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When designing the filters, one important consideration is the
Quality factor (Q). The Quality factor determines the
sharpness of the tuning; in other words, the degree of
harmonic distortion absorption. It is the ratio of the energy
stored in the resonator to the energy supplied by it. The value
of Quality factor will vary on the type of filter and
application. Figure 5: Model of a basic railway system
For a single-tuned filter, a high Quality factor is desired in
order to reduce as much harmonics as possible. However, it The THD is 22.45% which is over four times the IEEE 519
should not be too high otherwise the bandwidth will be too limit of 5% for a bus voltage of 25kV thus the much distorted
narrow thus reducing the losses at the fundamental frequency.
waveform shown in Fig. 6. From harmonic analysis, the major
In this trade-off, having a high enough Quality factor is more
harmonic currents come from the 5th and 7th harmonic so
important because the whole aim of this investigation is to
these will be the primary focus when designing the filters.
reduce harmonics as much as possible. Despite the losses at
the fundamental frequency, these can be compensated for However, the 11th and 13th harmonics both have individual
using the many techniques that are used in the railway. For distortions of over 3%, which means that filters will also need
example, by the use of booster transformers. According to a to be designed to reduce these in order to comply with the
particular research paper which analyses the effects of IEEE 519 limits. As the 5th and 7th harmonics are large, 16%
varying Quality factor on harmonics, a typical value of and 12% respectively, passive filters will be used to reduce
Quality factor for single-tuned filters is between 30-60 and these harmonics since passive filters are tuned to a specific
the optimum value found in the research paper was 50 [11]. harmonic so will be more beneficial than a single APF which
Quality factor is explored in this investigation in order to find can reduce a range of harmonics but will not be cost effective
the optimum value. in reducing one specific harmonic. Also, as the 5th and 7th
harmonic currents are large, an APF will need to counter these
harmonics with also high currents and this is expensive for Figure 8, the filters therefore, successfully reduced the
high voltage applications. respective tuned 5th and 7th harmonics thus the waveform
The 11th and 13th harmonic currents, however, can be appears to be more sinusoidal. However, the presence of the
reduced using an active filter as these are relatively low higher order harmonics, particularly 11th and 13th harmonics
currents so an active filter will be cost effective. means that the THD still needs to be further reduced by
Figure 10: Bus voltage of 25kV with 5th and 7th C- filters
(waveform and harmonics)