Automation Design Suite - Basics
Automation Design Suite - Basics
Automation Design Suite - Basics
IM 33J10A10-01EN
IM 33J10A10-01EN
11th Edition
This manual describes an overview and the basic functions of the Automation Design Suite. It
describes the functions that are common to the two engineering approaches of CENTUM VP:
module-based engineering and module-less engineering. So, read this manual regardless of
which approach you use.
n Notes on Software
• YOKOGAWA makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the Soft-
ware Product's merchantability or suitability for any particular purpose, except as speci-
fied in the warranty terms.
• Purchase the appropriate number of licenses of the Software Product according to the
number of computers to be used.
• No copy of the Software Product may be made for any purpose other than backup; other-
wise, it is deemed as an infringement of YOKOGAWA's Intellectual Property rights.
• Keep the software medium of the Software Product in a safe place.
• No reverse engineering, reverse compiling, reverse assembling, or converting the Soft-
ware Product to human-readable format may be performed for the Software Product.
• No part of the Software Product may be transferred, converted, or sublet for use by any
third-party, without prior written consent from YOKOGAWA.
Documentation Conventions
n Symbols
The following symbols are used in the User's Manuals.
Indicates precautions to avoid a danger that may lead to death or
WARNING severe injury.
n Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used throughout the User's Manuals.
n Drawing Conventions
Drawings used in the User's Manuals may be partially emphasized, simplified, or omitted for
the convenience of description.
Drawings of windows may be slightly different from the actual screenshots with different set-
tings or fonts. The difference does not hamper the understanding of basic functionalities and
operation and monitoring tasks.
n Trademark Acknowledgements
• CENTUM, ProSafe, Vnet/IP, PRM, Exaopc, Exapilot, Exaquantum, Exasmoc, Exarqe,
Multivariable Optimizing Control/Robust Quality Estimation, StoryVIEW and FieldMate
Validator are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation.
• The names of corporations, organizations, products and logos herein are either regis-
tered trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric Corporation and their respective
PART-A Overview of Automation Design Suite.......... A-1
A1. What is AD Suite?.............................................................................. A1-1
A2. Overview of AD Suite functions....................................................... A2-1
A2.1 Basic functions.......................................................................................... A2-2
A2.2 Module-based engineering........................................................................A2-4
A2.3 Document generation................................................................................ A2-6
A2.4 Bulk editing.................................................................................................A2-7
A2.5 Tuning parameter management................................................................A2-8
A2.6 Dependency Analysis.............................................................................. A2-11
A2.7 Change management...............................................................................A2-12
A3. Examples of system configurations................................................ A3-1
A4. AD Suite capacity limits.................................................................... A4-1
PART-B Starting engineering........................................B-1
B1. How to start engineering when AD Suite is first introduced to the
B1.1 Setting the ADMDB location..................................................................... B1-4
B1.2 Creating an AD project.............................................................................. B1-5
B1.3 Registering users in the AD project......................................................... B1-6
B1.4 Creating a VP project.................................................................................B1-8
B1.5 Registering a VP project in the AD project..............................................B1-9
B1.5.1 Managing VP projects................................................................ B1-11
B2. How to start engineering after upgrading the CENTUM VP software...
............................................................................................................. B2-1
B2.1 Upgrading the AD Server data.................................................................. B2-3
B2.2 Upgrading AD projects.............................................................................. B2-4
B2.3 Upgrading VP projects.............................................................................. B2-6
PART-C Basic functions................................................C-1
C1. Managing AD Server and AD projects............................................. C1-1
C1.1 Overview of AD Server and AD project management.............................C1-2
C1.1.1 Setting the AD Server options..................................................... C1-4
C1.1.2 Backing up and restoring the ADMDB......................................... C1-5
C1.1.3 Viewing the history of backup and export operations.................. C1-8
C1.1.4 Creating and deleting AD projects............................................... C1-9
C1.1.5 Modifying AD project properties.................................................C1-10
C1.1.6 Controlling access to AD projects.............................................. C1-11
C1.1.7 Exporting and importing AD projects......................................... C1-21
C1.1.8 Prohibiting and permitting AD project data modifications.......... C1-24
C1.1.9 Forcibly canceling the checked-out status of currently checked out
files............................................................................................ C1-25
C1.2 Managing the AD Server..........................................................................C1-26
C1.2.1 Setting the ADMDB location...................................................... C1-27
C1.2.2 Changing the AD Server option settings....................................C1-30
C1.2.3 Backing up the ADMDB............................................................. C1-31
C1.2.4 Restoring the backed-up ADMDB..............................................C1-32
C1.2.5 Viewing the history of backup and export operations................ C1-34
C1.3 Managing AD projects............................................................................. C1-35
C1.3.1 Creating an AD project.............................................................. C1-36
C1.3.2 Deleting an AD project...............................................................C1-37
C1.3.3 Modifying AD project properties.................................................C1-38
C1.3.4 Exporting AD projects................................................................ C1-39
C1.3.5 Importing AD projects................................................................ C1-40
C1.3.6 Prohibiting or canceling the prohibition of AD project data
C1.3.7 Forcibly canceling the checked-out status of currently checked out
files............................................................................................ C1-42
C1.4 Setting user security for AD projects.....................................................C1-43
C1.4.1 Defining customizable user roles...............................................C1-46
C1.4.2 Defining access scopes............................................................. C1-47
C1.4.3 Setting security for Windows users............................................C1-48
Appendix 1. Error Codes..................................................................... App.1-1
l Module-based engineering
Module-based engineering is an engineering method introduced in CENTUM VP R6 that ena-
bles you to develop control applications in modular units. A module stores not only control
logic but also design information, alarm attributes, and attached documents. Using module-
based engineering, you can perform CENTUM VP engineering and also store engineering de-
sign information and documentation of engineering results.
With module-based engineering, you can also work on the following engineering phases si-
• Design for I/O
• Design for control application
• Design for station configuration
Thus, you can start designing for control application or designing for I/O before the design of
the station configuration is finished. You also have the flexibility to change the I/O design after
designing the control application.
Module-based engineering is available on FCSs that meet the following conditions:
• FCS type is FFCS-C, FFCS-V, or FFCS-R
• FCS is newly created using R6 or later
TIP The Module-based Engineering Package is required to perform module-based engineering.
However, even if you adopt module-based engineering, you perform engineering for the fol-
lowing stations and part of FCS functionality based on the hardware configuration in the same
way as CENTUM VP R5 and earlier versions:
• FCS common section
ALSO For more information about FCS category, refer to:
A1.1, “FCS Types” in Field Control Stations Reference (IM 33J15A10-01EN)
l Module-less engineering
Module-less engineering is an engineering method that develops control applications without
modules. It is supported by CENTUM VP R5 and earlier versions.
Module-less engineering is also an engineering method that you perform engineering on each
hardware element after the hardware configuration is fixed.
You need to use this engineering method for FCSs where module-based engineering is not
applicable. However, you can also continue to use module-less engineering on FCSs that are
eligible for module-based engineering as well.
n Structure of AD Suite
The following figure shows the structure of AD Suite.
AD Suite
l System builders
System builders are used for performing CENTUM VP engineering.
• Automation Design Organizer
Automation Design Organizer (AD Organizer) is the engineering tool that provides the
central function of module-based engineering. The major engineering functions for the
FCS are performed by this tool.
• VP builders
VP builders refer to the group of engineering tools that provide the central function of
module-less engineering. VP builders comprise System View, Recipe View, and the build-
ers that are launched by them.
This group of engineering software tools is used for the stations other than FCSs, and for
system configuration settings even when you choose module-based engineering.
The following figure shows an outline of the data flow between AD Organizer, VP builders, AD
projects, and VP projects.
AD Organizer VP builders
Stores revision
AD project history
in which the VP VP project
project is registered
n Terms
The following table shows terms that are used in AD Suite.
AD Organizer VP builders
Edits module-less
Displays revision engineering data
AD project
Manages AD Servers
and AD projects
AD Server
n Module-less engineering
When you use module-less engineering, you perform all engineering by using VP builders.
The engineering data that is edited by VP builders is stored in the VP project.
ALSO For more information about module-less engineering, refer to:
2., “System Configuration” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J10D10-01EN)
n History management
History management stores the revision history of VP projects. Whenever a file in a VP proj-
ect is updated, the revision history is automatically stored in the history management data-
base in the AD Server. The revision history that is stored in the history management database
can be displayed in AD Organizer.
ALSO For more information about history management, refer to:
C2., “History management” on page C2-1
AD project
ALSO For more information about document generation, refer to:
C3., “Generate documents” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering Vol.2 (IM
AD project
AD project
Using this function, you can define the design values of tuning parameters that are used
for control. If you want to define the design values for the tuning parameters related to
alarms used in UACS or CAMS for HIS, define them as alarm attributes in module-based
TIP The design values for the tuning parameters that are defined in the alarm attributes in module-based engi-
neering are collectively converted into files that are used for UACS alarms and CAMS for HIS alarms.
TIP You can use this function to set all the following tuning parameters on FCS.
• Tuning parameters that are handled in defining design values for the tuning parameters
• Tuning parameters that are handled in defining alarm attributes
• Comparing and reflecting the design value and the current value of the tuning parameters
Using the Tuning Parameter Comparison Tool, you can compare the design values of the
tuning parameters that are set in the application module and the current values of the tun-
ing parameters in FCS. If necessary, you can set the design values of the tuning parame-
ters into the FCS or set the current values of the tuning parameters into the application
module as the design values.
The following figure shows an outline of comparing and setting the design value and the
current value of the tuning parameters.
Computer with AD server
Figure A2.5-3 Comparing and setting the design values and the current values of the tuning parame-
ALSO For more information about tuning parameter management, refer to:
C4., “Manage the tuning parameters” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering Vol.2 (IM
For more information about defining alarm attributes in module-based engineering, refer to:
D2.5.5, “Define alarm attributes for a class module” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineer-
ing Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
For more information about the computer with AD Server, computer with system builders, and HIS with sys-
tem builders, refer to:
A3., “Examples of system configurations” on page A3-1
Reads dependency
analysis data
Dependency Analysis
Dependency History
analysis data management
AD project
The latest data of the VP project that is saved in the history management database is conver-
ted to Dependency Analysis data in the AD project.
You can view the dependency analysis data in the AD project by using the Dependency Ana-
ALSO For more information about Dependency Analysis, refer to:
A., “Analyzing dependencies” in Automation Design Suite Optional Functions (IM 33J10A20-01EN)
AD project
The following list shows the steps for using change management:
1. Register a modification request in a ModPack.
2. Analyze the impact of the modification, and enter the modification location on the Mod-
3. Assign the person in charge of the modification to the ModPack.
4. Modify the engineering data and register the revision history in the ModPack.
5. Test the modification and record the test results in the ModPack.
6. Make a final check of the modification and record the result in the ModPack.
ALSO For more information about change management, refer to:
B., “Change management” in Automation Design Suite Optional Functions (IM 33J10A20-01EN)
Control bus
The HIS with AD server and system builders has the following functions installed.
• AD Server
• System builders
• Operation and monitoring function
Control bus
In this sample configuration, the following functions are installed separately, each on a differ-
ent computer.
• AD Server: A computer with AD Server
• System builders: A computer with system builders
The security model of each CENTUM VP system that is connected to the single AD Server
must be the same.
VP project-A VP project-B
In this case, you perform engineering on VP project-A by using an HIS with system builders
that belongs to VP project-A. You cannot perform engineering on VP project-B by using any of
the HISs with system builders that belong to VP project-A, nor vice versa.
Also, you can manage multiple VP projects that are connected to each other by using a single
computer with AD Server.
ALSO For more information about project connection, refer to:
6., “Multiple Project Connection” in Optional Functions Reference (IM 33J05H10-01EN)
ALSO For more information about access control to AD projects, refer to:
C1.4, “Setting user security for AD projects” on page C1-43
B. Starting engineering
This section explains the starting procedures for performing module-based engineering and
module-less engineering.
n Overview
The following figure shows the procedures for starting engineering.
Create an AD project
Create a VP project
TIP If you already have a VP project that has been upgraded from CENTUM VP R5 or earlier, you do not need to
create another VP project.
ALSO For more information about module-based engineering, refer to:
A., “Overview of module-based engineering” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering
Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
For more information about module-less engineering, refer to:
2., “System Configuration” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J10D10-01EN)
ALSO For more information about restriction on the length of the project name and comments of AD projects, refer
“n Creating an AD project” on page C1-9
For more information about the project name and attributes of the VP project, refer to:
2.2, “Creating a New Project” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J10D10-01EN)
For more information about Windows users and user groups that will have access to the AD project, refer to:
C1.1.6, “Controlling access to AD projects” on page C1-11
Figure B1-2 Activation Setting for System Project Backup Function dialog box
ALSO For more information about registering users and configuring access control, refer to:
C1.4.3, “Setting security for Windows users” on page C1-48
These three access controls are independent from one another. Users who log on need to be
granted access permission in all of these access controls in order to be able to perform engi-
neering on CENTUM VP.
Configure access control for the AD project depending on the following conditions:
• When not configuring access control for the AD project:
When you configure access control for IT security and FDA:21 CFR Part 11 compliance
but not for AD project:
In this case, give all Windows users who log on to the computer with system builders per-
mission for reading, writing, adding, and deleting as their access control for the AD proj-
TIP You should also configure access control in this way if you use CENTUM authentication mode, because in
that case AD project access control is not performed.
• When not configuring access control for FDA:21 CFR Part 11 compliance:
When you configure access control for the AD project and IT security, but not for FDA:21
CFR Part 11 compliance:
In this case, grant appropriate access permissions for each Windows user for the AD
ALSO For more information about precautions on using the access control for FDA:21 CFR Part 11 compliance and
access control for AD projects together, refer to:
C1.5, “Notes on concurrent use of access control for AD projects and Access Administrator Package
(FDA : 21 CFR Part 11 compliant) or Access Control Package for VP projects” on page C1-49
ALSO For more information about registering a VP project in System View, refer to:
“■ Registering a Project” in 2.3, “Project's Attribution Utility” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM
n Creating a VP project
Follow these steps to create a VP project:
1. Start System View.
2. Create a VP project.
TIP Dialog boxes for creating an HIS or FCS appear while you are creating the VP project. If you want to use
module-based engineering, configure the settings for module-based engineering when the new FCS is cre-
ated. However, you cannot change the engineering method after the FCS is created.
ALSO For more information about creating an VP project, refer to:
2., “System Configuration” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J10D10-01EN)
For more information about settings for module-based engineering when creating a new FCS, refer to:
“● Add FCS that is a target of module-based engineering” in “■ For FCS that is a target of module-based
engineering” in E3., “Add or delete project devices of the VP project” in Automation Design Suite Mod-
ule-based Engineering Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
n Starting AD Organizer
Follow these steps to start AD Organizer:
1. Log on as a user who has the access rights to add VP projects.
2. Start AD Organizer.
When AD Organizer is started for the first time, the Select AD Project dialog box appears.
3. Select the computer name or IP address of the computer with AD server, and click [Con-
AD projects that have been created in the AD Server appear.
TIP If you want to set a port number, type a colon ":" and the port number after the computer name or the IP ad-
ALSO For more information about System Structure Navigator, refer to:
“■ System Structure Navigator” in B3.1.1, “Navigation window” in Automation Design Suite Module-
based Engineering Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
For more information about history management, refer to:
C2., “History management” on page C2-1
For more information about starting and stopping the history management of VP projects, refer to:
C2.5, “Managing the revision history of VP projects” on page C2-18
When you unregister a VP project from the AD project, all revision history of the VP project is
deleted. Note that even if you register the same VP project again, the project is regarded as a
different VP project from before.
ALSO For more information about System Structure Navigator, refer to:
“■ System Structure Navigator” in B3.1.1, “Navigation window” in Automation Design Suite Module-
based Engineering Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
For more information about check-in, refer to:
B3.1.6, “Check-in Window” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering Vol.1 (IM
For more information about the process I/O list and communication I/O list, refer to:
C., “Designing I/O” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
For more information about Module Binding Window, refer to:
F., “Assigning application modules to drawing modules” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engi-
neering Vol.1 (IM 33J10A15-01EN)
n Operating VP projects
This section describes the procedures to operate VP projects.
1. From the menu bar on the AD Organizer, select [View] > [System Structure Navigator].
The System Structure Navigator appears.
2. In the System Structure Navigator, select the VP project to back up.
3. On the toolbar, click [Sub menu] and select [Back up].
A confirmation dialog box appears.
4. Click [Yes].
Backup of the VP project starts.
ALSO For more information about backing up the ADMDB or exporting an AD project, refer to:
C1., “Managing AD Server and AD projects” on page C1-1
For more information about method of using the ADS Administration Tool to back up multiple VP projects to-
gether, refer to:
• “n Backing up the ADMDB” on page C1-5
• “n Exporting AD projects” on page C1-21
• You must perform this task after restoring the ADMDB or importing the AD project.
• Restoring a VP project may cancel the sharing setting of the top folder of the VP project.
When you have restored a VP project, check that the top folder of the VP project is set as
shared. If sharing has been canceled, set the share name CS1000PJT.
Example when the project name is MYPJT:
Set the share name CS1000PJT for the following MYPJT folder.
<CENTUM VP installation folder>\eng\BKProject\MYPJT
1. From the menu bar on the AD Organizer, select [View] > [System Structure Navigator].
The System Structure Navigator appears.
2. In the System Structure Navigator, select a VP project.
3. On the toolbar, click [Sub menu] and select [Restore from Back up].
The System Project Restore dialog box appears.
4. Select the [Reregister the restored System Project to AD Project] check box, if necessary.
If you select the check box, the following actions run automatically.
• Registering the restored VP project in System View
• Reregistering the restored VP project in the AD project
TIP You cannot select this check box if any of the following cases are applicable.
• The project name of the VP project to be restored has been changed.
• The software revision of the VP project registered in the AD project is inconsistent with the software revi-
sion of the VP project to be restored.
5. If you want to change the name of restored VP project, type a new project name.
6. Specify the folder where the VP project is to be restored, and click [Restore].
Restoring the VP project in the specified folder starts.
If the [Reregister the restored System Project to AD Project] check box is selected, the
VP project is registered in System View and AD project automatically after the restoration
is complete.
8. Register the VP project that you have restored in the AD project manually.
TIP Also when you restore a VP project without renaming it to replace the existing VP project, register the VP
project that you restored in the AD project again.
ALSO For more information about backing up the ADMDB or exporting an AD project, refer to:
C1., “Managing AD Server and AD projects” on page C1-1
For more information about registering and deleting VP projects in System View, refer to:
2.3, “Project's Attribution Utility” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM 33J10D10-01EN)
For more information about registering VP projects in an AD project, refer to:
B1.5, “Registering a VP project in the AD project” on page B1-9
l Copying a VP project
Follow these steps to copy a VP project:
TIP You can develop a test environment by copying the current VP project to a user-defined project.
TIP For some steps in this procedure, upgrading may not be required. In this case, do not quit the engineering at
such a step and proceed to the next step.
Figure B2-2 Activation Setting for System Project Backup Function dialog box
ALSO For more information about the function to back up VP projects at the same time as backing up the ADMDB
or exporting an AD project, refer to:
• C1.1.2, “Backing up and restoring the ADMDB” on page C1-5
• C1.1.7, “Exporting and importing AD projects” on page C1-21
• Do not start System View until upgrade of the AD project is complete. If you start System
View before the completion of the upgrade, the VP project fails to upgrade and is unregis-
tered from System View.
If this happens, re-register the VP project to System View in the Project’s Attribution Utility
after completing the AD project upgrade.
• Before you upgrade an AD project, close AD Organizer on all computers except the one
where you perform the upgrade.
ALSO For more information about registering a VP project in System View, refer to:
“■ Registering a Project” in 2.3, “Project's Attribution Utility” in Engineering Reference Vol.1 (IM
n Upgrading an AD project
Follow these steps to upgrade an AD project:
1. Log on to the computer with system builders as a user with modifying access rights to all
data in the AD project.
TIP During upgrade of an AD project, AD project files are checked out, updated, and checked in. If you log on as
a user who does not have modifying access rights, upgrade of the AD project fails with an error.
You must log on as a user whose user role is VP Lead Engineer and whose access scope is All Scope.
2. Start AD Organizer.
If upgrading of an AD project is required, the Upgrade dialog box appears.
3. Click [Yes].
The upgrade for the AD project starts. When the upgrade is complete, the Update Com-
plete dialog box appears.
While revision upgrade of the AD project proceeds, make sure that communication between
AD Server and AD Organizer is not interrupted. If the communication is interrupted, upgrade
of the AD project fails with an error.
When upgrading the AD project fails with an error due to an interruption, check to see if there
are any checked-out files in the AD project. If there are any, forcibly cancel the checked-out
status by using the ADS Administration Tool and start AD project upgrade again.
4. Click [OK].
2. Start AD Organizer.
3. On the toolbar of the System Structure Navigator, click [System View].
If upgrading of the VP project is required, a dialog box appears, asking you whether to
upgrade the VP project.
4. Click [OK].
A dialog box appears, asking you whether to back up the VP project.
5. If necessary, click [Yes] and specify the location for saving. Otherwise click [No].
Upgrading of the VP project starts. When the upgrade is complete, the Upgrade Com-
plete dialog box appears.
6. Click [OK].
System View starts, and now the upgrade of the VP project is finished.
7. On the System Structure Navigator in AD Organizer, select a VP project.
8. On the toolbar, click [Sub menu] and select [Back up].
A confirmation dialog box appears.
9. Click [Yes].
The upgraded VP project is backed up.
C. Basic functions
PART-C explains how to manage AD Server and AD project by using the Automation Design
Suite Administration Tool (below, "ADS Administration Tool") as well as history management
for the AD Suite.
Before you work with the ADS Administration Tool, close AD Organizer on all computers.
n Access rights that are required to use the ADS Administration Tool
To be able to use each function of the ADS Administration Tool, access rights are required
according to the IT security model. If the IT security model is the Standard model or Strength-
ened model, you should log on to a computer with AD Server by using an account that be-
longs to either of the following groups:
n Communication setup
You can change the port number used by AD Organizer to communicate with the AD Server.
If the computer with AD Server has multiple network interface cards installed in it, you can set
which network interface card is used.
TIP After changing the communication setup, restart the computer with AD Server.
If the computer with AD Server is connected to the control bus, the control bus network inter-
face also appears in the Option Setting Dialog Box. However, you must be aware that AD Or-
ganizer and AD Server cannot communicate each other through the control bus.
In the standard settings, the IP address of the control bus network interface is 172.16.<do-
main number>.<station number>.
ALSO For more information about the network settings for control bus, refer to:
B4.3.4, “Configuring Windows Network Settings” in CENTUM VP Installation (IM 33J01C10-01EN)
Before backing up the ADMDB, back up all VP projects to the AD project. When restoring the
backed-up ADMDB, you must also restore the VP projects.
l Backup password
You need to enter a password to back up the database. You will need this password to restore
the database.
The System Project Selection dialog box appears when the [Select] button in the Server
Backup dialog box is clicked. The VP projects contained in the ADMDB are shown in the Sys-
tem Project Selection dialog box. The VP project selected by the check box is backed up.
Restoration replaces the ADMDB with the restored ADMDB. The AD Server that the database
is restored to must have the defined the Windows users and user groups which were used in
the AD Server from which the database was backed up. To restore the database, enter the
password that was entered at the time of backup.
After restoring the ADMDB, you must also restore the VP projects using AD Organizer.
Failing to restore the VP projects leads to inconsistencies between the AD project database
and VP project database.
ALSO For more information about Change Set IDs, refer to:
“l Saving Change Sets” on page C2-2
n Creating an AD project
You can create an AD project on the AD Server. Create an AD project in the Project Creation
Dialog Box of the ADS Administration Tool.
The following table explains the items set in the Project Creation Dialog Box.
n Deleting an AD project
You can delete any AD project that was created on the AD Server. When you delete an AD
project, you are required to confirm the deletion.
When you delete an AD project, you must first unregister the VP project from the AD project
and then delete the AD project.
If you delete an AD project without unregistering the VP project, you can no longer perform
operations on VP projects, such as registering or deleting a VP project.
If you have deleted an AD project without unregistering the VP project, contact YOKOGAWA
User authentication
Access scope
TIP You must configure access control to AD projects for all users who perform engineering or maintenance
works of CENTUM VP.
If the IT security model is set to the Standard model or Strengthened model, configure access control to AD
projects for all users who belong to the following groups:
n User roles
A user role is a set of access rights that is defined according to the role of the user. Access
rights are classified into two types: access rights on objects and access rights on functions.
• Access rights on objects
Reference, modify, create, and delete data
• Access rights on functions
Permit/deny executing a function
There are two types of user roles: user roles provided by the system and user roles defined
by the user using the ADS Administration Tool. User roles provided by the system are referred
to as "Pre-defined user roles." User roles defined by the user using the ADS Administration
Tool are referred to as "Customizable user roles."
For example, a Pre-defined user role "Control Logic Engineer" permits module modification,
but not modification of process I/O lists.
ALSO For more information about pre-defined user role access rights, refer to:
“l Pre-defined user role” on page C1-14
Table C1.1.6-2 List of objects for which access rights can be defined
Data type Target Operations on the applicable folder or file
Large category Medium category
Control Logic Class Module AD project • Create and delete class modules
• Edit using the Design Information Editor
• Edit using the Control Logic Editor
• Edit using the Tuning Parameter Editor
• Edit using the Alarm Attribute Editor (in-
cluding application of alarm profiles)
• Edit in the Attachment List Window
• Create, edit, and delete module rules
Application Mod- AD project • Create and delete application modules
ule • Edit using the Design Information Editor
• Edit using the Control Logic Editor
• Edit using the Tuning Parameter Editor
• Edit using the Alarm Attribute Editor (in-
cluding application of alarm profiles)
• Edit in the Attachment List Window
• Edit using the Control Logic Mass Editor
Create, edit, apply, and delete grid rules
• Edit using the Alarm Attribute Mass Editor
Create, edit, apply, and delete grid rules
• Edit using the Module Update Manager
• Create, edit, and delete module rules
• Create and delete folders and move appli-
cation modules by using the Application
Configuration Navigator
Alarm Alarm Profile AD project Edit alarm profiles
Library Sequence Library AD project • Create and delete SEBOL user functions
• Create and delete SFC sequences
• Create and delete unit procedures
• Edit using the Sequence Library Editor
I/O Process I/O List AD project • Create, edit, and delete a process I/O list
• Create, edit, apply, and delete grid rules
• Create and delete IOM folders of the Sys-
tem Configuration Navigator
Communication AD project • Create, edit, and delete a communication
I/O List I/O list
• Create, edit, apply, and delete grid rules
Continues on the next page
Table C1.1.6-3 List of functions for which access rights can be defined
Type of function Operation and access rights on function
Large category Medium category
Document Document Permit/deny operations in the Document Navigator
• Permit: Able to create, reference, and delete
• Deny: Only able to reference documents
ModPack Creation Permit/deny operations in the ModPack Navigator
and ModPack List Window
Revision History Re-assign ModPack Permit/deny changing the ModPack IDs in the revi-
sion history
Modify Comment Permit/deny changing the check-in comment in the
revision history
Set Label Permit/deny setting labels
Delete Label Permit/deny deleting labels
Change Label Permit/deny changing label comments
Utility Permit/deny executing the Revision History Utility
ALSO For more information about details of access rights on ModPack, refer to:
B1.3, “Access control on ModPack operation” in Automation Design Suite Optional Functions (IM
ALSO For more information about RS Lead Engineer, Safety I/O Engineer, and RS Engineer access rights, refer to:
Engineer's Reference Manual (IM 32P04B10-01EN)
n Access scope
An access scope is the definition of a range of folders and files within the data hierarchy of
each navigator of AD Organizer, or within the System View data, to which access rights can
be defined.
User A can modify the data belonging to folder A, but cannot modify the data belonging to
folder B.
An access scope named "All Scope" is provided by default. Set under this All Scope are
RWAD access rights on all AD project folders and files.
TIP Users cannot modify the details of All Scope.
You can define access rights on the following Navigator and View hierarchy (folders and files):
• Library Navigator
• Application Structure Navigator
TIP VP projects have folders other than those shown in the figure, but those folders are excluded from the access
n Exporting AD projects
You can export an AD project in the Project Export Dialog Box of the ADS Administration Tool.
When exporting an AD project, you can select whether to export only the latest data or to also
include revision history information together with the data. After importing an AD project
where only the latest data was exported, only a check-in log of the latest files appears in the
Revision History window at the location where the database was imported.
Before exporting an AD project, you must back up all VP projects to the AD project. When
importing the exported AD project, you must also restore the VP projects.
TIP • When exporting an AD project, you cannot export only a part of the history.
• If you export an AD project while other user is checking in files, the export fails with an error message.
You must export the database after check-in is complete.
• If any checked-out file exists when you export an AD project, the project is exported with the checked-
out status of the files discarded. Therefore, the checked-out status is not inherited by importing the ex-
ported AD project.
l Export password
You need to enter a password to export the database. This password is required when import-
ing the database.
The System Project Selection dialog box appears when the [Select] button in the Export Proj-
ect dialog box is clicked. The VP projects contained in the AD project are shown in the Sys-
tem Project Selection dialog box. The VP project selected by the check box is backed up.
n Importing AD projects
You can import an exported AD project. An AD project can be imported through the Project
Import Dialog Box of the ADS Administration Tool.
The AD project is imported separately from any AD project that already exists on the comput-
er where you import the AD project. If a project of the same name exists at the import destina-
tion, the dialog box for changing the project name appears at the time of import.
The AD Server to which the database is imported must have defined the Windows users and
user groups that are used in the AD Server from which the database was exported. At the
time of import, enter the password that was entered at the time of export.
After importing the AD project, you must also restore the VP projects by using AD Organizer.
Failing to restore the VP projects leads to inconsistencies between the AD project database
and VP project database.
TIP Encryption of the imported AD project database depends on the encryption setting on the computer to which
the database is imported, regardless of the encryption setting on the computer from which you exported the
ALSO For more information about restoring VP projects by using the AD Organizer, refer to:
“l Restoring a VP project from the AD project” on page B1-12
• User-specified locations must be in folders under the local drive.
• The following folders cannot be specified as user-specified locations:
Program Files
Program Files(x86)
CENTUM VP installation folder
Installation folders of other coexisting YOKOGAWA products
Hidden folders
• If the AD project has any checked-out files, make sure that all checked-out files are
checked-in or cancel the checked-out status before changing the location of the ADMDB.
• Before moving existing ADMDB data to a new location, you must back up the ADMDB or
export the AD project. In the course of backing up the ADMDB or exporting the AD proj-
ect, you must back up the latest VP projects to the AD project.
• Backing up and restoring of the ADMDB and display of the operation history are per-
formed for the ADMDB that is stored in the set location.
1. To move the existing ADMDB data to a new location, perform one of the following opera-
tions in the old location:
• If you are moving the entire ADMDB data, back up the ADMDB.
• If you are moving individual AD projects in the ADMDB, export the AD projects.
2. Log on to the computer with AD Server. If the IT security model is the Standard model or
Strengthened model, log on as a member of the ADS_MANAGER or ADS_MANAG-
ER_LCL group.
3. Start the ADS Administration Tool.
4. From the menu bar of the ADS Administration Tool, select [Server] > [Set ADMDB Loca-
The ADMDB Location Setting Dialog Box appears.
5. Specify the folder where the ADMDB is to be placed and click [OK].
6. Start the IT Security Tool and configure the IT security settings to the values that were set
when CENTUM is installed.
TIP Folders registered in the software restriction policy cannot be deleted with the IT Security Tool. Delete the
folder path of the old location from the software restriction policy.
8. If any AD Server options were set before changing the location, set the AD Server op-
tions again.
9. Start the ADS Administration Tool and register the AD project. To register the project, per-
form one of the following operations:
• Create a new AD project.
• Restore the backed-up ADMDB.
• Import an exported AD project.
10. Start AD Organizer and register the VP project in the AD project. To register the project,
perform one of the following operations:
• If you have created a new AD project, register the VP projects in the AD project.
• If you have restored an ADMDB or imported an AD project, restore the backed up VP
projects from the AD project.
TIP After moving an existing AD project to a new location, it is recommended that you delete the AD project from
the old location.
ALSO For more information about how to back up the ADMDB, refer to:
C1.2.3, “Backing up the ADMDB” on page C1-31
For more information about how to export AD projects, refer to:
C1.3.4, “Exporting AD projects” on page C1-39
For more information about IT security settings, refer to:
• 6.9, “Viewing the Information Configured by the IT Security Tool” in CENTUM VP Security Guide
(IM 33J01C30-01EN)
• B4.7, “Configuring IT Security Settings” in CENTUM VP Installation (IM 33J01C10-01EN)
For more information about setting the ADMDB options, refer to:
C1.2.2, “Changing the AD Server option settings” on page C1-30
For more information about how to create a new AD project, refer to:
C1.3.1, “Creating an AD project” on page C1-36
For more information about how to restore the ADMDB, refer to:
C1.2.4, “Restoring the backed-up ADMDB” on page C1-32
For more information about how to import AD projects, refer to:
C1.3.5, “Importing AD projects” on page C1-40
For more information about how to register a VP project in the AD project, refer to:
B1.5, “Registering a VP project in the AD project” on page B1-9
For more information about how to restore a VP project from the AD project, refer to:
“l Restoring a VP project from the AD project” on page B1-12
After changing any option setting, you must restart the computer with AD Server.
ALSO For more information about restoring a VP project, refer to:
“l Restoring a VP project from the AD project” on page B1-12
For more information about communication setup, refer to:
“n Communication setup” on page C1-4
n Creating an AD project
Follow these steps to create an AD project:
1. On the toolbar of the ADS Administration Tool, click [Create Project].
The Project Creation Dialog Box appears.
2. In the Project Creation Dialog Box, enter the project name and project comment and then
click [OK].
The AD project is created. The created project appears in the list of the ADS Administra-
tion Tool.
n Deleting an AD project
Follow these steps to delete an AD project:
1. In AD Organizer, unregister the VP project from the AD project that you want to delete.
2. In the ADS Administration Tool, select the project you want to delete.
3. On the toolbar, click [Delete Project].
The Project Delete Confirmation Dialog Box appears.
4. In the Project Delete Confirmation Dialog Box, select the [Yes, I want to delete the proj-
ect.] check box and click [OK].
ALSO For more information about how to unregister a VP project, refer to:
“n Unregistering a VP project from the AD project” on page B1-11
n Exporting AD projects
Follow these steps to export an AD project:
1. In the ADS Administration Tool, select the AD project you want to export.
2. From the menu bar of the ADS Administration Tool, select [Project] > [Export].
The Project Export Confirmation Dialog Box appears.
3. In the Project Export Confirmation Dialog Box, click [OK].
The Project Export Dialog Box appears.
4. In the Project Export dialog box, specify [Output Path], and enter the information for
[Comment] and [Password]. To include the revision history information in the export file,
select [Includes Revision History information] check box. To back up the latest VP project
to the AD project before backing up the AD project, perform these steps:
a. Select the [Backup System Projects prior to AD Project Export] check box.
b. Click [Select].
The System Project Selection dialog box appears, and the VP projects contained in
the AD project are shown in the list.
c. Select the check box for the VP project for backup, and click [OK].
TIP Even if an error has occurred during backup of a VP project, to proceed with the process for backing up the
next VP project without aborting, select the [Continue even if error occurs in System Project Backup.].
n Importing AD projects
Follow these steps to import an exported AD project:
1. From the menu bar of the ADS Administration Tool, select [Project] > [Import].
The Project Import Confirmation Dialog Box appears.
2. In the Project Import Confirmation Dialog Box, click [OK].
The Project Import Dialog Box appears.
3. In the Project Import Dialog Box, click the folder selection button and select the folder you
wish to import.
The path of the file to be imported appears under [Source File Path] in the Project Import
Dialog Box.
4. Under [Password] in the Project Import Dialog Box, enter the password entered at the
time of export.
5. In the Project Import Dialog Box, click [OK].
6. If an AD project of the same name exists at the import destination, the Project Name
Change Dialog Box appears. In the Project Name Change Dialog Box, change the project
name and click [OK].
Import of the AD project starts and the Project Import Progress Dialog Box appears.
If no AD project of the same name exists at the import destination, import of the AD proj-
ect starts, and the Project Import Progress Dialog Box appears.
7. When the import is complete, restore the VP projects by using AD Organizer.
ALSO For more information about restoring a VP project, refer to:
“l Restoring a VP project from the AD project” on page B1-12
If you forcibly cancel the checked-out status on the AD Server, the edited contents of the
file(s) currently checked out in AD Organizer are lost. If you need the edited contents, you
must export or check in the file(s) being edited in AD Organizer before you forcibly cancel the
checked-out status on the AD Server.
Define customizable user roles Define in the User Role Definition dialog box
Define access scopes Define in the Access Scope Definition dialog box
l Setting labels
You can define any string as a label for the latest of the chronologically saved files on AD
Server. You can search for files by label in the Check-in window.
Some labels are set by the user, while other labels are set automatically by the system. When
any of the following operations is performed, a label is automatically set by the system:
• Engineering in System View
A label is automatically assigned to the Change Set following a successful download or
save operation in the VP builders.
n Starting AD Organizer
Follow these steps to start AD Organizer:
1. Log on to a computer with system builders. If the IT security model is the standard model
or the strengthened model, log on to an account that belongs to one of these groups:
2. Start AD Organizer.
n Setting labels
You can set labels for folders and files that are shown in the tree view of each navigator of AD
Labels can be created in two ways: Batch labeling for all of the folders and files in the tree
view, or individual labeling for specific folders or files.
ALSO For more information about how to change and delete a set label, refer to:
C2.4.4, “Displaying label details” on page C2-12
l Batch labeling
Follow these steps to batch label all files and folders:
1. In AD Organizer, open a navigator. You can assign labels to all of the folders or files
shown in the tree view of this navigator.
2. On the toolbar, click [Sub Menu] and select [Add Label to All].
The Label dialog box appears.
3. In the Label dialog box, enter a label name and label comment.
The label name can contain up to 100 double-byte or single-byte characters, while a label
comment can contain up to 1000 double-byte or single-byte characters.
4. In the Label dialog box, click [OK].
The label is assigned to each of the folders and files shown in the tree view of the naviga-
3. In the Label dialog box, enter a label name and label comment.
The label name can contain up to 100 double-byte or single-byte characters, while a label
comment can contain up to 1000 double-byte or single-byte characters.
4. In the Label dialog box, click [OK].
The label is assigned to the folder or file that is selected in the tree view of the navigator.
3. Enter the range of the Change Sets to be displayed, and click [OK].
3. Enter the date range of the Change Sets to be displayed, and click [OK].
Table C2.4.1-2 Items displayed in the Label tab of the Revision History window
Item Description
Name The label name is displayed.
User The name of the user who set the label is displayed.
Date The date and time when the label was set is displayed.
Comment The label comment is displayed.
Table C2.4.2-1 Items displayed in the Change Set Detail dialog box
Item Description Remarks
Change Set The Change Set ID is displayed.
User The name of the user who checked in the
files is displayed.
Date The date and time of check-in is displayed.
Continues on the next page
Figure C2.4.3-1 Revision History window showing the file list pane
ALSO For more information about ModPack, refer to:
B., “Change management” in Automation Design Suite Optional Functions (IM 33J10A20-01EN)
3. In the ModPack list view area, select the ModPack to associate and click [OK].
The ModPack ID of the associated ModPack appears on the Revision History tab of the
Revision History window.
l Comparing the file currently checked out and the latest file saved in the
Select a file in the Check-in window and start the Compare editor to automatically check the
file currently checked out on the local computer against the latest file saved to the ADMDB.
The editor window of the latest file saved to the ADMDB appears on the left side, while the
editor window of the file currently checked out appears on the right side of the Compare edi-
tor. You can edit the file currently checked out.
l Menu operations
The following table shows a list of menu operations in System View where the files are saved.
l Operations on objects
The following table shows a list of object operations in System View where the files are saved.
l Menu operations
The following table shows the files that are saved as a result of menu operations in System
l Operations on Objects
The following table shows the files that are saved as a result of operations on object in Sys-
tem View.
n Labels
When files are saved as a result of an operation in System View, a label is also saved to the
ADMDB. The label is a character string consisting of the following items:
Program name, operation name, target of the operation
l Menu operations
The following table shows the labels that are saved as a result of menu operations in System
l Operations on Objects
The following table shows the labels that are saved as a result of operations on objects in
System View.
Table C2.6.3-1 Timing at which the files are saved as a result of VP builders operation
No. Type of builder or ed- Timing at which modified files are saved Remarks
itor file name Current project Default project / user-
defined project
1 Project common build- Upon successful Upon successful Save
ers download operation (*1)
BATCH builders (including when equal-
FCS builders ization fails or there is
(excluding 3 to 9 be- nothing to be equal-
low) ized)
2 HIS builders Upon successful Upon successful Save The builder files are
download (Save oper- operation (*1) updated and then
ation and equalization) equalized. Even when
or successful Save equalization of the up-
operation (*1) dated files fails, the
files are still saved
(same condition as af-
ter the Save opera-
tion). (*1)
3 State Transition Matrix Upon successful Save Same as with the cur- Download from the
(Common to all proj- operation rent project (*1) builder is not permit-
ects) ted.
4 Status Change Com- Upon successful Save Same as with the cur- Download from the
mand Character String operation rent project (*1) builder is not permit-
(Common to all proj- ted.
5 Block Status Charac- Upon successful Save Same as with the cur- Download from the
ter String operation rent project (*1) builder is not permit-
(Common to all proj- ted.
6 Unit Common Block Upon successful Save Same as with the cur- Download from the
(BATCH) operation rent project (*1) builder is not permit-
7 Tag-List Generation Upon successful Save Same as with the cur- Download from the
(STN) operation rent project (*1) builder is not permit-
8 Control drawing/Logic Upon successful crea- Same as with the cur- With the current proj-
chart status display tion of Control draw- rent project (*1) ect, a status display
file (updated from the ing/Logic chart status file is created after a
Control Drawing Build- display file successful download
er, Function Block of control drawings
Overview Builder, and and function blocks
Function Block Detail (even when an equali-
Builder) zation error occurs).
Even when tag-list
equalization or status
display file equaliza-
tion fails, the file is still
Continues on the next page
n Labels
When files are saved as a result of a VP builders operation, a label is also saved to the
ADMDB. The label is a character string consisting of the following items:
Program name, operation name, target of the operation
The following table shows the labels that are saved as a result of VP builders operations.
C2.6.4 VP generation
When VP generation is performed using AD Organizer, the files and labels are saved.
Table C2.6.4-1 Files that are saved as a result of VP generation and when they are saved.
Operation When the file is saved Information that is saved
FCS generation Upon completion of FCS genera- Files subjected to FCS generation
IOM generation Upon completion of IOM genera- Files subjected to IOM generation
n Labels
When files are saved as a result of VP generation, a label is also saved to the ADMDB. The
label is a character string consisting of the following items:
Program name, operation name, target of the operation
The following table shows the labels that are saved as a result of VP generation.
Table C2.6.5-1 Files that are saved as a result of operating the Revision History Utility and when they
are saved.
Operation When the file is Information that is saved Remarks
Start When history man- Any file that has differences between the
agement is started ADMDB and VP project database
Stop Not subject to history Not subject to history management No file is saved.
Update When the revision Any file that has differences between the
history is updated ADMDB and VP project database
n Labels
When files are saved as a result of operating the Revision History Utility, a label is also saved
to the ADMDB. The label is a character string consisting of the following items:
Program name, operation name, target of the operation
The following table shows the labels that are saved as a result of operating the Revision His-
tory Utility.
Table C2.6.5-2 Labels that are saved as a result of operating Revision History Utility
Operation Labels Remarks
Program name Operation Target of oper-
name ation
Start Revision History Utili- Start revision Project name Even when no file is saved as a result
ty history man- of this operation, a label is still saved.
Stop Revision History Utili- Stop revision Project name No file is saved as a result of this op-
ty history man- eration, but a label is still saved.
Update Revision History Utili- Update revision Project name Even when no file is saved as a result
ty history of this operation, a label is still saved.
ALSO For more information about set tuning parameters in the Set All Parameter Window, refer to:
C4.3, “Set all tuning parameters in FCS in bulk” in Automation Design Suite Module-based Engineering
Vol.2 (IM 33J10A16-01EN)
Table C2.6.6-2 Label that is saved as a result of tuning parameter comparison and setting
Function Label
Program name Operation name Target of operation
Tuning parameter com- Tuning Parameter Com- Enforcement Station name
parison parison
ALSO For more information about compare and set tuning parameters in the Tuning Parameter Differences Window,
refer to:
C4.4, “Compare the design value of a tuning parameter to the current value” in Automation Design Suite
Module-based Engineering Vol.2 (IM 33J10A16-01EN)
Revision Information
Title : Automation Design Suite Basics
Manual No. : IM 33J10A10-01EN
Feb. 2021/11th Edition/R6.08 or later
C1.1.6 Added description to the table in "● List of objects for which access rights can be de-
Added description to the table in "● Pre-defined user role.”
Updated figures in "● Access scope of CENTUM VP System View.”
C2.4 Descriptions have been added.
C2.4.1 Updated figures in “■ Opening the Revision History window.”
Added “■ Filtering Change Sets displayed on the Revision History tab.”
Added “● Filtering by dates of Change Sets.”
C2.4.3 Newly added.
Appendix 1 Added some detailed error codes.
May 2020/10th Edition/R6.07.10
General Updated reference links.
Aug. 2019/9th Edition/R6.07
A1. Added description to the table in "■ Terms."
A2.5 Added information related to UACS.
B1.5.1 Updated descriptions in "● Restoring a VP project from the AD project."
C1.1 Updated figures.
C1.1.6 Added description to the table in "● List of objects for which access rights can be de-
Added description to the table in "● Pre-defined user role."
C2.6.2 Added description to the table in "● Menu operations" in "■ Operations where the files
are saved."
Added description to the table in "● Operations on objects" in "■ Operations where the
files are saved."
Added description to the table in "● Operations on Objects" in "■ Files that are saved."
Added description to the table in "● Menu operations" in "■ Labels."
Added description to the table in "● Operations on Objects" in "■ Labels."
C2.6.3 Added description to the table in "■ Timing of file saving."
Added description to the table in "■ Files that are saved."
Added description to the table in "■ Labels."
C2.6.6 Added description to the table in "■ Labels that are saved as a result of VP builders op-
Aug. 2018/8th Edition/R6.06
A1. Figures have been updated in "● System builders."
B2.2 Descriptions have been added.
B2.3 Updated descriptions in "■ Upgrading the revision of VP projects."
C1.1 Descriptions have been added.