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The unique new generation architectural Privée Serie
outdoor solutions with minimalist forms
009 Aerolux
Privée serie’s extensive contemporary collection incorporates 047 Exxen
high-tech version of outdoor solutions and can be configured
to fit and cover various types of areas such as restaurants, 089 Axis
terraces, balconies either private or commercial.
127 Axis Max
Privée serie is designed to present perfect combination of luxury
165 Rota
and functionality with its distinctive visual lines. It is composed
of customized and stylish retractable systems by creating 201 Quattro
distinction in outdoor living areas to be used in any weather

rev. 6-05/2021
Privée Serie


An innovated bioclimatic pergola system
with full-automatic tilting / retractable Elegant retractable bioclimatic system with
aluminum louvres extended dimensions

A stylish modern system An ultimated tilting system option for large
with tilting louvres area coverings


Exclusive high-tech version of pergola

model is composed of a high grade
Smart aluminum louvered roof system with structural aluminium frame and
rotational motion function retractable blackout fabric

rev. 6-05/2021
003 004

rev. 6-05/2021
005 006
Innovative, modern and functional outdoor patio solution...

Aerolux is an innovated bioclimatic pergola system with full-automatic tilting / retractable aluminum louvres
and provides excellent protection from the sun, rain all the while providing beneficial ventilation.

Aerolux bioclimatic pergola system is a modern choice that adds value to outdoor living areas, it brightens the
look of home, restaurant, hotel or cafes with a touch of luxury. The system is designed to be adapted any kind
of outdoor living areas and provides exceptional quality of life in the open air with a high degree of visual and
thermal comfort.

The louvres in dimensions 180x40 mm are made from a special aluminum alloy which ensures exceptional
strenght. They form a flat and smooth ceiling and drain the rainwater to the discrete gutter in fully closed

The construction of the system with 160x160 mm post allows a high degree of resistance to strong winds
and wide span between support columns. Possibility of installation as self standing makes this pergola a
sustainable solution for terraces, patios, balconies, pool houses, hot tubs and outdoor kitchens. Several
modules can be linked to each other and even larger patio roof can be created by coupling multiple modules

rev. 6-05/2021
009 010
RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Ligting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

rev. 6-05/2021
011 012
Retractable & T ilting Version T ilting Version

Fully Closed Fully Closed



Louvre C l os i ng D i rect i on

Closing direction
of louvers.

Direction of
Retracted & Tilted
T ilting Dire c tions

0o 30o 45o 60o 90o

rev. 6-05/2021
013 014
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Wall Mounting
Single Module

Self Standing
Single Module

Self Standing
Multiple Modules Wall Mounting
Multiple Modules

rev. 6-05/2021
015 016
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Intra-Column Drainage Pipe
The water can be drained through internal drainage pipe and it eliminates factors that could block correct
water flow. Intra-column drainage pipe collects the water and discharges to the ground.

(w) Width
1800 mm < 4000 mm

(p) Projection
1569 mm < 6054 mm
p w
(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
3600 mm < 8000 mm

(p) Projection p w
3138 mm < 12108 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
7200 mm < 16000 mm

(p) Projection h
1569 mm < 6054 mm
(h) Height
3000 mm

rev. 6-05/2021
017 018
Column Base Options Flange Positions

(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

250mm 253mm

63mm 72mm Ø19mm

80mm 250mm 253mm 163mm
80mm 25mm
25mm Ø19mm 25mm 163mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 10mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

300mm 303mm

300mm 303mm 163mm

Ø19mm 25mm
25mm 163mm

Drainage Types


rev. 6-05/2021
019 020
Wall Installation Louvre Positions

Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall Inner (Hidden) Wall Bracket (Inox)



138mm 125mm

265mm 125mm

Hang Bracket Types

Vertical Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cover Cap Paralel Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cap

160mm 170mm
160mm 160mm

262mm 261mm
170mm 160mm

rev. 6-05/2021
021 022

Side Elevation Column Conne c tion

Thanks to eas e of col um n bas e
as s em bl y each col um ns can be
i ns tal l ed practi cal l y through a s eri es
of s i m pl e operati ons that guarantee
4 6 mm

i ns tal l ati on qual i ty and s peed to

reduce num ber of s taff requi red.

The front col um n cap can be pul l ed

out s i m pl y and i nner col um n cavi ty
conceal s the wi ri ng cabl es of heater,
s peaker or autom ati on to provi de

3 2 2 mm
cl ean appearance.




L o u v re S t o r m g u a rd S eal
S e a l i n g s o l u t i o n s t o p s wa t e r dr ipping
ov e r l o u v re g u t t e r c h a n n e l b y
pro v i d i n g a so f t c u sh i o n i n g ba r r ie r
be t we e n p o i n t o f l o u v re j u n c t ion.

rev. 6-05/2021
023 024

Slightly opening of louvres Ensuring waterproof

creates natural air flow for coverage when louvres are in
application areas. fully closed position.

Each channel on louvres drain the

Protecting from sun exposure water through four sided gutters
while ensuring air ventilation connected with columns.
under the system .

Functional seal entegrated on

louvre channels provides maximum
protection from water dripping.

rev. 6-05/2021
025 026

Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System Framee Sliding Glass System

System can be adapted to Aerolux system and offers a Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching
maximum clear span that provides unobstructed view & with modern architectural Aerolux system by insulated
minimalistic style. The system is operated by just the touch of fine-framed sliding glass panels. System offers a
button. comfortable sliding with easy individual movement.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

The combination of the sliding glass system with Aerolux
ensures efficacious protection from wind and rain. The
Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System aluminium frames which cover each glass panel provide
Swind can be combined with also Aerolux system and offers maximum safety standards and practicality with elegance
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency details.
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led stripe
dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel assigns
distinctive appeal. The system is modular and completely
flexible as there are no limits in the horizontal direction that can
be used to surround spaces of all types and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist
the UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium
structure, entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts
and screws.
Violet Glass Balustrade System
The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Aerolux
creates a stunning visual transparency without lacking of
obstruction to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that is
integrated underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect of
the design by amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors. Thanks
to flexible and multiple modular implementations, system can
be used to cover comprehensive areas without limitation in the
horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure can
be combined with Aerolux system to optimise outdoor
living areas visually.

rev. 6-05/2021
027 028
Dimension Ranges
W id t h d i m e n si o n : A n y v a l u e b e t w e e n 1800mm a nd 4000mm
Proje c t i o n d i m e n si o n : A d j u s t a b l e a c c ording t o louv re qua nt it y


1800 4000

6 1569

7 1764

8 1959

9 2154

10 2349

11 2544

12 2739

13 2934

14 3129

15 3324


16 3519

17 3714

18 3909

19 4104

20 4299

21 4494

22 4689

23 4884

24 5079

25 5274

26 5469

27 5664

28 5859

29 6054

rev. 6-05/2021
029 030
Single Module Multiple Modules Joining Type 1
W: 1800 mm < 4000 mm W: 3600 mm < 8000 mm
P: 1569 mm < 6054 mm P: 1569 mm < 6054 mm

W P W1 W2
(max. 6054 mm) (max. 4000 mm) (max. 4000 mm)
(max. 4000 mm) (max. 6054 mm)
Max: H+322 mm

Max: H+322mm

W1 W2

Retractable & Tilting

Retractable & Tilting P Tilting P

W1 W2

Tilting P

rev. 6-05/2021
031 032
Order Form
Multiple Modules Joining Type 2
W: 1800 mm < 4000 mm
P: 3138 mm < 12108 mm Company Name: Order Date:
W Order Reference:
(max. 4000 mm)


Retractable & Tilting Self Standing

Max: H+322mm
Tilting Wall Mounting
H Louvres Parallel to Wall
Louvres Vertical to Wall

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different

width or projection, please provide details (single module
max. dimension is 4000x6054mm)
P Type 1 Type 2
P1 P2 W - Total Width................................................ mm
(max. 6054 mm) (max. 6054 mm) W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
P - Projection ................................................ mm
W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm .... ....
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc .... ....


Structure Louvres
RAL Exclusive Texture RAL Exclusive Texture
colors colors colors colors colors colors
9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... 9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ...
1013 OS561 ST9001 1013 OS561 ST9001
9006 OY395 ST1013 9006 OY395 ST1013
7006 OGN39 ST7039 7006 OGN39 ST7039
7016 ON617 ST7016 7016 ON617 ST7016
9005 ON611 ST8019 9005 ON611 ST8019

P1 P1

Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain Sensor

Cool White Wind Sensor
Day Light
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting

Retractable & Tilting Tilting
Additional Post Insulation Foam Drainage Pipe


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
P2 P2 Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost


033 034
Technical Details Tech n ical Specification s
Aerolu x

New Generation Outdoor Covering Solutions

With Tilting And Retractable Bioclimatic Systems

Aerolux is a new generation of high-tech bioclimatic covering solution that is composed of a high grade structural aluminium frame and
tilting & retractable aerofoil louvres.
Max. width for single module 4000 mm

Max. projection single module 6054 mm

Rafter profile dimension 228x260 mm Dimensions

Post dimension 160x160 mm
One module
Louvre dimension 180 mm

Louvre quantity in max. size 29 pcs Width 1800 mm < 4000 mm

Louvre can be tilted up to 90o Projection 1569 mm < 6054 mm

Louvres parking area 23%
Column Height 3000 mm

- Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Automation included

Control unit included

Led Stripe Dimmer lighting optional

I Technical Characteristics
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional
- Extruded aluminium frame, blades & gutters - clean edges.
Insulation foam optional

Edge cover profile N/A - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Drainage pipe optional - High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
Flange optional
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
Rain Sensor optional

Wind Sensor optional

- High grade stainless steel connection components.

- High strength timing belt for balanced movement inside rafters.

- Large span with 4000mm dimension.

- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

- Double-walled aerofoil louvres with superior strength and durability.

- Adjustable louvres for any position within the 90° range.

- Extended open sky when roof retracted (open sky up to %77).

- Dimmer option to adjust lux intensity.

- Antibacterial polyurethane foam insulation which can be integrated into the louvre to provide sound and heat insulation.

- Air and water insulation between joining axis of multiple applications is provided by patented storm channel profile.

- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems.

rev. 6-05/2021
035 036

- Fully waterproof coverage when louvres are in fully closed position. V Weather Resistance
- Functional seal integration on louvre channel to prevent water leaking and provide extra insulation. Wind Resistance
- The water is flowed down to the main gutters by special drainage channels along the louvres and drained through columns. - Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h).
- Internal rainwater down-pipe for columns. Water Drainage
- Hidden direct drive double shaft motorbox with 56 NM torque Somfy® motor operates tilting and retracting motion. (2 pieces). - The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness.
- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts. - Water drainage with an intensity of 155 L/h/sqm that last up to 2 minutes maximum.
- In addition to standart RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered as extended selection. - Optional PVC pipe (Ø70) integration inside columns.
- Functional louvre lay out in parallel or vertical position to wall. - Customised drain points flexibity.

Snow load
II Profile Section Dimensions
See dimension based snow chart below;
Rafter : 228 mm x 260 mm x 2,5 mm

Gutter : 161 mm x 140 mm x 2,5 mm

Column : 160 mm x 160 mm x 3 mm

Louvre : 237 mm x 40 mm x 1,8 mm

III Installation Methods

- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 4000mm width and 6000mm projection with flexible

installation methods such as integration into existing frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.

- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.

IV Columns

- Dimensions: 160 x 160 mm x 3 mm.

- Simple column assembly.

- The column cap profile can be pulled out simply and inner column cavity conceals the wiring cables of heater, speaker or automation

to provide pure appearance.

- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap.

rev. 6-05/2021
037 038
VI Tests

Our systems are subjected to variety of tests in order to check their resistance under every type of circumstances. Wind sensor

Tests done following the requirements of International Standards involving parameters such as wind resistance and rainfall or snowfall Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers

demonstrate the excellent performance of our pergolas against the most adverse conditions. constant protection.

The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will close the roof
depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply.

Standard UNE-EN 13659:2004+A class 6 (approx. 102 km/h) tested up to 102 km/h without breaking within test bench parameters.
Rain sensor

Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are
load not able to control the system.

If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back.
≤600 kg/m2 (including its own weight) Standard EN-1999 EUROCODE 9 aluminium structures project.
*Values will be decreased based width and projection dimensions.

X Closures

Rain Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia
load or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements.

Standard UNE-EN 12056-3, (0,04 l/s max.) constant heavy rain aprox. 155 l.m2/h (structures + slats). Sapphire

Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology.

VII Additional Equipments - Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated

- Heater, speaker, air conditioner or other automations can be integrated. glazing.

- Wind and rain sensors can be adapted. - Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

VIII Lighting - Operation is motorised.

Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure. - Upwards or downwards parking position options.

- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting - Fixed panels can be used as balustrades.

Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m - The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.

Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m - Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting - Fully hidden motor drive.

60 LEDs/m - Switch, remote or smart home control availability.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

IX Sensors

Wind and rain sensors can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond fully automatic
based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions.
Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism.
Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture &underneath of covered area even if you
- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing.
are not able to control the system.
- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

rev. 6-05/2021
039 040
- Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability. - Remote control for operation of lighting.

- Upwards or downwards parking position options. - Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.

- Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels. - Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional).

- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height. - Compact & Easy Assembly.

- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Fully hidden motor drive.

- Protected usage with safety sensor. Framee

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals. Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels.

- Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts. - Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm).

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels. - Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Swind - Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security

Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel. measures.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Extruded aluminium fix panel frame. - Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options.

- Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion.

- High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement. Slidia

- 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels. Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels.

- Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables. - Features slim aluminum glass profiles.

- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting. - Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options.

- Fast opening-closing cycle. - Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels.

- Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system. - Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules. - Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.

- Portability with optional wheel integration. - Sloped rail design for efficient drainage.

- Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position. - Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. - Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with


Violet - Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation.

Violet glass balustrade system. - Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.

- Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm. - Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables. - Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings.
rev. 6-05/2021
041 042
Vertex Zip System Framed glass door

Vertex is a motorised external blind system. - Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

- It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- The system includes motorised aluminium structure. - Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Each screen has a pair of identical side channels. - Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm).

- Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior and - Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

contact with environment. - Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and - Push & Pull Bar handle types.

humidity. - Pull Handle/ Lock.

Photocell Door
Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system.
- Aluminum framed automatic glass door.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Electronic lock.
- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
- Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations.
- Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Clean finishes with hidden joining details.
- Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm).
- Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame.
- Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
- Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.
- Large span with 6000mm dimension.
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
- Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design.
- One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types.
- Maximum safety with block assembly.

Doors XI Structure Color Options / Finishes

Glass door - The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.
- Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available. - In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered.
- Single tempered glass (10mm). - QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.
- Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock. XII Warranty
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. Aerolux Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix

- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm). Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years

Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A
- Allen&Key lock for security.
Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A

Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A

*End user and installation defects are not covered.

rev. 6-05/2021
043 044
O perat ion s
Retractable & T ilting
T ilting

L igh t in g O pt ions O p ti o na l
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Insulation Foam
C o o l Wh i te Lighting

Da y L i g h t Se ns o r s
Rain Sensor

W ind Sensor

I nst allat ion Ty pes

Self Standing Single Module Self Standing Multiple Modules

Wall Mounting Single Module Wall Mounting Multiple Modules

C losures
Sapphire& Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Ve r t e x Wa llf ix

rev. 6-05/2021
045 046
Perfect fusion of functionality, redefinition of outdoor living areas

Exxen is a high-end scissors bioclimatic aluminum pergola system that performs the most desired function in
outdoor living spaces with its fully retractable feature.

It is designed to enhance your exteriors considerably to enable absolute protection and more
relaxing time for any kind of outdoor living areas. The system is uniquely flexible and modular custom
built to be adapted various types of large application areas such as restaurants, terraces, balconies
either private or commercial with its distinguished design.

System enables you to make shadow control thanks to a simple opening and closing system with
automated pivoting louvres that provides natural air flow effect and exceptional quality of outdoor
life in the open air.

Thanks to its retraction feature Exxen allows you to see the open sky clearly and helps you benefit
from daylight at the maximum level. It is extremely suitable for using your outdoor living space in all
seasons and contributes to preserving your stylish line by showing an aesthetic harmony with other
complementary products.

Individual modules can be custom made in your specified finish up to 7m wide and 9m projection
with flexible integration solution between existing structures with an operable architecture.Also
several modules can be linked to each other and even larger patio roof can be created by coupling
multible modules.

Along with the aluminum materials that make up the majority of the system, Exxen comes up with
two different maximum size options. The system can be extended up to 9 meters projection and 4
meters of width or 8 meters projection and 4,5 meters of width dimensions, that is a practicable option
especially for lengthwise applications. When it comes up with a maximum width of 7 meters, projection will be
up to 6 meters and that’s an efficient solution with covering of large commercial areas.

System is visually enriched with its elegant Hidden Led Stripe and RGB lighting options that can be
ajdusted according to current mood of user.Also optional insulation foam is available that enables
heat and sound insulation.

rev. 6-05/2021
047 048
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

rev. 6-05/2021
049 050

Fully Closed Fully Closed & Retracted

One Section Two Sections One Section Two Sections

Louvre Closing Dire c tion

Fully Open

Closing direction
of louvres

Motor Fully Closed

T ilting Dire c tions

One Section Two Sections

rev. 6-05/2021
051 052
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Wall Mounting
Single Module

Self Standing
Single Module

Self Standing
Multiple Modules Wall Mounting
Multiple Modules

rev. 6-05/2021
053 054
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.

One Section Two Sections

One Section Two Sections
(w) Width 1200 mm < 4500 mm (w) Width 4501 mm < 7000 mm
(p) Projection 1780 mm < 9030 mm (p) Projection 1780 mm < 6030 mm

(h) Height (h) Height

3000 mm p w p 3000 mm

One Section Two Sections

(w) Width 2400 mm < 9000 mm (w) Width 9002 mm < 14000 mm
(p) Projection 3560 mm < 18060 mm w (p) Projection 3560 mm < 12060 mm

(h) Height p (h) Height

3000 mm w 3000 mm

One Section w
(w) Width 4800 mm < 18000 mm
(p) Projection 1780 mm < 9030 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm
Two Sections
(w) Width 18004 mm < 28000 mm
p (p) Projection 1780 mm < 6030 mm
(h) Height
3000 mm
rev. 6-05/2021
055 056
Column Base Options Flange Positions

(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

300mm 303mm
R10mm Ø19mm
60mm 25mm

180mm 300mm 303mm 183mm

10mm 90mm
Ø19mm 25mm 183mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 15mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

Drainage Types


rev. 6-05/2021
057 058
Hang Bracket Types & Mounting
One Section Two Sections

E a sy w a ll mount ing E as y wal l mo unt i ng

by sc re w ing inox b y s crewi ng i no x
bolt s t hrough b o l t s t hro ug h
gut t e r profile . Any g ut t er p ro f i l e. Any
a ddit iona l br a c ke t s ad d i t i o nal b rack et s
a re not re quire d. are no t req ui red .

Vertical Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cover Cap Vertical Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cover Cap

180mm 180mm
180mm 180mm

185mm 185mm

180mm 180mm

rev. 6-05/2021
059 060
Wall Installation Louvre Positions
Sup p ort R a il
Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall

Over 4500 m m wi dth

di m ens i on s upport rai l
needs to be us ed.

Column and Gutter/Rafter Integration

Th e e a sy f i xi n g o f i n t e g r a l c o l u mn pa r t t o gut t e r a nd r a ft e r

Sup p ort Column

Wall Mounting

The CNC ma c hine c ut cor ner profi l es

prov ide e a sy gut t e r a nd rafter
int e gr a t ion.
Self Standing

Over 6530 m m proj ecti on

di m ens i on s upport col um ns
need to be us ed.

rev. 6-05/2021
061 062

S id e E l e v a t i o n Column Conne c tion

Thanks to eas e of col um n bas e

as s em bl y each col um n can be
i ns tal l ed practi cal l y through a s eri es

1 5 4 mm
1 8 mm
17mm of s i m pl e operati ons that guarantee
i ns tal l ati on qual i ty and s peed to
EDGE COV E R P R OF IL E reduce num ber of s taff requi red.

3 5 9 mm

The front col um n cap can be pul l ed
out s i m pl y and i nner col um n cavi ty

2 0 5 mm
conceal s the wi ri ng cabl es of heater,
1 80m m
s peaker and autom ati on to provi de
cl ean appearance.

Lo u v re S t o r m g u a rd Seal
S e a l i n g s o l u t i o n s t o p s wa t e r dr ipping
ove r l o u v re g u t t e r c h a n n e l b y
p rov i d i n g a so f t c u sh i o n i n g b a r r ie r
b et we e n p o i n t o f l o u v re j u n c t i o n.


rev. 6-05/2021
063 064

Slightly opening of louvres Ensuring waterproof

creates natural air flow for coverage when louvres are in
application areas. fully closed position.

Each channel on louvres drain the

Protecting from sun exposure water through four sided gutters
while ensuring air ventilation connected with columns.
under the system .

Functional seal entegrated on

louvre channels provides maximum
protection from water dripping.

rev. 6-05/2021
065 066

Framee Sliding Glass System

Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching with
Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System modern architectural Exxen system by insulated fine-framed
System can be adapted to Exxen system and offers a maximum sliding glass panels. System offers a comfortable sliding with
clear span that provides unobstructed view & minimalistic style. easy individual movement.
The system is operated by just the touch of button.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System The combination of the sliding glass system with Exxen ensures
Swind can be combined with also Exxen system and offers efficacious protection from wind and rain. The aluminium
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency frames which cover each glass panel provide maximum safety
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led stripe standards and practicality with elegance details.
dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel assigns
distinctive appeal. The system is modular and completely flexible
as there are no limits in the horizontal direction that can be used
to surround spaces of all types and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the
UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium structure,
Violet Glass Balustrade System entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts and screws.
The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Exxen
creates a stunning visual transparency without lacking of
obstruction to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that is
integrated underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect of
the design by amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors. Thanks
to flexible and multiple modular implementations, system can
be used to cover comprehensive areas without limitation in the
horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure
can be combined with Exxen system to optimise outdoor
living areas visually.

rev. 6-05/2021
067 068
Dimension Ranges
One Section Two S ecti ons
W id th d i m e n si o n : A n y v a l u e b e t we e n 1800mm a nd 4500mm W i dth di m ens i on: A ny val ue between 4501m m and 7000m m
Proje c t i o n d i m e n si o n : A d j u s t a b l e a c c ording t o louv re qua nt it y P roj ecti on di m ens i on: A dj us tabl e accordi ng to l ouvre quanti ty


1800 4500 4501 7000

6 1780 6 1780

7 2030 7 2030

8 2280 8 2280

9 2530 9 2530

10 2780 10 2780

11 3030 11 3030

12 3280 12 3280

13 3530 13 3530


14 3780 14 3780

15 4030 15 4030


16 4280 16 4280

17 4530 17 4530

18 4780 18 4780

19 5030 19 5030

20 5280 20 5280

21 5530 21 5530

22 5780 22 5780

23 6030 23 6030

24 6280

25 6530

26 6780

27 7030

28 7280

29 7530

30 7780

31 8030

32 8280

33 8530

34 8780

35 9030

rev. 6-05/2021
069 070
Single Module Single Module
One Section Two Sections

W: 1200 mm < 4500 mm W: 4501 mm < 7000 mm

P: 1780 mm < 9030 mm P: 1780 mm < 6030 mm

(max. 4500 mm) (max. 9030 mm) (max. 7000 mm) (max. 6030 mm)
Max.H+359 mm

Max.H+359 mm
O v e r 6530 mm H
proje c t ion
dime nsion
suppor t c olumns
ne e d t o be used.


Retractable P

Retractable P Ov er 4 5 0 0 mm wi d t h
d i mens i o n s up p o rt
rai l need s t o b e
us ed .

rev. 6-05/2021
071 072
Multiple Modules Type 1 Multiple Modules Type 1
One Section Two Sections

W: 2400 mm < 9000 mm W: 9002 mm < 14000 mm

P: 1780 mm < 9030 mm P: 1780 mm < 6030 mm

W1 W2 W1 W2
(max. 4500 mm) (max. 4500 mm) (max. 7000 mm) (max. 7000 mm)
Max.H+359 mm

Max.H+359 mm

(max. 9030 mm) (max. 6030 mm)

W1 W2
W1 W2

Retractable P

Retractable P

rev. 6-05/2021
073 074
(max. 7000 mm)

Multiple Modules Type 2 Multiple Modules Type 2

One Section Two Sections

Max.H+359 mm
W: 1200 mm < 4500 mm W: 4501 mm < 7000 mm
P: 3560 mm < 18060 mm P: 3560 mm < 12060 mm H

(max. 4000 mm / 4500 mm)


Max.H+359 mm
(max. 6030 mm) (max. 6030 mm)

(max. 9030 mm) (max. 9030 mm)

P1 P2

P1 P2



rev. 6-05/2021
075 076
Order Form

Company Name: Order Date:

Order Reference:

Self Standing
Wall Mounting
Louvres Parallel to Wall
Louvres Vertical to Wall

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different width or

projection, please provide details for single module max.:
- One section 4500x9030 mm
- Two sections 7000x6030 mm
Type 1 Type 2
W - Total Width................................................ mm
W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
P - Projection ................................................ mm
W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc See page 139-144 for detail


Structure Louvres
RAL Exclusive Texture RAL Exclusive Texture
colors colors colors colors colors colors
9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... 9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ...
1013 OS561 ST9001 1013 OS561 ST9001
9006 OY395 ST1013 9006 OY395 ST1013
7006 OGN39 ST7039 7006 OGN39 ST7039
7016 ON617 ST7016 7016 ON617 ST7016
9005 ON611 ST8019 9005 ON611 ST8019


Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain Sensor

Cool White Wind Sensor
Day Light Sun Sensor
Wind&Sun Sensor
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting

Additional Supporting Post Insulation Foam Edge Cover Profile


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost


077 078
Technical Details Tech n ical Specification s
Ex x en

Spacious Retractable Scissors

Roof System

Exxen is a bioclimatic covering solution that ensures comfort and relievement with its retraction and large span.

Max. width for single module 4500 mm (One Section) / 7000 mm (Two Sections)

Max. projection single module 9030 mm (One Section) / 6030 mm (Two Sections)
Rafter profile dimension 180x200 mm One module
Gutter profile dimension 180x200 mm
One Section Two Sections
Post dimension 180x180 mm

Louvre dimension 237 mm

Width 1200 mm < 4500 mm Width 4501 mm < 7000 mm

Louvre quantity in max. size 31 pcs Projection 1780 mm < 9030 mm Projection 1780 mm < 6030 mm
Louvre can be tilted up to 70o
Column Height 3000 mm
Louvres parking area 23%
- Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Automation included

Control unit included

I Technical Characteristics

Led Stripe Dimmer lighting optional - Extruded aluminium frame, blades & gutters - clean edges.
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
Insulation foam optional
- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
Edge Cover optional

Flange optional - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

Rain Sensor optional - High grade stainless steel connection components.
Wind Sensor optional
- High strength timing belt for balanced movement inside rafters.
Sun Sensor optional
- Large span with 7000mm dimension.
Wind&Sun Sensor optional
- Projection availability up to 9030mm dimension.

- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

- Double-walled aerofoil louvres with superior strength and durability.

- Adjustable louvres for any position.

- Extended open sky when roof retracted.

- Dimmer option to adjust lux intensity.

- Antibacterial polyurethane foam insulation which can be integrated into the louvre to provide sound and heat insulation.

- Air and water insulation between joining axis of multiple applications is provided by U profile.

rev. 6-05/2021
079 080

- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems. VI Additional Equipments
- Fully waterproof coverage when louvres are in fully closed position. - Heater, speaker or other automations can be integrated into the system.
- Functional seal integration on louvre channel to prevent water leaking and provide extra insulation. - Rain and wind sensor can be adapted.
- Seal integration along structure for water insulation and temperature resistance. Rain sensor closes the blades automatically when it rains.
- The water is flowed down to the main gutters by special drainage channels along the louvres and drained through columns. The blades should be closed when wind speed reaches to 102 km/hour to save under warranty terms.
- Optional edge cover profile which complete smooth design.

- Hidden direct drive double shaft motorbox with Somfy® motor operates retracting motion.
VII LED Lighting
- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts.
Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure.
- In addition to standart RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium.
- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m

II Profile Section Dimensions
Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m
Rafter : 180 mm x 200 mm x 3,5 mm
- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting
Gutter : 180 mm x 200 mm x 3,5 mm
96 LEDs/m
Column : 180 mm x 180 mm x 3,5 mm

Louvre : 293 mm x 40 mm x 2,5 mm

VIII Sensors

Rain, wind, sun and wind & sun sensor can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond
III Installation Methods
fully automatic based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions.
- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 4500mm width and 8030mm projection (one section) or
Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture &underneath of covered area even if you
finish up to 7000mm width and 6030mm projection (two sections) with flexible installation methods such as integration into existing
are not able to control the system.
frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.

- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.

Wind sensor
IV Columns Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers
- Dimensions: 180 x 180 mm x 3,5 mm constant protection.
- Simple column assembly. The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will retract the roof
- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap. depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply.

V Weather Resistance
Sun sensor
Wind Resistance
Sun sensor provides automatic control of your outdoor coverings based on sunlight levels. It is used to respond to the intensity of the
- Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h).
sun by controlling your pergola system accordingly.
Water Drainage
It will adjust your roof position based on the sunlight intensity allowing you to control the sun light entering your house.
- The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness.
The sensor will close the roof when sunlight exceeds the set threshold automatically to create a comfortable outdoor living area by
- Water drainage with an intensity of 155 L/h/sqm that last up to 2 minutes maximum.
increasing energy efficiency and protecting furnishings from UV damage.

The sun sensor will activate and close the roof according to amount of light decreases.

rev. 6-05/2021
081 082

Rain sensor - Upwards or downwards parking position options.

Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are - Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels.

not able to control the system. - The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.

If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back. - Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

- Fully hidden motor drive.

Wind & Sun Sensor - Protected usage with safety sensor.

Wind & Sun Sensor can be used together. Once the sun is above the sensitivity level the roof will close automatically to offer maximum - Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

convenience. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will retract the roof depending on a pre-set wind speed. - Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

IX Closures

Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia Swind

or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements. Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel.

Sapphire - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology. - Extruded aluminium fix panel frame.

- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

glazing. - Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion.

- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height. - High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels.

- Operation is motorised. - Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view.

- Upwards or downwards parking position options. - Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables.

- Fixed panels can be used as balustrades. - Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height. - Fast opening-closing cycle.

- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation. - Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system.

- Fully hidden motor drive. - Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.

- Switch, remote or smart home control availability. - Portability with optional wheel integration.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals. - Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

Cycle Violet

Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism. Violet glass balustrade system.

- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing. - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height. - Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables.

- Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability. - Remote control for operation of lighting.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.

rev. 6-05/2021
083 084

- Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional). Vertex Zip System

- Compact & Easy Assembly. Vertex is a motorised external blind system.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. - It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays.

- The system includes motorised aluminium structure.

Framee - Each screen has a pair of identical side channels.

Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels. - Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components.

- Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm). - Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior and

- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options. contact with environment.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and

- Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security humidity.


- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection. Wallfix

- Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings. Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system.

- Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).

Slidia - Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection.

Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels. - Clean finishes with hidden joining details.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame.

- Features slim aluminum glass profiles. - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

- Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options. - Large span with 6000mm dimension.

- Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels. - Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design.

- Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism. - Maximum safety with block assembly.

- Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.

- Sloped rail design for efficient drainage. Doors

- Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement. Glass door

- Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with - Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available.

brush. - Single tempered glass (10mm).

- Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation. - Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning. - Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures. - Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock. - Allen&Key lock for security.

- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings. Framed glass door

- Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

rev. 6-05/2021
085 086

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm). O perat ion s
- Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm). Retractable
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Push & Pull Bar handle types.

- Pull Handle/ Lock.

Photocell Door L igh t in g O pt ions O p ti o na l

- Aluminum framed automatic glass door. Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Insulation Foam
- Electronic lock. C o o l Wh i te

- Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Edge Cover Profile
- Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm). Da y L i g h t
W ith W ithout
- Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types. I nst allat ion Ty pes
Self Standing Self Standing
Se ns o r s
X Structure Color Options / Finishes Single Module Multiple Modules
Rain Sensor
- The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.

- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered. W ind Sensor
- QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.

Wall Mounting Wall Mounting Sun Sensor

XI Warranty
Single Module Multiple Modules
Exxen Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix W ind&Sun
Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years

Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A

Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A

Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A
C losures
Sapphire& Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Ve r t e x Wa llf ix
*End user and installation defects are not covered.

rev. 6-05/2021
087 088
Customized architectural solutions...

Axis is a stylish modern bioclimatic outdoor covering system that meets demands of today’s architecture.
The distinctive form which has a balance between design and function is used to create customised outdoor
architectural solutions for protection from the elements. The unique characteristic of system makes it a clear
leader in its field and presents sophisticated technology combined with innovative concepts for modern style.
System makes outdoor spaces more comfortable with high functional performance and creative custom-
made solutions.

The aluminium louvres can be tilted up to 85° with a smooth and silent rotating movement via internal motor.
The automation of system is fully hidden and operates with maximum performance & silent movement. It
is possible to operate the louvres according to desired angle creating ventilation and shadow. The angle
adjustable louvres provide natural air flow effect and exceptional quality of outdoor life in the open air with
a high degree of flexibility for visual & thermal comfort while offering optimum conditions at any time of the
day. Individual modules can be custom made in your specified finish up to 4.5m wide and 8m projection with
flexible installation methods such as integration to existing structures, wall mounting and free standing for
larger outdoor areas.

rev. 6-05/2021
089 090
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Ligting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

rev. 6-05/2021
091 092
Tilted & Fully Closed

Fully Closed

Louvre Closing Dire c tion

LV1 5 LV2 0

Tilted Closing direction Closing direction

of louvres of louvres

Motor Motor

T ilting Dire c tions

0o 30o 45o 60o 85o

rev. 6-05/2021
093 094
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Wall Mounting
Single Module

Self Standing
Single Module

Self Standing
Multiple Modules Wall Mounting
Multiple Modules

rev. 6-05/2021
095 096
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.

(w) Width
1000 mm < 4500 mm
(p) Projection h
LV15 1174mm < 7810mm
p w
LV20 1474mm < 7922mm
(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
4000 mm < 18000 mm
(p) Projection
LV15 1174mm < 7810mm
LV20 1474mm < 7922mm
(h) Height p
3000 mm

(w) Width
2000 mm < 9000 mm
(p) Projection p
LV15 2348mm < 15620mm
LV20 2948mm < 15844mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

rev. 6-05/2021
097 098
Column Base Options Flange Positions

(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

250mm 253mm
160mm Ø19mm

250mm 253mm 163mm

160mm 90mm
Ø19mm 25mm 163mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 10mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

300mm 303mm

300mm 303mm 163mm

Ø19mm 25mm
25mm 163mm
Drainage Types


rev. 6-05/2021
099 100
Wall Installation Louvre Positions
Sup p ort Column
Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall Over 6862 m m (LV15), 6882 m m (LV20)
proj ecti on di m ens i on s upport col um ns
need to be us ed.

The CNC m achi ne cut co r ner p ro f i l es

provi de eas y g ut t er and co l umn

i ntegrati on.

Wall Mounting

E a sy w a ll m ounti ng
by sc re wi ng i nox
bolt s t hrough
gut t e r profi l e. A ny Self Standing
a ddit ional brackets
a re not requi red.

rev. 6-05/2021
101 102

L ou v re S t o r m g u a rd Seal Sid e Ele va tion

Se a li n g so l u t i o n s t o p s wa t e r d r i pping
ov e r l o u v re g u t t e r c h a n n e l b y p rov iding

a s of t c u sh i o n i n g b a r r i e r b e t we e n point EDGE COVER PROFILE


of lo u v re j u n c t i o n .


Edge Cover





Edge Cover
160mm Profile
Louvre LV20

rev. 6-05/2021
103 104

Slightly opening of louvres Ensuring waterproof

creates natural air flow for coverage when louvres are in
application areas. fully closed position.

Each channel on louvres drain the

Protecting from sun exposure water through four sided gutters
while ensuring air ventilation connected with columns.
under the system .

LV15 LV20
Functional seal entegrated on
louvre channels provides maximum
protection from water dripping.

rev. 6-05/2021
105 106

Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System Framee Sliding Glass System

System can be adapted to Axis system and offers a Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching with
maximum clear span that provides unobstructed view & modern architectural Axis system by insulated fine-framed
minimalistic style. The system is operated by just the touch sliding glass panels. System offers a comfortable sliding with
of button. easy individual movement.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

The combination of the sliding glass system with Axis ensures
Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System efficacious protection from wind and rain. The aluminium
Swind can be combined with also Axis system and offers frames which cover each glass panel provide maximum safety
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency standards and practicality with elegance details.
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led
stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel
assigns distinctive appeal. The system is modular and
completely flexible as there are no limits in the horizontal
direction that can be used to surround spaces of all types
and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the
UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium structure,
entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts and screws.
Violet Glass Balustrade System
The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Axis
creates a stunning visual transparency without lacking of
obstruction to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that
is integrated underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect
of the design by amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors.
Thanks to flexible and multiple modular implementations,
system can be used to cover comprehensive areas without
limitation in the horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure can be
combined with Axis system to optimise outdoor living areas

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107 108
Dimension Ranges Dimension Ranges
LV15 LV20
W id t h d i m e n si o n : A n y c u s t o m i s e d v a lue s be t w e e n 1800mm a nd 4500mm W i dth di m ens i on: A ny cus tom i s ed val ues between 1800m m and 450 0 mm
Proje c t i o n d i m e n si o n : A d j u s t a b l e a c c ording t o louv re qua nt it y P roj ecti on di m ens i on: A dj us tabl e accordi ng to l ouvre quanti ty

1800 4500 1800 4500

6 1174
6 1474
7 1332

8 1490 7 1682

9 1648 8 1890
10 1806
9 2098
11 1964

12 2122 10 2306

13 2280 11 2514
14 2438
12 2722
15 2596

16 2754 13 2930

17 2912 14 3138
18 3070
15 3346
19 3228

20 3386 16 3554

21 3544 17 3762
22 3702
18 3970
23 3860

24 4018 19 4178

25 4176 20 4386


26 4334
21 4594
27 4492

28 4650 22 4802

29 4808 23 5010
30 4966
24 5218
31 5124

32 5282 25 5426

33 5440 26 5634
34 5598
27 5842
35 5756

36 5914 28 6050

37 6072 29 6258
38 6230
30 6466
39 6388

40 6546 31 6674

41 6704 32 6882
42 6862
33 7090
43 7020

44 7178 34 7298

45 7336 35 7506
46 7494
36 7714
47 7652

48 7810 37 7922

rev. 6-05/2021
109 110
Single Module Multiple Modules Type 1
LV15 LV15
W: 1000 mm < 4500 mm W: 2000 mm < 9000 mm
P: 1174 mm < 7810 mm P: 1174 mm < 7810 mm
(LV15 max. 7810mm)
(LV20 max. 7922mm)
LV20 LV20
W: 1000 mm < 4500 mm W: 2000 mm < 9000 mm P
P: 1474 mm < 7922 mm P: 1474 mm < 7922 mm

(LV15 max. 7810mm) W

W (LV20 max. 7922mm)
W1 W2
(max. 4500 mm) P (max. 4500 mm) (max. 4500 mm)
Max LV15: H+340 mm
Max LV20: H+400 mm

Max LV15: H+340 mm

Max LV20: H+400 mm
O v e r 6862 mm ( LV15),
H 6882 mm ( LV 20) H
proje c t ion dime ns i on
suppor t c olumns need
t o be use d.

W1 W2

Tilting P
Tilting P

rev. 6-05/2021
111 112
Order Form
Multiple Modules Type 2
W: 1000 mm < 4500 mm Company Name: Order Date:
P: 2348 mm < 15620 mm Order Reference:

P: 2948 mm < 15844 mm (max. 4500 mm) LV15 Self Standing
LV20 Wall Mounting

Max LV15: H+340mm

Max LV20: H+400mm
Louvres Parallel to Wall
Louvres Vertical to Wall

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different width or
projection. Please provide details (single module max. dimension is
4500x7860 mm / LV15 or 4500x7922 mm / LV20)

DIMENSIONS Type 1 Type 2

LV15 max. 7810mm LV15 max. 7810mm W - Total Width................................................ mm W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
LV20 max. 7922mm P LV20 max. 7922mm P - Projection ................................................ mm W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm .... ....
P1 P2
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc .... ....


Structure Louvres
RAL Exclusive Texture RAL Exclusive Texture
colors colors colors colors colors colors
9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... 9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ...
1013 OS561 ST9001 1013 OS561 ST9001
9006 OY395 ST1013 9006 OY395 ST1013
7006 OGN39 ST7039 7006 OGN39 ST7039
P 7016 ON617 ST7016 7016 ON617 ST7016
P1 P2 9005 ON611 ST8019 9005 ON611 ST8019


Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain Sensor

Cool White Wind Sensor

W Day Light
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting

Supporting Post Insulation Foam Edge Cover Profile
*Avl. for LV20 only


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost


113 114
Tech n ical Specification s
Technical Details Ax is

New Generation Outdoor Covering Solutions

Bioclimatic Systems With Tilting Function

Axis is a new generation of high-tech bioclimatic covering solution that is composed of a high grade structural aluminium frame and
tilting aerofoil louvres.

LV15 LV20 One module
Max. width for single module 4500 mm 4500 mm Width 1000 mm < 4500 mm
Max. projection single module 7810 mm 7922 mm
Projection 1174 mm < 7810 mm(LV15) / 1474 mm < 7922 mm(LV20)
Rafter profile dimension 160x240 mm 160x240 mm
Height 3000 mm
Post dimension 160x160 mm 160x160 mm

Edge cover profile dimension 99 mm 154 mm - Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Louvre dimension 150 mm 200 mm

Louvre quantity with max. size 48 pcs 37 pcs

Louvre can be tilted up to 85o

I Technical Characteristics

- Extruded aluminium frame, blades & gutters - clean edges.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Automation included included
- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
Control unit included included

Led Stripe Dimmer lighting optional optional - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional optional - High grade stainless steel connection components.
Insulation foam N/A optional
- Large span with 4500mm dimension.
Edge cover profile optional optional
- Double-walled or single-walled aerofoil louvres with superior strength and durability.
Drainage pipe optional optional

Flange optional optional - Invisible 15 mm slope on louvres for maximum water flow efficiency.
Rain Sensor optional optional - Adjustable louvres for any position within the 85° range.
Wind Sensor optional optional
- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

- Dimmer option to adjust lux intensity.

- Antibacterial polyurethane foam insulation which can be integrated into the louvre to provide sound and heat insulation. (Available for

Axis LV20).

- Fully waterproof coverage when louvres are in fully closed position.

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115 116

- Functional seal integration on louvre channel to prevent water leaking and provide extra insulation. Snow load

- Seal integration along structure for water insulation and temperature resistance. See dimension based snow chart below.

- The water is flowed down to the main gutters by special drainage channels along the louvres and drained through columns.

- Optional edge cover profile which complete smooth design.

- Hidden IP68 protection class,12/24VDC power supplied linear actuator motor with stainless steel piston rod that enables the louvre

to rotate.

- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems.

- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts.

- In addition to standart RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered as extended selection.

- Functional louvre lay out in parallel or vertical position to wall.

II Profile Section Dimensions

Rafter / Gutter : 160 mm x 240 mm x 3 mm

Column : 160 mm x 160 mm x 3 mm

Louvre LV15 : 206 mm x 50 mm x 1,8 mm

Louvre LV20 : 261 mm x 60 mm x 2 mm

III Installation Methods

- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 4500mm width and 8000 mm projection with flexible

installation methods such as integration into existing frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.

- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.

V Columns

- Dimensions: 160 x 160 mm x 3 mm.

VI Tests
- Simple column assembly.
Our systems are subjected to variety of tests in order to check their resistance under every type of circumstances.
- The column cavity conceals the wiring cables of heater, speaker or automation to provide pure appearance.
Tests done following the requirements of International Standards involving parameters such as wind resistance and rainfall or snowfall
- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap.
demonstrate the excellent performance of our pergolas against the most adverse conditions.

V Weather Resistance
Wind Resistance load
- Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h).
Standard UNE-EN 13659:2004+A class 6 (approx. 102 km/h) tested up to 102 km/h without breaking within test bench parameters.
Water Drainage

- The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness. Snow

- Water drainage with an intensity of 155 L/h/sqm that last up to 2 minutes maximum. load
- Customised drain points flexibity.
≤650 kg/m2 (including its own weight) Standard EN-1999 EUROCODE 9 aluminium structures project.
*Values will be decreased based width and projection dimensions.
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117 118

X Closures
load Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia

or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements.

Standard UNE-EN 12056-3, (0,04 l/s max.) constant heavy rain aprox. 155 l.m2/h (structures + slats).

Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology.

VII Additional Equipments - Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated

- Heater, speaker, air conditioner or other automations can be integrated. glazing.

- Wind and rain sensors can be adapted. - Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

VIII Lighting - Operation is motorised.
Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure. - Upwards or downwards parking position options.
- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting - Fixed panels can be used as balustrades.
Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m - The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.
Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m - Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.
- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting - Fully hidden motor drive.
60 LEDs/m - Switch, remote or smart home control availability.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

IX Sensors - Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.
Wind and rain sensors can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond fully automatic

based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions. Cycle
Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture & underneath of covered area even if you Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism.
are not able to control the system. - Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing.

- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters
Wind sensor height.
Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
constant protection. - Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability.
The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will close the roof - Upwards or downwards parking position options.
depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply. - Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels.

- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.

Rain sensor - Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.
Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are - Fully hidden motor drive.
not able to control the system. - Protected usage with safety sensor.
If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back. - Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

- Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels

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119 120

Swind - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel. - Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. measures.

- Extruded aluminium fix panel frame. - Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings.

- Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion. - Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options.

- High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement.

- 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels. Slidia

- Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view. Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting. - Features slim aluminum glass profiles.

- Fast opening-closing cycle. - Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options.

- Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system. - Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules. - Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism.

- Portability with optional wheel integration. - Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.

- Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position. - Sloped rail design for efficient drainage.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. - Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement.

- Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with

Violet brush.

Violet glass balustrade system. - Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning.

- Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm - Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables. - Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Remote control for operation of lighting. - Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules. - Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional). - Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings.

- Compact & Easy Assembly.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. Vertex Zip System

Vertex is a motorised external blind system.

Framee - It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays.

Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels. - The system includes motorised aluminium structure.

- Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm). - Each screen has a pair of identical side channels.

- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options. - Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components.

- Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior and

contact with environment.

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121 122

- The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and - Pull Handle/ Lock.


Photocell Door

Wallfix - Aluminum framed automatic glass door.

Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system. - Electronic lock.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6). - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection. - Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm).

- Clean finishes with hidden joining details. - Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame. - Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Large span with 6000mm dimension. - One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types.

- Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design.

- Maximum safety with block assembly.

XI Structure Color Options / Finishes

- The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.
- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered.
Glass door
- QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.
- Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available.

- Single tempered glass (10mm).

XII Warranty
- Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).
Axis Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix
- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.
Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A
- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).
Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A
- Allen&Key lock for security. Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A

Framed glass door *End user and installation defects are not covered.

- Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm).

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Push & Pull Bar handle types.

rev. 6-05/2021
123 124
Operati ons O perat ion s
LV 1 5 LV20

Lig hting O ptions Op ti on al L igh t in g O pt ions O p ti o na l

Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Edge Cover Profile Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting Insulation Foam
Co o l Wh it e C o o l Wh i te
W ithout Edge W i th E dg e
Cover Profile C o v e r P ro fi l e
Edge Cover Profile
Without With
Day Lig h t Da y L i g h t

I nstal lati on Types I n st allat ion Ty pes

Self Standing Self Standing Self Standing Self Standing
Single Module Multiple Modules Single Module Multiple Modules
S en sors Se ns o r s
Rain Sensor Rain Sensor

Wal l Mo u nti n g Wall Mount ing W ind Sensor Wall Mounting Wall Mounting W ind Sensor
Si n g l e M o d u l e Mult iple Modules Single Module Multiple Modules

Clo s ures C losu res

Sapp hi re & Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix Sapphire& Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Ve r t e x Wa llf ix
C ycl e Cycle

rev. 6-05/2021
125 126
Enlarge and optimise your outdoor living spaces

Ultimate control over outdoor experience with innovative concept and large module dimensions.

Axis Max is a rotatable bioclimatic system which is designed to enhance your exteriors to create customised
outdoor architectural solutions with its considerable large dimensions.

System can be extended up to 12 meters projection and 13,5 meters of width dimensions that is a practicable
option especially for lengthwise applications and efficient solution with covering of large commercial areas.

Axis Max is uniquely flexible and modular custom built to be configured to fit numerous type of large
application areas such as restaurants, hotels, cafes either private or commercial with its high functional

The capable of covering large areas with its maximum dimensions makes Axis Max one of the most sought-
after model. The distinctive form of Axis Max enables the possibility to combine more modules to cover wider
areas with its modular structure that allows you creating multiple spaces.

The perfect compromise & compact design brings versatility for innovative concepts and modern style. Axis
Max offers you protection and optimal use of outdoor space allowing you to instantly adjust sunlight, creating
a refreshing ventilation in the event of high temperatures or sheltering from the weather along with its rotational
louvre movement.

The aerofoil aluminium louvres can be tilted up to 85° with a smooth and silent rotating movement by internal
motor. It is possible to operate the louvres according to desired angle creating ventilation and shadow.

Axis Max is 100% water-resistant and withstands water penetration even under severe weather conditions.
The water is drained through integrated lateral gutters and columns acting as drainpipe so the system can
ensure maximum rain, snow and sun protection in fully closed position.

System is visually enriched with its elegant Hidden Led Stripe and RGB lighting options that can be ajdusted
according to current mood of user. Also optional insulation foam is available that enables heat and sound

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127 128
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Ligting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

rev. 6-05/2021
129 130
Louvre Closing Dire c tion

Fully Closed

Closing direction
of louvres

Tilted & Fully Closed Motor

T ilting Dire c tions

0o 30o 45o 60o 85o

rev. 6-05/2021
131 132
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Self Standing Wall Mounting

Single Module Single Module

Self Standing Wall Mounting

Multiple Modules Multiple Modules

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133 134
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.

h h
(w) Width
1000 mm < 4500 mm
(p) Projection
1484mm < 12092mm
p w
(h) Height
3000 mm p w
(w) Width
3000 mm < 13500 mm
(p) Projection
1484mm < 12092mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
2000 mm < 9000 mm
(p) Projection p
2968mm < 24184mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

h Special double sided single rafter integration to enlarge module dimensions.

(w) Width
4000 mm < 18000 mm
(p) Projection
1484mm < 12092mm

(h) Height
3000 mm p

rev. 6-05/2021
135 136
Column Base Options Flange Positions

(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

250mm 253mm
160mm Ø19mm

250mm 253mm 163mm

160mm 90mm
Ø19mm 25mm 163mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 10mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

300mm 303mm

300mm 303mm 163mm

Ø19mm 25mm
25mm 163mm
Drainage Types


rev. 6-05/2021
137 138
Wall Installation Louvre Positions
Sup p ort Column
Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall Over 6892 m m proj ecti on di m ens i on
s upport col um ns need to be us ed.


Sid e Ele va tion





E as y wal l m ounti ng
Edge Cover
by s crewi ng i nox Profile
bo l ts through
gutter profi l e. A ny
a ddi ti onal brackets
a re not requi red.

Louvre Stormguard S eal

S eal i ng s ol uti on s tops wat er d ri p p i ng
over l ouvre gutter chann el b y p ro v i d i ng
a s oft cus hi oni ng barri e r b et ween p o i nt
of l ouvre j uncti on.

rev. 6-05/2021
139 140
The CNC ma c hine c ut c or ner profi l es D oubl e raf t er and j o i nt
prov ide e a sy gut t e r a nd c olum n el em ents p ro v i d e mul t i p l e
Wall Mounting int e gr a t ion. s ys tem j o i ni ng .

Joint of Multiple

Self Standing

rev. 6-05/2021
141 142

Slightly opening of louvres Ensuring waterproof

creates natural air flow for coverage when louvres are in
application areas. fully closed position.

Each channel on louvres drain the

Protecting from sun exposure water through four sided gutters
while ensuring air ventilation connected with columns.
under the system .

Functional seal entegrated on
louvre channels provides maximum
protection from water dripping.

rev. 6-05/2021
143 144

Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System Framee Sliding Glass System

System can be adapted to Axis Max system and offers a Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching with
maximum clear span that provides unobstructed view & modern architectural Axis Max system by insulated fine-framed
minimalistic style. The system is operated by just the touch of sliding glass panels. System offers a comfortable sliding with
button. easy individual movement.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

The combination of the sliding glass system with Axis Max
ensures efficacious protection from wind and rain. The
Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System aluminium frames which cover each glass panel provide
Swind can be combined with also Axis Max system and offers maximum safety standards and practicality with elegance
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency details.
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led stripe
dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel assigns
distinctive appeal. The system is modular and completely flexible
as there are no limits in the horizontal direction that can be used
to surround spaces of all types and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the
UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium structure,
entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts and screws.

Violet Glass Balustrade System

The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Axis Max
creates a stunning visual transparency without lacking of
obstruction to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that is
integrated underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect of
the design by amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors. Thanks
to flexible and multiple modular implementations, system can
be used to cover comprehensive areas without limitation in the
horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure can
be combined with Axis Max system to optimise outdoor
living areas visually.

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145 146
Single Module
Dimension Ranges W: 1000 mm < 4500 mm
P: 1484 mm < 12092 mm

W id t h d i me n s i o n : A n y c u s t o m i s e d v a lue s be t w e e n 1800mm a nd 13500mm

Proj e c t i o n d i me n s i o n : A d j u s t a ble a c c ording t o louv re qua nt it y

1800 4500 9000 13500

6 1484
7 1692
8 1900
9 2108
10 2316
11 2524
12 2732
13 2940
14 3148 W (max. 12092mm)
15 3356 (max. 4500 mm) P
16 3564
17 3772
18 3980
19 4188

Max: H+400 mm

20 4396 Ov er 6 8 8 2 mm

21 4604 p ro j ect i o n
H d i mens i o n
22 4812
23 5020 s up p o rt co l umns
24 5228 need t o b e us ed .
25 5436
26 5644
27 5852
28 6060
29 6268 W
30 6476
31 6684
32 6892
33 7100
34 7308
35 7516
36 7724
37 7932
38 8140
39 8348
40 8556
41 8764
42 8972
43 9180
44 9388
Tilting P
45 9596
46 9804
47 10012
48 10220
49 10428
50 10636
51 10844
52 11052
53 11260
54 11468
55 11676
56 11884
57 12092

rev. 6-05/2021
147 148
Multiple Modules Type 1 Multiple Modules Type 2
W: 2000 mm < 9000 mm W: 1000 mm < 4500 mm
P: 1484 mm < 12092 mm P: 2968 mm < 24184 mm

(max. 12092mm)
(max. 4500 mm)

Max: H+400mm

W max. 12092mm P max. 12092mm

W1 W2
(max. 4500 mm) (max. 4500 mm) P1 P2
Max: H+400 mm

W1 W2 P1 P2

Tilting P


rev. 6-05/2021
149 150
Order Form

Company Name: Order Date:

Order Reference:

Self Standing
Wall Mounting
Louvres Parallel to Wall
Louvres Vertical to Wall

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different width or

projection. Please provide details for max.:
- One module 4500x12092 mm
- Two modules 9000x12092 mm
- Three modules 13500x12092 mm
DIMENSIONS Type 1 Type 2
W - Total Width................................................ mm W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
P - Projection ................................................ mm W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm W3..................... mm P3...................... mm
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc .... ....


Structure Louvres
RAL Exclusive Texture RAL Exclusive Texture
colors colors colors colors colors colors
9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... 9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ...
1013 OS561 ST9001 1013 OS561 ST9001
9006 OY395 ST1013 9006 OY395 ST1013
7006 OGN39 ST7039 7006 OGN39 ST7039
7016 ON617 ST7016 7016 ON617 ST7016
9005 ON611 ST8019 9005 ON611 ST8019


Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain Sensor

Cool White Wind Sensor
Day Light
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting

Supporting Post Insulation Foam Edge Cover Profile


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost


151 152
Tech n ical Specification s
Technical Details Ax is Max

New Generation Outdoor Covering Solutions

Bioclimatic Systems With Tilting Function

Axis Max is a new generation of high-tech bioclimatic covering solution that is composed of a high grade structural aluminium frame and
tilting aerofoil louvres.

One module Two modules Three modules

4500 mm (One Module) Width 1000 mm < 4500 mm Width 4501 mm < 9000 mm Width 9001 mm < 13500 mm
Max. width 9000 mm (Two Modules)
13500 mm (Three Modules) Projection 1484 mm < 12092 Projection 1484 mm < 12092 mm Projection 1484 mm < 12092 mm
Max. projection 12092 mm
Height 3000 mm
Rafter profile dimension 160x240 mm
- Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Post dimension 160x160 mm

Edge cover profile dimension 154 mm

Louvre dimension 200 mm

I Technical Characteristics
Louvre quantity with max. size 57 pcs
- Extruded aluminium frame, blades & gutters - clean edges.
Louvre can be tilted up to 85o

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).

Automation included
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
Control unit included

Led Stripe Dimmer lighting optional - High grade stainless steel connection components.

RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional - Large span with 13500mm dimension (4500x3 modules).
Insulation foam optional
- Projection availability up to 12092mm dimension.
Edge cover profile optional
- Double-walled or single-walled aerofoil louvres with superior strength and durability.
Drainage pipe optional

Flange optional - Invisible 15 mm slope on louvres for maximum water flow efficiency.
Rain Sensor optional - Adjustable louvres for any position within the 85° range.
Wind Sensor optional
- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

- Dimmer option to adjust lux intensity.

- Antibacterial polyurethane foam insulation which can be integrated into the louvre to provide sound and heat insulation.

- Fully waterproof coverage when louvres are in fully closed position.

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153 154

- Functional seal integration on louvre channel to prevent water leaking and provide extra insulation. V Weather Resistance
- Seal integration along structure for water insulation and temperature resistance. Wind Resistance
- The water is flowed down to the main gutters by special drainage channels along the louvres and drained through columns. - Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h).
- Optional edge cover profile which complete smooth design. Water Drainage
- Hidden IP68 protection class,12/24VDC power supplied linear actuator motor with stainless steel piston rod that enables the louvre - The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness.
to rotate. - Water drainage with an intensity of 155 L/h/sqm that last up to 2 minutes maximum.
- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems. - Customised drain points flexibity.
- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts.

- In addition to standart RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered as extended selection.
VI Tests
- Functional louvre lay out in parallel or vertical position to wall.
Our systems are subjected to variety of tests in order to check their resistance under every type of circumstances.

Tests done following the requirements of International Standards involving parameters such as wind resistance and rainfall or snowfall
II Profile Section Dimensions
demonstrate the excellent performance of our pergolas against the most adverse conditions.
Rafter / Gutter : 160 mm x 240 mm x 3 mm

Column : 160 mm x 160 mm x 3 mm Wind

Louvre : 261 mm x 60 mm x 2 mm

Standard UNE-EN 13659:2004+A class 6 (approx. 102 km/h) tested up to 102 km/h without breaking within test bench parameters.

III Installation Methods

- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 4500mm width and 12092 mm projection with flexible load
installation methods such as integration into existing frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.
≤650 kg/m2 (including its own weight) Standard EN-1999 EUROCODE 9 aluminium structures project.
- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.
*Values will be decreased based width and projection dimensions.

V Columns Rain
- Dimensions: 160 x 160 mm x 3 mm.
- Simple column assembly. Standard UNE-EN 12056-3, (0,04 l/s max.) constant heavy rain aprox. 155 l.m2/h (structures + slats).
- The column cavity conceals the wiring cables of heater, speaker or automation to provide pure appearance.

- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap.

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155 156

VII Additional Equipments X Closures

- Heater, speaker, air conditioner or other automations can be integrated. Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia

- Wind and rain sensors can be adapted. or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements.

VIII Lighting Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology.
Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure. - Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated
- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting glazing.
Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m - Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.
Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting - Operation is motorised.
60 LEDs/m - Upwards or downwards parking position options.

- Fixed panels can be used as balustrades.

IX Sensors
- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.
Wind and rain sensors can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond fully automatic
- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.
based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions.
- Fully hidden motor drive.
Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture & underneath of covered area even if you
- Switch, remote or smart home control availability.
are not able to control the system.
- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

Wind sensor

Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers
constant protection.
Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism.
The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will close the roof
- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing.
depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply.
- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters

Rain sensor
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are
- Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability.
not able to control the system.
- Upwards or downwards parking position options.
If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back.
- Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels.

- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.

- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

- Fully hidden motor drive.

- Protected usage with safety sensor.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

- Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

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157 158

Swind - Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security

Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel. measures.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Extruded aluminium fix panel frame. - Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options.

- Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion.

- High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement. Slidia

- 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels. Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels.

- Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables. - Features slim aluminum glass profiles.

- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting. - Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options.

- Fast opening-closing cycle. - Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels.

- Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system. - Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules. - Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.

- Portability with optional wheel integration. - Sloped rail design for efficient drainage.

- Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position. - Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. - Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with

Violet brush.

Violet glass balustrade system. - Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning.

- Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm - Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.

- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables. - Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Remote control for operation of lighting. - Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules. - Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional). - Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings.

- Compact & Easy Assembly.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. Vertex Zip System

Vertex is a motorised external blind system.

Framee - It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays.

Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels. - The system includes motorised aluminium structure.

- Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm). - Each screen has a pair of identical side channels.

- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options. - Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior and

contact with environment.

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159 160

- The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and - Push & Pull Bar handle types.

humidity. - Pull Handle/ Lock.

Wallfix Photocell Door

Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system. - Aluminum framed automatic glass door.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Electronic lock.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6). - Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations.

- Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Clean finishes with hidden joining details. - Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm).

- Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame. - Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.

- Large span with 6000mm dimension. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design. - One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types.

- Maximum safety with block assembly.

XI Structure Color Options / Finishes

- The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.
Glass door
- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered.
- Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available.
- QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.
- Single tempered glass (10mm).

- Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).
XII Warranty
- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options. Axis Max Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix

- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm). Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years

- Allen&Key lock for security. Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A

Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A

Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A
Framed glass door
*End user and installation defects are not covered.
- Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm).

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

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161 162

O perat ion s

L igh t in g O pt ions O p ti o na l
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting Insulation Foam

C o o l Wh i te

Edge Cover Profile

Without With
Da y L i g h t

I n st allat ion Ty pes Se ns o r s

Self Standing Self Standing
Single Module Multiple Modules Rain Sensor

W ind Sensor

Wall Mounting Wall Mounting

Single Module Multiple Modules

C losu res
Sapphire& Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Ve r t e x Wa llf ix

rev. 6-05/2021
163 164
Innovative concept - Intelligence & elegance adding to outdoor living spaces

Rota is taking its name from the rotational motion function and it is an aluminum bioclimatic system that
enhances the aesthetics of your outdoor living areas with its high performance which enables you to
create four seasons climate and ventilate the usage area thanks to its rotatable louvres.

Aluminum louvres come to an upright position, allowing you to ventilate your outdoor area to
breathe and naturally regulate the temperature while protecting from any kind of weather
conditions. The aluminium louvres can be stopped at the desired angle and the level of sunlight and
airflow of the area can be easily adjusted.

System has a maximum width of 4 meters and projection of 6 meters and capable of covering various
types of areas with flexible installation solutions.

System is harmonized with upgrades and creates a stunning touch for outdoor areas. It is equipped with
hi-end technology combined with innovative concepts that converts any outdoor space into a comfortable
and functional living area. System can create premium combinations with many structures with its minimalistic
lines and finishes.

Rota fits perfectly in all architectural designs and presents endless modulation possibilities that
enlarge terraces, gardens, hotels and restaurants with modern and timeless appearance.

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165 166
RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting

Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

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167 168
Louvre Closing Dire c tion

Fully Closed Tilted

Closing direction
of louvres

Tilted & Fully Closed


T ilting Dire c tions

0o 30o 45o 60o 90o

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169 170
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Wall Mounting
Single Module

Self Standing
Single Module

Self Standing
Multiple Modules Wall Mounting
Multiple Modules

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171 172
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Intra-Column Drainage Pipe
The water can be drained through internal drainage pipe and it eliminates factors that could block correct
water flow. Intra-column drainage pipe collects the water and discharges to the ground.

(w) Width
1000 mm < 4000 mm

(p) Projection
1134 mm < 6032 mm p w
(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
2000 mm < 8000 mm

(p) Projection w
2268 mm < 12064 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
4000 mm < 16000 mm

(p) Projection w
1134 mm < 6032 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

rev. 6-05/2021
173 174
Column Base Options Flange Positions

(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

250mm 253mm
R10mm 10mm Ø19mm
120mm 250mm 253mm 123mm
30mm 25mm 25mm
120mm Ø19mm 25mm 123mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 15mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

300mm 303mm

300mm 303mm 123mm

Ø19mm 25mm

Drainage Types


rev. 6-05/2021
175 176
Wall Installation Louvre Positions Hang Bracket Types

Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall Paralel Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cap





Vertical Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cover Cap





rev. 6-05/2021
177 178

Side Elevation Column Conne c tion

Thanks to eas e of col um n bas e
2 2 0 mm

as s em bl y each col um n can be

i ns tal l ed practi cal l y through a s eri es
of s i m pl e operati ons that guarantee
i ns tal l ati on qual i ty and s peed to

3 0 2 mm
reduce num ber of s taff requi red.

The front col um n cap can be pul l ed

out s i m pl y and i nner col um n cavi ty
conceal s the wi ri ng cabl es of heater,
s peaker and autom ati on to provi de
120m m
cl ean appearance.

S cis s o rs S ectio n


120m m

L o u vre Sto rm g u ard S eal

Se a ling solut ion st ops w a t e r dr ipping
ov e r louv re gut t e r c ha nne l by
prov iding a soft c ushioning ba r r ie r
be t w e e n point of louv re junc t ion.

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179 180

Slightly opening of louvres Ensuring waterproof

creates natural air flow for coverage when louvres are in
application areas. fully closed position.

Each channel on louvres drain the

Protecting from sun exposure water through four sided gutters
while ensuring air ventilation connected with columns.
under the system .

Functional seal entegrated on

louvre channels provides maximum
protection from water dripping.

rev. 6-05/2021
181 182

Framee Sliding Glass System

Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching
System can be adapted to Rota system and offers a maximum with modern architectural Rota system by insulated
clear span that provides unobstructed view & minimalistic style. fine-framed sliding glass panels. System offers a
The system is operated by just the touch of button. comfortable sliding with easy individual movement.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

The combination of the sliding glass system with Rota ensures
efficacious protection from wind and rain. The aluminium
Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System
frames which cover each glass panel provide maximum safety
Swind can be combined with also Rota system and offers
standards and practicality with elegance details.
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led stripe
dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel assigns
distinctive appeal. The system is modular and completely flexible
as there are no limits in the horizontal direction that can be used
to surround spaces of all types and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the
UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium structure,
entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts and screws.

Violet Glass Balustrade System

The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Rota creates
a stunning visual transparency without lacking of obstruction
to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that is integrated
underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect of the design by
amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors. Thanks to flexible and
multiple modular implementations, system can be used to cover
comprehensive areas without limitation in the horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure can
be combined with Rota system to optimise outdoor living
areas visually.

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183 184
Dimension Ranges
W i dth di m ens i on: A ny cus tom i s ed val ues between 1800m m and 40 0 0 mm
P roj ecti on di m ens i on: A dj us tabl e accordi ng to l ouvre quanti ty


1800 4000

6 1134

7 1292

8 1450

9 1608

10 1766

11 1924

12 2082

13 2240

14 2398

15 2556

16 2714

17 2872

18 3030

19 3188

20 3346

21 3504

22 3662

23 3820

24 3978

25 4136

26 4294

27 4452

28 4610

29 4768

30 4926

31 5084

32 5242

33 5400

34 5558

35 5716

36 5874

37 6032

rev. 6-05/2021
185 186
Single Module Multiple Modules Joining Type 1
W: 1000 mm < 4000 mm W: 2000 mm < 8000 mm
P: 1134 mm < 6032 mm P: 1134 mm < 6032 mm

W1 W2
(max. 4000 mm) (max. 4000 mm)
(max. 4000 mm) (max. 6032 mm) (max. 6032 mm)
Max: H+220 mm

Max: H+220mm

W W1 W2

Tilting P Tilting P

rev. 6-05/2021
187 188
Order Form
Multiple Modules Joining Type 2
W: 1000 mm < 4000 mm
P: 2268 mm < 12064 mm Company Name: Order Date:
W Order Reference:
(max. 4000 mm)

Self Standing

Max: H+220mm
Wall Mounting
H Louvres Parallel to Wall
Louvres Vertical to Wall

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different width or

projection. Please provide details (single module max. dimension is
4000x6032 mm)
Type 1 Type 2
P1 P2
W - Total Width................................................ mm W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
(max. 6032 mm) (max. 6032 mm)
P - Projection ................................................ mm W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm .... ....
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc .... ....


Structure Louvres
RAL Exclusive Texture RAL Exclusive Texture
colors colors colors colors colors colors
9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... 9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ...
1013 OS561 ST9001 1013 OS561 ST9001
9006 OY395 ST1013 9006 OY395 ST1013
P1 P2
7006 OGN39 ST7039 7006 OGN39 ST7039
7016 ON617 ST7016 7016 ON617 ST7016
9005 ON611 ST8019 9005 ON611 ST8019



Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain Sensor

Cool White Wind Sensor
Day Light
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting
Additional Post


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost


189 190
Technical Details Tech n ical Specification s

Technological Outdoor Covering System

With Rotating Louvres.

Rota is an ideal technological outdoor covering system for creating outdoor living spaces along with its rotational louvre movement.

One module

Max. width for single module 4000 mm Width 1000 mm < 4000 mm
Max. projection single module 6032 mm Projection 1134 mm < 6032 mm
Rafter profile dimension 120x220 mm
Column Height 3000 mm
Post dimension 120x120 mm
- Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Louvre dimension 150 mm

Louvre quantity in max. size 37 pcs

Louvre can be tilted up to 90o

I Technical Characteristics

- Extruded aluminium frame, blades & gutters - clean edges.

Automation included - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

Control unit included
- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
Led Stripe Dimmer lighting optional
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional

Insulation foam N/A - High grade stainless steel connection components.

Edge cover profile N/A - Large span with 4000mm dimension.
Drainage pipe optional
- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.
Flange optional
- Invisible 15 mm slope on louvres for maximum water flow efficiency.
Rain Sensor optional

Wind Sensor optional - Adjustable louvres for any position within the 90° range.

- Dimmer option to adjust lux intensity.

- Air and water insulation between joining axis of multiple applications is provided by U profile.

- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems.

- Fully waterproof coverage when louvres are in fully closed position.

- Functional seal integration on louvre channel to prevent water leaking and provide extra insulation.

- Seal integration along structure for water insulation and temperature resistance.

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191 192

- The water is flowed down to the main gutters by special drainage channels along the louvres and drained through columns. VI Additional Equipments
- Internal rainwater down-pipe for columns. - Heater, speaker or other automations can be integrated into the system.
- IP68 protection class,12/24VDC power supplied linear actuator motor with stainless steel piston rod that enables the louvre to rotate. - Rain and wind sensor can be adapted.
- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts. Rain sensor closes the blades automatically when it rains.
- In addition to standart RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium. The blades should be closed when wind speed reaches to 102 km/hour to save under warranty terms.
- Functional louvre lay out in parallel or vertical position to wall.

VII LED Lighting

II Profile Section Dimensions
Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure.
Rafter / Gutter : 120 mm x 220 mm x 2,5 mm
- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting
Column : 120 mm x 120 mm x 2,5 mm
Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m
Louvre : 206 mm x 50 mm x 1,8 mm
Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m

- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

III Installation Methods
96 LEDs/m
- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 4000mm width and 6032mm projection with flexible

installation methods such as integration into existing frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.
VIII Sensors
- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.
Wind and rain sensors can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond fully automatic

based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions.
IV Columns Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture & underneath of covered area even if you
- Dimensions: 120 x 120 mm x 2,5 mm are not able to control the system.
- Simple column assembly.

- The column cap profile can be pulled out simply and inner column cavity conceals the wiring cables of heater, speaker or automation Wind sensor
to provide pure appearance. Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers
- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap. constant protection.

The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will close the roof

V Weather Resistance depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply.

Wind Resistance

- Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h). Rain sensor

Water Drainage Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are

- The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness. not able to control the system.

- Optional PVC pipe (Ø45) integration inside columns. If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back.

- Customised drain points flexibity.

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193 194
IX Closures
Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia
Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel.
or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Extruded aluminium fix panel frame.
Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology.
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated
- Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion.
- High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement.
- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.
- 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view.
- Operation is motorised.
- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables.
- Upwards or downwards parking position options.
- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.
- Fixed panels can be used as balustrades.
- Fast opening-closing cycle.
- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.
- Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system.
- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.
- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.
- Fully hidden motor drive.
- Portability with optional wheel integration.
- Switch, remote or smart home control availability.
- Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position.
- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

Violet glass balustrade system.
Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism.
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing.
- Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm.
- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.
- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Remote control for operation of lighting.
- Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability.
- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.
- Upwards or downwards parking position options.
- Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional).
- Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels.
- Compact & Easy Assembly.
- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

- Fully hidden motor drive.

- Protected usage with safety sensor.
Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels.
- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.
- Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm).
- Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts.
- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.
- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security

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- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings.
Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system.
- Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).

- Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection.
Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels.
- Clean finishes with hidden joining details.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame.
- Features slim aluminum glass profiles.
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
- Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options.
- Large span with 6000mm dimension.
- Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels.
- Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design.
- Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism.
- Maximum safety with block assembly.
- Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.

- Sloped rail design for efficient drainage.

- Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement.
Glass door
- Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with
- Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available.
- Single tempered glass (10mm).
- Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation.
- Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).
- Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning.
- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.
- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.
- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).
- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.
- Allen&Key lock for security.
- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.

- Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings.
Framed glass door

- Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

Vertex Zip System
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
Vertex is a motorised external blind system.
- Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).
- It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays.
- Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm).
- The system includes motorised aluminium structure.
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.
- Each screen has a pair of identical side channels.
- Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).
- Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components.
- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.
- Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior and
- Push & Pull Bar handle types.
contact with environment.
- Pull Handle/ Lock.
- The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and


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197 198
Photocell Door Overview
- Aluminum framed automatic glass door.

- Electronic lock. O perat ion s

- Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations. T ilting

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm).

- Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types.
L igh t in g O pt ions
Led Stripe Dimmer RGB Led-Hidden Stripe
X Structure Color Options / Finishes Lighting Lighting
- The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.
C o o l Wh i te
- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered.

- QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.

Da y L i g h t

XI Warranty
Rota Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix

Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years

I nst allat ion Ty pes Se ns o r s

Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A

Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A

Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A
Self Standing Self Standing Rain Sensor
Single Module Multiple Modules
*End user and installation defects are not covered.
W ind Sensor

Wall Mounting Wall Mounting

Single Module Multiple Modules

C losures
Sapphire& Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Vert e x Wa llf ix

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199 200
Distinctive aesthetic style with intelligent lighting control...

Quattro system that combines sophisticated technology and innovative concept is created to breathe new
life into outdoor living areas with its modern architectural form along with a unique sense of design. Quattro is
characterized by an advanced technology and exalting the product aesthetics.

Quattro has clean modern lines with a minimalist geometric appearance and it is the latest in Suntech’s
extensive contemporary collection of outdoor living solutions. System also introduces innovative world’s first
lighting that is integrated within the fabric layer by inspired unique asymmetrical lines.The patented lighting
system is also equipped with RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting to vary color and Led Stripe Dimmer lighting
on sides within the structure to provide intensity or HDD Lux High Power Led lighting options integrated on

Individual modules can be customised up to 5.5m wide and 8m projection with flexible installation methods
such as integration to existing structures, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.

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201 202
RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting
Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Linear Fabric Dimmer Led

Led Stripe Dimmer Ligting illuminates all around the

system and creates a warm atmosphere. Dimmable Soft
Led Stripe lighting on sides within the structure provides
intensity of day light or cool white options.

RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting provides ultimate

luxury by creating distinctive atmosphere in outdoor living
areas with infinitive colour options.

Hdd Lux High Power Led integrated lighting profiles

on fabric creates sufficient ambient light during evening.

Linear Fabric Dimmer Led innovative world’s first

lighting that is integrated within the fabric layer by inspired
unique asymmetrical lines. The patented lighting system
can be offered symmetrical or asymmetrical design to
complete your minimalist style.

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203 204
Flexible installation methods are available with wall mounting and free standing installations and they can even
be served as a roof assembled to existing frameworks.

Wall Mounting
Single Module

Self Standing
Single Module

Self Standing
Multiple Modules Wall Mounting
Multiple Modules

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205 206
Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Intra-Column Drainage Pipe
The water can be drained through internal drainage pipe and it eliminates factors that could block correct
water flow. Intra-column drainage pipe collects the water and discharges to the ground.

(w) Width
1500 mm < 5500 mm

(p) Projection
1500 mm < 8000 mm p w

(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
3000 mm < 11000 mm
(p) Projection
3000 mm < 16000 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

(w) Width
6000 mm < 22000 mm

(p) Projection w
1500 mm < 8000 mm

(h) Height
3000 mm

rev. 6-05/2021
207 208
Column Base Options Flange Positions


(Standard) Flange Flange
Cover Cap

250mm 253mm

63mm 72mm Ø19mm

80mm 250mm 253mm 163mm
80mm 25mm
25mm Ø19mm 25mm 163mm

H: 25mm
Thickness: 10mm
Thickness: 10mm

To be chosen only with flange option.

300mm 303mm

300mm 303mm 163mm

25mm 163mm
Drainage Types


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209 210
Wall Installation

Parallel To Wall Vertical To Wall Inner (Hidden) Wall Bracket (Inox)



138mm 125mm

265mm 125mm

Hang Bracket Types

Vertical Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cover Cap Paralel Mounting Outer Wall Bracket (Inox) With Optional Cap

160mm 170mm

185mm 160mm 160mm

170mm 160mm
170mm 170mm

rev. 6-05/2021
211 212

S id e E l e v a t i o n Column Conne c tion

Thanks to eas e of col um n bas e
%17 as s em bl y each col um ns can be
i ns tal l ed practi cal l y through a s eri es
of s i m pl e operati ons that guarantee
i ns tal l ati on qual i ty and s peed to reduce

num ber of s taff requi red.

The front col um n cap can be pul l ed

out s i m pl y and i nner col um n cavi ty
160mm conceal s the wi ri ng cabl es of heater,
s peaker or autom ati on to provi de cl ean

Support Column
O ve r 7 0 0 0 m m p ro j e c t i o n d i m e n sion
s u p po r t c o l u m n s n e e d t o b e u se d.



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213 214
Linear Fabric Dimmer Led

Symmetrical Asymmetrical

1500 1500

1500 1000 300

1500 300 1800

1500 600 600

1500 1200 600

1500 1000 300

1500 300 1500

1500 1000 1800 1200

1500 1000 600 1000 600 300

1500 1000 1200 300 1500

1500 1000 1000 600 300 1000

1500 1000 1500 600 600

1500 1000 1000 300 1000 300

1500 1000 600 600 1800

1500 1000 1200 600 1000

1500 1000 1500 300 300

(w) Width (w) Width (w) Width (w) Width

4000 mm > 5500 mm 1500 mm > 4000 mm 4000 mm > 5500 mm 1500 mm > 4000 mm

(p) Projection (p) Projection (p) Projection (p) Projection

5000 mm > 8000 mm 1500 mm > 5000 mm 5000 mm > 8000 mm 1500 mm > 5000 mm

rev. 6-05/2021
215 216

Wat e r F low
The fabric is equipped with invisible bilateral slope that enables one side or alternating drainage through rafters while
keeping flat appearance.

One Side Flow Alternating Flow

Right Side
Flow Double Sided

Left Side
4cm inclination
on fabric profile

4cm inclination
on fabric profile

4cm inclination
on fabric profile

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217 218

Framee Sliding Glass System

Sapphire/Cycle Guillotine Glass System Minimal line of Framee system is perfectly matching
System can be adapted to Quattro system and offers a maximum with modern architectural Quattro system by insulated
clear span that provides unobstructed view & minimalistic style. fine-framed sliding glass panels. System offers a
The system is operated by just the touch of button. comfortable sliding with easy individual movement.

Slidia Sliding Glass System

The combination of the sliding glass system with Quattro
ensures efficacious protection from wind and rain. The
aluminium frames which cover each glass panel provide
Swind-Motorised Windbreaker System maximum safety standards and practicality with elegance
Swind can be combined with also Quattro system and offers details.
adequate wind breaking with the option of total transparency
by incorporating the function of balustrade. Thanks to led stripe
dimmer lighting integrated side frame the fixed panel assigns
distinctive appeal. The system is modular and completely flexible
as there are no limits in the horizontal direction that can be used
to surround spaces of all types and sizes.

Vertex Zip Screen System

The minimalist, slimlane, contemporary design of the zip
system provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the
UV rays. The system includes motorised aluminium structure,
entirely powder-coated with stainless steel bolts and screws.

Violet Glass Balustrade System

The adaptability of Violet fixed balustrade glass with Quattro
creates a stunning visual transparency without lacking of
obstruction to lines of sight. The stylish lighting solution that is
integrated underneath the glass highlights attractive aspect of
the design by amplifying overall aesthetic of outdoors. Thanks
to flexible and multiple modular implementations, system can
be used to cover comprehensive areas without limitation in the
horizantal direction.

Wallfix Fixed Side Enclosure

The unique designed privacy of Wallfix side enclosure can
be combined with Quattro system to optimise outdoor
living areas visually.

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219 220
Single Module Multiple Modules Type 1
W: 1500 mm < 5500 mm W: 3000 mm < 11000 mm
P: 1500 mm < 8000 mm P: 1500 mm < 8000 mm

W1 W2
(max. 5500 mm) (max. 5500 mm)

Max: H+350 mm
(max. 5500 mm) (max. 8000 mm)
Max: H+350 mm

(max. 8000 mm)

W1 W2

rev. 6-05/2021
221 222
Order Form
Multiple Modules Type 2
W: 1500 mm < 5500 mm
P: 3000 mm < 16000 mm Company Name: Order Date:
Order Reference:


(max. 5500 mm)
One Side Alternating Self Standing
Left Wall Mounting
Max: H+350 mm

QUANTITY:............ pc If modules are multiple and each module is in different width or projection,
H please provide details (single module max. dimension is 5500x8000mm)

DIMENSIONS Type 1 Type 2

W - Total Width................................................ mm W1..................... mm P1...................... mm
P - Projection ................................................ mm W2..................... mm P2...................... mm
H - Post Height............................................... mm .... ....
Total Number of Posts Required ..................... pc .... ....

(max. 16000 mm)
Structure Premium Matt Semi Transparent
RAL Exclusive Texture PW213 / White MW23 / White STRW22 / White
colors colors colors PC211 / Cream MC26 / Cappuccino STRB33 / Black

9016 OGN35 ST9010 Other ... PG209 / Grey

1013 OS561 ST9001
Basic Matt (Linear Fabric Other...
9006 OY395 ST1013 Dimmer Led)
WT785 / White
7006 OGN39 ST7039
CR295 / Cream LW22 / White
7016 ON617 ST7016
9005 ON611 ST8019 LCR33 / Cream
LC44 / Cappuccino
WTEX / White
LG66 / Grey
CRMX / Cream
GRYX / Grey
BRDX / Bordeaux


Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting HDD Lux High Power Led Linear Fabric Dimmer Led Rain Sensor
*N/A with linear fabric dimmer led *Only matt fabric collection is available Wind Sensor
Cool White *N/A with alternating flow *N/A with alternating flow
Sun Sensor
Day Light Symmetrical
Dimmer Kit Wind&Sun Sensor
RGB Led - Hidden Stripe Lighting Asymmetrical

Additional Post Drainage Pipe


Hidden (Standard) Type A Type I
Flange Type B Type II
Flange With Cover Cap Type C Type III
Type IV

Standard Wooden Crate
Extra cost

rev. 6-05/2021
Tech n ical Specification s
Technical Details Qu attro

Distinctive Aesthetic Style With

Intelligent Lighting Control

Quattro is an exclusive high-tech version of pergola system composed of a high grade structural aluminium frame and retractable black-
out fabric. System introduces unique, innovative lighting solution integrated inside the fabric layer.

One module

Width 1500 mm < 5500 mm

Max. width for single module 5500 mm
Projection 1500 mm < 8000 mm
Max. projection single module 8000 mm

Rafter profile dimension 252x81 mm Column Height 3000 mm

Post dimension 160x160 mm - Blocked assembly for customized modules with a wide range of flexible combinations.
Fabric parking area 17%

I Technical Characteristics
Automation included
- Extruded aluminium frame, gutters - clean edges.
Control unit included
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
Led Stripe Dimmer optional

RGB Led - Hidden Stripe lighting optional - High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6).
HDD Lux High Power Led lighting optional - High grade stainless steel connection components.
Dimmer Kit optional
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.
Linear Fabric Dimmer Led lighting optional
- Large span with 5500mm dimension.
Drainage pipe optional

Flange optional - Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.

Rain Sensor optional - One side or alternating drainage on sides by invisible 40 mm slope.
Wind Sensor optional
- Patented lighting technology integrated within the fabric layer (Symmetrical / Asymmetrical design options).
Sun Sensor optional

Wind&Sun Sensor optional

- Fully waterproof coverage.

- Internal rainwater down-pipe for columns.

- Heat resistant, %100 waterproof and flame retardant blackout fabric with alternative color options.

- Extended open sky when roof retracted (open sky up to %83).

- Invisibly integrated electrical cables.

- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered as extended selection.

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225 226
Snow load
See dimension based snow chart below;

- Applicability of guillotine, sliding / sliding frame / folding glass and zip systems.

- Compact 26 rpm direct drive motor box system to ensure smooth and quick operation.
- Patented F3 slider with four horizontal & four vertical wheels for smooth opreration.
- High strength timing belt for balanced movement inside rafters.
- Production in compliance with CE, ISO 9001, ISO 1400 and NVA standarts. *p=projection


max. load (kg/sqm)

II Profile Section Dimensions 210

Rafter : 252 mm x 81 mm x 2 mm

Gutter : 160 mm x 140 mm x 2,5 mm

Column : 160 mm x 160 mm x 3 mm

III Installation Methods 90

- Individual modules can be customised according to specified finish up to 5500mm width and 8000mm projection with flexible 60

installation methods such as integration into existing frameworks, wall mounting and free standing for larger outdoor areas.

- System can be assembled as single or multiple modules.













IV Columns

- Dimensions: 160 x 160 mm x 3 mm.

- Simple column assembly.

- The column cap profile can be pulled out simply and inner column cavity conceals the wiring cables of heater, speaker or automation VI Tests

to provide pure appearance. Our systems are subjected to a variety of tests in order to check their resistance under every type of circumstances.

- 3 different column base options: Hidden, Flange, Flange With Cover Cap. Tests done following the requirements of International Standards involving parameters such as wind resistance and rainfall or snowfall

demonstrate the excellent performance of our pergolas against the most adverse conditions.

V Weather Resistance
Wind Resistance
- Wind rating up to Beaufort number 10 (up to 102km/h).
Standard UNE-EN 13659:2004+A class 6 (approx. 102 km/h) tested up to 102 km/h without breaking within test bench parameters.
Water Drainage

- The four sided gutter for completely ensured waterproofness.

- Water drainage with an intensity of 155 L/h/sqm that last up to 2 minutes maximum. load
- Optional PVC pipe (Ø70) integration inside columns.
≤300 kg/m2 (including its own weight) Standard EN-1999 EUROCODE 9 aluminium structures project.
- Customised drain points flexibity. *Values will be decreased based width dimensions.


Standard UNE-EN 12056-3, (0,04 l/s max.) constant heavy rain aprox. 155 l.m2/h (structures + slats).

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227 228

VII Additional Equipments sun by controlling your pergola system accordingly.

- Heater, speaker, air conditioner or other automations can be integrated. It will adjust your roof position based on the sunlight intensity allowing you to control the sun light entering your house.

- Wind, sun, rain, sun and wind&sun sensors can be adapted. The sensor will close the roof when sunlight exceeds the set threshold automatically to create a comfortable outdoor living area by

increasing energy efficiency and protecting furnishings from UV damage.

VIII Lighting The sun sensor will activate and close the roof according to amount of light decreases.

Integrated RGB-Led Hidden Stripe and Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting on sides within the structure. Linear Fabric Dimmer Led Lighting into

the fabric layer and HDD Lux High Power Led Lighting on the lighting profile. Rain sensor

- Led Stripe Dimmer Lighting Rain sensor will automatically detect the rain and close your roof to prevent raindrops falling through open roof systems even if you are not

Cool White, 60 LEDs/m I +5100-6500K I 1130 lumens/m able to control the system.

Day Light, 120 LEDs/m I +2800-3500K I 1094 lumens/m If rain is detected the pergola will be closed and the remote control will be needed to open it back.

- RGB Led-Hidden Stripe Lighting

60 LEDs/m Wind & Sun Sensor

- Linear Fabric Dimmer Led Lighting Wind & Sun Sensor can be used together. Once the sun is above the sensitivity level the roof will close automatically to offer maximum

Cool White, 120 LEDs/m I *6000-6500K I *3120 lumens/m convenience. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will retract the roof depending on a pre-set wind speed.

*Values will be highly decreased by fabric colour.

- HDD Lux High Power Led Lighting X Closures

Cool White, +/-5550 K I 200 lumens/pc Systems can be completely enclosed with Sapphire automatic vertical glass system, Swind windbreaker system, Violet, Framee, Slidia
Day Light, +/-2920 K I 160 lumens/pc or motorised Vertex zip for further protection from the elements.
*Dimmer option is available. Sapphire

Sapphire is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system enriched with patented worm shaft technology.

IX Sensors - Systems can incorporate framed tempered 8 mm and 10 mm single or 4mm+12mm+4mm / 5mm+10mm+5mm double insulated

Rain, wind, sun and wind & sun sensor can be adapted for an optimum level of comfort. These smart sensors are designed to respond glazing.

fully automatic based on weather conditions in a specific situation. It functions as a protection against unexpectable weather conditions. - Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters height.

Sensors will activate an automated system that close/retract the roof and protect the furniture &underneath of covered area even if you - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

are not able to control the system. - Operation is motorised.

- Upwards or downwards parking position options.

Wind sensor - Fixed panels can be used as balustrades.

Wind sensor monitors the gust of wind then retract your outdoor product to protect it against unexpected strong winds and offers - The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height.

constant protection. - Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

The wind speed value required to do this is set directly at the sensor. If the wind picks up significantly wind sensor will retract the roof - Fully hidden motor drive.

depending on a pre-set wind speed. Thanks to ease of installation and minimal cabling it can be setup simply. - Switch, remote or smart home control availability.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals.

Sun sensor - Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels.

Sun sensor provides automatic control of your outdoor coverings based on sunlight levels. It is used to respond to the intensity of the

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229 230

Cycle Violet

Cycle is an automatic vertical guillotine glass system with strengthened chain mechanism. Violet glass balustrade system.

- Systems can incorporate framed tempered 5mm+11mm+5mm double insulated glazing. - Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

- Optional 2 or 3 panels configurations are available up to 4 meters width and 3 meters height or 3 meters width and 3,5 meters - Glass fixed pane is 8+1.52 pvb+8mm.

height. - Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated integrated underneath the glass / invisible electrical cables.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Remote control for operation of lighting.

- Motorised operation with switch, remote or smart home control availability. - Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.

- Upwards or downwards parking position options. - Availability of usage as Hand Rail (Optional).

- Balustrade usage ability with the handrail design that covers the glass panels. - Compact & Easy Assembly.

- The position of movable panels can be adjusted according to desired height. - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Thanks to strengthened counterweight movement mechanism motor provides balanced&silent up/down operation.

- Fully hidden motor drive. Framee

- Protected usage with safety sensor. Framee, sliding glass system with fine-framed double glazed panels.

- Fine frames with thermal and sound insulated rubber seals. - Double insulated glass (6+12+6mm).

- Easy assembly & disassembly with compact guide profile consisting of four parts. - Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options.

- Wide open view with up to 4 meters width vertical glass panels. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Handle with Click Lock on first panel and Handle with Hidden Lock on the last panel on internal side of sliding panels for security
Swind is an automatic vertical up-down glass panel.
- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Available with 2,3 or 4 rails up to maximum 8 panels combined with side or central openings.
- Extruded aluminium fix panel frame.
- Natural, stainless steel and black anodyse color options.
- Concealed screws to offer clean finish.

- Horizontal counterweight for smooth motion.

- High strength belt mechanism for balanced movement.
Slidia is a sliding glass system with individual parallel glass panels.
- 10mm fixed and 8mm up-down automatic moveable tempered glass panels.
- Electrostatic powder-coated frame.
- Frameless moveable glass panel for unobstructed view.
- Features slim aluminum glass profiles.
- Led stripe dimmer lighting integrated side frame / invisible electrical cables.
- Individual panels can be moved horizontally with single or double slide options.
- Remote control for operation of mechanism and lighting.
- Bottom wheel carriages with double rollers ensure optimum and smooth running even with wide glass panels.
- Fast opening-closing cycle.
- Successive panels can be moved by the grap mechanism.
- Fully hidden compact direct drive motor system.
- Height adjustable wheel carriages up to 5mm.
- Ease of installation with single or multiple modules.
- Sloped rail design for efficient drainage.
- Portability with optional wheel integration.
- Anodised bottom rail for easy and smooth movement.
- Availability of usage as balustrade in closed position.
- Rain and wind resistance by double sided transparent gaskets (standard), transparent gaskets with brush or aluminum slats with
- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- Brush and rubber cord for high frame insulation.

- Anti-slip rubber ensures safety passage and also offers ease of rail surface cleaning.
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- Transparent sliding glass panels in standard besides of Blue, Green, Smoked and Bronze glass color options. Doors

- Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures. Glass door

- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock. - Frameless hinged and frameless hydraulic glass doors are available.

- Combination availability with Vertex Zip System for sun protection. - Single tempered glass (10mm).

- Available with 3 or 5 rails up to maximum 10 panels, combined with side or central openings. - Available with single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Flush Circle and Push & Pull Bar handle types and Allen&Key lock.

Vertex Zip System - Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

Vertex is a motorised external blind system. - Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

- It provides comfortable shade and protects aganist the UV rays. - Allen&Key lock for security.

- The system includes motorised aluminium structure.

- Each screen has a pair of identical side channels. Framed glass door

- Entirely powder-coated with stainless steel components. - Hinged and hydraulic framed glass doors are available.

- Maximum protection against solar radiation and penetration of heat while preserving the optimal level of natural light in the interior - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

and contact with environment. - Available with double insulated single panel and double panels (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- The production technology of fabrics ensures a high resistance to external influences such as wind or changes in temperature and - Double insulated glass (4+11+4mm).

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

Wallfix - Handle position height can be adjusted as desired (Standard height value is 110cm).

Wallfix is an aluminum louvered fixed wall system. - Internal or external locking of the sliding panels by optional key lock for security measures.

- Electrostatic powder-coated frame. - Push & Pull Bar handle types.

- High-quality aluminum extrusion profiles (Aluminium Alloy 6063-T6). - Pull Handle/ Lock.

- Compact & Easy Assembly with click louvre connection.

- Clean finishes with hidden joining details. Photocell Door

- Extruded aluminium fine line fixing frame. - Aluminum framed automatic glass door.

- Concealed screws to offer clean finish. - Electronic lock.

- Large span with 6000mm dimension. - Possibility of manuel usage in emergency situations.

- Sound and heat insulation with double layered louvre (panel) design. - Electrostatic powder-coated frame.

- Maximum safety with block assembly. - Available in Laminated glass (4+4mm).

- Single panel and double panel options (each panel in maximum 1000mm).

- Fast opening-closing cycle and insulation materials for preserving heat balance between indoor and outdoor.

- Transparent panels in standards besides Smoked, Green, Blue and Bronze color options.

- One side button or double side button and double sided transition control types.

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O perat ion s
XI Structure Color Options / Finishes One S ide A lter nating
- The products are available with a wide range of colour options in standard or architectural textured coatings.

- In addition to standard RAL colors, Exclusive and Texture range aluminium colors can be offered.

- QualiMarine and Qualanod finishes are also available beside of Qualicoat finishes.

XII Warranty
Quattro Sapphire Cycle Swind Violet Framee Slidia Vertex Wallfix

Structure& Coating 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years 5 years
L igh t in g O pt ions
Mechanics 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A Led Stripe Dimmer RGB Led-Hidden HDD Lux High Linear Fabric
Motor&Control Units 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years N/A N/A 2 years N/A Lighting Stripe Lighting Power Led Lighting Dimmer Led
Lighting& Control Units 2 years N/A N/A 2 years 2 years N/A N/A N/A N/A Lighting
C o o l Wh i te
Fabrics 5 years N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5 years N/A

* Warranty of Semi-Transparent fabric is 2 years. Da y L i g h t Sensor s

* End user and installation defects are not covered.
Rain Sensor Sun Sensor

W ind Sensor W ind&Sun


I nst allat ion Ty pes

Self Standing Single Module Self Standing Multiple Modules

Wall Mounting Single Module Wall Mounting Multiple Modules

C losures
Sapphire Swind V iolet Framee Slidia Ve r t e x Wa llf ix

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blackout fabric
basic premium basic matt

RAL 9016 RAL 1013 RAL 9006

PW213/White PC211/Cream PG209/Grey WT785/White CR295/Cream MW23/White MC26/Cappuccino

RAL 7006 RAL 7016 RAL 9005

exclusive xclusive matt/linear fabric led

OGN35 OS561 OY395

WTEX/White CRMX/Cream GRYX/Grey BRDX/Bordeaux LW22/White LCR33/Cream LC44/Cappuccino LG66/Grey

OGN39 ON617 ON611

texture fabric

ST9010 ST9001 ST1013

ST7039 ST7016 ST8019 STRW22/White STRB33/Black

The color and gloss level shown in this color swatch should be used only as a guide. Premium fabric serie is produced from black-out PVC and has 5 years warranty. Cover is water
All ral colors are available. & light proof and flame retardant. The color tone and pattern level shown in this color swatch
should be used only as a guide.

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All prices in Euro exclude VAT and transport cost, but include all material cost with packaging in buble wrap. Albayrak warrants that:

- Albayrak has the right to sell the Goods, which are free from any charge or encumbrance;

PRICE LIST - The Goods will be fit for the purpose for which goods of that kind are commonly used and any other purposes made known expressly

The price lists are effective as of 01.09.2021 and Albayrak has rights to modify the price lists in at any or by implication to the Albayrak by the Purchaser;

time with a 30 day notice. - The Goods will be of merchantable quality and free from defects in material


Goods will be supplied EXW and therefore all costs for transport from the Manufacturer’s seat to the Purchaser’s destination shall be at All proper care and protection must be given and provided by the Albayrak in ensuring against possible damage or breakage in transit.

full charge of the Purchaser, who will also provide an insurance policy covering all risks for damage or loss of goods during transport. Albayrak is to package all items suitable for transport. The package will be made according to the Albayrak’s standard. Albayrak must

supply the Goods in a competent and professional manner and comply with all directions from the Purchaser.


Delivery terms of contractual products are as follows: Approximately four-six weeks (changeable according to order content or quantity) DELIVERY TERMS

which will be communicated to the Purchaser at the time of the order weeks from the receiving deposit payment. Albayrak undertakes to deliver the Goods at his own seat in Istanbul – Turkey according to the agreed delivery time. All deliveries shall be

accompanied by a fully detailed delivery documents as per the Albayrak’s standards. Immediately after receipt of goods, anyhow not lat-

INVOICING PROCEDURE er than 10 days from receipt the Purchaser is obliged to inspect goods fully and in detail and notify to Albayrak any defects immediately.

The Invoicing Procedure (in Euro currency) will be according to the Manufacturer’s standards. Failure in doing so will prevent the Purchaser to issue any claim against Albayrak for defects. Title to and risk in the Goods pass to the

Purchaser upon final and full payment of goods delivered. Goods must be delivered during normal hours unless alternative arrangements

WARRANTY OF QUALITY have been made with the Purchaser.

Albayrak warrants that all items shall be free of all defects relating to 5 years structure&coating, 2 years mechanics, 2 years automation

and 2 years lighting after delivery. The warranty does not cover the misuse of the goods. The time of the warranty of the product will last MISCELLANEOUS

for five year and shall commence from the last date of delivery of the Goods. Albayrak must rectify any defects in the Goods which are The law applicable to the merits of the dispute shall be United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods

apparent within a reasonable time. If the Albayrak fails to rectify any defect within a reasonable time for rectification, the Purchaser may dated 11 April 1980. In case United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods dated 11 April 1980 does not

engage third parties to perform the rectification.In such case the cost of rectification will be paid by the Albayrak. include any rules governing the dispute arising between the parties, Turkish law will be applied.

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Albayrak Group
All Rights Reserved.
All the text, photos, technical drawings, design in this catalogue can’t be used or copied without any written permission of Albayrak.

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