Welcome Letter
Welcome Letter
Welcome Letter
Welcome to (..) grade! I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child, as
well as working together to help your child succeed! First, I would like to take this opportunity
to give you a brief outline about myself. I have lived in Saratoga Springs, New York most of my
life. I earned my Associates in Liberal Arts: Math and Science from SUNY Adirondack and
eventually my Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics with a minor in Elementary Education from
Castleton University. (Add master’s info once attained) I am the youngest of 2 and our parents
are both educators, therefore I have always said that teaching was in my blood!
I adore teaching and expanding our youth’s knowledge. Furthermore, throughout our
journeys together, we will mutually learn and teach each other many new things. I aspire to set
good examples and to be a positive role model – just as many educators of my youth had
inspired me to pursue this career!
o Raise your hand o Follow directions o Keep hands, feet, o Use nice words
to speak o Complete and objects to o Be helpful to
o Listen when assignments yourself others
others are o Bring things when o Sit appropriately o Encourage and
speaking due in your seat cooperate with
o Talk quietly and o Be honest about o Use materials others
politely your actions properly o Respect the
o Understand o Clean up after o Let an adult know thoughts and
your yourself where you are feelings of others
surroundings o Include everyone
Pease let me know if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact me at
(518)649-0383 or email me at (email). It is important to keep communication open and I would
love to converse if you feel the need. I look forward to a great year together!
Ms. Vetter