The document provides vocabulary words in English, pronunciation guides in an informal English dialect, and Spanish translations. It includes greetings, months, days of the week, times, classroom rules, and other common terms organized by topic for language learning.
The document provides vocabulary words in English, pronunciation guides in an informal English dialect, and Spanish translations. It includes greetings, months, days of the week, times, classroom rules, and other common terms organized by topic for language learning.
The document provides vocabulary words in English, pronunciation guides in an informal English dialect, and Spanish translations. It includes greetings, months, days of the week, times, classroom rules, and other common terms organized by topic for language learning.
The document provides vocabulary words in English, pronunciation guides in an informal English dialect, and Spanish translations. It includes greetings, months, days of the week, times, classroom rules, and other common terms organized by topic for language learning.
FOR ALL SECONDARY ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION SPANISH wu introduction introducshons introduccion wu GREETINGS GRITINGS SALUDOS wu Hello Jelou Hola (de entrada) wu Hi hi Hola (respuesta) wu Goodbye Gudbai Adios (de despedida) wu Bye bai Adios (respuesta) wu What’s your name? Wats yor neim? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? wu My name is … Mai neim is… Mi nombre es… wu It’s nice to meet you Its nais tu mit yu Mucho gusto wu It’s nice to meet you, too Its nais tu mit yu, tu El gusto es mío wu See you tomorrow Si yu tumorou Nos vemos mañana wu See you Si yu Nos vemos wu MONTH/SHORT MONZH /SHORT FORM/DEIS MESES/FORMA CORTA/ wu FORM/DAYS DIAS January/Jan./31 Yanuari Enero wu February/Feb./28/29 Feb-buari Febrero wu March/Mar./31 March Marzo wu April/Apr./30 Eiprol Abril wu May/May./31 Mei Mayo wu June/Jun./30 Yun Junio wu July/Jul./31 Yulai Julio wu August/Aug./31 August Agosto wu September/Sep./30 September Setiembre wu October/Oct./31 October Octubre wu November/Nov./30 November Noviembre wu December/Dec./31 dicember Diciembre wu DAYS OF THE WEEK DEIS OF DA UIC DIAS DE LA SEMANA wu Monday Mandei Lunes wu Tuesday Tiusdei Martes wu Wednesday Wensdei Miércoles wu Thursday Zursdei Jueves wu Friday Fraidei Viernes wu Saturday Saturdei Sábado wu Sunday sandei Domingo wu What is your favorite day? Wat is yor feivorit dei? ¿Cuál es tu día favorito? wu My favorite day is … Maifavorit dei is… Mi dia favorito es… wu ORDINAL NUMBERS ORDINAL NAMBERS NUMEROS ORDINALES wu 1st – first Ferst Primero wu 2nd – second Second Segundo wu 3rd – third Zhert Tercero wu 4th – fourth Forth Cuarto wu 5th – fifth Fiftz Quinto wu “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
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6th – sixth Sixth Sexto wu
7th – seventh Sevenz Septimo wu 8th – eighth Eitz Octavo wu 9th – ninth Nainz Novena wu 10th – tenth Tenz Decimo wu 11th – eleventh Ilevenz Undécimo wu 12th – twelfth Tuelfz Duodécimo wu 13th – thirteenth Zhertinz Decimotercero wu 14th – fourteenth Fortinz Decimocuarto wu 15th – fifteenth Fiftinz Decimoquinto wu 16th – sixteenth Sixtinz Decimosexto wu 17th – seventeenth Seventinz Decimoséptimo wu 18th – eighteenth Eitinz Decimoctavo wu 19th – nineteenth Naitinz Decimonoveno wu 20th – twentieth Tuentieth Vigésimo wu 21st – twenty-first Tuenti-ferst Vigésimo primero wu 22nd – twenty-second Tuenti-secon Vigésimo segundo wu 23rd – twenty-third Tuenti-zhert Vigésimo tercero wu 24th – twenty-fourth Tuenti-forz Vigésimo cuarto wu 25th – twenty-fifth Tuenti-fift Vigésimo quinto wu 26th – twenty-sixth Tuenti-sixth Vigésimo sexto wu 27th – twenty-seventh Tuenti-seventh Vigésimo séptimo wu 28th – twenty-eighth Tuenti-eith Vigésimo octavo wu 29th – twenty-ninth Tuenti-nainz Vigésimo noveno wu 30th – thirtieth Zeri-eth Trigésimo wu 31st – thirty-first Zeri-ferst Trigésimo primero wu TIME TAIM LOS TIEMPOS wu In the morning In da mornin En la mañana wu In the afternoon In di afternun En la tarde wu In the evening In di efnin En la noche wu At night At nait En la noche wu Noon Nun Al medio dia wu Midnight Mid-nait A la media noche wu Early Erli Temprano wu Late lait Tarde wu CLASSROOM RULES CLASRUM RULS REGLAS DE LA CLASE wu Be respectful Bi respectful Se respetuoso wu Think before you speak Zhink bifor yu espic Piensa antes de hablar wu Listen to other students Lisen tu oder estiudents Escuchar a otros estudiantes wu Be kind Bi kain Sé amable wu help others Jelp oders ayuda a otros wu share your skills Ser yor eskils comparte tus habilidades wu be responsible Bi risponsabol sé responsable wu do your homework Du yor jomwork Haz tu tarea wu plan ahead Plan ajed planificar con anticipación wu “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
IN CLASS CLAS CLASE Can you repeat that, Can yu ripit dat, plis ¿Puede repetir eso por favor? wu please? How do you pronounce it? Jau du yu pronauns it ¿Como se pronuncia? wu Is it formal or informal? Is it formal or informal ¿Es formal o informal? wu Can you give me an Can yu guif mi an exsampol ¿Puedes darme una oración de wu example sentence? sentens ejemplo? Is it a noun / an adjective / Is it a naun / an adyectif/ an ¿Es un sustantivo/un adjetivo/un wu an adverb, etc? adverb, ect? adverbio, etc.? What does it mean? Uat das it min ¿Qué significa? wu How do you spell it? Jau du yu espel it ¿Cómo se deletrea? wu Is it countable or Is it cauntabol or ancauntabol ¿Es contable o incontable? wu uncountable? Is it followed by a gerund or Is it folowid bai a yerun or infinitif ¿Va seguido de gerundio o wu infinitive? infinitivo? What page/exercise are we Uat peich / exersais ar wi on ¿En qué página/ejercicio wu on? estamos? COUNTRIES CAUNTRIES PAISES wu Peru Peru Perú wu The United States Da Yuneited esteits Los Estado unidos wu The United Kingdom Da Yuneited kindom El Reino unido wu Japan Yapan Japón wu China Chaina China wu Spain Espein España wu Brazil Brazil Brasil wu Canada Canada Canadá wu Turkey Turki Turquía wu Mexico Mexsico Mejico wu Australia austrelia australia wu NATIONALITIES NASHONALITIS NACIONALIDADES wu Peruvian Peruvian peruano wu American American Americano wu British/ English British / inglish británico /inglés wu Japanese Yapanis japonés wu Chinese Chainis Chino wu Spanish Espanish Español wu Brazilian Brasilian brasileño wu Canadian Caneda canadiense wu Turkish Torkish turco wu Mexican Mexsican mexicano wu Australian Austrelian australiano wu LENGTH AND COLOR Length and color of Tamaño y color del OF HAIR jeir pelo Short Short Corto “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
Long Long Largo
Straight Estreit lacio Wavy Wabi Ondeado Bangs Bangs Flequillos Curly Corly risado Bald Bold Calvo Blond Blond Rubio Black Blac Negro Grey Grei Canoso eyebrows aibrau Cejas mustache mustash Bigote beard berd Barba eyelashes ailashe Pestañas COLOR OF EYES Color of ais COLOR DE OJOS Black Black Negro Blue Blue Azul Brown Braun Marrón Green Grin Verde POSSESSIONS POSESHONS POSESIONES Necklace necleis Collar Earrings Irings Aretes Watch Uatch Reloj de mano Glasses/sunglasses Glases/san glases Lentes/lentes de sol Keys Kis Llaves Cell phone Cel fon Celular Wallet Walet Billetera Money Manei Dinero Bracelet Breicelet Pulsera Umbrella ambrela Paraguas CLOTHES AND CLOTHS AND ACCESORIS ROPAS Y ACCESORIOS ACCESSORIES Gloves Glofs Guantes Hat Jat Sombrero/gorro Boots Buts Botas Shirt Shirt Camisa Sandals Sandals Sandalias Sweater Sueter Suéter/chompa Blouse Blous blusa Raincoat reincout Abrigo para la Lluvia Shoes shus Zapatos Scarf escarf Chalina Coat cout Abrigo Pants Pants Pantalón Boots Buts Botas T-shirt Ti-shert Polo Tie Tai Corbata “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
Belt Belt Correa
FAMILY MEMBERS FAMILI MEMBERS MIEMBROS DE LA FAMILIA Mom Mom Mamá Dad Dad Papá Sister Sister Hermana Brother Broder Hermano Grandma Granma Abuela Grandpa Granpa Abuelo Baby brother beibi broder Bebe (hermano) Who’s this? Jus des? ¿Quién es? She is my mom. Shis mai mom Ella es mi mamá This is … Des is… Este /está es… Cell Cel Celúla gene Yin gen pair Per par identical Identical idéntico twins tuins mellizos WORD STUDY UORD ESTADI PALABRAS PARA ESTUDIAR Happy/unhappy Japi/anjapi Feliz/ infeliz Use/reuse Yus /riyus Usar/reutilizar Read/ reread Rid/ririd Leer/releer Safe/unsafe Seif/anseif Seguro/inseguro Tie/untie Tai/antai atar/desatar Do/undo Du/andu Hacer/deshacer Fill /refill Fill/rifil Llenar/recargar Build /rebuild Bild/ribald construir/reconstruir Write/rewrite Urait/ri-urait Escribir/reescribir Able /unable Eibol/aneibol capaz/incapaz Wrap/unwrap Urap/anrap Envolver/desenvolver Make /remake Meik/rimeik hacer/rehacer Heat/reheat Jit/rijit Calenlentar/recalantar DESCRIBE DISCRAIF PERSONALITI DESCRIBIR LA PERSONALITY(ADJ) PERSONALIDAD Quiet Kuayet Tranquilo Confident Confident Seguro Smart Esmart Elegante Friendly Frenly amigable Kind Kaind amable Funny Fany divertido Athletic Atletic atlético Patient Paishen paciente DESCRIBE HOW DISCRAIF JAU PIPOL DU DESCRIBIR CÓMO PEOPLE DO THINGS ZHINGS HACEN LAS COSAS LA (ADVERBS) GENTE Quietly Kuayetli En silencio “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
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Patiently Peishenli Pacientemente
Slowly Eslouli Despacio Well Wel Bien Badly Badli Gravemente Quickly Kuicli Rápidamente Loudly laudli Fuerte Role Models ROL MODELS MODELOS A SEGUIR Role Model Modelo a seguir Inspire Inspayer Inspirar Dream Drim Sueño Alone Alon Solo Brave Breif Corajudo Hero Jirou Héroe SUFFLIXES ( WORD SUFIXES (UORD ESTADY) SUFIJOS (PALABRAS STUDY) PARA ESTUDIAR) Painful Peinful Doloroso Friendly Frendly Amigable Helpful Jelpful Útil Hopeful Jopful Esperanzado Harmful Jarmful Dañino Likely Laikli Probable Yearly Yirli Anual Nicely Naisli Bien Joyful Yoiful Alegre Cleanly Clinli Limpiamente Careful Cerful Cuidadoso Costly Costli Costoso Colorful Colorful Vistoso Deeply deepli Profundamente PLACES AND PLEICES AN LUGARES Y PREPOSITIONS PREPOSISHONS PREPOSICIONES Fire station/firehouse Fair esteishon/fayerjaus Compañía de bomberos Hospital Jospital Hospital Police station Polis esteishon Comisaria School Escul Colegio Airport eirport Aeropuerto Supermarket supermarket Supermercado Bookstore Buks-tor Librería Library laiberi Biblioteca Movie theater Muvi zhieter Cine Park park Parque Restaurant Restauran Restaurante Bakery Beikeri Panadería Bank Bank Banco Museum Miuseum Museo “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
Post office Post ofis Oficina postal
Stadium estadium Estadio Where is the police station? Wers is da polis esteishon? ¿Dónde está la comisaria? It’s on the corner of… It’s on da corner of Esta en la esquina de… On The Corner Of On da corner of En la esquina de In The Center In da center En el centro Next To Next tu Junto a Across From Acros from Enfrente de On The Left On da left A la izquierda On The Right On da rait A la derecha Behind Bijain Detrás Between Bituin Entre In Front Of In front of Delante de Turn left Torn left Gire a la izquierda Turn right Torn rait Gire a la derecha Go straight Gou estreit Siga derecho Go past Gou pas Pasar Walk alone the River Uok alon da river caminar solo el río Walk across the road Uok acros da roud cruzar la calle Go over the bridge Gou ouver da brich Pasar el puente Turn around Torn around Giro de vuelta WORD STUDY UORDS ESTADI PALABRAS PARA (compound words) ESTUDIAR Birthday Berzhdei Cumpleaños Goldfish Goldfish Pez de colores Seafood Sifud Mariscos Popcorn Popcorn Palomitas Bathtub Bazhtub Bañera Hairbrush Jerbrash Cepillo para el pelo Starfish Estarfish Estrella de mar Rainbow Reinbou Arcoíris Earthquake Earzh kuek Terremoto Jellyfish Yelifish Medusa Butterfly Borerflai Mariposa Grasshopper Grasjoper Saltamontes Birdcage Berdkeich Jaula Bedroom bedrum Dormitorio MATERIAL MATIRIAL MATERIAL Plastic plastic El plastico Cloth clozh Paño Gold gold Oro Wood wud Madera Wool wul Lana Paper peiper Papel Clay Clei Arcilla “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
Leather Leder Cuero
DESCRIBING WORDS DISCRAIBIN UORDS DESCRIBIENDO PALABRAS Sweet Suit Dulce Delicious delishus Delicioso horrible Jorribol horrible sour Sawer agrio heart Jert corazón soft Soft suave expensive Expensif caro WORD STUDY UORD STUDY ESTUDIO DE PALABRAS Short Short Corto Slow Eslou Lento sad Sad triste big Big grande tall Tol alto fat Fat gordo hot Jot caliente fast Fast rápido easy Isi fácil thin Zhin delgado AWESOME OSOM EXPIRIENS EXPERIENCIAS EXPIRIENCES IMPRESIONANTES Explore a rainforest Explor a reinforest Explora una selva tropical Hold a snake Jol a esneik Sostenga una serpiente fly in a hot air balloon Flai in a jot air balun volar en un globo aerostático sleep in the desert Eslip in da desert Dormir en el desierto go on a safari Gou on a safari Ir de safari climb a volcano Claimb a volkeino escalar un volcán ride a camel Raid a camel montar un camello see the pyramids Si da pairamids ver las piramides meet a famous person Mit a feimus person Conocer a una persona famosa ADJECTIVES FOR ADYECTIF FOR ADJETIVOS PARA DESCRIBE DISCRAIB DESCRIBIR Beautiful biuriful Hermoso Dangerous Denrous Peligroso Dark Dark Oscuro Exciting Exsaiting Emocionante Scary Eskeri Aterrador Interesting interestin Interesante ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALES Eagles Igols Águilas moose Mus alce polar bears Polar bers osos polares “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
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snow leopards Esnow leopars leopardos de las nieves
jaguars Yaguards jaguares slots Eslots tragamonedas ostriches Ostriches avestruces kangaroos Kangaru canguros WORD STUDY UORD STUDY ESTUDIO DE PALABRAS Paint Peint Pintar Use Yus Usar Cut Cat Cortar Coat Cout Abrigo Toy Toi Juguete Brush Brash Cepillar Smile Esmail Sonrisa Kiss Kis Beso Class Clas Clase Beach Biich Playa Book Book Libro Sleep Eslip Dormir PARTY PARI PREPAREISHON PREPARACIÓN DE LA PREPARATION FIESTA Send invitations Sen inviteishons Enviar invitaciones Choose the music Chus da miusic elige la música Decorate the jar Decoreit da yar decorar el frasco Make a costume Meik a costum hacer un disfraz Organize the games Organais da gueim organizar los juegos Prepare the party food Preper da pari fud Prepara la comida de la fiesta Borrow chairs Borou chers pedir prestadas sillas Buy the prizes Bai da praices comprar los premios ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES ACTIVIDADES Neighborhood Neiburjud Vecindario Be a volunteer Bi a volunteer ser voluntario Be a tutor Bi a tutor ser tutor Collect the mail Collect da meil recoger el correo Water the plants Warer da plants Regar las plantas Tidy the yard Taidi da yard Ordenar el patio Trash can Trash can Bote de basura Work together Uork tugueder Trabajar juntos WORD STUDY UORD STUDY ESTUDIO DE PALABRAS Misread Misrid Leer mal Mistreat Mistret Maltratar Mislead Mislid Engañar Pre-cook Pricuk Precocinar Preheat Prijit Precalentar Midweek Midwik Entresemana “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
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Mid-year Midyir Mediados de año
Midway Midwei A mitad de camino Underwear Onderwer Ropa interior Underwater Onderwarer Submarino Prepay Pripei Pagar por adelantado Underarm Onder arm Axila Preview Priviu Avance Undersea Under si Submarino Prewash Priwash Prelavado Underground Undergraun Subterráneo Midnight Midnait Medianoche Misnumber Misnamber número erróneo Preplan Priplan Antes del plan DIFFERENT KIND OF DIFFERENT KAIN OF DIFERENTES TIPOS DE PELÍCULAS MOVIES MUVIS a science fiction movie A saens ficshon muvi una película de ciencia ficción a superhero movie A super jirou muvi una película de superhéroes documentary Documentary documental a comedy A comedi una comedia an adventure movie An advenshor una película de aventuras a musical A miusical un musical a drama A drama un drama a mystery A misteri un misterio ADJECTIVE TO ADYECTIF TU DISRAIB ADJETIVO PARA DESCRIBE DESCRIBIR Exciting Exsaitin Emocionante Boring Borin Aburrido Funny Fany Divertido Scary Eskeri Aterrador Interesting Interesting Interesante frightening Fraitening alarmante excellent Excellent excelente surprising Sorpraisin sorprendente unusual Unushual inusual silly Sili tonto ART ART ARTE Art Art Arte Mood Mud Ánimo Sound Saun Sonido Scene Escin Escena Lightning Lainin Iluminación Action Acshon Acción WORD STUDY UORD STUDY ESTUDIO DE PALABRAS Messy Mesi Desordenado “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
Lucky Laki Afortunado
Thirsty Zhersti Sediento Sweaty Sueti Sudoroso Hairy Jeri Peludo Grassy Grasi Herboso Farmer Farmer Agricultor Painter Peinter Pintor Singer Singuer Cantante Swimmer Suimer Nadador Sailor Sailor Marinero Visitor Visitor Visitante Hopeless Joles Desesperanzado Useless Yusles Inútil Pointless Pointles Inútil Crazy Creisi Loco Easy Isi Fácil Bouncy Baunsi Activo Fearless Firles Valiente Itchy Ichi Que produce picor Teacher Ticher Maestro Actor Actor Actor END- OF - YEAR EN OF YI ACTIVITIS ACTIVIDADES DE FIN DE AÑO ACTIVITIES Make a yearbook Meik a yirbuk hacer un anuario go to a graduation Gou tu a graduashon ir a una ceremonia de ceremony graduación win an award Win an auard ganar un premio get a certificate past Guet a cwetifikeit obtener un certificado después final exams de los exámenes finales buy a school sweatshirt Bai a escul suitshir comprar una sudadera del colegio go to the end of the Gou tu di en of yir pari ir a la fiesta de fin de año year party work hard Uork jard trabaja duro FEELINGS FILINS SENTIMIENTOS Bored Bor Aburrido interested Interestid interesado lonely Lonli solitario worried Worried preocupado pleased Plis complacido brave Breif valiente proud Praud orgulloso ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIFMENTS LOGROS Achievement Achifment Logro college Colig Colega “INNOVA AMERICA HIGH SCHOOL“
1st Quarter to 4th quarter
Value: punctuality
degree Digri grado
decide Desaid decidir age Eich edad succeed Saccid tener éxito Estimados padres de familia esta es la lista de vocabulario que se usara durante el año 2024, puede que lo usemos para hacer composiciones de conversaciones o tarea de vocabulario o quizá las dos. Por favor cualquier consulta hacerlo a mi persona.