Quarter 3 Week 5 Day 2

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School KAYAGA ELEMENTARY Grade and Grade 3-Du

SCHOOL Section
Name AVIEZEL B. SOBREDO Subject English
Date and March 08,2024 Grading 3rd Quarter
Time 8:30 am Period Week5


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrate understanding of

grammatical structures of English to be
able to communicate effectively in oral and
written forms
B. Performance Standards The learner shows proficiency in
constructing grammatically correct
sentences in varied theme-based oral and
written activities.
C.Learning Competencies/Objectives Use commonly used possessive
(Write the LC code for each) pronouns EN3G-IIIef-4.2.4
II. CONTENT Commonly Used Possessive Pronouns


Teacher’s Guide Pages
Learner’s Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from the LR Portal
5. Other Learning Resources tic-tac-toe board, copy of the dialog,
activity cards, chart of activities

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Prayer
May I request everybody to stand up for ( the pupils will pray)
our prayer
A. Reviewing the b. Greeting
previous lesson Good morning class Good morning teacher Avie
or presenting the and teacher Abedin, it’s nice
new lesson to see you again.
c. Opening Song
Everyone let’s sing “I’m Alive, Alert, Awake ( The Pupils will sing)
Enthusiastic”. sing!
d. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today? - none teacher

Are all present? - yes teacher

e. Setting of Classroom Standard
Class what are the things to do when the class -listen attentively to the
is going on? teacher.
- be quiet if someone is
taking in front
-raise your right hand if
asking question and answer
- don’t talk with your
seatmate when the class is
going on.
f. Review
Let us play Tic-tac-toe the first to get the
correct spelling of the word that I am going to
say will write his/her name on the empty
squares. The first pupil to get 3 of her/his marks
in a row (up, down,across, or diagonally) is the

1.have 2.because 3. said 4.please 5. laugh

B. Establishing a Today‘s lesson would be about using

purpose for the commonly used possessive pronouns.What
lesson will be your learning target for today?

C.Presenting Read the dialog and notice the underlined words.

of the new lesson The SRES Raging Raven Claw Marching
Band just got home from a competition. Kuya
Jay, their trainer helped them get off
the jeepney.

Kuya Jay : Who owns this pink towel?

Keerah : That‘s mine Sir Jay. My name is
written on it.
Kuya Jay : How about this drum beater?
Andrew : I think that is yours, Tobi.
Tobi : No it isn‘t.
Cheska : Oh! That‘s Ralph‘s drum beater. That
is His.
Ralph : Yes, that‘s mine. I‘m sorry Sir Jay.I left
it because I had to help Kholie with her bag.
Kuya Jay : Oh! I see, next time secure your
things first.
Ralph : Yes Sir Jay, I will.
Kuya Jay : That‘s a true Roquenian!

D. Discussing new
concepts What are the underlined words? Mine, Yours, His
and practicing
new skills #1 What do they show? Keerah’s towel, tobi’s drum
beater, drum beater

What do they replace? My, your, ralph

How do we call the words mine, yours and his? Possessive pronoun

Possessive pronouns show possession or


What does the possessive pronoun mine My, Your, Ralph


Is mine singular or plural?Etc. Singular

Mine, yours, his, hers, are singular possessive

pronouns; ours and theirs are plural. These
cannot be used before a noun.
E. Discussing new GROUP ACTIVITY
and practicing I will group you into three groups .I will assign
new skills #2 a task in every group.

Group I
Construct sentences about the pictures using
possessive pronouns.

(pupils will do their assign

task in group)

Group II
Fill in the blank with the proper possessive

1. I paid for my snacks, so it is _______.

2. Pick any of these toys. The choice is _____.
3. The Science book belongs to Mariz. It
is ____.
4. We all love video games. Playing them is a
favorite pastime of ______.
5. Ian left his book at the covered
court.Definitely no one will get it because it
is _____.

Group III
Write a sentence with each of the given
possessive pronouns.
1. My
2. Your
3. His
4. Her
5. Our

10 6 4
Cooperation Took an Worked Could be
initiative agreeabl persuade
in helping y with d to
the group partners cooperate
to get
Performance Did a full Did an Did
share of equal almost as
work or share of much
more work work as

I will give 10 minutes to each group to present

their outputs.

F. Developing Using your white board or any piece of paper,

mastery (Leads to write the correct possessive pronoun that
Formative would complete each sentence.
Assessment 3)
1. I have my cellphone and
you have _______. 1.mine
2. You have your homework, but he doesn‘t
have ______. 2. Him
3. Belle likes her teacher-adviser, but
Jonathan doesn‘t like ______. 3.her
4. I‘m not sure if this soda is _____ or
not. 4.mine
5. We don‘t remember this package if
this is _________. 5.our

G. Finding practical In what particular situations at home or in any

application of place can you use the possessive pronouns?
concepts and skills When showing possession or
in daily living ownership.

Give examples. My- mine

Ana- her
Ralph- his

H. Making What is the importance of using possessive

generalizations of pronouns?
concepts and skills To make statements about
in daily living ownership more concisely
without needing to repeat the
nouns representing the
owner and possession.

I. Evaluating Write a sentence with each of the given possessive

learning pronouns.

1. Mine
2. Yours
3. Theirs
4. Hers
5. Ours

J. Additional Write five(5) sentences using possessive

activities pronounce.
for application or


a. No. Of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
b. Did the remedial lessons work
c. No. Of learners who continue to require
d. Which of teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work
e. What difficult did I encounter which my
principal of supervisor can help me sole?
f. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/ discover which I wish to share
with others teacher?

Prepared by;
Pre- Service Teacher

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

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