Gospel Truth 03 Relationship of Love
Gospel Truth 03 Relationship of Love
Gospel Truth 03 Relationship of Love
Gospel Truth BBIBLICAL
Editorial Bible Study: Relationship Companion Article: Q & A: What Does It Did You Know?
of Love God’s Greatest Desire Mean To Lose Your
First Love? A Word in Season
Teaches About... have a measure of love, we may be good spouses, good ci zens, and
good neighbors, but it will take more.
God desires first and foremost the very seat of our affec ons. "My son,
Word of God
give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways" (Proverbs
2 Tim. 3:16‐17; 2 Peter 1:20‐21; Ma . 24:35
Rela onship of Love 23:26). This is s ll the cry from the heart of God to mankind ‐‐"Give me
Ma . 22:37‐40; John 14:21‐23; 1 John 4:7‐11 your heart." When we set our affec ons on God, we love Him with all of
Repentance our heart, soul, mind and strength. When God has our heart, He has our
Acts 3:19; Acts 17:30; 2 Cor. 7:10 affec ons, our me, our money, our dreams and plans. We put Him first
New Birth in every area of life.
John 3:3‐7; 2 Cor. 5:17; Rom. 6:1‐4;
Eph. 2:1, 5‐6 Many people today come inquiring for Heaven as did the young rich ruler.
Freedom From Sin Some walk away unwilling to give God their total affec ons. Others be‐
1 John 5:18; Ma . 1:21; John 8:11 come ac ve members in the church‐‐singing, praying, teaching, and
Infilling of the Holy Spirit some mes even preaching; yet never giving to God that 'one thing' that
Acts 19:2; Acts 15:8‐9; Acts 1:8 may remain a hindrance in their love.
Luke 1:73‐75; Heb. 12:14; 1 Peter 1:15‐16; Where is your love today? Are you lacking one thing? Have you sold out
Titus 2:11‐12; Rom. 6:22 for God? Give Him your heart. Whatever you have to give up to follow
Kingdom of God Jesus will be well rewarded in this life and in the life to come.
Luke 17:20‐21; Romans 14:17; John 18:36
The Church
Acts 2:47; Eph. 4:4‐6; 1 Cor. 12:12‐13; Col 1:18
John 17:20‐23; Gal 3:28; Rev. 18:2‐4
The Gospel Truth periodical is published in the name of the Lord for all people of all lands in the
Ma . 28:19‐20; Ma . 26:26‐30; interest of establishing and encouraging them in the truth of God’s Word. This publica on teach‐
1 Cor. 11:23‐27; John 13:14‐17 es and promotes the truths of the Bible that have been established since the me of Christ and
Divine Healing the apostles.
Luke 4:18; Isaiah 53:4‐5; James 5:13‐16
The Word of God is the singular, acceptable rule of faith. It teaches salva on and deliverance
Sanc ty of Marriage from sin through the atonement of Jesus Christ; a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit to lead,
Ma . 19:5‐6; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:2‐3; direct and empower; prac cal holiness in every area of life; and the unity and oneness of God’s
1 Cor. 7:10‐11 people. Acceptable service to God is through a personal rela onship of love founded in truth.
Outward Appearance
Editors: Michael & René Smith
1 Tim. 2:9‐10; 1 Cor. 11:14‐15; Deut. 22:5
End of Time
2 Peter 3:7‐12; John 5:28‐29; 2 Cor. 5:10;
Ma 25:31‐46 The Gospel Truth is an electronic publica on that is published quarterly as the Lord leads. Visit us
Pacifism online at www.thegospeltruth.us to subscribe to the email no fica on list and receive current
publica ons. Feel free to send lists of names and email addresses of others who might be
Luke 6:27‐29; Luke 18:20
interested in receiving this publica on to the editor.
John 4:23‐24; Eph. 5:19; 2 Cor. 3:17
Great Commission
Mark 16:15 The Gospel Truth is printed in various countries for local distribution. This and other missionary efforts
from this office are supported by free-will offerings in the name of the Church of God.
The Gospel Truth, 605 Bishops Ct., Nixa, MO 65714 USA
[email protected]
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Xw|àÉÜ|tÄ "I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplica ons. Because
he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I
live" (Psalm 116:1‐2).
As a very young child, I gave my heart to God and surrendered myself into His
care. I vividly remember crying because of the convic on of the Holy Spirit on
my life. I prayed with my mother in a back Sunday school room for Jesus to come into my
heart. While I never went deep into sin, I needed the same saving grace of God in my life as
the drug addict and the drunkard. As I grew and matured, I had some 'spiritual growing pains'
and failures along the way‐‐as do many who get saved at a young age. I never lost my desire
to serve God and yet I made many trips to an altar of prayer as a young person. I thank God
today for the faithfulness of the Spirit. As the song says, "The Spirit led unerring to the land I
hold today." I was and remain desperate for the daily presence of God in my life, for my way more
will lead me astray.
I am in love with the Lord and value His presence in my life more than life itself. God has
been faithful to hear my voice and answer prayer. He has healed my body, drawn me back
from the brink of death, given me a wonderful family, provided for my daily bread; but most Visit us at
of all He saved my soul from the bondage and grip of sin. He has given me His peace and the
presence of His Spirit. Truly, I have much for which to thank Him. Regardless of trials and www.thegospeltruth.org
heartaches, if you love the Lord you have the most valuable treasure in the whole world.
This edi on of The Gospel Truth focuses on the most important commandment and doctrine
to subscribe and access
in the Bible ‐‐ Love.
As you face this new year, be assured that God will con nue to be faithful to you. As He has newsletter archives.
met your needs in the past and seen you through the valleys and the fire, so shall He be with
you this year. Stay faithful, pilgrim of Jesus, and keep your eyes on the Master. New victories
await you and if you hold on to Jesus, one day you shall walk with Him into Heaven.
The last two months I have suffered in my body and have been unable to be very ac ve due
to headaches, seizures, and physical weakness. I am thankful for every touch from God and I
look for be er things ahead. I am encouraged in the Lord and desire to have more years to
labor in His service if He sees fit to bless me with life and strength.
My prayer remains that The Gospel Truth will be an encouragement and help to every reader
at home and abroad. If this paper has been a blessing to you, it would be an encouragement
for the future of the work to hear back from you. Please feel free to email me personally at:
[email protected]
May God bless you with a wonderful year because of His presence. May we all walk in the
light and holiness of His Word and be at peace.
‐Michael W Smith
January 2013
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ar cle for Bible Study
From the dawn of crea on, God has desired to have a rela‐ us" (Romans 5:8).
God created the human race and His greatest desire is to be the first and great commandment” (Ma hew 22:36‐38). All
connected with His crea on – not by force or coercion, but other doctrines are in vain unless based on this first and
by love. Adam and Eve disobeyed God greatest commandment. Many people
and their sin separated them from the serve God out of fear or devo on to a
close communion that they had previ‐ church or theology. There is a deeper,
the connec on between man and God. onship of love. An experience of love
However, God was not content to leave brings true fulfillment because the rela‐
God loved us so much that He sent His only Son to earth to Once there was a man who would chain his wife in the
die for us that we might be saved (John 3:16). He was mo ‐ kitchen every day when he would leave for work. He was
vated by love and God’s love is s ll a reality for us today. afraid she would leave him and not come back. Their rela‐
“The Lord hath appeared of old unto me saying, Yea, I have onship was one of fear and bondage. How much be er for
loved thee with an everlas ng love: therefore with loving‐ a husband to leave for work with the knowledge that his
kindness have I drawn thee” (Jeremiah 31:3). wife would be there when he returned because she loved
him. That is the rela onship that God desires‐‐a rela onship
G ’ D A A M B L
where someone is not forced to live righteously but where
"God is love" (1 John 4:8) and that is the basis of all His one lives righteously because of a heart of love. It is the
dealings with mankind. Some may see God as a hard task‐ power of love of that constrains true children of God to live
master – demanding and difficult to please. This picture of righteously (2 Cor. 5:14).
God is from Satan. God is a God of love who cares about
everything that touches our lives. He is reaching out in love
to every individual no ma er what his or her condi on. We Many people draw nigh to God with their mouth and honor
are unworthy of God's great love and have done nothing to Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him
earn or deserve it. "But God commendeth his love toward (Ma hew 15:8). True love is not demonstrated by the
(Continued on page 6)
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(Continued from page 5) the love that is shown to the brethren. For if a man love not
his brother, the love of God is not in Him (1 John 4:20‐21).
words that we speak but by the conduct of our life. Jesus said, P L A U E L
"If a man love me, he will keep my words" (John 14:23). This is
Not only does a love rela onship with God bring peace and joy
the true manifesta on of love in a world where many profess
in this life, it assures us of eternal life. "Henceforth there is
Christ but few are obedient to the Word of God. Where there
laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
is a lack of obedience, there is a lack of love. There is nothing
righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only,
that can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:35) except
but unto all them also that love his appearing" (2 Timothy 4:8).
for our own disobedience (John 14:23‐24).
G ’ G D I AR W Y
T I O R F O “F L ”
God’s greatest desire is for you to enter into a close rela on‐
"No man can serve two masters" (Ma hew 6:24). There is no
ship and friendship with Him. God wants to be an integral part
room in a rela onship with God to follow the sinful way of the
of your life. He desires for you to spend me with Him and to
world and God Himself. If someone loves the world, the love of
communicate with Him. There is wonderful, personal fellow‐
the Father is not in him (1 John 2:15‐17).
ship to be found in this kind of rela onship. A rela onship with
God, where love is the founda on, will give your life real
meaning and purpose.
Page 6
pened to many a person in their rela‐ rela onship of love.
onship with God. Someone newly
It is the passionate love of God that
saved experiences a wonderful me in
brings the fire in service to God. Let us
their guilt‐free state of peace and grace.
not fall prey to the dullness of being doc‐
Over me, if the rela onship is not
trinally correct without the love to give it
maintained, the person can either go
life. A rela onship takes me. It must be
back to sin or con nue doing the 'right'
guarded from things that could encroach
Ques on: What does it mean to things without the zeal of their first
upon it.
lose your first love? love.
"And because iniquity shall abound, the
Answer: The ques on references the love of many shall wax cold" (Ma hew
scripture in Revela on 2:4 which reads: 24:12). Many have lost their first love
“Many have lost their
"Nevertheless I have somewhat against because they have given their love to the
thee, because thou hast le thy first first love… things of this world while maintaining a
love." The Spirit of God was speaking to stand that is fundamentally 'doctrinally'
the congrega on in Ephesus. correct. God becomes their "second
Take note that this congrega on had love" or worse. Their me, energy, a en‐
taken a stand against evil and was doing on, and affec ons are centered on oth‐
much that was good and right. While er things.
obedient in theology and in much doc‐ This brings a lethargy in living for God
trine, the Ephesians had lost the strong and there isn't a lot of zeal to spread the
affec on and connec on with God that gospel. There is a form of godliness. It is
they had one me experienced. The JFB important to reevaluate our lives and
commentary says it thus: "Their warmth fervency to be sure we are not losing our
of love had given place to a lifeless ortho‐ first love.
Their time, energy,
attention and affections As a husband and wife need to communi‐
The scripture o en compares the rela‐ cate and spend me together to keep
onship between man and Christ to the
are centered on
the love strong, so it is necessary with
rela onship between a husband and other things… God. It is vital to nurture our 'first love'
wife. Consider a newly married couple God becomes their by reading the Word of God, praying,
who is in love and experiences that spark ‘second love’— keeping connected, and pu ng God first
of devo on. They want to spend me in every decision. Most importantly, let
or worse.”
together and make many sacrifices for love be the mo va on for service and for
each other. Their marriage is dynamic doing right.
and full of life.
Those who have lost their first love are It is in this first love experience that you
As so o en is the case in our sinful world, will find the passion of sharing the gospel
commanded to repent. There are many
many couples lose the passion and fer‐ and the anoin ng in daily living. It brings
individuals and congrega ons who have
vency. They begin co‐exis ng, living in doctrine alive and gives reason and joy
taken a stand against evil but have lost
the same house, but the warmth of love for being. ‐mws
the fire of love that once burned. They
has been lost. Similarly, this has hap‐
have lost the essence of what God de‐
sired from them in the first place—a Page 7
Jehovah (Yahweh -Hebrew) is the personal name of God in the Scriptures‐‐the living,
self‐existent, unchanging, eternal, creator and Lord of all things.
Jesus means 'Savior.'
Emmanuel means 'God with us.'
Messiah is from the Hebrew meaning 'anointed.'
Christ is a Greek word meaning 'the anointed one.' Synonymous with Messiah.
Alpha and Omega are the first and last le ers of the Greek alphabet. It represents Jesus
as 'the beginning and the end, the first and the last.'
A Word
In Season
Not With Excellency of Speech
1 Corinthians 2:1‐5 And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of
speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the tes mony of God. (2) For I determined not to
Contact know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. (3) And I was with you in
weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. (4) And my speech and my preaching was
The Gospel Truth
not with en cing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstra on of the Spirit and of power:
605 Bishops Ct.
Nixa, MO 65714 (5) That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon, known as "the prince of preachers,"
[email protected] felt he delivered his sermon so poorly one Sunday that he was
ashamed of himself. As he walked away from his church, the
Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, he wondered how any good
could come from that message. When he arrived home, he
dropped to his knees and prayed, "Lord God, You can do some‐
thing with nothing. Bless that poor sermon."
In the months that followed, 41 people said that they had decided to trust Christ as Saviour
because of that "weak" message. The following Sunday, to make up for his previous
"failure," Spurgeon had prepared a "great" sermon ‐‐ but no one responded.
Spurgeon's experience underscores two important lessons for all who serve the Lord. First,
we need the blessing of God on our efforts. Solomon said in Psalm 127:1, "Unless the Lord
builds the house, they labor in vain who build it." And second, our weakness is an occasion
for the working of God's power. The apostle Paul said, "I take pleasure in infirmi es, in re‐
proaches, in needs, in persecu ons, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak,
then I am strong" (2 Cor. 12:10). Our Daily Bread, May 18, 1992.
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