Séquence 03

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28 WEEK 3

1 Warm up Les jours et

Say “he is” and “they
are.” (pp.14–15) les mois
Say “he is not” and
“they are not.”
Days and months
In French, the days of the week (les
What is French for “the jours de semaine) and months (les
children”? (pp.10–11) mois) are not capitalized. The months
have names similar to the English
ones. You use en with months: en avril
(in April), but not with days.

2 Words to remember: days

Familiarize yourself with these words and test yourself using the flap.

lundi Monday

mardi Tuesday

mercredi Wednesday

jeudi Thursday

vendredi Friday

samedi Saturday

dimanche Sunday

aujourd’hui today

demain tomorrow

hier yesterday Demain, c’est lundi.

eeyair dumañ, say luñdee
Tomorrow is Monday.

3 Useful phrases: days

Learn these phrases and then test yourself using the cover flap.

La réunion n’est The meeting isn’t

pas mardi. on Tuesday.
lah rayoonyoñ nay
pah mardee

Je travaille le I work on Sundays.

juh trav-eye luh
M A K I N G A R R A N G E M E NT S 29

4 Words to remember: months

Familiarize yourself with these words and test yourself using the flap.

January janvier

February février

March mars

April avril
Notre anniversaire de avreel
mariage est en juillet.
notruh aneevairsair duh May mai
mareeaj ay toñ jweeyay may
Our wedding
anniversary is in July. June juin

July juillet

August août

September septembre

October octobre

November novembre

December décembre

month le mois
luh mwah
Noël est en décembre.
nowel ay toñ daysombruh year l’an (m)
Christmas is in loñ

5 Useful phrases: months

Learn these phrases and then test yourself using the cover flap.

My children are on Mes enfants sont en

vacation in August. vacances en août.
may zoñfoñ soñ toñ
vakons oñ oot

My birthday is Mon anniversaire est

in June. en juin.
moñ naneevairsair ay
toñ jwañ
30 WEEK 3

1 Warm up L’heure et les

Count in French from
1 to 10. (pp.10–11) nombres
Say “I have a
Time and numbers
The 12-hour clock is used in everyday
Say “The meeting is speech, while the 24-hour clock is
on Wednesday.” employed in bus stations, airports, etc.
Where the minutes are first in English
(ten to five), in French the hour is first:
dix heures moins cinq (ten minus five).
2 Words to remember: time
Memorize how to tell the time in French.

une heure one o’clock

oon ur

une heure cinq five after one

oon ur sank

une heure et quart quarter after one

oon ur ay kar

une heure vingt one-twenty

oon ur vañ

une heure et demie one-thirty

oon ur ay dumee

deux heures moins quarter to two

le quart
duh zur mwañ luh kar

deux heures moins dix ten to two

duh zur mwañ dees

3 Useful phrases
Learn these phrases and then test yourself using the cover flap.

Quelle heure est-il? What time is it?

kel ur ay teel

A quelle heure What time do you

voulez-vous le petit want breakfast?
ah kel ur voolay voo
luh puhtee dayjunay

J’ai une réservation I have a reservation

pour douze heures. for twelve o’clock.
jay oon raysairvasyoñ
poor dooz ur
M A K I N G A R R A N G E M E NT S 31

4 Words to remember: higher numbers

In French when you eleven onze
say 21, 31, etc. you onz
say: vingt-et-un,
trente-et-un, and so twelve douze
on. After that, just
put the numbers thirteen treize
together without trez
“et”: vingt-deux (22),
quarante-cinq (45). fourteen quatorze
Seventy is soixante-
fiftteen quinze
dix (sixty-ten), 75 is kanz
soixante-quinze (sixty-
fifteen), and so on. sixteen seize
Quatre-vingt (80) sez
means four-twenties,
and 90 is quatre- seventeen dix-sept
vingt-dix (four- deeset
twenties-ten). So 82 eighteen dix-huit
is quatre-vingt-deux deezweet
and 97 is quatre-
vingt-dix-sept. nineteen dix-neuf

twenty vingt

thirty trente

forty quarante

fifty cinquante

sixty soixante

seventy soixante-dix

Ça fait quatre-vingt- eighty quatre-vingt

cinq euros. katruh-vañ
sah fay katruh-vañ-sank
uroh ninety quatre-vingt-dix
That’s eighty-five euros. katruh-vañ-dees

one hundred cent

5 Say it soñ

twenty-five three hundred trois cents

trwah soñ
one thousand mille
eighty-four meel

ninety-one ten thousand dix mille

dee meel
five to ten
two hundred deux cent mille
eleven-thirty thousand duh soñ meel

What time is lunch? one million un million

oon meel-yoñ
32 WEEK 3

1 Warm up Les rendez-vous

Say the days of the
week. (pp.28–9) Appointments
Say “It’s three Business in France is generally
o’clock.” (pp.30–1)
conducted more formally than in the
What’s the French for United States; always address your
“today,” “tomorrow,” business contacts as vous. The French
and “yesterday”?
(pp.28–9) tend to leave the office for the lunch
hour, often having a sit-down meal
in a restaurant or, less commonly,
at home.

2 Useful phrases
Learn these phrases and then test yourself.

Prenons rendez-vous Let’s meet

pour demain. tomorrow.
prunoñ ronday-voo
poor dumañ

Avec qui? With whom?

avek kee

Quand êtes-vous When are you

libre? free?
koñ et-voo leebruh

Je suis désolé(e), je I’m sorry, I’m

suis occupé(e). busy.
juh swee dayzolay, juh la poignée
swee zokupay de main
lah pwanyay
Pourquoi pas jeudi? How about duh mañ
poorkwah pah jurdee Thursday? handshake

C’est bon pour moi. That’s good for Bienvenue.

say boh poor mwah me. byañvenoo

3 In conversation

Bonjour. J’ai rendez- Avec qui? Avec Monsieur Le

vous. avek kee Blanc.
boñjoor. jay ronday-voo avek musyuh luh bloñ
With whom?
Hello. I have an With Mr. Le Blanc.
M A K I N G A R R A N G E M E NT S 33

4 Put into practice

Join in this conversation. Read the French beside the pictures on the
left and then follow the instructions to make your reply. Then test
yourself by concealing the answers on the right with the cover flap.

Prenons rendez-vous Je suis désolé, je suis

pour jeudi. occupé.
prunoñ ronday-voo juh swee dayzolay, juh
poor jurdee swee zokupay
Let’s meet on
Say: Sorry, I’m busy.

Quand êtes-vous Mardi après-midi.

libre? mardee apray meedee
koñ et-voo leebruh
When are you free?
Say: Tuesday

C’est bon pour moi. A quelle heure?

say boñ poor mwa ah kel ur
That’s good for me.
Ask: What time?

A quatre heures, si C’est bon pour moi.

c’est bon pour vous. say boñ poor mwah
ah katruh ur see say
boñ poor voo
At four o’clock, if
that’s good for you.
Say: It’s good for me.

Très bien. A quelle A trois heures, mais je Ne vous inquiétez pas.

heure? suis un peu en retard. Asseyez-vous, je vous
tray byañ. ah kel ur ah trwah zur, may juh en prie.
swee uñ puh oñ retar nuh voo zañkyetay pah.
Okay. What time? assayay voo, juh voo
At three o’clock, but zoñ pree
I’m a little late.
Don’t worry. Sit down,
34 WEEK 3

1 Warm up Au téléphone
Say “I’m sorry.”
(pp.32–3) On the telephone
What is the French for In France the emergency police
“I’d like an
number is 17; ambulance, 15; fire, 18;
(pp.32–3) and directory assistance, 12. Phone
cards (télécartes) can be used for
How do you say “with
whom?” in French? public phones or private phones by
(pp.32–3) entering a code. They are available
from post offices
and newsstands.

2 Match and repeat

Match the numbered items to the French
in the panel on the left and test yourself.

1 le chargeur
luh sharjur

2 les renseigne-
ments (m)
lay ronsenyumoñ

3 le répondeur
luh raypoñdur 1 charger

4 le téléphone
luh telayfon

5 le portable
luh portabluh 4 telephone
6 la télécarte
lah telaykart

7 les écouteurs (m) cell phone 5

lay zaykootur
7 headphones phone card 6

3 In conversation

Allô. Pauline Du Bois à Bonjour. Je voudrais C’est de la part

l’appareil. parler à Rachid de qui?
aloh. pawleen doo bwah Djamal. say duh lah par duh kee
ah lap-paray boñjoor. juh voodray
parlay ah rasheed Who’s calling?
Hello. Pauline du Bois jahmal
Hello. I’d like to speak
to Rachid Djamal.
M A K I N G A R R A N G E M E NT S 35

4 Useful phrases
Practice these phrases. Then test yourself using the cover flap.

Je voudrais une ligne

juh voodray oon
leenyuh exteree-yur
phone book 2
I’d like an outside

Je voudrais parler à
Françoise Martin.
juh voodray parlay ah
franswahz martañ

I’d like to speak to

Françoise Martin.

Je peux laisser un
3 answering juh puh laysay uñ
machine mesarj

Can I leave a
maintenant: right now
5 Say it
Désolé(e), je me suis
I’d like to speak to trompé(e) de numéro.
Mr. Hachart. dayzolay, juh muh
swee trompay duh
Can I leave a noomairoe
message for Emma? Sorry, I have the
wrong number.

Jean Leblanc de Désolée. La ligne est rappeler

Il peut me rappeller,
l’imprimerie Laporte. occupée. s’il vous plaît?
joñ luhbloñ duh dayzolay. lah leenyuh et eel puh muh raplay, seel
lahpreemuree laport okupay voo play

Jean Leblanc of I’m sorry. The line is Can he call me back,

Laporte Printers. busy. please?
36 WEEK 3

Révisez et répétez
Cover with flap Review and repeat
1 Sums 1 Sums 3 Telephones
1 seize Say the answers What are the numbered
sez to these sums out items in French?
loud in French.
2 trente-neuf Then check that you cell phone 1
have remembered
3 cinquante-trois correctly.
1 10 + 6 = ?
4 soixante-
quatorze 2 14 + 25 = ?
3 66 – 13 = ? phone card 3
5 quatre-vingt
dix-neuf 4 40 + 34 = ?
katruh-vañ deeznuf
5 90 + 9 = ?
6 quarante-et-un
karont-ay-uñ 6 46 – 5 = ?

2 I want... 2 I want...
1 voulez Fill the blanks
voolay with the correct
form of vouloir.
2 veut
vuh 1 Vous ____ un
3 voulons
vooloñ 2 Elle ____ aller
en vacances.
4 veux
vuh 3 Nous ____ une table pour trois.
5 veux 4 Tu ____ une bière?
5 Je ____ une nouvelle voiture.
6 veut
vuh 6 Il ____ des bonbons.
M A K I N G A R R A N G E M E NT S 37

Cover with flap

3 Telephones
1 le portable
2 answering luh portabluh
2 le répondeur
luh raypoñdur

3 la télécarte
lah telaykart

4 le téléphone
luh telayfon

5 les écouteurs
lay zaykootur

headphones 5
telephone 4

4 When? 4 When?
What do these sentences mean? 1 I have a meeting
on Monday, May
1 J’ai rendez-vous lundi vingt mai. 20th.
2 Mon anniversaire est en septembre. 2 My birthday is in
3 Je reviens dimanche.
3 I come back on
4 Ils ne travaillent pas en août. Sunday.
4 They don’t work
in August.

5 Time 5 Time
Say these times in French. 1 une heure
oon ur
1 2
2 une heure cinq
oon ur sank

3 une heure vingt

oon ur vañ

3 4 4 une heure et
oon ur ay dumee

5 une heure et
oon ur ay kar

5 6 6 deux heures
moins dix
duh zur mwañ

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