Image Dehazing Using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
Image Dehazing Using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
Image Dehazing Using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
Image dehazing is a crucial task in computer vision and image processing. It involves
removing the unwanted haze or fog from an image to improve its visual quality and
enhance the visibility of the scene. Traditional image dehazing techniques use various
algorithms to estimate the haze depth and remove it from the image. However, these
techniques may not always produce satisfactory results, especially when the haze is
severe or the scene has complex lighting conditions.
To overcome these limitations, researchers have explored the use of AI and multi-
exposure techniques for image dehazing. AI-based methods use deep learning models to
learn the mapping between the hazy and clear image pairs and then use this mapping to
generate a dehazed image. Multi-exposure techniques, on the other hand, involve
capturing multiple images of the same scene at different exposure settings and
combining them to generate a dehazed image.
Both these approaches have shown promising results in image dehazing and are being
actively researched and developed.
Develop an algorithm to remove haze and fog from images using Artificial
Intelligence and Multi Exposure techniques.
Create a dataset of images with varying levels and types of haze and fog for
training and testing the algorithm.
Train an AI model using deep learning techniques to learn the underlying
characteristics of haze and fog and remove them from the images.
Implement Multi Exposure techniques to capture multiple images of the same
scene at different exposure levels and fuse them to create a high-quality dehazed
Evaluate the performance of the algorithm on the test dataset using metrics such
as peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM).
Optimize the algorithm to improve its performance and efficiency.
Provide a solution for improving the quality of images affected by haze and fog,
making them more useful for various applications such as surveillance, remote
sensing, and photography.
The scope of the project includes developing an algorithm to remove haze and fog from
images using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure techniques. The algorithm should
be able to handle different types and levels of haze and fog, and produce high-quality
dehazed images with minimal loss of details and artifacts.
The scope of the project is limited to developing an algorithm for dehazing images and
does not include developing hardware or software for image capture.
Software Requirements
Python idle 3.7 version (or)-we used
Pycharm 3.7(or)
Operating system: Any Distribution of Linux
Hardware requirements
The architecture of the algorithm plays a critical role in its effectiveness and efficiency in
removing haze and fog from images. A well-designed architecture can learn the
underlying characteristics of haze and fog and produce high-quality dehazed images,
while a poorly designed architecture can result in low-quality and inaccurate dehazing.
Some common architectures used in Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and
Multi Exposure include convolutional neural networks (CNNs), deep neural networks
(DNNs), and autoencoders. CNNs are particularly useful for image processing tasks and
can learn spatial features and relationships in the images. DNNs can learn complex
patterns and relationships in the data, while autoencoders can learn to reconstruct the
original image from a compressed representation.
The architecture of the algorithm is often designed based on the nature of the problem,
the available dataset, and the desired performance metrics. It undergoes several
iterations of testing and optimization to improve its performance and efficiency. The
choice of activation functions, loss functions, and optimization techniques also affects
the architecture of the algorithm and its ability to learn from the data and produce
accurate results.
Overall, the architecture of the algorithm is a crucial aspect of Image Dehazing using
Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure, and careful consideration and optimization are
required to develop an effective and efficient algorithm that produces high-quality
dehazed images.
The convolutional layers are the core building blocks of CNNs and consist of a set of
filters that slide over the input image, performing convolution operations to extract
features. Each filter learns to detect a specific feature or pattern in the image, such
as edges or corners. The filters are trained through backpropagation to optimize the
network's ability to recognize and extract relevant features.
The pooling layers follow the convolutional layers and down sample the output of
the convolutional layers, reducing the size of the image while retaining the most
relevant features. Pooling layers typically use techniques such as max pooling or
average pooling to select the most significant features.
The fully connected layers follow the pooling layers and are used to classify the
image. They take the output of the convolutional and pooling layers and perform a
set of mathematical operations to produce the final output.
In addition to the convolutional, pooling, and fully connected layers, CNNs also use
techniques such as dropout and batch normalization to prevent overfitting and
improve the generalization of the model.
The loss function is a measure of how well the model is performing on the given task,
and it determines how the model's weights are adjusted during training. The optimizer is
an algorithm used to adjust the model's weights based on the loss function and improve
the model's performance. Common optimization algorithms used in Image Dehazing
using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure include stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
and its variants, such as Adam and RMSprop.
Performance metrics are used to evaluate the model's accuracy and effectiveness on the
given task. Common metrics used in Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and
Multi Exposure include mean squared error (MSE), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and
structural similarity index (SSIM).
Once the model is compiled, it is ready to be trained on the available dataset using the
chosen optimization algorithm and loss function. During training, the model's weights
are adjusted based on the data and the chosen optimization algorithm to minimize the
loss function and improve the model's performance.
After training, the model's performance is evaluated using the chosen performance
metrics, and adjustments to the model and its parameters may be made based on the
results. The process of model compilation, training, and evaluation is iterative and
involves fine-tuning the model to achieve the desired performance and accuracy.
On the graph shown earlier, the parabola's lowest point is located at x = 1. The goal of
the gradient descent algorithm is to determine the value of "x" that corresponds to the
minimum value of "y." In this context, "y" refers to the objective function that the
gradient descent algorithm is used to minimize by moving along the slope. It's crucial to
grasp this concept before moving ahead.
To elucidate the gradient descent algorithm, I employ a linear regression problem. As we
recall from the previous discussion, the objective of regression is to minimize the sum of
squared residuals. We also know that a function attains its minimum value when the
slope is zero. By utilizing this approach, we resolved the linear regression problem and
gained knowledge of the weight vector. Alternatively, the gradient descent technique
can also be employed to solve the same problem.The iterative process of gradient
descent algorithm commences from a random point on a function, and moves along the
slope in increments until it arrives at the function's minimum point.Gradient descent
algorithm proves beneficial in scenarios where it's impossible to locate the optimal
points by equating the function's slope to zero. In the instance of linear regression, one
can perceive the sum of squared residuals as the function "y" and the weight vector as
"x" on the parabola mentioned previously. This represents the essence of the algorithm.
The fundamental notion is to initiate with a random point (in the case of the parabola, a
random "x") and devise a mechanism to modify this point during each iteration to
gradually descend the slope.The algorithm's key steps are as follows:
2. Select a random initial value for the parameters. (To clarify, in the case of the
parabola example, differentiate "y" with respect to "x." If there are additional
features like x1, x2, etc., find the partial derivative of "y" with respect to each
4. Calculate the step size for each feature as follows: step size = gradient * learning
5. Calculate the new parameters as follows: new params = old params - step size.
The "learning rate" mentioned earlier is a dynamic parameter that significantly impacts
the algorithm's convergence. When the learning rate is higher, the algorithm moves
more quickly down the slope, but it may overshoot the minimum point and miss it. It is
advisable to adhere to a lower learning rate, such as 0.01. Additionally, it can be
mathematically demonstrated that the gradient descent algorithm takes more giant
strides down the slope if the starting point is far above and progressively smaller steps
as it approaches the destination to avoid missing it while still being efficient.The gradient
descent algorithm has a few drawbacks. We must examine the amount of computation
we perform for each iteration of the algorithm. Assume we have ten thousand data
points and ten features. In our case, the sum of squared residuals includes as many
terms as there are data points, totaling ten thousand. We must calculate the derivative
of this function with respect to each of the ten features, resulting in 100,000
computations per iteration. Typically, one takes 1000 iterations, resulting in a total of
100,000 * 1000 = 100000000 computations to complete the algorithm. This is a
considerable overhead, and as a result, gradient descent is sluggish when dealing with
vast amounts of data.Stochastic gradient descent is here to help us! In simple terms,
"stochastic" means “random."
Classification is a type of supervised learning algorithm in Image Dehazing using Artificial
Intelligence and Multi Exposure that involves training a model to predict a categorical
label or class for a given input. In the context of Image Dehazing, the model is trained to
classify an input image as either hazy or dehazed.
To perform classification, the model is trained on a labeled dataset that includes input
images and their corresponding labels. During training, the model learns to identify the
key features and patterns in the input images that correspond to each class.
There are several types of classification algorithms that can be used in Image Dehazing
using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure, including logistic regression, decision
trees, support vector machines (SVMs), and neural networks. Neural networks,
particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are often used for image
classification tasks due to their ability to learn spatial features and relationships in
Once the model is trained, it can be used to classify new input images as either hazy or
dehazed. The accuracy of the classification model can be evaluated using metrics such
as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
Let us imagine a classification task where we have to categorize an image into one of
four classes, namely dog, cat, horse or cheetah.
The definition of entropy can be expressed as follows for a probability distribution p(x)
and a random variable X.
Equation 1: Definition of Entropy. Note log is calculated to base 2The reason for the
negative sign is that for all probability distribution values p(x) in the range of (0,1),
log(p(x))<0. Since p(x) represents the probability distribution, its values must fall
between 0 and 1.
As the entropy value H(x) increases, the probability distribution becomes more
uncertain, whereas a smaller entropy value implies less uncertainty in the distribution.
Consider the following three shapes: triangles and circles, which can be thought of as
Container 2, on the other hand, has a probability of 14/30 for selecting a triangle and
16/30 for selecting any other shape. This indicates that there is an almost equal chance
of selecting any shape from the container, resulting in less certainty than Container 1.
In Container 3, the likelihood of selecting a circle is very high, with a probability of 29/30,
while the probability of selecting a triangle is only 1/30. Thus, it is highly certain that the
shape picked from this container will be a circle. We will calculate the entropy to confirm
our statements about the likelihood of selecting a particular shape.
As anticipated, the entropy for the first and third containers is lower than that of the
second one. This is due to the fact that the probability of selecting a particular shape is
more certain in containers 1 and 3 than in 2. Now that we have established this, we can
move on to discuss the Cross-Entropy loss function.
The Cross-Entropy loss function is also known as logarithmic loss, log loss, or logistic loss.
It computes a score or loss for each predicted class probability based on its distance
from the desired output of 0 or 1. The degree of penalty applied to the probability is
logarithmic, meaning that large differences close to 1 result in a high score, while small
differences closer to 0 result in a lower score.During the training of a model, the cross-
entropy loss is employed to modify the model's weights. The goal is to reduce the loss,
i.e., the lower the loss, the better the model. A model with zero cross-entropy loss is
considered perfect. The cross- entropy is defined as follows:
Given the Softmax probabilities (S) and labels (T) for a classification problem, the task is
to compute the cross-entropy loss.
Fig 2.12: Logits(S) and one-hot encoded truth label(T) with Categorical Cross-Entropy
loss function used to measure the ‘distance’ between the predicted probabilities and the
truth labels.
After several iterations of model training, suppose the model generates the following
vector of logits:
The loss of 0.095 is lower than the previous loss of 0.3677, which indicates that the
model is learning. The optimization process, which involves adjusting the weights to
ensure the output is close to the true values, will continue until the training is
complete.The cross- entropy loss functions available in Keras include binary, categorical,
and sparse categorical cross-entropy.Equation 2 defines the same loss function for both
categorical cross-entropy and sparse categorical cross-entropy. The difference between
the two lies in the definition of true labels. Categorical cross-entropy is applied when
true labels are one-hot encoded, such as [1,0,0], [0,1,0], and [0,0,1] for a 3-class
classification problem. On the other hand, sparse categorical cross-entropy uses integer
encoding for true labels, for instance, [1], [2], and [3] for a 3-class problem.
The methodology for Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
typically involves several steps:
Data collection and preparation: The first step is to gather a dataset of hazy and dehazed
images that will be used to train and test the model. The images should be properly
labeled and preprocessed to ensure consistency and accuracy.
Model selection: The next step is to select a suitable model architecture for the task of
image dehazing and classification. This may involve exploring various models and their
performance on the given task.
Model training: Once a suitable model has been selected, the next step is to train the
model on the available dataset. This involves setting the appropriate hyperparameters
and optimization algorithm to minimize the loss function and improve the model's
Model refinement: Based on the evaluation results, adjustments may be made to the
model and its parameters to further improve its performance.
Deployment: Once the model has been trained and refined, it can be deployed to
perform image dehazing and classification on new, unseen data.
Overall, the methodology for Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi
Exposure involves a combination of data collection and preparation, model selection,
training and evaluation, and refinement to achieve the desired level of accuracy and
When the expected behavior of the system involves communicating with the user, for
example, providing the date or requesting confirmation, the gTTS module is employed.
This module generates an mp3 format audio file containing the output data, which is
then played back to the user.
The steps from 1 to 3 are repeated for every interaction between the user and the IVA.
The design for Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure typically
involves several components:
Data pipeline: The data pipeline is responsible for collecting, preprocessing, and feeding
the input data to the model for training and testing. This may involve resizing,
normalizing, and augmenting the images to improve the quality and quantity of the data.
Model architecture: The model architecture refers to the design and layout of the neural
network used for image dehazing and classification. This may involve selecting
appropriate layers, activation functions, and optimization algorithms to optimize the
model's performance.
Loss function: The loss function is used to quantify the difference between the predicted
output and the true labels for each input image. The choice of loss function can have a
significant impact on the model's training and performance.
Performance metrics: Performance metrics are used to evaluate the accuracy and
performance of the model on the test data. These may include accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1 score.
Deployment: The deployment design involves integrating the trained model into a larger
system or application for use in real-world scenarios.
Overall, the design for Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
involves carefully selecting and optimizing each of these components to achieve the
desired level of accuracy and performance.
The above code snippet is responsible for processing user’s input and convert
speech to text for system to understand the context of the question.
The above code snippet is responsible for converting the system response from
text to speech.
This code snippet has the capability to provide answers to a wide range of
general questions posed by the user.
This code snippet is in continuation with the preceding code snippet, depicted in
Fig 5.8, prompts the user to choose between permanent deletion or moving the
folder to the trash bin.
In theory, the results of Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
should improve the visibility and clarity of hazy images by using machine learning
algorithms to remove the atmospheric haze. This can be achieved by training a neural
network on a dataset of hazy and dehazed images, allowing the model to learn the
underlying features and patterns of the images. The model can then be used to dehaze
new, unseen images by predicting the underlying scene radiance and atmospheric light
Overall, the theoretical results of Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi
Exposure should lead to significant improvements in the quality and clarity of hazy
images, which can have practical applications in fields such as photography, video
processing, and remote sensing.
In brief, the results of Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
should lead to improved visibility and clarity of hazy images through the use of machine
learning algorithms trained on a dataset of hazy and dehazed images. The incorporation
of multi-exposure images can further enhance the overall performance of the dehazing
model. The theoretical results have practical applications in fields such as photography,
video processing, and remote sensing.
The practical results of Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure
may vary depending on the specific dataset used for training and testing, the
performance of the neural network architecture, and the quality and quantity of the
input images. However, in general, the use of machine learning algorithms and multi-
exposure images has shown promising results in improving the visibility and clarity of
hazy images.
The practical applications of these results are numerous, including improving the quality
of images captured in hazy or foggy conditions, enhancing the performance of
surveillance and monitoring systems in low visibility environments, and improving the
accuracy and reliability of remote sensing and aerial imaging technologies. Additionally,
the use of artificial intelligence techniques for dehazing images can help to reduce the
time and effort required for manual image processing, making it a valuable tool for a
wide range of industries and applications.
The system responding to user’s questions such as what’s the cureent date,day
and time is shown in Fig 6.1.
Remember Information - The Fig 28 depicts a case in which LARVIS, displays its
capability in information retention by recalling the user's name.
Fig 6.4 and 6.5 shows that LARVIS is capable of playing any youtube video
indented by the user.
LARVIS gives user the current weather data of the intended location.
LARVIS is capable of creating new folders in the Linux file system as shown in
the above Figures 6.8 and 6.9.
LARVIS can delete folders as shown in the above figures 6.10 and 6.11.
In conclusion, Image Dehazing using Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure has the
potential to significantly improve the visibility and clarity of hazy images through the use
of machine learning algorithms and multi-exposure images. By training a neural network
on a dataset of hazy and dehazed images, the model can learn the underlying patterns
and features of the images, allowing it to accurately predict the underlying scene
radiance and atmospheric light conditions.
The practical applications of this technology are numerous, with potential applications in
fields such as photography, video processing, remote sensing, and surveillance.
However, it is important to note that the practical results of Image Dehazing using
Artificial Intelligence and Multi Exposure may vary depending on the specific dataset
used and the performance of the neural network architecture.
Overall, the use of machine learning algorithms and multi-exposure images for dehazing
has shown promising results and has the potential to become a valuable tool for a wide
range of industries and applications. As technology continues to improve, we can expect
to see further advancements and innovations in the field of image dehazing using
artificial intelligence and multi exposure.
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"Single Image Dehazing via Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Networks" by Boyi Li, Robby
T. Tan, and Loong-Fah Cheong
"A Review of Image Dehazing Methods" by Zhiyong Wang, Wuhua Cheng, and Jianwei