The Design of An Electronic Voting Syste
The Design of An Electronic Voting Syste
The Design of An Electronic Voting Syste
ISSN: 2041-3114
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2011
Submitted: July 22, 2011 Accepted: August 27, 2011 Published: September 30, 2011
Abstract: The aim of this study is to design an electronic voting system based upon the electoral process
adopted in Ghana. In recent years, information technology has greatly affected all aspects of life, and to a large
extent, this includes politics. In order to choose people to various positions different methods have been set up,
with researchers continually trying to find improvement to the existing methods. The most recent method to
be devised is electronic voting (e-voting). It is meant to phase out outdated paper ballot, punched cards and
other mechanical voting systems with paperless electronic or online voting systems. E-voting systems
endeavour to make elections simple while reducing the total cost of the election. Designing an air-tight and
reliable e-voting system is therefore a great task, in that, the system that must be developed must protect the
privacy of the voter, be easily understood and used by the entire voting populace - no matter who they are or
where they come from. Based on this, OVIS, an On-line Voting System, has been developed. It came about as
a result of the findings of a study of the electoral process of the Electoral Commission of Ghana.
Key words: Electronic voting systems, Ghana electoral system, manual voting systems, voting system design
Public network DRE voting systems (PNDRE): Make Mechanisms (EVMs) - an e-voting system in India - has
use of electronic ballots and transmit vote data from the eliminated the occurrence of invalid votes during
polling stations to other locations over a public network. elections. Prior to their use, the number of invalid votes
The votes may be transmitted as individual ballots as they that were recorded in India was always more than the
are cast, or periodically as batches of ballots, or as one winning margin between the candidates. Aside from
single batch, at the end of voting. eliminating invalid votes, EVMs ensured that the total
number of votes cast was tallied within two to three hours
Precinct count voting systems (PCVS): put the ballots as against thirty to forty hours when the conventional
in a tabular form at a particular place, say, a polling means were used. In considering voting mechanisms,
station. They provide mechanisms that store vote count Kitcat (2004) examines the process of setting technical
electronically and transmit the results to a central location communication standards for e-voting. Awad and Ernst
over public telecommunication networks. (2011) also analyze various attempts at e-voting and
discuss their benefits and vulnerabilities.
Central count voting systems (CCVS): Tabulate ballots St. Albans, UK, in May 2007, implemented a fully
from multiple precincts at a central location. Voted ballots electronic election with no paper-based voting allowed.
are safely stored temporarily at the polling station. These People were to use a number of channels to vote, the
ballots are then transported or transmitted to a central Internet, kiosks, Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) via
counting location. CCVSs may, in some cases, produce telephones or mobile phones, and also by post. Within six
printed reports on the vote count. minutes, the system had counted all the ballots - recording
the fastest ever vote count. Furthermore, no invalid vote
Characteristics of a voting system: Voting systems must was recorded, and all attempts to subvert the system by
be transparent and comprehensible enough that voters and means of worms, viruses and Denial-of-Service proved
candidates can readily accept the results (Kohno et al., futile (Kelly, 2003).
2004). This means that the veracity of a voting system is Newer and more improved trends in voting are
necessary for the acceptance of the results of that election. showing that a greater number of developed nations are
Shamos (2004) gives a comprehensive assessment of beginning to choose e-voting systems over manual voting
paper versus electronic voting systems. For a voting systems due to their convenience and the ease which they
system to be considered transparent and comprehensible, offer voters and election officials (Gefen et al., 2005;
some important criteria must be met, otherwise it may Awad and Ernst, 2011). It is important to note that even
lead to indecisive or inaccurate election results. though e-voting systems appear to be the best alternative
First of all, the anonymity of a voter’s ballot must be to paper-based and other mechanical systems, they must
preserved, in order to ensure that the voter is safe when be used with caution because experts believe that some of
voting against a candidate, and also to guarantee that such systems could have challenges ranging from
voters have no evidence that proves which particular software engineering, auditing pitfalls, to insider threats,
candidates received their votes. It is believed that the thereby undermining their integrity (Rubin, 2002; Lebre
existence of such evidence could allow votes to be bought et al., 2004).
(Kohno et al., 2004). Secondly, the voting system must be In his review on electronic voting security criteria,
tamper-proof in order to prevent a wide range of attacks, i.e., confidentiality, integrity, availability, reliability and
including ballot stuffing by voters and incorrect tallying assurance, Neumann (1993) concluded that a lot of such
by insiders (poll officials). Thirdly, it should be user- criteria are by nature very difficult to satisfy. Evers (2004)
friendly. This means that it should be easily wrote on the US online voting system and the challenges
comprehensible and usable by the entire voting it faces, Pescatore and Baum (2004) clearly pointed out
population. critical security requirements for online voting and
Evangelia et al. (2007) discuss e-voting privacy
Current day voting systems: With the development of protection. Despite all the success stories recorded on the
information technology, nations all over the world are use of electronic voting systems, it is believed that further
replacing archaic punch cards and mechanical voting studies must be carried out to improve upon them (Morse,
systems with electronic voting systems (e-voting) aimed 2002).
at increasing voter participation and speeding up the
release of election results (Kelly, 2003). Cranor (2011) Traditional manual voting systems - Ghana: For a
gives an extensive list on references relating to electronic properly operational online voting system to be
voting (including internet-based voting). Brazil and India developed, it was necessary for us to place the spotlight
are examples of countries that use e-voting for both on elections that are conducted locally and overseen by
general and state elections (Mira, 2004; Gadekar et al., the Electoral Commission (EC) of Ghana (which is
2011). Statistics show that the use of Electronic Voting believed to be a good example of a manual voting
Res. J. Inform. Technol., 3(2): 91-98, 2011
system). The EC, in its perspective, can describe the resident in the country. Materials used by the EC to
Ghana electoral process as the means by which the register eligible voters include scanable forms, pencils,
legitimacy of a governing body is recognized and photographs (or thumbprints) of the voter and indelible
established in Ghana. The process gives a platform for ink.
such a mandate to be expressed, and it gives legal The Voter Register is considered provisional so that
certification to the authority of a governing body with changes may be made, until such time when it has been
regards to the laws of the land (Spannaus, 2004). pushed to the Voter Register Exhibition stage. Various
At this juncture, it is necessary to point out the security measures are put in place to ensure the validity of
difference between the words election and voting as used the register. These include:
by the Ghana Electoral Commission. Whereas voting
refers to the actual process of casting ballots (on the C Barcodes on the voter registration form to enable the
assigned day of voting), election refers to the whole validity of the forms to be easily ascertained. Forged
process that contributes to selecting a candidate for a registration forms are easily detected by the system
particular position. Elections involve the undertaking of responsible for data processing on eligible voters.
some activities; pin-pointing eligible persons as C Use of indelible ink. This guard against double
candidates to contest various positions, registering people registration. The left thumbs of registered people are
who are eligible voters, voting, counting of ballots and marked with indelible ink.
publishing the results. A systemic view of a manual C Unique voter registration number. Every registrant
voting system is shown in Fig. 1. has a number that is unique to him/her; no two voters
have the same registration number.
The Ghana EC electoral process: In Ghana, elections
take place every four years to vote into power a President Exhibition of the voter register: The provisional Voter
and Members of Parliament. The electoral procedure Register is exhibited at each polling station once the
involves many processes. The processes discussed here registration is over, for the public to come and check that
are voter Registration, Voter Register Exhibition, Voting, there are no discrepancies. The public checks for the
Vote Counting, Collation and Publication of Results. accuracy of their personal information. To a large extent,
the success of an election is determined by how accurate
Registration of voters: This is the process of enabling an the Voter Register is.
eligible voter to have his/her name enrered into a
document (Voter Register) with the aim of offering the Voting (manual): Voting is the actual process of casting
person the opportunity to exercise his/her franchise on the ballots. An eligible voter goes to the polling station where
appointed day of voting. Ghana laws peg an eligible voter his name is registered and shows his voter identification
as one who is 18 years of age or above, a national and card to the polling official for inspection. Based on the
Res. J. Inform. Technol., 3(2): 91-98, 2011
(unique) voter registration number on the card, the official traditional paper ballot voting and the available electronic
looks up the name of the voter. When it is ensured that no voting systems.
vote has been cast by that voter, he is issued a ballot paper
and his left thumb marked with indelible ink as having Computerizing the voting system: Computerizing
cast his vote. In an enclosed space, he selects a candidate voting procedures imply the use of computer technology
of choice on the given ballot paper and thumbprints in a in undertaking such activities as Voter Registration
space allotted for that candidate. The voter then carefully Exercises, Voting and Vote Counting. Although the
folds the ballot paper (to avoid the fingerprint soiling initial cost of developing computerized voting systems
other parts of it) and deposits it into the ballot box would be high, the long run effects would be that election
provided. He is then expected to leave the polling centre. costs would drastically reduce. Computerized voting
systems would make obsolete the need for ballot boxes
Vote counting and publication of results: Ballot and papers, because the system would simulate these.
counting is done manually, with results collated through This would mean that printing costs would be reduced by
a bottom-up process. This means that counting is first a considerable amount. Computerizing the verification
done at the lowest level (i.e., the polling station level) and process by using the computerized voting systems would
the results collated from that level up to the constituency help to enforce relevant controls in order to verify
level and then to the national level. At the highest level, whether or not a person has already cast a vote, leaving no
the overall votes of various candidates are ascertained. need for indelible ink.
After this, the EC publishes the final results. Computerized voting systems usually tally results as
and when votes are cast. This also means that vote
Manual voting-associated problems: A number of counting, which wastes time when done manually, would
problems associated with each phase of the electoral be eliminated. At the click of a button, results of an
process are discussed below: election would be known. In the event of a run-off, there
would be no need to print a different batch of ballot
Invalid votes: A vote is considered to be invalid if the papers or purchase indelible ink. The computerized
thumbprint has not been placed at the right spot. Also, a system would be reset to reflect the candidates who would
ballot paper which is improperly folded can be the cause contest. A number of electronic voting systems have so
of an invalid vote. (The EC has published that an average far been developed (Joaquim, 2005; Eliasson et al., 2006;
of 2 to 2.5% of invalid votes are recorded during every Sergei et al., 2011). Our online voting system (named
election.) OVIS) has been developed taking the Ghana voting
procedures into consideration (Amankona and Paatey,
Long voting process: The manual voting exercise 2009).
involves a number of steps that result in long queues. This
is because each voter takes a considerable amount of time The online voting system - OVIS: OVIS is a Direct
to vote. Recording Electronic Voting System which provides a
platform for simplifying the electoral process for all
Delays in result publication: It has been gathered that it institutions that employ voting in decision-making. OVIS
takes the EC about three days to eventually publish a has several security requirements like access control, as
presidential election result. well as user authentication incorporated into its design
structure, making it not only secure and reliable, but also
High cost of election organizing: The procurement of resilient. OVIS also provides for user-friendly graphical
materials that ensure the validity of the voters registration, interfaces and tools which make voting easy and
as well as the complete success of the electoral process enjoyable, because it equipped with security measures
make election costs very high. Indelible ink, ballot boxes that range from the application design to implementation,
and papers as well as other logistics, despite being management and monitoring.
expensive, are indispensable in a manual voting system.
Goals of OVIS: The main goal of OVIS is to use
The case for online voting: Efforts may be geared advanced computer technology or information technology
towards the minimization, if not the total elimination, of to simplify the electoral process as practiced by the EC of
the problems associated with manual elections. A number Ghana. Also OVIS seeks to:
of mechanisms can be introduced to ensure that time and
other resources are efficiently used. The most effective C Ensure proper management of the personal data of
and desirable of these options is online voting. Sergei voters
et al. (2011) developed an efficient electronic voting C Reduce election costs
platform that would offer distinct advantages over C Prevent double voting
Res. J. Inform. Technol., 3(2): 91-98, 2011
C Ensure that invalid votes are not issued Generation of reports: The system would allow the
C Ensure quick, effective and efficient processing of preparation and printing of various reports, ranging from
votes cast during elections Voter Registration details to Election Results.
C Speed up the release of election results
Provision of personalized portal to all registered
Functions of OVIS: voters: Each registered voter would be able to interact
Installation of a database management system with the system as if it were made personally for him,
(DBMS): A DBMS called the OVIS Database Manager upon log in. This function is designed to make the system
(ODM) would be installed to manage system data. ODM interactive as well as user friendly. For example, a
would allow for voters’ data to be retrieved, added, registered voter, John Smith, upon logging in would meet
updated, deleted, sorted and traversed easily and quickly. a welcome screen with the greeting message “Welcome
ODM would also store data with regard to the election John”.
results and other information relevant to the system.
Facilities to allow for online voter registration, online Voting (online - OVIS): A prospective voter would need
balloting and accessing of election results: A Graphical to register at a designated centre, where the system,
User Interface (GUI) application has been developed to OVIS, would provide him with a unique Voting
allow prospective voters to register and vote online. The Identification Number (VIN). The person would then be
application would also enable a functionality that allows expected to provide a password known only to him during
only election administrators to have access to election registration. The VIN and password would then be
results as and when they require it. entered into the system on Election Day to give access to
the voter into the system so as to vote. The system would
Implementation of controls to avoid double voting: grant access once only to a user to use his or her VIN and
User identification and access control functionalities are password.
built into the system so as to guard against double voting On Election Day, a registered voter would enter an e-
and vote riggings. Also, these features would help to voting kiosk where OVIS has been installed. He would
prevent anyone without the proper authorization to gain then be required to log onto the system with his VIN and
access into the system. This means that a voter who password. If any of the data is wrong, the voter would be
attempts to vote a second time will be denied access and denied access. Registered voters who forget their VIN or
prompted by the system. passwords may contact the Voting Supervisor or Official
at the voting centre, who would use the name search
Implementation of controls to eliminate invalid votes: function to retrieve the VIN and password of the voter
The design architecture of the system does not easily (after other personal identification checks).
allow a voter to cast an invalid vote; for example, trying Once a voter has access to the system, the person
to vote for two contestants on the same e-ballot paper may vote for his chosen candidate. After the candidates
would not be allowed. The result of this is that the issue for the various positions have been selected (e.g.,
of invalid votes would be eradicated. parliamentarians), the system brings up a summary screen
Res. J. Inform. Technol., 3(2): 91-98, 2011
that shows the candidates for whom the voter cast his performing various statistical computations. Alongside
ballot. The voter, at this stage, may make changes to his OBS and ODM, ESS provides a user-friendly interface
votes before finally submitting it to the system. After this, where election results are displayed. Also, it provides
increments are made to the votes of candidates who were facilities for the printing of hard copies of results.
voted for, and other internal statistical computations
made. Once a vote is submitted to the system, the voter OVIS Database Manager (ODM): ODM has an
would not be granted access into the system again. This is important role to play in the operation of OVIS, in that, it
to guard against multiple voting. is the part that stores information such as voter
Whenever votes are cast, necessary increments are registration details, votes of candidates, voters who have
made to the votes for whom the votes are cast, and the already voted, etc. All other subsystems depend largely on
appropriate administrator can access the results of the ODM to function as expected. Figure 3 is a pictorial
elections so far. When voting finally ends, all relevant representation of the top-down design of OVIS.
statistics and reports are generated. Figure 2 provides a
summary of how the OVIS system works. OVIS database environment:
OVIS entities: OVIS database comprises four major
Design specification of OVIS: We now discuss the entities, namely, Voter_Registration, Voter_Log_Book,
technicalities of the OVIS design architecture, including Presidential_Ballot and Parliamentary_Ballot. The
the top-down structure and database environment. Voter_Registration entity or table gives information about
registered voters. It contains fields or attributes like the
Top-down structure: OVIS is made of four major voter’s Voter Identification Number (VIN), Name,
subsystems which interact with users by means of GUI Address and others. The Voter_Log_Book keeps records
screens, namely, Online Voter Registration System on the date and time the registered voter logs into the
(OVRS), Online Ballot System (OBS), Election Statistics OBS to vote. It has attributes as VIN, Date, Time and
System (ESS) and OVIS Database Manager (ODM). Vote Status. The Presidential_Ballot and
Parliamentary_Ballot entities contain information about
candidates who are contesting the election. (In Ghana,
Online Voter Registration System (OVRS): OVRS is both Presidential and Parliamentary elections are held
the subsystem responsible for managing the voter together). The entities contain attributes such as
registration process. It provides interfaces where voters Election_Id, Date, Votes_for_Candidate and Total_Vote.
can enter their records as well as update their records.
OVRS works in conjunction with ODM to generate a Queries: In a database environment, a query is the object
Voter Identification Number (VIN) for each voter. which facilitates retrieval, insertion, update and deletion
of records. ODM makes use of various queries in order to
Online Ballot System (OBS): OBS manages all online maintain system data. Some of these include
balloting activities. It provides interactive interfaces for Retrieve_Voter_Record (which retrieves the details of a
registered voters to cast their votes. OBS works alongside registered voter from the Voter_Registration table),
ODM to deny people who have already cast their vote’s Update_Voter_Record (which updates the records of a
re-entry into the system. voter), Voters_from_a_Region (which displays the details
of all registered voters from a given region in the
Election Statistics System (ESS): ESS is the subsystem country), Presidential_Votes (which displays the votes of
responsible for automatically tallying votes and each of the presidential candidates) and
Res. J. Inform. Technol., 3(2): 91-98, 2011
Vote_Status_of_Voters (which displays the list of voters In this study, we have presented OVIS, our online
who have already cast their ballots along with the date voting system, which offers a number of advantages over
and time they voted). the conventional manual paper-based voting system
employed in Ghana.
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