JohnCarterOfMars-Quickstart - Booklet - Part - 1

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Upon succeeding at an Attribute Test, the player that task can impact what happens next.

MOMENTUM should set aside or otherwise take note of the Some Momentum spends can be used freely
amount of Momentum generated. Importantly, as soon as they are required, rather than waiting
the player does not have to determine what the for a successful Attribute Test. These spends are
MOMENTUM AND NARRATIVE Momentum will be used for at this point. A player referred to as Immediate.
Momentum evokes the heroic, scientific determines what Momentum is being used for Repeatable spends can be made as often as
romance of Barsoom and John Carter. Carter only when it is spent. desired, so long as the Momentum is available,
often finds that one success leads to another, Some talents, items, and circumstances grant and at the discretion of the Narrator.
allowing him to achieve incredible, some- bonus Momentum, which is added to the total
times next-to-impossible feats of achieve- Momentum generated by a successful Attribute
ment. However, Carter also finds himself Test. The bonus Momentum doesn’t come into Example: Kale Singh is scaling the side of
trapped by circumstance, an indicator that existence until after the test is successful. a tower to reach a kidnapped companion.
Threat is ever-present, a force challenging His test to climb the sheer wall generates
him to his utmost as he strives to succeed. SAVING MOMENTUM 4 Momentum. Kale uses his Momentum
Players have the option of saving Momentum to make it harder for the Okar warriors
rather than spending it on their successful test. trying to climb up after him to scale the
This saved Momentum goes into a personal pool. tower. However, he cannot spend this
GENERATING MOMENTUM The maximum amount of Momentum that Momentum to retroactively add more dice
As already noted, successes scored beyond the can be saved in this pool is equal to the char- to the test he just made, that opportunity
Difficulty of an Attribute Test become Momen- acter’s lowest Attribute. Any points of excess has passed.
tum. Specifically, each success scored above that Momentum are discarded, but with the Narrator’s
minimum threshold becomes a single point of permission, players can contribute Momentum
Momentum. Characters can spend Momentum to to a fellow players’ pool, but the total still cannot
achieve greater effects, obtain useful bonuses, or exceed the owning character’s lowest Attribute. Create Obstacle
make future actions easier for themselves or their Saved Momentum can be spent at any time (Immediate, Repeatable)
teammates. Momentum is never generated with a alongside Momentum generated during a sub- Make things more difficult for an opponent by

failed test, only when there are successes in excess sequent test. At the end of each scene, or each creating problems. This increases the Difficulty of a
of those required by the Difficulty. full round in an Action Scene, 1 Momentum is single Attribute Test by one or more steps. Individ-
removed from every character’s pool. ual steps of Difficulty increase must be purchased
separately: it costs two points of Momentum to
Example: Haran Phel is trying to scale a cliff COMMON USES FOR MOMENTUM increase the Difficulty of a test by one step, four
quickly in pursuit of an assassin. The test is The most common uses for Momentum are listed points for a second step, and six points of Momen-
Challenging (D2) and Phel generates four suc- below. However, players are also encouraged to tum for the third step. No individual test can have
cesses with his roll, two more successes than be creative in their use of Momentum. An excep- its Difficulty increased by more than three steps
he needed for the test. These extra successes tional success should spur the player to think in this way. The increase lasts only for a single test,


translate into two Momentum, one for each outside of the box in terms of how that superb regardless of whether the test was passed or failed.
extra success. performance can be reflected, in either the result The decision to increase a test’s Difficulty must be
6 of the immediate task, or in how the outcome of made before any dice are rolled on that test.

Obtain Information THE THREAT POOL

(Repeatable) THREAT All Threat comes from the Threat Pool and all
Momentum allows a character to learn more Narrator characters draw from Threat instead of a
about a situation. Each point of Momentum spent USING THREAT personal Momentum pool. Threat is also spent to
can be used to ask the Narrator a single question Threat can be used by the Narrator in exactly the win ties. Normally a player character wins ties in a
about the current situation, item, object, struc- same way as Momentum. When a Narrator charac- contest but a Narrator may spend 1 Threat to have
ture, creature, or character present in (or relevant ter wants to improve their odds, they spend Threat a Narrator character win instead. Advice on how to
to) the scene at hand. The Narrator must answer instead. If any Talents call for Momentum to be spend Threat can be found within the adventure.
this question truthfully, but the Narrator does not spent, the Narrator spends Threat instead.
have to give complete information and it must be GENERATING THREAT
the kind of information that a character might The Narrator begins each session with Threat
uncover while performing their Attribute test. Example: Jack wants to give his main equal to the total number of Luck points (see
antagonist, a villainous jeddak, a boost Luck on p. 8) of all the player characters.
to an attack. He spends 2 Threat to give The Narrator generates Threat through player
the villain a bonus of 2d20 on their next Momentum spends that add to Threat instead,
attack, rolling a total of 4d20 for this test, and adding to the Threat pool instead of creating a
as the evil jeddak takes aim at one of the Complication for a character.
player characters and presses the trigger A Whenever a player pays for a Momentum
of his pistol… spend using Threat, the Narrator adds that
number of points of Threat to their pool.
A If a 20 is rolled on a d20, it creates a Complica-
tion. If the Narrator would rather add 2 Threat
to their pool, instead of creating a Complica-
tion for a character, they may do so.
A If a Narrator character rolls a 20 on a die, they
may spend 2 Threat to avoid the Complication.

The Narrator determines the Difficulty level of a Whenever a result of 20 is rolled on a d20 in an It is possible to score more successes during
given task. Attribute Tests in combat often have Attribute Test, the Narrator immediately creates an Attribute Tests than are required by the Nar-
specific Difficulty ratings, but these are baseline dif- impediment or problem — called a Complication rator, and these successes aren’t wasted. Each
ficulties, and the Narrator should feel free to alter — for each d20 that scored a 20. The Complication is success scored in excess of the Difficulty gener-
those Difficulties based on the situation at hand. applied to the situation or the specific character that ates Momentum: points that players can use to
The Narrator may often assume an Attribute attempted the test. Complications are an inconven- increase the degree of their accomplishment.
Test starts at a Difficulty of Average (D1). This ient change of circumstances, like a route of escape Those points can then be used while the charac-
represents typical conditions for a task that isn’t being blocked or a loss of personal resources. ter resolves the current test, or saved for
a guaranteed success, but is still quite straightfor- They make things more difficult, more interesting, future tests.
ward to accomplish. If there are no other factors but they do not seriously harm important characters
influencing this task, the Narrator should leave or eliminate important opportunities. Complica-
the task at Average (D1). tions are independent of success or failure, and it Example: Volan Von is in hot pursuit of
Difficulty ratings are often modified by steps. A is entirely possible to succeed at an Attribute Test a rival spy through the dark back alleys of
test can become more challenging, increasing or while simultaneously generating a Complication. Zodanga who has stolen important arti-
decreasing in Difficulty due to the environment, If the Narrator can’t think of a Complication, facts from him. Volan’s Daring + Empathy,
situation, talents, or other modifiers. A Difficulty they may add 2 Threat to the Threat pool instead. gives him a TN of 10. The spy’s TN is also 10.
increased by one step, increases by 1 – e.g. an Due to the chaotic nature of the alleys and
Average (D1) test increased by one step becomes a limited light, it is a Challenging (D2) chase.
Challenging (D2) test. Example: Zala Zors’ companion, Haran Volan gets a total of four successes, but
Phel, is crossing the desert with her. Haran’s the spy is less fortunate, with only three
player rolls the same Daring + Might test, successes. Both achieve their goal but
gets two successes, but one of the dice results Volan is the clear winner of the Opposed
is a 20. Haran still succeeds, but the Narrator Test. After the Difficulty is met, Volan has
decides that Haran hurts his ankle trying to 2 Momentum and the spy 1 Momentum
cross a dried up creek in the desert. It doesn’t from their individual tests. The spy’s one

do any damage, but it is awkward and Momentum is subtracted from Volan’s
causes him to walk more tenderly. Any physi- two Momentum, yielding Volan a total of
cal tests Haran attempts while suffering from one Momentum. Volan is now free to use
the limp will increase in Difficulty by 1 step. the remaining Momentum.



In chaos of armed combats and violent encoun- The following list describes the various ways char- TURN ORDER
ters it is vitally important to clearly understand acters can gain an extra Conflict Action per turn. Normally, a player character acts first each
what is happening, to whom, where, and in what A Luck Points. A player may spend a Luck point round. This character begins the turn and must
order. These encounters are called Action Scenes. to allow the character to perform an addi- resolve all the actions they wish to take before
tional Conflict Action. another character can act. Play then passes to
A Swift Action Momentum Spend. By spending a new player character, who performs all their
TURN SEQUENCE 2 points of Momentum from a prior Attribute actions for the turn. Once all the player characters
In an Action Scene, time is structured into rounds Test (even one from a Reaction), the charac- have taken their turns, all the Narrator characters
and turns. Every round, each character present in the ter immediately gains an additional Conflict take their turns.
scene takes one turn. Once all characters have taken a Action. The Difficulty of any test associated with After all player characters and Narrator char-
turn, the round ends, and a new one begins. that extra Conflict Action increases by one step. acters have taken their actions in a round,
Rounds have no specific duration. In a furious that round is over. One point of Momentum is
clash between small groups of warriors, a round removed from the combined Momentum pool (if
may represent seconds while a battle between ships any) and a new round begins.
may track several minutes of time between rounds. A character may exchange a Conflict for a Players choose who goes first among them and
In a character’s turn a character can perform Movement action, if they need to cover more then the active player chooses who goes next. If
each of the following: ground. Outside of the character’s turn, a the scene continues after this turn, the player who
character can defend in Opposed tests and went last has the option of going first next round.
MOVEMENT ACTION take Counterstrike Actions if they can pay the
A character can move to any point within Away Momentum cost, and take no other actions.
range as a Movement Action. A player can take one
Movement Action per turn, before Momentum SEIZING INITIATIVE
spends. Movement Actions do not require Attribute At the start of the round before anyone has
Tests unless there is a Danger. SPOKEN ACTIONS acted, or at any time immediately after a
In a character’s turn, they can say a short comment player has finished their turn, the Narrator
CONFLICT ACTIONS to one character or a single sentence to multiple can spend 1 point of Threat to interrupt the
Conflict Actions are the focus of Action Scenes and characters. The Narrator has full discretion as to players’ turns and allow a Narrator character
take up most of a character’s attention and effort. when a Spoken Action overreaches its bounds at to immediately take a turn. Once this turn is
Most Conflict Actions require an Attribute Test. A which point it becomes a Conflict Action even if over the players may take the next turn, and
character can perform one Conflict Action per turn, no test is needed. It’s a Spoken Action that allows a the interrupting Narrator character must

but there are a few ways a character can perform an character to make a memorable quip as they kick wait until the next round to act again.
additional Conflict Action. However, a character an opponent. A character may make any number of
cannot take more than two Conflict Actions a round. Spoken Actions, at the discretion of the Narrator. 9
Six attributes define each character: Cunning, Daring, Empathy, Might, Passion and Reason. These attributes indicate a character’s inherent abilities
and their physical and mental limitations ranging in value from 4 to 12, and two attributes are used in conjunction with each other to resolve tests.


Cunning is used Daring comes into Empathy is used Might is used to apply Passion governs any Reason supports any
whenever a charac- play whenever a whenever a character force to the inani- attempt to lead, love, action that applies
ter wants to weaken character is at risk. seeks to understand or mate world. It is used or entertain. It is used the mind to work out
another. Cunning is It covers Movement, heal another. Empathy outside of combat to whenever another a problem.
used for all Attacks, Piloting, and Defense is used to heal all types lift, bend, and break character needs to be A Reason is used
Insults, and Thefts. actions of all sorts. of impairments and to items. convinced to attempt with Cunning
A Cunning is used A Daring is used understand what your A Might is used an action. to sabotage an
with Might to with Cunning senses might be telling with Daring to A Passion is used enemy flier.
scuttle a ship or to strike with a you about a person. pick up an uncon- with Empathy to A Reason is used
bash down a door. sword. A Empathy is used scious character woo a lover with Empathy to
A Cunning is used A Daring is used with Reason to and carry them to A Passion is used understand a foe’s
with Reason to with Empathy to spot a character safety. with Cunning to battle plans.
shoot a rifle. avoid a blow. up to no good. seduce or insult.


Characters who reasonably have some way

MOVEMENT AND TERRAIN Example: Jack has created a Danger for to lessen their fall can attempt an Average (D1)
Under normal circumstances, moving does not an adventure – an area of sand where Might + Daring test (plus 1 step for every category
require an Attribute Test. Moving to anywhere vibrations set off explosive gas pockets of range beyond Near). Success avoids 1 of
within Near range takes only a Free Action. hidden underground. He decides that damage. Additional Momentum can be spent to
Moving to anywhere within Away range takes a walking carefully (or running to outrace reduce the damage further at the cost of 2 Momen-
Movement Action. Moving to anywhere within Far the explosions) is a Challenging (D2) test tum per avoided.
range takes a Conflict Action. with a Danger rating of 3. If a character
Moving through Dangers may require an fails to overcome the Danger, they will
Attribute Test. This is an Attribute Test, typically take 3 dice of damage — equal to the MAKING AN ATTACK
using Daring. If movement requires an Attribute rating of the Danger. There are multiple ways a character can attack
Test with a Difficulty of Average (D1) or higher, a target. Blades and bullets merely scratch the
then it takes a Movement Action, regardless of the surface of the variety of ways a creative character
distance moved. can harm another. A character might engage in
FALLING ferocious arguing, make barbed jests at a charac-
The distance a character falls determines falling ter’s expense, or wield weapons of extravagant
damage and a falling character may suffer addi- super science. Regardless of the method used, the
EXAMPLE DIFFICULTY INCREASES tional damage should they fall on a Danger. Con- process for attacking remains the same.
sult the table below for how many to roll. AThe attacker picks a single target within range.
TERRAIN INCREASE AThe attacker attempts an Average (D1)
Opposed Test determined by the type of attack:
City street or Martian Sands 0 steps AMelee attack (Immediate range):
DANGER RATING Cunning + Daring
The rocky wastes 1 step APistol attack (Near range):
Near fall 1 Cunning + Reason
Spires and Mountainside 2 steps ARifle attack (Away range):
Away fall 2 Cunning + Reason
Sandstorm 3 steps ASocial attack (Near range):
Far fall 4
Cunning + Passion
Too Far fall 8 AIf the attack is made outside of its range, then
increase the Difficulty of the attack by 1 step for
Needle like spines +1 every range outside the weapons normal use.
Cooling lava AThe defender resists with Daring and another
DANGERS Attribute appropriate to the defensive action.
Unless Dangers are avoided with a suitable Attrib- Next to bubbling lava +4 AIf the attack hits, then the attacker rolls 2

ute test, they cause damage. Each Danger has a and inflicts damage as described in Damage
Into an active volcano's caldera +10
rating which is equal to the number of damage dice and Recovery. If the attack misses, then no
it inflicts should a character fail to cross it safely. damage is applied. 11

Thanks to Jim Sullos and Cathy Wilbanks at the

John Carter Line Editor John Carter Logo Edgar Rice Burroughs Estate and John Carter
Jack Norris Michal E. Cross scholar Scott Tracy Griffin for reviewing ensuring
we remain as authentic as possible to the original
Written by Editor writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jack Norris Brian Casey Trademarks John Carter of Mars®, Dejah Thoris®,
Tars Tarkas®, Woola™, Barsoom®, Warlord of
Game Design Layout Mars®, Gods of Mars®, A Princess of Mars™, and
Jack Norris and Benn Graybeaton Chris Webb Edgar Rice Burroughs® Owned by Edgar Rice Bur-
roughs, Inc. And Used by Permission. All characters
Original 2d20 System Design Proof Reading and creatures trademarked and owned by Edgar
Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Jay Little Aric Wieder

Copyright © 2018 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. All
Art Director Approvals Rights Reserved.
Sam Webb Scott Tracy Griffin
The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright
Cover Art Produced by Modiphius Entertainment Ltd 2018. All 2d20 system
text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.
Björn Barends Chris Birch
Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is
Interior Artwork Operations Manager illegal. Any trademarked names are used in a fic-
Christian Quinot, Cristi Picu, Daren Bader, Garry Harper tional manner; no infringement is intended. This is


Giorgio Baroni, Michele Giorgio, Paolo Puggioni, a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people
Community Support and events, past or present, is purely coincidental
Rodrigo González Toledo, Rolf Mohr,
and unintentional except for those people and
i Sören Meding and Steve Stark Lloyd Gyan events described in an historical context.


DAMAGE AND RECOVERY There are three types of damage: Confusion, Fear,
When a character is successfully hit by an attack and Injury described on the table below. Stress DAMAGE STRESS AFFLICTION
during combat, the attack inflicts a certain indicates which two Attributes determine the
Empathy or
amount of damage. Some environmental effects total Stress of that Damage type, and determines Confusion Madness
can also inflict damage, such as falling from a the two Attributes which are penalized when a
Daring or
great height, being set on fire, or encountering character takes an Affliction. Fear Trauma
something terrifying.
Cunning or
A Basic Damage: Each source of damage Confusion Injury Wounds
inflicts a minimum of 2 of damage. Damage inflicted upon the mind is Confusion.
A Momentum: A player can spend Momentum Confusion represents a character’s determination,
when making an attack to add more to and their ability to handle stress, control emotions,
that attack. Each Momentum spent adds 1 and resist the stresses of life. Characters whose
to the damage (Repeatable). In addi- current Confusion is low are weary, less certain, A character can only withstand so much damage
tion to this, Creatures with the Minion rule and less able to cope with challenging situations. A of any one type before being unable to fight further.
can be dispatched entirely for 1 momentum character’s Confusion Stress is equal to the highest Each damage type has a Stress value, as above,
(Repeatable). attribute between Empathy and Reason. which is the total amount of Stress a character can
Once any damage dice have been bought, the receive, of one type, before suffering an Affliction.
player making the attack rolls all the . This is Fear A A character can suffer three Afflictions, with
called the damage roll, and the final score is the Damage inflicted upon the will is Fear. It might each instance imposing a cumulative 1 step
amount of damage inflicted. be caused by panic, despair, and sudden shocks, Difficulty increase to related Attribute Tests.
such as a near miss with a blade. Fear represents a A A character suffering four Afflictions of the
character’s bravery and willingness to take risks. same type is incapacitated, unable to take any
Characters whose current Fear is low are weary, Actions or Reactions without first spending a
less certain, and less able to cope with challenging point of Luck.
situations. A character’s Fear Stress is equal to the A A character suffering five or more Afflictions
1 1 damage highest attribute between Daring and Passion. of the same type is blacked out, unable to take
any more actions.
2 2 damage Injury
Damage inflicted upon the body is Injury. Blades, INFLICTING DAMAGE
3 0 damage
radium bullets, or exposure to dangerous sub- When a defender makes their Attribute test,
4 0 damage stances cause Injury damage. Injury represents the two Attributes determine where most of
a character’s endurance, stamina, and ability to the Damage will fall. The defender consults the
5 1 damage, 1 Effect ignore minor injuries such as cuts, scratches, Damage Types table, above, and finds the possible
bruises, and abrasions. A character with low Injury Damage types from the Attributes they have used

6 1 damage, 1 Effect
is tired and unable to avoid serious harm. A char- and chooses any one of these Damage Types to
acter’s Injury Stress is equal to the highest attrib- take damage and reduces the relevant Stress from
ute between Cunning and Might. their Confusion, Fear, or Injury. 13

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