Hooponopono Basics
Hooponopono Basics
Hooponopono Basics
Stephen from Adversity University blog posted some questions on my last Ho’oponopono post and I
realized that I never did fully explain what Ho’oponopono is, did I? I meant to, but forgot. So let
me start with a quick overview and then I’ll answer his questions.
Ho’oponopono is an ancient method of “clearing” negative energy by reciting four simple phrases.
I’m sorry,
forgive me,
thank you,
I love you.
The premise is that we are each responsible for the creation of everything that exists in our world -
not just our immediate surroundings, but in our entire world (universe, really). If it resides in our
consciousness, we created it.
That means you’ve created everything you see, hear and experience - yes, even if you see it on the
evening news, and even if it’s something that doesn’t affect you personally, such as problems and
wars in other parts of the world.
I know that’s probably a stretch for many people to believe, but if you’re familiar with subjective
reality concepts at all it will make more sense to you. Quantum exploration is also moving quickly in
this direction as we realize the “holographic” nature of reality.
But even as far as basic LOA principles this makes a certain kind of sense. Nothing exists separately
outside of us; it’s all a projection from within us. According to our thoughts, feelings and beliefs we
form our outer world. That doesn’t mean it isn’t “real,” it’s definitely real, but the only reality we
know is our own PERCEPTION of the things we see and experience. That’s real, but it’s also
extremely malleable!
Anyway, according to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (co-author with Joe Vitale on the book Zero Limits),
our own “cancerous thoughts” are what create negative outer experiences, even if we’re not aware of
doing so. And we can’t heal those outer problems except by healing the part of ourselves that created
them. As we heal that, everything outside heals too.
Quote from the book: “Dr. Hew Len explained, ‘Simply put, ho’oponopono means “to make right” or
“to rectify an error.” Ho’o means “cause” in Hawaiian and ponopono means “perfection.”
According to the ancient Hawaiians, error arises from thoughts that are tainted by painful memories
from the past. Ho’oponopono offers a way to release the energy of these painful thoughts, or errors,
http://creationthoughts.com/2008/03/18/hooponopono-basics/ 06/03/2008
which cause imbalance and disease.”
Through the use of Ho’oponopono we claim full responsibility for the thoughts that created these
situations and “clear” the energy so we can return to a “zero state” - which means we’ve cleaned the
slate and everything is possible.
When you say these words, you are in effect saying to the universe, “I’m sorry for creating this
situation or experience in my universe. I may not even understand how I created it, but I know I did
and I take full responsibility for it. Forgive me.”
Thank you
When you say “thank you,” you are saying, “Thank you for clearing the error and making it right
again.” It’s very much a mind-set of surrender, like acknowledging that you can’t fix it on your own
so you ask the universe, the Divine, to work on your behalf.
I love you
With these words you simply express your love, gratitude and appreciation for the universe, for your
life, and for everything.
You can read more about the process at the Ho’oponopono website: www.hooponopono.org/ and Joe
Vitale has a video on it too: drjoevitale.blogspot.com/ (It’s the second video down on the page, “15
Minute Miracle”)
Is there another source of information other than the book you suggested? I seem to remember
printing the words from somewhere but can’t figure out where.
When you decided to try it for money, how exactly did you do it? You recited “I’m sorry, forgive me,
thank you, I love you.” Right?
What were you focused on when you were saying those words? Focused on money itself? Focused on
the unexpected bill?
Did you consciously bring up emotions on purpose? If so, what did you bring up? Did you focus on
your feelings of financial insecurity while chanting those words or did you focus on WHAT?
There is another source of information, which is the website listed above (www.hooponopono.org).
The book Zero Limits explains it all much more completely, but there are some gems on the website
When I used this process for money, here’s exactly what I did. When I sat down to say the phrases, I
had a mental image of my entire financial situation. I saw this unexpected bill as a blockage in the
natural flow of abundance through my life. A blockage that I had created somehow. As I kept this
image in mind, I started saying the words, “I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you” over and
over again.
As I did so, I raised the corresponding emotions of regret, humility, surrender, gratitude, love and
http://creationthoughts.com/2008/03/18/hooponopono-basics/ 06/03/2008
appreciation. If I had to pair words with those feelings, it was like I was communicating to the
universe something like this: “I know I DID create this financial obstacle somehow. I know I’m fully
responsible for its appearance in my life. I’m sorry for doing that even though I have no idea how I
did it. I surrender this to you, Universe, and I thank you for setting it right again. I know you’ll set it
right again, because abundance and peace is my natural state of being. Thank you so much for
everything, for the love and support and guidance you constantly give me. Thank you for my life and
all of the miracles in it.”
I didn’t so much think those words consciously, but that was the type of FEELING I brought up while
I was saying the four phrases. A feeling of surrender and peace.
I didn’t focus on financial insecurity - just the opposite! I moved into a state of knowing that
everything was being set right again, right NOW. Very peaceful, like knowing that all is well, even if
I couldn’t yet see it.
It’s difficult to put it into words. My suggestion would be to try it, even if you don’t understand how
or why it works yet. Just go with it. When you see or experience something negative, say the phrases
and bring up the emotions as best you can. You can do this with your own problems, but also when
you see or hear about someone else’s problems. Take responsibility for them appearing in your life,
and surrender them to the universe to be healed. Then watch what happens.
You might see only small changes at first, or you might see HUGE ones. Genuine miracles.
I can tell you one thing. As far as my own experiences with this process, what seems to make the
biggest difference in my results is how completely I can move myself into that state of surrender and
peace. It’s one thing to say the phrases, but it’s a much more powerful experience to really FEEL
them. See if that isn’t true for you too.
I’d be interested in hearing about your experiences if you try this, so feel free to share!
http://creationthoughts.com/2008/03/18/hooponopono-basics/ 06/03/2008