Planck’s constant
and got scattered
C) Work function
2. One quantum is absorbed per molecule of
D) The ratio of Planck’s constant of electronic charge
gaseous iodine for converting into iodine
atoms. If light absorbed has wavelength of 10. Photoelectron emission is observed for three
different metals A,B and C. The kinetic energy
5000A 0 , The energy required in kJ mol is of the fastest photoelectrons versus frequency
A) 139 B) 239 C) 23.9 D) 60 ‘ ’ is plotted for each metal. Which of the
3. A near ultraviolet photon of 300nm is absorbed following graph shows the phenomenon
by a gas and then reemitted as two photons. correctly?
One photon is red with wavelength 760nm. The
wavelength of the second photon is ( in nm)
A) 49.6 B) 496 C) 24.48 D) 99.2
4. When the frequency of light incident on a
metallic plate is doubled, the KE of the emitted
photoelectron will be;
A) Doubled B) Halved
C) Increased but more than doubled of the C) D)

previous KE
D)Remains unchanged
11. The given diagram indicates the energy levels
5. If 10–17 J of light energy is needed by the
of a certain atom. When system moves from
interior of human eye to see an object. The
photons of green light (   550nm ) needed to 2E level to E level, a photon of wavelength 
see the object are is emitted. The wavelength of photon produced
A) 27 B) 28 C) 29 D) 30 4E
6. A 1-kW radio transmitter operates at a during the transition form to E level is is:
frequency of 880 Hz. How many photons per
second does it emit?
A) 1.71  1021 B) 1.71  1030
C)6.02  10 D) 1.71  1033
7. Which of the following relates to photons both
as wave motion and as a stream of particles?
A) Inference B) E  mc 2
C) Diffraction D) E  h
 3 4 20. The distance between 4th and 3rd Bohr orbits
A) B) C) D) 3 of He+is:
3 4 3
A) 2.645x10-10m B) 1.322x10-10m
12. Which of the following postulates does not -10
belong to Bohr’s model of the atom? C) 1.851x10 m D) 6.8x10-10m
21. The ratio of velocity of the electron in the third
h and fifth orbit of Li2+ would be:
A) Angular momentum is an integral multiple of
2 A) 3:5 B) 5:3 C) 25:9 D) 9:25
B) The electron stationed in the orbit is stable 22. If in Bohr’s model, for unielectronic atom, time
C) The path of an electron is circular period of revolution is represented as
D) The change in the energy levels of electron is T n,zwhere n represents shell no. and Z
continuous represents atomic number then the value of
13. The mass of an electron is m,charge is e and it T1,2:T2,1 will be:
is accelerated from rest through a potential A) 8:1 B) 1:8 C) 1:1 D) 1:32
difference of V volts. The velocity acquired 23. The ionization potential for the electron in the
by electron will be ground state of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV
atom -1 . What would be the ionization
2eV eV V eV
A) B) C) D) potential for the electron inthe first exceited
m m m 2m state of Li2+?
14. In two individual hydrogen atoms electrons A) 3.4 eV B) 10.2 eV C) 30.6 eV D) 6.8 eV
move around the nucleus in circular orbits of 24. The mass of a proton is 1836 times more than
radii R and 4R. The ratio of the time taken by the mass of an electron. If a sub-atomic particle
them to complete one revolution is: of mass (m!) 207 times the mass of electron is
A)1 : 4 B)4 : 1 C)1 : 8 D) 8 : 7 captured by the nucleus, then the first
15 The difference in angular momentum ionization potential of H:
associated with the electron in two successive A) decreases B) increases
orbits of hydrogen atoms is C) remains same
h h h h D) may be decrease or increase
A) B) C) D) (n  1) 25. The energy of an electron moving in nth Bohr’s
 2 2 2
 13.6 2
16. The ionization energy of a hydrogen atom in orbit of an element is given by E n  Z
terms of Rydberg constant (RH) is given by
eV/atom (Z=atomic number). The graph of E
the expression
Vs . Z2 (keeping “n’ constant will be:
A) RHhc B)RHc C) 2RHhc D)RHhcNA
17. If the wavelength of series limit of Lyman Z
series for He+ ion is x A , then what will be the E

wavelength of series limit of Balmer series for A) B)

Li2+ ion? E

9x 0 16x 0 5x 0 4x 0
A) A B) A C) A D) A Z

4 9 4 9
18. The potential energy of an electron in the
hydrogen atom is -6.8 eV. Indicate in which
excited state, the electron is present? E E
A) first B) second C) third D) fourth
C) D)
19. What is the potential energy of an electron
present in N-shell of the Be3+?
A) -3.4 eV B) -6.8 eV Z
2 2
C) -13.6eV D) -27.2 eV 26. Potential energy of electron present in He+ is:
34. Let U1 be the frequency of the series limit of
e2 3e 2
A) B) the Lyman series, u2 be the frequency of the
2 0 r 4 0 r first line of the Lyman series , and u3 be the
frequency of the series limit of the Balmer
2e 2 e 2 series, then
C) D)
4 0 r 40 r 2
A) u1  u 2  u 3 B) u 2  u1  u 3
27. The velocity of an e- in excited state of H-atom
is 1.093  106 m / s . What is the circumference 1
C) u 3   u1  u 3  D) u1  u 2  u 3
of this orbit? 2
A) 3.32 1010 m B) 6.64  10 10 m 35. If the following matter waves travel with equal
C) 13.30 10 10 m D) 13.28  10 8 m velocity, the longest wavelength is that of a/an.
28. The energy of a I, II and III energy levels of a A)electron B)proton C)neutron D)particle
4E 36. If 1 and  2 denote the de-Broglie wavelength
certain atom are E, and 2E respectively..
3 of two particles with same masses but charges
A photon of wavelength  is emitted during a in the ratio of 1 : 2 after they are accelerated
transition from III to I. What will be the from rest through the same potential
wavelength of emission for II to I? difference, then
 A) 1   2 B) 1   2
A) B)  C) 2 D) 3
29. The angular momentum of an electron in C) 1   2 D) 1  2 .
hydrogen atom is proportional to
37. An electron in a H-like atom is in an excited
1 1 state. It has a total energy of –3.4 eV, calculate
A) r B) C) r 2 D)
r r the de-Broglie’s wavelength?
30. The number of revolutions made by electron A)66.5Å B)6.66Å C)60.6Å D)6.06Å
in Bohr’s 2nd orbit of hydrogen atom is
38. The stationary Bohr’s orbit can be readily
A) 6.55  1015 B) 8.2  1014 explained on the basis of wave nature of
C) 1.64  1015 D) 2.62  106 electron if it is assumed that
31. Ratio of frequency of revolution of electron in A) Wave in any of the orbits is the stationary wave
the 2nd excited state of He+ and 2nd state of
hydrogen is: B) The position of maxima and minima of wave
does not change with time
32 27 1 27
A) B) C) D) C) The length of the circular orbit must be an integral
27 32 54 2 multiple of the wavelength
32. A proton is accelerated from rest through a D) wave in any of the orbit is not stationary wave
potential difference of ‘V’ volts has a
wavelenght  associated with it. An alpha 39. Consider the following statements regarding
particle in order to have the same wavelength Sommerfeld’s model. Select the correct
must be accelerated from rest through a statement/s.
potential difference of A) Around the nucleus, some of the paths are
V elliptical and others are circular
A) V volt B) 4V volt C) 2V volt D) volt B) When an electron revolves around the nucleus
33. If the 2nd excitation potential for a Hydrogen in a circullar path, the angle of rotation is changed.
like atom in a sample is 108.9V. Then the series C) Both, angle of rotation and distance from the
limit of the paschen series for this atom is: nucleus, are changed when an electron revolves in
RH 32 RH an elliptical path.
A) RH B) C) D) 32 R H
32 42 D) All are correct
40. The mass of a particle is 10 10 g and its radius
is 2  10 4 cm . If its velocity is 106 cm sec1 A) 4 B) 2 C) 8 D)
with 0.0001% uncertainty in measurement, 44. The ratio of orbital angular momentum and
the uncertainty in its position is : spin angular momentum of an electron in ‘p’
A) 5.2  10 8 m B) 5.2  10 7 m orbital is

C) 5.2  10 6 m D) 5.2  109 3 3 2 2 2

A) B) C) D)
41. Which of the following graphs correctly 2 2 3 3
represents the variation of particle momentum 45. Probability of finding the electron ψ 2 of ‘s’
with associated de Broglie wavelength? orbital does not depend upon
A) distance from the nucleus (r)
B) energy of ‘s’ orbital
p C) principal quantum number
A) B) p D) azimuthal quantum number
46. The orbital angular momentum of an electron
in 2s-orbital is
h h 2h
A) B) zero C) D)
4 2 2
47. The subshell that arises after f is called the g
C) p D) subshell. How many electrons may occupy the
g subshell?
A) 9 B) 7 C) 5 D) 18
48. The quantum numbers of most energetic
42. de Broglie wavelengths of two particles A and electron in Ar atom when it is in first excited
state is
 1 
B are plotted against   : where V is the A)2, 1, 0,  1/2 B)4, 1, 1,  ½
 V C)4, 0, 0,  1/2 D)4, 1, 0,  1/2
applied potential on the particles. Which of the 49. For a ‘d’ electron, the orbital angular
following relations is correct about the mass  h 
of the particles? momentum is    
 2 
B A) 6 B) 2 C)  D) 2
A) m A  m B A 50. The quantum numbers +1/2 and 1/ 2 for the
electron spin represent
A) Rotation of the electron in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction respectively
B) Rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and
v clockwise direction respectively
C) Magnetic moment of the electron pointing up
B) m A  m B and down respectively
C) m A  m B D) Two quantum mechanical spin states which have
no classical analogue
D) m A  m B 51. The schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen
43. A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated 3
through the same potential difference. The 1  1  2 r   a 0

atom is 2s     2  e
ratio of the wavelenghts associated with the 4 2  a 0   a0 
proton to that associated with the alpha
particle is
where a 0 is Bohr’s radius. If the radial node in 2s 58. The orbital diagram in which both the Pauli’s
be at r0, then r0 would be equal to: exclusion principle and Hund’s rule are
a0 a0 violated,is:
A) B) 2a 0 C) 2a 0 D)
2 2 A) B)
52. For a ‘f ’ electron the orbital angular
momentum is
C) D)
h h h h
   
59. When alpha particles are sent through a thin
53. If 0.53 A is Bohr’s radius for the first orbit. It metal foil, most of them go straight through
suggest in the light of the wave mechanical the foil because:
model that A) alpha particles are much heavier than electrons
B) alpha particles are positively charged
A) the product of  2 and 4r 2 dr increase till it C) most part of the atom is empty space
0 D) alpha particle move with high velocity
reaches at the distance of 0.53 A
60. Many elements have non-integral atomic
B) only  2 goes on increasing, 4r 2 dr remains masses because
A) they have isotopes
constant till it reaches at the distance of 0.53 A B) their isotopes have non-integral masses
C) their isotopes have different masses
C)  2 goes on increasing , 4r 2 dr goes on D) the cosstituents, neutrons, protons and electrons
0 combine to give fractional masses
decreasing till it reaches at the distance of 0.53 A
61. Which statement about cathode rays is
D) only 4r 2 dr goes on increasing ,  2 remains correct?
A) They travel in straight lines towards cathode
constant till it reaches at the distance of 0.53 A B) They produce fluorescent discharge through the
54. Magnetic moments of V(Z = 23), Cr(Z = 24), walls of the tube
Mn(Z = 25) are x, y, z. Hence: C) They produce heating effect
D) They can affect photographic plate
A) x = y = z B) x < y < z
62. Which statements concerning Bohr’s model
C) x < z < y D) z < y < x are true?
55. The value of the magnetic moment of a particular A) Predicts that probability of electron near nucleus
ion is 2.83 Bohr magneton. The ion is is more
A) Fe2+ B) Ni2+ C) Mn2+ D) Co3+ nh
56. If the nitrogen atom has electronic B) Angular momentum of electron in H-atom =
configuration 1s7, it would have energy lower C) Introduces the idea of stationary states
than that of the normal ground state D) Explain line spectrum of hydrogen
configuration 1s22s22p3 because the electrons 63. In Rutherford’s gold foil experiment, the
would be closer to the nucleus. Yet 1s7 is not scattering of  -particles takes place. In this
observed because it violates process:
A) Heisenberg uncertainty principle A) coulombic force is involved
B) Hund’s rule B) nuclear force is involved
C) Pauli exclusion principle C) path of  -particle is parabolic
D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits D) path of  -particle is hyperbolic
57. If the subsidiary quantum number of a 64. Choose the correct statement(s) regarding the
photo-electric effect.
subenergy level is 4, the maximum and
A) No electrons are ejected, regardless of the
minimum values of the spin multiplicites are : intensity of the radiation, unless the frequency
A) 9,1 B) 10,1 C) 10,2 D) 4,-4 exceeds a thershold value characteristic of the metal
B) The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons varies
C) 3d x 2  y2 orbital has two angular nodes and one
linearly with the frequency of the incident radiation
and its intensity radial node.
C) Even at low intensities, electrons are ejected D) yz and xz planes are nodal planes for d xy orbital
immediately if the frequency is above the threshold 72. Choose the correct statement(s):
D) An intense and a weak beam of monochromatic A) Heisenberg’s principle is applicable to stationary e 
radiations differ in having number of photons and B) Pauli’s exclusion principle is not applicable to
not in the energy of photons photons
65. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit C) For an e  , the product of velocity and principal
of H atom is 13.6eV . The possible energy quantum number will be independent of principal
value(s) of the excited state(s) for electrons quantum bumber
in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is/are D) Quantum number l and m determine the value
A) 3.4 eV B) 4.2 eV C) 6.8eV D) 6.8eV of angular wave function
66. In which of the following conditions the de 73. Select the correct statements about the wave
Broglie wavelength of particle A will be less function  .
A)  must be real
than that of partilce B  m A  m B  ?
B)  must be single valued, continuous
A) Linear momentum of these particles are same C)  has no physical significance
B) Move with same speed
C) Move with same kinetic energy D)  2 gives the probability of finding the electrons
D) have fallen through same height 74. Which of the following is/are correct energy
67. Which of the following quantum numbers is/ order for H-atom?
are not allowed? A) 1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p
A) n  3, l  2,m  0 B) n  2, l  2, m  1 B) 1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p
C) 1s < 2p < 3d < 4s
C) n  3, l  0, m  1 D) n  5, l  2, m  1 D) 1s < 2s < 4s < 3d
68. Which represent a possible arrangement ? 75. Ground state electronic configuration of
n  m s nitrogen atom can be represented by
A) 3 2 –2  1/2
B) 4 0 0  1/2 A)
C) 3 2 –3  1/2
D) 5 3 0 B)
 1/2
69. The probability of finding the electron in px-
orbital is
A) maximum on two opposite sides of the nucleus D)
along x-axis
B) zero at the nucleus ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS
C) same on all the sides around the nucleus A) If both the statement are TRUE and
D) zero on the z-axis STATEMENT -2 is the correct explanation of
70. ‘g’ sublevel is possible if STATEMENT -1
A) n = 5, l  4 B) If both the statements are TRUE but
B) It will have 18 electrons STATEMENT-2 is NOT the correct explanation of
C) Sublevel will have 9 orbitals STATEMENT-1
D) It will have 22 electrons C) If STATEMENT-1 is TRUE and STATEMENT-2
71. Choose the correct statement(s): is FALSE
A) For a particular orbital in hydrogen atom, the D) If STATEMENT-1 is FALSE and STATEMENT-2
wave function may have negative value is TRUE
B) Radial probability distribution function may have 76. Statement- 1 : The kinetic energy of photo-
zero value but can never have negative value electrons increases with increase in frequency of
incident light where    0 .
Statement - 2: Whenever intensity of light is 81. If proton in H-nucleus be replaced by positron
increased the number of photo-electron ejected having the same mass as that of electron but
always increases. same charge as that of proton, then
77. Statement -1: Half -filled and fully-filled degenerate considering the nuclear motion, the
orbitals are more stable wavenumber of the lowest energy transition
Statement - 2: Extra stability is due to the of He+ ion in Lyman series will be equal to
symmetrical distribution of electrons and exchange A)2 RH B)3 RH C)4 RH D)RH
energy PASSAGE-2
78. Statement -1: The ground state configuration of A german physicist gave a principle about the
Cr is 3d 5 4s1 uncertainties in simultaneous measurement of
Statement - 2: A set of half-filled orbitals containing position
one electrons each with their spin parallel provides and momentum of small particles. According
to that physicist. It is impossible to measure
extra stability.
simultaneously the position and momentum of
small particle with absolute accuracy or
For hydrogen orbital energy increases as 1s < 2s certainty. If an attempt is made to measure
< 2p < 3s < 3p < 3d < 4s < 4p … any one of these two quantities with higher
STATEMENT-2 accuracy , the other becomes less accurate.
The orbital with lower (n +  ) value has lesser
energy and hence filled up first. The product of the uncertainty in position  x 
COMPREHENSION TYPE QUESTIONS and uncertainty momentum  p  is always
constant and is equal to or greater than h / 4 ,
For a single electron atom or ion the wave
number of radiation emitted during the h
where h is Planck’s constant i.e.  x  p  
transition of electron from a higher energy 4
state (n = n2) to a lower energy state (n = n1) is 82. If uncertainty in position is twice the
given by the expression: uncertainty in momentum, then uncertainty in
velocity is
1  1 1 
   R H .z 2  2  2  … (1)
  n1 n2  h 1 h 1 1 h
A) B) C) h D)
 2m  2m 2 2m 
2 2m k 2e4
where R H  = Rydberg constant for 83. The uncertainty in position of an electron
h 3c
H-atom m  9.1 10 28

gm moving with a velocity
where the terms have their usual meanings.
Considering the nuclear motion, the most 3  104 cm / s accurate upto 0.001% will be
A) 3.84 cm B)1.92 cm C)7.68 cm D)5.76 cm
accurate expression would have been to 84. If uncertainty in the position of an electron is
replace mass of electron (m) by the reduced zero , the uncertainty in its momentum would be
mass (  ) in the above expression, defined as A) zero B)  h / 4 C)  h / 4 D)Infinite
m.m 85. If uncertainty in momentum is twice the
m  m uncertainty in position of an electron then
where m' = mass of nucleus  h 
For Lyman series : n1 = 1 (fixed for all the uncertainty in velocity is:  h 
 2  
lines) while n2 = 2, 3, 4, … for successive lines
i.e. 1 st, 2 nd, 3rd … lines, respectively. For 1 h 1 1
A) h B) C) h D) h
Balmer series : n1 = 2 (fixed for all the lines) 2m 4m 4m m
while n2 = 3, 4, 5 … for successive lines. PASSAGE-3
80. The ratio of the wave numbers for the highest In the Rutherford’s experiment, -particles
energy transition of e– in Lyman and Balmer were bombarded towards the copper atoms so
series of H-atom is: as to arrive a distance of 10-13 metre from the
A)4 : 1 B)6 : 1 C)9 : 1 D)3 : 1 nucleus of copper and then getting either
deflected or traversing back. The -particles
h  h 
did not move further closer C) 12 D) 20  
86. The velocity of the -particles must be 2  2 
A) 8.32  108 cm / sec B) 6.32  108 cm / sec PASSAGE-5
The sum of spins of all the electrons is the
C) 6.32  108 m / sec D) 6.32  108 km / sec
total spin(S) and (2S + 1) is called spin
87. From Rutherford’s -particle scattering, it can
multiplicity of the electronic configuration.
be concluded that
Hund’s rule defines the ground state
  1 configuration of electrons in degenerate
A) N sin    B) N 
 2 sin 4  orbitals i.e., orbitals within the same sub-shell
which have the same values of n and l , states
1 
C) N 4 D) N  sin that in degenerate orbitals pairing of electrons
sin ( / 2) 2 does not occur unless and until all such orbitals
88. It can also be concluded that the electrostatic are filled singly with their parallel spin. A
potential energy is equal to spinning electron behaves as though it were a
1 q1q2 1 5Ze 2 tiny bar magnet with poles lying on the axis of
A) 4 r B) spin. The magnetic moment of any atom, ion
0 4 0 mv 2
or molecule due to spin called spin-only
Ze 2 magnetic moment (ms) is given by the formula.
C) D) mv 2
r  s  n  n  2  B.M
PASSAGE-4 where n = number of unpaired electron(s)
h 90. The spin-only magnetic moment of Cr3+ ?
L      1
2 A) 3 B.M. B) 8 B.M. C) 15 B.M. D)Zero
On the other hand, m determines Z- 91. The spin-multiplicity of Fe3+ (Ec=[Ar]3d5) in
component of orbital angular momentum as its ground state
 h  A)6 B)2 C)3 D)4
Lz  m  
Hund’s rule states that in degenerate orbitals 92. Spin multiplicity of Nitrogen atom is
electron s do not pair up unless and until each 93. The work function    of some metals is listed
such orbital has got an electron with parallel spins. below. The number of metals which will show
Besides orbital motion, an electron also photoelectric effect when light of 300 nm
possess spin -motion. Spin may be clockwise
wavelenght falls on the metal is (2011)
and anti-clockwise. Both thes spin motions are
called two spin states of electron characterised
1 1
by spin. s   and s   respectively.. 94. Difference between nth and (n + 1)th Bohr’s
2 2
88. The orbital angular momentum of electron radius of H atom is equal to it’s (n – 1)th Bohr’s
radius. The value of n is
   1 makes an angle of 450 from Z-axis. 95. A single electron system has ionisation energy
The LZ of electron will be 11180 KJ mole-1. The number of protons in the
 h   h  h  h  nucleus of the system is ...
A) 2  2   B) 0   C) D) 3   96. The number of spectral lines produced when
   2  2  2 
an electron jumps from 5th orbit to 2nd orbit in
89. An orbital has n=5 and its  value is the
the hydrogen atom is.
maximum possible. The orbital angular
momentum of the electron in this orbital will be 97. In an collection of H-atoms , all the electrons
jump form n=5 to ground level finally (directly
h h or indirectly), without emitting any line in
A) 2 B) 6
2 2
Balmer series. The number of possible C) Bohr model of atom r) Positive charge is
different radiations is: accumulated
98. In a single isolated atom an electron make in the nucleus
transition from 5th excited state to 2nd state D) Sommerfeld model s) Uniform sphere of of
then maximum number of different types of atom positive charge with
photons observed is embeded electrons
110. Column I Column II
99. The number of waves made by a Bohr electron
in Hydrogen atom in one complete revolution A) Radial function ( r ) p) Principle Q.No.
in the 3rd orbit is. B) Angular function ( ) q) Azimuthal Q.No.
100. The minimum number of waves made by an
C) Angular function ( ) r) Magnetic Q.No
electron moving in an orbit having maximum
D) Quantized angular
magnetic quantum number +3 is.
momentum s) Spin Q.No
101. The wave function of an orbital is represented t) Shape of orbital
as  4,2,0 . The azimuthal quantum number of 111. Column- I Column- II
that orbital is A) Radius of nth orbit p) Inversely
102. The radial distribution curve of the -orbital with proportional to z
double dumbbell shape in the 4th principle shell h
consists of ‘n’ nodes, n is B) Energy of nth orbit q) Integral multiple of 2
103. A compound of vanadium possesses a
C) Velocity of electron r) Proportional to
magnetic moment of 1.73 BM. the oxidation 10-10m in the nth orbit
state of vanadium in this compounds is:
D) Angular momentum s) Inversely
104. Magnetic moment of M x  is 24BM . The proportional to n
number of unpaired electrons in M x  is. t) Inversely
105. How many d – electrons in Cu  ( At.No  29) proportional to n 2
 1 112. Column- I Column- II
can have the spin quantum    ? (Phenomenon related (Character of the
2 
electron) electron)
106. The maximum number of electrons can have
pricipal quantum number n = 3 and spin A) Working of electron p) Wave nature
1 microscope
quantum number Mz   is (2011) B) Photoelectric effect q) Particle nature
107. One mole of photons, each of frequency 250 C) Diffraction r) Particle nature
sec-1 would have approximately a total energy dominates the wave
in ergs nature
MATRIX MATCHING TYPE QUESTIONS D) Scintillation s) Wave nature
108. Column I Column II dominates the particle
A)  310 p) 5 f
113. Column I Column II
B)  120 q) 3 px or 3 p y A) 2p orbital p) Number of
C)  530 r) 3 pz spherical nodes =0
B) 3d orbital q) Number of nodal
D)  311 s) impossible plane =0
109. Column I Column II C) 2s orbital r) Orbital angular
A) Thomson model p) Electrons are momentum number =0
of atom present in extra
D) 4f orbital s) Azimuthal quantum
nuclear region
B) Rutherford model q) Atom is electrically of
atom neutral 114. Column I Column II
h 6.02x1023 x6.626x1034 x3x108
A) Orbital angular p) s  s  1 
momentum of an electron
 239.3x103 J mol1  239.3 kJ mol1
B) Angular momentum q) n  n  2 3. E total  E1  E 2  Emitted energy
of an electron in an orbit hc hc hc 1 1 1
  ;  
nh  1  2 300 760  2
C) Spin angular r)
2 1  1 1  1 760  300
momentum of an electron    ;   760x300
 2  300 760  2
h  2 = wavelength of the second photon = 496nm.
D) Magnetic moment s)     1
4. h =h 0 +KE , threshold frequency of metal is
of atom
MODULE-5 KEY 5. E  n.

1) D 2) B 3) B 4) C 5) B 6) D
7) D 8) C 9) A 10) C 11) D 12) D hc
6. E  n. (1kW =1000J)
13) A 14) C 15) B 16) A 17) B 18) A 
19) D 20) C 21) B 22) D 23) C 24) B 7. Plank’s quantum theory
25) B 26) C 27) C 28) D 29) A 30) B hc 1
31) A 32) D 33) A 34) A 35) A 36) C 8.    mv 2
37) B 38) C 39) D 40) A 41) D 42) B  2
43) C 44) C 45) D 46) B 47) D 48) C 9. KE  h  h 0 ; eV0  h  h 0
49) A 50) D 51) B 52) C 53) A 54) C
55) B 56) C 57) B 58) D 59) A,C h
60) A,C 61) B,C,D 62) B,C,D ratio of slopes =  h / e   e
63) A,D 64) A,C,D 65) A 10. Different metals have different work function ie
66) B,D 67) B,C 68) A,B,D
different threshold frequencies
69) A,B,D 70) A,B,C 71) A,B,D
72)B,C,D 73) A,B,C,D 74) B,C hc
11. 2E  E  E 
75) A,D 76) B 77) A 78) A 79) D 
80) A 81) B 82) D 83) B 84) D 85) D
4 E
86) B 87) C 88) C 89) D 90) C 91) A E   ?  New wave length = 3
92) 4 93) 4 94) 4 95) 4 96) 6 97) 7 3 3
98) 4 99) 3 100)4 101)2 102)1 103)4 12. Bohr’s concept
104)4 105)5 106)9 107)1 1
108) A-r; B-s; C-p; D-q 13. v ;  vn  cons tan t
109) A-q,s; B-p,q,r; C-p,q,r; D-p,q,r
110) A-p,q; B-q,t; C-r,t; D-q,s 3 T1 n13
111) A-p,r; B-r,t; C-s; D-q 14. Tn   Where n1  1, n 2  2
T2 n 32
112) A-p,s; B-q,r; C-p; D-q
113) A-p; B-p; C-q,r,s; D-p nh
114) A-s; B-r; C-p; D-q 15. mvr 
MODULE-5 HINTS 16. IE   E1     R H ch   R H ch

1. It is Rutherford  - scatering experiment  1 1 1

17.     2  2  R H .z 2
N hc   n1 n 2 
2. E  N 0 hv  0
 18. PE=2(T.E)

 13  Z2 
19. PE  2  T.E   2 2   
 n 
n2 3
20. rn ,z  0.529 
Z 2
n3 n3 Z2 1
21. Tn,z  2 22. Tn ,z  2 23. I.E 2
z z n h
2 4 2 35.  
2 4e .K mv
24. I.E  R H .ch ; R H 
Ch 3 h
36.   2.m.q.v
Where   reduced mass 
m1  m 2rn
37. n=2 2rn  n n   n 
25. y   mx plot n
1 ze2 38. 2 rn  n n
26. PE   .
40 r 39. sommerfed’s concept
27. Vn  2.18  108 / n cm / sec h
40. x  where v  1012
Where n=2 ; Circum ference = 2rn
hc 41.    .p  constant graph
28. Apply E  p

nh h
29. mvr  ; r n 2 42.   2m.q.v
2 n
 angular momentum of e   r h
43.   2m.q.v
Vn,z z2
f  15
30. n,z 2r ; 6.56  10  3
n,z n h
44. Orbital angular momentum= L      1 .
z2 2
31. f n,z  h
n3 Spin angular momentum= s  s  1 .
h  m p. 1 .V v
32.   ;  ; x 45. For s orbital,  2 depends only on ‘n’ quantums
2mq.v p 4m p .  2  .x 8 no
2  1 1  46. L      1 .
33. E  13.6  z  n 2  n 2  ; z=3 2
 1 2  47. g subshell has 9 orbitals

1 48. quantum numbers concept
  R H .z 2  2   RH

3  h
49. L      1 .
34. 2
50. Spin quantum number concept
51. At node  2  0 hence   0 ;  r  2a 0

52. L      1 .
2 2 84. x.p 
4r  4
53. 1 h
0.530A 85. p  2x ; v 
r m 2
86. At the distance of closest approach
54.   n  n  2 
2 Ze2e 1
v2  
55.   n  n  2  Where n=2 4 0 r0 m hence, substituting the value of
56. Pauli exclusion principle concept m = 4, Z = 29, e = 1.66 x 10-19, ro = 10-13m.
57. Spin multiplicity =2s+1 88. L z  L cos 
58. filling rules concept
59. Ruther ford’s   ray experiment concept h
89. L      1 .
P1M1  P2 M 2  ...
60. At.wt  p1  p 2  .... 90. s  n  n  2
61. Cathode rays properties 91. Spin multiplicity =2S+1
62. Bohr’s concept 92. Spin multiplicity = 2S + 1
63. Ruther ford’s  -ray experiment concept 93. Incident radiation energy is 4.13 ev
64. Photo electric effect concept Condition : E  E 0
13.6 0
65. E n   ev / atom 94. R n  0.529  n 2 A ; 52  42  32
69. Px-orbital has dumb bell shape and is situated along 1312
95. I .E.  Z2
x-axis n 2

1 n  n  1
72.  96. no. of spectral lines =
n 2
  r, ,    R n,l  r  . l,m    . m     n  n 2  n1
73. Properties of  4
74. In H-atom, all are degenerate orbitals in a given 3

main shell 97. 2

75. Hund’s maximum multiplicity rule 1

76. h  h 0  KE 98. In a single isolated atom, no .of spectral lines

77. Electronic configuratio concept
99. no. of waves in n th orbit  n
78. Electronic configuration concept
79. For H-atom, all are degenerate orbitlas in a given 101  n,l,m is the wave function of given orbital
main shell 102. no. of radial nodes  n    1
 1 1 103.  s  n  n  2  Where n=1
80.   R H .z 2  2  2 
 n1 n 2  104.  s  n  n  2  Where n=4

1 105. configuration is  Ar  3d10

2 1
81.   R H .z  n 2  n 2  =3RH 106. n = 3, l = 0,1,2
 1 2
1 1
for l = 0 m=0 mz   , 
h 2 2
82. x  2p ; x.v 
4 m 1 1
l=1 m = -1 mz   , 
h 2 2
83. x 
1 1 C) Deflected by electric and magnetic fields
l=1 m=0 mz   ,  D) Have wavelengths shorter than ultraviolet rays
2 2
3. A 3p orbital has
1 1 A) two non-spherical nodes
l=1 m=1 mz   , 
2 2 B) two spherical nodes
1 1 C) one spherical and one non-spherical node
for l = 2 m = -2 mz   ,  D) one spherical and two non-spherical nodes
2 2
4. The orbital angular momentum of an electron
1 1
for l = 2 m = -1 mz   ,  in 2s orbital is
2 2
1 h h h
1 1 A)  . B) zero C) D) 2.
for l = 2 m = 0 mz   ,  2 2 2 2
2 2 5. The first use of quantum theory to explain the
1 1 structure of atom was made by
for l = 2 m = +1 mz   , 
2 2 A) Heisenberg B) Bohr C) Planck D) Einstein
1 1 6. For a d-electron, the orbital angular
for l = 2 m = +2 mz   ,  or n = 3 momentum is
2 2
number of electors  2n 2  2  32  18 A) 6  h / 2  B) 2  h / 2 
 1  18 C)  h / 2  D) 2  h / 2 
electons with  ms      9
 2 2 7. The electrons, identified by quantum numbers
107. Total energy = N0hv n and l , (i)n = 4, l = 1, (ii) n = 4, l =0,(iii)n=3,
108. Based on quantam mechanics l = 2, and (iv) n = 3, l = 1
109. Different atomic models concept can be placed in order of increasing energy,
110. Based upon orientation of electrons from the lowest to highest, as (1999)
n2 z2 A) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) B) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii)
111. rn,z  E n,z   2 C) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) D) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)
z n
8. The number of nodal planes in a px orbital is
z A) one B) two C) three D) zero
Vn,z  mvr  n
n 9. The radius of which of the following orbits is
112. Dual nature of light concept same as that of the first Bohr’s orbit of
113. no. of radial nodes  n    1 hydrogen atom?
no.of nodal palnes =  A) He+ (n = 2) B) Li2+ (n = 2)
C) Li ( n = 3) D) Be3+ (n = 2)
L      1 . 10. The kinetic energy of an electron in the second
Bohr orbit of a hydrogen atom is a0isBohr radius
h nh
114. L      1 . mvr  h h2 h2 h2
2 2
A) 42ma 2 B) 162ma 2 C) 322ma 2 D) 642ma 2
h 0 0 0 0
Spin angular momentum = s  s  1 . PARAGRAPH TYPE QUESTIONS
The hydrogen -like species Li 2+ is in a
Magnetic moment  s  n  n  2  spherically symmetric state S1 with one radial
PREVIOUS YEARS IIT JEE QUESTIONS node. Upon absorbing light the ion undergoes
SINGLE ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS transition to a state S2. The state S2 has one
1. Which of the following relates to photons both radial node and its energy is equal to the
as wave motion and as a stream of particles? ground state energy of the hydrogen atom.
11. The state S1 is
A) Inference B) E  mc 2 C) Diffraction D) E  h
A) 1s B) 2s C) 2  D) 3s
2. Which of the following does not characterise 12. Energy of the state S1 in units of, the hydrogen
X-rays? atom in groud state energy is
A) The radiation can ionize gases A) 0.75 B) 1.50 C) 2.25 D) 4.50
B) It causes ZnS to fluoresce
13. The orbital angular momentum quantum Number of angular nodes = l
number of state S2 is For 3p, l = 1 for p-orbital, angular node = 1
A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3 It has one spherical and one non-spherical node.
14. In an atom, the total number of electrons 4.   l  l  1 for s-orbital l  0 . Hence, orbital
having quantum numbers 2
1 angular momentum   0.0
n  4,| m 1 | 1 and mS   is 5. Bohr made use of quantum theory and gave the
structure of atom.
15. The atomic masses of He and Ne are 4 and 20
amu. respectively. The value of de-Broglie h
6.   l  l  1 ; For d-orbital l  2 ;
wavelength of H e gas at -730C is “M’ times 2
that of the de-Broglie wavelength of Ne at h h
7270C. M is   23  6
2 2
16) The maximum number of electrons that can
have principal quantum number, n=3 and spin 7. Aufbau’s principle
quantum number, ms = -1/2, is 8. Nodal plane is that plane at which probability of
17) The work function (  ) of some metals is listed finding electron density is zero. In case of px the
dumb-bell shape orbital has two lobes on x-axis.
below. The number of metals which will show
Hence, the plane yz is called nodal plane as it has
photoelectric effect when light of 300nm
zero electron density in it.
wavelength falls on the metal is
Metal Li Na K Mg Cu Ag Fe Y
Pt W
  eV  2.4 2.3 2.2 3.7 4.8 4.3 4.7 X
6.3 4.75
18. Which of the following statement(s) is/are 0.529n 2 o
9. Radius of an orbit = A
correct? (1998) Z
A) The electronic configuration of Cr is [Ar]3d54s1. In case of hydrogen Ist orbit n = 1, Z = 1,
(Atomic number of Cr = 24) o

B) The magnetic quantum number may have a rH  0.529 A

negative value. for Be 2+ , n = 2, Z = 4 =
2 2
C) In silver atom, 23 electrons have a spin of one 0.529  n 0.529  2 o
  0.529 A
type and 24 of the opposite type. Z 4
(Atomic number of Ag = 47) 10. According to Bohr’s model
D) The oxidation state of nitrogen in HN 3 is 3
nh 2 n2h2
PREVIOUS IIT JEE QUESTIONS - KEY mvr    mv   2 2
1) D 2) C 3) C 4) B 5) B 6) A 2 4 t
7) A 8) A 9) D 10) C 11) B 12)C 1 n2h2
13) B 14) 6 15) 5 16) 9 17) 4 18)A,B,C  KE  mv 2  2 2 ......(i)
2 8 r m
Also Bohr’s radius of H-atom is r = n2 a0
PREVIOUS IIT JEE - HINTS Substituting ‘r’ in equation (i) gives
c h2
1. E  h  h relates for wave motion. E  mc 2 KE 

82 n 2 a 02 m
as particles.
2. X-rays being neutral are not deflectd by magnetic h2
and electric fields. when n  2, KE 
322 a 02 m
3. Number of radial nodes =  n  l  1 For 3p- 11. S 1 is spherically symmetrical state, i.e. it
orbital n = 3, l  1 for p-orbital corresponds to s-orbital. Also it has one radial
Number of spherical or radial nodes = 3 - 1- 1 = 1 node.
Number of radial nodes = n-l-1  n-0-1=1 hc hc
 n  2,i.e.,S1  2s orbital 17. Energy of photon = J eV
 e
12. Ground state energy of electron in H-atom (EH)
6.625x1034 x3x108
kZ 2   4.14eV
EH   k  Z  1, n  1 300x109 x1.602x1019
n2 For photoelectric effect to occur, energy of incident
k  3
2 photons must be greater than work function of
2 9
For S1 state of Li ,E  2
 k  2.25k metal. Hence, only Li, Na, K and Mg have work
2 4 functions less than 4.14V.
13. In S2 state, E  Li   k  given 
2 18. (A) Electronic configuration of Cr (Ar) 3d54s1.
(B) Magnetic quantum can have a negative value
9k as m = l to l .
k n 3
n2 (C) In Ag[Kr]4d105s1
Since, S2 has one radial node. 3  l  1  l  1 23 electrons have spin of one type and 24 of the
14. For n =4m the total number of possible orbitals opposite type.
24 electrons have spin of other type due to 5s1.
are According to question | m 1 | =1, i.e., there two
possible values of m1 ,i.e., +1 and -1 and one orbital MODULE-6
can contain maximum two electrons one having
1 1.  -particles of 6 MeV energy is scattered back
s   and other having s= - 1/2.
2 from a silver foil. Calculate the maximum
So, total number of orbitals having | m1 |  6 . volume in which the entire charge of the atom
Total number of electrons having is supposed to be concentrated?
[Z for silver = 47]
 1 A) 3.6 × 10–28 m3 B) 5.97 × 10–42 m3
| m1 | 1 and ms    = 6
 2 C) 6.55 × 10–71 m3 D)48 × 10–42 m3
1 3 2. An  particle of momentum p is bombarded
15. KE  mv 2  RT on the nucleus, the distance of the closest
2 2
approach is r, if the momentum of  -particle
 m 2 v 2  2mKE ; mv  2mKE is made to 6p, then the distance of the closest
approach becomes
h h h r
  wavelength     A) 4r B) 2r C) 16r D)
mv 2mKE 2m  T  36
where, T= Temperature in kelvin 3. When a certain metal was irradiated with a
h light of 8.1 × 10 16 Hz frequency, the
He at - 730C = 200K = photoelectron emitted had 1.5 times the kinetic
2x4x200 energy as the photoelectrons emitted when the
h same metal was irradiated with light 5.8 × 1016
  Ne at 727 0 C  1000K  
2x20x1000 Hz frequency. If the same metal is irradiated
with light of 3.846 nm wave length, what will
  He  2x20x1000
 M 5 be the energy of the photoelectron emitted?
  Ne  2x4x200 A) 1.8 × 102 eV B) 3.65 × 10–17 J
Thus, M =5 2
C) 2.28 × 10 eV D) 4.37 × 10–17 J
16. When n=3, total number of electrons=2n2= 18
4. Threshold frequency of a metal is f 0 . When
9 electrons with ms = - 1/2 and remaining 9 with
ms = + 1/2 light of frequency v  2f 0 is incident on the
metal plate, maximum velocity of e- emitted is
v1 . when frequency of incident radiation is 5f 0 , is the wave number of the first line in the
Balmer series of Be3+?
maximum velocity of emitted e- is V2. Find
A) 2.432  105 cm–1 B) 15200 cm–1
v1 C) 4  15200 cm–1 D) 2  15200 cm–1
ratio of v 11. An electron in a Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom

A) 1:4 B) 1:2 C) 2:1 D) 4:1 with the quantum no. n2 has an angular
momentum 4.2176  10–34 kg m2 s–1. If electron
5. A light source of wavelenght  illuminates a
drops from this level to the next lower level.
metal and ejects photo-electrons with Find the wavelength of this line?
(K.E.) max=1.eV Another light source of A)18.75  10–7 m B)1.87  10–7 m
 C)187.5  10–7 m D)0.187  10–7 m
wavelenght , ejects photo-electrons from 12. Select the incorrect graph for velocity of e- in
same metal with (K.E.)max=4eV Find the value 1
of work function? an orbit vs.Z, and n:
A) 1 eV B) 2 eV C) 0.5 eV D) 1.5 eV
6. If the energy of H-atom in the ground state is
-E, the velocity of photo-electron emitted when V V
a photon having energy Epstrikes a stationary
Li2+ ion in ground state, is given by: A) B)
n 1/n
2  Ep  E  2  E p  9E 
A) v  B) v 
m m
2  E p  9E  2  E p  3E  C)
C) v  D) v  D)
m m z n
7. In a photoelectric experiment, the stopping 13. What is the frequency of revolution of electron
potential “V” is plotted against the frequency present in 2nd Bohr’s orbit of H-atom?
v of the incident light . The resulting curve is
A) 1.016  1016 s 1 B) 4.065  1016 s 1
a straight line which makes an angle  with
C) 1.626  1015 s 1 D) 8.13  1016 s 1
the x-axis . Then tan  will be equal to :
14. According to Bohr’s atomic theory, which of
(here  =work function of the surface) the following is correct?
A) h / e B) e / h C)  / e D) eh /  . Z2
0 A) Potential energy of electron 
8. 4000 A photon is used to break the iodine n2
molecule, then the % of energy converted to B) The product of velocity of electron and pricniple
the K.E of iodine atoms if bond dissociation quantum numeber (n)  Z 2
energy of I2 molecule is 246.5kJ/mol C) Frequency of revolution of electron in an orbit
A) 8% B) 12% C) 17% D) 25% Z2
9. 1 mole of He+ ion is excited. Spectral analysis 
showed the existence of 50% ions in 3rd level, n3
25% in 2nd level and remaining 25% in ground D) Coulombic force of attraction on the electron
state. The total energy evolved when all the Z2
ions return to ground state is 
A) 232.88 × 104 J B) 331.13 × 104 J
4 15. Find the value of wave number ( v ) in terms
C) 58.22 × 10 J D) 660 × 104 J
10. The wave number of the first line in the Balmer of Rydberg’s constant, when transition of
series of hydrogen atom is 15200 cm–1. What
electron takes place between two levels of 21. for a hypothetical H like atom which follows
He+ion whose sum is 4 and difference is 2. Bohr’s model, some spectral lines were
8R H 32R H 3R H 6R H observed as shown . If it is known that line’E’
A) B) C) D) belongs to the visible region, then the lines
9 9 4 9 possibly belonging to ultraviolet region will
16. A hydrogen atom in the ground state is excited be(n1 is not necessarily ground state).
by monochromatic radiation of wavelength [Assume for this atom, no spectral series
0 shows overlaps with other series in the
 A , The resulting spectrum consists of
maximum 15 different lines. What is the emission spectrum
wavelenght  ?  R H  109737 cm 1  C B
0 0 D A
A) 937.3 A B) 1025 A n2
0 0
C) 1236 A D) 618 A
A) B and D
17. What is the angular velocity   of an electron B) D only
occupying second orbit of Li2+ ion? C) C only
83 me 4 2 83 me 4 2 D) A only
A) K B) K 22. When an electron makes a transition from
h3 9h 3
(n+1) state to n state, the frequency of emitted
64 83me4 2 93 me 4 2 radiation s is related to n according to (n>>1)
C)  K D) K
9 9h 3 h3 A) v  n 3 B) v  n 2 C) v  n 3 D) v  n 2/3
18. The angular momentum of an electron in a 23. Light from a discharge tube containing H-
Bohr’s orbit of He+ is
atoms in some excited state, falls on the
3.1652  1034 kg  m 2 / sec . What is the wave metallic surface of metal Na. The KE of the
number in terms of Rydberg constant (R) of fastest photo-electron was found to be
the spectral line emitted when an electron falls 10.93eV. If He+ ions were present in the same
from this level to the first excited state. excited state, the KE of the fastest photo-
 Use h  6.626  1034  electron would have been 49.18 eV. Determine
the excited state orbit number and work
5 RH 3RH 8 RH
A) 3RH B) C) D) function of Na.
9 9 9 A) 2,18.2 ev B) 4,1.82 ev C) 3,16 ev D) 2,1.6 ev
19. When an elecron makes a transition from 24. Be3+ and a proton are accelerated by the same
(n+1) state to nth state, the frequency of
potential, their de-Broglie wavelenghts have
emitted radistions is related to n according to
(n>>1): the ratio (assume mass of proton=mass of
2CZ 2 RH CZ 2 RH
A)   B)   A) 1:2 B) 1:4 C) 1:1 D) 1: 3 3
n3 n4
25. The mass of an electron is m, charge is e and
CZ 2 RH 2CZ 2 RH it is accelerated from rest through a potential
C)   D)  
n2 n2 difference of V volts. The velocity acquired
20. Monochromatic radiation of specific by electron will be:
wavelength is incident on H-atoms in ground
state. H-atoms absorb energy and emit V eV 2eV
subsequently radiations of six different A) B) C) D) zero
m m m
wavelength. Find wavelength of incident
26. An electron is continuously accelerated in a
A) 9.75 nm B) 50 nm C) 85.8 nm D) 97.25 nm vacuum tube by applying potential difference.
If the de-Broglie’s wavelength is decreased
by 10%, the change in the kinetic energy of 32. If n and l are principal and azimuthal quantum
the electron is nearly numbers respectively, then the expression for
A) decreased by 11% B) increased by 23.4% calculating the toal number of electrons in any
C) increased by 10% D) increased by 11.1% energy level is:
27. An electron of mass m, when accelerated ln ln

through a potential difference V, has de A)  2  2  1 B)  2  2  1

l0 l 1
Broglie wavelength  . The de Broglie
n l  n 1
wavelength associated with a proton of mass C)   2  1 D)  2  2l  1
M, accelerated through the same potential  0 l 0

difference will be 33. Consider the following six electronic

configurations (remaining inner obritals are
M m M m completely filled) and mark the correct option.
A)  B)  C)  D) 
m M m M 3s 3p

28. The ratio for the gap between successive orbits I.

from the nucleous onwards is
3s 3p
A) 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 B) 1 : 3 : 5 : 7
C) 1 : 4 : 9 : 16 D) 3 : 5 : 7 : 9 II.
29. For a 3s-orbital 4s 3d
2 
1 1  III.
  3s    
9 3  a0 
 6  6  2  e 2 ;
4s 3d
2r.Z IV.
Where   3a
0 4s 4p
What is the maximum radial distance of node from
4s 3d

3  3  a B)
0 Z
Z A) Stability order: II > I > IV > III
B) Order of spin multiplicity: IV > III = I > II

3 3 3
 D)
2a 0 C) V does not violate all the three rules of electronic
2 Z Z configuration
30. Energy required to ionise 2 mole of gaseous He  ion D) If VI represents A and A+ when kept near a
magnet, A+ acts as diamagnetic substance.
present in its ground state is ns np
A) 54.4 eV B) 108.8 N A eV 34.
C) 54.4 N A eV D) 108.8 eV The above electronic configuration deviates from
31. Condider the following plots for 2s-orbital : (I) Hund’s rule (II) Aufbau principle
(III) Pauli’s rule
A) All of the above B) Only I, II
y C) Only I, III D) Only II, III
z 35. The ratio of magnetic moments of Fe(III) and
1) 2) Co(II) is:
r 3)
r A) 5 : 7 B) 35 : 15
x,y and z are respectively.
C) 7 : 3 D) 24 : 15
A) ,  2 and 4r 2  2 B)  2 ,  and 4r 2  2
36. Give the correct order of initials T(true) or
C) 4r 2  2 and  2 ,  D)  2 , 4r 2  2 and  F(False) for following statements:
I. If electron has zero magnetic number, then it must D) Mathematically uncertainity principle is
be present in s-orbital 4
represented as p.x 
II. In orbital diagram , nh
Pauli’s exclusion principle is violated. 40. Let r,v and E are the radius of the orbit, speed
III. Bohr’s model can explain spectrum of the of the electron and the total energy of the
hydrogen atom. electron respectively. Which of the following
IV. A d- subshell can accommodate maximum 10 quantities are proportional to the quantum
electrons only. number’n’?
A) T T F F B) F F T F C) T F T T D) F F T T v r
37. Which of the following statements is/are true
in the context of photoelectric effect? 41. In a hydrogen like sample, electron is in 2nd
A) The kinetic energy of ejected electron is excited state, the Binding energy of 4th state
independent of the intensity of radiation of this sample is 13.6 eV, then
B) It provided an evidence for quantum nature of light A) A 25 eV photon can set free the electron from
C) The number of photoelectrons ejected depends the second excited state of this sample
upon the intensity of the incident radiation. B) 3 different types of photon will be observed if
D) The kinetic energy of the emitted electrons electrons make transition up to ground state from
depends on the frequency of the incident radiation. the second excited state
38. Which is correct graph for photoelectric effect. C) If 23eV photon is used then K.E. of the ejected
electron is 1eV
D) 2nd line of Balmer series of this sample has same
K.E. of photo electron

K.E. of photo electric

energy value as 1st excitation energy of H-atoms.

42. 1st excitation potential for the H-like
(hypothetical ) sample is 24 eV then:
A) Ionisation energy of the sample is 36eV
(A) (B) B) Ionisation energy of the sample is 32 eV
v v
C) Binding energy of 3rd excited state is 2eV
D) 2nd excitation potential of the sample is
K.E. of photo electron

K.E. of photo electron

32  8
43. A hydrogen like atom in ground state absorbs
( C) ( D) ‘n ‘ photons having the same energy and it

Intensity of light emits exactly ‘n’ photon when electronic
39. Which of the following is correct regarding transition takes place. Then the energy of the
Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle absorbed photon may be
A) It is impossible to determine momentum and A) 91.8eV B) 40.8eV
position of a small particle accurately and C) 48.4 eV D) 54.4eV
simultaneously. 44. Which of the following is/are correct?
B)Uncertainty principle is applicable on all A) the energy of an electron depends only on the
conjugate pair of two variables includes whose principal quantum number not on the other quantum
product has dimensions of action i.e position and numbers
momentum or energy and time or angular B) the energy of an electron depends only on the
momentum and time. principal quantum number in case of hydrogen and
C) Uncertainty principle loses its significance in case hydrogen like atoms.
of larger objects. C) The difference in potential energies of any two
energy level is always more than the difference in
kinetic energies of these two levels.
D) An electron in ground state can emit a photon
45. Choose the correct statement (s): 50. The radial distribution function [P(r)] is used
A) The shape of an atomic orbital depends upon to determine the most probable radius , which
azimuthal quantum number is used to find the electron in a given orbital
B) The orientation of an atomic orbital depends dp(r)
upon the magnetic quantum number for 1s-orbital of hydrogen like atom
C) The energy of an electron in an atomic orbital
having atomic number Z, is
of multi-electron atom depends upon principal
quantum number only. 2Zr
D) The number of degenerate atomic orbitals of dP 4Z3  2Zr 2   a0
 3  2r   .e
one type depends upon the value of azimuthal dr a0  a0 
quantum number. Then which of the following statements is/are
46. For radial probability curves, which of the correct?
following is/are correct? A)At the point of maximum value of radial distribution
A) The number of maxima in 2s orbital are two dP  r 
B) The number of spherical or radial nodes is equal function  0 ; one antinode is present
to n-l-1 dr
C) The number of angular nodes are’l’ a0
B) Most probable radius of Li2+ is pm
D) 3d has 3 angular nodes
z2 3
47. Select the correct statement(s): a0
A) Radial distribution function indicates that there C) Most probable radius of He+ is pm
is a higher probability of finding the 3s electron close
D) Most probable radius of hydrogen atom is a0pm
to the nucleus than in case of 3p and 3d electrons 51. Which of the following statement(s) is/are
B) Energy of 3s orbital is less than for the 3p and correct?
3d orbitals A) The electronic configuration of Cr is
C) At the node, the value of the radial function [Ar]3d54s1. (Atomic number of Cr = 24)
changes from posititve to negative B) The magnetic quantum number may have a
D) The radial function depends upon the qunatum negative value.
numbers n and l. C) In silver atom, 23 electrons have a spin of
48. Select the correct statement(s) : one type and 24 of the opposite type.
A) Radial function [R(r)] a part of wave function is (Atomic number of Ag = 47)
dependent on quantum number n only D) Number of angular nodes for d Z 2 is two
B) Angular function depends only one the direction, ASSERTION AND REASON QUESTIONS
and is independent to the distance from the nucleus A) If both the statement are TRUE and
C)   r, ,  is the probability density of finding STATEMENT -2 is the correct explanation of
the electron at a particular point in space
B) If both the statements are TRUE but
D) Radial distribution function  4r R  gives the
2 2
STATEMENT-2 is NOT the correct explanation of
probability of the electron being present at a STATEMENT-1
distance r from the nucleus C) If STATEMENT-1 is TRUE and STATEMENT-2
49. When an excited state of H-atom emits a is FALSE
photon of wavelength  and returns to the
ground state, the principal quantum number 52. Statement - 1: Photon has definite momentum
of excited state is given by though it has no rest mass.
  R  1 Statement - 2: Momentum of photon is due to its
A) B)  R   R  1 energy and therefore it has equivalent mass.
R 53. Statement - 1: The orbital angular momentum of
R h
C)   R  1 D)  R   R  1 d-electron in orbitals is 6 .
Statement -2: Angular momentum of e- in orbit is A) Ultraviolet B) Visible
nh C) Infrared D) Far infrared
mvr  57. What will be the value of modified Rydberg’s
2 constant, if the nucleus having mass mN and
54. Statement -1: The ground state electronic the electron having mass me revolve around
configuration of nitrogen is the centre of the mass?
mN m e

Statement - 2: Electrons are filled in orbitals as A) R H  m B) R H  m

e N
per aufbau principle, Hund’s rule maximum spin m m
e N
multiplicity and Pauli’s principle. C) R H  m  m D) R H  m  m
N e N e
PASSAGE -1 58. The ratio of the wavelength of the first line to
When electron jumps from higher orbit to that of second line of Paschen series of
lower orbit, then energy is radiated in the form H-atom is
of electromagnetic radiation and these A) 256:175 B) 175:256 C) 15:16 D) 16:15
radiations are used to record the emission 59. If the wavelength of series limit of Lyman’s
spectrum 0
Energy of electron may be calculated as series of He+ ion is “a” A , then what will be
2 2 me Z 2e4 the wavelength of series limit of Lyman’s
E series for Li2+ ion?
n2 h2
Where, me= rest mass of electron 9a 0 4a 0 16a 0 4a 0
A) A B) A C) A D) A
1 1 4 9 9 7
 
E  E n 2  E n1  13.6  Z2  2  2  eV per atom
n n PASSAGE - 2
 1 2

This equation was also used by Rydberg to Werner Heisenberg considered the limits of
calaculate the wave number of a particular line how precisely we can measure the properties
in the spectrum of an electron or other microscopic particle. He
1 1 1 determined that there is a fundamental limit to
  R H Z 2  2  2  m 1 how closely we can measure both position and
  n1 n 2 
momentum. The more accurately we measure
Where R H  1.1 107 m 1 (Rydberg constant) the momentum of a particle, the less accurately
For Lyman, Balmer, Paschen , Brackett and we can determine its position. The converse is
Pfund series the value of n 1 =1,2,3,4,5 also true. this is summed up in what we now call
respectively and n2=  for series limit. If an the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
electron jumps from higher orbit n to ground
state, then number of spectral line will be n C 2 . The equation is x.  mv  
Ritz modified the Rydberg equation by The uncertainty is the position or in the
replacing the rest mass of electron with
momentum of a macroscopic object like a
reduced mass(  ).
baseball is too small to observe. However, the
1 1 1 mass of microscopic object such as an electron
 
 m N me is small enough for the uncertainty to be
Here, mN= mass of nucleus, me= mass of electron relatively large and significant.
Answer the following questions 60. If the uncertainties in position and momentum
55. The emission spectrum of He + involves are equal, the uncertainty in the velocity is:
transition of electron from n 2  n1 such that
h h 1 h 1 h
n 2  n1  8 and n 2  n1  4 . What will be the A) B) C) D)
 2 2m  2 m
total number of lines in the spectrum? 61. If the uncertainty in velocity and position is same,
A) 10 B) 15 C) 20 D) 21 then the uncertainty in momentum will be
56. In which of the following region the spectrum
of He+ will be observed in above transition?
65. An electron is accelerated from rest and it has
hm h h 1 h
A) B) m C) D) 0
wavelength of 1.414 A by how much amount
4 4 4m m 4
62. What would be the minimum uncertainty in de- potential should be dropped so that
Broglie wavelenght of a moving electron wavelength associated with electron becomes
accelerated by potential difference of 6 volt 0
1.73A .
7 A) 25 V B) 50 V C) 75 V D) 12.5 V
and whose uncertainty in position is nm?
22 PASSAGE - 4
A) 6.25 A0
B) 6 A0
C) 0.625 A 0 0
D) 0.3125 A It is tempting to think that all possible
transitions are permissible, and that an atomic
PASSAGE - 3 spectrum arises from the transition of an
The French physicist Louis de Brogie in 1924 electron from any initial orbital to any other
postulated that matter, like radiation, should orbital. However, this is not so, because a
exhibit a dual behaviour. He proposed the photon has an intrinsic spin angular momentum
following relationship between the wavelenght
 of a material particle, its linear momentum p of 2 corresponding to S = 1 although it
h h has no charge and no rest mass. On the
and planck constant h.   
p mv otherhand, an electron has got two types of
The de Broglie relation implies that the angular momentum: Orbital angular
wavelength of a particle should decrease as h
its velocity increase. It also implies that for a momentum, L  (  1) and spin angular
given velocity heavier particles should have  h

shorter wavelength than lighter particles. momentum, Ls   s(s  1) 2  arising from
 
The waves associated with particles in motion orbital motion and spin motion of electron
are called matter waves or de Broglie waves. respecitvely. The change in angular
These waves differ from the electromagnetic momentum of the electron during any
waves as they electronic transition must compensate for the
i) have lower velocites angular momentum carried away by the
ii) have no electrcal and magnetic fields, and photon. To satisfy this condition the difference
iii) are not emitted by the particle under between the azimuthal quantum numbers of
consideration. the orbitals within which transition takes place
The experimental confirmation of the de must differ by one. Thus, an electron in a d-
Broglie’s relation was obtained when Davisson orbital (  = 2) cannot make a transition into
and Germer, in 1927, observed that a beam of an s-orbital (  = 0) because the photon cannot
electrons is diffracted by a nickel crystal. As carry away enough angular momentum. An
diffraction is a characterstic property of waves electron, possess four quantum numbers n,  ,
hence the beam of electron behaves as a wave, m and s. Out of these four  determines the
as proposed by de Broglie. magnitude of orbital angular momentum
63. If proton, electron and  -particle are moving (mentioned above) while m determines its Z-
with same kinetic energy then the order of
their de-Broglie’s wavelength.  h 
component as m   . The permissible
A)  P   e    B)     P   e  2 
values of only integers right from –  to +  .
C)     P   e D)  e   P    While those for  are also integers starting
64. Using Bohr’s theory, the transition so that the from 0 to (n –1). The values of  denotes the
electron de-Broglie wavelength becomes 3 sub-shell. For  = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4….. the sub-shells
times of its original value in He+ ion will be are denoted by the symbols s, p, d, f, g….
A) 2  6 B) 2  4 respectively.
C) 1  4 D) 1  6
66. The maximum orbital angular momentum of Answer the following questions:
an electron with n = 5 is 69. The value of radius ‘r’ for 2s atomic orbital of
h h h h H-atom at which the radial node will exist may
A) 6 B) 12 C) 42 D) 20 be given as:
2 2 2 2
67. The orbital angular momentum of an electron a0 a0
A) r=2a0 B) r  C) r  a 0 D) r 
in p-orbital makes an angle of 45° from Z-axis. 4 5
Hence Z-component of orbital angular 70. The following graph is plotted for ns-orbitals
momentum of electron is:
h  h  h  h 
A) B)   C)  D)   

  2    2 
68. The spin-only magnetic moment of a free ion
is 8 B.M. The spin angular momentum of
electron will be
The value of ‘n’ will be:
h h h 3 h A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
A) 2 B) 8 C) 6 D) 71. What will be number of angular nodes and
2 2 2 4 2
PASSAGE -5 spherical nodes for 4f atomic orbitals
The Schrodinger wave equation for H-atom is respectively
A) 0,0 B) 1,3 C) 3,0 D) 0,3
8 2 m PASSAGE - 6
 2   E  V   0
h2 The hydrogen -like species Li2+ in a spherically
2 2 2 2 symmetrical state S1. with one radial node. Upon
Where     absorbing light the ion undergoes transition to a
x 2 y 2 z 2
state S2 The state S2 has one radial node and
E=Total energy and V=potential energy
its energy is equal to the ground state energy of
wave function  r, ,  R  r       the hydrgen atom: (2010)
R is radial wave function which is function of ” 72. The state S1 is:
r” only , where r is the distance from nucleus. A) 1s B) 2s C) 2p D) 3s
 and  are angular wave function . R 2 is 73. Energy of the state S1 in units of the hydrogen
known as radial probability density and atom ground state energy is:
A) 0.75 B) 1.50 C) 2.25 D) 4.50
4 r 2 R 2dr is known as radial probability
function. i.e., the probability of finding the 74. The orbital angular momentum quantum
electron is spherical shell of thickenss dr. number of the state S2 is:
Number of radial node= n-l-1 A) 0 B) 1 C) 2 D) 3
Number of angular node= l PASSAGE - 7
For hydrogen atom, wave function for 1s and In a hydrogen like ion, nucleus has a positive
2s-orbitals are: charge Ze, Bohr’s quantization rule is, the
1 angular momentum of an electron about the
1  zr /a0  Z  2 Zr   Zr a
1s  e ;  2s     2 e
a 0  2a 0   a0  nh
nucleus l  , where ‘n’ is a positive
The plot of radial probability function 4r 2 R 2 2
against r will be: integer.
75. If electron goes from ground state to 1st
excited state then change in energy of the

hydrogen like ion is


sample is found to contain only the lines
3 me z 2e4 1 me ze 4 belonging to a particular series: If one of the
A) B)
32 02 h 2 32 02 h 2 photons had an energy of 0.6375eV. Then find
 3 
3 me ze 2 1 me ze 2 the value of x .  Take 0.6375eV   0.85eV 
 4 
C) D)
32 02 h 2 32 02 h 2 82. A photon of energy 4.5eV is strikes on metal
76. Change in K.E of electron when it goes from surface of work function 3.0 eV. If uncertainty
ground state to 1st excited state 25 0
in position is A . Find uncertainty in
3 me ze 4 3 me ze 4 4
A) B) measurement of de-Broglie wavelength (in A0 ).
32 02 h 2 32 02 h 2
83. Suppose a particle has four quantum numbers
1 me ze 2 1 me ze 2 such that the permitted values are those as
C) D) given below: n:1,2,3....
32 02 h 2 32 02 h 2 l : (n-1), (n-3) , (n-5).....but no negative number
77. If electron is in ground state the magnetic field  1
 1
produced at the site of nucleus due to circular J:  /  2  or  /  2  if the latter is not negative.
motion of the electron    
m: J in integral steps to +J
0 Z 3 e7 m 2 0 Z 2 e7 m 2 Thus, how many particles could be fitted into that
A) B) n=2 shell?
8 30 h5 8 30 h5
0 Z 3 e7 m 2 0 Z 2 e7 m 2 84. In Bohr ‘s model , rn , z  radius of nth orbit with
C) D)
8 30 h5 8 30 h5 atomic number Z
INTEGER TYPE un , z = P.E of electron in nth orbit with atomic
78. The value of ‘n’ of the highest excited state number Z
that an electron of hydrogen atom in the K n , z =K.E of electron in nth orbit with atomic
ground state can reach when 12.09 eV energy
is given to the hydrogen atom is . number Z
79. A hydrogen like species (atomic number Z) is Vn, z = velocity of electron in nth orbit with atomic
present in a higher excitd state of quantum number Z
number n. This excited atom can make a
Tn , z = time period of revolution in nth orbit with
transition to the first excited state by
successive emission of two photons of atomic number Z
energies 10.20 eV and 17.0 eV respectively. Column I Column II
Alternatively the atom from the same excited A) U1,2 ; K1,1 p) 1:8
state can make a transition to the second
excited state by successive emission of two B) r2,1 ; r1,2 q) -8:1
photons of energy 4.25 eV and 5.95 eV C) V1,3 ; V3,1 r) 1:9
respectively. Determine the value of Z.
80. If the lowest energy X-rays have D) T1,2 ; T2,2 s) 8:1
  3.055  108 m , estimate the minimum 85. Column- I Column- II
difference in energy between two Bohr’s orbits A) H p) Radius of 4th orbit
such that an electronic transition would 0.53  4 A
correspond to the emission of an X-ray.
Assuming that the electrons in other shells B) He  q) Energy of 2nd orbit
exert no influence, at what Z (minimum) would  13.6eV
a transition from the second energy level to C) Be3 r) Radius of 2nd orbit =
the first result in the emission of an X-ray? 0
81. Electrons in a sample of H-atoms make 0.53  4 A
transitions from state n=x to some lower
excited state. The emission spectrum from the
D) Li 2  s) Velocity of electron
in the 3 rd orbit
 2.18 X 108 cm / sec

t) Energy of 4th orbit
= -13.6 eV B) q) 5py
86. Match the entries in Column I with the
correctly related quantum number(s) in Distance from nucleus
Column II. (2008)
Column I Column II C) Angular probability r) 3s
A) Orbtial angular P)Principal quantum is dependent of  and 
momentum of the number in a D) Atleast one angular s) 6dxy
electron hydrogen-like atomic node is present
orbital 89. Column I Column II
B) A hydrogen-like Q) Azimuthal quantum K .E
one-electron wave number obeying A) p) 2
function Pauli principle
C) Shape, size and R) Magnetic quantum 1
B) P.E + 2 K.E q) 
orientation of number hydrogen-like 2
atomic orbitals P.E
D) Probability density S) Electron spin of C) r) -1
at the electron quantum number T .E
nucleus in hydrogen K .E
like-atom. D) s) 0
T .E
87. Column I Column II 90. Column I Column II
A) The d-orbital which p) 3d x 2  y2 A) 1s p) ml = 0
has two angular nodes B) 2pz q) Nodal planes = 2
C) 3 dxy r) Radial nodes = 0
B) The d-orbital with two q) 3d Z2
D) 3d z2 s) Number of maxima=1
nodal surfaces formed cones
C) The orbital without r) 4f PREVIOUS IIT - JEE QUESTIONS
91. The electronic configuration of an element is
D) The orbtial which s) 3s
has three angular nodes 1s2 2s2 2p 6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 .
88. Column I Column II This represents its (2000)
A) excited state B) ground state
C) cationic state D) anionic form
92. The wavelength associated with a golf ball
R weighing 200 g and moving at a speed of 5 m/
h is of the order (2001)
A) p) 4s
A)10–10m B)10–20m C)10–30m D)10–40m
93. The quantum numbers +1/2 and 1/ 2 for the
electron spin represent (2002)
A) rotation of the electron in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction respectively
B) rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and
clockwise direction respectively
C) magnetic moment of the electron pointing up
and down respectively
D) two quantum mechanical spin states which have
no classical analogue
94. Rutherford’s experiment, which established the
nuclear model of the atom, used a beam of (2002)
A)  -particles, which impinged on a metal foil and C)
got absorbed
B)  -rays, which impinged on a metal foil and D)

ejected electrons
C) helium atoms, which impinged on a metal foil 101. According to Bohr’s theory, En = total energy;
and got scattered Kn = Kinetic energy, Vn = Potential energy,
D) helium nuclei, which impinged on a metal foil rn = Radius of nth orbit. Match the following.
and got scattered Column I Column II
95. If the nitrogen atom has electronic A) Vn / K n  ? p) 0
configuration 1s7, it would have energy lower B) If radius of nth q) 1
than that of the normal ground state x
orbit  E n , x  ?
configuration 1s22s22p3 because the electrons
C) Angular momentum r) 2
would be closer to the nucleus. Yet 1s7 is not in lowest orbital
observed because it violates (2002)
1 y
A) Heisenberg uncertainty principle D) r  Z , y  ? s) 1
B) Hund’s rule C) Pauli exclusion principle n

D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbits ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS

96. The number of radial nodes of 3s and 2p 102. Assertion: Nuclide 1330 Al is less stable than
orbitals are respectively (2005) 40
Ca .
A) 2, 0 B) 0, 2 C) 1, 2 D) 2, 1 Reason: Nuclides having odd number of protons
97. Given the abundances of isotopes 54Fe, 56Fe, and neutrons are generally unstable. (1998)
Fe are 5%, 90% and 5% respectively, the A) If both assertion and reason are correct, and
atomic mass of Fe is (2009) reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
A) 55.85 B) 55.95 C) 55.75 D) 56.05 B) If both assertion and reason are correct, and
reason is not the correct explanation of the
98. The energy of an electron in the first Bohr orbit
C) If assertion is correct but reason is incorrect.
of H atom is 13.6eV . The possible enegy D) If assertion is incorrect but reason is correct.
value(s) of the excited state(s) for electrons SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS
in Bohr orbits of hydrogen is/are 103. According to Bohr’s theory, the electronic
A) 3.4 eV B) 4.2 eV energy of hydrogen atom in the nth Bohr’s orbit
C) 6.8eV D) 6.8eV (1998) 21.76  1019
is given by En  J. Calculate
99. Decrease in atomic number is observed during n2
A) alpha emission B) beta emission the longest wavelength of light that will be
C) positron emission D) electron capture needed to remove an electron from the third
100. Ground state electronic configuration of Bohr orbit of the He+ ion.(1990)
nitrogen atom can be represented by (1999) 104. Estimate the difference in energy between 1st
and 2nd Bohr orbit for a hydrogen atom. At
what minimum atomic number, a transition
from n = 2 to n = 1 energy level would result in
the emission of X-rays with  = 3.0  10–8
m? Which hydrogen atom-like species does
this atomic number correspond to?(1993)
105. What transition in the hydrogen spectrum
would have the same wavelength as the
Balmertransition n = 4 to n = 2 of He + Where a0 is Bohr’s radius. If the radial node
spectrum? (1993) in 2s be at r0, then find r0 in terms of a0.
106. Find out the number of waves made by a Bohr 116. A ball of mass 100g is moving with 100 ms–1.
electron in one complete revolution in its 3rd Find its wavelength. (2004)
orbit. (1994) 117. Find the velocity (ms–1) of electron in first
107. Iodine molecule dissociates into after Bohr’s orbit of radius a0. Also find the de
absorbing light of 4500Å. If one quantum of Broglie’s wavelength (in m). Find the orbital
radiation is absorbed by each molecule, angular momentum of 2p orbital of hydrogen
calculate the kinetic energy of iodine atoms.
(Bond energy of I2 = 240 kJ mol–1). (1995) h
atom in units of . (2005)
108. Consider the hydrogen atom to be a proton 2
embedded in a cavity of radius a (Bohr radius)
whose charge is neutralized by the addition of
an electron to the cavity in vacuum, infinitely MODULE-6 KEY
slowly. Estimate the average total energy of 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C
an electron in its ground state in a hydrogen 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D
atom as the work done in the above 13. D 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. B
neutralization process. Also, if the magnitude 19. A 20. D 21. D 22. A 23. B 24. D
of the average kinetic energy is half the 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. B
magnitude of the averge potential energy, find
31. B 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. D
the average potential energy. (1995)
37. A,B,C,D 38. B,C 39) A,B,C
109. A bulb emits light   4500 A . The bulb is rated 40. B,C 41. A,B 42. B,C,D
as 150 watt and 8% of energy is emitted as 43. A,B 44. B,C 45. A,B,D
light. How many photons are emitted by the 46. A,B,C 47. A,B,C,D 48.B,C,D
bulb per second. (1996) 49.C 50. A,B,C,D 51. A,B,C
110. Calculate the wave number for the shortest 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. A 56. B 57. D
wavelength transition in the Balmer series of 58. A 59. B 60. C 61. A 62. C 63. C
atomic hydrogen. (1996) 64. A 65. A 66. D 67. B 68. A 69. A
111. With what velocity should an  -particle travel 70. C 71. C 72. B 73. C 74. B 75. A
towards the nucleus of a copper atom so as to 76. B 77. A 78. 3 79. 3 80. 2 81. 8
arrive at a distance 10–13 metre from the 82. 4 83. 6
nucleus of the copper atom? (1997) 84. A-q, B-s, C-r, D-p
112. An electron beam can undergo diffraction by 85.A-r, B-q, C-p,t, D-s
crystals. Through what potential should a 86. A-q, B-s, C-p,q,r, D-p,q
beam of electrons be accelerated so that its 87. A-p, B-q, C-s, D-r
wavelength becomes equal to 1.54Å. (1997) 88. A-p, B-p,q,s, C-q,s, D-q,s
113. Calculate the energy required to excite one 89. A-q B-S C-p D-r
litre of hydrogen gas at 1 atm and 298 K to 90. A-p,r,s B-p,r,s C-q,r,s, D-p,r,s
the first excited state of atomic hydrogen. The PREVIOUS YEARS IIT JEE
energy for the dissociation of H-H bond is 436 91. B 92. C 93. C 94. D 95. C 96. A
kJ mol–1. (2000) 97. B 98. A,B 99. A,C,D 100. A,D
114. Wavelength of high energy transition of 101. A - r ; B - q ; C - p ; D - s
H-atoms is 91.2 nm. Calculate the
102. C 103.   2055 A 104. Z  2
corresponding wavelength of He atoms. (2003)
115. The Schrodinger wave equation for hydrogen 105. n  2 to n  1
atom is (2004) 106. No. of waves = 3
1  1
 r0  r0 /a0 107. 2.165  1020 J / atom
 2s    2  e
4 2  a0   a0 
e 2  E  E0  KE
108. Average total energy  297  246.5
8 0 a0  17%
% energy converted to KE =
e 2  1 1  N  1 1  N 
Average potential energy  9. ET  13.6  22  2  2   A   2  2   A  eV
4 0 a0 1 3  2 1 3  4 
109. No. of photons  2.72  1019 2  1 1
10. v  RH z  2  2 
110.   2.7419.25cm 1  n1 n2 

111. u  6.3  106 ms 1 nh 1 1 1

11. mvr  where n = 4;  v  RH  32  4 2 
2 
112. V  63.3Volts
z Vn, z
113. E  98.17 kJ 12. v  13. f n, z  2 r
n n, z
114. He  22.8 nm
z2 z
115. r0  2a0 14. PEn, z  2 ;
n n
116.   6.627  1025 A
z2 1 n2 z2
f n, z  , F  2 , rn, z  F  4
117. V  2.18  106 ms 1 n3 rn, z z n
h 2  1 1
  3.34  10 10
m  3.3A ;
2 15. n2  3 , n1  1 ; v  RH z  2  2 
 n1 n2 
1 2  1 1
MODULE-6 HINTS 16. Transition is 6  1 ;  RH z  2  2 
  n1 n2 
1. KE = PE
Vn, z
1 2
mv 
1 1. 2
. 17. n, z  2 f n, z  r
n, z
2 4 0 r
4 3 nh 2  1 1
18. mvr  where n  3 ; v  RH z  2  2 
r  2.25  10 m ; V  3  r
2  n1 n2 
p 2 q1q2 2  1 1
2.  at closest approach 19. v  Cv  CRH z  2  2 
2m r  n1 n2 
1 2 f0h 8 f0h 20. For six different spectral lines, requilred transitions
4. hv  hv0  mv 2 ; v1  , v2  is 4  1
2 m m
1 1 1
hc  RH z 2  2  2 
5.    KE 
  n1 n2 
21. Transition E is in the visible region, to get more
1 2  E p  E0  energy (UV region), higher transition is requred than
6. E p  E0  mv 2  v  But E0  9 E
2 m E i.e A only
h h
7. eV  hv  hv0  V  v  v0 2  1 1 1
e e 22. v  Cv  CRH z  2  2   v  3
 n1 n2  n
8. E  3.1eV  297 kJ / mole 23. E1  E0  10.93 ; E2  E0  49.18

  13.62 z
1 1 
13.6  22  13.6  12   2  2   En, z  energy of 2nd excitedstate
1 n  n
 24.177eV
 E2  E1  E  38.25
n  n  1
 n  4 ;  E1  12.75 & E0  1.82 eV no. of spectral lines =
h 42. 1st excitation potential
24.   2mqV
 1
13.6  z 2 1  2   24eV ; 13.6  z 2  I .E  32eV
1 2  2 
25. KE  mv  eV0
2 P.E
44. Quantum numbers concept  2
h KE2 K .E
    1.234
for 10% 45. Quantum numbers concept
2m  KE  KE1
46. no. of maximas = n - l
decreasing of  no. of radial nodes = n-l-1
h 47. Orbital and Quantum numbers concept
27.   2mqV 1 1 1 
49.  R  2 
28.  r2  r1   0.529  4  1  0.529  3   1 n2 
 r3  r2   0.529  9  4   0.529  5 R R
n22  ; n2 
 r4  r3   0.529 16  9   0.529  7 R  1 R  1
50. at point of max value of radial distribution function
29. At node   0 & 6  6   2  0
  3  3 0
for max. distance r  3
3  3  a 0
51. Orbital concept and Electronic configuration
2 z concept
2 52. E  P  C  mc 2
30. I .E  13.6  eV  13.6  4  54.4 eV h nh
n2 53. L  l  l  1 .  mvr 
for mole  54.4  2  N AeV  108.8 N AeV 2 2
54. Electronic configuration concept
31. Orbitals graph concept
32. No. of electrons in energy level concept  n  1
33. Electrons filling rules and stability concept 55. n2  6, n1  2 ; no of spectral lines = n
spin multiplicity = 2s+1
34. Electrons filling rules concept 56. n1  2 i.e balmer series

35. s  n  n  2  BM mN .me
57. reduced mass   m  m
In Fe(III) , n = 5; In CO(II), n = 3 N e

39. r  n 2 ; but Area  r 2 1 1 1

4 58. v   RH z 2  2  2 
i.e Area  n 4 ; i.e An  n   n1 n2 
A A  For 1st line : n1  3 , n2  4
 n  n 4  log  n   4 log n
A1  A1  For 2nd line: n1  3 , n2  4
n2 z z2 1 1 1
40. r  , v  , E  2 59. v   RH z 2  2  2 
z n n   n1 n2 
41. z  4 from the given data
h 3 zme 4
60. x.v  E 
4 m 32 20 h 2
h 76. K.E = -(Total Energy)
61. x.p 
4 3 zme 4
KE  
h  h  32 02 h 2
62. x.p   p  2 . 
4   
78. ES 1  12.09  n  3
150 0 h
 A,   2  1 1
v  volts  p 79. E  13.6  z  2  2   z  3
 n1 n2 
 hc 1 1 
63. 2m  KE  80. E   13.6  z 2  2  2   z  2
 1 2 
n 3
64. n, z  81. E   0.85  0.6375 Which is less than 0.85
z 4
Minimum energy level is 4
150 0
65.   v volts A 1 1
  E  13.6  2  2   n  8
4 h 
h 82. KE = 1.5 eV
66. L  l  l  1 .
67. Lz  L cos    109 m
2m  KE 
68. s  n  n  2  BM , where n=2
h or   A0    10 A0
spin angular momentum : s  s  1. Voltage
h h
69. At node,   0 x  2
  
70. no of peaks for given orbital in a plot is = n-l  4
71. no of angular nodes = l 3 1 3 1 1 3 1 1
83. l  1 , j  , , m   ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
72. s-orbital with one radial node orbital is 2s 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
S1  2s, S2  3p radial node 1 for S2; ES  EH  84. rn, z 
 2  z
13.6  32 z2 z2
ES  U n, z   ,  KEn, z 
1 22 9 n2 n2
73.    2.25
EH 13.6 4 z2 z
 Tn, z   ,  Vn, z 
74. Orbital angular momentum quantum no for 3p is l = 1 n2 n
75. Energy of electron in nth orbit
2 z me 4 85. rn, z 
En  2
 4 0  n2 h2
z2 z2
 U n, z   ,  KEn, z 
If transition from n1  n2 n2 n2
z 2 me 4  1 z2 z
E   Tn, z    Vn, z 
8 02 h 2 1  22  n2
86. Orbital concept
87. no. of angular nodes = l 1 Ze2
88. no. of angular nodes = l energy = 4 r
R.P vs r graph concept o


91. It is the ground state electronic configuration of Kn is the kinetic energy  ;
8 o r
chromium (Z = 24) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1 .
Vn 1 Ze 2 8 o
h 6.6  10 34    r  2
92.  
 2.37  10 30 m K n 4 o r Ze 2
mv  0.2   5  60  60 
93. They represent the magnetic moment of electron n2h2
(B) Radius of the nth orbit rn  ,
pointing up and down respectively 42 me 2 Z
94. In Rutherford’s experiment  -particles which are
22 me 4 Z2
simply helium nuclei (He++) are used as bombarding En 
particles on the nucleus of an atom. n2h2
96. Number of radial nodes in s-orbital rn  E nx when x  1
= (n-1) =  n  l  1 (C) Orbtial angular momentum is given by
Number of radial nodes in p-orbitals h
L  l  l  1
= (n - 2) =  n  l  1 2
The value can have the lowest value when l  0
For 3s-orbital n = 3
for any s-orbital.
Number of radial nodes = 3 - 0 - 1 = 2  l  0 
1 1
n = 2, number of radial nodes in 2p = 2 - 1 - 1 = 0 (D) rn  ,  Zy ,  y  1
Z rn
 l  1 for p orbital  102. The assertion is correct as nuclei with even number
97. Average at. mass of Fe = of protons and neutrons are more stable than those
5  54  90  56  5  57 with odd number of protons and odd number of
= 55.95 electrons.
13.6 In 40
20 Ca
, number of protons = 20
98. (A) E n  eV ; For n = 2,
Number of neutrons = 40 - 20 = 20
13.6 It is more stable than 1330 Al number of proton = 13
E2   3.4eV ; For n = 3,
4 Number of neutrons = 17
NOTE: The atom or nuclei with odd number of
E3   1.52eV protons and odd number of neutrons are less stable
but cannot be concluded as unstable.
99. (A) During   decay 1123 Na  19 4
9 F  2 He 21.76  10 19  4 87.04
103. E 3rd  J  10 19  9.67  10 19 J
Atomic number decreases 9 9

(C) Positron emission 1327 Al  1227 Mg  10e hc

E= 
Atomic number decreases
(D) 12 Mg  e01  11
Na 6.626  10 34  3  108
 = 2.0556  10-7 m
(Electron capture) 9.67  1019
Atomic number decreases = 2055 A0
1 1 1
100. 1s2 2s2 2p 2p 2p .
x y z
These electrons may be represented as 104. From  E = Ef – Ei =

-18  2
- 2.18  10 Z
 1 1  6.626  1034  3  108
 2  2
 (1) (2)  3  108

101. (A) Using the Bohr’s theory Vn is the potential

3 4.33  10 20
or –2.18  10-18  Z2  = 6.626  10-18   2.165  10 20
4 2
6.626  10 18  4 108. When charge on the proton is neutralized, work is done.
Z2 = 4 Let work done = W
2.18  10 18  3
Z = 2 for He+ Z = 2 Work done (W) = Force  distance (to bring the
105. EHe  EH or -2.18  10-18  Z2 charge from infinite to given point)
ao e2 e2
1 1  18
 1 W    Fda    da o  
 4  16   2.18  10 1  n2 

4  o a o 4  o a o
   2

o  permitivity..
3 1
Z  16  1  n2
2 This work is equal to potential energy as velocity
becomes zero or it has no KE (KE = 0).
1 12 e2
 1 (for He+ Z = 2)
n2 16 Total energy = PE + KE, PE = 4 a Since the
o o

1 4 proton captures the electron and forms a ground

 n2 = 2
n2 16 state in a hydrogen atom, the electron possesses most
Transition n = 2 to n = 1 KE which is generally half of the potential energy.
106. rn for H  r1  n2 KE = 8 a
o o
r3 for H = 0.529  9  10 8 cm Thus total energy (TE) = PE + KE =
 0.529  9  10 10
m ( r1  0.529A ) e 2 e2 e2
 
4o a o 8o a o 8o a o
Also un  Z Which is equivalent to kinetic energy but with a
opposite sign.
2.19  108 2.19  106 109. Using planck’s quantum theory, Energy of a photon
 u3  cm sec 1 m sec 1
3 3
( u1  2.19  108 cm sec 1 ) (E) =

No. of waves in one round 


2r3  u3  m Total energy of light radiation emitting large number
 h / mu3 h
2  22  0.529  9  10 10  2.19  106  9.108  1031 of photons =
 =3 
7  3  6.62  10 34
107. Bond energy of I2 = 240 kJ mol–1 = 240  103 J n = number of photons emitted/sec
h = Planck’s constant = 6.626  1034 J / sec
240  103
mol –1  J / molecules c = velocity of light = 3  108 m/s
6.023  1023
= 3.984  10–19 J/molecules Energy of each photon of wavelength 4500A
Energy absorbed
hc 6.626  1034  3  108
hc 6.626  10 Js  3  10 ms 8 1 E   4.42  1019 J
=  = 4.417   4500  1010
 4500  1010 m
Energy emitted by 150 watt with emission of light
10–19 J
Kinetic energy = Absorbed energy – Bond energy 150  8
= 8%   12W  12 J / sec
Kinetic energy = 4.417  10–19 – 3.984  10–19 J 100
= 4.33  10–20J But 1 watt = 1 J/sec
 Kinetic energy of each atom Let n be the number of photons of light emitted.
n  energy of a photon = Total energy emitted by
bulb as light radiation
n  4.42  1019  12
Number of photons emitted/second
12  1.632  10 21kJ
n  1019  2.72  1019
4.42 Therefore energy required to excite 4.92  1022
110. The shortest wavelength transition in the Balmer electrons
series corresponds to the transition = 1.632  10–21  4.92  1022 kJ = 8.03  10
n2 =   n1 = 1. = 80.3 kJ
 1 1  1 1 
Therefore total energyrequired = 17.83 + 80.3 = 98.17 kJ
  RH  2  2   (109677cm1 )  2  2  114. For maximum energy, n1 = 1 and n2 =  ;
 1 n 2   2  
= 27419.25cm–1 1  1 1
 RH Z2  2  2 
111. As the  -particle travelling with velocity, ‘u’ stops   n1 n2 
at a distance 10–13 m, its K.E. becomes
Since RH is a constant and transition remains the same
zero and gets converted into P.E.
1  Z2 1
1 1 2Ze2 Ze2  Z 2 ; He  2H  Hence,
mu2   or u2   H ZHe 4
2 40 r 0 . m.r
Here, Z = 29 for Cu atom 1
He   91.2  22.8nm
2 29  (1.6  10 )19 2
u 
3.14  8.85  10 12  (4  1.672  10 27 )  10 13
115.  22s  Probability of finding electron within 2s
 u = 6.3  106 m sec–1
1 h sphere  22s =0 (at node) and r  r0
112. mu  eV; also   ( probability of finding an electron is zero at node)
2 mu
1 h2 1 h2 1 1  1   r0   r /a
 m  eV or V   0   2  e 0 0
2 m2  2 2 m 2 e 4 2  a0   a0 
(6.62  1034 )2  r  r
V  2  0   0;  2  0 ; 2a0  r0
2  9.108 1031  (1.54 1010 )2  1.602 1019 a0  a0

= 63.3 volt
113. Determination of number of moles of hydrogen gas, h 6.627  10 34
116.    Or
mu 0.1 100
PV 1 1
n   0.0409   6.627  10 35 m  6.627  10 25 Å
RT 0.082  298
The concerned reaction is H2  2H; H =436 kJ mol– 117. For hydrogen atom, Z = 1, n = 1; V = 2.18  106
. Energy required to bring 0.0409 moles of hydrogen Z
 ms1  2.18  106 ms1
gas to atomic state = 436  0.0409 = 17.83 kJ. n
Calculation of total number of hydrogen atoms in De Broglie wavelength,
0.0409 mole of H2 gas.
1 mole of H2 gas has 6.02  1023 molecules h 6.626  1034
 
mv 9.1 1031  2.18  106
6.02  10 23
0.0409 mole of H2 gas   0.0409 = 3.34  10–10 m = 3.3Å
1 For 2p, l = 1
Since 1 molecule of H2 gas has 2 hydrogen atoms
6.02  1023  0.0409 molecules of H2 h h
Orbital angular momentum= l  l  1 = 2 .
gas = 2  6.02  1023  0.0409 = 4.92  1022 atoms 2 2
Energy required to excited an electron from the ***
ground state to the next excited state
 1 1 1 1 3
 13.6 2  2  eV  13.6      13.6   10.2eV
 n1 n2  1 4  4

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