January 2013 MS - Unit B2 (F) AQA Biology GCSE

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General Certificate of Secondary Education

January 2013

Additional Science / Biology BL2FP

(Specification 4408 / 4401)
Unit: Biology 2


Mark Scheme
Mark schemes are prepared by the Principal Examiner and considered, together with the
relevant questions, by a panel of subject teachers. This mark scheme includes any
amendments made at the standardisation events which all examiners participate in and is the
scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures
that the mark scheme covers the students’ responses to questions and that every examiner
understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each
examiner analyses a number of students’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by
the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process,
examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer
these to the Principal Examiner.

It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further
developed and expanded on the basis of students’ reactions to a particular paper.
Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be
avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change,
depending on the content of a particular examination paper.

Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available from: www.aqa.org.uk

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AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered schools/colleges for AQA are permitted to copy material
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Set and published by the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance.

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Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Information to Examiners

1. General
The mark scheme for each question shows:
 the marks available for each part of the question
 the total marks available for the question
 the typical answer or answers which are expected
 extra information to help the Examiner make his or her judgement and help to delineate
what is acceptable or not worthy of credit or, in discursive answers, to give an overview of
the area in which a mark or marks may be awarded.
The extra information is aligned to the appropriate answer in the left-hand part of the mark
scheme and should only be applied to that item in the mark scheme.
At the beginning of a part of a question a reminder may be given, for example: where
consequential marking needs to be considered in a calculation; or the answer may be on the
diagram or at a different place on the script.
In general the right-hand side of the mark scheme is there to provide those extra details
which confuse the main part of the mark scheme yet may be helpful in ensuring that marking
is straightforward and consistent.

2. Emboldening
2.1 In a list of acceptable answers where more than one mark is available ‘any two from’
is used, with the number of marks emboldened. Each of the following bullet points is
a potential mark.
2.2 A bold and is used to indicate that both parts of the answer are required to award the
2.3 Alternative answers acceptable for a mark are indicated by the use of or. Different
terms in the mark scheme are shown by a / ; eg allow smooth / free movement.

3. Marking points
3.1 Marking of lists
This applies to questions requiring a set number of responses, but for which students have
provided extra responses. The general principle to be followed in such a situation is that
‘right + wrong = wrong’.
Each error / contradiction negates each correct response. So, if the number of error /
contradictions equals or exceeds the number of marks available for the question, no marks
can be awarded.
However, responses considered to be neutral (indicated as * in example 1) are not

Example 1: What is the pH of an acidic solution? (1 mark)

Student Response Marks

1 green, 5 0
2 red*, 5 1
3 red*, 8 0

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Example 2: Name two planets in the solar system. (2 marks)

Student Response Marks awarded

1 Neptune, Mars, Moon 1
2 Neptune, Sun, Mars, 0

3.2 Use of chemical symbols / formulae

If a student writes a chemical symbol / formula instead of a required chemical name,
full credit can be given if the symbol / formula is correct and if, in the context of the
question, such action is appropriate.
3.3 Marking procedure for calculations
Full marks can be given for a correct numerical answer, without any working shown.
However, if the answer is incorrect, mark(s) can be gained by correct substitution /
working and this is shown in the ‘extra information’ column or by each stage of a
longer calculation.
3.4 Interpretation of ‘it’
Answers using the word ‘it’ should be given credit only if it is clear that the ‘it’ refers to
the correct subject.
3.5 Errors carried forward
Any error in the answers to a structured question should be penalised once only.
Papers should be constructed in such a way that the number of times errors can be
carried forward are kept to a minimum. Allowances for errors carried forward are
most likely to be restricted to calculation questions and should be shown by the
abbreviation e.c.f. in the marking scheme.
3.6 Phonetic spelling
The phonetic spelling of correct scientific terminology should be credited unless there
is a possible confusion with another technical term.
3.7 Brackets
(…..) are used to indicate information which is not essential for the mark to be
awarded but is included to help the examiner identify the sense of the answer
3.8 Ignore / Insufficient / Do not allow
Ignore or insufficient is used when the information given is irrelevant to the question
or not enough to gain the marking point. Any further correct amplification could gain
the marking point.
Do not allow means that this is a wrong answer which, even if the correct answer is
given, will still mean that the mark is not awarded.

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Quality of Written Communication and levels marking

In Question 7(c) students are required to produce extended written material in English, and
will be assessed on the quality of their written communication as well as the standard of the
scientific response.

Students will be required to:

 use good English
 organise information clearly
 use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

The following general criteria should be used to assign marks to a level:

Level 1: basic
 Knowledge of basic information
 Simple understanding
 The answer is poorly organised, with almost no specialist terms and their use
demonstrating a general lack of understanding of their meaning, little or no detail
 The spelling, punctuation and grammar are very weak.

Level 2: clear
 Knowledge of accurate information
 Clear understanding
 The answer has some structure and organisation, use of specialist terms has been
attempted but not always accurately, some detail is given
 There is reasonable accuracy in spelling, punctuation and grammar, although there
may still be some errors.

Level 3: detailed
 Knowledge of accurate information appropriately contextualised
 Detailed understanding, supported by relevant evidence and examples
 Answer is coherent and in an organised, logical sequence, containing a wide range of
appropriate or relevant specialist terms used accurately.
 The answer shows almost faultless spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 1

question answers extra information mark

1(a)(i) A = nucleus 1
B = (cell) membrane 1

1(a)(ii) any two from: ignore shape 2

 no (cell) wall
 no (large / permanent) vacuole
 no chloroplasts / chlorophyll

1(b) because high to low oxygen / allow ‘more / a lot of oxygen 1

concentration or down gradient molecules outside’
ignore along / across gradient

1(c) a tissue 1

Total 6

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 2

question answers extra information mark

2(a) DNA 1

2(b) X and Y 1

2(c)(i) 46 chromosomes 1

2(c)(ii) half the number 1

2(d) meiosis 1

Total 5

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Question 3

question answers extra information mark

3(a)(i) animal walking on soft material or 1

suitably named material
further detail – eg dries out / do not allow general descriptions
buried / hardens / turns to rock of how fossils are formed or
reference to bones not decaying

3(a)(ii) any one from: 1

 (from) bones / shells / hard parts ignore imprint / impression
or from parts that do not decay /
rot or are preserved
 animal trapped in resin / amber / allow frozen
ice / peat
 infiltration with minerals / named

3(b) any two from: 2

examples of physical factors such accept 2 physical factors or 2
as flooding, volcanic activity biological factors or one of each
(allow volcanoes) asteroid for full marks
collision, drought, ice age /
temperature change
ignore pollution

examples of biological factors

such as predators (allow hunters),
disease / named pathogen,
competition lack of food / mates,
cyclical nature of speciation /
isolation / lack of habitat or habitat
change If no other answers given allow
natural disaster / climate change /
weather change / catastrophic
event / environmental change for
1 mark

Question 3 continues on the next page . . .

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Question 3 continued . . .

question answers extra information mark

3(c) older fossils simpler to gain the mark there must be 1

implication of change
change (with time) ignore evolve
ignore extinction

3(d) insufficient / no evidence / no ignore no people were there 1

remains or fossils survive
allow no proof

Total 6

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 4

question answers extra information mark

4(a) place all the quadrats randomly 1

on the lawn

4(b)(i) 1 4 all 4 counts correct 1

2 2
3 2
4 0

Total = 15 total correct for their figures 1

4(b)(ii) 1.5 allow ecf from (b)(i) 1

4(b)(iii) 180 correct answer with or without 2


if answer incorrect, allow 1 mark

for 15 x 120 or 15 x 20

or 15 x 12 x 10
or 1.5 x 12 x 10 or 1.5 x 120

allow ecf from (b)(ii)

allow 1 mark if only 1 error

4(c) use a larger sample size / more ignore repeats but allow repeat in 1
quadrats different places
or ignore ‘count them all’
use bigger quadrats

Total 7

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 5

question answers extra information mark

5(a) Mendel 1

5(b)(i) TT 1

5(b)(ii) a dominant allele 1

5(c) 1:1 1

5(d) 100 short plants 1

Total 5

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013

Question 6

question answers extra information mark

6(a) any two from: or allow converse for outdoors 2

 constant speed  variable speed
 constant effort  variable terrain
 constant temperature  traffic conditions
 variable temperature
 wind (resistance) weather
 rain / snow
allow pollution only if qualified by
effect on body function but ignore
pollution unqualified
if no other marks obtained allow
variable conditions outdoors

6(b) Brain 1

6(c)(i) 20 800 correct answer with or without 2

working gains 2 marks

if answer incorrect, allow 1 mark

for use of 1200 and 22 000 only

6(c)(ii) oxygen apply list principle 1

do not accept other named 1
substances eg CO2 water
glucose / sugar allow glycogen
ignore food / carbohydrate

6(c)(iii) respire aerobically 1

6(c)(iv) carbon dioxide 1

lactic acid 1

6(d) increased heart rate ignore adrenaline / drugs 1

accept heart beats more but not
heart pumps more

Total 11

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 7

question Answers extra information mark

7(a) any one from: ignore ‘check temperature’ 1

 add a water bath
 heat screen
 use LED
 low energy bulb / described

7(b)(i) rate / number of bubbles accept converse with reference to 1

decreases increasing light or shorter
less oxygen / gas released ignore reference to rate of

7(b)(ii) temperature / CO2 (concentration) accept ‘it was too cool’ or not 1
enough CO2
accept number of chloroplasts /
amount of chlorophyll
allow heat
allow CO2
do not allow CO2

Question 7 continues on the next page . . .

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 7 continued . . .

question Answers extra information mark

7(c) Marks awarded for this answer will be determined by the Quality of 6
Written Communication (QWC) as well as the standard of the
scientific response. Examiners should also refer to the information on
page 5, and apply a ‘best-fit’ approach to the marking.
0 marks Level 1 (1-2 marks) Level 2 (3-4 marks) Level 3 (5-6 marks)
No There is a brief There is a clear There is a detailed
relevant description of at description which description of most
content. least 1 tissue or at includes at least 1 of the structures and
least 1 function of named tissue and at their functions.
an indicated part of least 1 correct
the leaf. function described
for an indicated part
The account lacks
of the leaf.
clarity or detail.

examples of responses:
 epidermis
 cover the plant
 mesophyll / palisade
 photosynthesises
 phloem
 xylem
 transport.
The following points are all acceptable but beyond the scope of the
 (waxy) cuticle – reduce water loss
 epidermis – no chloroplasts so allows light to penetrate
 stomata / guard cells – allow CO2 in (and O2 out) or controls water loss
 palisade (mesophyll) – many chloroplasts to trap light
– near top of leaf for receiving more light
 spongy (mesophyll) – air spaces for rapid movement of gases

Total 9

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 8

question Answers extra information mark

8(a)(i) directly proportional gains full marks 2

or 0.1 rise in rate for 1% rise in

accept increased concentration:

increased rate or positive
correlation or proportional for
1 mark

8(a)(ii) 0.6 allow + 0.01 1

8(b) (0.5 % trypsin) cheaper ignore more profit 1

(35 °C) faster reaction allow (35 °C) optimum / best 1

so takes less time to make 1

extra heating cost outweighed by 1
savings on enzyme cost

8(c)(i) any two from: 2

 breaks down / digests food allow pre-digests protein / food
allow easier for baby to digest

 from protein into amino acids /

 makes soft(er) / runni(er) allow description of texture
allow make (more) soluble

Question 8 continues on the next page . . .

Mark Scheme – General Certificate of Secondary Education Biology – BL2FP – January 2013


Question 8 continued . . .

question answers extra information mark

8(c)(ii) correct named enzyme 1

correct function to gain 2 marks function must 1
relate to correctly named enzyme
carbohydrase accept amylase / maltase /
starch  sugar or lactose 
glucose or making sugar syrup
glucose  fructose or making
slimming foods
fats / oils  fatty acids or
removal of grease stains
accept other correct example

Total 11

UMS Conversion Calculator: www.aqa.org.uk/umsconversion


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