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Paper—How to Teach CAD/CAE Systems

How to Teach CAD/CAE Systems


Peter Kuna, Alena Ha!ková!!", Milo! Palaj, Miloslav Ska"an

Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovak Republic
[email protected]

Ján Záhorec
Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Abstract—In the traditional methodology of CAD system teaching, one

starts with the acquisition of technical drawing principles and design of tech-
nical schemes and drawings based on manual drawing. Only subsequently do
students learn to draw schemes and technical drawings using one of the CAD
systems. An alternative possibility in teaching CAD/CAE could be to start im-
mediately with machine element draughts and modelling and to pay only mar-
ginal attention to the teaching of technical drawing, in a reduced time frame.
A key question related to the authors’ proposed method of teaching CAD/CAE
is whether a reduction in technical drawing teaching will have a negative im-
pact on student attainment. An answer to this question shall be derived from a
pedagogical experiment which the authors intend to carry out, the methodology
of which is presented in the paper.

Keywords—CAD/CAE systems, innovative methods of teaching, upper secon-

dary education (ISCED 3)

1 Background

Computer aided systems are systems dedicated foremost to supporting activities in

the area of graphical output projection and creation [1]. They are perhaps most often
utilized in the engineering industry, where they are used in every production phase –
from machine part design, through production planning, assembly, storage and trans-
portation [2]. Nowadays they are also used in various other industry sectors as well as
at different management levels. They enable the performance of different engineering
activities such as drawing, constructing, dimensioning and projecting, but also many
administrative activities such as archiving, searching, reproduction, etc. – more quick-
ly and more easily.
Right from the start, it is important to define and explain which computer aided
systems are defined as CAD, i.e. Computer Aided Design (Drawing) systems, and
which are defined as CAE, i.e. Computer Aided Engineering systems. CAD systems
are defined as those that mostly support the field of drawing and the creation of tech-
nical documentation, and CAE systems are those which support 3D modelling and

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simu-lations in the computer environment of virtual reality. CAD/CAE refers to CAD

and CAE systems together, i.e. it refers to the meaning “everything together” [3].
The role of the CAD system is to aid the designer by providing him/her the possi-
bi-lity to:

• create and modify a graphical representation of the product,

• view the actual product on screen,
• make any modifications to the graphical representation of the product,
• present ideas on screen without a prototype, especially during the early stages of
the design process,
• perform complex design analysis in a short time,
• store the whole design and processing history of a certain product, for future reuse
and upgrade [4].

Nowadays we cannot imagine the effective design of new products without the use
of CAD/CAE systems. These systems are not only intrinsic to the pre-manufacturing
phase of production, but also add the option of modification of existing products.
They are approaching the world of virtual reality, in which engineers and designers
have the option to apply their creativity and inventiveness. CA technologies enable
the recreation of the geometry of models, the design of further technological parame-
ters and enable even the design of the production process. The defined models can be
in a very simple way adjusted, modified and also their mechanical properties can be
very easily derived. The advantage of computer created design is its close continuity
to the next technological activity. The geometries of objects created in this way can be
used for example as material for the programming of machine tools. A separate pro-
cess is the linking of the created objects to larger assemblies and computer simula-
tions. CA technologies enable the testing and proof of functionality of a designer’s
ideas before their product becomes an object in the real world. This substantially
expands the possibilities of the design and the effective creation of a larger amount of
ideas and modifications, which otherwise would be financially very demanding [5].
The economic and technical aspects of the use of CA systems in design and manu-
facturing are generally known. In the last decade, we have witnessed the diminishing
role of CA systems simply as support tools for creating technical documentation.
Current trends in their use emphasize the importance of human creativity. For exam-
ple, CA systems today have very elegant and efficient tools for the automated creation
of technical documentation, so the designer is not burdened by the lengthy and routine
creation of technical drawings. Today the trend in technical communication is the
preference of virtual 3D models rather than drawing documentation. In any case, CA
systems are trying to relieve creators of routine and time-consuming tasks. High em-
phasis is placed on the inventiveness and creativity of the human mind, which we
cannot replace with computer algorithmization.
In recent years, the Slovak Republic has become a European power in car manu-
facturing. Availability and quality of skilled labor is one of the most significant prob-
lems for suppliers and manufacturers in the automotive industry, as there is a high
demand for skilled workers from technical professions [6]. The education system
should reflect the needs and interests of industry, and knowledge and skills in CA

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technologies have become one of the key requirements for the successful entry of
graduates of technical schools into the workplace.

2 Practical aspects of work in CAD/CAE system environments

CAD systems are software products that support a broad range of activities associ-
ated with machine design, tool design and technical element design. This creative
process starts with the creation of the very first model draught and continues with the
elabo-ration of technical documentation and processing of technical drawings. Due to
these, it is possible to prepare technical documentation containing all necessary di-
mensions and parameters (size) of each of the elements of the created product. For
many years, CAD systems have offered a modern method to design new products and
elements, to design their geometry and to elaborate corresponding technical drawings.
In a way they replace the drawing board and provide their users a new dimension in
technical drawing. Last but not least, these software products also offer the possibility
for subsequent editing of already created components. Programs of this type are based
on the principles of the interaction of computer graphics, and that is why they find a
broad application mainly in the car and machine industry.
In general, technical drawing can be divided into two basic types. The first type is
based on the standard (traditional) drawing of technical plans. It is the standard envi-
ronment for 2D modelling. The other type is based on a new method of technical
component parts design – so-called parametric modelling. Thanks to its contributions,
this type of modelling has revolutionized industry.
There are different types of CAD systems on the market. In relation to upper
secon-dary technical schools in Slovakia (ISCED 3), in order to fulfil their practical
demands one of the most often used CAD systems is the Autodesk CAD suite, which
contains a whole range of software products such as CAD, Autodesk Inventor Profes-
sional and Fusion. To design technical components parts and to prepare the relevant
technical do-cumentation it is very important to have at one’s disposal, in addition to
the software, the appropriate hardware resources, as CAD systems need powerful
graphic support for efficient and smooth running.
Familiarization of secondary school students (ISCED 3) with work in a CAD/CAE
system environment begins with their familiarization with the software. After that,
students start to learn to create the first lines and simple draughts of 2D components.
For this they use software tools such as abscissa, curved lines, circle, arch etc. (Fig.
A very important feature of CAD/CAE systems is the command line. Through this
line students learn to design technical elements by means of precisely given com-
mands. The command line offers either options on how to use the particular tool or
the next steps to complete the design process. It helps to determine particular parame-
ters (sizes) of the relevant parts of the designed model, or a menu of the other func-
tions which can or must be chosen (e.g. for a circle it is necessary to give the value of
Radius, Fig. 2).

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Fig. 1. Basic tools for 2D component parts design

Fig. 2. Tools to design technical elements

The next step is to learn to dimension particular parts of the designed technical el-
ement (Fig. 3). From the point of view of the technical drawings’ further use, this is
the most important step in the whole process.
In a CAD system environment there is a possibility to shift the draught creation to
the level of so-called parametric modelling. As Fig. 4 shows, after the completion of
the technical element design the program can be switched over to 3D modelling. Con-
sequently the program offers various possibilities (tools) for parametric modelling
development. By means of these parametric modelling tools students learn to add into
the designed draught such details as different fillets, twists, holes, slopes and different
textures (Fig. 4).

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Fig. 3. A CAD draught

Fig. 4. Example of a technical element draught

In the case of parametric modelling the operation process is opposite to the one
used in the case of traditional 2D modelling. This means that students from the begin-
ning create models without any previous experience nor knowledge of the rules of
traditional drawing in CAD software products. The most expanded program of the
different ones available on the market is Inventor from the firm Autodesk [2]. Stu-
dents already in the first lessons learn to design different elements and their parame-
ters (size, thickness, fillet, etc.). A very important first step after program start-up is
selection of the right technical norm under which students will create the given tech-

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nical element (Fig. 5). Working with our national norms, parameters in millimetres
(mm) are used.
The environment of the parametric modelling is almost identical to the CAD envi-
ronment, but it involves some additional functions and mainly the window Model
(Fig. 6), due to which students can manage the layers and can also switch among the
draughts and their attributes.

Fig. 5. Norm selection

Fig. 6. Norm selection

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Another difference is the addition of the button Finish Sketch (Fig. 7). After com-
pletion of the draught the program leads the user into a 3D design, where the students
can make further modifications in the designed component part.
After draught completion students can switch into 3D space, where they have at
their disposal further tools necessary for 3D modelling (Fig. 8). Consequently they
work with the designed technical component part, modify its attributes, add twists,
holes and other features, according to stated needs.

Fig. 7. Tool for a draught completion

Fig. 8. Example of a 3D model

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3 How to teach CAD/CAE systems: statement of the research


Computer aided design (drawing) has been a part of study program curricula from
secondary schools to university level for a long time ([7], [8], [9]). Due to the con-
stantly increasing importance of CAD education more and more attention is being
paid to the question of how to teach CAD in practice ([10], [11], [12], [13]). Conse-
quently the answer to this question, i.e. the general concepts, curricula for different
stages of CAD knowledge, new teaching methods and didactical principles and new
roles of teachers, has to be reflected also in relevant teacher training programs ([14],
[15], [16]). Teaching CAD is a very complex topic. A good teacher should understand
the difficulties of learning CAD and should be able to counteract these problems in
various ways. Teaching CAD systems should provide students with a wide diversity
of problems and tasks and in this way by problem- and process-oriented sequences,
the teacher should promote students’ autonomous learning [10]. When a teacher starts
to acquaint the students with work with CAD systems, it is important to ensure that
the students do not develop a dislike for these systems, or a feeling that their study is
too difficult and complicated. A student must be offered education so that s/he enjoys
the journey of acquiring new knowledge and skills, while picking up the principles of
the field naturally [8].
The traditional methodology of CAD system teaching arises from the historical
technical development of the field of CAD systems. The first phase is acquisition of
technical drawing principles. Students design schemes or technical drawings based on
manual drawing. Only during the next phase are computers substituted for the draw-
ing board and the students learn to draw schemes and technical drawings in one of the
CAD systems. In this case the process of education is focused on acquisition of prac-
tice (technique) at work with the software assigned for technical documentation crea-
tion, including technical drawings. The third stage is focused on computer assisted
design of technical layouts and constructions. Students design machine elements by
means of CAD/CAE systems and compose them into integrated technical construc-
Today’s CAD-CAE systems are able to generate automatically complex technical
documentation following the design and simulation test phase of the components or of
the functional units. Through a survey of labor market requirements, we have found
that the emphasis of graduate requirements is precisely on the field of modelling and
simulation. At present, in technical practice, inventor’s creativity and inventiveness is
more valuable than precise knowledge of rules and standards for the production of
technical documentation. Of course, we do not want to claim that accurate and stand-
ardized drawing of technical drawings is not a necessary part of the work of technical
workers. However, current developments and trends in the use of CAD/CAE systems
unambiguously point to a retreating trend in these skills, in favor of the creativity and
invention of the designer. In the final phase, the designer can generate accurate tech-
nical documentation through a computer within several seconds.

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Fig. 9. Example of a 3D virtual model and related automatically generated technical drawing
(source: http://www.cad-schroer.com/products/medusa4.html)

In the current education system, creation of technical documentation is the main

content of education in this area. The standard teaching process devotes two thirds of
the allocated time to technical drawing – theory, drawing on paper, or drawing on a
PC in a CAD system. Only one third of the total allocated time is dedicated to the
CAE system and deals with the topic of computer supported design, i.e. to the pro-
cesses and tools that support the invention and the creativity of the creator or designer
(as shown by the results of the analysis of the State Educational Program for Second-
ary Vocational/Technical Schools [17] performed by the authors).
Up-to-date CAD/CAE systems can automatically generate complete technical
docu-mentation resulting from a draft/plan and simulated tests of the machine ele-
ments or machine function units [18]. This creation of technical documentation is
predominantly the subject of teaching, which precedes modelling and simulation
methods. In the traditional way of teaching a great part of time (lesson) allocation is
devoted to technical drawing – theory, manual drawing on paper or computer assisted
drawing in CAD systems. As a consequence then only one third of the total time allo-
cation in the study programs (subject curricula) is devoted to CAD/CAM systems (as
results from the analysis of the State Educational Program for upper secondary tech-
nical schools show). But on the other hand a survey of labor market requirements
showed that the labour market accentuates requirements of the graduates’ skills in the
modelling and simulation field [19].
One possibility as to how the requirements of technical practice could be reflected
in schools (in education) is to increase time allocation for CAD/CAE system teaching.
This would result in necessary modification to the relevant school documentation and

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a time-consuming decision-making process in the area of technical education from

which the relevant number of lessons would be reallocated to increase the number of
lessons needed for CAD/CAE system teaching. The authors of the paper have pro-
posed a new, unconventional method to teach CAD/CAE systems, which on the one
hand reflects the current needs of both technical practice and labor market and on the
other hand maintains the current range of this field in terms of time allocation. In this
unconventional method, students (ISCED 3 level) start immediately with machine
element draughts and modelling. In the next stage the students create the necessary
technical documentation to the proposed and modelled element. A key question relat-
ed to this method (teaching methodology) is whether the reduction of technical draw-
ing teaching will have a negative impact on the students’ attainment.

4 Content and methodology of the research

The most effective way to reflect the requirements of technical practice in educa-
tion is to increase the time allocation for CAE systems. However, such a procedure
would entail a necessary adaptation of school documents and a lengthy process of
deciding as to which field of technical education we would take the time from in order
to increase the time allocated to CAD/CAE. That is why we prepared a new, non-
traditional procedure for CAD/CAE systems teaching which reflects the requirements
of practice – increase of the time allocation for modelling and simulation, but with
total time for CAD/CAE systems remaining the same. In the proposed methodology,
students begin with the design and modelling of the components. After that a simula-
tions phase follows and finally, the creation of technical documentation for the pro-
posed 3D model of the component is included. We believe that this proposed innova-
tive approach to CAD/CAE system teaching adheres more closely to the practices
established in technical practice. Today, the idea or intention of the creator is at first
“materialized” in the form of a virtual 3D model, whose behaviour can be simulated
by the creator and subsequently modified in the virtual world of CAD/CAE systems.
And only at the end is the technical documentation for the production produced (gen-
erated). The given situ-ation is most visible in the catalogues of construction compa-
nies in which one has the opportunity to choose from the home designs on offer. A
customer is given a possibility to go through a virtual 3D home model and to specify
to the designer parameters for any modifications. The designer uses the CAD/CAE
system to design changes according to customer’s requirements and to generate a new
virtual 3D model which is once again at the disposal of the customer. This may be
repeated several times. Only at the end of the entire design process is the technical
documentation developed. As can be seen from this example, production of the tech-
nical documentation is also in practice only a secondary activity.
However, the main idea of the proposed methodology is a significant reduction (by
half) of the time allocated to teaching the creation of technical documentation. It is
natural that such an intervention might negatively affect students’ learning achieve-
ments. In order to assess the extent to which this intervention will influence the at-
tainment of the students, it is necessary to define the performance standard from the
subject area and to establish a methodology for verification of the achieved results.

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Required knowledge and skills related to the area of technical documentation creation
were divided as follows.
Theoretical knowledge
• Knowledge of standards in the field of technical documentation
• Knowledge of the functions and tools of the selected CAD system to create 2D
technical documentation
• Theoretical knowledge of the drawing procedures (manual/PC) of the drawing

Practical skills
• Reading of technical drawings with comprehension
• Creating technical documentation in accordance with the standard – manually
• Creating technical documentation in accordance with the standard – using a CAD

When preparing new curricula, we want to achieve time savings made at the ex-
pense of mastering practical skills, especially when creating technical documentation.
As mentioned, the current CAD/CAE systems can automatically generate technical
drawings from virtual 3D models. Therefore, in this part of teaching we will rather
focus on reading comprehension of technical documentation and theoretical
knowledge of procedures for technical documentation creation. We further define this
knowledge and skills as essential. We assume that students will be able to overcome
their handicap of the absence of practical skills in drawing technical drawings through
their application practice. At the same time today’s developments and trends in the
use of CAD/CAE systems simply relieve creators of this activity.
By doubling the time allocation for CAE systems, we expect, of course, that stu-
dent attainment in the area of design and simulation will be improved. Currently,
curriculum design for the entire issue of CAD/CAE system teaching at secondary
vocational schools is under review (Fig. 10).
In the traditional (standard) way of CAD/CAE system teaching, assessment of stu-
dents is clearly defined. Students in the first grade are expected to deliver technical
drawings made according to given norms. On the basis of the norms and the assess-
ment criteria, which they have to fulfil, they are given a mark from a scale 1 – 5,
where 1 represents the best possible assessment and 5 unsatisfactory assessment. In
the second grade students fulfil an assignment to produce a machine element and its
technical drawing using software for technical drawing and model designing. An
overview of some selected assignments (examples) for each topic is found in an offi-
cial text book (Task Collection). The tasks involved in this collection start with sim-
ple lines creation and continue with more complicated assignments focused on the use
of advanced CA software tools and end in particular with an assignment to process
complete technical documentation of a shaft. Through these assignments students
learn to use most of the software tools and to understand the logic of the given soft-
ware. Students are assessed continuously, on the basis of their achievements within
the fulfilment of the given assignment and on the basis of the fulfilment of clearly
defined conditions of the particular tasks.

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Fig. 10. Time allocation breakdown graph

To find the answer to the research question whether the reduction of the technical
drawing teaching will have a negative impact on the students’ attainment, we plan to
carry out a pedagogical experiment with two groups of students. The experimental
group is going to be taught in accordance with the proposed innovative methodology
of CAD/CAE system teaching and the reference (control) one in accordance with the
traditional way of teaching. It means that the experimental group of students is going
to have an increased number of lessons focused on modelling and simulation and a
decreased number of lessons dealing with training focused on the traditional method
of drawing. Both groups will have the same total time allocation for technical drawing
and modelling lessons, but the ratio of technical drawing lessons to modelling lessons
in the case of the reference (control) group will be 2:1 while in the case of the exper-
imental group it will be 1:2. The intended duration of the experiment is two academic
years. To create two groups of equivalent research samples of students, relevant sec-
ondary technical schools (ISCED 3) will be approached. Assessment of the students
of both groups will be done in the same way (the above-mentioned one, used within
the traditional methodology of CAD/CAE system teaching). In particular, at the end
of the second grade the students of both groups will be given two assignments. The
first assignment is going to be a task to model a machine element following a given
technical drawing and using a CA program for 3D modelling. The second assignment
is going to be a task to model the same machine element from plasticine. Based on the
produced machine elements – the models prepared in the CA software and the models
made from plasticine – we will evaluate which group of students (whether the exper-
imental or the reference one) will achieve better learning results and will better under-
stand the issue of technical parts design and 3D modelling.
Currently the project of the experiment is in its preparatory phase. The research
hypotheses which are going to be tested within the project are the following ones:

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H1: The members of the experimental group will achieve significantly better learn-
ing achievements than the members of the control reference group in acquirement of
the knowledge and skills in the area of modelling and simulation in CAD/CAE sys-
H2: The members of the experimental group will achieve approximately the same
learning achievements as the members of the control reference group in acquirement
of the knowledge and skills in the key areas of technical documentation creation and
The hypothesis H1 follows the assumption that a higher time allocation devoted to
teaching modelling and simulation in CAD/CAE systems will influence students’
learning achievements in a positive way, which is logical and predictable. But the key
point of this hypothesis is the fact that this will be achieved despite the decreased time
allocation for training devoted to manual creation of technical documentation, i.e. we
do not consider these skills (except the basic knowledge) as necessary to developing
students’ skills in working with CAD/CAE systems. Contrary to the hypothesis H1,
the hypothesis H2 assumes that the decreased number of lessons devoted to teaching
technical drawing and creation of technical documentation will not have any signifi-
cant negative impact on students’ knowledge and skills.

5 Conclusion
If the proposed experiment confirms the given hypothesis when carried out, it will
thus be proved that our above-presented unconventional methodology of teaching
CAD/CAE systems at upper-secondary schools better prepares students to meet the
requirements of technical practice regarding their knowledge and skills related to
modelling and simulation in CAD/CAE systems. Such an untraditional process would
have a clear advantage in not imposing any extended material or time requirements. It
would be enough to modify the teaching process with a change in time allocation for
parts of the education in the given area.
As has been presented, the new methodology of CAD/CAE system teaching is
based on a change in the amount of lesson time used for modelling and simulation,
and will not affect total time allocation. This means that the time allocation for tech-
nical drawing teaching will be reduced and the spare lessons will be given over main-
ly to 3D modelling. Thereby also some new topics related to modelling and simula-
tion, which up to now because of the limited time allocation could not be incorporated
into the school curricula (School Educational Plan), could be included into the teach-
ing. The topics planned to be taught within the new methodology of CAD/CAE sys-
tem teaching are as follows:
1. System user environment
2. 2D draught creation
3. 3D bodies and technical elements drawing
4. Tin-plate modelling
5. Texturing and setting-out of 3D bodies and technical elements
6. Simulations through 3D bodies
7. Technical drawing creation

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6 References
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7 Authors

Peter Kuna, Mgr., Ph.D. works as an assistant professor at the Department of

Technology and Information Technologies at the Faculty of Education, Constantine
the Philosopher University in Nitra. Areas of his research interest are programming
industry control systems and educational/training activities for professionals in indus-
trial practice in the automation branch. He co-operates with companies from the man-
ufacturing practice at solving technical problems and acts as a specialty external lec-
turer for PLC system programmers. He is the author and co-author of 3 monographs
and several articles published mainly abroad.
Alena Ha!ková, Prof., Dr., Ph.D. is a professor of Technology of Education. She
works at the Department of Technology and Information Technologies at the Faculty
of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra. Her primary interests
are methodology of technical subject teaching, ICT applications in education, devel-
opment of educational environments and their use for specific purposes and optimiza-
tion of school management. She is the author and co-author of 11 monographs, 10
textbooks and more than 270 articles published in Slovakia and abroad.
Milo! Palaj, Mgr. is a graduate of the teacher training study program at the Faculty
of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, subject specialization
teaching of practical training. Currently he is a Ph.D. student at the Department of
Technology and Information Technologies at the same Faculty, study program Didac-
tics of Technical Subjects. The topic of his thesis is Teaching System for Low Cost
Control Unit Programming. At the same time he works as a teacher at the Secondary
Vocational Polytechnic School in Zlaté Moravce, where he teaches subjects Digital
processing, Computer techniques, Applied Informatics, Computer systems and Labor-
atory measu-rements.
Miloslav Ska"an, Mgr. is a graduate of the teacher training study program at the
Faculty of Education, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, subject spe-
cialization teaching of practical training. Currently he is a Ph.D. student at the De-
partment of Technology and Information Technologies at the same Faculty, study
program Didactics of Technical Subjects. The topic of his thesis is Alternative Ways
of Teaching CAD/CAE Systems. At the same time he works as a teacher at the Sec-
ondary Vocational Polytechnic School in Zlaté Moravce, where he teaches subjects
Technical graphics, Computer networks and Computer systems.
Ján Záhorec, Dr., Ph.D. works as an assistant professor at the Department of Di-
dactics of Natural Sciences in Primary Education, Institute of Educational Sciences
and Studies, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava. The areas of
his research are informatics and electronically supported learning. He is interested in
deve-loping fully interactive educational environments and e-learning technologies
and their applications for specific purposes into the educational process at various
levels of the school system. He is the author of more than 83 publications (articles in
reviewed journals, proceedings of conferences, chapters in monographs, teaching
texts) published in Slovakia and abroad.

Article submitted 29 December 2017. Resubmitted 28 January 2018. Final acceptance 06 February
2018. Final version published as submitted by the authors.

162 http://www.i-jep.org

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