Dose of Aspirin To Prevent Preterm Preeclampsia in
Dose of Aspirin To Prevent Preterm Preeclampsia in
Dose of Aspirin To Prevent Preterm Preeclampsia in
1 University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
of America, 2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University of
a1111111111 Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America,
a1111111111 3 Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
a1111111111 States of America, 4 Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton,
a1111111111 Florida, United States of America
Data sources
This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Meta-analysis (PRIMSA) guidelines utilizing the software, Covidence, and registered as
CRD42019127951 in the PROSPERO database (University of York, UK; http://www.crd.york. Relevant trials were identified through a search of Cochrane Central Reg-
ister of Controlled Trials, PubMed, Scopus, and the Web of Science from
January 1985 to March 2019. We did not search prior to 1985 because the first randomized
controlled trial studying antiplatelet therapy as prevention for preeclampsia was published in
April of that year [7]. References of prior systematic reviews were queried for additional stud-
ies. No language restrictions were applied. Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms and key-
word included: (((("Hypertension"[MeSH]) OR "Blood Pressure"[MeSH]) OR ("Eclampsia"
[MeSH] OR "Pre-Eclampsia"[MeSH] OR hypertension OR "high blood pressure" OR hbp OR
eclampsia OR pre-eclampsia OR preeclampsia OR "blood pressure")) AND ("Aspirin"[MeSH]
OR "Acetylsalicylic acid" OR aspirin)) AND (pregnan� OR gestation� ). Approval from an insti-
tutional review board was not required for this review.
Study selection
We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that stud-
ied the use of aspirin for the prevention of preeclampsia in women aged 15–55 years with any
moderate or high-risk factors of preeclampsia according to the list of risk factors from USPSTF
and ACOG guidelines. Studies that were quasi-randomized, cluster randomized, or not peer-
reviewed were excluded. Trials using a different treatment regimen were similarly excluded.
The primary outcome was the effect of aspirin dose on the incidence of all gestational age pre-
eclampsia and preterm preeclampsia.
The titles and abstracts of the searched articles were independently screened by two review-
ers (R.VD. and I.F.), with discrepancies addressed by the third reviewer (K.H.). The full text of
the selected articles was individually assessed by two reviewers (R.VD. and N.M.) and any con-
flicts were resolved by the third reviewer (K.H.). Once the final 24 articles were selected for
extraction, N.M. and R.VD. extracted relevant data using Covidence software. The software
provides comparison of the two reviewers’ extractions and a consensus spreadsheet which
requires a specific selection of which extracted data between the two reviewers gets included
into the final document. Any disagreement was resolved by the third reviewer K.H. Extracted
data was principally focused on our primary outcome and if available, demographic data,
adverse maternal, and neonatal outcomes were also extracted. A final collation of data was
exported to Microsoft Excel and sent for statistical review and analysis. Of the 24 articles
selected for data extraction, one article reported results as percentage values only. Upon con-
tacting the author for raw data, we did not receive a response. This study was then excluded
making our total 23 articles.
Each of the 23 articles was subjected to a quality and risk of bias assessment within Covi-
dence. The Covidence software has a built-in Cochrane RoB 1.0 risk of bias assessment tool.44
Studies were screened for the following quality measures and bias risks: sequence generation,
allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel for all outcomes, blinding of
outcome assessors for all outcomes, incomplete outcome data for all outcomes, selective out-
come reporting, and other sources of bias. Each category previously listed was independently
rated as “High”, “Low”, or “Unclear” by the two reviewers. Covidence’s reports of any discrep-
ancies were subsequently voted on for a final rating.
Risk ratios (RR) quantifying aspirin’s effect relative to placebo were estimated using DerSi-
monian and Laird’s random-effects model, as we anticipated heterogeneity (measured by the
I2 statistic) would be above 50%. Pooled RRs and supporting 95% confidence intervals (CI)
were computed for overall effect of aspirin on two outcomes; all gestational age preeclampsia
and preterm preeclampsia and for studies grouped by aspirin dose 1) at most 81 mg versus
more than 81 mg and 2) less than 81 mg, exactly 81 mg, exactly 100 mg, and exactly 150 mg for
each outcome as well. Publication bias was assessed graphically using contour-enhanced fun-
nel plots [8]. We also conducted a risk difference analyses allowing for a simple additive reduc-
tion in risk of preeclampsia with aspirin dosing, which allowed for an estimation of the
number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one case of preeclampsia. Analyses were conducted
using Stata version 15.1 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX) with the contributed ‘metan’ [9],
‘metabias’ [10], and ‘confunnel’ [11] packages.
The search strategy yielded 1,609 articles. Preliminary screening by two independent reviewers
(R.VD. and I.F.) excluded 24 duplicates. The remaining article titles and abstracts were
screened as well as any new articles published during the time of the search. A total of 1,585
potentially eligible manuscripts were identified. Of these manuscripts, 1,423 were excluded for
not being relevant to our review criteria. The abstract screening was independently performed
by the same reviewers as the initial screen. Lastly, 162 articles went through full-text screening
and of those, 138 were excluded for not meeting our inclusion criteria, not having reliable
translations, or for being duplicates and commentaries. Any disagreements were settled by the
third reviewer (K.H.). Twenty-four articles met the final requirements for inclusion and data
was extracted. One of the final 24 studies was excluded for lack of adequate reported data met-
rics which prevented us from being able to run the proper statistical analyses on their results.
One of the remaining 23 articles was only used in preterm preeclampsia analysis. The complete
flow diagram of study inclusion is presented in Fig 1.
Study characteristics are presented in Table 1. Our primary outcome measures were the
development of preeclampsia as defined by new onset hypertension (systolic blood pressure
�140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure �90 mmHg on two occasions at least 4 hours apart)
in pregnant women >20 weeks of gestation and proteinuria (�300 mg on 24-hour urine col-
lection, or protein/creatine �0.3 mg/dL, or dipstick reading of 2+), or in absence of protein-
uria, new onset hypertension accompanied by any of the following: thrombocytopenia, renal
insufficiency, pulmonary edema, or impaired liver function [3] and preterm (diagnosed at
<37 weeks of gestation) preeclampsia. All studies were randomized controlled trials and ran-
ged from 30 to 9,309 total participants. Preeclampsia event was reported by 22/23 studies, how-
ever only 11/23 studies reported the specific incidence of preterm preeclampsia.
Results of the bias assessment via the Cochrane Risk of Bias Template are in S1 Fig. None of
the included studies had risk of bias for “other bias”; five had risk of bias for selective reporting;
eight had risk of bias for incomplete outcome data; eight had risk of bias for blinding of out-
come assessment; eight had risk of bias for outcome of blinding participants and personnel;
eight had risk of bias for allocation concealment; nine had risk of bias for random sequence
In our primary analysis involving all gestational age preeclampsia outcome, there was noted
heterogeneity among studies using at most 81 mg (I2 = 70.5%; p<0.001) but not in the more
than 81 mg group (I2 �0.5%; p = 0.725, Fig 2). When the analysis of all gestational age pre-
eclampsia outcome was grouped by the four aspirin dosing groups, there was heterogeneity
among the studies using at most 81 mg (I2 = 72.6%; p<0.001) but not in the more than 100 mg
Fig 1. PRISMA flow chart: Summary of article search, selection, and exclusion.
group (I2 = 0.0%; p = 0.617, Fig 3). Among the 11 studies used for the preterm preeclampsia
analysis there was noted heterogeneity among studies using the at most 81 mg (I2 = 62.7%;
p = 0.013) but not in the more than 100 mg group (I2 = <0.0%; p = 0.973, Fig 4). Publication
bias cannot be excluded based on the funnel plot (S2A and S2B Fig).
Table 1. (Continued)
Table 1. (Continued)
GHTN, gestational hypertension; CHTN, chronic hypertension; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; PIH, pregnancy-induced hypertension; SGA, small for
gestational age; PPROM, preterm premature rapture of membranes; S/D, systolic-diastolic ratio; PAPP-A, pregnancy-associated plasma protein A; BMI, body mass
index; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit.
Daily dose of aspirin was 35–37 mg at the randomization and adjusted at a follow up visit if the weight of the woman exceeded the initial weight by at least 10%.
Aspirin at most 81 mg demonstrated a 29% reduction (RR = 0.71; 95% CI: 0.56–0.89;
p = 0.003) while at more than 81 mg, a 25% reduction (RR = 0.75; 95% CI: 0.60–0.93,
p = 0.009) in preeclampsia diagnosis (Fig 2). Analyses were also conducted using the risk dif-
ference to quantify the effect of aspirin on reduction of preeclampsia (S3 Fig). On this scale,
the lower dose of aspirin showed a significant reduction in preeclampsia risk (p = 0.007) while
more than 81 mg doses produced a nonsignificant effect (p = 0.115). Those given at most 81
mg saw a 2.6 percentage point (ppt) reduction in risk (95% CI: 0.7–4.4 ppt reduction). This
translated to having to treat 38 (95% CI: 23–143) women with lower-dose aspirin to avoid one
case of preeclampsia.
The studies accounting for all gestational age preeclampsia outcomes were grouped into the
four levels determined by the aspirin doses less than 81 mg, 81 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg. There
was no evidence that exactly 81 mg of aspirin had an effect (RR = 0.88; 95% CI: 0.21–3.66;
p = 0.855), and the effect for 100 mg not significant (RR = 0.78; 95% CI: 0.57–1.06; p = 0.113).
At the lower and upper ends, there was evidence that aspirin reduces risk and the effect at both
extremes was similar, approximately a 28% reduction in risk (RR = 0.70; 95% CI: 0.55–0.89;
p = 0.003 and RR = 0.72; 95% CI: 0.54–0.98; p = 0.034; Fig 3). Conclusions were similar when
effects are conveyed as simple (additive) reductions in risk: exactly 81 mg and 100 mg each
failed to show a robust effect (p = 0.855 and 0.223, respectively), while the lower dose (36–80
mg, p = 0.007; 2.6 (95% CI: 0.7–4.5) ppt reduction) and highest dose (150mg, p = 0.032; 3.2
(95% CI: 0.3–6.1) ppt reduction) each demonstrated protective effects from aspirin (S4 Fig).
Those lowest/highest doses correspond to NNT values of 38 (95% CI: 22–143) and 31 (95% CI:
Fig 2. Forest plot of the effect of aspirin on the all gestational age preeclampsia outcome stratified by two groups of aspirin doses: At most 81
mg and more than 81 mg. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the
overall effect of pooled sample; horizontal line indicates 95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no effect.
demonstrated 54% (RR = 0.46; 95% CI: 0.28–0.74) reduction in risk of preterm preeclampsia
compared to placebo (Fig 7).
Furthermore, studies were grouped according to the four levels of aspirin dose: seven at the
low end (36–80 mg), one at exactly 81 mg, two at exactly 100 mg, and one at exactly 150 mg.
None of the doses/dose groups that were below 150 mg showed a significant reduction in risk
of preterm preeclampsia. The single Rolnik [2017] study demonstrated a convincingly signifi-
cant risk reduction of 62% (RR = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.20–0.72; p = 0.011) for aspirin compared to
placebo (Fig 4). These results should be interpreted with caution considering that the Rolnik
study at 150 mg is only a single value providing data for statistical analysis. These same 4
groups of studies, when expressed as risk differences (S5 Fig), showed evidence of protection
at the low end (36–80 mg; p = 0.045; 2.4 (95% CI: 0.1–4.6 ppt reduction) and at the highest
dose (150 mg; p = 0.002; 2.6 (95% CI: 1.0–4.3 ppt reduction), but not for 81 mg or 100 mg
(p = 0.855 and 0.187, respectively). The NNT for 36–80 mg is estimated to be 42 (95% CI: 22–
1000) and 39 (95% CI: 23–100) for the 150 mg dose.
Fig 3. Forest plot of the effect of aspirin on the all gestational age preeclampsia outcome stratified by four groups of aspirin dose: 36–80 mg, 81 mg, 100 mg, and
150 mg. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the overall effect of pooled sample; horizontal
line indicates 95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no effect.
All aspirin doses less than 150 mg were ineffective in reducing preterm preeclampsia; however,
there was a 62% reduction in risk using 150 mg (RR = 0.38; 95% CI: 0.20–0.72; P = 0.011). The
NNT using 150 mg for preterm preeclampsia prevention is 39 (95% CI: 23–100). Dividing the
aspirin doses into four groups demonstrated that only less than 81 mg and the 150 mg groups
had a significant reduction in risk of all gestational age preeclampsia which was approximately
28% at each end. The NNT using less than 81 mg and 150 mg was 38 (95% CI: 22–143) and 31
Fig 4. Forest plot of the effect of aspirin on the preterm preeclampsia outcome stratified by four groups of aspirin doses: 36–80 mg, 81 mg, 100 mg, and 150 mg. RR,
risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the overall effect of pooled sample; horizontal line indicates
95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no effect.
(95%CI: 16–333), respectively for preeclampsia prevention at all gestational ages. Again, with
the 150 mg being only a single study, it is important to acknowledge that there is a need for
more RCTs using 150 mg dosing to increase the statistical power of these conclusions.
Strengths of our review include the number of studies we analyzed compared to other sys-
tematic reviews performed on this topic. The last systematic review in February 2018 included
10 studies; we added 13 more randomized controlled trials [6]. We aimed to define a specific
dose of aspirin to employ as prevention for preeclampsia versus the current standard of 81 mg,
or the generally used and non-specific term: “low-dose aspirin”. Limitations to our review
include the potential risk of bias among the articles included, despite our risk assessment and
quality measure of each study. We cannot confidently know that all biases were excluded in
the methodologic approach to each study that we included in our review. Our percentage
point (ppt) risk reduction analysis with the following NNT calculation is limited based on the
Fig 5. Forest plot of the effect of all aspirin doses on the all gestational age preeclampsia outcome. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the
weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the overall effect of pooled sample; horizontal line indicates 95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no effect.
heterogeneity of the pooled data and should be interpreted cautiously. Our analysis is limited
to the congruency among the studies included. Differing outcome measures, cohorts of
women, and how each study reported results defined how and what amount of data we could
extract. Especially the difference in the gestational age of aspirin therapy initiation in the stud-
ies included into this meta-analysis needs to be acknowledged. There is limited data on the
optimal aspirin dosing, specifically, of 81 mg compared to 150 mg. This warrants further ran-
domized controlled trials to validate our findings. We recommend future conduction of ran-
domized control trials comparing the efficacy of the daily dosage of 81 mg vs 150 mg aspirin.
Analysis of the efficacy of increasing the clinically used dose of aspirin from 81 mg to 150 mg
on short and long-term maternal and neonatal outcomes is needed and also recommended.
Since the first evidence of aspirin for reducing the risk of preeclampsia in 1985, many stud-
ies have attempted to determine the effect with controversial results. Aspirin dosage remains a
topic of debate [12, 13]; however, it is believed there is a dose dependent response.
Fig 6. Forest plot of the effect of all aspirin doses on the preterm preeclampsia outcome. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the
weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the overall effect of pooled sample; horizontal line indicates 95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no
Fig 7. Forest plot of the effect aspirin on the preterm preeclampsia outcome stratified by two groups of aspirin doses: At most 81 mg and more
than 81 mg. RR, risk ratio; CI, confidence interval. Black diamond indicates the weight of each study; blue diamond indicates the overall effect of
pooled sample; horizontal line indicates 95% confidence interval; solid vertical line indicates no effect.
and fetal safety profiles; however, doses over 100 mg have not been adequately studied. Based
on our study, increasing the standard dose of aspirin to 150 mg would provide a substantial
reduction in preterm preeclampsia. However, future studies are needed to confirm the mecha-
nism leading to an increased reduction of preterm preeclampsia by use of higher doses of aspi-
rin. In addition, while a higher dosage appears to be the most effective dose for preterm
preeclampsia prevention, future studies should validate we are not compromising safety of the
mother and baby.
Despite this being based on a single study, our review demonstrated a significant reduction
in preterm preeclampsia with 150 mg aspirin compared to all other dosages. We did not find
significant differences in risk reduction of preeclampsia at 81 mg in comparison to the other
dosages. Randomized trials that compare higher doses of aspirin to 81mg are necessary to
complete the totality of evidence.
Supporting information
S1 Checklist. PRISMA 2009 checklist.
We are thankful to Robert Kohler and Mary Hitchcock who were our librarians at University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Rachel Van Doorn, Narmin Mukhtarova, Ian P. Flyke, Charles H. Henne-
kens, Kara K. Hoppe.
Data curation: Rachel Van Doorn, Narmin Mukhtarova, Ian P. Flyke, Michael Lasarev,
KyungMann Kim, Kara K. Hoppe.
Formal analysis: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim.
Funding acquisition: Kara K. Hoppe.
Investigation: Rachel Van Doorn, Narmin Mukhtarova, Ian P. Flyke, Kara K. Hoppe.
Methodology: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim, Charles H. Hennekens, Kara K. Hoppe.
Project administration: Rachel Van Doorn, Narmin Mukhtarova, Kara K. Hoppe.
Resources: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim, Kara K. Hoppe.
Software: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim, Kara K. Hoppe.
Supervision: Kara K. Hoppe.
Visualization: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim.
Writing – original draft: Rachel Van Doorn, Narmin Mukhtarova, Charles H. Hennekens,
Kara K. Hoppe.
Writing – review & editing: Michael Lasarev, KyungMann Kim, Charles H. Hennekens, Kara
K. Hoppe.
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