CCEM Guidelines For The Acceptance of CMCs
CCEM Guidelines For The Acceptance of CMCs
CCEM Guidelines For The Acceptance of CMCs
1. Scope
This document aims to provide clarification to the criteria for acceptance of Calibration and
Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) contained in the document CIPM MRA-G-13 Calibration and
Measurement Capabilities in the context of the CIPM MRA [1]. It is applicable to the review of CMCs
proposed by an NMI or DI in the area of Electricity and Magnetism.
2. Background
CIPM MRA-G-13 calls for intra-regional and inter-regional review of CMCs and lists, in Section 3, the
requirement that the range and uncertainty of the CMCs submitted be consistent with information
from some or all of the following sources:
The document further states that, “while the results of key and supplementary comparisons are the
ideal supporting evidence, all other sources listed above may be considered to underpin CMCs.
Consultative Committees are responsible for providing specific guidance on the required technical
This document provides further guidance on how to apply the above criteria in Electricity and
Magnetism. It is aimed at improving the uniformity of CMC acceptance decisions made by intra-
regional and inter-regional review of CMCs.
The ideal technical evidence required by the CIPM MRA in support of CMCs is the result of a key or
supplementary comparison. The CMCs presently recorded in the KCDB for Electricity and Magnetism
form the second largest set after Chemistry. CCEM acknowledges that it is not feasible to directly
cover every single CMC with a comparison result. Therefore, the following technical evidence is
• For CMCs covering quantities and ranges for which CCEM has identified, in its Strategic Plan
[3], the need for a key comparison, the laboratory must participate in a BIPM, CCEM or RMO
key comparison to keep its CMCs or obtain a new CMC.
• NMIs and DIs are expected to participate in RMO supplementary comparisons where these
can support one or more of their existing or new CMCs.
• Results of a less formal comparison, for example a hybrid comparison, may be acceptable in
lieu of a key or supplementary comparison if a peer reviewer considers them to have
sufficient technical rigour and transparency.
In other cases, CMCs can, alternatively, be supported by one or more sources of technical evidence
listed in the table below:
The report of the peer review must cover the CMCs under
Successful participation in an RMO project, e.g. a pilot study
(comparison project) or research project. The outcome should
be documented in a report, which has been reviewed and
Active participation in RMO approved by the RMO and which is publicly available on the
projects (and other technical RMO website.
Technical report written as part of a scientific or innovation
project. The report should be reviewed and approved by the
project consortium and reviewed by the RMO.
[1] CIPM MRA-G-13 Calibration and Measurement Capabilities in the context of the CIPM MRA.
Guidelines for their review, acceptance and maintenance
[2] CIPM MRA-G-12 Quality management systems in the CIPM MRA Guidelines for monitoring and