Venn Diagrams
Venn Diagrams
Venn Diagrams
A Venn Diagram is a graphic organiser using two or more interlocking circles to sort
information, comparing similarities and differences. It is an excellent pre-writing or
speaking activity when students need to be able to compare and contrast information.
Venn Diagrams operate at the analysis level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. They assist
students to make comparisons e.g. between texts on similar themes, or texts of different
genres and also help in the formation and attainment of concepts as well as the
organization of ideas.
Select two texts or a topic in which there are contrasting and similar pieces of
information e.g. different eyewitness accounts of an event, two different newspapers'
stories on the same incident, telephone calls and letters. The statement/question should
be framed to allow enough room to explore an issue/topic/concept thoroughly and yet,
to set a reasonable framework around the expectations.
Prepare a sheet with two interlocking circles. Students (singly, in pairs or in groups)
enter data onto appropriate sectors of the Venn Diagram. Compare and discuss the
When assessing, observing students at work gives insight into the language strategies
they use, including their ability to:
use planning tools and strategies for text creation.
identify main ideas in texts
compare ideas in texts.
Link to Outcomes
Students describe and reason with patterns, structures and relationships in order to
understand, interpret, justify and make predictions.
Dynamic Strategies
Use three circles for three texts or three ideas gives greater number of matches of
information. Use to brainstorm characteristics of main characters in preparation for
writing a fictional narrative. Use to record main ideas within a single text or character in
literature. Focus on ideas explored in texts or structure of texts. Use hoops to form the
Venn Diagram and pieces of card or paper to list the similarities and differences when
students are working together.
Adapted from Beyond Monet The Artful Science of Instructional Intelligence, Barrie Bennett & Carol Rolheiser
Venn Diagrams (VD)