Banking Terminology

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ADR - American Depository Receipt

2. AGM - Annual General Meeting
3. AIRCSC - All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
4. AFS - Available For Sale
5. AMFI- Association of Mutual Fund in India
6. ASSOCHAM - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
7. ATM - Automated Teller Machine
8. ALM- Asset Liability Management
9. BSBDA - Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account
10. BIS - Bank for International Settlements
11. BoP - Balance of Payments
12. CAD - Capital Account Deficit
13. CAG - Controller and Auditor General of India
14. CAMELS- Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings,
Liquidity, Systems & Controls
15. CBS- Consolidated Banking Statistics
16. CEPA- Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
17. CC - Cash Credit
18. CD - Certificate of Deposit
19. CECA - Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
20. CF - Company Finance
21. CII - Confederation of Indian Industries
22. CP - Commercial Paper
23. CPI - Consumer Price Index
24. CCEA – Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
25. CR - Capital Receipts
26. CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
27. CRAR- Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio
28. CSIR- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
29. CSO- Central Statistical Organisation
30. CBS: Core Banking Solution
31. DBOD - Department of Banking Operations and Development
32. DBS - Department of Banking Supervision, RBI
33. DCA - Department of Company Affairs
34. DTC- Direct Tax Code
35. DCCB- District Central Cooperative Bank
36. DCM- Department of Currency Management, RB
37. DTAA- Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
38. DD- Demand Draft
39. DEAF- Depositor Education and Awareness Fund
40. DDS- Data Dissemination Standards
41. DICGC- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
42. EEFC- Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
43. ECGC- Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
44. ECS- Electronic Clearing Scheme
45. EEA- Exchange Equalization Account
46. EPF- Employees Provident Fund
47. EEFC- Exchange Earner's Foreign Currency
48. ECBs- External Commercial Borrowings
49. FIPB- Foreign Investment Promotion board
50. FDI- Foreign Direct Investment
51. FSLRC- Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
52. FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
53. FII- Foreign Institutional Investor
54. FRBMA- Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
55. FTA- Free trade agreement
56. FINO- Financial Inclusion Network Operation
57. FCNR(B)- Foreign Currency Non-Resident Bank
58. FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
59. EFSF- European Financial Stability Facility
60. FICCI- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
61. FII- Foreign Institutional Investor
62. FPI- Foreign Portfolio Investment
63. FSLRC- Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
64. GDP- Gross Domestic Product
65. GDR- Global Depository Receipt
66. GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit
67. GIC - General Insurance Corporation
68. GAAR - General anti avoidance rule
69. GPD - Gross Primary Deficit
70. GIRO - Government Internal Revenue Order
71. HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation
72. HFT - Held For Trading
73. IBS - International Banking Statistics
74. ICAR - Indian Council of Agricultural Research
75. ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
76. ICMR - Indian Council of Medical Research
77. IDBI - Industrial Development Bank of India
78. IFC - International Finance Corporation
79. ITEs: Intra-Group Transactions and Exposures
80. IFCI - Industrial Finance Corporation of India
81. IIP - Index of Industrial Production
82. IMF - International Monetary Fund
83. IRBI - Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
84. ISDA - International Swaps and Derivative Association
85. ISIC - International Standard Industrial Classification
86. ISO - International Standards Organization
87. LBS - Locational Banking Statistics
88. LIBOR: London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
89. LERMS - Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
90. LIC - Life Insurance Corporation of India
91. LCR: Liquidity Coverage Ratio
92. LRMT: Liquidity risk monitoring tools
93. LAF – Liquidity Adjustment Facility
94. MCA - Ministry of Company Affairs
95. MSF-Marginal Standing Facility
96. MIBOR: Mumbai Inter-Bank Offer Rate
97. MIS - Management Information System
98. MMSE - Minimum Mean Squared Errors
99. NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
100. NASSCOM - National Association of Software and Services Companies
101. NCTC - National Counter-Terrorism Centre
102. NBFC-Non Banking Finance Companies
103. NBC - Non-Banking Companies
104. NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
105. NBFC - Non Banking Financial Companies
106. NEER - Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
107. NFA - Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
108. NSFR: Net Stable Funding Ratio
109. NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
110. NHB - National Housing Bank
111. NSG – Nuclear Suppliers Group
112. NPA - Non-Performing Assets
113. NSC - National Statistical Commission
114. NSSF - National Small Savings Fund
115. OD - Over Draft
116. ODA - Official Development Assistance
117. OMO - Open Market Operations
118. PACS - Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
119. PDAI - Primary Dealers Association of India
120. PDO - Public Debt Office
121. PIO - Persons of Indian Origin
122. PO - Principal Office
123. PRB - Primary Revenue Balance
124. PSE - Public Sector Enterprises
125. PUC - Paid Up Capital
126. PPP – Public Private Partnership & Purchasing Power parity
127. QFI -Qualified Foreign Investors
128. RD - Revenue Deficit
129. RDBMS - Relational Database Management
130. RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement System
131. RE - Revenue Expenditure
132. REC - Rural Electrification Corporation
133. REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
134. RIDF - Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
135. RoC - Registrars of Companies SLR-Statutory Liquidity Ratio
136. RR - Revenue Receipts
137. RRB - Regional Rural Bank
138. RTP - Reserve Tranche Position
139. RWA - Risk Weighted Asset
140. SAS - Statistical Analysis System
141. SCARDB - State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
142. SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
143. SCB - State Cooperative Bank
144. SCB - Scheduled Commercial Bank
145. SDDS -Special Data Dissemination Standards
146. SDR - Special Drawing Right
147. SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
148. SIFI - Systemically Important Financial Intermediaries
149. SEBs - State Electricity Boards
150. SGSY - Swarnajayanthi Gram Swarrojgar Yojana
151. SHGs - Self-Help Groups
152. SIDBI - Small Industries Development Bank of India
153. SIDC - State Industrial Development Corporation
154. SJSRY - Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
155. SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
156. SMG - Standing Monitoring Group
157. SNA - System of National Accounts
158. SRWTO - Small road & Water Transport Operators
159. SSI - Small-Scale Industries
160. STRIPS - Separate Trading for Registered Interest and Principal of
161. TB - Treasury Bills
162. TARC - Tax Administration Reform Commission
163. TC - Temporary Change
164. TT - Telegraphic Transfer
165. TAPI - Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India
166. TFTS - Trade for Trade Settlement
167. TIEA – Tax Information exchange Agreement
168. UCB - Urban Cooperative Bank
169. UCN - Uniform Code Number
170. UNDP - United Nations Developement Programme
171. UNICO - Umbrella Organisation for Large Cooperative Banks in Europe
172. UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
173. UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
174. UNME - Urban Non-Manual Employees
175. UTI - Unit Trust of India
176. VC - Venture Capital
177. WPI - Wholesale Price Index
178. WTO - World Trade Organisation
179. Y-o-Y - Year-on-Year
180. YTM - Yield to Maturity
181. ZTC - Zonal Training Centree

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