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No Display On Monitor. Issue

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No display on monitor.

No display on monitor.

This issue can be caused by any of the below possibilities.
1. Monitor is not on 2. Computer is asleep 3. Connections not connected properly. 4. Monitor settings are not correct. 5. No Post. 6. Hardware issue.

The following is monitor troubleshooting and not for users who get readable picture when it is first load but then gets distorted when opening Windows.

Monitor is not on
Make sure the monitor is on. If no power light (green or orange light) is seen on the monitor display try pressing the power button until it comes on. If no light comes on after several attempts continue to below connections not connected properly.

Computer is asleep
If your computer monitor was on and you stepped away from the computer and upon returning it was black it's likely that the computer is asleep. Try moving your mouse,

clicking the mouse buttons, or pressing any key (space bar) on the keyboard to wake it up.

Connections not connected properly

Make sure that you are connecting the monitor to the back of the computer in the 15-pin connector as shown to the right or older computer 9-pin connection. If the computer is properly plugged in, make sure it's getting getting power. If you are not receiving power from a known working wall outlet and if the power cord is removable, replace it with the one connected to the computer and power on the monitor again. If the monitor still does not get power or it is not removable, it is recommended that the monitor be replaced or serviced at a local TV or computer repair shop. If the monitor is receiving power, check the status light. If the light is orange or flashing ensure that the monitor is not in a suspend mode by moving the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard. If the computer does not get a display by moving the mouse or touching the keyboard, turn off the computer and monitor and reconnect the data cable from the back of the computer, and if removable, the back of the monitor. Turn the computer back on; if you

still encounter the same issue, continue reading through the other possibilities.

Monitor settings are not correct

Verify the brightness and contrast is turned up or adjust the brightness and contrast. If adjusting the brightness or contrast has no affect on the monitor continue reading through the other possibilities.

No Post
Does the computer beep when it is powered on or does it appear that the computer has activity? If the computer does not beep or beeps abnormally it is possible that the computer itself is experiencing a hardware issue or is exhibiting a No Post. Run through thePOST troubleshooting steps to determine the failure.

Hardware Issue
If you have followed the above recommendations and are still encountering the same issue, it is likely that the computer may have either a bad video card or monitor. The best method of determining this is to do one or both of the following: Disconnect your monitor and connect it to another computer. This can be a friend or family's computer or it can be taken to a service center. Borrow a computer monitor and connect it to your computer. This will not harm the other computer monitor in any way.

If your monitor works on another computer it is safe to assume that the video card or potentially the motherboard within the computer is bad.

Troubleshooting a bad video card.

If another monitor works on your computer it is safe to assume that your monitor is bad.
Monitor Questions and Tips
Computer hardware troubleshooting for monitors is complicated by the fact that there are so many different monitor manufacturers. The hardware questions below are basic and common to most monitors. If you have a monitor issue that isn't addressed here, a good place to check for answers is at the monitor manufacturer's website. Where do I adjust my monitor settings? Monitor adjustments are located in the Display properties of Windows. To get there:

Right click on your Windows desktop and left click Properties. Click on Settings and then Advanced button. Alternatively, some of the newer monitors install a configuration manager. It would have it's own tab on the Advanced properties window (For example, NVIDIA is common monitor configuration manager).

My monitor display looks strange. This is one of those computer hardware troubleshooting questions that is best answer in person. However, there are some basics you can check: If your monitor has black around the edges or the image displayed looks weird, you may have the wrong resolution chosen for that monitor. For instance if you have a wide screen monitor and choose a square resolution like 1024x768, it won't display correctly. In addition, the wrong monitor driver might have gotten installed. Go to the monitor manufacturer's website to download the correct driver and install it. My computer screen is sideways! Some computer monitors can be rotated, so there are video cards which support that rotation. For example, web designers and artists use rotating wide screen monitors to look at long pages. To turn ON this feature, you probably pressed CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow. To turn if OFF, simply press CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow instead. Monitor says "No signal or No signal input". Usually this means your monitor is turned on, but your computer is not. If your computer is on, and you get this error, it means the cable from the computer to the monitor is loose or unplugged.

How do I change the resolution of my screen? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Right click on the Windows desktop (where there is no icon). Click on Properties from the menu that appears. Click on the Settings tab. Slide the resolution bar to where you want it to be. An 800x600 will look larger than a 1024x768 resolution. Click Apply. Windows will give you a dialog box asking if you want to keep the new resolution. Click Yes.

Mouse Troubleshooting
My mouse died! How do move around in Windows without it?

To simply reboot and try to get your mouse back, press the ALT key + F4 and then use you arrow keys to choose Restart, then press enter. Also check to make sure your cable is not loose. If you want to keep working without the mouse, you can press ALT + TAB to move between programs. To open the Start button menu, press the flying Windows button on your keyboard (or if you are on the Windows desktop, press the Tab key until the Start button has a dotted box on it, then press enter). Then use your arrow key pad to get to the program you want to start. If you are in an application when the mouse dies, press Alt + F to open the file menu, then arrow down to Save, then repeat and arrow down to Exit. Once you are back to the desktop, follow the previous step.

I've got mouse problems.. the cursor is acting strange. Computer hardware troubleshooting for mice is different for wired versus wireless mice, so I've broken the answer up for both types. Wireless Mice: My wireless mouse cursor jumps and won't go where I want it to go. Solution: Turn over the mouse and see if there is lint or hair or something blocking the hole where the optical laser head is located. It will be a hole in the bottom of any optical mouse.Also, make sure you aren't using a reflective mouse pad. Dell used to make a mousepad that had shiny diamond shapes in it.. My optical mouse would act crazy on that pad, because the shiny pattern was interfering with the laser positioning. Wired Mice: My wired mouse cursor won't move. Solution: This is usually an issue with the old track ball mice. Gunk builds up on the wheels and ball of the mouse, and causes it to stick. To fix it, unscrew the cap on the bottom of the mouse that holds in the ball, and swab the insides out with a Q-tip soaked in alcohol. Do not wash the mouse in water, unless you want to buy a new mouse.

My new mouse has features I want to turn off or on. To turn mouse features on or off, go to Start, Control Panel, Mouse. You can see all the tabs and features there.

How DHCP Works - Networking Computer Tips

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) simplifies the management of IP address configuration by automating address configuration for network clients. All computers that participate on TCP/IP networks or the Internet need to have IP addressesassigned to them and have other IP information configured. IP addresses allow computers and other network hosts to communicate with other computers or hosts on the network. Some of the additional information needed by network clients may include a subnet mask, default gateway and DNS server information. Rather than manually inputting all of this information on each client, DHCP can do this for you automatically. In order for DHCP to work you need to have a device acting as a DCHP server. This device can be a computer, router or other type of network device. The DHCP server is configured with a range or ranges of IP addresses that can be used to give to clients that request one. It can also be configured with other network parameters as stated earlier. For a client to be able to obtain information from a DHCP server it must be DHCP enabled. When it is configured this way then it will look for a DHCP server when it starts up. This process will vary depending on what implementation of DHCP is in use. For example in the Microsoft implementation of DHCP works as follows:

The client sends out a DHCPDiscover packet the first time the client attempts to log onto the network. Then the DHCP server that receives the DHCPDiscover packet responds with a DHCPOffer packet which contains an un-leased IP address and any additional TCP/IP configuration information. When a DHCP client receives a DHCPOffer packet, it then responds by broadcasting a DHCPRequest packet that contains the offered IP address, and shows acceptance of the offered IP address. The selected DHCP server acknowledges the client DHCPRequest for the IP address by sending a DHCPAck packet and then the client can access the network. DHCP clients try to renew their lease when 50 percent of the lease time has expired by sending a DHCPRequest message to the DHCP server. They also send this message when they restart to try and get the same IP configuration back.

The amount of time a client keeps its lease on its IP address varies depending on how it is setup. The default Microsoft duration is 8 days. If the client computer is setup to use DHCP to obtain its IP address and cannot find a DHCP server then it will most likely use an APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing) address instead. When using APIPA, DHCP clients can automatically self configure an IP address and subnet mask for themselves when a DHCP server is not available. The IP address range used by APIPA is through with a class B subnet mask of The client will use this self configured IP address until a DHCP server becomes available. So if you are trying to configure your new DSL router at home and notice your IP address is 169.254.x.x when running the ipconfig command then its most likely because it cant get an IP address from the router.

Explain How to clear Computer Motherboard CMOS password?

To clear Computer Motherboard CMOS password we will do these steps. Since CMOS is a special chip with its own battery, the best way to clear out a CMOS chip is to disconnect it from its power supply. To clear the CMOS password you just remove the CMOS Battery or else you can also use a jumper settings.
What is 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th generation processor?

The processor made of PMOS / NMOS / HMOS / HCMOS technology is called 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4thgeneration processor, and it is made up of 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 bits. The processor made of PMOS / NMOS / HMOS / HCMOS technology is called 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4thgeneration processor, and it is made up of 4 / 8 / 16 / 32 bits.
why we know that this motherboard is currect on this condition that computer is no display?

first we will check SMPS if SMPS is ok then we will cross check RAM if Ram is ok then after we will clear CMOS after this if there is no display we can say there is problem in mother board.
Explain Examples for 8 / 16 / 32 bit Microprocessor?

8-bit Processor - 8085 / Z80 / 6800; 16-bit Processor - 8086 / 68000 / Z8000; 32-bit Processor - 80386 / 80486.
How many logical drives is it possible to fit onto a physical disk?

A & B are reserve for floppy disk, C for primary partition for installing o.s., remaining 23 D to Z we can make as logical drives
Maximum of 24 logical drives. The extended partition can only have 23 logical drives.
Whats the difference between L1 and L2 cache? Level 1 cache is internal to the chip, L2 is external.

1. 2.

Whats the maximum hard drive size for FAT16-based Windows system? 2 GB. How many logical drives is it possible to fit onto a physical disk? Maximum of 24 logical drives. The extended partition can only have 23 logical drives.

How does the browser know to go to a certain IP address when you enter a domain like google.com? It searches through local DNS cache, if nothing is there, it queries the ISPs DNS server.

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the basic expansion card types?ISA and PCI, ISA can be used only on XT, AT and ATX boards. The industry now considers ISA obsolete. How do you clear CMOS password? Since CMOS is a special chip with its own battery, the best way to clear out a CMOS chip is to disconnect it from its power supply. Where does the Real mode on the CPU come from? The original 8086, which only had 1 MB of memory. This megabyte is split into low memory for IRQ tables, application memory and high memory. Where does CPU Enhanced mode originate from? Intels 80386 was the first 32-bit processor, and since the company had to backward-support the 8086. All the modern Intel-based processors run in the Enhanced mode, capable of switching between Real mode (just like the real 8086) and Protected mode, which is the current mode of operation.


Name the processor lines of two major manufacturers? High-end: Intel - Pentium (II, III, 4), AMD Athlon. Low-end: Intel - Celeron, AMD - Duron. 64-bit: Intel - Itanium 2, AMD - Opteron.

Whats the maximum hard drive size for FAT16-based Windows system? 2 GB Whats the speed and device maximum specs for Firewire? IEEE 1394 (Firewire) supports the maximum of 63 connected devices with speeds up to 400 Mbps. WHat are * and ? when using them for wildcards in Windows? * - any characters, arbitrary amoung, ? - single character.

Master Boot Record (MBR) When you turn on your PC, the processor has to begin processing. However, your system memory is empty, and the processor doesn't have anything to execute, or really even know where it is. To ensure that the PC can always boot regardless of which BIOS is in the machine, chip makers and BIOS manufacturers arrange so that the processor, once turned on, always starts executing at the same place, FFFF0h. This is discussed in much more detail here. In a similar manner, every hard disk must have a consistent "starting point" where key information is stored about the disk, such as how many partitions it has, what sort of partitions they are, etc. There also needs to be somewhere that the BIOS can load the initial boot program that starts the process of loading the operating system. The place where this information is stored is called the master boot record (MBR). It is also sometimes called the master boot sector or even just the boot sector. (Though the master boot sector should not be confused with volume boot sectors, which are different.) The master boot record is always located at cylinder 0, head 0, and sector 1, the first sector on the disk (see here for more on these disk geometry terms). This is the consistent "starting point" that the disk always uses. When the BIOS boots the machine, it will look here for instructions and information on how to boot the disk and load the operating system. The master boot record contains the following structures:

Master Partition Table: This small table contains the descriptions of the partitions that are contained on the hard disk. There is only room in the master partition table for the information describing four partitions. Therefore, a hard disk can have only four true partitions, also called primary partitions. Any additional partitions are logical partitions that are linked to one of the primary partitions. Partitions are discussed here. One of the partitions is marked as active, indicating that it is the one that the computer should use for booting up. Master Boot Code: The master boot record contains the small initial boot program that the BIOS loads and executes to start the boot process. This program eventually transfers control to the boot program stored on whichever partition is used for booting the PC.

If we r getting in disc boot error. At initial stage what We need 2 check. Pls detail in steps. Answers:

1.Enter into the BIOS and check whether your hard disk drive is set as first boot device,if not then set it as first boot device in the boot device priority. 2.If the problems exists,then you have to boot the system with a new operating system cd andinstall a new one. 3.Side by side check the RAM also for the connection



First Check your hdd data cable connectivity, and check out ur hdd jumpers, and check the data cable, may be damage.

Posted by: Rahul Rastogi

Contact Rahul Rastogi

The disk boot error normally happens when there is no booting device present inside the computersystem. The computer system is unable to load the operating system from any of the devices. The floppy disk drive being the first boot device should contain a valid bootable floppy disk in it. The Disk Boot Error message is also prompted if the floppy disk does not contain any bootable files

Cross compiler
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jump to: navigation, search A cross compiler is a compiler capable of creating executable code for a platform other than the one on which the compiler is run. Cross compiler tools are used to generate executables for embedded system or multiple platforms. It is used to compile for a platform upon which it is not feasible to do the compiling, like microcontrollers that don't support an operating system. It has become more common to use this tool for paravirtualization where a system may have one or more platforms in use.
A program runs on one machine and executes on another is called as crosscompiler Cross compiler programs are written for embedded systems(usually) but run on normal PCs to gauge their performance. Later on, they are ported to embedded systems.
Logic calculations are done in which type of registers?

Accumulator is the register in which Arithmetic and Logic calculations are done.
Which Segment is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address registers?

Stack Segment in segment register is used to store interrupt and subroutine return address registers.

Give example for Non-Maskable interrupts?

Trap is known as Non-Maskable interrupts, which is used in emergency condition. This has the highest priority

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