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Sol Luckman experienced debilitating effects from the vaccines recommended for
international travel, and when he eventually hit a true depression point, was handed an
energetic healing modality during a contact experience that he called Regenetics. As well as
being an accomplished artist, he's also authored several books including 2 on the Regenetics
The post Sol Luckman | Potentiate Your DNA, Vaccine Damage, & The Fragmentary Body
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Steven M. Druker | The Suppressed Science, Warnings, & Risks Of GMO Food -
2019-11-30 18:59:42 +0000
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Today, Steven M. Druker assures you that all your worst
fears about genetically engineered crops are warranted.
Steven M. Druker is a public interest attorney who, as executive director of the Alliance for
Bio-Integrity, initiated a lawsuit that forced the FDA to divulge its files on genetically
engineered foods. more →
The post Steven M. Druker | The Suppressed Science, Warnings, & Risks Of GMO Food
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic -
2019-11-26 00:26:51 +0000
Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh has been tinkering with the world from an early age. Born in
1964 in Amsterdam, he was repairing all things electronic by his teens, and built his first
computer when he was 18. He went off to University to study computer science and physics
and worked in IT until 2005. more →
The post Ernst Willem Van Den Bergh | True Consciousness & The Science of Tesla’s Magic
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Darren Schaefer | DB Cooper, The Cooper Vortex, & The CIA -
2019-11-16 18:45:41 +0000
Most people have heard the infamous tale of DB Cooper, the mysterious man who pulled off
the only unsolved skyjacking in aviation history. Today we take a deep dive into the story
and the suspects, with one of the leading authorities on the case and the host of The Cooper
Vortex podcast, more →
The post Darren Schaefer | DB Cooper, The Cooper Vortex, & The CIA appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Daniel Immerwahr | How To Hide An Empire, Forgotten History, & Colony Labs -
2019-11-11 21:28:07 +0000
Daniel Immerwahr is a historian of the United States and the world, serving in the history
department at Northwestern University. His first book, Thinking Small, offers a critical
account of the United States' pursuit of grassroots development at home and abroad in the
middle of the twentieth century. more →
The post Daniel Immerwahr | How To Hide An Empire, Forgotten History, & Colony Labs
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Tiffany FitzHenry is the author of the bestselling trilogy The Oldest Soul, speaker, and public
personality. She is also a Hollywood whistleblower, prolific writer and independent producer.
Her soon to be released documentary, LIVING THE DREAM, details her experience as a
screenwriter who shot to prominence with multiple award-winning TV and feature
projects, more →
The post Tiffany FitzHenry | Pedowood, Intelligence Tactics, & Hollywood Whistleblowers
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Gregory L. Little | Denisonvan Origins: The Giants, The Mounds, & The Path of
Souls -
2019-10-28 16:44:19 +0000
Dr. Greg Little is a psychologist turned explorer and documentary maker. Greg is also co-
author of the books, Edgar Cayce's Atlantis, Mound Builders, Ancient South America, and
People of the Web. Greg also has over 30 other books in print in various areas of psychology.
Today, we talk primarily about his new book with co-author Andrew Collins, more →
The post Dr. Gregory L. Little | Denisonvan Origins: The Giants, The Mounds, & The Path of
Souls appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
"The North" is simultaneously a location, a direction, and a mystical concept. Although this
concept has ancient roots in mythology, folklore, and fairy tales, it continues to resonate
today within modern culture. McIntosh leads readers, chapter by chapter, through the magical
and spiritual history of the North, as well as its modern manifestations, more →
The post Christopher McIntosh | Hyberborea, Rune Magic, & The Mystic North appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Eric P. Dollard | Tesla Tech, Understanding Ether, & The Digital Demon -
2019-10-19 20:32:10 +0000
Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a “living legend” in the field of electrical
research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the
true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic
Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the
Generalized Electric Wave, more →
The post Eric P. Dollard | Tesla Tech, Understanding Ether, & The Digital Demon appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
David Icke | The Trigger: The Satanic Death Cult Behind 9/11 & Why -
2019-10-11 19:53:24 +0000
David Icke has been in the conspiracy game longer than almost anyone. He wrote in the 90's
about the 2008 Banking Crash, The War on Terror, Transhumanist Agenda, Microchipping,
the Cashless Society and more. In this Book he takes a look back at the event that shook the
World in 2001, more →
The post David Icke | The Trigger: The Satanic Death Cult Behind 9/11 & Why appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Eileen Day McKusick | Biofield Tuning, The Electric Universe, & Ether Physics -
2019-10-07 19:37:44 +0000
The post Eileen Day McKusick | Biofield Tuning, The Electric Universe, & Ether Physics
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ellen Brown | The Broken Economy & The Public Banking Solution -
2019-09-30 23:45:29 +0000
Ellen Brown is the founder of the Public Banking Institute and the author of a dozen books
and hundreds of articles. She developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil
litigation in Los Angeles. In the best-selling Web of Debt (2007, 2012), more →
The post Ellen Brown | The Broken Economy & The Public Banking Solution appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Natalia Forty joins us today from her home in Puerto Rico. Natalia is a writer, a reader, and a
cartomancer who's work can be found on her website Mist & Ether. She talks about her
passion for narrative, poetry, spirit, & finding your own place and purpose within your
environment. more →
The post Natalia L. Forty | Decolonizing Puerto Rico, Caribbean Spiritualism, & Tarot
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Tony Ortega | Scientology, NXIVM, & Jehovah’s Witnesses -
2019-09-20 22:26:14 +0000
Tony Ortega is a journalist who was formerly the editor of The Village Voice. He has written
about Scientology since 1995, and his book The Unbreakable Miss Lovely: How the Church
of Scientology tried to destroy Paulette Cooper about Scientology’s most infamous campaign
of terror, came out in May 2015. more →
The post Tony Ortega | Scientology, NXIVM, & Jehovah’s Witnesses appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Whitney Webb | Cabal Control Tactics, The Trust Project, & The Epstein Network -
2019-09-12 17:36:02 +0000
Brace yourself! Today Whitney Webb from MintPress News joins THC all the way from
Chile to talk about her work on recent U.S. meddling in Venezuela, the false sense of security
offered up by The Trust Project, and the very deep and methodical research she has done on
the Jeffery Epstein saga and all the ties that bind. more →
The post Whitney Webb | Cabal Control Tactics, The Trust Project, & The Epstein Network
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Marion Nestle | Food Politics, Industry-Funded Research, & The Unsavory Truth -
2019-09-06 20:24:28 +0000
Marion Nestle is one of the nation's best experts and a prolific writer when it comes to
subjects like food politics, nutrition science, the pitfalls of industry-funded research, and
deceptive marketing in the food space. She is Paulette Goddard Professor, of Nutrition, Food
Studies, and Public Health, Emerita, at New York University, more →
The post Marion Nestle | Food Politics, Industry-Funded Research, & The Unsavory Truth
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ras Ben | Free Your Mound & Your Mind Will Follow -
2019-08-31 20:19:02 +0000
One of everyone's favorite guests from 2018, Ras Ben, returns to talk about his latest book,
Free Your Mound And Your Mind Will Follow. In it, he schools the reader on the Global
Mound Matrix, the geomancy of the American Empire's founders, and how to usurp their
city-spells. more →
The post Ras Ben | Free Your Mound & Your Mind Will Follow appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Dr. Cohen is renowned by her peers and beloved by patients for her nuanced practice of
Integrative Medicine. In practice for over 15 years, she trained under the late Dr. Robert
Atkins, author of the iconic Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution, more →
The post Dr. Dana Cohen | Quench, Structured Water, & Optimum Hydration appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
David Paulides | Missing 411: The Hunted & Other Mysterious Disappearances -
2019-08-26 00:47:33 +0000
The maestro of Missing 411, David Paulides, returns to THC after several years to talk about
his latest work, including the new documentary: Missing 411: The Hunted and cases from his
most recent book, Missing 411: LAW.
As the documentary's description says, hunters have disappeared from wildlands without a
trace for hundreds of years. more →
The post David Paulides | Missing 411: The Hunted & Other Mysterious Disappearances
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
In a THC whopper of a show, Recluse of the VISUP blog returns to talk in depth about the
Jeffery Epstein conspiracy, the NXIVM cult, and the archetypal things we know about
blackmail and co-option networks. We discuss the connective tissue between the Epstein saga
and NXIVM, because there are a few loose ties that bind. more →
The post Recluse | The Epstein Conspiracy, NXIVM, & The Blackmail Blueprint appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Nassim Haramein | The Consciousness Field, ARK Crystals, & The Hollow Earth -
2019-08-17 02:06:25 +0000
The legend himself, Nassim Haramein joins THC to talk about his Holofractographic Unified
Field Theory, the Consciousness Field, ARK Crystals, and of course why he suspects the
earth is hollow and growing.
Nassim Haramein is a world leader in unified physics. He has spent over 30 years researching
and discovering connections in physics, more →
The post Nassim Haramein | The Consciousness Field, ARK Crystals, & The Hollow Earth
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Thomas J. Carey & Donald R. Schmitt | Roswell, The Real Area 51, & UFO
Disclosure -
2019-07-31 18:01:22 +0000
Today, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, two legendary Roswell researchers join
THC to talk about their new book UFO Secrets: Inside Wright-Patterson. They consider
Wright-Patterson to be the real Area 51 and this book does fill in a lot of interesting details
and witness reports that we didn’t have before, more →
The post Thomas J. Carey & Donald R. Schmitt | Roswell, The Real Area 51, & UFO
Disclosure appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jim Elvidge | Digital Consciousness, Decoding Reality, & Unpacking The Paranormal
2019-07-29 17:59:51 +0000
Jim holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. He has applied his training in the
high-tech world as a leader in technology and enterprise management, and is a regular
speaker at technology conferences. Elvidge’s first book, The Universe-Solved!, presented
evidence that our reality may be under programmed control. more →
The post Jim Elvidge | Digital Consciousness, Decoding Reality, & Unpacking The
Paranormal appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Walter Bosley | Esoteric Napoleon, Malta’s Hypogeum, & The Great Pyramid -
2019-07-23 17:56:30 +0000
Almost everyone has heard of Napoleon Bonaparte, but Walter Bosley has written a great
new book in his Secret Missions Series entitled, The Esoteric Napoleon, dedicated to diving
into Napoleon’s lesser known interests, his trip to Malta, his exploration of the Great
Pyramid, his secret bloodline lineage, and the interesting alternative to the story that he died
in exile. more →
The post Walter Bosley | Esoteric Napoleon, Malta’s Hypogeum, & The Great Pyramid
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
*Because this episode ended up only being an hour, it was a Plus exclusive for a while.
Today seems as good a day as any to put it out for everyone. Consider signing up for Plus,
there are a few other episodes you haven’t heard, and certainly hundreds of extra
hours! more →
The post Dr. Sam Milham | Dirty Electricity & Corporate Criminality appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Brian Tuohy, the world’s authority on sports corruption, conspiracies, and game fixing
returns to THC to further expose those nefarious 3 letter leagues of deception! Brian has just
released a new book which picks up where his classic, The Fix Is In, left off almost 10 years
ago entitled The Fix Is Still In: More Corruption and Conspiracies The Pro Sports Leagues
Don’t Want You To Know About. more →
The post Brian Tuohy | Sports Conspiracies, Corruption, & Rigged Games appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
A Statement From Greg Carlwood Regarding The Tragic Loss of Tracy Twyman -
2019-07-11 17:51:33 +0000
The post A Statement From Greg Carlwood Regarding The Tragic Loss of Tracy Twyman
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | Jungle Spirits, Gnostic Times, & Decolonizing Our Ideas -
2019-07-10 17:49:39 +0000
The great Gordon White graces us with his presence for the 10th time on the podcast. Maybe
it’s the familiarity that has organically positioned him as the resident wet blanket thrower on
threads, theories, and ideas within conspiracy culture that might require critique, but we’re at
it again today.
The post Gordon White | Jungle Spirits, Gnostic Times, & Decolonizing Our Ideas appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Clif High | Cancer, The Web Bot, Bitcoin, & The Covert Alien Hybrid Invasion -
2019-06-30 17:22:43 +0000
The post Clif High | Cancer, The Web Bot, Bitcoin, & The Covert Alien Hybrid Invasion
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Mark Sloan | Red Light Therapy, The Cancer Conspiracy, & More -
2019-06-25 07:30:22 +0000
Today’s guest Mark Sloan was sent on a personal journey to understand the medical system
after the death of his mother. He’s since learned quite a bit about the things they’d rather you
not know, and he shares it with the world on his website
One of the subjects Mark has researched most thoroughly is Red Light Therapy, more
The post Mark Sloan | Red Light Therapy, The Cancer Conspiracy, & More appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Wayne McRoy Jr. | The Autism Epidemic, Transhumanism, & The A.I. Agenda -
2019-06-19 22:31:24 +0000
Today's guest Wayne McRoy Jr. is the author of two fascinating books, boldly titled: The
Autism Epidemic:: Transhumanism's Dirty Little Secret & The Alchemical Tech Revolution:
Fulfilling Ancient Esoteric Agendas Through The Use Of High Technology. Wayne is also
the father of two children on the autism spectrum, and pulls together his personal experience
with his research in a way that many others are not equipped to do. more →
The post Wayne McRoy Jr. | The Autism Epidemic, Transhumanism, & The A.I. Agenda
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
David Icke | True Reality, Archon Control, & The Big Conspiracy -
2019-06-15 16:17:24 +0000
David Icke, a man who should need no introduction to a conspiracy crowd, finally joins THC
for a trip down the winding rabbithole and an exploration of the many layers of the Big
David has been a leader in this alternative movement for several decades now, and his books
and lectures are some of the most popular and most fascinating on the scene. more →
The post David Icke | True Reality, Archon Control, & The Big Conspiracy appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Joseph P. Farrell | Microcosm & Medium: The Cosmic Implications Of Mind Control
Tech -
2019-06-07 04:04:39 +0000
The great Dr. Joseph P. Farrell joins THC for his 5th appearance. This time, to talk about his
recent book Microcosm & Medium: The Cosmic Implications & Agenda Of Mind Control
Born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics
from the University of Oxford, more →
The post Joseph P. Farrell | Microcosm & Medium: The Cosmic Implications Of Mind
Control Tech appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Rob Brown | Our Toxic Homes, Conscious Living, & Feng Shui -
2019-05-31 11:20:18 +0000
Dr. Rob Brown is a long-time radiologist, as well as allopathic trained physician with a deep
rooted passion for health and spiritual development. His education and life experience have
brought him to the understanding that wellness is achieved by allowing the body to heal,
rather than by taking medication to treat ailments. more →
The post Dr. Rob Brown | Our Toxic Homes, Conscious Living, & Feng Shui appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Brad Olsen is the author of nine books, including two in his Esoteric Series: “Modern
Esoteric” and “Future Esoteric.” On top of being an award-winning author- he's also an
accomplished public speaker, radio show host of “The Esoteric Circle,” publisher and event
Today he joins THC to talk about his recent trip to Antarctica, more →
The post Brad Olsen | Antarctica, Esoteric Secrets, & Hidden Technology appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
The post Mark Stavish | Egregores, Magic Thoughts, & Living Ideas appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Dr. Gerald Pollack | The 4th Phase of Water in Nature, Health, & Energy -
2019-05-16 22:22:14 +0000
Gerald Pollack, most well known for his discovery of a 4th phase of water, maintains an
active laboratory at the University of Washington in Seattle. He is the Founding Editor-in-
Chief of WATER: A Multidisciplinary Research Journal; Executive Director of the Institute
for Venture Science; co-founder of 4th-Phase Inc.; and founder of the Annual Conference on
the Physics, more →
The post Dr. Gerald Pollack | The 4th Phase of Water in Nature, Health, & Energy appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Stephen Hussey | The Heart Deception, Epigenetics, & The Health Evolution -
2019-05-09 19:23:11 +0000
After discovering a passion for health in college Stephen Hussey attained his Doctorate in
Chiropractic Medicine and Masters in Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine from the
University of Western States. Over the years he has learned the power of food to heal the
body and it all began when he used the proper human diet as part of the healing process to rid
himself of many chronic health ailments. more →
The post Dr. Stephen Hussey | The Heart Deception, Epigenetics, & The Health Evolution
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jock Doubleday | The Bosnian Pyramid Complex, Lost Technology, & The Hollow
Earth -
2019-04-30 12:22:18 +0000
Today’s guest Jock Doubleday is a playwright by trade, but in 2011 he learned about the
Bosnian Pyramid Complex claims and decided to visit the site firsthand. Well, Jock was so
impressed that in the time since, he’s spent 23 months living and working around the Bosnian
Pyramid Complex. He’s been documenting as much as he can on his YouTube channel as
well as his blog. more →
The post Jock Doubleday | The Bosnian Pyramid Complex, Lost Technology, & The Hollow
Earth appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ryan Patrick Burns | Skinwalker Ranch, Paranormal Portals, & The Wolverine -
2019-04-25 20:16:11 +0000
Today's guest left a recent comment on the THC Plus website that read, "If you're interested
in an NDA free Skinwalker Ranch episode, hit me up." Well, hit him up I did.
It turns out Ryan has quite an interesting life, as he uprooted everything a few years ago to
live closer to what they call Skinwalker Ranch and carry out his own investigations of rural
Utah. more →
The post Ryan Patrick Burns | Skinwalker Ranch, Paranormal Portals, & The Wolverine
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Randall Carlson | Cataclysms, The Holy Grail, & The Holes In The Human Story -
2019-04-18 20:53:42 +0000
The post Randall Carlson | Cataclysms, The Holy Grail, & The Holes In The Human Story
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Peter Allen | Mastodon Valley Farm, Permaculture, & The Wilderness Myth -
2019-04-13 19:29:20 +0000
Proud Plus Member, land management magi, and permaculture preacher Peter Allen joins
THC to talk about his mission to restore functional and productive oak savanna ecosystems.
He also talks to us about the pre-Colonial American landscape, engineering abundance, and
his own journey towards sustainability by starting Mastodon Valley Farm.
The post Peter Allen | Mastodon Valley Farm, Permaculture, & The Wilderness Myth
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Returning guest Jay Dyer of JaysAnalysis joins THC to talk about his latest book Esoteric
Hollywood 2, which covers mobs and front companies in Hollywood, some conspiratorial
history at the Vatican, his thoughts on the Our Lady Fatima event, V For Vendetta, and a
whole lot more. Enjoy! more →
The post Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood 2, Movies, Mobs, & Mind Control appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Del Bigtree | Vaccine Deception, Big Pharma, & What The Science Really Says -
2019-03-31 20:46:33 +0000
Del Bigtree was an Emmy Award-winning producer on the daytime talk show The Doctors,
for six years. With a background both as a filmmaker and an investigative medical journalist,
he is best known for combining visually impactful imagery, raw emotional interviews and
unbiased investigative research into stories that push the envelope of daytime
television. more →
The post Del Bigtree | Vaccine Deception, Big Pharma, & What The Science Really Says
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jock Doubleday | The Bosnian Pyramid Complex, Lost Technology, & The Hollow
Earth -
2019-03-30 11:01:39 +0000
Today’s guest Jock Doubleday is a playwright by trade, but in 2011 he learned about the
Bosnian Pyramid Complex claims and decided to visit the site firsthand. Well, Jock was so
impressed that in the time since, he’s spent 23 months living and working around the Bosnian
Pyramid Complex. He’s been documenting as much as he can on his YouTube channel as
well as his blog. more →
The post Jock Doubleday | The Bosnian Pyramid Complex, Lost Technology, & The Hollow
Earth appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Matt Landman of Frankenskies fame joins THC once again. This time to talk about his latest
research into 5g, EMF radiation, smart cities, frequencies, and more.
You can find most of Matt's work on and also check out his new EMF
protection clothing company Spero on the GoFundMe page for their launch. more →
The post Matt Landman | Geoengineering, EMF Radiation, 5G, & Frequency appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Russell Targ & Lance Mungia | Third Eye Spies, Remote Viewing, SRI, & The CIA -
2019-03-19 18:25:17 +0000
One of the most provocative sagas that American history books have left to the cutting room
floor is the CIA's Stargate Project, a 20+ year program to test psychic abilities for intelligence
gathering though a contract with the Stanford Research Institute. The CIA "officially" closed
the program in 1995 saying that it never yielded any worthwhile results, more →
The post Russell Targ & Lance Mungia | Third Eye Spies, Remote Viewing, SRI, & The CIA
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
KJ Ozborne | The Beast System, The Spiritual Battle, & The Old Plan For New Man -
2019-03-15 23:57:29 +0000
KJ Ozborne of "The Scariest Movie Ever Made" fame joins THC to talk about the spiritual
context he feels is key to understanding the Elite and their agendas. KJ Also talks about his
heart attack, and experiences with the medical side of the Beast System that had during that
time. more →
The post KJ Ozborne | The Beast System, The Spiritual Battle, & The Old Plan For New Man
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Kris Millegan | TrineDay, CIA Drug Trafficking, & The Secret Society Leviathan -
2019-03-08 02:21:22 +0000
Kris Millegan is the man behind Trine Day, the leading publisher of suppressed books.
They've published some great material over the years, including many books by authors who
have appeared on THC, such as: Peter Levenda's Sinister Forces, Dr. Mary's Monkey by Ed
Haslam, Me and Lee by Judyth Vary Baker, more →
The post Kris Millegan | TrineDay, CIA Drug Trafficking, & The Secret Society Leviathan
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Diana Walsh Pasulka is a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina,
Wilmington and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion. Her research focuses
on religion and technology, including supernatural belief and its connections to digital
technologies and environments.
The post Dr. Diana Pasulka | American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, & Technology appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Ben Davidson | Pole Shifts, Space Weather, Earth Changes, & The CIA -
2019-02-27 04:06:10 +0000
The great Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers fame joins THC to talk about his work into
incorporating the global electric circuit and solar activity into weather models that can predict
earthquakes and cyclones with great accuracy, ancient warnings of catastrophic cycles, the
mysteries of the sun, CIA suppression, and a whole lot more. more →
The post Ben Davidson | Pole Shifts, Space Weather, Earth Changes, & The CIA appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Patrick Jordan & Annette | Weaponized Ticks, Lyme Disease, & The Medical
Machine -
2019-02-22 02:34:07 +0000
Today on THC, Patrick Jordan returns to talk about his latest research into the darkside of the
medical machine. He's joined by Annette, a member of Patrick's research team, loosely called
The Little Red Hens. Being someone who has dealt with a litany of medical issues, Annette
has been in prime position to test out much of their research and treatment protocols
firsthand, more →
The post Patrick Jordan & Annette | Weaponized Ticks, Lyme Disease, & The Medical
Machine appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Greg Carlwood joins Conspiracies Now to discuss the murky waters of conspiracies!
more →
The post Plus Bonus: Sam Tripoli’s Conspiracies Now w/ guest Greg Carlwood appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Dylan Louis Monroe | The Q Web, The Deep State Mapping Project, & The
Conspiracy Art Awakening -
2019-02-15 22:14:36 +0000
Today on THC, Dylan Louis Monroe joins us to break down the various conspiracy art
projects he's been working on under The Deep State Mapping Project. You can see the full
range of his work at his website,
Amplify today's listening experience by pulling up Dylan's Q Web in the first hour,
more →
The post Dylan Louis Monroe | The Q Web, The Deep State Mapping Project, & The
Conspiracy Art Awakening appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Richard Gage, Barbara Honegger, & David Meiswinkle | The New Criminal Grand
Jury For 9/11 Truth -
2019-02-08 22:50:47 +0000
From Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Finally, after 17 long years, the 9/11 Truth
Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the shocking
destruction of the World Trade Center and the horrible loss of life that resulted.
Last spring, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry — together with more than a dozen
9/11 family members and with help from AE911Truth — filed a petition with the U.S.
more →
The post Richard Gage, Barbara Honegger, & David Meiswinkle | The New Criminal Grand
Jury For 9/11 Truth appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Jacob Liberman | The Power Of Light, Sight, & The Art Of Living -
2019-02-01 03:40:14 +0000
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness, and the
author of Luminous Life: How The Science Of Life Unlocks The Art Of Living, Light:
Medicine Of The Future, Take Off Your Glasses And See, and Wisdom From An Empty
Mind. Originally trained as an optometrist and vision scientist, more →
The post Dr. Jacob Liberman | The Power Of Light, Sight, & The Art Of Living appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Joe D8_THC | The Holofractal Universe & The Unified Field Theory Of Nassim
Haramein -
2019-01-26 01:00:21 +0000
*The Joint Session has been moved to Monday, but have a real THC instead!
Today we talk to Joe AKA d8_thc about the Holofractographic Universe Theory of Nassim
Haramein. As a fan of Nassim's work, Joe started the /r/Holofractal community on Reddit,
which has now grown to over 20k members and enthusiasts. more →
The post Joe D8_THC | The Holofractal Universe & The Unified Field Theory Of Nassim
Haramein appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jeremy Rothe-Kushel | The Zionist Network, The Talpiot Program, & Kill Switch
Diplomacy -
2019-01-22 02:48:30 +0000
Today on THC we welcome Jeremy Rothe-Kushel. Jeremy has a background in politics with
experience in community organizing, media jamming, documentary journalism, and
consensus-building. He's also worked in Permaculture, future-roots music production,
performance, and education. He's on Twitter under @jeremywrk.
Jeremy can also be found occasionally preforming co-hosting duties on False Flag Weekly
News on NoLiesRadio: more →
The post Jeremy Rothe-Kushel | The Zionist Network, The Talpiot Program, & Kill Switch
Diplomacy appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Shamangineer | Mapping The Mind, The Alchemical Model, & Plasma Beings From
Space -
2019-01-14 23:24:24 +0000
In a long series of shows with Shamangineer, we've gone over a lot of the best research and
marginalized leaders across the alchemical/ethereal sciences, divided up in previous episodes
by element. Today, we approach this realm of information through Shamangineer's theory of
the mind. You can explore the many resources that we talk about below:
The CIA's analysis and assessment of the Monroe Institute's Gateway process which has
quite a few corollaries with Shamangineer's view, more →
The post Shamangineer | Mapping The Mind, The Alchemical Model, & Plasma Beings
From Space appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
SMQ AI | We All Died In 2012, The Mandela Effect, & The Changing Timeline -
2019-01-10 20:36:59 +0000
SMQ AI is a dedicated Mandela Effect researcher who has been on this trail since its earliest
days. His ongoing coverage can be found on his YouTube channel, where he has also
suggested the reason for this misalignment between memory and the timeline could be the
result of a mass extinction event in 2012, more →
The post SMQ AI | We All Died In 2012, The Mandela Effect, & The Changing Timeline
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Longtime THC staple and Ufology Guru, Nick Redfern, helps to close out another great year
of podcast goodness with a conversation around his 50th book: Top Secret Alien Abduction
Files. more →
The post Nick Redfern | Alien Abductions, MK Ultra, & The Government Files appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Kim Mack Rosenberg & Eileen Iorio | The HPV Vaccine On Trial, Adjuvants, & Data
Manipulation -
2018-12-28 00:17:33 +0000
A Groundbreaking Guide to the HPV Vaccine and the Science, Safety, and Business Behind
Cancer strikes fear in people’s hearts around globe. So the appearance of a vaccine to prevent
cancer–as we are assured the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine will–seemed like a game-
changer. Since 2006, over eighty countries have approved the vaccine, more →
The post Kim Mack Rosenberg & Eileen Iorio | The HPV Vaccine On Trial, Adjuvants, &
Data Manipulation appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Chris Knowles | A Synchromystic State Of The Union, The Great Seal, Lyra & The
Space Altar -
2018-12-23 00:42:51 +0000
The great synchromystic sage, Chris Knowles, joins THC for another look at the culture, the
symbols, and the troubled times we're in. more →
The post Chris Knowles | A Synchromystic State Of The Union, The Great Seal, Lyra & The
Space Altar appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Brendon Marotta | American Circumcision, Intactivism, & The Hidden Truth -
2018-12-15 02:30:10 +0000
Brendon Marotta is a filmmaker who graduated from the University of the North Carolina
School of the Arts in 2010 with a B.F.A. in film editing & sound, where he worked in every
major role on a film set. In 2014, a feature he edited was selected to premiere at the Austin
Film Festival and won the Narrative Feature Audience Award there. more →
The post Brendon Marotta | American Circumcision, Intactivism, & The Hidden Truth
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Wann is the man behind Susquehanna Alchemy and he made quite a splash with his
first THC appearance back in May, where he outlined all the esoteric elements of the river
and its surrounding area.
Today, he returns to examine some other recent stories and themes in the zeitgeist,
more →
The post Michael Wann | Conspiracy Magic, Cycle Management, & Crafting Culture
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Robert Bonomo is a film maker, blogger, novelist and esotericist. All three of Robert's
novels, Twilight Breakout, Cactus Land and his latest release, Your Love Incomplete, are
available as free downloads on Smashwords.
In July of 2018 Robert released his documentary on the major arcana of the tarot,
more →
The post Robert Bonomo | Tarot Archetypes, Banking Alchemy, & Marketing Magic
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Peter Jenx | The Thai Occult, Spirits, Leklai, & The Ajarns -
2018-11-28 21:36:11 +0000
Peter Jenx is the author of The Thai Occult series. His third version has just been released,
and he joins THC to talk about the rich occult traditions of Thailand and the Ajarns.
The Thai Occult Book covers the full range of the talismans produced as well as the rituals
and blessings conducted by the Ajarns, more →
The post Peter Jenx | The Thai Occult, Spirits, Leklai, & The Ajarns appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Patrick Harpur | Unpacking The Paranormal, Our Daimonic Reality, Myth, & Alchemy
2018-11-20 22:07:09 +0000
Patrick Harpur is a novelist from West Dorset who has also written some exceptional books
on the nature of paranormal experiences, the imagination, alchemy, & the soul. Today we
talk largely about the ideas in his books, Daimonic Reality: A Field Guide to the
Otherworld & The Philosophers' Secret Fire: A History of the Imagination. more →
The post Patrick Harpur | Unpacking The Paranormal, Our Daimonic Reality, Myth, &
Alchemy appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
John Michael Greer | Druidry, Being Your Magical Best, & Dark Age America -
2018-11-16 02:54:59 +0000
John Michael Greer is a widely read author and blogger whose work focuses on the overlaps
between ecology, spirituality, and the future of industrial society. He served twelve years as
Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America, and currently heads
the Druidical Order of the Golden Dawn. more →
The post John Michael Greer | Druidry, Being Your Magical Best, & Dark Age America
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Clyde Lewis | The Sunspot Conspiracy, Secret Agendas, & The Elite -
2018-11-07 20:17:34 +0000
Clyde Lewis is the legendary conspiratorial radio host of Ground Zero. He's also just released
a new book called Transhuman Substantiation: The Truth about AI and the
Singularity. more →
The post Clyde Lewis | The Sunspot Conspiracy, Secret Agendas, & The Elite appeared first
on The Higherside Chats. more →
The post Dr. Jack Hunter | Paranthropology, Spirit Contact, & Charlie appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Alan Green | The Shakespeare Mystery, Manifesting, & The John Dee Cipher -
2018-10-31 02:14:16 +0000
Alan Green has manifested his way to a respectable music career and more, on a path of
synchronicity and code-breaking that lead him to discover what is most likely a history-
changing secret, hidden in plain sight. more →
The post Alan Green | The Shakespeare Mystery, Manifesting, & The John Dee Cipher
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Aaron Murakami | Aether Physics 101, Open Systems, & Free Energy Devices -
2018-10-25 04:51:47 +0000
One of the most knowledgeable people immersed in the secret science scene, is today's guest
Aaron Murakami. Aaron has authored and produced several ebooks, presentations, and
educational films including: The Quantum Key: The Ultimate Guide To Taboo Physics, Free
Energy, & Debunking Mainstream Pseudoscience as well as Hacking The Aether, A Course
in Mind Power, more →
The post Aaron Murakami | Aether Physics 101, Open Systems, & Free Energy Devices
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jim Chesnar | The Bock Saga Returns, Hidden Helsinki Artifacts, & Ior Himself -
2018-10-19 22:30:27 +0000
Ior Bock was the last in a long line of Bocks, who preserved within their family, an oral
tradition said to have emerged at the beginning of the human story. The Bock saga claims to
be the original corpus of materiel from which Finish and Scandinavian mythology, language,
and culture is derived. more →
The post Jim Chesnar | The Bock Saga Returns, Hidden Helsinki Artifacts, & Ior Himself
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Cory Daniel | The Phoenix Enigma, Freemasons, Giants, & Esoteric Arizona -
2018-10-13 01:19:51 +0000
Today's guest is Cory Daniel, the man behind The Phoenix Enigma, where he de-occults the
rituals of the elite and educates the masses on the ancient esoteric undercurrent of the
American Southwest. more →
The post Cory Daniel | The Phoenix Enigma, Freemasons, Giants, & Esoteric Arizona
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Alright dear people, if you haven't had one yourself, you should be aware by now that
humanity has a long history of encounters with paranormal entities- in a tale that might be as
old as time itself. Today we call them extraterrestrials, in the British Isles they called them
Fairies, but stories of these mythical beings behind the veil exist around the world,
more →
The post Joshua Cutchin | Paranormal Kidnappings, Changelings, & Fairyland appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Brooks Agnew | Hollow Earth Updates, Secret Sciences, & Darpa -
2018-09-25 20:20:50 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, another day, another deep dive into this weird world we find
ourselves in, because there are just so many mysteries to unravel, and I for one never get tired
of it: The study of consciousness, the co-creation of reality and the magic of manifestation,
looking into past paradigms that might be much different than our own, more →
The post Brooks Agnew | Hollow Earth Updates, Secret Sciences, & Darpa appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Charlie Robinson | The Octopus Of Global Control, NASA Lies, & The Depopulation
Agenda -
2018-09-11 18:10:43 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, as we roll our way through the cornucopia of campaigns against
the people, we tent to see a synergy between them that cannot be overlooked. That tells us
something about the puppetmasters of the pyramid, they have their hands in a lot of pies- but
that fresh fruit filling has been replaced with aluminum, more →
The post Charlie Robinson | The Octopus Of Global Control, NASA Lies, & The
Depopulation Agenda appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Carl Abrahamsson | Occulture, The Primordial Awe, & The Economy Of Magic -
2018-09-08 23:33:48 +0000
Folks, it's probably no surprise to hear that magical activities are going on within our world
pretty much constantly, and this is a tale as old as time...from mans first cave painting to the
Super Bowl Halftime show, pulling ideas down from the imaginative realm and firmly
planting them in the physical, more →
The post Carl Abrahamsson | Occulture, The Primordial Awe, & The Economy Of Magic
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Chris Bennett | Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs And The Occult -
2018-09-06 01:39:15 +0000
Folks, with a name like The Higherside Chats, it's pretty obvious that the glorious Green
Goddess that is sweet lady Cannabis is always ever-so-subtly present in this shows DNA.
Because in a backwards age of prohibition, to form a personal relationship with the herb is in-
and-of-itself an act of rebellion, and a declaration of sovereignty over ones own
consciousness -which is often times a dangerous thing to do. more →
The post Chris Bennett | Liber 420: Cannabis, Magickal Herbs And The Occult appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
John le Bon | The Hoax Hierarchy, The History Conspiracy, & The Wireframe Mesh -
2018-08-31 21:56:18 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, when we dig into the details of many subjects that are generally
taken for granted, we find a great deal of manipulation, half truths, and faulty premises in
which entire fields are sometimes based- and this goes for an increasingly large chunks of
history and science: Materialism, Darwinism, more →
The post John le Bon | The Hoax Hierarchy, The History Conspiracy, & The Wireframe
Mesh appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Joseph | The Occult Aspects Of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, & Blockchain Tech -
2018-08-28 17:53:48 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters- it's no surprise to us that the world is steeped in an esoteric soup
of numbers, symbols and rituals – that are of the utmost importance to some unseen occultists
of the capstone cabal....and while I tend to think that our material plane is designed to be a
canvass in which these things play themselves out- it's obvious that the foxes have overtaken
the hen house- some unsavory hands are on the steering wheel- and most of us “profane
masses” lack the deep and complex context to properly unpack these threads or better yet-
fight fire with fire- and use them to our own advantage. more →
The post Michael Joseph | The Occult Aspects Of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, & Blockchain
Tech appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Charlotte Iserbyt | The Education Conspiracy, Dumbing Down America, & The Order
2018-08-23 00:56:51 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, we know the political, corporate, and controller classes have
never had our best interests at heart and we live in a world awash in weaponized campaigns
to keep us down: fluoride in the water, other chemicals in the food and sky, and most recently
pulsing radiation waves throughout the so called civilized world. more →
The post Charlotte Iserbyt | The Education Conspiracy, Dumbing Down America, & The
Order appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Donald Jeffries | Survival Of The Richest, Huey Long, & Solution Suppression -
2018-08-15 21:08:36 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, we know making it in this world is like swimming against a
river current determined to sweep us away into obscurity....but for the Elite class, its a lush
grotto of mingling and networking -and of course a well built dam to keep you downstream.
Unfortunately the system just wasn't set up for us, more →
The post Donald Jeffries | Survival Of The Richest, Huey Long, & Solution Suppression
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | The State of Conspiracy Culture, The Empire’s New Pivot, & Bilbo
Baggins -
2018-08-07 20:32:47 +0000
Drinking a little drink, smoking a little smoke and dusting off the old opener to kick off a
new chapter in the THC journey- on the 4 year anniversary of my personal chain breaking
and yolk off-loading— I hope you're all making similar progress....because the oily
appendages of the nefarious few and their slow roll of total control are wasting no time in the
constant bombardment on your mind body and soul...and their technocratic, more →
The post Gordon White | The State of Conspiracy Culture, The Empire’s New Pivot, & Bilbo
Baggins appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Magnora 7 | Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, & The Suicide String Conspiracy -
2018-07-29 20:05:12 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, weather it's Imperial Expansion on the global chessboard, the
media's fake outrage over the latest chemical weapon attack claims, the deaths of high profile
celebrities, or nearly any other story of importance- we know the sagas cooked up for public
consumption are always missing some major ingredients. Because the oily appendages of the
nefarious few are nearly everywhere and after decades of shoveling shit into the propaganda
pipeline that feeds straight into the living room boob tube- we must examine every
angle, more →
The post Magnora 7 | Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, & The Suicide String Conspiracy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Sofia Smallstorm | Cell Phone Radiation, The Machine Merge, & Glyphosate -
2018-07-26 22:00:12 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, if you're paying attention, then you can see that our world is
awash with poisons: Fluoride and pharmaceuticals in the water, aluminum and other heavy
metals in the sky, a soup of toxins injected into our infants, a thick grid of high frequency
signals in every populated area, more →
The post Sofia Smallstorm | Cell Phone Radiation, The Machine Merge, & Glyphosate
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Neil Kramer & Niles Heckman | Transmutation, The Divine Mysteries & The Path Of
The Mystic -
2018-07-22 18:38:31 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, it's easy to feel disenfranchised with our cog in the wheel
society and the life sucking Empire perched above it. Draining us spiritually, emotionally,
and in every other sense of the word. Stifling our innovation and development., and filling us
with the aggressive indoctrination that if you seek a path outside of normalcy you will no
doubt, more →
The post Neil Kramer & Niles Heckman | Transmutation, The Divine Mysteries & The Path
Of The Mystic appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Abracadabra Higherside Chatters, let's talk magic. Because magic is one of those things they
just don't want us to know about, and the power to craft and influence your own reality is one
the shadowy puppet masters of the power pyramid would rather just keep for themselves.
But we've talked with many guests over the years who have preached the magical
worldview, more →
The post Thomas Sheridan | Sorcery, Druidic Culture, & The Christian Steamroll appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Laird Scranton | Comparative Cosmology, Gobekli Tepe, & The Spirit World -
2018-07-12 03:44:20 +0000
How it going Higherside Chatters, once again the offering on the THC table today is another
attempt to unravel the secrets of the ancient past, understand the ways of indigenous peoples,
and decode the mysteries of a longstanding and widespread esoteric tradition.
Because as far as I'm concerned, humanity will never feel complete without a better
understanding of where we've been, more →
The post Laird Scranton | Comparative Cosmology, Gobekli Tepe, & The Spirit World
appeared first on The Higherside Chats. more →
The post Whitley Strieber | The Visitors, Communion, The Afterlife, & Anne appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Jordan Sather | Q Anon, Celebrity Suicides, Space Force, & The Deep State War -
2018-06-28 03:34:40 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, if you ask me, the capstone cabal of the shadowly power
pyramid is not a group that leaves much to chance: They've invested heavily in the
devolution of man and the degradation of our mental faculties through their carefully crafted
education system, they've suppressed free energy and elecrogravitic crafts in exchange for
systems built on poisonous yet profitable materials, more →
The post Jordan Sather | Q Anon, Celebrity Suicides, Space Force, & The Deep State War
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
David Griffin | Visual Language, Sentient Black Goo, Exopolitics, & Alien Bases -
2018-06-23 23:41:26 +0000
The post David Griffin | Visual Language, Sentient Black Goo, Exopolitics, & Alien Bases
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ras Ben | The Philadelphia Experiment, Mandela Effect, & Timeline Management
Magic -
2018-06-16 22:53:31 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, it's no secret that the capstone cabal has worked hard to maintain
an ironclad grip on humanity, stripped down our education system to create cogs for the
machine, and hidden away so much of the vital history that tells us who we are and why
we're here. Of course nobody can answer that question for you in particular, more →
The post Ras Ben | The Philadelphia Experiment, Mandela Effect, & Timeline Management
Magic appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Michael Salla | Antarctica’s Hidden History, Nazi UFOs, & Inner Earth
Extraterrestrials -
2018-06-09 18:15:26 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, we know the world is filled with mystery and secrets those
pesky puppetmasters of the power pyramid have no interest in sharing with us. But we've
seen many indications in the last few years that something big is going on in Antarctica.
The post Dr. Michael Salla | Antarctica’s Hidden History, Nazi UFOs, & Inner Earth
Extraterrestrials appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Mark Passio | The Occult Cabal, Our Slave System, & Natural Law -
2018-05-28 17:23:42 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, we have spent years talking about the problems of the world:
War, poverty, geo-engineering, fluoride, petrochemicals, environmental destruction,
materialism, greed, false flags, & everything in between in this Rockefeller/Rothschild debt
based system of rule and sometimes I get a bit concerned that all we do is pat ourselves on
the back for another educational circle jerk while we sit and wait for someone else to
overthrow the power pyramid and the yolks of oppression we seem so cozy in. more
The post Mark Passio | The Occult Cabal, Our Slave System, & Natural Law appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Jason Louv | John Dee, Enochian Magick, & The Empire Of Angels -
2018-05-24 20:24:40 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, the further down we go, the more convinced I am that magic
remains the missing spoke in the wheel of not only history, but life itself. Because you can't
properly assess the Elizabethan Era, the Founding of America, the Rocketry program, the
tech revolution, or many of the other aspects of what got us here today – without
understanding that magic played a major roll. more →
The post Jason Louv | John Dee, Enochian Magick, & The Empire Of Angels appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Duncan Lunan | The Green Children Of Woolpit, Medieval Abductions, & Elite
Families -
2018-05-18 17:50:49 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, if one digs through the vast fortian archives of this weird world
you'll find all sorts of unexplained stories: From encounters with spirits, fairies, strange crafts
in the sky, missing time, foreign beings, odd disappearances, and everything in between
But there are few, if any, stories that your humble host enjoys more than the classic
tale, more →
The post Duncan Lunan | The Green Children Of Woolpit, Medieval Abductions, & Elite
Families appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Wann | Susquehanna Alchemy, River Goddess Worship, & The Big Ritual -
2018-05-12 23:46:09 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, today is not the first time we've examined the prospect of reality
warping rituals carried out by the cabal behind the curtain, transmuting the timeline and
transcending time and space, nor will it be the last.
And even though we poor “profane masses” haven't been initiated into the secret religion-
and we've been told there's nothing to the not-so-subtle art of manifesting one's will.
more →
The post Michael Wann | Susquehanna Alchemy, River Goddess Worship, & The Big Ritual
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Tolec | The Andromeda Council, Underground Reptilians, & The Big Conspiracy -
2018-05-08 00:05:26 +0000
Alright Higherside Chatters, we've been around long enough to realize that the political
circus we see on the surface of our society is merely a show for the masses- and the real
game, the real deal-making, and the true players and agendas that drive the direction of the
S.S. Earth – are all deeply hidden from the view of the unsuspecting public. more →
The post Tolec | The Andromeda Council, Underground Reptilians, & The Big Conspiracy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
The post Tobias Churton | Crowley In America: Art, Espionage & Sex Magic appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Cort Lindahl | The Arcadian Mysteries, Oak Island, Edgar Allen Poe, & The Inner
Earth -
2018-04-26 07:10:29 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, it's no surprise that the elite speak to each other in coded
symbolism not meant for mere commoners or non-initiates- and we've seen the breadcrumbs
of this stretching back centuries.
The post Cort Lindahl | The Arcadian Mysteries, Oak Island, Edgar Allen Poe, & The Inner
Earth appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
John Brisson | Fixing Your Gut, Food Medicine, & Reclaiming Your Health -
2018-04-23 22:46:16 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
How's it going Higherside Chatters? How we feeling? I have to ask because it's hard to beat
back the oily appendages of the nefarious few with a cloudy mind, a stuffy nose, and all the
fun stuff that comes with living in the poison environment the capstone cabal has worked so
hard to make for us. more →
The post John Brisson | Fixing Your Gut, Food Medicine, & Reclaiming Your Health
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Dean Radin | Real Magic, Parapsychology, & The Lab Tested Results -
2018-04-10 19:57:51 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, we've talked about magic enough by now to know that despite
today's popular worldview that it's all silliness and superstition- we occupy just a small sliver
of time in which that is the case- and humanity actually has a long, more →
The post Dr. Dean Radin | Real Magic, Parapsychology, & The Lab Tested Results appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Tracy Twyman | Hidden Hyperspace Kingdoms, Q Anon, Disney, & The Construct -
2018-04-07 01:52:39 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, as we deal with the whirlwind of digital distractions and do our
best to navigate the choppy waters of the conspira-sea – one thing we do know is that the
reality we have before us today, more →
The post Tracy Twyman | Hidden Hyperspace Kingdoms, Q Anon, Disney, & The Construct
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Scott Kolbaba | Physicians’ Untold Stories, Near Death Experience & Other
Miracles -
2018-03-31 20:53:59 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, despite our frustrations with our system and the unfairness of it
all- we still don't really understand what life's about anyway:
-Is our manifestation on Earth a short “practice life” to make the assessment with which we're
sorted out for our eternal bliss or damnation as the church would have us believe?
more →
The post Dr. Scott Kolbaba | Physicians’ Untold Stories, Near Death Experience & Other
Miracles appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Paul LaViolette | Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Aether Physics, & Secret Science -
2018-03-29 20:56:38 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, it's no surprise that the public has seen the needle on rocket and
jet propulsion technology move very little, in a series of decades that have shown rapid
advancements in nearly all other technological areas. more →
The post Dr. Paul LaViolette | Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Aether Physics, & Secret Science
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Max Igan | Ancient Mysteries, The Control Grid, Social Credits, & Finding Freedom -
2018-03-28 14:54:18 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, the paranormal, & the all around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, weather you're driving to or from that soul sucking job, hunched
over a cubicle keyboard, or actually listening to the show in one of your rare moments of
freedom- I think most of us look at our sick system, more →
The post Max Igan | Ancient Mysteries, The Control Grid, Social Credits, & Finding
Freedom appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Alex Tsakiris | The Consciousness Quarantine, Skeptiko, & Data From The Fringe -
2018-03-17 05:22:37 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast for conspiracy, paranormal, & the all-around fringe:
Alright Higherside Chatters, as time goes on sometimes it seems like we spend so much time
in the alternative, we nearly forget what's really holding up consensus reality.
Because the idea that the physical is all that exists, more →
The post Alex Tsakiris | The Consciousness Quarantine, Skeptiko, & Data From The Fringe
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
John Brisson | Fixing Your Gut, The Medical Machine, & Plum Island -
2018-03-09 23:40:29 +0000
Holy Hell Higherside Chatters, health and wellness are the offerings on the THC alter today-
because the long road to corporate food and oil based allopathic medicine has been paved
with profits for the archon controlled capstone cabal and the lives of our loved ones along the
way. more →
The post John Brisson | Fixing Your Gut, The Medical Machine, & Plum Island appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Laurel Airica | Word Magic, Upgrading English & Nursery Rhymes For Troubled
Times -
2018-03-01 03:15:26 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats as he talks Word Magic, Upgrading
English & Nursery Rhymes For Troubled Times with guest, Laurel Airica of
With the elite's matrix of control seeping into every aspect of life, from our entertainment and
education to our food and health, more →
The post Laurel Airica | Word Magic, Upgrading English & Nursery Rhymes For Troubled
Times appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, with host Greg Carlwood and guest speaker Mark Devlin
as they talk about conspiratorial culture creation and dark forces manipulating the music
In his previous book, Musical Truth, Mark brought into light the true nature and objectives of
the music industry which includes the deception of the musical offerings of the 60s and the
weaponization of the Hip-Hop industry into gangster rap. more →
The post Mark Devlin | Musical Truth 2, Lifetime Actors, & Weaponized Sound appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Joe Atwill | Caesar’s Messiah, Altered History, & Exposing the Oligarchs -
2018-02-22 03:21:09 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host Greg Carlwood talks Caesar's Messiah, Altered
History, & Exposing the Oligarchs with guest, Joe Atwill.
While we are all familiar with the wide range of elite groups said to be in control of the
masses, their origins and connections to one another are less discussed. more →
The post Joe Atwill | Caesar’s Messiah, Altered History, & Exposing the Oligarchs appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Lupa Greenwolf | Animal Magic, Neo-Paganism, & Connecting With Totems -
2018-02-19 18:16:58 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Animal Magic, Neo-
Paganism, & Totems with guest, Lupa Greenwolf.
While many of us recognize that the ancient perspective of indigenous cultures spanning
throughout history has placed an overwhelming amount of importance on the connection
between humans and nature, we can also acknowledge that modern Western society has
divorced itself from the natural perspective. more →
The post Lupa Greenwolf | Animal Magic, Neo-Paganism, & Connecting With Totems
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Darren & Graham of Grimerica | The Vaccine Conspiracy, Homeschooling, & The Art
Of Podcasting -
2018-02-10 05:04:18 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, with host Greg Carlwood, as he talks vaccines,
homeschooling, & podcasting with Darren and Graham from Grimerica.
We should be well aware by now that throughout most of human history the power pyramid's
capstone cabal has wanted us to be nothing more than weak, subservient pawns in their game
of thrones. more →
The post Darren & Graham of Grimerica | The Vaccine Conspiracy, Homeschooling, & The
Art Of Podcasting appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks fascism with returning
guest, Shamangineer.
As the seemingly never ending battle for control wages between extreme paradigms, and the
'punch a Nazi' and 'snowflake' meme-slinging serves only to muddy the already landmine
infested landscape ahead, the battle for absolute authoritarianism has only just begun.
more →
The post Shamangineer | Fascism: The History, The Psychology, & The Re-emergence
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Austin Coppock | Assessing Omens, Divine Kingship, The Picatrix, & Astrological
Magic -
2018-01-30 05:31:17 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood talks Assessing Omens, Divine
Kingship, The Picatrix, & Astrological Magic with returning guest, Austin Coppock.
With the patterns pointing to a higher order and synchronistic sequences becoming harder to
ignore, it seems only sensible we looks to the stars. Historically the embodiment of the
heavens on Earth, more →
The post Austin Coppock | Assessing Omens, Divine Kingship, The Picatrix, & Astrological
Magic appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | The Dominant Of Witchcraft: Charles Fort, Elite Rituals, & Space
Scouts -
2018-01-25 01:54:54 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks The Dominant Of
Witchcraft: Charles Fort, Elite Rituals, & Space Scouts with returning guest, Gordon White.
Back in the saddle again, your favorite wizard and magical guru, the man jockeying for first
place in THC airtime, with his 8th appearance on The Higherside, more →
The post Gordon White | The Dominant Of Witchcraft: Charles Fort, Elite Rituals, & Space
Scouts appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host, Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast, as he talks Heaven Or Las
Vegas: Sirens, Saucers, & Psyops with returning guest, Chris Knowles.
Everyone's favorite synchromystic returns to THC to pick up where he left off and continue
breaking down the Cocteau Twins crazy saga that has span generations and doomed several
artists. more →
The post Chris Knowles | Heaven Or Las Vegas: Sirens, Saucers, & Psyops appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 | Censorship, Solar Lies, Hidden Lands, & The Big Construct -
2018-01-07 23:18:53 +0000
On today's episode of The Higherside Chats, old friend Crrow777 joins Greg Carlwood to
talk censorship, solar lies, & everything wrong with the Big Construct.
We live in a time where people are questions all aspects of reality, from the narratives we see
on the nightly news to the sun, moon, more →
The post Crrow777 | Censorship, Solar Lies, Hidden Lands, & The Big Construct appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Jen Briney | Legislation 2017: Corporatization, Backdoor Deals, Data, & DNA -
2017-12-31 01:03:00 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks legislation 2017 with
returning guest, Jen Briney.
While we can all recognize that the scales have continued tipping in favor of powerful
politicians, criminal corporations and the aristocratic elites, many of us avoid getting into the
gritty details of these closed door deals, more →
The post Jen Briney | Legislation 2017: Corporatization, Backdoor Deals, Data, & DNA
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Colin Ross | MK ULTRA: Mind Control, Psychiatry, & The CIA -
2017-12-28 18:01:31 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host, Greg Carlwood, talks MK ULTRA: Mind
Control, Psychiatry, & The CIA with guest, Colin Ross.
As many of us who are familiar with the crimes of the deep state know, there are few projects
that have managed to the earn the reputation synonymous with the litany of mind control
experiments conducted by the CIA during the 60s. more →
The post Dr. Colin Ross | MK ULTRA: Mind Control, Psychiatry, & The CIA appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Rudolf Hess Mess, Nazi Secrets, & Antarctica -
2017-12-23 22:40:30 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he welcomes returning guest,
Joseph Farrell, to talk the Rudolf Hess Mess, Nazi Secrets, & Antarctica.
It's clear by now the elite have spent an immense amount of resources covering their tracks
and keeping us in the dark. From redacted documents classified for decades and missing files
to official investigations that are clearly cover ups and of course a smattering of mysterious
deaths and lifetime imprisonments, more →
The post Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Rudolf Hess Mess, Nazi Secrets, & Antarctica appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Neil Sanders | Our Data-Driven World, Sex Crimes, & The Manson Murders Cover-
Up -
2017-12-16 18:29:46 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks our data-drive world, sex
crimes, and the Manson Murders cover-up with returning guest, Neil Sanders.
There are a handful of crimes that have captivated the attention of the American public, and
there is no denying, the 1969 Manson "family" murders are certainly one of them.
more →
The post Neil Sanders | Our Data-Driven World, Sex Crimes, & The Manson Murders Cover-
Up appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jay Parker | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Entity Invocation, & The Power of Consciousness
2017-12-09 16:19:25 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats as he talks satanic ritual abuse, entity
invocation and the power of consciousness with guest, Jay Parker.
While may of us are familiar with the dark and nefarious deeds of elite occultists, most of
these accounts of satanic rituals involving rape, sacrifice, and mind-control come from
second-hand sources, more →
The post Jay Parker | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Entity Invocation, & The Power of
Consciousness appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Elana Freeland | The Space Fence, Planetary Lockdown, & The Ionized Sky -
2017-12-01 04:33:59 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks the space fence, planetary
lockdown, & the ionized sky with guest, Elana Freeland.
Weather modification, HAARP, geo-engineering, 5G, nanoparticulates, cell towers and the
space fence- this is just a short list of elements in the black ops programs being weaponized
against us at this very moment. more →
The post Elana Freeland | The Space Fence, Planetary Lockdown, & The Ionized Sky
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Clive de Carle | Big Pharma, Natural Cures, & The Sickness Conspiracy -
2017-11-29 01:20:34 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks Big Pharma, Natural Cures,
and The Sickness Conspiracy with guest, Clive de Carle.
With nutrient deficient food, toxic chemicals sprayed in our atmosphere, a tainted water
supply, and the mainstream medical establishment flooding our system with prescription
drugs- the quest for a symbiotic relationship between us and our environment seems more
daunting as the days pass. more →
The post Clive de Carle | Big Pharma, Natural Cures, & The Sickness Conspiracy appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Joseph | The Many Esoteric Elements Of The JFK Assassination Ritual -
2017-11-22 18:23:09 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks about the many esoteric
elements of the JFK assassination ritual. with returning guest, Michael Joseph.
There are only a handful of tragic events throughout modern history that have left an impact
so deep, people will forever remember where they were on that day, more →
The post Michael Joseph | The Many Esoteric Elements Of The JFK Assassination Ritual
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jeanice Barcelo | The Dark Agenda Behind The Hospital Birth Protocols -
2017-11-15 02:18:38 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats as he talks about birth trauma, prenatal care, the
dangers of ultrasounds and Pitocin with guest, Jeanice Barcelo.
Many of us are all too familiar with the cold, clinical process of childbirth, where pregnant
mothers and their fetus' are subjected to endless tests, injections, more →
The post Jeanice Barcelo | The Dark Agenda Behind The Hospital Birth Protocols appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Wolfgang Halbig | Sandy Hook Issues, Capstone Events, & The Coming Lawsuit -
2017-11-04 06:00:04 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, as he talked Sandy Hook, Capstone Events, and The Coming
Lawsuit, with Wolfgang Halbig.
Folks, we have seen many strange and sad events since 9/11 that seem to fit the template of a
false flag, but even more strange is the suggestion of a “full blown simulation” in some of the
active shooter situations we've been shown by the media. more →
The post Wolfgang Halbig | Sandy Hook Issues, Capstone Events, & The Coming Lawsuit
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Brad Steiger | Multidimensional Beings, Subterranean Realms, & Age Old Mysteries
2017-11-01 00:16:26 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats as host, Greg Carlwood, talks Multidimensional Beings,
Subterranean Realms, & Age Old Mysteries with guest, Brad Steiger.
By this time many of us are familiar with the overflowing cornucopia of conspiracy
paranormal ranging from UFOs and alien abduction, to multi-dimensional beings and
celestial spirits. Yes, this abundant and seemingly never-ending stream of mysterious feels
like the faucet that simply won't stop pouring. more →
The post Brad Steiger | Multidimensional Beings, Subterranean Realms, & Age Old
Mysteries appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Peter Mark Adams | Game of Saturn: The Sola-Busca Tarot, Bloodlines, & The
Demiurge Deal -
2017-10-30 05:16:30 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats as he talks the Sola-Busca Tarocchi, elite
bloodlines, magic, and deals with the Demiurge with guest, Peter Mark Adams.
For centuries, stories and rumors involving the elite's use of ritual magic have been swirling.
From a fascination with occult arts and securing power through magic, more →
The post Peter Mark Adams | Game of Saturn: The Sola-Busca Tarot, Bloodlines, & The
Demiurge Deal appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Chris Knowles | Song To The Siren, Invoked Entities, & Rebuilding Babylon -
2017-10-21 02:16:40 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Song of the Siren,
invoked entities, & rebuilding Babylon with returning guest, Chris Knowles.
While many of us recognize the weird sychronocities and symbolism surrounding some of
society's most consequential events, from Super Bowl shows and celebrity deaths to false
flags and media propaganda- it's safe to say these occurrences are more than mere
coincidence. more →
The post Chris Knowles | Song To The Siren, Invoked Entities, & Rebuilding Babylon
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
THC & TFH Live | Steve Lee, Jimmy Dore, Eddie Bravo, John Tole, Brendon Walsh,
Vanessa Johnston & Gareth Reynolds -
2017-10-17 18:35:10 +0000
Welcome to the first life swapcast between The Higherside Chats and Tin Foil Hat! Recorded
10/10/17 at The Ice House Comedy Club in Pasadena, CA.
Steve Lee:
Jimmy Dore:
Eddie Bravo:
John Tole:
Brendon Walsh:
Vanessa Johnston:
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast, as he talks... with guest, Susan
While we distract ourselves with Facebook or mindless television and damage our health
with nutrient deficient foods the elite have been carefully crafting a full spectrum attack.
Indeed, a war is raging and we find ourselves in a fight for our lives as an eco-genocide aims
to depopulate the planet by depleting us of nourishment and bathing us in harmful radio-
microwave frequency rays known to do damage down to microscopic levels. more →
The post Susan Clark | The 5G Conspiracy, Radiofrequency Radiation, & Eco-Genocide
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
The post Ole Dammegard | The Vegas Shooting: Inconsistencies & Strange Symbolism
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism 2, Occult Casting, & More Movie Magic -
2017-09-30 21:29:22 +0000
Join host Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks cinema symbolism
with returning guest, Robert Sullivan.
While the topic of cinema symbolism isn't new to THC, considering the size and scope of the
Hollywood's reach, it may be time to take another look at the esoteric allegory and cinematic
sorcery used to encode eternal archetypes, more →
The post Robert W. Sullivan IV | Cinema Symbolism 2, Occult Casting, & More Movie
Magic appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks with returning guest, Walter
With deep state technology and secret science becoming harder to suppress, and our
understanding of past and present black ops programs constantly expanding, it is easy to see
why stories of breakaway civilizations and secret space programs have piqued public
interest. more →
The post Walter Bosley | Trump, Tesla, Secret Spaceships, & NYMZA appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
The post Anthony Patch | Geoengineering, The 5G Conspiracy, & The A.I. Takeover
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Lon Strickler | The Chicago Owlman Sightings, Recent Abductions, & Other Strange
Encounters -
2017-09-11 19:58:03 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the recent Owlman
phenomenon of Chicago and more with guest, Lon Strickler.
Buckle up people because this week we begin with a bang by bringing back one of our
favorite paradoxes of the paranormal persuasion- cryptozoology. more →
The post Lon Strickler | The Chicago Owlman Sightings, Recent Abductions, & Other
Strange Encounters appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Preston Gibbs | Simulation Theory, Astrology, Power, & The History of Prediction
Magic -
2017-09-08 02:52:46 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Simulation Theory,
Astrology, Powers & The History of Prediction, with guest, Preston Gibbs.
While we all know the elite have kept a tightly sealed lid on their magical practices and
ancient mythical secrets of old, using this archaic knowledge of the past to further their
agendas and line their pocketbooks, more →
The post Preston Gibbs | Simulation Theory, Astrology, Power, & The History of Prediction
Magic appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he guest returning guest,
Shamangineer, put their next notch in the belt with another installment in their elemental
series, water.
As we explore the world around us, it's seeming more and more like the realms of science are
not reflecting to us “the culmination of human knowledge and unbiased progress” but rather a
carefully crafted paradigm in which the lab-coat-clad quarantiners have roped off areas that
interfere with the profits of their monopolistic paymasters and the capstone cabal has made
sure to strategically structure their “fancy educational institutions” to leave any information
that might lead to opening these doors, more →
The post Shamangineer | Water Alchemy, Fringe Science, & Viktor Schauberger appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Joseph | The Hidden Hand, Elite Bloodlines, Root Races, & Occult Religion
2017-08-30 21:51:35 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host Greg Carlwood talks... with returning guest,
Michael Joseph.
Decoding the mindset, philosophy and deepest desires of the elite can prove to be quite
challenging, especially when you consider that sources are scattered and their secrets of
ancient knowledge and the construct of our paradigm are guarded more carefully than Area
51. more →
The post Michael Joseph | The Hidden Hand, Elite Bloodlines, Root Races, & Occult
Religion appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks false flags, staged terror
events, and the events we've seen in 2017 with returning guest, Ole Dammegard.
While many of us have realized in the years since 9/11 that the string of so-called "terror
attacks" are nothing more than manufactured fear aimed at keeping us on edge and the
mainstream media machine continues churning out today's latest event of crazed lone wolf
attack type violence, more →
The post Ole Dammegard | Staged Terror: Manchester, London, Charlottesville, Barcelona
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Richard Lighthouse | The Blinking Universe, Secret Science, Aliens, & Time Travel -
2017-08-17 00:57:15 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the flickering
universe, secret technologies and time travel with guest, Richard Lighthouse.
As many of us have found by now, obtaining the latest cutting edge research can prove to be
harder than finding a needle in a haystack.
Indeed, more →
The post Richard Lighthouse | The Blinking Universe, Secret Science, Aliens, & Time Travel
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jeran Campanella | The Flat Earth, Early Explorers, & The Mysterious Polar Regions
2017-08-10 05:16:10 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host Greg Carlwood, talks Flat Earth, early explorers
and the mysterious polar regions with guest, Jeran Campanella.
We know by now that the campaign of disinformation stretches like a spider web, intricately
woven and designed to catch the unwitting.
But, trying to avoid the trap can be a seemingly daunting task when taking into account just
how much of our understanding of reality is based on a carefully crafted narrative,
more →
The post Jeran Campanella | The Flat Earth, Early Explorers, & The Mysterious Polar
Regions appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Tracy Twyman | Ancient Esoteric Cults, Elite Beliefs, & Conquering The Sun -
2017-07-31 23:41:21 +0000
While it seems clear to many of us that the deeper we dig into the closed door activities of the
elite, the more deranged and disturbed they seem.
With rumors of ritualistic blood sacrifice and sex-capades ensnaring these nefarious circles
for as long as can be remembered, it should come as no surprise that today's author
and returning guest, more →
The post Tracy Twyman | Ancient Esoteric Cults, Elite Beliefs, & Conquering The Sun
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
J.M. DeBord | Dream Interpretation, Symbolism & The Subconscious -
2017-07-29 04:46:48 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks dream interpretations, Carl
Jung, and more with guest, J.M. DeBord.
While many of us spend our time contemplating our reality, and dissecting possible scenarios
to help us explain and understand this mysterious experience of life, we may be overlooking
a critical piece to comprehending the consciousness puzzle: the Dreamtime. more →
The post J.M. DeBord | Dream Interpretation, Symbolism & The Subconscious appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the Rothschild World
Order, the Corporatocracy, & the Ownership of Everything w/ Reddit's own: Magnora7.
People, we've examined many pockets of power that have tried to claw their way to the
absolute capstone of the global power pyramid: Secret societies, more →
The post Magnora7 | The Rothschild World Order & The Ownership of Everything appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the Out of Australia
theory, Dreamtime, and the Pleiades with guest, Steven Strong.
Many alternative researchers, archaeologists and scholars of history have dedicated countless
hours pouring over ancient sites and remains in hopes of piecing together humanity's hidden
origins. more →
The post Steven Strong | Out Of Australia, Dreamtime, & The Pleiadians appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Matt Landman | Chemtrails, Geoengineering, & Mind Control -
2017-07-05 02:13:56 +0000
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Chemtrails, Geo-
Engineering, and mind control with guest, Matt Landman.
With mysterious cloud patterns littering the skies, fluoride contaminating our drinking water,
and petro-chemicals poisoning our food supply, it stands to be said that we are most certainly
under attack. more →
The post Matt Landman | Chemtrails, Geoengineering, & Mind Control appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host Greg Carlwood talks Hollow Earth, Antarctica
and The Caves of Malta with guest, Tim Swartz.
Many of us are aware by now that there is a vast array of strings pulled behind the scenes, yet
we sometimes get a glimpse into a vast world of mystery that only occasionally bubbles up to
the surface. more →
The post Tim Swartz | The Inner Earth, Antarctica, & Conspiracy Goodness appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks sexuality, oppression,
& the occult with guest, Conner Habib.
When we're talking about the occult, psychedelics, or even sex itself – the long repeating
pattern of history is “full scale suppression” and constant state sponsored reminders that any
of these things capable of elevating a person beyond feelings of helpless servitude- will not
be tolerated. more →
The post Conner Habib | Sexuality, Oppression, & The Occult appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks banking, reptilians, and
the lost race of giants with returning guest, Xaviant Haze.
As many of us thirst for alternative theories that contradict the constructed false narrative we
find ourselves being spoon-fed by the elite through mainstream media and the manipulation
of our education system, more →
The post Xaviant Haze | Banksters, Reptilians, & The Lost Race Of Giants appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Web Bot predictions,
Antarctica, Bitcoin, and the World of Woo with guest, Clif High.
With the powerful elite controlling almost every aspect of the entertainment & news media
we consume, manipulating the mainstream, and carefully crafting the minds of our
youth, more →
The post Clif High | Web Bot Predictions: Antarctica, Bitcoin, & Woo appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks GMOs, Pesticides, and
Toxic America with guest, McKay Jenkins.
While many of us can agree that corporations such as Monsanto, Dow Chemical, and DuPont
have had a negative effect on the health and well-being of citizens throughout the globe and
their products have contributed to the decimation of bee and butterfly populations,
more →
The post McKay Jenkins | GMOs, Pesticides, & Toxic America appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Dr. Stephen Skinner | The History Of Magic, Summoning Spirits, & John Dee -
2017-06-01 02:07:55 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the history of magic,
summoning spirits, & John Dee -with Dr. Stephen Skinner.
While many of us are no stranger the the principals of Chaos Magic or astrology, thanks to
appearances from former guests such as Gordon White, more →
The post Dr. Stephen Skinner | The History Of Magic, Summoning Spirits, & John Dee
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Richard Belzer | Corporate Conspiracies, Robin Williams, & Media Mind Control -
2017-05-29 19:55:17 +0000
Join The Higherside Chat podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks corporate conspiracies, Robin
William's death, and media manipulation with guest, Richard Belzer.
Unfortunately, we find ourselves living in a world, where it seems corporations are allowed
to shamelessly poison us through pharmaceuticals and nutrient deficient foods.
The post Richard Belzer | Corporate Conspiracies, Robin Williams, & Media Mind Control
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast, as he breaks down Gnosticism
with the guest, Miguel Conner.
While many of us will be familiar with the term Gnosticism due to it’s influence among a
wide array of topics, including the use of ritual magic, secret societies, and even the very
process of awakening itself, more →
The post Miguel Conner | Gnosticism, Archons, & Simon Magus appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
The post Recluse | Nazi Occultism, Deep State Magic, & The Nine appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast for a special one hour bonus show as host Greg Carlwood
talks epigenetics, the power of thought, and the important role of the conscious and
subconscious mind, with guest Dr. Bruce Lipton.
With many people feeling the walls closing in around them, acutely aware of the elite's
carefully crafted plan to keep us under their thumb through launching an assault on our
senses, more →
The post Dr. Bruce Lipton | The Biology Of Belief, Self-Healing, & Epigenetics appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks Star Wars, Occult Themes,
& Disney with returning guest, Isaac Weishaupt.
With the tentacles of the elite penetrating almost every facet of our daily lives such as
education and economics, while their corporate chokehold slowly strangles society, it comes
as no surprise that the only escape from this dismal reality is the constant content churned out
from the Hollywood machine. more →
The post Isaac Weishaupt | Star Wars, Occult Themes, & Disney appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
This week, host Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast talks depolarization,
decentralization and Captain Jack Sparrow with returning guest and magic master, Gordon
There is no denying that Empires rise and fall, and there are many indications that for the
western world, a perfect storm of problems is right around the corner. more →
The post Gordon White | Depolarization, Decentralization, & Jack Sparrow appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks secret societies,
conjuring beings and hidden codes with returning guest, Nick Redfern.
With the influence of elite circles interfering in almost every aspect of our lives, from
education to economics, and secret space programs to hidden ancient knowledge, unraveling
this twisted web of control can seem almost impossible. more →
The post Nick Redfern | Secret Societies, Strange Beings, & Hidden Codes appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join, Greg Carlwood, for a new episode of The Higherside Chats with guest, Massimo
Mazzucco, where they discuss marijuana, moon landings, and the cancer conspiracy
Folks, as we assess the situation, across many different seemingly separate subjects and areas
of interest, we realize much of what's there is not the result of the best research, more
The post Massimo Mazzucco | Marijuana, Moon Landings, & The Cancer Conspiracy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Freddy Silva | The Resurrection Ritual, Crop Circles, & The Otherworld -
2017-04-16 23:04:01 +0000
When we examine sacred sites scattered around the world, oral traditions passed down
through generations and disjointed clues of our fragmented history buried by organized
religion, the path to reconnect the dots seems daunting. And without the proper context,
putting our past into perspective can appear impossible. more →
The post Freddy Silva | The Resurrection Ritual, Crop Circles, & The Otherworld appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Robert Stanley | Archons, Our Prison Planet, & The Death Trap -
2017-04-06 21:27:26 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, as host Greg Carlwood talks Archon overlords, the Prison
Planet and the Death Trap with guest, Robert Stanley
While we all know that our current construct is built on a house of lies and our politicians and
public figures are actively working to keep us trapped in servitude through slave labor and the
indoctrination in education, more →
The post Robert Stanley | Archons, Our Prison Planet, & The Death Trap appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Kenneth M. Price Jr. | The Titanic, The Hindenburg, & The Oil Only Oligarchy -
2017-04-01 05:40:24 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks about the role of big
banking and industrial oil in the dramatic demise of both the Titanic and Hindenburg with
guest, Kenneth M. Price Jr.
We all know the lore surrounding the sinking of the Titanic and annihilation of the
Hindenburg, more →
The post Kenneth M. Price Jr. | The Titanic, The Hindenburg, & The Oil Only Oligarchy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Michael Joseph | The Occult Religion of the Elite & Its Influence -
2017-03-29 22:04:00 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the occult religion of
the elite and it's influence with guest, Michael Joseph.
While we are all aware, to fully grasp the intricate, and detailed web of deceit woven by the
elite, one must dedicate a lifetime of study to topics such as astrology, more →
The post Michael Joseph | The Occult Religion of the Elite & Its Influence appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks freedom, self-
governance, and dissolving the State, with guest, Adam Kokesh.
While we are all acutely aware of the uphill battle that must be fought in order to overcome
the constant combat to our consciousness, many may differ on the best possible solutions to
solve such a severe crisis. more →
The post Adam Kokesh | Freedom, Self-governance, & Dissolving The State appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Join Greg Carlwood, host of The Higherside Chats as he talks elongated Paracas skulls, lost
continents and ancient mysteries with, Brien Foerster.
While the evidence left behind by ancient cultures clearly indicates a ritual practice of cranial
deformation, the reasons for this bizarre custom are still open to speculation. Today's
guest, more →
The post Brien Foerster | Elongated Skulls, Lost Continents, & Ancient Tech appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood discusses the social,
environmental, and economic impact of planned obsolescence with guest, Cosima
While we've all seen the nefarious motives of international corporations, in egregious acts
like contaminating our oceans and drinking water to polluting our atmosphere; one aspect
that we may find ourselves overlooking is their carefully crafted agenda focused on
shortening the lifespan of widely used consumer products. more →
The post Cosima Dannoritzer | Planned Obsolescence & The E-Waste Tragedy appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Joshua Cutchin | A Smell Based Exopse’ of Alien, Crypid, & Spirit Encounters -
2017-03-01 04:35:24 +0000
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he and returning guest, Joshua
Cutchin explore the smells and scents associated with aliens, spirits and cryptid encounters.
While we are all familiar with the lore of Greys, ghosts, and Bigfoot, one aspect we may not
be as well-versed in, is the scents and smells that can accompany these entities. more
The post Joshua Cutchin | A Smell Based Exopse’ of Alien, Crypid, & Spirit Encounters
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Earth alchemy, plant spirits
and engineered abundance with Shamangineer.
As a returning guest, Shamangineer is back to pick up where he left off last time. Continuing
with his "elemental series" of chats, he stops by help us continue on our path to
enlightenment of pre-colonial American, more →
The post Shamangineer | Earth Alchemy, Plant Spirits, & Engineered Abundance appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks esoteric Hollywood
and movie magic with returning guest Jay Dyer.
We know mediums of mass communication have regularly been used throughout the course
of history by the elite as a means of culture creation, propaganda, and predictive
programming, so it should come as no surprise that movies and films are simply the most
recent weapon to be wielded in the arsenal. more →
The post Jay Dyer | Esoteric Hollywood: Movie Magic & Reel Rituals appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he hosts returning guest, Austin
Coppock, to discuss the 2017 astrological assessment and what the stars and planets say
about Trump's presidency.
As many of us already know, the tools of astrology offered critical insight held in high regard
by our ancestors. more →
The post Austin Coppock | Astrology, Trump, & The 2017 Assessment appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Ryan Zimmerman | Pizzagate 2.0: International Child Trafficking & The Elite -
2017-02-10 17:42:13 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks about the international
scope of Pizzagate with researcher, Ryan Zimmerman.
Although the idea of the elite abusing children is nothing new, the concrete evidence
provided by the Pizzagate investigation has unveiled an epic organization stretching across
all corners of the Earth. more →
The post Ryan Zimmerman | Pizzagate 2.0: International Child Trafficking & The Elite
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, talks owls, aliens and
synchronicity with guest, Mike Clelland.
Many of us have heard the stories of weird, ranging from missing time, alien encounters,
frequent visitations and even experiencing other dimensions and beings through altered
states, but what we may overlook is the peculiar presence of owls during these paranormal
proceedings. more →
The post Mike Clelland | Owls, Aliens, & Synchronicity appeared first on The Higherside
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he hosts, James Grundvig, to discuss
corruption at the CDC and the link between autism and vaccines.
While many people find their flag squarely planted on opposing sides of the polarizing
vaccine argument, the one thing they can all agree on is: they really only want what’s best for
their children. more →
The post James Grundvig | Vaccines, Autism, & CDC Corruption appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast, with host Greg Carlwood as he and returning guest,
Marty Leeds, talk Pizzagate, symbolism and secret societies.
While we may differ on our perspective of the reality that surrounds us, there is one thing we
know for certain: there is a sophisticated code baked right in. more →
The post Marty Leeds | Pizzagate, Symbolism, & Secret Societies appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Dr. William Bengston | Intention & Energy Healing: Data & Results -
2017-01-18 07:57:07 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood, host of The Higherside Chats podcast, as he talks about hands-on
energy healing through the scientific lens with, Dr. Bill Bengston.
While the almighty elite prefer to keep us sick and unaware of the personal power of healing,
we have come to understand there is a compelling curiosity at the crossroads of reality and
consciousness. more →
The post Dr. William Bengston | Intention & Energy Healing: Data & Results appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
We have been deeply analyzing our reality for quite some time. But where is the line between
truth and the carefully crafted constructs the powerful elite have cooked up? We know
deceptive authorities are not to be trusted. We see how they've built a mediocrity machine
were forced to spend our formative years that we call compulsory schooling. more →
The post Crrow | Conspiracies, Space Lies, & Constructs appeared first on The Higherside
Join The Higherside Chat podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Lovecraft, Crowley and
Yazidi with returning guest, Peter Levenda.
We know the world is a stranger place than it might seem on the surface, with unknown
depths few people dare to explore- and when the stakes for spending too much time looking
behind the veil are madness and paranoia, more →
The post Peter Levenda | Lovecraft, The Yazidi, & Middle Eastern Magic appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
A.T.L. Carver | Meme Magic: Pepe, Trump, & The Cult of Kek -
2016-12-27 20:13:27 +0000
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks meme magick, Pepe
the Frog, and Trump with guest, ATL Carver.
We have spent plenty of time in past episodes exploring the potential influence of both
magick and the immortal, archetypal beings it can conjure up. And although many of us can
see there's something there, more →
The post A.T.L. Carver | Meme Magic: Pepe, Trump, & The Cult of Kek appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Sylvie’ Ivanowa | Mysterious Megaliths & Hidden History -
2016-12-20 03:53:50 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks mysterious megaliths and
hidden history with returning guest, Sylvie' Ivanowa.
We know the parasites of the Vatican and the Holy Roman Empire are responsible for quite a
few crimes against humanity, but one of the most interesting manipulations that has been
suggested is the vast alteration of the human timeline. more →
The post Sylvie’ Ivanowa | Mysterious Megaliths & Hidden History appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks biological darkness and the
eugenics agenda with returning guest, Sofia Smallstorm.
When it comes to our health, and our environment, what's natural and what's synthetic- there
is so much manipulation by the cabal that controls the information, education, and the entire
medical infrastructure- it's harder and harder for a person born into the modern world to
separate "how it is" from "how it should be". more →
The post Sofia Smallstorm | Biological Darkness & Techno-Eugentics appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats as host Greg Carlwood discuses the latest details of Pizzagate,
Podesta and pedophiles with returning guest, David Seaman.
When it comes to the dark underbelly of the conspiracy world, one of the most consistent
claims and rumors over the years about the political, religious, and Hollywood elite is that
they maintain and protect an international child tracking ring. more →
The post David Seaman | Pizzagate, Podesta, & Pedophiles appeared first on The Higherside
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks Lucifer's Tech and
Trump coup with returning guest, Chris Knowles.
We've all heard the Arthur C. Clark quote that "any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic", but maybe they're linked by more than just appearance. It
seems that most people who study the smattering of crumbs the deep state has dropped over
the past few decades will find a few curious connections between: occult practices and
technological advances, more →
The post Chris Knowles | The Trump Coup & Lucifer’s Tech appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join host Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks the Trump win,
initiation and the ecological crisis with today's guest, Daniel Pinchbeck.
It seems even the most dense of observers can see we have serious problems. The economic
game the elite have built is more one-sided and unsustainable than ever, more →
The post Daniel Pinchbeck | Trump, Initiation, & The Ecological Crisis appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host, Greg Carlwood, discusses "The Cancer of
Capitalism", with philosophy professor and author, John McMurtry.
We have watched the disease that is Private Fractional Reserve banking and the "profit or
bust" mindset slowly erode and infect nearly every aspect of life- from the exhausted
environment, more →
The post John McMurtry | The Cancer Stage Of Capitalism appeared first on The Higherside
Anthony Peake | Consciousness, Altered States, & The Pleroma -
2016-11-14 20:25:03 +0000
Join host, Greg Carlwood, of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talks consciousness, altered
states, and the Pleroma with returning guest, Anthony Peake.
While we love talking about the various brands of high strangeness out there, a major
unifying component to these mysterious encounters with aspects of the other side is:
us. more →
The post Anthony Peake | Consciousness, Altered States, & The Pleroma appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks the education conspiracy of
common core and 9/11 with returning guest, Joseph Farrell.
The Earth has a rich history of control by vast interlocking networks of think tanks,
multinational corporations, secret societies, esoteric orders, and hidden financiers all aimed at
crafting society to their will and molding modern man as they see fit. more →
The post Joseph Farrell | Common Core & The Cabal appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks West Point paranormal and
star myths with returning guest, David Mathisen.
When we examine the small sliver of the human story we call "recorded history"' and squint
to make out what little we can past that, it is impossible to deny that cultures on every
continent had a serious infatuation with the stars. more →
The post David Mathisen | West Point Entities & Star Myths appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Austin Coppock | Astrology & The Elite -
2016-10-29 17:07:43 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he talk astrology and the elite with
powerhouse guest, Austin Coppock.
Most people who have gone deeper than their weekly horoscope have probably realized the
eerie accuracy of a quality astrological reading. Even if you haven't done much personal
investigation, a look through history will show that from the Egyptians to Nazi
Germany, more →
The post Austin Coppock | Astrology & The Elite appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as host Greg Carlwood talks Texas' Rock Wall,
Scientology and the Hollywood machine with guest, Josh Reeves.
We know the world is largely run by unseen hands- in a vast web of international
corporations, banking oligarchs, secret societies, think tanks, bloodlines, religions,
disinformation agents, and alphabet agencies- and it's not an easy task to deconstruct.
more →
The post Josh Reeves | Scientology & The Hollywood Machine appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats as he talks about the advanced knowledge of
the Dogon Tribe of Africa, the work of Immanuel Velikovsky, and comparative cosmology
with guest, Laird Scranton.
We've seen enough from mainstream academia to know their interest lies not in the pursuit of
knowledge wherever it leads, more →
The post Laird Scranton | The Dogon Mystery, Culture Seeders, & Velikovsky appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Peter Robbins | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, & UFOs -
2016-10-06 19:41:31 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as Greg Carlwood hosts Peter Robbins to discuss the life
and work of Wilhelm Reich.
Known for his brilliant mind, Reich's work wondered into areas such as unknown energies,
weather modification, and UFOs, ultimately devolving into a fascinating tale of establishment
attacks, character assassination, historical marginalization and an unfortunate untimely
death. more →
The post Peter Robbins | Wilhelm Reich, Orgone Energy, & UFOs appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats as he talks gambling, game fixing and sports
conspiracy with guest, Brian Tuohy. Earning the title "King of Sports Conspiracy", Brian
joins us to help shatter some of the illusions of the sanctimonious sports industry with the
information he's presented in several books he's written about corruption, more →
The post Brian Tuohy | Sports Conspiracies & Game Fixing appeared first on The Higherside
Walter Bosley | NYMZA, The Sonora Aero Club, & The Origins of the Breakaway
Civilization -
2016-09-26 21:14:16 +0000
Join the Higherside Chats podcast as Greg Carlwood hosts returning guest, Walter Bosley.
Bosley has upped the ante with his research into a group of Hermetic Prussian Nationalist
called NYMZA, artist Charles Dellschau, and a secret society of exotic craft makers in
California called the Sonora Aero Club. It's a deep and rich Pandora's box of conspiracy
goodness that connects some dots and fills in many gaps- taking the popular idea o a 20th
century breakaway civilization and extending the timeline back to it's 19th century
beginnings ad beyond. more →
The post Walter Bosley | NYMZA, The Sonora Aero Club, & The Origins of the Breakaway
Civilization appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Scott Santens | Universal Basic Income -
2016-09-20 17:50:47 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast a he talks Universal Basic Income with
his guest, Scott Santens. An important piece to the conspiracy puzzle is finding solutions to
problems long identified. Instead of grandiose ideas of a technocratic utopia and pipe dream
paradigms of exotic technologies firmly locked behind the gates of possibility for
decades, more →
The post Scott Santens | Universal Basic Income appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as Greg Carlwood hosts returning guest Gordon White.
As we know by now, the once widespread and celebrated activities of ritual dances, powerful
enchantments, communal entheogenic exploration, peering through multi-dimensional
window areas, imagination cultivation by the flickering glow of the campfire's edge,
more →
The post Gordon White | Alien Ghosts, Animism, & Chaos Magic appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Mary Joyce | Secret Bases, Little People, & Skyships Over Cashiers -
2016-09-06 20:28:48 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he hosts Mary Joyce. A long time
journalist and author who has written several books including, "Cherokee Little People Were
Real" and"Underground Military Bases Hidden in the North Carolina Mountains", Mary is
also editor of the website Skyships Over Cashiers, more →
The post Mary Joyce | Secret Bases, Little People, & Skyships Over Cashiers appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Leo Zagami | Exposing The Illuminati & The New World Order -
2016-08-25 13:00:48 +0000
Join The Higherside Chats podcast as Greg Carlwood hosts Illuminati defector, Leo Zagami.
As a former 33rd degree Freemason, ranking member of the p2 lodge and born from a lineage
of aristocratic Illuminati blood, Leo has acute knowledge of the powerful network consisting
nefarious elite and and exactly what their future plans entail. more →
The post Leo Zagami | Exposing The Illuminati & The New World Order appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Mark Devlin | Music’s Military Intelligence Roots & Elite Bloodlines of Entertainment -
2016-08-20 13:00:05 +0000
Join Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats podcast as he welcomes back Mark Devlin,
author of the massive all encompassing bible on the crossroads of conspiracy and pop culture,
his excellent work, Musical Truth. With several unexplored rabbitholes in this realm left over
from his first appearance, more →
The post Mark Devlin | Music’s Military Intelligence Roots & Elite Bloodlines of
Entertainment appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
In the latest episode of The Higherside Chats, Greg Carlwood hosts returning guest Cara St.
Louis. On her previous appearance, she outlined the details of the new chronology,
the missing time phenomenon, the mind weapon we call the Prussian Education System and
the dumbing down it facilitates.
As Cara looked deeper into the narrative of history, more →
The post Cara St. Louis |Missing Time & the New Chronology appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Today, Greg Carlwood hosts Mike Sententia, in the most recent installment of everyone's
favorite fringe podcast. Spelling it out for us on his popular website, Magick of Thought,
Sententia has been working on one of the most straightforward and practical brand of magick
appropriately dubbed "Direct Magick". more →
The post Mike Sententia | Direct Magick, Entity Contact, Energy Healing appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
In the latest episode of The Higherside Chats, Greg Carlwood welcomes hollow earth
enthusiast Rick Osmon. Rick has studied Lazer and Electro-Optics Technology, worked for
the US Navy and as a defense contractor, authored "Graves of the Golden Bear", is a regular
columnist for "Ancient American", more →
The post Rick Osmon | Hollow/Growing Earth & Secrets of Ancient America appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats this week as Greg Carlwood hosts, Shamangineer.
Working for over a decade in a variety of industries from robotics, manufacturing equipment,
chemical systems and alternative energy, he knows first hand that we are being held back in
more ways than one. The shadowy elite have dedicated many pages in their playbook to
suppressing information, more →
The post Shamangineer | Ether Theory, Ancient Alchemy, & Ormus appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Join The Higherside Chats as The Carlwood welcomes, Jim Chesnar, to discuss the Bock
Saga, its deep relations to hell and the origins of the Earth. Enjoy the authentic ambiance as
Jim, his rooster, and Greg dive into the deep end of the weird pool and do their best to wade
through the dense body of esoteric knowledge passed down through the lineage of the family
of Bock. more →
The post Jim Chesnar | The Bock Saga, Hell & Earths Origins appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Harry Hubbard | Ancient Map Mysteries, Phantom Islands, & The Hollow Earth -
2016-07-15 20:29:59 +0000
As with most of our guests, Harry Hubbard, asserts that today’s history books leave out large
swaths of information. Since childhood, Harry has been interested in acutely observing
historical documents, artifacts and books, and he has a few theories based on the information
he has gleaned.
Today’s podcast is teeming with anecdotes and facts that Harry has acquired over the years
and some that he experienced firsthand. more →
The post Harry Hubbard | Ancient Map Mysteries, Phantom Islands, & The Hollow Earth
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jeff Berwick | Hacking A Broken System, The Shemitah Cycle & The Jubilee Year -
2016-07-13 16:28:17 +0000
This week on THC, Greg chats with The Dollar Vigilante himself, and host of the Anarchast,
Jeff Berwick. Jeff was fortunate enough to capitalize at the peak of the tech bubble freeing
him up to travel to over 100 countries in 5 years. more →
The post Jeff Berwick | Hacking A Broken System, The Shemitah Cycle & The Jubilee Year
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
F. William Engdahl | The Lost Hegemon, The Oligarchs’ Decline, & What Comes
Next -
2016-07-07 00:56:53 +0000
This week on THC, Greg chats with Princeton graduate, geopolitical analyst, professor and
lecturer, as well as author of brilliant titles such as Seeds of Destruction: The Diabolical
World of Genetic Manipulation, A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the
New World Order, and the latest in a line of carefully crafted masterpieces The Lost
Hegemon: whom the Gods would destroy none other than the esteemed F. more →
The post F. William Engdahl | The Lost Hegemon, The Oligarchs’ Decline, & What Comes
Next appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
John Hamer | The History of Bankster Control & Their Orchestrated Events -
2016-06-29 19:33:37 +0000
There are many conspiratorial events that raise red flags in any critical mind, and today’s
guest says that many of them stem from one place: the banking industry. John Hamer says
that banksters are the supreme string-pullers, and that they have been throughout history.
Today he gives us a fascinating glimpse of the manipulation of the banking industry as it has
existed throughout time. more →
The post John Hamer | The History of Bankster Control & Their Orchestrated Events
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Judyth Vary Baker | The Lee Harvey Oswald Love Affair & Weaponized Cancer
Connection -
2016-06-25 19:15:44 +0000
We recently had Ed Haslam on the show, and he talked about his knowledge of events
leading up to Lee Harvey Oswald being framed for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Today, we get into the deeper story from none other than Lee’s lover, Judyth Vary Baker.
Judy’s involvement in the Lee Harvey Oswald saga began when she was a teenager with an
intense interest in cancer and medicine. more →
The post Judyth Vary Baker | The Lee Harvey Oswald Love Affair & Weaponized Cancer
Connection appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Patrick Jordan | The History of Weaponized Vaccines, Militarized Medicine, & Serum
Sickness -
2016-06-19 05:20:32 +0000
Many of our listeners will agree that it’s crazy to trust the government and the state of the
healthcare system to actually keep us healthy. Nowhere is the controversy more pronounced
than in the pro- and anti-vaccination debate. While the government agencies insist that
vaccines are safe and effective, those who have done their own research have found
otherwise. more →
The post Patrick Jordan | The History of Weaponized Vaccines, Militarized Medicine, &
Serum Sickness appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Russ Baker | Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty and America’s Invisible
Government -
2016-06-14 21:01:16 +0000
You’ve probably heard Jim Morrison’s famous quote, “Whoever controls the media, controls
the mind.” Journalist Russ Baker, founder of and author of Family of
Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, American’s Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the
Last Fifty Years, is striving to get news previously hidden by the media, more →
The post Russ Baker | Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty and America’s Invisible
Government appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
One of the most controversial and polarizing topics even among the conspiracy community is
that of flat earth theory. Most people think the entire topic is ludicrous, but you can't argue
that it's gaining steam with a certain subset of alternative thinkers. Well, today’s guest, Marty
Leeds, has considered the matter quiet extensively, more →
The post Marty Leeds | Flat Earth Implications, NASA Lies, & Gematria appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Life after death: No one really knows what happens. Do we go off “toward the light”? Do we
simply cease to exist? The most common atheistic view is that we are gone and no longer
exist at all. Today’s guest, however, has some insights gleaned from his encounters with his
late friend, more →
The post Paul Davids | A Case Study Of After Death Contact w/ Forrest J. Ackerman
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | Success Magic & Chaos Protocols For The New Economic Reality -
2016-05-27 01:36:49 +0000
Today’s economic world is not what it once was. While the Baby Boomers grew up with the
narrative that going to school, working hard, buying a house and retiring happy is the way to
achieve financial success, today’s Millennials are not living the same reality. As the economy
has changed, of course so have the ways of using magic and the spirit world to boost your
chances of success in it. more →
The post Gordon White | Success Magic & Chaos Protocols For The New Economic Reality
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Melinda Leslie | Alien Abductions, Milabs, & Their Eerie Corporate Connections -
2016-05-25 23:23:38 +0000
On today’s episode, I’m speaking with Melinda Leslie, who is an expert in both alien
abductions and milabs. Milabs are military abductions, often taking place after an alien
abduction experience. These experiences tend to be concealed, and there are often eerie
corporate connections, with prominent politicians and corporate bigwigs involved. There are
a lot of theories about why milabs do what they do, more →
The post Melinda Leslie | Alien Abductions, Milabs, & Their Eerie Corporate Connections
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Eve Lorgen | The Alien Love Bite, The Dark Side of Cupid, & Entity Involvement In
Human Romance -
2016-05-16 01:10:02 +0000
Have you ever had a dream that could be described as extremely vivid, detailed or profound?
Maybe you have met someone who you immediately connected with so strongly that the
words “soul mate” crossed your mind. Do you have stories of involvement with cults, Satanic
rituals or the Illuminati in your family folklore? more →
The post Eve Lorgen | The Alien Love Bite, The Dark Side of Cupid, & Entity Involvement
In Human Romance appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Corey Eib & Todd McGreevy | Agenda 31, Article IV State Citizenship & The Federal
Fraud -
2016-05-06 23:38:51 +0000
You might have heard it said that the founding fathers of the United States of America would
roll over in their graves if they knew what was going on nowadays. Corey Eib and Todd
McGreevy from Agenda 31 agree wholeheartedly. Today I talked to them about Article 4
citizenship, sometimes called several states citizenship or common law citizenship.
more →
The post Corey Eib & Todd McGreevy | Agenda 31, Article IV State Citizenship & The
Federal Fraud appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Today on The Higherside Chats, I’m speaking to electric universe paradigm expert, Wal
Thornhill. Wal is the co-founder of the Thunderbolts Project, as well as co-author of both The
Electric Universe and Thunderbolts of the Gods. If you are like most of us, you have been
taught definite ideas about the Big Bang Theory, more →
The post Wal Thornhill | The Scientific Case For The Electric Universe appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Ed Haslam | Dr. Mary’s Monkey, The Polio Vaccine, and Lee Harvey Oswald -
2016-04-23 19:29:55 +0000
On today’s episode, I’m speaking with Ed Haslam, a researcher and author of Dr. Mary's
Monkey: How the Unsolved Murder of a Doctor, a Secret Laboratory in New Orleans and
Cancer-Causing Monkey Viruses Are Linked to Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK Assassination
and Emerging Global Epidemics. This incredible saga teems with murder, more →
The post Ed Haslam | Dr. Mary’s Monkey, The Polio Vaccine, and Lee Harvey Oswald
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
The story of the Rockefeller family is more than a cautionary tale, it’s an example of an
oligarch’s potential to dominate. On this episode of The Higherside Chats, James Corbett
joins us to discuss the far reaching control of the Rockefeller dynasty. We start with the
calculated steps to bring a nation to dependence on oil. more →
The post James Corbett | Rockefeller History & The Big Conspiracy Breakdown appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Alexander Koltypin | Extreme Antiquity, Inner Earth Civilizations, & Secrets of the
Ancient Past -
2016-04-12 03:59:34 +0000
In what has to be the most extensive and experimental THC episode to date, our friend
Sylvie' Ivanowa, translated an interview between your humble host and Sylvie's personal
favorite non-English speaking Russian researcher, Alexander Koltypin.
Alexander has quiet the resume'. He graduated with honors from the Moscow Geological
Prospecting Institute and took post graduate courses at the Institute of Oceanology at the
Russia Academy of Sciences. more →
The post Dr. Alexander Koltypin | Extreme Antiquity, Inner Earth Civilizations, & Secrets of
the Ancient Past appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Richard Jacoby | The Toxic Effects of Sugar & The Corporate Food Conspiracy -
2016-04-06 07:18:18 +0000
On top of being the author of the great new book, Sugar Crush: How To Reduce
Inflammation, Reverse Nerve Damage, and Reclaim Good Health, Dr. Jacoby is one of the
countries leading peripheral nerve surgeons, the co-founder of the Scottsdale Healthcare
Wound Management Center, and the former president of both the Arizona Podiatry
Association and the Association of Extremity Nerve Surgeons. more →
The post Dr. Richard Jacoby | The Toxic Effects of Sugar & The Corporate Food Conspiracy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Robert Guffey | Project Chameleo, Secret Tech, & The Surveillance State -
2016-03-31 20:08:31 +0000
Author Robert Guffey joins THC to talk about the saga contained in his new book,
Chameleo: A Strange But True Story Of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland
The post Robert Guffey | Project Chameleo, Secret Tech, & The Surveillance State appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Magick, Military Intelligence, and Higher Consciousness -
2016-03-29 03:02:40 +0000
This week we talk to Dr. Richard Alan Miller who has studied a wide array of fringe topics,
has held several impressive positions, and has had a multitude of experiences that should
impress any THC listener. From magick to military intelligence, from conspiracy to higher
Strap in.
The post Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Magick, Military Intelligence, and Higher Consciousness
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White, the maestro of modern chaos magic, author of the incredible tome Star.Ships,
and the digital chef of the ever tasty Rune Soup joins THC once again. This time around we
get deeper into the magical worldview and interpreting the role of magic, interdimensional
entities, more →
The post Gordon White | Understanding Non-Human Logic and Entity Influence Throughout
History appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
David Rodriguez | The Education Conspiracy And The History Of Forced Schooling -
2016-03-12 23:47:58 +0000
Many people interested in the topic we can dub, "The Education Conspiracy," will know the
name John Taylor Gatto. He's been a highly decorated teacher, who turned whistleblower and
has been writing about the nefarious agenda behind compulsory schooling and the players
that put it in place ever since.
The post David Rodriguez | The Education Conspiracy And The History Of Forced
Schooling appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Joshua Cutchin | The Food and Drink Offerings Of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch -
2016-03-08 01:02:14 +0000
High strangeness researcher and author, Joshua Cutchin, joins THC to talk about his latest
book, Trojan Feast: The Food and Drink Offerings Of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch. We get
into the Entheogenic connection, the idea that faeries and aliens are different cultural skins
for the same phenomenon, and a lot of other odd commonalities throughout the various
stories he outlines in the book. more →
The post Joshua Cutchin | The Food and Drink Offerings Of Aliens, Faeries, and Sasquatch
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Mark Devlin | Mind Control and Magick In The Corporate Music Industry -
2016-03-01 04:46:41 +0000
Mighty Mark Devlin joins THC to discuss his new book Musical Truth, which covers nearly
everything you might want to know about the weirdness within the corporate music industry.
We talk about predictive programming, esoteric symbolism, satanism, pedophilia,
assassination, mind control and more in our attempt to tackle just half of the amazing work
he's done in Musical Truth. more →
The post Mark Devlin | Mind Control and Magick In The Corporate Music Industry appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Folks might remember Donald Marshall from his 2011 letter disclosing his ongoing torture at
secret underground cloning centers run by the Illuminati and the Vril Lizards.
Well, it's been 5 years, and now we have pop stars like Nicki Minaj tweeting about her
experiences with this very thing, more →
The post Donald Marshall | Disclosure Updates On The Illuminati Vril Cloning Centers
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Dr. Judy Wood | The Evidence For Directed Free-Energy Tech Used On 9/11 -
2016-02-22 03:28:09 +0000
Today we ask the big question: Where did the towers go? We've all seen the footage a
thousand times, but maybe through the power of suggestion, we've missed something major.
That is the crux of Dr. Judy Wood's work into 9/11. As she walks us through all the actual
damage that was done to the WTC complex on that day, more →
The post Dr. Judy Wood | The Evidence For Directed Free-Energy Tech Used On 9/11
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | Star.Ships: A Prehistory Of The Spirits, Gobekli Tepe & Our Magical
Past -
2016-02-14 06:53:26 +0000
The post Gordon White | Star.Ships: A Prehistory Of The Spirits, Gobekli Tepe & Our
Magical Past appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Johnny Cirucci | The Roman Catholic Conspiracy, Vatican Crimes, & The Jesuits -
2016-02-06 05:36:29 +0000
Dedicated researcher, Johnny Cirucci, joins The Higherside Chats Podcast to make his case
that the Vatican and the Jesuits sit atop the conspiracy pyramid. Johnny has his own online
radio show called Resistance Rising on Blog Talk Radio, and is the author of Illuminati
Unmasked, which goes deep down the Jesuit rabbit hole and chronicles Johnny's research on
the big conspiracy. more →
The post Johnny Cirucci | The Roman Catholic Conspiracy, Vatican Crimes, & The Jesuits
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Steven D. Kelley | Dark Secrets of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, & The NWO Agenda
2016-01-30 22:02:00 +0000
Author and radio host Steven D. Kelley joins THC to talk about his research into the Clinton
Crime Syndicate and the larger NWO Agenda they're a part of.
And feel free to get in touch with Steven for any reason at: [email protected] more
The post Steven D. Kelley | Dark Secrets of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, & The NWO
Agenda appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Christopher Knight, 33 degree mason and author, joins THC to talk about many of the
interesting threads that have come out of his decades long line of research into an ancient
measurement system that rarely crops it's head up in the mainstream, but can be found used at
Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Egypt, more →
The post Christopher Knight | Megalithic Measurements, Freemasons, and The Moon Makers
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Professional Mentalist, Alian Nu, AKA "The Man Who Knows" joins THC to talk about his
craft, how it relates to the mind and magick, how to increase one's own psychic ability,
strange experiences of his, paranormal tales from his fans, and even facilitates a mass on-air
spoon bending demonstration. Have your metal spoons ready! more →
The post Alain Nu | Mentalism, Manifestation, Strange Experiences, & Improving Your
Psychic Ability appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
David Talbott | The Electric Universe, The Saturn/Sun Swap, & The Reconstructing
Of Mythology -
2016-01-12 00:47:07 +0000
David Talbott, an expert in comparative mythology, walks us through the Electric Universe
model, the idea that Saturn was our Sun before the Sun, and the many ways this new
paradigm makes sense of previous dismissed aspects of mythologies around the world.
Check out David's books, documentaries, and much more at the main hub for the Electric
Universe: more →
The post David Talbott | The Electric Universe, The Saturn/Sun Swap, & The Reconstructing
Of Mythology appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Sylvie’ Ivanowa | New Chronology, Ayahuasca Insights, Atlantian Survivors, & The
Reformation Conspiracy -
2016-01-06 06:13:22 +0000
Alternative researcher, Sylvie' Ivanowa joins THC to talk about the content of her YouTube
series: When The Atlantis and Hyperborea Survivors Wake Up. It includes information from
many sources in what some call the "New Chronology Movement," several that are fairly
hard to access for an English speaking audience. One of the more major sources, more
The post Sylvie’ Ivanowa | New Chronology, Ayahuasca Insights, Atlantian Survivors, &
The Reformation Conspiracy appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Spiritual teacher, Sevan Bomar, joins THC to breakdown the levels of our reality, clarify the
code of the Matrix, identify Archon control structures, share his psychonautic insights, and a
whole lot more in a great episode to end the year on. Thanks for listening!
Check out these links to get deeper into Sevan's work:
Main site:
Innerversity courses:
The post Sevan Bomar | The Imagination Hijack, Manifesting Reality, & Exploring
Consciousness appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ole Dammegard | Problems With Paris and San Bernardino: False Flags and Faux
Terror -
2015-12-22 10:22:33 +0000
Ole has dedicated his research to several topics over the last 30 years, but false flag attacks
have always been near the top of that list. Today, Ole breaks down the story of what
happened in Paris, and all the sketchy details that lead one to the conclusion that we can't
trust what we've been told about the event. more →
The post Ole Dammegard | Problems With Paris and San Bernardino: False Flags and Faux
Terror appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Today on the podcast, the great researcher and author, Peter Levenda joins THC to talk about
the missing esoteric elements to American history, and human history in general. We talk
about the ancient mound builders, the occult interests of America's founders, the Salem
Witch Trials, the JFK assassination, and the strange blue blood seance commonly referred to
as The Council of Nine. more →
The post Peter Levenda | Sinister Forces, Occult History, & The Nine appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Tracy Twyman | The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance -
2015-12-12 05:28:14 +0000
The wonderful, Tracy Twyman returns to THC to talk about her latest book Baphomet: The
Temple Mystery Unveiled, which continues her research into the truth about the Baphomet
entity and the Knights Templar. Several huge milestones and invaluable contributions to the
study of history have been made with this one, and it was great to talk to Tracy about
it. more →
The post Tracy Twyman | The Knights Templar, Baphomet, & The Alchemy of Finance
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 & James Alfred 2 | Hadibov’s Pre-history, Humanity’s Genotypes, & The
Flesh Jacket -
2015-12-07 05:52:57 +0000
Our good friend Crrow777 and the great breaker-downer, James Alfred of the Sage Sigma
blog both join THC today, as we examine James' latest understandings of the dense Hadibov
material. We get into the latest details about the man's life, some cross references with other
alternative information, the four epochs of the Ebrov spider beings, more →
The post Crrow777 & James Alfred 2 | Hadibov’s Pre-history, Humanity’s Genotypes, & The
Flesh Jacket appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Mark Booth | The Esoteric Worldview, Spiritual Entities, & The Influence Of Both -
2015-12-01 03:32:36 +0000
Author of The Secret History of the World, The Sacred History of the World, and soon to be
The Heretic's Handbook - Mark Booth joins the THC podcast for a conversation about his
deep look into the esoteric traditions of secret societies, how they view the world, the
presence and hierarchy of spirits, more →
The post Mark Booth | The Esoteric Worldview, Spiritual Entities, & The Influence Of Both
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Filmmaker and researcher, Jeremy Corbell joins THC to talk about the vast and freaky
subjects in his films, Ufology, other elements of his research, and some of the integrating
individuals that he's highlighted in some of his pieces, including John Lear, Bob Lazar, Dr.
Roger Leir, & "Nano Man."
Check out Jeremy's work at more →
The post Jeremy Corbell | Mysteries of Ufology, Covert Technologies, & Bob Lazar
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Graham Hancock | Magicians of the Gods, Atlantis, & The Ancient Impacts -
2015-11-26 01:57:54 +0000
International bestselling author, Graham Hancock, joins THC to talk about his latest book
that's breaking down the walls of conventional history: Magicians of the Gods. We discuss
the latest evidence that helps to demystify why civilization seems to have sprung up out of
nowhere, the validity of the Atlantis story, more →
The post Graham Hancock | Magicians of the Gods, Atlantis, & The Ancient Impacts
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 | The Paris Attacks, Skywatching Weirdness, & The Reality Ruse -
2015-11-16 20:19:18 +0000
You know him, you love him, Crrow777 returns to THC to talk about the Paris attacks, the
strange things he's captured with his new equipment, his epic skywatching road trip,
chemtrails, the moon, time control, rewriting history, NASA's lies, and more!
The post Crrow777 | The Paris Attacks, Skywatching Weirdness, & The Reality Ruse
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Chris Knowles | The Devolution Agenda, Decoding NASA, & The Heaven’s Gate Cult
2015-11-12 22:03:39 +0000
Author, blogger, and conspiratorial playbook dismantler -Chris Knowles joins THC to talk
about culture, symbolism, alt-history, media manipulation, and much more. We get into why
NASA shouldn't be trusted, what's changed in "conspiracy culture", as well as how the
Heaven's Gate cult was misrepresented in media.
You can follow Chris' exploration of pop culture symbology and more at his blog: http:// and check out his books on Amazon:
ie=UTF8&qid=1447365257&sr=8-1&keywords=chris+knowles more →
The post Chris Knowles | The Devolution Agenda, Decoding NASA, & The Heaven’s Gate
Cult appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jen Briney | Our Corrupt Congress, The WTO, & The Push For Global Corporate
Takeover -
2015-11-01 08:17:26 +0000
Jen Briney returns to THC to talk about all the things she's been covering on her podcast
Congressional Dish where she reads and researchers all the bills coming through Congress.
Thus, she gets a great sense of what's really going on, and the concerning patterns seems to
be emerging
Follow and talk to Jen on Twitter at: and check out her
show, more →
The post Jen Briney | Our Corrupt Congress, The WTO, & The Push For Global Corporate
Takeover appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Joseph Farrell | The Cosmic War & The Treaty of Versailles Template -
2015-10-22 12:22:57 +0000
One of my favorite authors and yours, Joseph P. Farrell returns to THC to talk about the idea
of an epic cosmic war in humanity's past. We've heard about this possibility from the ancient
texts of many cultures, but what Joseph is now doing, is also looking at all the things that go
into a post-war process when you're talking about a conflict of this size, more →
The post Joseph Farrell | The Cosmic War & The Treaty of Versailles Template appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
The great Jay Dyer of joins THC to talk about one of the major tools
in the Elite's multifaceted campaign against the population: Hollywood. We talk about Ian
Flemming and the Bond series, on which Jay wrote his thesis. We also discuss many of the
films Jay has given the conspiratorial strip down including Interstellar and Moonraker,
more →
The post Jay Dyer | Cinema Symbolism, Hollywood Psy-Ops, & Predictive Programming
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Cara St. Louis | The Education Conspiracy, Imagination Eradication, & Kali -
2015-10-12 02:00:05 +0000
Today on everyone's favorite podcast, we have Cara St. Louis. She's an activist, intuitive,
and writing partner of Harald Kautz-Vella and she joins THC to talk about her research into
the conspiracy behind the oppressive school system we have today. We talk about where it
came from, who brought it here, more →
The post Cara St. Louis | The Education Conspiracy, Imagination Eradication, & Kali
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Linda Moulton Howe | Embedded Beings, Self-Activating AI, Mutilations, & Other
Aspects Of The ET Agenda -
2015-10-06 21:51:41 +0000
One of the finest journalists on this island Earth joins THC to discuss the latest in her ongoing
investigation into the ET agenda. We talk about a fairly new phenomenon that's being
reported where alien Greys seem to be hitching a ride inside unknowing human husks for the
purpose of "learning." Could this be one step closer to hybridization? more →
The post Linda Moulton Howe | Embedded Beings, Self-Activating AI, Mutilations, & Other
Aspects Of The ET Agenda appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
With a PhD in plasma physics and an impressive resume behind him, John Brandenburg joins
THC to take the conversation a step beyond water on the Martian surface, and presents the
evidence he's found for a global, nuclear destruction event in Mars' past as well as ancient
civilizations, strange structures, odd microbial life, more →
The post John Brandenburg | Nuclear Destruction, Ancient Civilizations, & Other Mars
Mysteries appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jim Marrs | Population Control & How Corporate Owners Are KIlling Us -
2015-10-01 05:47:01 +0000
The legendary Jim Marrs joins THC to talk about his new book Population Control: How
Corporate Owners Are Killing Us, which covers most of the major campaigns against the
people. From aspartame to vaccines, it's all here people!
Follow Jim and check out his new book here: more →
The post Jim Marrs | Population Control & How Corporate Owners Are KIlling Us appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Matthew Cross & Dr. Robert Friedman | The Golden Ratio, The Fibonacci Sequence,
& You -
2015-09-25 18:09:23 +0000
Matthew Cross, professional optimization specialist, consultant, & President of Leadership
Alliance joins THC along with his friend and co-author, Dr. Robert Friedman. Together
they've been developing practical applications for the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Sequence,
aimed at optimizing all aspects of being human.
They were kind enough to offer the THC audience one of their books for free. more →
The post Matthew Cross & Dr. Robert Friedman | The Golden Ratio, The Fibonacci
Sequence, & You appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Harald Kautz Vella | Black Goo, Black Magick, Spider Beings, & The Elite -
2015-09-22 20:23:42 +0000
German researcher, Harald Kautz Vella joins THC to break down his deep level research into
the true nature of the Elite's campaigns against humanity. According to Harald's research, an
invading version of what is knows as "black goo" landed on our planet roughly 80,000 years
ago. This black goo could be considered a type of alien A.I. more →
The post Harald Kautz Vella | Black Goo, Black Magick, Spider Beings, & The Elite
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
David Noakes | The GcMAF Cover Up, Doctor Deaths, & Big Pharma’s Sickness
Agenda -
2015-09-20 01:19:10 +0000
CEO of Immuno Biotech, David Noakes, joins THC to talk about the GCMaf saga, Big
Pharma's suppression and cover up of this information, and the campaign against real cures.
David's own facility was raided and shut down as well as several clinics of his colleagues,
many of which were found dead in the days following the raids. more →
The post David Noakes | The GcMAF Cover Up, Doctor Deaths, & Big Pharma’s Sickness
Agenda appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Marie D. Jones | Mind Control Throughout History, Mk Ultra, Cults, & Electronic
Harassment -
2015-09-13 22:20:33 +0000
Sweet San Diego author, Marie D. Jones, returns to everyone's favorite conspiracy podcast to
talk about her new book, co-authored by Larry Flaxman: Mind Wars: A History of Mind
Control, Surveillance, and Social Engineering by Government, Media, and Secret Societies. more →
The post Marie D. Jones | Mind Control Throughout History, Mk Ultra, Cults, & Electronic
Harassment appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Professor Doom | Doctor Deaths, GC Maf, & The Return Of The Elite’s Ancient
Overlords -
2015-09-04 20:50:59 +0000
Conspiracy is everywhere this week on the podcast! Youtube's own, Professor Doom, joins
THC to talk about the medical breakthroughs surrounding GC Maf and the string of doctor
deaths associated with what seems to be a violent campaign to keep the secret.
We then go deeper than deep, discussing the connections between the entities the elite
worship, more →
The post Professor Doom | Doctor Deaths, GC Maf, & The Return Of The Elite’s Ancient
Overlords appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Nick Redfern | Assassinations, Mind Control, Disney & The Dark State -
2015-08-31 04:23:19 +0000
As promised, Nick Redfern returns this week to discuss the conspiracy sagas on flip side of
his book Secret History: From Ancient Aliens To The New World Order. We get into the
more meat and potatoes conspiracy takes on modern history: high profile assassinations, mk
ultra, black ops projects, cattle mutilations, more →
The post Nick Redfern | Assassinations, Mind Control, Disney & The Dark State appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Today on everyone's favorite fringe-y podcast, Steph Young joins THC to walk us through
some of the strange scenarios and cases she's uncovered in her long history of writing about
anomalous, paranormal, and fortean topics and events.
The post Steph Young | Mysterious Disappearances, Unknown Entities, & Unexplainable
Events appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Author and researcher Richard Cassaro joins THC to talk about the remnants of ancient
wisdom he's uncovered through rigorous investigation. He also breaks down many of the
ancient and modern symbols we see used and talks about what they might have meant in the
The post Richard Cassaro | The Triptych, Freemasonry, & The Godself Icon appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Crrow & James Alfred | Dissecting Hadibov, The Role Of UFOs, & The Full Spectrum
Control Grid -
2015-08-01 08:01:29 +0000
Crrow returns yet again, this time joined by blogger and Hadibov analyst, James Alfred. We
largely discuss the latest understanding of several major aspects of the Hadibov material.
Most of this understanding comes from James' recent work in clarifying many of the murky
details and his success in breaking down this dense material. more →
The post Crrow & James Alfred | Dissecting Hadibov, The Role Of UFOs, & The Full
Spectrum Control Grid appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Richard Merrick | Interference Theory, Ancient Culture, & The Venus Blueprint -
2015-07-30 02:40:30 +0000
Fantastic researcher and author, Richard Merrick, joins the podcast this week to talk about his
work into the science of musical perception and his resulting "Interference Theory." We talk
about many of the avenues of research this opened up for him and the long list of insightful
connections he was able to make about the people of the past, more →
The post Richard Merrick | Interference Theory, Ancient Culture, & The Venus Blueprint
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Santos Bonacci | Syncretism, Ascension, Atomic Language, & Triple Crown Control -
2015-07-22 21:29:31 +0000
Today on the podcast, the powerful teacher of syncretism, Santos Bonacci, returns to THC to
talk about his latest research and provide some useful knowledge on the personal journey of
consciousness ascension and sovereignty reclamation.
The post Santos Bonacci | Syncretism, Ascension, Atomic Language, & Triple Crown
Control appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Clyde Lewis |Hosting Ground Zero & High Strangeness In Troubled Times -
2015-07-17 01:23:39 +0000
The great Clyde Lewis, host of Ground Zero Radio, joins THC to talk about conspiracy
media, strangeness in his life, the A.I. component of Jade Helm, time manipulation, Phantom
Time Hypothesis, entities, the Elite, conspiracies, mysteries, and the all around fringe.
The post Clyde Lewis |Hosting Ground Zero & High Strangeness In Troubled Times
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
John Hamer, author of several conspiratorial books joins the podcast to discuss the research
he's done into several of the well known charity dynasties, and how thy function as
multifaceted fronts for the elite. We also dedicate another half of the show to the depth and
details of the great Titanic Conspiracy as John sees it. more →
The post John Hamer | Institutionalized Charity Corruption & The Titanic Conspiracy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Nick Redfern | Biblical ETs, Ancient Otherworldly Manipulation, & Alien Demons -
2015-07-06 12:00:12 +0000
Your friend and mine, the amazing author, Nick Redfern joins the podcast today to talk
conspiracy, paranormal, and the all around fringe material contained in his new alternative
textbook, Secret History: From Ancient Aliens To The New World Order. In this show we
covered the first half of the lengthy tome, more →
The post Nick Redfern | Biblical ETs, Ancient Otherworldly Manipulation, & Alien Demons
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Jim Fetzer | The Moon Landing Hoax, The Holocaust, & Jade Helm -
2015-06-30 21:08:34 +0000
Legendary conspiracy researcher, Jim Fetzer, joins THC to talk about the new book he put
together with a dozen or so other great researchers called, "...And I supposed We Didn't Go
To The Moon Either: The Moon Landing, The Holocaust, & Other Mass Illusions." We also
discuss the Jade Helm Operation that has many alternative minds a bit concerned,
more →
The post Jim Fetzer | The Moon Landing Hoax, The Holocaust, & Jade Helm appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Brooks Agnew | Alternative Energy, The Hollow Earth Expedition, & Aliens -
2015-06-23 19:52:30 +0000
The widely know researcher and host of X Squared Radio, Brooks Agnew joins THC to talk
all things science-y and weird. From the technological advancements of his electric truck
company, to the details about his ongoing attempt to forge a path to the hollow Earth
opening, to the UFO connection and much more! more →
The post Brooks Agnew | Alternative Energy, The Hollow Earth Expedition, & Aliens
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 | The Lunar Illusion, Dismantling The Control System, & The Road To
Knowing -
2015-06-18 19:21:30 +0000
Back in the saddle for a third time, Crrow777 joins THC to talk about his latest understanding
of both the Lunar Wave footage and the Hadibov Research. We also talk about other big
themes in the conspiracy community, the details of the control grid we may be victim to, and
the difference between belief and knowing. more →
The post Crrow777 | The Lunar Illusion, Dismantling The Control System, & The Road To
Knowing appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Courtney Brown, director of the Farsight Institute, joins THC to talk about their application
of remote viewing into some of the high strangeness around the solar system, mysteries of the
ancient past, and other questions we just can't seem to get the answers to.
Check out the work of the Farsight Institute in more detail:
more →
The post Courtney Brown | Remote Viewing Iapetus, Mars, Atlantis, & More appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
I figured I'd leave the audio alone and just make a few comments here.
I thought it went well and the host, "Rude Jude" was nice and accommodating. I'd love to do
it again, and being able to take calls was a new twist for me. Off air, he asked me a couple
times about my "demographic" and all I could say is that "my audience is made of of people
who like the show." It was funny to see his slightly surprised reaction that I don't have more
data, more →
The post Greg Carlwood on SiriusXM’s The All Out Show appeared first on The Higherside
Wayne Bush | The Archontic Human Farm, Culture Control & The Sun/Moon
Harvesting System -
2015-06-06 22:33:06 +0000
Under-the-radar researcher, Wayne Bush, is the man behind Tricked By The Light, a website
that suggests our reality only exists as elements in a vast Archon control scheme- recycling
our souls and energy in a Sun/Moon harvesting system. We also talk about the language,
culture, symbols, and more that seem to anecdotally suggest Wayne may be on to
something. more →
The post Wayne Bush | The Archontic Human Farm, Culture Control & The Sun/Moon
Harvesting System appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Joseph Farrell | Babylon’s Banksters, Financial Alchemy, & The Secret Science
Connection -
2015-05-29 02:08:37 +0000
The great Joseph Farrell joins THC to discuss both the tools of financial wizards, and the
connection to an off-the-books physics that can be man's best friend or greatest enemy.
We then try to talk chronologically through history up to the modern era, to trace the power
groups who have uncovered aspects of this secret information along the way and their various
rises and downfalls. more →
The post Joseph Farrell | Babylon’s Banksters, Financial Alchemy, & The Secret Science
Connection appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Gordon White | Pig/Chimp Hybrids, Directed Panspermia, DNA, & More Human
Story Strangeness -
2015-05-25 04:26:52 +0000
Author, researcher and one of my favorite wise wizards, Gordon White, joins THC to drop
some knowledge and apply a chaos magicians lens to many of the strange bits of data that
man has extracted about life, the human story, and our "highly distracting playpen."
Check out more Gordon and his chaos magic writings at more →
The post Gordon White | Pig/Chimp Hybrids, Directed Panspermia, DNA, & More Human
Story Strangeness appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Outlaw Jimmy Jones | The Rh Neg Blood Type Mystery, Aliens, & The Elite -
2015-05-17 19:31:38 +0000
The Outlaw, Jimmy Jones joins THC to talk about his research into the RH Neg Blood Type,
the historical context for the differences, & some of his own strange experiences in being one
of the few people with RH Neg blood.
The post Outlaw Jimmy Jones | The Rh Neg Blood Type Mystery, Aliens, & The Elite
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Eric Dollard | Revealing Secret Sciences, Tesla Tech, & The Physics Fallacy -
2015-05-09 00:53:20 +0000
Today on the podcast, Eric Dollard, sits down to talk about his life in fringe sciences and
other areas that have been quarantined away from the scientific community.
Eric Dollard is an electrical engineer who is known as a "living legend" in the field of
electrical research and is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive
today, more →
The post Eric Dollard | Revealing Secret Sciences, Tesla Tech, & The Physics Fallacy
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
The post Zen Gardner | Expatriating, Jade Helm, & The American Breakdown appeared first
on The Higherside Chats.
Bob Frissell | Ancient Aliens, Thoth, & The Lemuria/Atlantis Saga -
2015-05-01 20:33:59 +0000
In a full 2 hour bonus show, author Bob Frissell joins THC to talk about the origins of
humanity, according to the ascended masters.
Check out Bob's work and get his book, "Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How
Things Are" on his website: more →
The post Bob Frissell | Ancient Aliens, Thoth, & The Lemuria/Atlantis Saga appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Gnostic scholar and author, John Lash, joins THC to lay out the myth of Sophia and explain
the true origin story of the Archons. John then explains how the Archon's achieved a very
substantial neuro-hack into humanity, spawning the three major religions and cementing us
squarely within their Sophia defying control matrix. more →
The post John Lash | Gnosticism, Sophia, & The Archon Control Matrix appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Anthony Patch | CERN: The Portal To Saturn, Electric Universe Theory, & Other
Occult Science -
2015-04-26 05:11:26 +0000
Today on the podcast, researcher, author, and self proclaimed monk - Anthony Patch joins
THC to discuss his research and theories involving Cern, Saturn, demonic entities,
technological channeling, Berkeley University, and a whole host of conspiratorial themes.
Keep up with Anthony and grab his books at: more →
The post Anthony Patch | CERN: The Portal To Saturn, Electric Universe Theory, & Other
Occult Science appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Rick Simpson |The Cannabis Conspiracy, Hemp Oil Healing, & Rockefeller Medicine
2015-04-20 11:20:54 +0000
Living legend, Rick Simpson, joins THC to celebrate 4/20 by exposing the truth about the
mighty marijuana plant, dropping knowledge about the hemp oil "cure all" he is famous for
developing, and discussing all the various ways that lifting the marijuana/hemp embargo
could benefit humanity. Enjoy!
Learn more about Rick Simpson Oil and how to make it at:
The post Rick Simpson |The Cannabis Conspiracy, Hemp Oil Healing, & Rockefeller
Medicine appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Nick Bryant | The Franklin Scandal & The Elite’s Big Pedophilia Cover Up -
2015-04-14 21:19:56 +0000
Author and journalist, Nick Bryant, joins THC to talk about his massive book, The Franklin
Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, & Betrayal which details the exposure of a
specific child trafficking network, the unjust trial the followed, and the widespread cover up
that stopped the bleeding.
The post Nick Bryant | The Franklin Scandal & The Elite’s Big Pedophilia Cover Up
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Ole Dammegard | False Flags, The Caravan of Crisis Actors, & Their Global Terror
Tour -
2015-04-12 01:48:44 +0000
Ole Dammegard returns to THC this week to talk about the false flags all over the world in
the last year or so: Paris, Copenhagen, Sydney, Ottawa, and more. Ole has been tracking the
moves of the New World Order for over 30 years, which gives him a high level of insight
when it comes to analyzing the latest moves from their fear creation playbook. more
The post Ole Dammegard | False Flags, The Caravan of Crisis Actors, & Their Global Terror
Tour appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Freeman & Jamie | Award Show Rituals, Tech Magick, & CERN -
2015-04-05 19:53:45 +0000
The great Freeman Fly and his Wife Jamie return to THC to talk about the last few awards
shows and what insight we can get from the symbols and imagery used during the big
performances. We also talk about the interface between cutting-edge technology and the
occult which we've seen several times throughout history and again in modern times with
CERN and other projects. more →
The post Freeman & Jamie | Award Show Rituals, Tech Magick, & CERN appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Eric Dubay | The Flat Earth Theory & The Masonic Matrix Manipulators -
2015-03-29 15:53:26 +0000
The man behind, Eric Dubay, joins THC after the release of his
new book and documentary pair, both titled The Flat Earth Conspiracy, to tell us why the
Earth is actually flat and how the Mason's fooled us all.
The post Eric Dubay | The Flat Earth Theory & The Masonic Matrix Manipulators appeared
first on The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 Returns | The Lunar Illusion, Space Magick, & The Bigger Conspiracy
Puzzle -
2015-03-22 00:46:28 +0000
Truth seeker and investigator, Crrow777 returns to THC just a few weeks after his first
appearance, to elaborate on some of the ideas we talked about last time and see just how far
these aspects of the big bamboozle might actually go. It's a personal favorite.
View all the interesting space footage Crrow has captures and more on his YouTube
channel: more →
The post Crrow777 Returns | The Lunar Illusion, Space Magick, & The Bigger Conspiracy
Puzzle appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Paul Hellyer | The Money Mafia, Secret Alien Alliances, & You -
2015-03-19 18:46:37 +0000
This week, Canada's former Minister of Defense joins THC to shed some more light on just
how the bankers run their scams, largely talked about in his new book, The Money Mafia. We
also discuss Paul's insights into the ET cover up, the covert partnerships world governments
have made with these beings, more →
The post Paul Hellyer | The Money Mafia, Secret Alien Alliances, & You appeared first on
The Higherside Chats.
Wm Michael Mott | Underground Entities, Beings From Below, & The True String
Pullers Of Humanity -
2015-03-12 21:41:01 +0000
Author, Wm. Michael Mott, joins THC to talk about the years of work and research he's put
into his book: Caverns, Caldrons, & Concealed Creatures now in it's third edition.
We get into the idea that all the complex theories of aliens from other worlds, beings from
other dimensions, more →
The post Wm Michael Mott | Underground Entities, Beings From Below, & The True String
Pullers Of Humanity appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Nita Hiltner | Giant Skeletons, Modern Pterosaurs, & Missing People Mysteries -
2015-03-06 22:51:15 +0000
California journalist, Nita Hiltner, is kind enough to join THC to talk about the articles she's
written for DCXposed and read some of the newspaper clippings, eye witness reports, and
odd case files that contribute to the growing number of accounts within these weird realms.
The post Nita Hiltner | Giant Skeletons, Modern Pterosaurs, & Missing People Mysteries
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
Crrow777 | Skywatching Anomalies & The Lunar Wave -
2015-02-27 20:11:19 +0000
Longtime skywatcher, Crrow777, joins THC to discuss his insights gained from keeping his
eyes to the sky. We discuss the things he's filmed, such as- chemtrails, orbs, various UFOs,
and the Lunar Wave.
Crrow was also a professional radio operator in the military, which leads him to share some
thoughts on HAARP and the health risks of being bombarded with all the wireless signals of
the modern age. more →
The post Crrow777 | Skywatching Anomalies & The Lunar Wave appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
JC Johnson, the man behind Crypto Four Corners, joins THC to talk about their
investigations into strange and anomalous creatures and beings, as well as the many things
that have been reported to them by other witnesses and the possibilities for their origins.
The post JC Johnson | Skinwalkers, Crypids, & The Book Of Enoch appeared first on The
Higherside Chats.
Jason Miller | Sex Magick, Tantric Alchemy, & The Secrets of Erotic Sorcery -
2015-02-14 22:45:46 +0000
It's one for the lovers! Sorcerer supreme, Jason Miller, rejoins THC- this time, to discuss the
themes in his new book "Sex, Sorcery, & Spirit" We get into the history of magic with a
sexual slant, introductory practices, ways to alter and increase the sensation of orgasm, sexual
experiences with non-human entities, more →
The post Jason Miller | Sex Magick, Tantric Alchemy, & The Secrets of Erotic Sorcery
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.
The great Frater X unloads the knowledge gleamed from his induction and progression
through 9 different esoteric orders, and a lifelong curiosity in the manipulation humanity has
experienced throughout time.
Among many things, we discuss the infestation of Freemasonry, unlearning our pre-approved
version of history, and secrets of ancient America- as well as the longstanding connections
between money, more →
The post Frater X | The Illuminati Hijack of History, Consciousness, & Freemasonry
appeared first on The Higherside Chats.