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II. Process of Teaching and Teaching Strategies

 Process of Classroom Communication
 Factors affecting Classroom Communication
 Barriers to Classroom Communications
 Use of Instructional Materials and Media
III. Educational Assessment and Evaluation
 Concept of Classroom Assessment and Evaluation
 Distinction between Assessment, Evaluation and Measurement
 Approaches to Evaluation: Formative Evaluation; Summative Evaluation
 Types of Test: Essay Type; Objective Type: Multiple Choice, True-False Items,
Matching Type; Principles of Construction of these Test
 Characteristics of a Good Test: Validity, Reliability, Objectivity, Usability
IV. Research Methods in Education
 Research Instruments: Questionnaire: Interview; Test; Observation; Rating Scale
 Research Proposal and Report Writing


S. No. Title Author

1. Human Resource Management H.T.Graham &Roger Bennett
2. Management James A.F.Stoner, R.Eward
Freeman, Daniel R.Gilbert Jr.
3. Understanding Computer: Today and Tomorrow Deborah Morley, Charles Parker
4. MS Office 365 Handbook: 2013 Edition Kevin Wilson
5. Research in Education JW Best
6. Integrating Education Technology into Teaching Roblyer
7. Curriculum Development S. M. Shahid
8. Educational Measurement and Evaluation S. M. Shahid
9. Educational Administration S. M. Shahid
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-03/2024-R
Particulars of Senior Psychologist (BS-19), Federal Public Service Commission.
Minimum (A)
Qualification & i. Ph. D. or equivalent qualification in Psychology from a University
Experience: recognized by HEC.
ii. Eight (8) years post qualification experience in any of the fields specified
in Schedule-II.
i. M. Phil or equivalent degree in Psychology from a University recognized
by HEC.
ii. Ten (10) years post qualification experience in any of the fields specified
in Schedule-II.
i. Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree in Psychology or Applied
Psychology or equivalent qualification from a University recognized by
ii. Twelve (12) years post qualification experience in any of the fields
specified in Schedule-II.
Two (2) Research Publications in reputed journals in the field of
(a) Research: Research experience of carrying out empirical research in
one of the fields/ areas i.e. Psychometrics, or Clinical, or Test Construction
and Measurement or Personnel Selection or Job analysis or Counselling.
(b) Professional: Experience in Armed Forces or Public Service
Commissions or other institutions engaged in work related to selection of
personnel or recruitment or Test Construction and Measurement or report
(c) Teaching: Teaching experience in one of the fields/ areas i.e.
Psychometrics or Clinical or Test Construction and Measurement or
Organizational/ Personnel Psychology or Counselling Psychology.
Teaching experience should be at post graduate level.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

 25 MCQ Questions on Part-II.

Part-II: 75 Marks (Psychology) (Descriptive)

I. Nature and Scope of Psychology: Definition and scope, Psychology as a Science,
Schools, Perspectives, and Models of Psychology, Recent Trends
II. Biological Basis of Behaviour: Nervous System, Neuron and its function, Central
and Peripheral Nervous System, Endocrine System
III. Sensation and Perception: Sensory process through sense organs, Perception,
Gestalt Principles, Binocular and Monocular cues, Illusions and Extra Sensory
Perception, Determinants of Perception
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IV. Learning and Memory: Nature and Forms of Learning, Types of learning: Classical
and Operant Conditioning, Reinforcement, Extinction, Discrimination, Punishment,
Observational Learning, Theories of Learning, Types of Memory, Process of
Memory, Forgetting, Theories of Memory
V. Motivation and Emotion: Homeostasis, Factors affecting Motivation, Biogenic and
Social Motives, Measurement of Human Motivation, Theories of Motivation,
Emotions, Types of Emotions, Physiological changes and Emotion, Theories of
VI. Psychological Assessment: Attributes of Psychological Measures, Validity,
Reliability, Item Analysis, Norms, Modern Test Theory, Selection and Training,
Educational and Clinical Assessment, Ethical Standards and Legal Issues, Scale
VII. Personality: Determinants of Personality, Factors in Development of Personality,
Theoretical Perspectives, Traits and Types, Personality Assessment and
Techniques, Cross-Cultural Issues.
VIII. Intelligence: Theories of Intelligence, Types of intelligence (IQ, EQ), Assessing
IX. Social Influence and Group Dynamics: Social Facilitation, Attribution, Conformity,
Obedience, Altruism, Attitudes, Social Norms, Measurement of attitude
X. Developmental Psychology: Physical, Cognitive, Social and Emotional
development in Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood and Old Age
XI. Abnormal and Clinical Psychology: Concept and causes of Abnormality, Clinical
Assessment and Intervention, Different disorders such as Schizophrenia, Mood
disorders, Anxiety disorders, Personality disorders, etc. Psychological treatment
including different Therapeutic techniques.
XII. Organizational/Industrial Psychology: Leadership styles, Decision making, Work
motivation, Organizational Culture, Stress and Conflict at Work and its Management,
Organizational Socialization, Job related Attitude, Sexual Harassment, Glass Ceiling,
Human Computer interaction.

S.No. Title Author

1. Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychology Aamodt, M.
2. Introduction to Psychology Atkinson R. C., & Smith, E. E
3. Social Psychology Baron, R. A
4. Development Across the Life Span Feldman, R.
5. Abnormal Psychology Kring, A. M
6. Psychology Myers, D. G.
7. Psychological Testing Kaplan & Sacuzzuo,
8. An introduction of theories of personality Ewen, R. B.
9. Organizational Psychology Singh, P.
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Max Marks: 100 Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Case No. F.4-05/2024-R
Particulars of post Civilian Store Officer, Grade-I (BS-19), Corps of EME, Ministry of
Minimum Ph.D. in Engineering Management or equivalent qualification from a
Qualification & University recognized by the PEC with Eight (8) years post qualification
Experience: experience in BS-17 & above or equivalent relating to store supply and
Logistics/ Engineering Management matters in a Government/ Semi-
Government/ Autonomous/ Public/ Private Organization.
M. Phil. in Engineering Management or equivalent qualification from a
University recognized by the PEC with Ten (10) years post qualification
experience in BS-17 & above or equivalent relating to store supply and
Logistics/ Engineering Management matters in a Government/ Semi-
Government/ Autonomous/ Public/ Private Organization.
Second Class or Grade ‘C Master’s degree in Business Administration
(Supply Chain Management) or equivalent qualification from a University
recognized by the HEC with Twelve (12) years post qualification
experience in BS-17 & above or equivalent relating to store supply and
Logistics/ Engineering Management matters in a Government/ Semi-
Government/ Autonomous/ Public/ Private Organization.
Colonel/ Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) from EME Corps with requisite
qualification and experience of the post.

Part-I: 25 Marks (MCQ)

 25 MCQ Questions on Part-II & III.

Part-II: 50 Marks (Descriptive)

(Public Administration, Office Management & Professional)
I. Public Administration: Nature and scope, Role of Public Administration in a
modern Welfare State; Issues & Challenges of Public Administration in Pakistan;
II. Administrative Accountability: Internal and External Controls; Executive Control,
Legislative Control, Judicial Control, Ombudsman, Public Opinion and Pressure
Groups; Problems of Administrative Accountability in Pakistan;
III. Planning: Types of Plans, Planning Process; Principles of Planning, Planning
Machinery in Pakistan;
IV. PPRA Ordinance 2002 and Rules 2004.
V. Procedures for Receipt and Issue of Stores
VI. Stores procedures with relation to following:-
 Stock Taking
 Care and Preservation of Military Stores
VII. Ware House Management

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