Irjet-Tribological Aspects of Agricultur

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Chandigarh University


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Parvinkal Singh Mann1, Navjeet Kaur Brar2,
1&2 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India-140413

Abstract - Wear is known to be as the degradation of automobiles, machines and mineral processing industries
material under plethora of service conditions and is and occurs in a wide variety of items, such as bulldozers
blades, excavator teeth, drill bits, crushers, slusher, ball
considered as one of the major issue of the material
and roll mills, chutes, slurry pumps and cyclones [3]. The
used in engineering, having an estimated direct cost of wear behaviour of material is related to parameters such
1-4% of gross national product. Many types of wear as shape, size of component, composition and distribution
have been recognized such as abrasive, erosive, of micro constituents in addition to the service conditions
corrosion, oxidation etc. Abrasive wear is probably the such as load, sliding speed, environment and temperature
most significant cause of mechanical damage of [4]. The complex nature of wear has delayed its
investigations and results in isolated studies towards
equipment components coming in contact with abrasive
specific wear mechanisms. The wear of the component
bodies. For combating with wear problem various
depends on its surface characteristics like roughness,
methods have also been developed such as hardfacing, microstructure and hardness. Friction and wear of
cryogenic treatment, coating and heat treatment of materials are generally considered important properties
components which are chosen on the basis of various in engineering practice [5].
conditions under which the component has to perform
Many types of wear have been recognized such as
the desired work. The wear of the component depends
abrasive, erosive, adhesive, corrosion, oxidation and
on its surface characteristics like roughness, surface fatigue wear etc. Wear of solids is treated as the
microstructure and hardness. The abrasive wear in mechanical process. However, other chemical processes,
agriculture equipments is the most common problem. oxidation and corrosion are exceptions of this rule. The
The high wear rate of ground engaging tools led to abrasive wear and the contact fatigue are the most
huge loss of material, recurring labor, downtime and important from technological point of view. It was
replacement costs of worn out parts. Hardfacing is estimated that the total wear of component can be
identified 80-90% as abrasion and 8% as fatigue wear.
commonly employed method to improve surface
Contribution of other types of wear is small [6]. So,
properties of tillage tools. The paper deals with the abrasive wear is probably the most significant cause of
wear problems faced in agriculture equipments, mechanical damage of equipment components coming in
particularly in ground engaging tools. contact with abrasive/erosive bodies. The abrasive wear is
caused by sharp particles sliding or flowing across a metal
Key Words: wear, abrasive wear, agricultural surface at varying speeds and pressure, thereby grinding
away material like small cutting tools.
equipments, ground engaging tools.
It has been estimated that 50% of all wear problems in
industry are due to abrasion, and as such, much laboratory
1. INTRODUCTION work has examined and sought to rationalise the abrasive
wear behaviour of a wide range of material [8]. However
Surface engineering is one of the most relevant current two body abrasive wear generally arise when particles are
fields of research. The events that occur on the surface, in sliding movement, between hard and rough surface, and
such as wear, corrosion or stress concentration create are able to move freely. Machinery that is operating in
regions prone to crack nucleation, which under static or sandy environment is vulnerable to sand particles
dynamic loading will eventually lead to most components entering and becoming entrapped between components,
and structures failures [1]. Wear is the degradation of causing abrasive wear [9]. In a study Hokkirigawa et al
metal surface, showing a continuous loss of material, due (1978) observed three abrasive wear mechanisms using
to relative motion between that main metal surface and scanning electron microscopy (SEM): microcutting,
another materials or substances whichever come in the microploughing and wedge formation. Fig.1 (a) shows the
contact with the original one. Wear is a major problem in microcutting mechanism, whereas Fig.1 (b) shows the
industry and its direct cost is estimated to vary between 1 microcutting with less deep grooves. Fig.1(c) shows the
to 4% of gross national product [2]. Wear is a major micro-ploughing mechanism and Fig.1 (d) shows the
problem in the excavation, earth moving, mining, wedge formation.
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The wear of tillage implements in most soils is caused by

the stones and gravel content. In addition wear on parts of
a plough body, more systematically, depends on the wear
resistance of the plough parts which in term is dependent
on their thermal processing and shape, the tillage
conditions, as plough area (or time), plough speed and
tillage depth, the normal forces between the soil and the
surfaces of the plough area, the proportion, hardness,
sharpness and shape of soil particles, the moisture content
of the soil, the density and mechanical properties of the
soil (hardness, shear strength and brittleness) and
environmental effects and weather changes [16]. Wear
resistance of plough is mainly associated with their
surface hardness and shape of ploughshare, which in turns
related to the soil type and the cutting edge thickness. The
wear and wear rate determination of tillage tool is
necessary because it seriously affects production planning,
tillage quality, repair cost of tillage component, energy
consumption for tillage process each time performed and
finally the production cost of agricultural product [17].
Several studies on the evaluation of abrasive wear
resistance have found that using hard deposits in welding
processes is a good alternative to recover parts under
Fig-1: Abrasive wear mechanisms; (a) and (b) abrasive wear [18].
microcutting, (c) microploughing, (d) wedge formation.
EQUIPMENTS The mouldboard plough is the most widespread tillage
tool in the world and the biggest consumer of energy in
The problem of wear has mainly been concentrated on agriculture [19]. For the design of an energy efficient
industrial related to large industries, but the interaction mouldboard plough in different operating conditions, an
between agricultural tillage equipment and soil understanding of the interactions of different ploughs,
constitutes a complicated tribological problem [10]. In soils and operational parameters is essential [20]. The
addition the optimizing tillage is one of the major ploughshare and the mouldboard are the main soil
objectives in mechanized farming to achieve economically engaging parts of the mouldboard plough and the
viable crop production system [11]. Farmers and ploughshare is the part with the highest wear rate [21].
equipment operators often complain about high wear rate The ploughshare wear not only effects its working life but
of ground engaging tools in some dry land agricultural directly changes its initial shape, which is one of the most
areas. The problems faced with recurring labour, important factors influencing ploughing quality. The
downtime and replacement costs of exchanging the worn comparison between a new and a worn out ploughshare
out ground engaging components like ploughshares [12]. with changes in initial shape is shown in Fig. 2. The wear
Worn out tools results in poor tillage or seeding efficiency, of the ploughshares also lead to frequent work stoppages
poor weed control and higher fuel penalties. Carbon or for replacement, downtime and results in direct costs
low alloy steels are generally preferred to make tillage tool through the important effects of higher fuel consumption
under low stress abrasive wear [13]. Tillage having and lower rates of work [22].
composites with alumina ceramics and boron, medium
and high carbon heat treated steels offers great potential 4. REMEDIAL MEASURES
the severity of abrasive wear in soil-engaging components
[14]. Hardness of tillage tool, grain structure and its Wear is considered a genuine problem with engineering
chemical composition are also the influential factors in material globally, for instance, it has been reported that
determination of wear rate. Wear due to highly abrasive there is total losses in agricultural sector due to wear is
soils have surface damage characterized by scoring, about $940 million every year in Canada[23] the similar
cutting, deep grooving and gauging, and micro machining losses costing about $4.4 million in Turkey every year
caused by soil constituents moving on a metal surface [24]. Research is going on over the years to reduce the
[15]. wear either in the form of using a new wear resistance
material or by improving the wear resistance of the

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

existing material by addition of any wear resistance The systematic study of various consumable and welding
alloying element etc. processes applied to hardfacing, is of great interest for the
optimization of the design of the consumables and for the
evaluation of fine tuning of the welding procedures. The
working life of equipment or of a mechanical component
exposed to mechanical wear on its surface has been
prolonged through the use of wear resistance alloys.
Greater benefits can be and of the deposition process. The
selection of deposition process is as important as the
selection of the alloy to be deposited, i.e it must be based
on various factors such as the operating conditions,
characteristics of the base material, the geometry and
dimensions of the part, the cost/benefit ratio of the
component to be coated and processing cost.

The wear resistance of tillage tools depends mainly upon

surface hardness. The increase in material hardness
results in decrease in wear rate. Certainly, there has to be
a relationship between tool hardness and hardness of
particles in order to keep effective wear resistance but
also to be borne in mind is the fact that high hardness
implies brittleness [30]. Studies on the wear resistance of
Fig-2: A new and a worn out ploughshare parts the materials subjected to the impact of abrasive particles
are usually carried out at many research centres. The
In order to combat with problem of wear several research determined the wear resistance of material
attempts have been made, and surface treatment has been under laboratory conditions and includes selection of
considered as the most appropriate method [25].In this adequate grades of steel [31]. On the other hand,
various surface modification processes has been found so determination of effect different implement designs and
far, such as carborizing, boriding, nitridng, cryogenic different working conditions on the wear and its
treatment, heat treatment processes, coating and distribution on a given element requires field testing. This
hardfacing. Hardfacing and coating are generally preferred is due to the difficulties in laboratory simulation of
for abrasion wear as cryotreatment found its application changes in load, which occur during work in soil [32]. In
in the high-cycle fatigue fields [26]. Hardfacing process is laboratory conditions several methods are employed to
considered as the effective and economical method to determine the wear resistance of materials like dry sand
reduce wear problem by increasing hardness of the rubber wheel test, pin on disc test etc. When comparison is
component [27]. Hardfacing is commonly employed made between the laboratory and in field experiments, it
method for functionalizing surfaces subjected to severe can be concluded that the actual field environment, in
wear, corrosion or oxidation, which has transformed itself which the impacts or contacts to the tillage tool
into a field of broad application and development, both in components occurs due to factors such as hard soil
manufacturing of new components and in the repair and particles as the stones, gravels, rocks and roots during
extension of useful life across a vast range of industries working in field could not be achieved satisfactorily in the
[28]. The hardfacing not only has a high wear and impact laboratory merely through wear test machine [33].
resistance, anti-corrosive behavior of deposited metal, but
also can restore the dimensions of worn out components. 5. CONCLUSION
In addition, the hardfacing may produce a thick deposited
layer with a high deposition rate and resulting hardened Wear is considered as the major problem in engineering
layer has a high bonding strength with the matrix [29]. and agricultural components. To combat with wear
problem, hardfacing is the most versatile process among
Hardfacing can be deposited by various welding methods:- many alternatives to improve the life of the worn out
- Shield Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) components and reducing the cost of replacement.
- Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Hardfacing reduces the downtime because parts last
- Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG) longer and fewer shutdowns are required to replace them.
- Metal Inert Gas Welding (MIG) To determine wear in agricultural sector, in-field tests are
- Oxyfuel Welding (OFW) necessary due to the difficulties in laboratory simulation
- Electrslag Welding (ESW) of changes in load, which occur during work in soil. The
- Plasma Transfer Arc Welding (PTAW) performance of the components in accordance to the
- Thermal Spraying

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Volume: 02 Issue: 03 | June-2015 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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