Advanced Ho'oponopono Objects

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By Dr. Joe Vitale

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon
Table of Contents

Cleaning Tools – Objects Introduction .................................................. 3

How to Make Blue Solar Water ................................................................ 4

Apple Cider/Blue Solar Water Mix ......................................................... 6

Down Filled Pillows ...................................................................................... 7

Irish Spring Soap, Glass of Water Uncovered .................................... 9

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

Cleaning Tools – Objects Introduction
Blue solar water- Drinking solar water is a pure form of

saying “I love you”.

An excellent practice is to keep some of this water in a spray

bottle. When traveling on a trip, it can be sprayed on the tires

of your car. You can also add a drop to your coffee, tea or water

bottle, and it is wonderful for plants (and any other way you

are inspired to use it.)

The first misconception is that the more water used, the better.

This could not be more untrue: a drop of solar water has an

equal effect to a gallon of solar water.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

How to Make Blue Solar Water
Here is how to make a special kind of ho’oponopono water that

will release memories, Earth bound spirits and entities. Here is

how this works.

This is a CLEANING PROCESS. You need is a blue bottle. It can

be any kind of bottle. It has to be glass, and of course, it has to

be blue. Then you fill it up with water (Tap, filtered or distilled,

your choice).

Once full, set the bottle in direct sunlight. The sun comes down

and hits the bottle. Now, the sunlight takes all of the toxins out,

and any memories that are not correct for you, and it will

infuse it with rainbow colors that are perfect for you.

It will make this exchange. The solar sunlight brings down the

Source and the Divine. The bottle and water need to be

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

exposed for a minimum of one hour (and no, leaving it longer

does not supercharge it).

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

Apple Cider/Blue Solar Water Mix
You can combine a high concentration of apple cider and a

small amount of your blue solar water.

Place a small drop under your tongue or add it to other foods,

or liquids.

These two combinations create a full-spectrum shield that

protects people (and all other life forms on our planet,

including vegetation in the soil of the earth itself).

It’s similar to putting on a spiritual helmet that protects your

mind from all thoughts, which means that we are less likely to

experience those memories.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

Down Filled Pillows
Sleeping or resting your head on a down filled pillow is a

cleaning tool that helps to expand our consciousness, and

opens our awareness to the constant expansion of our


The down comforts our inner spirit and cleans on the memory

that represents the more horrific side of human nature.

It focuses strongly on guilt, depression, resentment and


Using a down filled pillow also helps comfort our transition

when we leave this earthly plane.

Pencil eraser – You can use any pencil as long as it has a

eraser on the end.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects


First start by cleansing the pencil: you can do this by holding

the pencil and mentally saying “dewdrop”, this only needs to be

performed one time.

While mentally saying “dewdrop,” visualize a perfect single

drop on the pencil: this will prepare it for cleaning.

Now that the pencil is prepared for use as a cleaning tool, you

can either visualize or physically placed the eraser end of the

pencil on a problem, situation, object or a specific person.

There are no limitations to its use.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

Irish Spring Soap, Glass of Water
Irish Spring soap – The specific brand Irish Spring soap works

as a cleaning tool for use when you are bathing or washing

your hands.

It focuses on cleaning on back pains, plastic surgery and

menstrual problems.

It is recommended that you clean between your toes, each one,

seven times. This will focus on cleaning memory from bottom

to top.

Glass of water uncovered – Placing a glass of uncovered

water in your home or workplace will help clean on

memory/data and toxic energies. They will be absorbed into

the glass of water to be transmuted.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects


You will need a drinking glass of any size; it can be clear or


Fill the glass 3/4 full using standard tap water from your

faucet. Sprinkle a tiny amount of Arrowhead Brand Blue

Cornmeal into the water.

The cornmeal represents an arrow being on target.

This glass can then be placed wherever you would like in your

home, workplace or anywhere that you are inspired to place it.

It is important that the water be changed at least twice a day.

If you wish to be more specific about what the glass of water

cleans, you can write down the problem that you are

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects

experiencing on a piece of paper, then place that piece of paper

underneath the glass of water. The glass will then begin to

work on that specific memory.

Advanced Ho’oponopono Cleaning Tools – Objects


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