Every Believer Can Speak in Tongues - Keep On Talking!: February 2001 Published Monthly by Kenneth Hagin Ministries

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• Every Believer Can Speak in Tongues

• Keep On Talking!
Now Is Not the Time To Quit!
Wherefore take unto you the who takes what you’ve messed up “Even the dogs eat the crumbs
whole armour of God, that ye may and turns it into something good. that fall from the Master’s table.”
be able to withstand in the evil Everyone makes mistakes. You Jesus marveled at her faith, and
day, and having done all, to don’t have to hang your head her daughter was healed at that
stand. because of something you did in hour (Matt. 15:22-28).
STAND therefore . . . . the past. Instead, thank God for In Mark 2, we read the story of
— Ephesians 6:13,14 Jesus the Restorer. When you the paralytic who was brought to
fall, He will pick you up and Jesus by his four friends. The four
Many people begin to believe brush you off, so to speak. He will friends couldn’t get in the house
God for something, but just before forgive you and say, “It’s going to where Jesus was because of the
their answer comes, they quit be all right, My child. Now go on crowd, but they didn’t quit on the
believing! However, success comes and live for Me. I do not condemn brink of their miracle. They went
by standing firm on God’s Word. you; go and sin no more.” on the top of the house, tore a
If you quit standing on the Thank God for Jesus and His hole in the roof, and let the para-
Word and give up, what are you restoration power. He can take all lytic down in front of Jesus! And
going to gain? But if you keep that God has given you — that Jesus healed him (Mark 2:3-12)!
going, what have you got to lose? which you’ve let lie dormant — Friend, Jesus Christ is the
That’s the way I look at things. I and resurrect it into a flame burn- same yesterday, today, and for-
don’t believe in quitting. And, ing bright. And that flame will be ever (Heb. 13:8). He said, “I am
friend, if other people have stood on what you need to accomplish great the Lord and I change not” (Mal.
God’s Word and become a success things in your community, on your 3:6). Whatever your need, Jesus
in life for God, you can do it too. job, in your church, in your home, is the Answer!
But what you achieve both natu- and wherever you go. I want to encourage you today.
rally and spiritually is up to you. No matter what you’ve been You may have been standing and
People may try to tell you that through or what you’re facing standing for something, and you
it’s too late for you to succeed in today, don’t quit! When you’re in think it’s never going to happen.
life. But it’s never too late with faith, you are on the brink of your Friend, don’t quit on the brink of
God. Some of your plans and miracle! your miracle. Payday may not be
dreams may be buried amidst There are many examples in tomorrow, and it may not be the
mistakes you’ve made, but Jesus the Bible of men and women who next day, but payday is coming.
is the Restorer. Jesus is the One wouldn’t quit in the face of obsta- Keep standing — your miracle is
cles. They stood their ground in on its way.
faith and received their miracle. If blind Bartimaeus had sat on
In Matthew 15, we find the the ground and listened to the
story of the Caananite woman crowd telling him to be quiet, he
who came to Jesus asking him to would have been blind the rest of
heal her demon-possessed daugh- his life. But he defied the crowd
ter. Jesus told her, “It’s not right and persisted in his faith. He
to take the children’s bread and stood up and cried, “Jesus, Son of
give it to the dogs.” David, have mercy on me!” And he
Right then, the woman could was healed! (See Mark 10:46-52.)
have given up and walked away. Friend, there is no god as big as
But if she had done that, she your God! When the devil raises
would have been quitting his head and tries to tell you what
on the brink of her he’s going to do to you, look him in
miracle. Instead, the face, so to speak, and put him
she persisted in his place. Tell him, “There’s no
and said, god as big as mine!”
Through Christ, you are a suc-
cess in God. And your miracle is
on its way. So keep standing your
ground in faith. Now is not the
time to quit!

— Rev. Kenneth Hagin Jr.

2 February 2 0 0 1

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VOLUME XXXIV.............................Number 2
By Kenneth E. Hagin
RHEMA Bible Training Center admits
All believers can receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the students of any race, color, or ethnic origin.
evidence of speaking in other tongues once they understand a
few scriptural principles. PRESS ASSOCIATION


Keep Speaking God’s Word

By Kenneth Hagin Jr.
Continue to declare God’s Word no matter what the circumstance.
As you speak the Word of God, your victory will no longer be
around the corner, but within your grasp!
About the Cover
This wintry view of the Kenneth
Hagin Ministries’ Administra-
tion Building reminds us that
“while the earth remaineth,
seedtime and harvest, and cold
and heat, and summer and win-
ter, and day and night shall not
cease’’ (Gen. 8:22).

The Word of Faith 3

There is an experi-
n the New Testament, different Then we see a fulfillment of what
terms are used to refer to the bap- Jesus said, beginning in Acts chapter 2.
ence subsequent to tism in the Holy Spirit. Believers
“received the Holy Ghost” (Acts
ACTS 2:1-4
1 And when the day of Pentecost was
salvation called the 8:15,19), were “filled with the Holy fully come, they were all with one accord
Ghost” (Acts 2:4; 9:17), and were “bap- in one place.
baptism in the Holy tized with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 1:5). 2 And suddenly there came a sound
These expressions all refer to the same from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind,
Spirit. It is an endue- experience. and it filled all the house where they
There are some facts we need to were sitting.
ment of power from know to be able to help others receive 3 And there appeared unto them cloven
tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon
the baptism in the Holy Ghost. First, we
on high available to need to realize three things: 1) the Holy
each of them.
all believers. And Ghost is a gift; 2) God has already given
Him; and 3) it’s up to us to receive Him.
THE HOLY GHOST, and began to speak
with other tongues, as the Spirit gave
the initial evidence In Acts chapter 1, Jesus Himself them utterance.
talked about this gift of the Holy Spirit.
of the Holy Spirit’s ACTS 1:8
In the early days of my ministry, as
I held meetings in Full Gospel Pente-
8 But ye shall receive power, after that
infilling a believer is the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye
costal churches, I discovered that, in
shall be witnesses unto me both in those churches, more than half of the
that he speaks with Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in people were not filled with the Holy
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of Ghost. Some of them had been saved
other tongues. the earth. for years. Thank God, I never left a

6 February 2001
meeting without a number of these I can understand those who believe RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY
dear folks having been baptized in the being baptized in the Holy Spirit with GHOST.
Holy Spirit. They had not received the evidence of speaking in other 39 For THE PROMISE IS UNTO YOU, and
before because they weren’t accurately tongues is not for us today. I used to
taught. They had been taught about believe that too. I was a Christian and
the Holy Ghost, and they believed in even pastored for several years before I
Him. But they weren’t scripturally saw what the Word of God says on this The baptism of the Holy Ghost is a
taught how to receive Him to experi- subject. I was walking down the street gift just as salvation, or the New Birth,
ence the fullness of life in the Spirit. meditating on God’s Word and talking is a gift. And it’s up to us to receive the
Sometimes folks took Luke 24:49 as to the Lord when I saw the truth that gift!
a formula to receive the Holy Ghost. the baptism in the Holy Ghost was I saw, too, that when I received the
There Jesus said to His disciples, “ . . . actually for me today. I sensed a lack of baptism in the Holy Spirit, I would
tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until power in my own life, and I knew I speak in tongues just as the early disci-
ye be endued with power from on high.” needed the infilling of the Holy Ghost. ples did. Scripture says, “And they were
Well, if we need to tarry to receive the I saw in Scripture that the Holy all filled with the Holy Ghost, AND
Holy Spirit, then people ought to tarry Ghost is a gift for all believers. On the BEGAN TO SPEAK WITH OTHER
Day of Pentecost, during his first ser- TONGUES, as the Spirit gave them
for Him in Jerusalem! To tarry means
mon, Peter made the following state- utterance” (Acts 2:4).
to wait. No, in Luke 24:49, the disciples
As soon as I saw that this experience
had to wait in Jerusalem until the Day ment:
was a gift for me, and that I didn’t have
of Pentecost came. After that day, you ACTS 2:38,39 to wait for it, I went right down to a
don’t see anyone waiting to be filled 38 . . . Repent, and be baptized every one
Full Gospel preacher’s house to receive
with the Spirit. They all received right of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
away. remission of sins, AND YE SHALL (continued on page 10)

The Word of Faith 7

Third, we need to tell people what to
. . . If you’re saved and walking in fel- expect as they receive the Holy Spirit.
Too many times folks are seeking God
lowship with God, then you’re ready and praying in the dark, so to speak.
The Bible says, “The entrance of thy
to be filled with the Spirit right now. words giveth light . . .” (Ps. 119:130).
Tell people to expect the Holy Ghost
to move upon their vocal organs and
put supernatural words in their hearts,
which they themselves will have to
speak out in cooperation with Him.
about then it felt to me like someone Acts 2:4 says, “And THEY were all
(continued from page 7)
had built a bonfire down in my spirit. It filled with the Holy Ghost, and [they]
it. When I got to his house, the first just seemed like it sort of blazed up. began to speak with other tongues, as
thing he told me to do was wait! His Strange words started blazing up, and I the Spirit gave them utterance.” In this
church had an evangelist in to hold just started speaking them out. verse, “they” is the subject. They were
revival meetings, so he said, “Wait all filled, and they began to speak as
I opened my eyes and saw that it was
until the service tonight. When it’s the spirit gave them utterance.
eight minutes past 6:00 p.m. When I’d
over, come to the altar and tarry.” The Holy Ghost doesn’t take you
knocked at the door, it was 6:00 p.m. I
“It won’t take me very long to over, so to speak, and force you to do
was baptized in the Holy Spirit and
receive!” I said. anything. But you can respond to Him
talking in tongues in just eight minutes!
The pastor saw that I was eager and and follow His promptings. In other
Some ministers have had great suc-
ready to receive. I was standing at the words, He will give you the utterance,
cess in getting believers filled with the but you do the talking.
door, so he invited me into the living Holy Ghost. But any believer can get
room. The evangelist was there too. I Fourth, for those who are prayed for
any other believer filled with the Holy and do not receive, there are only two
don’t remember whether either man Spirit. And he can do it quickly if he’ll
gave me any instructions. I just knelt areas to work on: faith and yieldedness.
remember the following facts. One day during a series of meetings
by a large chair in the living room, First, as I said, you have to teach I was holding in a Full Gospel church
closed my eyes, shut out everything believers according to the Word of God in east Texas, I was riding down the
around me, and lifted my hands to God. that the Holy Ghost — the Spirit of street with the pastor when he pointed
I came to the Lord according to His God — is a gift; God has already given out a certain man. “He’s the choir
Word and simply told Him what it said. Him; and it’s up to the individual director of the largest Full Gospel
I said, “Lord, we preach the same believer to receive that gift. church in the city,” he said, “and he’s
water baptism and the same Lord’s Second, you must teach believers also their music and Sunday school
Supper that these folks experience. that anyone who is saved is ready to director. He’s been there for twenty-
Why not have the same Holy Ghost
immediately receive this experience. We three years and has never been filled
baptism?” Then I said, “I receive the
see that in Acts chapter 2. with the Holy Ghost.”
Holy Ghost.” I thought no more about it. Then
You see, the Word of God says in Acts ACTS 2:37,38
37 Now when they heard this, they were that very night he was in the service,
8:15 that Peter and John prayed for the sitting nearly in front of the pulpit and
pricked in their heart, and said unto
Samaritan believers “ . . . that they next to a woman I assumed was his
Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men
might RECEIVE the Holy Ghost.” And wife. When I invited people to come to
and brethren, what shall we do?
in Acts 19:2, the Apostle Paul asked the 38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, be filled with the Spirit, she tried to get
disciples at Ephesus, “ . . . Have ye and be baptized every one of you in the him to come, and, finally, he did. I
RECEIVED the Holy Ghost . . . ?” It’s name of Jesus Christ for the remission of could tell by the look on his face that he
not a matter of God giving the Holy sins, AND YE SHALL RECEIVE THE GIFT was thinking, I’m not going to get any-
Spirit; it’s a matter of our receiving Him. OF THE HOLY GHOST. thing, but I’ll go up there anyway just
So I told the Lord, “I receive the to please you.
Those who heard Peter on the Day of
Holy Ghost. And the Scripture says, Pentecost and repented according to As I went down the line laying
‘And they were all filled with the Holy his words were immediately ready to hands on people, each one started talk-
Ghost, AND BEGAN TO SPEAK WITH receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. ing in tongues right away. This man
OTHER TONGUES, as the Spirit gave It is true that unconfessed sin can hin- had shut his eyes and lifted his hands.
them utterance’ [Acts 2:4]. So I thank der people from receiving the blessings When I reached him and laid hands on
You because I’m filled with the Holy of God. However, if you’re saved and him, immediately, I received a word of
Ghost. And Father, now I expect to walking in fellowship with God, then knowledge concerning him. I knew the
speak with tongues. Thank You for giv- you’re ready to be filled with the Spirit devil had lied to him and convinced
ing me utterance. Hallelujah.” right now. People often try to earn this him that he must have some secret sin
I had never felt so “dry and dead” in gift of the Holy Spirit. But what can that he didn’t know about. This man
my life. But I knew the baptism in the wash us clean? Nothing but the blood believed that if it weren’t for that, he
Holy Ghost was a gift. So I said, “Hal- of Jesus. Could anything else make us would have received the baptism in the
lelujah” about seven or eight times, and any better? Holy Ghost.

10 F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 1
There isn’t any secret sin in anyone’s hand on his head and said, “Receive filled with the Spirit, but also should
life that he or she doesn’t know about! the Holy Ghost!” be a continuing experience.
That’s just a trick of the devil to rob Sometimes people starting to speak in Howard Carter, a pioneer of the
people of God’s blessings. No, receiving tongues will stammer. Isaiah said, “For Pentecostal movement, was general
is a matter of faith and yieldedness. with stammering lips and another chairman of the Assemblies of God in
I said to this man, “Put your hands tongue will he speak to this people” (Isa. Great Britain for nineteen years, and
down and open your eyes.” He did, and I 28:11). This man began to stammer a lit- founded the first Pentecostal Bible
said to him, “There is not anything in tle bit and speak a few words in tongues. school in the world. He made the fol-
your life — no secret sin, nothing — that “That’s it! That’s it! That’s the Holy lowing statement:
would keep you from receiving or being Ghost!” I said. Now we were in east “We must not forget that the speak-
filled or baptized with the Holy Ghost.” Texas, and I used a colloquial expres- ing with other tongues is not only an
He let out a sigh. “Do you think so?” sion that he understood. I said, “Grab it initial evidence of the Holy Spirit’s
he asked. like a dog does a bone and run off with indwelling, it is a continual experience
“No, I don’t think so; I know so,” I it!” In other words, I told him, “You lift for the rest of [one’s] life to assist in the
said. “I’d stake my life on it!” your voice and talk a blue streak!” worship of God. It is a flowing stream
“Boy,” he said, “what a relief!” That fine gentleman lifted his voice that should never dry up, and that will
“Let me tell you something else,” I and started talking in tongues. He got enrich the life spiritually.” 1
said. (You see, I had to work on his so thrilled that he danced on his knees Paul said in First Corinthians, “I
faith.) “I will not have laid hands on all over the platform, still talking in thank my God, I speak with tongues
tongues! more than ye all” (14:18). Then he went
you more than three times before you
Later this man told me what had on to say, “Yet in the church I had
are filled with the Holy Ghost.”
helped him. He said, “First of all, I see rather speak five words with my under-
“Do you think so?” He asked.
now that I had believed the devil’s lies standing, that by my voice I might
“No, I don’t think so; I know so!” I
about having some secret sin. When I teach others also, than ten thousand
was released from that, it was as if a words in an unknown tongue” (v. 19).
The next night he was back, and he
heavy burden lifted from me.” If Paul wasn’t speaking with tongues
was the first one down to the altar. Then he added, “And you were so in church, where did he do it? He did it
When I got to him, he said, “This is positive. ‘Yes,’ you said, ‘you’re going to in his own private prayer life. Now from
number two.” receive.’ You got me to believe that I Scripture, it seems like all the
“That’s right,” I said. would receive.” It’s a cinch that you’re Corinthian church wanted to do was talk
“You said you wouldn’t lay hands on not going to get anyone to believe if you in tongues. If Paul spoke in tongues
me more than three times,” he added. are negative! more than they did, he must have talked
“That’s right!” I said. Then he said, “When you laid hands in tongues when he got up, when he
“The next time is number three,” he on me and the Holy Ghost came on me, went to bed, and during the time in
reminded me. I’d been at that same point a thousand between. Evidently, that was the most
“That’s right,” I said. times before. I might have said a word prominent way Paul prayed at that time.
Now each morning, instead of holding or two, or stammered a little bit. But To summarize, we can help believers
a regular service, we held a prayer meet- when I’d done that through the years, be filled with the Holy Ghost by show-
ing for anyone who wanted to come. everyone else would say, ‘That’s it! ing them five facts from Scripture:
That next morning I was kneeling by a That’s it! Let the Holy Ghost talk!’ So 1. The Holy Spirit is a gift already
chair on the platform praying when, sud- I’d stop to let Him talk, and that would given by God, and it’s up to us to
denly, someone tapped me on the shoul- be the end of it.” receive Him.
der. I looked up, and there stood this But that’s unscriptural direction. 2. Anyone who is saved is immedi-
man. He asked, “Hey, do you still think The Bible says, “And THEY were all ately ready to be filled with the Holy
I’m going to get the Holy Ghost?” filled with the Holy Ghost, and [they] Ghost.
“No, I don’t think you’re going to get began to speak with other tongues . . .” 3. Recipients should expect the Holy
the Holy Ghost,” I answered. “I know (Acts 2:4). Spirit to move upon their vocal organs
you will!” So you may have to work on a and put supernatural words in their
“Well,” he said, “I told them over at believer’s faith or yieldedness to help hearts, but they must do the actual
my church, ‘Brother Hagin said he him receive the Holy Ghost. You’ll speaking.
wouldn’t lay hands on me more than know by talking with him. 4. Faith and yieldedness are the
three times without me being filled. A fifth fact we ought to know about only areas to work on for believers who
There’s no use waiting until tonight; I’ll receiving the Holy Ghost is this: Speak- do not receive when prayed for.
go over there this morning.’ ” ing with other tongues is not only an 5. Once filled, believers should con-
“Well, kneel down here,” I said, and initial evidence of a believer’s being tinue to pray regularly in other tongues.
he knelt down beside me. I laid my Remembering these things will help
us experience the rich blessings avail-
able to us through the indwelling Pres-
The Holy Ghost doesn’t take you ence of the Holy Spirit.
over, so to speak, and force you to 1
Howard Carter, Questions and
Answers on Spiritual Gifts (Tulsa,
do anything. Oklahoma: Harrison House, Inc.,
1976), p. 120.
The Word of Faith 11
Boldly speak God’s Word in the
face of your problems. When you
declare His Word, you’ll discover
His power will work for you!

For verily I say unto you, That who- don’t do it willfully, but they’ll say,
sever shall say unto this mountain, Be “Well, now, this is what my church
thou removed, and be thou cast into believes about this,” or, “This is what
the sea; and shall not doubt in his I believe about that.” But what does
heart, but shall believe that those God’s Word say? How can you walk
things which he saith shall come to with God if you disagree with what He
pass; he shall have whatsoever he says? The Word of God is true regard-
saith. less of your opinion about it.
— Mark 11:23 Therefore, believe and speak in line
with the Word of God. Say what it
Believers must realize how impor- says regarding your situation, and
tant it is to continually speak the things will begin to happen for you.
Word of God. People will simply say, You’ll begin to experience the bless-
“You can have what you say.” But, ings of God.
really, there’s more to it than that. You It’s important to realize that you
can have what you say if it’s in line can never have the blessings and tri-
with God’s Word. If you say something umphs God intends for you to enjoy as
ridiculous, such as, “I’m believing God long as you are not speaking in line
for ten million oil wells,” you won’t get with His Word. You have to say what
it. First, you don’t need that many oil God says about your finances, health,
wells. And, second, I’m not sure that strength, and any other blessings.
believing God for ten million oil wells You also must be willing to keep
is in line with His Word. You could speaking His blessings, power, and
believe for prosperity in general, and promises. When you keep quiet, you
that would be in line with God’s Word. get into trouble. There are times to
But to try to believe for ten million oil keep quiet, but when it comes to
wells is not faith; it’s presumption. speaking in line with God’s Word, you
You must talk and believe in line with should never keep quiet.
the Word of God. Remember how the Apostle Paul
People want to walk with God and admonished Philemon regarding his
yet disagree with His Word. They faith as a believer.
PHILEMON 1:6 which we preach.” How does the word A lot of people don’t know if they
6 That the communication of thy faith of faith work? By speaking what’s in really believe something or not. Some
may become effectual by the your heart. The word “heart” in this will say the right words just to get
ACKNOWLEDGING of every good thing verse does not refer to the physical other people off their backs, so to
which is in you in Christ Jesus.
heart that pumps blood throughout speak. But that won’t do them any
When you acknowledge something, the body. It refers to the innermost good. They can listen to other people
you usually say something. Suppose part of man, the spirit of man. and “parrot” the right words, and yet
you were in a theater and someone When the heart and mouth agree what they say is not coming out of
announced, “We have a check for a together, faith is operative and victory their heart. Their words may just be
thousand dollars for the person sitting coming out of their intellect — out of
in section one, row five, and seat six.” their mind. And since they’re not say-
If you were sitting in that seat, I don’t
think you’d have any trouble acknowl-
. . . talk in line with ing what they believe in their heart,
faith is not operative.
edging that you were who they were the Word of God When faith is operative, you will
looking for. You’d probably jump up confidently say, for example, “There is
and shout, “Hey, it’s me! It’s me! It’s and say what it therefore now no condemnation to me
me!” for I am in Christ” (Rom. 8:1). If the
Well, if you’re going to make God’s says regarding enemy — the devil — can’t get you any
Word work for you, you need to jump other way, he will try to put you under
up, so to speak, and acknowledge your situation and condemnation regarding something
what God says about you. The world that’s already been covered by the
will try and tell you that you are noth-
things will begin to blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. When
the enemy comes to you with condem-
ing — that you’re not loved, you don’t
have a chance in life, and you’re never
happen for you. nation, begin to quote the Word of God
going to make it. But you shouldn’t to him. Keep on saying what the Bible
acknowledge what the world says says! The power that’s in God’s Word
about you. Rather, acknowledge what is present (Rom. 10:9,10). But that will work in every area of your life.
the Word of God says about you. can’t happen if you’re believing one Did you know that it’s difficult to
Romans 10:8 says, “. . . The word is thing and saying something else. You listen to someone else’s words while
nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in have to keep on speaking the Word of
thy heart: that is, the word of faith, God. (continued on page 18)

T h e Wo r d o f F a i t h 15
(continued from page 15) pack of burdens and cares, put it back Word about wisdom, what do you get?
on, and walk away with a long face. You get the wisdom to cope with life.
you’re talking? If the devil is talking When you cast all your cares on the Have you ever needed wisdom to cope
in your ear, condemning and accusing Lord, you won’t walk away with a long with life? According to the Word of
you, start speaking God’s Word with face. You won’t walk away saying, “I God, wisdom has been made available
your own voice. When you do that, you don’t know what’s going to happen. I to us (1 Cor. 1:30).
won’t allow the enemy to put negative don’t know how things are going to Keep speaking God’s Word about all
thoughts into your mind. You can also turn out. We’re in such a mess.” My that He has done for you. Second
sing praises and hymns about Jesus, friend, if you’re talking like that, you Corinthians 2:14 says, “Now thanks be
the Word, and the things of God. As are burdened. You’re still in bondage unto God, which always causeth us to
you continue speaking this way, you and you’re not carefree. triumph in Christ . . . .” When you
will get in agreement with God. Some take being carefree to believe and speak that, what do you
You can quote Second Corinthians extremes and get into error. For exam- get? Triumph! Triumph means victory
3:17: “. . . where the Spirit of the Lord ple, they take being carefree as a in all things. God always causes you to
is, there is liberty.” What do you get license not to work or provide for their triumph. Paul didn’t say, “God causes
when you continue to speak and family. Some people say, “I’m just us to triumph sometimes.” The Bible
believe that verse? You get liberty! going to live by faith,” and they quit doesn’t say, “If God doesn’t answer,
Liberty means to be free from cares or their jobs, sit down, and do nothing. you’ve got to figure it out for yourself
any form of bondage. For example, But the Bible says, “If a man will not and just go through life the best way
you can.” No, the Word says, “God
always causes us to triumph.”
Let’s examine another verse that
deals with God’s ability in us to over-
If you’re 1 JOHN 4:4
4 Ye are of God, little children, and
going to have overcome them: because greater is
he that is in you, than he that is in the
make God’s world.
Word work, When you believe this verse and
say, “God in me is greater than he that
you need to is in the world,” what do you get? You
jump up, so to get the power to make your authority
and dominion over the works of the
speak, and devil a reality in your life. You have
God the Father on the inside of you.
acknowledge what You also have Jesus Christ and the
God says about you. Holy Spirit in you. And God is greater
than the god of this world.
What else can you speak from God’s
according to Second Corinthians 4:4, work, he shall not eat” (2 Thess. 3:10). Word? Psalm 27:1 says, “The Lord is
we were once enslaved to the god of What we need to do is take the truth my light and my salvation; whom
this world. But we have been released of God’s Word, stay in the middle of shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of
from that bondage and set free the road with it, and let it bless us as my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
because of the blood of the Lord Jesus we speak it. When you believe that and speak it,
Christ that was shed on Calvary. The Word will bless you as you you get strength for your everyday
Therefore, we can speak our liberty in speak it and let your heart agree with tasks. Did you ever notice that when
Christ and thank God for it. it. You will have what you say! you wake up and start talking about
Along these same lines, you can The same applies to your healing. how bad and weak you feel, it’s harder
also say, “I’ve cast all of my care upon First Peter 2:24 says, “Who his own to get out of bed? But when you get out
Him, for He cares for me” (1 Peter 5:7). self bare our sins in his own body on of bed saying, “This is the day which
When you believe and continue to the tree, that we, being dead to sins, the Lord hath made; we will rejoice
speak that, you can enjoy a carefree should live unto righteousness: BY and be glad in it” (Ps. 118:24), you get
life. I didn’t say you’ll never have any WHOSE STRIPES YE WERE stronger and stronger with each step!
problems, but you can live above those HEALED.” When you talk about heal- A lot of people say, “I can’t do this,”
things as you trust God to take care of ing in line with God’s Word, you don’t or, “I can’t do that.” But if you’re in
them. Most people pray and ask the get sickness and disease as a result. Christ Jesus and know who you are in
Lord to take their burdens and cares No, when you believe and speak God’s Him, you can quote the Word of God
away. But when they’re through pray- Word about healing, you get healing! that says, “I can do all things through
ing, they reach down and pick up their When you believe and speak God’s Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil.

18 January 2 0 0 1
4:13). That’s you! You can do all things your faith. You give your faith a work- secure in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I
through Him! out by speaking the Word of God. You have no fear, but I have power, love, and
During my school years, a teacher say, “God has given me the measure of a sound mind.”
and a coach taught me this saying: “If faith.” You don’t go around saying, “I Always speak God’s Word in every
you say, ‘I can’t,’ you can’t. If you say, need more faith.” Once you recognize situation. The Word of God says, “But
‘I can,’ you can.” People have thought you’ve been given the measure of my God shall supply all your need
this was just an educational principle faith, then you can do something according to his riches in glory by
someone came up with. But do you about building up your own measure Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:19). Speak the
know where it came from? It came of faith by reading, believing, and fact that God has a supply for your
from the Word of God. speaking God’s Word. every need. Someone might ask,
Many of the laws and principles You have faith. Now learn to speak “What are you going to do if the food
people teach are based on the Bible. in such a way that your faith will supply gets cut off?” Or, “What are you
Some of the basis for successful sales-
manship is from the Word of God.
Sales schools teach you to believe in
your product before you sell it. If you
believe in it, you’ll be able to talk When
effectively about it.
That sounds like a principle from you talk
the Word of God — the principle of
believing and saying. The only differ-
about strength
ence is, the natural world will base
everything on you as an individual.
according to
There is a problem with that, because God’s Word, you
you as an individual have limitations.
You as a person can only go so far. But get strength for
when you base your faith on God’s
Word, there’s a spiritual foundation
your everyday
that goes beyond human ingenuity — use.
beyond the natural.
Let’s talk about something else God
has given you. Romans 12:3 says,
“. . . God hath dealt to every man the
measure of faith.” You have all the
faith you’ll ever need to live an over- grow. There’s not a person I know who going to do if there’s no fuel?” I don’t
coming, successful life. looks in the mirror and says, “Man, I know, but I do know one thing. I’m not
Some people say, “If I just had more don’t have any muscles!” No, you going to be fearful about it because I
faith — if I could just study a little might look in the mirror and say, “I’ve know that my God can take care of the
more and get more faith — then I’d be got muscles, but they need some situation and meet all of my needs
successful.” The problem with that is work!” Likewise, you need to develop according to his riches in glory by
you can’t get any more faith than you the faith you have by speaking the Christ Jesus.
already have. The Bible says that you Word of God. Let the Word of God flow from your
have been given the measure of faith You can speak God’s Word when lips continually. The Bible says, “. . .
(Rom. 12:3)! You strengthen your dealing with fear. According to Second let us offer the sacrifice of praise to
measure of faith by studying the Word Timothy 1:7, you can say, “God has not God continually, that is, the fruit of
of God and praying. But something given me the spirit of fear, but He’s our lips giving thanks to his name”
else is involved. You have to work your given me a spirit of power, love, and a (Heb. 13:15). As you keep speaking
faith. How do you do that? By speak- sound mind.” When you believe and God’s Word, you’ll build yourself up.
ing the Word of God! speak that, what do you get? You get In the face of impending adverse cir-
For example, you can read all about freedom from fear. Just say, “I don’t cumstances, say what God says about
health foods and how to eat properly have to be fearful about what is going your situation. When things are not
for good health and nutrition. Then to happen to the economy.” Or, “I don’t going the way you think they should,
you can even act on that information have to be fearful about what’s going never stop speaking God’s Word.
and eat a balanced diet, and your body to take place in government.” Simply keep speaking the promises of
will respond to that. However, if Some people are afraid to do any- God, and your situation will eventual-
you’re going to build your muscles, thing because they don’t know what’s ly change. As you continue to speak
you have to work out. You can’t rely on going to happen to them. Christian the Word of God, you’ll release the
nutrition alone. You have to work friend, I’ll tell you what’s going to hap- power of God to work for you.
those muscles. You have to lift weights pen to you. What will happen is exactly
and do some exercises. what you say will happen according to
The same is true with exercising God’s Word. You can boldly say, “I’m

T h e Wo r d o f F a i t h 19

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