HBPM+aspirina Prevencion de Preeclampsia
HBPM+aspirina Prevencion de Preeclampsia
HBPM+aspirina Prevencion de Preeclampsia
Low-molecular-weight heparin
OPEN ACCESS in addition to low-dose aspirin
for preventing preeclampsia and
Yu Sun,
Princeton University, United States
Yixiao Wang,
its complications: A systematic
Southeast University, China
Constantino Martinez,
University of Murcia, Spain
review and meta-analysis
Li Zheng Li Zheng1*, Binbin Xia2 , Yuan Yuan3 , Yuran Wang4 and
[email protected]
Yan Wang Yan Wang5*
[email protected]
Department of Pharmacy, China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation 731 Hospital, Beijing,
China, 2 Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Luhe Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University,
This article was submitted to Beijing, China, 3 Department of Dermatology, Gansu Provincial Central Hospital, Lanzhou, China,
Cardiovascular Pharmacology and 4
Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation 731
Drug Discovery, Hospital, Beijing, China, 5 Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Beijing Hospital, National Center
a section of the journal of Gerontology, Institute of Geriatric Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Preeclampsia (PE) is characterized by hypertension and PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, and ClinicalTrials.gov
proteinuria, and it is one of the important factors leading databases were searched from their inception to April 2022. We
to maternal and perinatal death. The incidence rate of also searched Embase, OVID MEDLINE and OVID MEDLINE
all pregnant women is about 2–8% (1, 2). The main in-process using the OVID platform. The search terms that
manifestations of PE are maternal and multiple organ and we used in the Pubmed database were as follows: #1 “pre-
system damage, as well as adverse pregnancy outcomes such eclampsia” [title/abstract] OR “preeclampsia” [title/abstract]
as fetal growth restriction (FGR) and placental abruption. OR “PE” [title/abstract] OR “eclampsia” [title/abstract]; #2
At the same time, PE can have adverse effects on re- “heparin” [title/abstract] OR “Low-Molecular-Weightheparin”
pregnancy. Women with a history of PE are 25–65% likely [title/abstract] OR “LMWH” [title/abstract]; #3 “aspirin”
to have PE again, 3% may have placental abruption, and [title/abstract]; #4 #1 AND #2 AND #3. The databases were
10% may have FGR again (3). The causes are multifactorial, searched for published studies in English, including systematic
including dysinvasion of uterine spiral artery trophoblast, injury reviews and meta-analysis, that were related to the treatment
of vascular endothelial cells and transitional activation of with LMWH or heparin (with LDA) in women at high risk of
maternal immune system (4–7). The dysfunction or disorder PE. After the search is complete, the documents were exported
of hemostasis, coagulation, anticoagulation and fibrinolysis in full text format.
system caused by many factors can eventually lead to
the abnormal increase of coagulation function and the
decrease of fibrinolysis function, so that the blood is in a Inclusion and exclusion criteria
hypercoagulable state.
At present, there are evidence-based evidences that Inclusion criteria were: (1) randomized controlled trials
the application of aspirin in high-risk groups of PE can (RCTs) studies comparing LDA with LMWH or heparin for
effectively prevent the onset of PE and reduce adverse prevention of PE; (2) studies including women who had
pregnancy outcomes (8, 9). Studies have also confirmed any known high risk factors for PE and its complications,
that low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) reduces the such as adverse obstetric history of previous PE, small-for-
incidence of PE, perinatal death and FGR in high-risk gestational age (SGA) or FGR, placental abruption, and medical
pregnant women, and improves the pregnancy outcome history including thrombophilia, autoimmune disease, and
of patients (10, 11). In addition, because LMWH cannot other chronic diseases; (3) published paper.
pass through the placenta, there is almost no direct risk to Animal experiments and non-RCTs were excluded from
the fetus, and massive hemorrhage or placental abruption the meta-analysis. In addition, studies were excluded if they
are rarely observed in pregnant women treated with included other treatment options.
LMWH (12). The primary outcomes were PE and live birth rate, with
In recent years, some studies have reported the effect and secondary outcomes including placental abruption, severe PE
safety of aspirin combined with LMWH in the prevention of (sPE), gestational hypertension, FGR or SGA, fetal and neonatal
PE and its complications. In this study, meta-analysis method death and HELLP (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymesand low
was used to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of these platelet count) syndrome. We also analyzed the presence of
related studies to make up for the small sample size of a adverse events such as intrapartum or postpartum hemorrhage.
single study. The primary purpose is to determine whether the In this context, it is recommended that women are diagnosed
combined treatment of LMWH and aspirin is better than single with PE if they present with the following severe features: systolic
anticoagulant drugs in preventing PE and its complications in blood pressure of 140 mmHg or more or diastolic blood pressure
high-risk women with pregnancy ≤16 weeks. of 90 mmHg or more on two occasions at least 4 h apart after
20weeks of gestation in a woman with a previously normal
blood pressure plus proteinuria, defined asurinary excretion
of 300 mg or more per 24 h urine collection (or this amount
Methods extrapolated from a timed collection)orc Protein/creatinine
ratio of 0.3 mg/dL or more orc Dipstick reading of 2+(used only
We performed a meta-analysis and wrote the article by if other quantitativemethods not available) (14). The women
conforming to the requirements illustrated in the Preferred are diagnosed with sPE when the following conditions are
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses met: systolic blood pressure ≥160 mm Hg and/or diastolic
(PRISMA) statement (13). We compared the treatment with blood pressure ≥110 mm Hg; Urine protein ic blood pressure
LMWH or heparin (with low-dose aspirin) with LMWH alone more or the meria was strongly positive; brain nerve
or low-dose aspirin (LDA) alone in women at high risk of PE. symptoms persist and worsen; persistent epigastric pain; serum
aspartate aminotransferase significantly increased, creatinine heterogeneity between studies, and combined with I2 to
>106 µmol/L; hypoalbuminemia, pleural or peritoneal effusion, quantitatively judge the extent of heterogeneity. The fixed-
heart failure, pulmonary edema, oligohydramnios, abnormal effects model was applied at P > 0.1 and I2 < 40%, which
blood system indicators and other manifestations may occur at showed that there was little heterogeneity between studies.
the same time. In addition, the main distinction between SGA Otherwise, the random-effects model was used for analysis (17).
and FGR is that a SGA fetus may be small but not at increased
risk of adverse perinatal outcome, while a fetus with size above
the 10th percentile may be FGR and at increased risk of adverse Publication bias
perinatal and long-term outcome (15).
Begg’s and Egger’s tests of asymmetry were performed using
the statistical software Stata 12.0 to assess potential publication
Data extraction bias. The tests were also used to identify outliers (18).
Flowchart of included studies.
Placental abruption
Primary outcomes We observed that the data from nine studies (19, 20, 22, 25–
29, 32) included (n = 1,464), the pooled results obtained using
PE a fixed-effects model showed that the addition of LMWH to
We observed that the data from ten studies (19–22, 25– LDA did not reduced the risk of placental abruption (RR: 0.58,
30) included (n = 1,452), the pooled results obtained using a 95% CI: 0.33–1.02, P = 0.06). In the subgroup analysis, the
fixed-effects model showed that the addition of LMWH to LDA addition of LMWH to LDA did not reduced the risk of placental
reduced the risk of PE (RR: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.44–0.79, P < 0.05). In abruptionin women with a history of PE (RR: 0.96, 95% CI:
the subgroup analysis, the addition of LMWH to LDA reduced 0.45–2.05, P = 0.91). Conversely, in women with a history of
the risk of PE in women with a history of PE (RR: 0.62, 95% miscarriages, the addition of LMWH to LDA can reduce the risk
CI: 0.45–0.87, P < 0.05) and miscarriages (RR: 0.50, 95% CI: of placental abruption (RR: 0.30, 95% CI: 0.12-0.77, P = 0.01)
0.27–0.90, P < 0.05), respectively (Figure 3A). (Figure 4A).
Study Research design Participant condition No. Interventions and Duration of treatment
dose (weeks)
Karadag et al. (19) A randomized controlled trial Recurrent pregnancy loss 59 Enoxaparin 40 mg/d+asa 100 Before termination of
patients with factor v leiden mg/d pregnancy
61 ASA 100 mg/d ≤36weeks
Karadag et al. (19) A randomized controlled trial Recurrent pregnancy loss 59 Enoxaparin 40 mg/d+asa 100 Before termination of
patients with factor v leiden mg/d pregnancy
54 Enoxaparin 40 mg/d ≤36weeks
Groom et al. (20) A multicenter open label With a history of gestational 72 Enoxaparin 4,000 iu/d+asa Before termination of
randomized controlled trial hypertension, fgr, 100 mg/d pregnancy
77 ASA 100 mg/d ≤36 weeks
Hoorn et al. (21) A multicentre randomized With a history of gestational 16 Dalteparin 5,000 iu/d+asa 80 Before termination of
controlled trial hypertension, sga mg/d pregnancy
16 ASA 80 mg/d ≤36weeks
Haddad et al. (22) A multicentre randomized With a history of spe 122 Enoxaparin 4,000 iu/d+asa Before termination of
controlled trial 100 mg/d pregnancy
122 ASA 100 mg/d ≤36 weeks
Carl et al. (23) A open label randomized With a history of at least two 45 Dalteparin 5,000 iu/d+asa 81 Before termination of
controlled trial consecutive abortions and mg/d pregnancy
43 ASA 81 mg/d ≤35weeks
Elmahashi et al. An open randomized clinical A history ofthree or more 75 Enoxaparin 4,000 iu/day +asa 34 weeks
(24) trial consecutive miscarriages. 75 mg/d
75 ASA 75 mg/d
Gris et al. (25) A monocentric, randomized With a history of pe, fgr, 112 Enoxaparin 4,000 iu/d+asa Before termination of
controlled study placental abruption. 100 mg/d pregnancy
112 ASA 100 mg/d ≤36 weeks
Vries et al. (26) A multicentre randomized With a history of gestational 70 Dalteparin 5,000 iu/d+asa 80 Before termination of
controlled trial hypertension, fgr, mg/d pregnancy
69 ASA 80 mg/d ≤36weeks
Visser et al. (27) A multicentre randomized With a history of recurrent 63 enoxaparin 40 mg/d+asa Before termination of
controlled trial abortion, but no 100mg/d pregnancy
76 ASA 100mg/d ≤35 weeks
Kaandorp et al. (28) A multicentre randomized Had a history of unexplained 123 nadroparin 2850 iu/d +asa 80 Before termination of
controlled trial recurrent miscarriage and mg/d pregnancy
were attemptingto conceive or
were less than 6 weeks
120 ASA 80 mg/d ≤36weeks
Gris JC et al. (29) A monocentric, randomized Had a history of an 80 Enoxaparin 4,000 iu/day +asa 36 weeks
controlled study unexplained pregnancy loss 100 mg/d
during the first intended
80 ASA 100 mg/d
TABLE 1 (Continued)
Study Research design Participant condition No. Interventions and Duration of treatment
dose (weeks)
Sergio et al. (30) A monocentric, randomized With a history of pe, fgr, but 31 enoxaparin 4,000 iu/d+asa Before termination of
controlled study no thrombophilia 100 mg/d pregnancy
23 ASA 100 mg/d ≤36 weeks
Goel et al. (31) A randomized controlled trial With a history of two or more 33 heparin 5,000 iu/d+asa 80 36 weeks
spontaneousabortions mg/d
39 ASA 80 mg/d
Farquharson et al. A randomized controlled trial With a history of at least three 51 unspecified lmwh 5,000 36 weeks
(32) consecutive pregnancy iu/d+asa 75 mg/d
lossesor two consecutive
losses with proven fetal death
after 10weeks’ gestation
47 ASA 75 mg/d
Six studies (20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30) (n = 889) reported the Four studies (19, 21, 26, 27) (n = 491) reported the FGR, the
SGA, the pooled results obtained using a fixed-effects model pooled results obtained using a fixed-effects model showed that
showed that the addition of LMWH to LDA reduced the the the addition of LMWH to LDA did not reduced the the risk of
risk of SGA (RR: 0.71, 95% CI: 0.52–0.97, P = 0.03). But in FGR (RR: 0.85, 95% CI: 0.54–1.34, P = 0.48). In the subgroup
the subgroup analysis, the addition of LMWH to LDA did not analysis, the addition of LMWH to LDA also did not reduced
reduced the risk of SGA in women with a history of PE (RR: the risk of FGR in women with a history of PE (RR: 0.67, 95%
0.73, 95% CI: 0.52–1.02, P = 0.07) and miscarriages (RR: 0.63, CI: 0.38–1.21, P = 0.19) and miscarriages (RR: 1.17, 95% CI:
95% CI: 0.28–1.42, P = 0.27), respectively (Figure 4B). 0.56–2.45, P = 0.67), respectively (Figure 4E).
Risk of bias assessment of the studies.
not statistically different, it can be seen from the Figure 4G Publication bias
that LDA combined with LMWH is more beneficial to prevent
the occurrence of HELLP syndrome and is a more favorable The results of Begg’s and Egger’s tests showed no evidence
treatment option (Figure 4G). of publication bias for all the outcomes except PE, as all the
results showed P > 0.05 (Table 2). However, there was evidence
of publication bias for PE, as the P-value from Egger’s tests was
0.007, the P value from Begg’s tests was 0.02.
Safety outcomes
Meta-analysis of (A) PE and (B) live birth rate.
PE and fetal and neonatal death. However, in the prevention FRG and fetal and neonatal death. Despite the results, the
of placental abruption, sPE, gestational hypertension, SGA and combination of drugs increased the number of newborns and
FGR, compared with LDA or LMWH alone, the combination decreased the number of SGA and fetal and neonatal death
of the drugs appeared to have no benefit. Nevertheless, the in women with previous miscarriages. In addition, no major
combination of drugs reduced the incidence of gestational side effects such as intrapartum or postpartum hemorrhage
hypertension, sPE, SGA and FGR in women who had previously were observed in women treated with LMWH combined with
developed PE. In women with a history of miscarriage, LMWH LDA, and the combined medication reduced the incidence of
combined with LDA can significantly reduce the incidence of PE, HELLP syndrome.
placental abruption, sPE and gestational hypertension. However, During our search in the above mentioned databases, we
there was no significant difference between the combined use found a meta-analysis (8) reported on LMWH combined with
of the two drugs and the use of a single drug in improving aspirin in preventing PE and SGA. The meta-analysis involved
the live birth rate of fetus and reducing the incidence of SGA, 8 RCTs, which were divided into two subgroups according to
FIGURE 4 (Continued)
Meta-analysis of (A) placental abruption. (B) SGA. (C) sPE. (D) gestational hypertension. (E) FGR. (F) fetal and neonatal death. (G) HELLP
Meta-analysis of intrapartum or postpartum hemorrhage.
TABLE 2 Results of Egger’s and Begg’s tests. thrombosis and placental infarction (36), but also has the effects
of anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor and promoting angiogenesis
Test Begg’s Egger’s
(10, 37). LMWH can promote the conversion of plasminogen
to plasmin, reduce blood viscosity, change blood rheology,
PE 0.02 0.007
inhibit vasoconstriction, improve organ blood perfusion, protect
live birth rate 0.13 0.30
vascular endothelium, strengthen placental exchange function,
placental abruption 0.18 0.06
increase fetal urine volume and amniotic fluid volume, promote
fetal growth and development, and improve perinatal prognosis
SGA 0.45 0.67
(10). With further research, it was found that LMWH not only
sPE 0.73 0.51
acts as an anticoagulant, but also has an obvious effect on the
gestational hypertension 1.00 0.98
development and invasion of trophoblast (38). These results
FGR 0.46 0.58
make LMWH as a potential drug for the prevention of PE
fetal and neonatal death 0.27 0.13
and SGA.
HELLP syndrome 0.45 0.14
Studies have shown that LDA combined with LMWH may
intrapartum or postpartum hemorrhage 1.00 0.70
offset the adverse reactions caused by some drugs and increase
the effect of the two drugs (39). For pregnant women with
underlying diseases, LDA should not be given only. For the
women’s history of PE or miscarriage, which is roughly the impact of factors such as hypercoagulability and thrombophilia
same as our study grouping criteria. The results of this study on placenta and fetus, anticoagulant drugs such as LMWH
showed that the combination of drugs could not effectively may also be needed (40). Our results also show that LMWH
reduce the incidence of PE and SGA in women with a history combined with LDA can significantly improve the pregnancy
of miscarriage. However, after we increased the sample size, we outcome of high-risk women without increasing the risk
came to a conclusion inconsistent with Roberge et al. (8). We of bleeding.
found that in high-risk women, combination therapy not only The strengths of our study include the inclusion of
reduced PE, but also reduced fetal and neonatal death. more RCT studies and more patients comparing the effects
Aspirin inhibits the production of prostaglandin and of combination and single drug than other meta-analysis.
thromboxane A2 by irreversible acetylation of serine residues Although there may be heterogeneity in our results, it also
in the active center of cyclooxygenase 1 (COX-1) and proves to some extent that our results are applicable to women
cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), and finally inhibits platelet with high risk factors for PE and its complications. At the same
aggregation (33), thereby reducing thrombosis. Aspirin can time, we also evaluated the bleeding risk of combined drugs,
also inhibit the production of thromboxane and prostacyclin which is also a key safety index to be considered in the process
in trophoblast, thus effectively preventing the contraction of clinical use.
of placental blood vessels and avoiding insufficient placental This study has some limitations. First, the quality grades
blood flow. Additionally, aspirin plays a therapeutic role in of the included studies were inconsistent. Among them, five
preeclampsia through anti platelet aggregation, prevention of studies (20–22, 26, 29) did not adopt blind design, and the
oxidative stress, improvement of cell apoptosis, etc (34, 35). random allocation method of two studies (30, 31) was unclear.
LMWH strengthens its inactivation of coagulation factors Second, because many women chose to withdraw from the trial
IIa, IXa and Xa by combining with antithrombin, thus reducing study, there was uncertainty about the treatment compliance
the generation of corresponding coagulation factors. It not of the subjects. Third, four of all included RCTs in recurrent
only has the effects of anticoagulant, preventing placental miscarriage did not report whether LMWH combined with LDA
could reduce the incidence of PE. In addition, only three of Author contributions
the 14 included studies reported on intrapartum or postpartum
hemorrhage, leading to publication bias in the results. Fourth, LZ and YaW planned and designed the study. LZ,
the study did not evaluate the impact of long-term maternal BX, YY, and YuW screened studies and performed the
and infant outcomes. More large sample, multicenter and long- systematic review and extracted data from included studies.
term follow-up studies are needed to confirm the long-term YY, BX, and LZ analyzed the data and performed the quality
impact of combined drugs on maternal and infant outcomes. assessment of studies. LZ drafted the manuscript. All authors
Finally, the Begg’s and Egger’s test results of PE showed potential contributed to the discussion section of the manuscript.
publication bias, indicating that the statistical analysis results All authors contributed to the article and approved the
may be unstable, and it is recommended to carry out studies with submitted version.
higher quality and more rigorous experimental design.
Therefore, the efficacy of aspirin combined with LMWH
is better than that of single drug, and can improve maternal Funding
and infant outcomes to a certain extent. It is worthy of
clinical promotion, but it needs to be further verified by This study was supported by the Chinese Peking Union
strictly designed, large sample and multi center randomized Medical College, Basic Scientific Research Project of Central
controlled trials. University (No. 2019XK320078, BJ-2019-092) and Sailing
Project of Beijing Hospital Clinical Research in 2022
The results of this meta-analysis showed that LMWH
Conflict of interest
combined with LDA can effectively improve the pregnancy
outcome of women with high risk factors and reduce the
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
incidence of PE, SGA, gestational hypertension, fetal and
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
neonatal death. At the same time, there are three studies that
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
report women’s bleeding. The results show that the combination
of drugs does not increase the risk of bleeding, but such results
lack the support of large sample size studies. The clinical safety
Publisher’s note
analysis of LMWH combined with LDA in patients with PE
should be more carried out.
All claims expressed in this article are solely those
of the authors and do not necessarily represent those
Data availability statement of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher,
the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be
The original contributions presented in the study are evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made
included in the article/supplementary material, further inquiries by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by
can be directed to the corresponding authors. the publisher.
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