Artigo Terapia Alvo 1
Artigo Terapia Alvo 1
Artigo Terapia Alvo 1
Targeted therapies and immunotherapies are associated with a wide range of dermatologic adverse events (dAEs) resulting
from common signaling pathways involved in malignant behavior and normal homeostatic functions of the epidermis and
dermis. Dermatologic toxicities include damage to the skin, oral mucosa, hair, and nails. Acneiform rash is the most common
dAE, observed in 25–85% of patients treated by epidermal growth factor receptor and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase
inhibitors. BRAF inhibitors mostly induce secondary skin tumors, squamous cell carcinoma and keratoacanthomas, changes
in pre-existing pigmented lesions, as well as hand-foot skin reactions and maculopapular hypersensitivity-like rash. Immune
checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) most frequently induce nonspecific maculopapular rash, but also eczema-like or psoriatic lesions,
lichenoid dermatitis, xerosis, and pruritus. Of the oral mucosal toxicities observed with targeted therapies, oral mucositis is
the most frequent with mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors, followed by stomatitis associated to multikinase
angiogenesis and HER inhibitors, geographic tongue, oral hyperkeratotic lesions, lichenoid reactions, and hyperpigmentation.
ICIs typically induce oral lichenoid reactions and xerostomia. Targeted therapies and endocrine therapy also commonly induce
alopecia, although this is still underreported with the latter. Finally, targeted therapies may damage nail folds, with paronychia
and periungual pyogenic granuloma distinct from chemotherapy-induced lesions. Mild onycholysis, brittle nails, and a slower
nail growth rate may also be observed. Targeted therapies and immunotherapies often profoundly diminish patients’ quality
of life, which impacts treatment outcomes. Close collaboration between dermatologists and oncologists is therefore essential.
1 Introduction
Key Points
An estimated 14 million individuals were diagnosed with
Although dermatologic toxicities with systemic cancer cancer (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) worldwide
therapies are very frequent, a minority of cancer patients in 2012 ( home), of which more
are referred to a dermatologist during their therapy. than 10 million received systemic anticancer therapy.
Dermatologic toxicities related to targeted therapies Anticancer therapies including targeted therapies and
and immune checkpoint inhibitors profoundly dimin- immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are designed to tar-
ish patients’ quality of life, which impacts adherence to get alterations in DNA repair pathways and defects in the
the treatment, jeopardizing its success and thus patient immune system to treat cancer. However, those treatments
progression-free survival. Closer collaboration between target signaling pathways involved in both cell malig-
dermatologists and oncologists is essential. nant behavior and normal homeostatic functions of the
epidermis and dermis. Consequently, although intended
* Vincent Sibaud
to treat cancer, targeted therapies and immunotherapies
sibaud.vincent@iuct‑ also damage the skin and its appendages, resulting in the
Mario Lacouture
consistent report of cutaneous, oral mucosal, hair, and/
[email protected] or nail toxicities in nearly all patients, irrespective of the
pathway being blocked. Those dermatologic toxicities are
Department of Dermatology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering discussed herein, as well as strategies aimed at reducing
Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA
the burden placed on patients and improving their quality
Institut Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse – Oncopole, 1 of life (QoL).
avenue Irène Joliot‑Curie, 31059 TOULOUSE Cedex 9, France
S32 M. Lacouture, V. Sibaud
2 Skin Toxicities
improve patient survival without necessarily increasing the spread, and upregulated cyclin D1 expression indicative of
incidence of MEKI-induced dAEs. increased cell proliferation than control nevi [24].
is most commonly reported (Fig. 2), with a frequency rang- develop; these warrant prompt recognition, discontinuation
ing from 14 to 40% depending on the drug and whether it is of treatment, and aggressive management [40]. Vitiligo is
used in combination or alone [33]. Subsets of patients also also commonly described in patients treated for melanoma
present eczema-like or psoriatic lesions [34] while others [41, 42]. Patients are usually not bothered by the disease as
develop lichenoid dermatitis [35, 36] in response to PD-1 its impact on their social life is minor. Interestingly, how-
and PD-L1 inhibitors. Lichenoid rash in patients treated with ever, patients who develop cutaneous reactions in response
ICIs is very similar to idiopathic lichen planus, except for a to pembrolizumab [43, 44] or rash or vitiligo when treated
slightly increased abundance of CD163-positive cells indi- with nivolumab [45] have an overall increased survival and
cating a macrophage–monocyte lineage [36]. better outcomes than those who do not, suggesting a better
Other bothersome irAEs include xerosis and pruritus response to immunotherapy. ICI-treated patients must there-
with secondary excoriations, which may be associated with fore receive proper counselling as part of a supportive care
a rash. Although all-grade pruritus is frequent (10–30% of regimen to help them cope with dermatological toxicities
patients) [33, 37], it remains underreported and underdi- and ensure that QoL is maintained.
agnosed. As this irAE has a profound negative impact on
patients’ QoL, it is currently the focus of intense investi-
gation. Treatment includes high-potency corticosteroids or
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonists along with antihista- 3 Oral Mucosal Toxicities
mines for grade ≥ 2 toxicities.
Other clinical presentations of irAEs include autoimmune 3.1 Oral Mucosal Toxicities of Targeted Therapies
bullous disorders such as BP180/230-positive bullous pem-
phigoid (BP) [38] in < 1% of patients, as well as worsening 3.1.1 Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR)
or de novo appearance of autoimmune dermatosis such as Inhibitor‑Associated Stomatitis
psoriasis [39]. Rarely, life-threatening conditions such as
grade 4 Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)-like eruptions may Oral mucositis is the most frequent dose-limiting toxicity
observed with mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibi-
tors (everolimus, temsirolimus, and sirolimus). It is character-
ized by aphthous-like lesions which are very different from
the ones induced by chemo- and radiotherapy. These single or
multiple well-circumscribed, round, superficial, painful ulcers
are solely localized in the non-keratinized mucosa and occa-
sionally surrounded by an erythematous halo. mTOR inhibitor-
associated stomatitis occurs in about 30% of patients treated
with monotherapy, mostly within the first 8 weeks of treatment;
5% are grade ≥ 3 toxicities [46]. In addition, although usually
self-limited, lesions can be very painful [47].
Early patient education is critical to prevent repeated
trauma and avoid aggressive treatment modalities to the oral
mucosa [47, 48]. Close follow-up by an odontologist is also
essential. Early management consists of the promotion of
good oral hygiene, including mouth washing with normal
saline, sterile water, or sodium bicarbonate. A wide range
of treatments can also be used, including low-level laser
therapy, also known as soft laser therapy, pain management,
and morphine mouthwash, but the first line of therapy should
include topical corticosteroids [47, 48]. The SWISH trial
demonstrated the efficacy of topical corticosteroids in post-
menopausal women treated with everolimus and exemestane
who prophylactically used dexamethasone-based mouthwash
starting on the first day of treatment [49]. After 8 weeks,
the incidence of grade ≥ 2 stomatitis was only 2% compared
with 33% in the historical BOLERO-2 (Breast Cancer Trials
Fig. 2 Clinical presentation of grade 2/3 non-specific maculopapu-
lar rash on the trunk of a patient treated with a programmed death– of Oral Everolimus-2) study (p < 0.0001), with no grade 3
ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitor toxicity.
Skin, Oral Mucosal, Hair, and Nail Toxicities of Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapies S35
3.1.4 Oral Mucosal Toxicities of Immune Checkpoint Alopecia is commonly reported in patients treated with
Inhibitors BRAFIs (23.7% and 18.9% of patients treated with
vemurafenib and dabrafenib, respectively) and MEKIs
Besides skin reactions, ICIs may also induce oral mucosal (trametinib, 13.3%), with a decreased incidence with com-
injuries. Oral lichenoid reactions are typically described with bined BRAFI/MEKI therapy (vemurafenib/cobimetinib, 13%
S36 M. Lacouture, V. Sibaud
and dabrafenib/trametinib, 6%) [56, 57]. Management of this chemotherapy-induced lesions (Fig. 4a, b) that are mostly
type of alopecia may involve use of minoxidil. Furthermore, observed in the nail plate or the nail matrix. As some patients
evidence shows that PD-L1 is expressed on the hair follicle may receive both treatment types combined, clinicians must
dermal sheath cup cells [58]. Therefore, an estimated 1–2% be fully informed of differences between chemotherapy and
of patients treated with ICIs develop either alopecia areata targeted therapy-associated nail toxicities. Paronychia and
(spot baldness) or alopecia universalis with CD4 and scant periungual granulomas are mostly reported in response to
CD8-positive T cells [59]. EGFRIs, with a 17.2% all-grade toxicity incidence [63], as
well as MEKIs and mTOR inhibitors to a lesser extent [64].
4.2 Endocrine Therapy and Alopecia Typical lesions, which mostly affect toenails or thumbs,
develop slowly after several weeks or months of treatment.
While more than half of women with breast cancer report Damage typically starts with the development of periungual
alopecia as the most traumatic adverse event during treat- inflammatory paronychia and can evolve into overgrowing
ment, hormone therapy-induced alopecia (HTIA) is still of friable granulation tissue on lateral and/or proximal nail
largely underreported, with only 6% of studies of tamox- folds, mimicking ingrown nails. Although usually not severe,
ifen reporting it [60]. In a meta-analysis of 35 studies such lesions can still be very debilitating for the patient,
(n = 13,415 patients) the incidence of all-grade HTIA especially when they persist for a long time. Therefore,
ranged from 0% with anti-androgen therapies to 25% with aggressive strategies must be implemented to help patients
selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), corre- cope with these adverse effects. The standard of care for
sponding to an overall incidence of 4.4% [60]. In a ret- pyogenic granuloma is surgery with partial removal of the
rospective study of the data for 112 patients treated with nail plate and matrix and physical destruction of the granula-
SERMs/aromatase inhibitors, HTIA was most often (92%) tion tissue and phenolization [65]. In patients with multiple
characterized by an androgenic alopecia pattern and low concomitant lesions, conservative treatment should be prior-
severity grade [61]. Tamoxifen-induced alopecia is char- itized, with supportive oncodermatology while maintaining
acterized by a reduction in the number of hair follicles targeted therapy. In close collaboration with a podiatrist,
[62]. Microscopically, hair looks more brittle and breaks nail curvature can be corrected if needed. Stretchable tape,
more easily due to estrogen production inhibition. Topical liquid nitrogen, a combination of topical corticosteroids and
minoxidil may provide moderate to significant improve- antibiotics, antiseptic soaks, and silver nitrate can also be
ment in most patients (80%) [61]. used [66]. Topical timolol can also be helpful for periungual
pyogenic granuloma [67].
Patients treated with MEKIs, EGFRIs, and mTOR
5 Nail Toxicities inhibitors can also develop mild to moderate changes
of the nail bed and matrix. These lesions are character-
5.1 Nail Toxicities of Targeted Therapies ized by mild onycholysis, brittle nails, and a slower nail
growth rate [68].
Targeted therapies may cause damage to nail folds, with par- Selective pan-FGFR 1–4 inhibitors are a new class of
onychia and periungual pyogenic granuloma distinct from targeted therapy drugs currently under development for
Fig. 4 a Painful onycholysis with docetaxel. b Diffuse paronychia secondary to anti-epidermal growth factor receptor therapy
Skin, Oral Mucosal, Hair, and Nail Toxicities of Targeted Therapies and Immunotherapies S37
a large range of solid tumors. More than 35% of patients presenting at the Entretiens d’Avène Americas conference. MEL is
receiving these drugs experience very severe nail tox- funded in part through the NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant
P30 CA008748.
icities 1–2 months after starting the treatment, with
onycholysis, onychomadesis, and nail bed superinfection
Conflict of interest Vincent Sibaud declares he received fees from Lab-
occurring [69]. These dose-dependent adverse events oratoires dermatologiques Avène, Roche, Novartis, Bayer, Pierre Fabre
are similar to taxane-related nail changes. Ibrutinib is a and BMS. Mario Lacouture declares he has received consulting/advi-
first-in-class, oral covalent inhibitor of Bruton’s tyrosine sory fees from Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation, Galderma, Jans-
kinase that is now approved in chronic lymphocytic leu- sen Research & Development, LLC, Abbvie, Inc., Helsinn Healthcare
SA, Novocure Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GMBH & Co.KG,
kemia and cell mantle lymphoma. Nail changes including F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Allergan Inc., Amgen Inc., E.R. Squibb
brittle nails (23–67% of patients), onychoschizia, onych- & Sons, L.L.C., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, EMD Serono,
orrhexis, and onycholysis have been described. These nail Inc., Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Genentech, Inc, Leo Pharma
changes become apparent after several months of treat- Inc, Seattle Genetics, Debiopharm, Lindi, Bayer, Manner SAS, Menlo
Ther, Celldex, Lutris, Pierre Fabre, Legacy Healthcare, Roche, Amryt
ment (median 6–9 months) and are commonly associated Pharma, Johnson & Johnson, Paxman Coolers, Adjucare, Dignitana,
with hair changes [70]. Biotechspert, Parexel, Adgero, Veloce, Berg, US Biotest and research
funding from Veloce, Berg, US Biotest, BMS.
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