Background of The Study

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"Time Management: A Study on the Factors that affect Senior High School Students

of STI College Carmona’s Productivity during their Free Time"


Time management is very important and it may actually affect

individual's overall performance and achievements. Students nowadays always
commented that they do not have enough time to complete all the tasks
assigned to them. In addition, a university environment's flexibility and
freedom can derail students who have not mastered time management skills.
Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the relationship between
the time management and academic achievement of the students. The factor
analysis result showed three main factors associated with time management
which can be classified as time planning, time attitudes and time wasting.
The result also indicated that gender and races of students show no
significant differences in time management behaviours. While year of study
and faculty of students reveal the significant differences in the time
management behaviours. Meanwhile, all the time management behaviours are
significantly positively related to academic achievement of students
although the relationship is weak. Time planning is the most significant
correlated predictor. Time management helps you to identify the tasks that
use your time most effectively (Chron, 2019. Having a lot of projects,
assignments, activities, etc. are already been the life that a certain
student will going to have. You might be stress or depress because of the
non-stop work that you need to comply, you might get lack of sleep and get
tired the whole day, and embracing another problem if you got home. But all
those things that can be possibly encounter can be lessen if we do know how
to apply time management within ourselves.

Many students could not manage their times efficiently

before being students in college since they did not have any challenges or
difficulties in high school. However, the case changed completely when they
are attending college. Being a student in college means that the
responsibility is bigger and the courses are more difficult than what they
were in high school.

Effectiveness and causes stress.It seems that there is never

enough time in the day. But, since we all get the same 24 hours, why is it
that some people achieve so much more with their time than others? The
answer lies in good time management, but that is not what happened right
these days in the lives of the students. Most of successful people or the
high achievers aims to have a fruitful life because of their excellent
skills in managing their time. Time management is important for students to
get high marks. Majority of students who use time management eventually got
high marks because it's a big factor for them in doing it in the early age
of time. According to Smith Phillip, students who has lack of time
management or do not apply the right application of managing their time got
stress or depress eventually if the deadline of that particular work must
be passed.

Effectivenessof different types of time management

training, it is important to assess whether there are correlational
relationships between time management and the various outcome
measures these time management programs are intended to modify.

In the university education process, the formation of an

effective use of time awareness is very important for students in
order to achieve their goals. The success of university students is
affected from their usage of time accurately. The aim of this study
was to determine the relationship between the time management skills
of students and their academic achievements; to evaluate whether
students’ time management skills and academic achievements differ
according to the sociodemographic characteristics.Time is a process
that continues uninterrupted beyond the control of individuals from
the past to the future success of events to come today. Time should
not be wasted; it is an important resource that must be used wisely.
However, in today's society, in the fast pace of life, individuals’
chance is steadily decreasing to use the concerned valuable resource
in an effective manner. In people's private and professional life,
time management is an application process of people’s own events to
management functions such as planning, organizing and controlling in
order to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently. The aim of
time management is to increase the quality of the activities being
carried out within a limited time (İşcan 2008). Time management
requires the utilization of analysis, planning and making programs as
in the management of other resources. It is necessary to make an
accurate schedule and set goals, objectives and priorities (Haynes
1999). According to Haynes (1999), it is not enough just to know how
to use time in order to understand and apply the time management
principles. It is necessary to know what problems will you be faced
and to know the reasons of the problems in order to apply time
management effectively. Beside technological tools that are not used
correctly and not fit for purpose; being a perfectionist, being
uncertain of targets, cannot to say no, low self-esteem or extremely
self-confidence, working in an untidy environment may cause loss of
time (Türe 2013). Time enemies that is one of the most important
problems of time management is, in general, defined as all activities
preventing us from doing our higher priority jobs and wasting our all
time necessary for them (Uluşahin 1999). To manage time, people need
to specify time enemies and determine that they are arising from
external factors or the people themselves (Mackenzie 1989).

Time is a priceless source. Time is passing by and never

comes back. However, we have so many things we dream to do and so
many things that we have to do. Because of the competitive conditions
in business life nowadays forcing people and businesses to do so many
things simultaneously, the importance of right decision making for
the right jobs with the right methods become more and more important.
For those who can’t perform the necessities of time management
effectively in their private and business lives, through not being
able to keep themselves updated, it will result in failure and
unhappiness. Time, when once consumed, can never be taken back.
Therefore, it should be considered consciously, with good planning,
and should be used wisely in order for success to be obtained and
productivity to be increased. The purpose of this study is, for those
students who give importance to education and therefore having
master’s degree education; in order to cope with the constant
changes and developments of the business life, to know that the most
significant challenge ahead will be, the misuse of their time
management. With this thought in mind, for those students who are
working in different jobs at different times and ages, and studying
in the same time frame; finding out the lreationship between time
management skills and academic performance/success, through the
application of time management survey is critically important.

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