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Design and Simulation of Passive and active filters

A proposed Implementation for East Coast Mainline Railway

M. Chowdry M. Darwish Al Janbey H. Amreiz

London College UCK, Department of Electronic and London College UCK, London College UCK,
Division of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Division of Electrical and Electronic Division of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering, Brunel University Engineering, Electronic Engineering,
London, U.K. London, UK London, U.K. London, U.K.
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— This paper examines the use of passive and active

filters to deal with harmonics for power system applications and
in particular, for railway substations on the East Coast Harmonic distortion is the unfortunate side effect of electric
Mainline. Filters were designed and simulated on ETAP and trains, which would lead to non-linear loads and hence these
ORCAD to analyze and determine the most effective filters can have severe consequences on the operations of the
combination for implementation. Ultimately, a recommendation railway. In this case-study, the new Class 800 Azuma trains
is made for the East Coast Mainline to use these filters to that were supposed to be rolled on ECML later this year are
eliminate the present electromagnetic interference caused by the
facing severe problems due to the emission of the
new fleet of Class 800 trains. By using filters to lower harmonics
and compliant to the IEEE 519 limits, the new Class 800 trains electromagnetic interference which would cause all signals to
will be able commissioned into passenger service. revert back to red. The harmonic currents were emitted from
the pulse-width modulation (PWM) controlled converters in
an electric train. It is these harmonics that were carried
Index Terms—Passive and Active filters, Railway, Harmonics through the catenary network, which then can have negative
consequences on signaling systems, coupled with the fact that
I. INTRODUCTION several trains are running within closed perimeter. This will
amplify the harmonic currents thus causing a more distorted
This paper examines the harmonic distortion caused by the
waveform in the catenary [2].
new electric traction that has been ordered for the ECML and
As this is such a common problem within the rail industry and
is due to start for passenger service in mid-2019. However, the
other power system applications, the IEEE has published
new electric traction is presently facing huge delays due to the
recommendations about voltage distortion limits on particular
presence of electromagnetic interference [1]. To overcome the
bus voltages. This is displayed in the IEEE 519 document [3]
effects of harmonic distortion, both passive and active filters
and will be applied to reduce the effects of harmonic
were designed. A basic model of the railway system is
distortion. This is shown in Table 1.
modelled on ETAP software and its harmonics is analyzed
using the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) values, the
harmonic spectrum as well as the waveform itself. To keep the
harmonic distortion within the IEEE 519 recommended limits, Individual
Bus Voltage THD (%)
passive filters were designed specifically to eliminate the 5th harmonic (%)
and 7th harmonics whilst simultaneously ensuring the filters V ≤ 1.0kV 5.0 8.0
did not have excessive negative impact on the fundamental 1kV ≤ V ≤ 69kV 3.0 5.0
component. An active filter was developed on ORCAD, and
designed to counter higher order harmonics. Ultimately, the
69kV ≤ V ≤
1.5 2.5
results with this filter were compared with the IEEE 519 161kV
recommended limits to ensure THD and individual harmonics 161kV ≤ V 1.0 1.5
comply with this standard. Table 1: Harmonic IEEE 519 limits
The feeding supply transformer has been upgraded to 400kV series with each other. As a result, it will have a flat
on the ECML and the voltage at the feeder substations is impedance characteristic at high frequencies. The Quality
reduced to 25kV for the OHLE. The frequency used was 60Hz factor is the inverse of the single-tuned filter and so the typical
and the power rating of the AC traction feeder transformer Quality factor of a High-pass filter is between 0.5 and 2. This
was 6.403 MVA [4] [5] [6]. These data were used to design ensures a wide bandwidth and an asymptotic impedance
and simulate the system on ETAP software in order to analyse behavior so the maximum value of impedance is limited at
the harmonic distortion being compared to the recommended high frequencies [9].
values in Table 1. From these data, the appropriate mitigation
values are used, particularly that the new trains could affect
signaling North of York, between two substations in the York
area powering the ECML. The distances are:
1. Hambleton Junction - York = 15.75 miles
2. York – Dalton = 17 miles

These distances are typical between substations across a

network ranging from 15 and 20 miles. There needs to be a
distance of approximately 7-8 miles for trains to run at
125 mph safely. This means that there will only be a
maximum of two trains in each section of track powered by a
particular substation doing 125 mph. To make this
investigation as useful as possible, the worst-case scenario is
investigated which means 4 trains (i.e. 2 trains in each
direction) will be modelled on ETAP software as loads. The Figure 1: Single-tuned filter schematic
maximum speed is at 125 mph, at which harmonics is at the
highest and affects the signaling system most because the
traction motors on the electric trains will be drawing a large


One mitigation technique is the use of passive filters and/or

active filters; harmonics cannot be completely eliminated but
it can certainly be reduced by the use of filters. Passive filters
are much simpler to design, cheaper and more flexible
compared to active filters. Whilst active filters are becoming
increasingly more popular in the modern era, they are still
relatively expensive especially at high voltage operations, Figure 2: C-type filter (schematic and equivalent filter)
which is the case for the railways. Passive filters are tuned to
eliminate a specific harmonic as oppose to active filters which
are used to reduce a range of harmonics [7].
Passive filters can be tuned to a certain frequency or a band of
frequencies in order to suppress the respective harmonic
currents. The following types of passive filters are examined:
Single-tuned filters - These filters (as shown in Fig. 1) are
placed in parallel to the load in the system in order to divert
harmonic currents by offering a low impedance path [8].
C-filter - This is a second-order filter that does not suffer as
much as losses at the fundamental frequency as the single-
tuned filter whilst still being able to effectively reduce
harmonic currents. Due to the inductor and capacitor
arrangement (Fig. 2), which is in parallel to the resistor, they
can resonate at the fundamental frequency which means losses
in the fundamental current through the resistor is at a Figure 3: High-pass schematic
minimum [9].
High-pass filter - This type of filter has the inductor and
resistor connected in parallel (Fig. 3) as opposed to being in

Active power filters (APF) generate opposite harmonics to

those of the non-linear load in order to compensate for VI. CASE STUDY
harmonics and distortion caused by the non-linear load. A
Using the data for the UK rail electrification, the system is
block diagram to demonstrate the working of an APF is
modeled, designed and simulated on etap and this is displayed
displayed in Fig. 4. The train (as the non-linear load) injects
in Figure 5. It consists of a power supply network supplying
current harmonics which cause hysteresis band control
400kV at 100MVA; a feeder substation, which reduces the
produces a trigger signal to the inverter. Inverter then
voltage down to 25kV for the OHLE; and a non-load which is
produces a reference current in order to cancel out this
representing a train on the network. The etap software has a
reactive current. One example of an APF is the active shunt
harmonic library and that for a typical locomotive was
filter. This is placed in parallel to the load and it is essentially
selected in order to make this realistic as possible. Also, in
a current source but has opposite phase sequence to the
order to simulate the worst-case scenario as explained before,
harmonic currents [9] [10].
4 of these identical loads were placed within the system
depicting four trains drawing power from the OHLE.

Figure 4: Block diagram for working principle of an active

power filter

When designing the filters, one important consideration is the
Quality factor (Q). The Quality factor determines the
sharpness of the tuning; in other words, the degree of
harmonic distortion absorption. It is the ratio of the energy
stored in the resonator to the energy supplied by it. The value
of Quality factor will vary on the type of filter and
application. Figure 5: Model of a basic railway system
For a single-tuned filter, a high Quality factor is desired in
order to reduce as much harmonics as possible. However, it The THD is 22.45% which is over four times the IEEE 519
should not be too high otherwise the bandwidth will be too limit of 5% for a bus voltage of 25kV thus the much distorted
narrow thus reducing the losses at the fundamental frequency.
waveform shown in Fig. 6. From harmonic analysis, the major
In this trade-off, having a high enough Quality factor is more
harmonic currents come from the 5th and 7th harmonic so
important because the whole aim of this investigation is to
these will be the primary focus when designing the filters.
reduce harmonics as much as possible. Despite the losses at
the fundamental frequency, these can be compensated for However, the 11th and 13th harmonics both have individual
using the many techniques that are used in the railway. For distortions of over 3%, which means that filters will also need
example, by the use of booster transformers. According to a to be designed to reduce these in order to comply with the
particular research paper which analyses the effects of IEEE 519 limits. As the 5th and 7th harmonics are large, 16%
varying Quality factor on harmonics, a typical value of and 12% respectively, passive filters will be used to reduce
Quality factor for single-tuned filters is between 30-60 and these harmonics since passive filters are tuned to a specific
the optimum value found in the research paper was 50 [11]. harmonic so will be more beneficial than a single APF which
Quality factor is explored in this investigation in order to find can reduce a range of harmonics but will not be cost effective
the optimum value. in reducing one specific harmonic. Also, as the 5th and 7th
harmonic currents are large, an APF will need to counter these
harmonics with also high currents and this is expensive for Figure 8, the filters therefore, successfully reduced the
high voltage applications. respective tuned 5th and 7th harmonics thus the waveform
The 11th and 13th harmonic currents, however, can be appears to be more sinusoidal. However, the presence of the
reduced using an active filter as these are relatively low higher order harmonics, particularly 11th and 13th harmonics
currents so an active filter will be cost effective. means that the THD still needs to be further reduced by

another 2.49% to be compliant with the IEEE 519 limits.

Figure 6: Bus voltage of 25kV with no filters (waveform and

Figure 8: Bus voltage of 25kV with 5th and 7th single-tuned
Two filters were designed, one tuned for the 5th harmonic and filters (waveform and harmonics)
one for the 7th harmonic. The parameters for these filters were
as follows: QC = 1 MVA, Q = 50, f = 60 Hz, V = 25 kV).
The circuit with the two single-tuned filters is shown in Fig. 7. A ‘C-Filter’ was then applied to the same network. The
parameters were kept the same as for single-tuned filter but
the component values were changed due to difference in the
arrangement. The system with the two C-filters tuned at 5th

Figure 7: System with two single-tuned filters tuned to 5th and

7th harmonic
and 7th harmonics respectively is shown in Fig. 9.
The THD has now been reduced to 7.49% which was still over Figure 9: System with two 5th and 7th C- filters
the IEEE 519 limit but significantly reduced by almost three
times compared to when there were no filters. As shown in
These set of filters appeared to be more effective than the
single-tuned filters because THD was 7.28% which is 0.23%
lower because the 5th and 7th harmonics were approximately
both half of the values found after the single-tuned filters. This
can be seen in Figure 10 and thus the waveform is slightly less
distorted. The higher order harmonics remain as expected so
this will be examined in order to reduce THD further and
ensure individual harmonics do not exceed 3%.

Figure 11: System with two high-pass filters tuned to

5th and 7th harmonic

Figure 10: Bus voltage of 25kV with 5th and 7th C- filters
(waveform and harmonics)

A high-pass filter was then applied to the same network. The

parameters were kept the same as the single-tuned and C-filter
apart from the QF because QF for a high-pass was
approximately the inverse of the single-tuned filter. The QF to
be chosen as 2 because removing harmonics was the main aim
of the investigation so the highest value of QF from the range
of 0.5-2 was chosen despite the possible larger losses at the
fundamental frequency. However, having a high enough
Quality factor was effective in removing harmonics and hence
the losses can be dealt with separately. Fig. 11 illustrates the Figure 12: Bus voltage of 25kV with 5th and 7th high-
application of the high-pass filter to the same system. pass filters (waveform and harmonics)

Fig. 12 shows the 25kV bus voltage waveform and the

harmonic contents when high-pass filter is connected to the An active power filter was then developed on ORCAD to
railway system. reduce the higher order harmonics. Current and voltage
sources were used to model the non-linear loads and the APF
model was based on voltage source inverter. The harmonics
modelled in this section were the 11th and 13th harmonics as
these were the harmonics to be eliminated using the APF
method. The magnitudes and phases of the harmonic injected
have been taken from the etap results:
11th harmonic: 550Hz; Phase = 99.36 degrees; Amplitude of REFERENCES
harmonic: 1.22kV [1] Clinnick, September 2018, "Signalling interference halts
13th harmonic: 650Hz; Phase = 61.09Hz; Amplitude of Azuma tests north of York"
harmonic: 0.96kV [2] Hu, Shao, Tang, Ma, He, Gao, "Overview of Harmonic
Fig. 13 illustrates the voltage waveform before compensation and Resonance in Railway Electrification Systems,"
together with the injected 11th and 13th current harmonics. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol.54,
Fig. 14 illustrates the voltage waveform after the APF No.5, 2018
compensation. [3] IEEE Power and Energy Society, "Recommended
Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in
Electric Power Systems, 2014
[4] Network Rail, "Enhancements Delivery Plan," pages 56-
0V 59, 2018
[5] Network Rail, "A Guide to Overhead Electrification,"
V(R7:1,R7:2) V(R9:2)
40ms 60ms 80ms 100ms [6] ABB, "Special transformers Railway," pages 3-5, 2012
[7] Author unknown, August 2011, "ETAP TUTORIALS:

Figure 13: Bus voltage before compensation together with the

injected 11th and 13th harmonic currents. HARMONIC FILTERS & SIZING"
[8] Akagi, "Modern active filters and traditional passive
filters," Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
Technical Sciences, Vol.54, No.3, 2006
[9] Soomro, Almelian, "Optimal design of a single tuned
passive filter to mitigate harmonics in power frequency,"
ARPN Journal of engineering and applied sciences,
Vol.10, No.19, 2015
[10] Jacob, Abraham, Prakash, Philip, June 2014, "A Review
of Active Power Filters In Power System Applications"
0s 20ms 40ms 60ms 80ms 100ms
[11] Cho, Cha, "Single-tuned Passive Harmonic Filter Design
Considering Variances of Tuning and Quality Factor,

Figure 14: Bus voltage after the APF compensation

Journal of International Council on Electrical
Engineering Vol.1, No.1, pp.7-13, 2011
In conclusion, a basic railway system was modelled by ETAP
and by using data found from various sources. This was used
to make the model as close as possible to the case study about
the ECML and the new Class 800 train loads. Various
combinations of passive and active filters were designed and
simulated in order to reduce harmonics to acceptable limits
which was met and even exceed the IEEE 519 standards. As
part of the filters, both Quality factor and locations of filters
were explored in order to identify the optimum design.
The recommendations made to the ECML and Network Rail
to resolve their current interference problem from their new
rolling stock are as follows:
– The use of single-tuned filter to reduce 5th and 7th
– The use of APF to reduce 11th and 13th harmonics
– Choose a Quality factor of 50 for the single-tuned filters
– Place the filters between the transformer and load
– To compensate for the losses from the filters, add extra
booster transformers at regular intervals to raise voltage
back up to optimum
– For medium to long term future assessment consider the
possibility of having several small PV arrays around the
network in order to increase power from renewable

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