4COSC010C Programming Principles 2 CWK01

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4COSC010C Programming Principles 2 – Coursework/Test - Arrays – Booking Program

Module leader Guhanathan P

Unit Coding Assignment with in-class test (Coursework/Test item 1)

Weighting: 50% of the module

Qualifying mark You must get an average of 40% in assessments 1 and 2.

Description Train seating program using Methods and Arrays.

Learning Outcomes Covered

LO1, LO3, LO4, LO5.
in this Assignment:

Handed Out: 13th Feb 2020

Code due on Blackboard coursework upload Tuesday 10th March 2020 1pm.
Due Date
In-class test during your week 08 of the semester

Expected deliverables Java program code upload as text files, plus in-class test answers.

Method of Submission: Blackboard + In-class test

Your in-class test mark (worth 50%) and java code mark (worth 50%) should appear on Blackboard
Gradecentre within 3 weeks of the test.
Type of Feedback and Due
Individual written feedback will be available via the Blackboard Gradecentre. If you would like extra
feedback please speak to tutor who will be marking your work
All marks will remain provisional until formally agreed by an Assessment Board.

Assessment regulations
Refer to section 4 of the “How you study” guide for undergraduate students for a clarification of how you are assessed, penalties and late
submissions, what constitutes plagiarism etc.
Penalty for Late Submission
If you submit your coursework late but within 24 hours or one working day of the specified deadline, 10 marks will be deducted from the
final mark, as a penalty for late submission, except for work which obtains a mark in the range 40 – 49%, in which case the mark will be
capped at the pass mark (40%). If you submit your coursework more than 24 hours or more than one working day after the specified
deadline you will be given a mark of zero for the work in question unless a claim of Mitigating Circumstances has been submitted and
accepted as valid.
It is recognised that on occasion, illness or a personal crisis can mean that you fail to submit a piece of work on time. In such cases you
must inform the Campus Office in writing on a mitigating circumstances form, giving the reason for your late or non-submission. You must
provide relevant documentary evidence with the form. This information will be reported to the relevant Assessment Board that will decide
whether the mark of zero shall stand. For more detailed information regarding University Assessment Regulations, please refer to the
following website:http://www.westminster.ac.uk/study/current-students/resources/academic-regulations
All coursework code on this module is submitted via Blackboard. It may be automatically scanned through a text matching system
(designed to check for possible plagiarism).
• You DO NOT need to attach a copy of the CA1 form;
To submit your assignment:
• Log on to Blackboard at http://learning.westminster.ac.uk; and follow the instructions below.
If you are unable to submit your work on Blackboard due to a finance hold you must email your work to [email protected] by the
same deadline, putting on the subject line the module code, assessment number, and your name. This shows that you have completed
your work by the deadline. After the finance hold is lifted you must then submit the same work as normal on Blackboard, otherwise it will
not be marked and you will get a fail for that part of the assessment.

Train booking program - Coursework and In- Class Test

You are to be assessed on how well you know methods, data structure and data structure
manipulation code. Please refrain from copying other student’s code. It is OK to discuss how to
implement the solution, but the code you write must be your own. A good way to test your
understanding of the code is to make sure that you can write the code yourself without needing to
look at your friend’s code, or follow a Youtube video. Concentrate on developing the code step by
step and make sure you always have a running version of your program. That way, if you add code
and it causes problems you will know that the problem was caused by your new code. Write your
test cases as you are developing each method and thoroughly test your code before implementing
additional methods.
Train seat booking program.
Task 1. Design and implement a menu driven program for booking seats on a Train with 42 seats in
the A/C Compartment in Denuwara Menike train to Badulla [To understand better how reservation
takes place you may have to carryout an investigation on your own]. You will need to adhere to good
programming style and conventions, for example, avoid magic numbers in your code by declaring a
global constant (final) to represent the number of seats for your Train.
static final int SEATING_CAPACITY = 42;
All other variables must be local. Pass variables as parameters if they are needed in other methods.
Use good naming conventions for your variables and methods, and add suitable comments.
The Train’s seating will be represented by a suitable data structure of your choice
Once the basic code runs then add code to ‘Views All seats’ and ‘Add customer to seat’ into separate
methods, and test it works. You can build up your test cases as you develop your program (see 2
Then add a menu system (console) which will allow the user to choose what they want to select.
Enter an ‘A’ to add a customer to a seat (customer should be able to select an empty seat and add a
passenger to that seat using GUI component that is called from console), and a ‘V’ to view all seats
(visualize all the seat using an GUI component and use separate color for booked and available
seats). Ensure that all menu options call a separate method to execute the option. When an ‘A’ is
pressed it should call the Add method, a ‘V’ should call the View method.
One by one, add extra methods to do each of the following menu options (Menu should be
displayed in Console). The user should be able to choose from the menu what the program does,
until they enter ‘Q’ which should quit the program.
E: Display Empty seats (when “E” is pressed in console invoke GUI component)
D: Delete customer from seat (Console)
F: Find the seat for a given customers name (Console)
S: Store program data in to file (Store the booking details stored in the data structure to file)
L: Load program data from file (load the booking details from file to data structure)
O: View seats Ordered alphabetically by name. (Using the sort algorithm DO NOT USE built in
function in java)
For “S” and “L” options additional marks will be given if database is used specifically
NoSQL (Bonus +10). But DO NOT USE database retrieval or storage code in any other
functionality such as A, V, E, D, F and O that will result in ZERO.
Task 2.
Write a brief (no more than one page) discussion of how and why you chose your test cases and
discuss on your test coverage. Also discuss whether you would “sign off” to having your program
used commercially, and if not, what still needs to be done so that you can confidently “sign off”.

Create a table of test cases showing how you tested your program. Write the test case for each of
the functionality separately as we discussed during the lecture.
Submission Instruction:
1. Java Program code to be submitted as a single text file by the date shown above on Blackboard
4COSC010C ‘Submit Coursework’ link. For this submission you should copy and paste your program
into a text file, type the filename at the top of each piece of pasted code, and at the very top of the
text file type your name and ID number. Call this saved file by your ID number (e.g. . w123456.txt )
and ensure it is saved as plain text (not .doc or .zip). Do not change your code after it has been
2. Submit your test table and report separately as a pdf or word document.
3. Submit your self assessment form as a separate word document.
Tutorial in-class test.
Due on week 08. We need to know that you fully understand the code you use, and have not just
stumbled on a solution, or copied it from elsewhere. For the test you will be assessed on how well
you know data structure, data structure manipulation code, and methods, so look at the examples in
the notes as well as understanding your Train program.
If you miss the test there will be no other opportunity to redo the work in a later week unless you
have approved mitigating circumstances. Sign-in on the class list during the test.
Marking Criteria
50% of the marks will come from the in-class test result. If you score 30% or less in the in-class test
then your code solution mark will be limited to a maximum of 50% as the test will have proved you
did not really understand the code.
50% of the marks will come from your ‘Train’ code solution. Code marking (see self assessment

Warning: All code must be done by yourself to ensure you can answer questions during the
demonstration. You will be capped at 50% if you cannot explain the code or received less than 30%
in the in-class test.
Pass grade: A basic code solution and 40% in the in-class test.
Distinction grade (>=70%).

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