Trib 19 1345
Trib 19 1345
Trib 19 1345
Keywords: die tool steels, HVOF spray, Cr3C2–NiCr, wear, friction, temperature,
adhesion, coatings, surface properties and characterization, wear mechanisms
1 Introduction likely originate from the die surface region [9]. Furthermore, the
ability to retain its dimensional stability under accelerated condi-
Hot forming of high-strength steel sheets has become the need of
tions is another important factor. Therefore it is necessary to
industry due to various problems occurring in the cold forming pro-
control the wear and friction of die materials [5,8,10–12].
cesses. The problems such as poor formability to complex shapes,
Surface engineering plays a vital role in mitigating the problems
high spring back, and inclination to work-harden are generally
occurring due to wear and friction. The surface coatings increase the
experienced during the cold metal forming operation [1].
life and performance of the substrate materials, protect them from
However, the hot forming process is complex from a tribological
wear, and improve the mechanical properties [13]. Large numbers
(wear and friction) point of view compared to cold forming pro-
of surface coatings have been developed on different materials.
cesses. Thermal fatigue, plastic deformation, wear, increased oxida-
Their wear and friction studies are reported [5,8,14–26]. The
tion, and changes in the mechanical properties of tool (dies) and
authors also observed the superior properties of the coatings at ele-
workpiece materials occur when they interact with each other at ele-
vated temperatures. However, the high-temperature tribological
vated temperatures [1–5]. These problems reduce the performance
behavior of surface coatings developed on die steel materials
and service life of dies. Failure of dies is mainly affected by material
have been given lesser attention. The tribological behavior of the
properties, temperature, loading conditions, and environment.
coatings has been studied more at room temperatures and on
Among these factors such as temperature and load, conditions
various other metallic materials. Different surface coating tech-
have a significant influence on the tribological properties of the
niques such as thermal spray, weld overlay coatings and vapor
die materials [1,6]. The hot forming operations at higher tempera-
deposition processes such as chemical vapor deposition/physical
tures above 300 °C greatly influence the wear and frictional beha-
vapor deposition, etc. reveal better wear resistance [8]. The
vior. This results in unwanted performance of the equipment
current investigation aims to investigate the wear and friction beha-
[1,6,7]. Literature studies reveal that there is a need to increase
vior of the uncoated steels and the high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF)
the understanding of wear and friction behaviors at elevated temper-
thermal spray coated tool steel materials at three temperatures (RT,
atures. Bournicon [2] reported in his study that in over 70% of cases
400 °C, and 800 °C).
the die life is affected by surface wear and friction. Despite such sig-
The HVOF spray technique has been chosen in this work because
nificance, the wear and friction studies of die steels have received
of its better characteristics than many other coating techniques. It
very little attention.
possesses higher particle velocities and lower flame temperatures
AISI H11 and AISI H13 are the commonly used tool steels in the
thereby avoiding substrate overheating. The technique has replaced
hot metal forging/forming industry. These materials are selected in
the hard chrome plating in many industries where frictional resis-
the present investigation to study their tribological behavior. The
tance is required [14]. Salman [15] investigated the wear and fric-
steels are high chromium tool steels and possess high toughness
tion behavior of HVOF-sprayed TiAl/Al2O3 coating deposited on
and hardness [5,8]. However, these materials fail due to wear and
AISI H13 steel used for aluminum high-pressure die casting. The
thermal/mechanical fatigue at higher temperatures and loads. The
authors showed the improved wear resistance of the coated speci-
die surface region suffers during operations. The defects most
mens. Moreover, Harvey [16] in his work mentioned that a
coating developed by the HVOF technique gives ten times more
adhesion at the coating and substrate interface than the other
Corresponding author. thermal spray techniques [16].
Contributed by the Tribology Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF
TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received August 12, 2019; final manuscript received January Thermally sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coatings are being developed on
13, 2020; published online January 17, 2020. Assoc. Editor: Nuria Espallargas. the materials where wear and oxidation resistance are required.
Journal of Tribology Copyright © 2020 by ASME JUNE 2020, Vol. 142 / 061401-1
Cr3C2 provides wear resistance and NiCr enhances the oxidation at wear and friction are tremendous. Therefore, in the present study,
higher temperatures. The coatings showed good tribological proper- Cr3Cr2–NiCr coating was formulated by the HVOF spray technique
ties at higher temperatures and in the aggressive environment. on the selected die steel specimens. An in-depth study of the as-coated
However, the research was conducted more on the steam turbine specimens was done using several techniques. The results are
and boiler tube materials [13]. The authors recommended the reported in the paper. Further, the tribological studies of the speci-
deposition of Cr3C2–NiCr coatings onto various substrate materials mens were carried out on a high-temperature tribometer. The work
such as SA213 T22, T11, T91, and SAE-347H [13,17–19]. The was conducted under two load conditions and three temperatures.
sliding wear and friction studies of Cr3C2–NiCr coatings deposited
on the hot forming tool steels are still lacking. Sahraoui et al. [20],
Murthy and Venkataraman [21], Shabana et al. [22], Shunmuga 2 Experimental Procedure
et al. [23], and Roy et al. [24] studied the wear behavior of 2.1 Substrate Materials, Coating Formulation, and
Cr3C2–NiCr coatings deposited onto the surface of different sub- Characterization. In this study, the substrate materials, namely,
strates. The research was carried out at various temperatures. The AISI H11 (H11) and AISI H13 (H13) were selected after consulting
authors reported the lower wear-rates of the coated specimens. the actual hot press forging industry. Cylindrical-shaped pins with
Matikainen et al. [25] inspected the sliding wear behavior of 50 mm length and 8 mm diameter were prepared from the materials.
Cr3C2–NiCr coating accumulated on low carbon steel substrates The 20MnCr5-high-strength low-alloy steel was selected as the
(S235) by the HVOF spray method. The authors performed the workpiece (disc) material. The steel is used for preparing pinions
wear test on the ball-on-disk configuration using Al2O3 ball at by the hot press forging industry. Table 1 shows the composition
room temperature and an elevated temperature of 700 °C. Lowest of the tool (die) steel and the disc material. Round discs of
wear-rate was reported for Cr3C2–NiCr coating at elevated temper- 100 mm diameter and 8 mm thickness were made. To study the
atures. Further for the coated specimens, the authors observed that sliding wear behavior of pin (tool) materials, the disc should be
the coefficient of friction values and wear-rates got decreased with harder. Plasma nitriding and heat treatment were performed on
the increase in applied loads at a constant speed. Bolelli et al. [26] the disc material to increase the hardness. The hardness of the
planned to appraise the microstructure, micromechanical properties, disc was increased to 60–80 HRC.
and dry sliding wear conduct of two Cr3C2–NiCr cermet coating, Further, Cr3C2–25(80Ni20Cr) coating with a particle size of −45
deposited by the HVOF and the high velocity flame spary + 15 µm was developed onto the tool materials by the HVOF spray
(HVFS) techniques. The coating was accumulated on a low technique at the Metallizing Equipment Company, Pvt. Ltd.
carbon steel material and the ball-on-disc wear test at room temper- (MECPL), Jodhpur, India. The coating powder was supplied by
atures (RT) and was performed at 400 °C. The authors reported the the Powder Alloy Corporation, Cincinati, OH, and was available
better wear resistance of coating in comparison to the substrate. with (MECPL) Jodhpur. Before coating formulation, the specimens
From the literature, it has been concluded that tribological were mirror polished and grit blasted by alumina (Grit 60). The scan-
aspects of hot forming of metals are not studied in sufficient detail. ning electron microscopy (SEM) morphology of the Cr3C2–
Less work has been done in the field of friction and wear testing of 25(NiCr) powder is shown in Fig. 1. Irregular sized particles in the
Cr3C2–NiCr-coated steels at high temperatures. The losses due to form of lumps were identified. Few of them had a spherical
Tool steels C Mn P S Si Cr Mo Ni V Cu Fe
H11 0.33–0.43 0.20–0.50 <.03 <.03 0.80–1.20 4.75–5.50 1.10–1.60 <0.3 0.3–0.6 <0.25 Bal.
H13 0.32–0.45 0.20–0.50 <.03 <.03 0.80–1.20 4.75–5.50 1.10–1.75 <0.3 0.8–1.2 <0.25 Bal.
0.17–0.22 1.1–1.4 Max 0.025 Max 0.035 Max 0.4 1.0–1.3 Bal - - - -
Thickness Hardness Porosity Bond strength Surface roughness as sprayed (µm) before
Coating (µm) (Hv 0.3 @ VHN) (%) (MPa) polishing/after polishing
Fig. 9 The SEM morphology and EDS examination results for the coated specimens in as-sprayed condition: (a) on AISI
H11 and (b) on AISI H13
Fig. 10 The average coefficient of friction of the uncoated and the coated speci-
mens subjected to sliding wear tests on a high-temperature tribometer under a
constant load of 25 N for 50 min run at different temperatures
Fig. 11 The average coefficient of friction of uncoated and the coated specimens
subjected to sliding wear tests on a high-temperature tribometer under a constant
load of 50 N for 50 min run at different temperatures
Table 5 Specific wear-rates [(mm3/Nm) × 10−6] of the specimens after wear tests
RT 400 °C 800 °C
Specimen details 25 N 50 N 25 N 50 N 25 N 50 N
Uncoated H11 steel 609.91 ± 13 487.18 ± 10 42.39 ± 0.85 28.21 ± 0.56 30.77 ± 0.62 26.67 ± 0.53
Uncoated H13 steel 795.18 ± 16 552.26 ± 11 61.25 ± 1.25 33.38 ± 0.67 36.13 ± 0.72 29.25 ± 0.59
HVOF spray Cr3C2–25(NiCr) coated H11 steel 4.49 ± 0.09 6.05 ± 0.12 3.57 ± 0.13 3.46 ± 0.07 6.91 ± 0.14 5.7 ± 0.11
HVOF spray Cr3C2–25(NiCr) coated H13 steel 6.21 ± 0.12 7.35 ± 0.15 3.76 ± 0.08 2.59 ± 0.05 9.82 ± 0.20 6.73 ± 0.13
Fig. 13 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the uncoated H11 steels after wear testing at 25 N load:
(a) room temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
compressive stresses also contribute to better strength of the values of the coated specimens on H11 and H13 steels were
coating. Kasparova et al. [30] and Tan [31] also reported similar obtained as 750 ± 37 HV and 790 ± 39 HV, respectively. The
values of bond strength, and glue failure was observed for the microhardness values for the coating were measured along the
HVOF-sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coating. The porosity of the developed cross section and plotted as shown in Fig. 6. Microhardness of
coating was also evaluated. The ASTM E2109-01 standard was coating on the H11 steel was in the range of 450–825 HV with an
used to measure the porosity of the coatings. The value of porosity average of value of 712 HV. Microhardness of coating on H13
of the coating on the H11 steel was found as 2.26% ± 0.45% and on was in the range of 425–800 HV with an average value of
the H13 steel as 2.06% ± 0.41%. 700 HV, while the substrates H11 and H13 have an average micro-
hardness value of 247 ± 12 HV and 233 ± 11 HV, respectively. The
3.3 Microhardness, Cross-sectional Scaning Electron uniform heating and the higher kinetic energy of coating particles in
Microscope, and Coating Thickness. The surface hardness the HVOF spray system resulted in higher microhardness values of
Fig. 14 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the coated H11 steels after wear testing at 25 N load: (a) room
temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
coated specimens. Further, Xie et al. [29] opined that the high hard- was reported in Refs. [25,26,29]. The carbides are evenly distribu-
ness values provide better wear resistance because hard carbides ted in the binder phase with depth.
could counteract external pressure effectively [29].
The cross-sectional SEM images for the coated steel specimens
are shown in Fig. 7. The micrographs show three regions, 3.4 X-ray Powder Diffraction Analysis. The X-ray diffracto-
namely, substrate, coating, and epoxy. The average thickness of grams for the coated H11 die steel are shown in Fig. 8. The analysis
the coating on H11 and H13 steel was measured along the cross revealed the formation of Cr3C2 and Cr7C3 as the strong intensity
section as 175 ± 9 µm and 235 ± 12 µm, respectively. The micro- phases, NiCr as the medium intensity phase, and Ni3Cr and C as
graphs showed a dense coating with uniform thickness. The the weak intensity phases. Similar phases were identified on the
coating was free from defects. Some superficial pores were as-sprayed H13 steel. David et al. [14], Xie et al. [29], Ji et al.
observed in the coating. Similar cross-sectional microstructure [32], Picas et al. [33], and Houdkova et al. [34] developed
Fig. 15 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the uncoated H11 steels after wear testing at 50 N load:
(a) room temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
Cr3C2–NiCr coating using the HVOF spray technique on different shown in Fig. 9. The microstructure of the coated H11 steel is
substrate steels and reported similar phases. The authors further found to have splat-like morphology with distinct white boundaries
mentioned that the Cr7C3 phase was formed due to decarburization surrounding the splats (Fig. 9(a)). The morphology of the coated
of Cr3C2 during spraying. H13 steel (Fig. 9(b)) showed small splats distributed all over the
surface. The flattened portion depicts fully molten areas. The
coating exhibits uniform microstructure. The EDS analysis of the
3.5 Surface Finite Element-Scanning Electron Microscope/ coating on both the substrates shows the occurrence of mainly Ni
Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Analysis. The FE-SEM and Cr. Large amounts of carbon and oxygen in the coating were
morphologies of the as-sprayed coating on both the substrates are also seen. These elements attribute to the formation of carbides and
Fig. 16 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the coated H11 steels after wear testing at 50 N load: (a) room
temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
oxides in the coating. Similar microstructures of the HVOF-sprayed specimens obtained after the experimentation at the three test tem-
Cr3C2–NiCr coating deposited on different substrate steels were peratures and at two loads. Figure 12 shows the plot of COF with
reported by Bolelli et al. [26], Picas et al. [33], David et al.[14], Pru- time. Table 5 shows the specific wear-rate values for all the tested
denziati et al. [35], Chatha [36], and Cunha et al. [37] in their studies. specimens at both the loads and at different temperature conditions.
After experimentation at RT, the average COF values were found
as ∼0.48 and ∼0.40 for the uncoated H11 steel at 25 N and 50 N
3.6 Wear and Frictional Behavior. Figures 10 and 11 show loads, respectively. For the uncoated H13 steel, the values were
the graphical plots of the average values of the COF for all the recorded as ∼0.58 at both the test loads. The coated H11 and
Fig. 17 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the uncoated H13 steels after wear testing at 25 N load: (a)
room temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
H13 specimens showed a higher value of COF as ∼0.71 and ∼0.64 the uncoated H11 and H13 steels during their studies on a
at 25 N load, respectively. At 50 N load, the COF for the coated tribometer.
H11 and H13 specimens reduced to ∼0.57 and ∼0.53, respectively. On the other hand, in the coated specimens, dry sliding devel-
The lower values of COF for the uncoated steels might be due to oped high local pressures between the contacting carbide asperities
the large difference of surface hardness values between the disc that led to the plastic deformation, adhesion, and formation of local
and the pin specimens that resulted in the easier removal of the par- junctions. This resulted in higher COF values [39]. Bolelli et al.
ticles from the pin surface. Barrau et al. [38], King et al. [39], and [26], Picas et al. [33], and Houdkova et al. [34] also reported
Lakshman and Vignesh [40] observed similar values of COF for the COF values for the Cr3C2–NiCr-coated specimens in the
Fig. 18 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the coated H13 steels after wear testing at 25 N load: (a) room
temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
range of 0.7–0.79. Huang et al. [41] studied the wear behavior of increased, the temperature of the frictional surface increased.
Cr3C2–NiCr coatings deposited on low carbon steel. The wear That gave rise to the decrease of plastic deformation resistance
tests were performed at loads from 10 N to 150 N. The authors of frictional pair. The decrease of mutual hindering effect
observed the decreased COF values at the higher loads. The between micro peaks in the surface also occurred and reduced
authors explained that the magnitude of the normal load was the friction coefficient [41].
important because it increased the area of contact between the The COF versus time plots for uncoated and coated samples at
pin and the disc surface. The depth below the surface at which room temperature were observed to be unstable at room tempera-
the maximum shear stress occurred was also increased and they tures. Houdkova et al. [34] opined that in case of Cr3C2–NiCr
both affected the elastic or plastic deformation states. In addition, coating due to its lower fracture toughness, a higher amount of car-
owing to the frictional heating the increase in temperature contrib- bides and bigger wear debris were pulled out and caused the fluctu-
uted to reducing the friction coefficients. As the load was ation of the coefficient of the friction curve. The fluctuation in the
Fig. 19 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the uncoated H13 steels after wear testing at 50 N load: (a)
room temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
COF values was observed to be more at 50 N loads at the same tem- load and ∼80 and ∼75 times at 50 N load for H11 and H13, respec-
peratures. The specific wear-rate for the uncoated H11 and H13 tively. The lower wear-rates for the coated specimens might be due
specimens showed higher values as 609.91 ± 13 mm3/Nm × 10−6 to the higher hardness and the cohesive strength of the HVOF-
and 795.18 ± 16 mm3/Nm × 10−6 at 25 N. The wear-rates decreased sprayed Cr3C2–NiCr coating.
to 487.18 ± 10 mm3/Nm × 10−6 and 552.26 ± 11 mm3/Nm × 10−6 at The FE-SEM images of the uncoated steels (Figs. 13(a), 15(a),
50 N for the H11 and H13 steels, respectively. On the other hand, 17(a), and 19(a)) show excessive material removal, plow marks,
the specific wear-rates for the coated H11 and H13 steels were material pull-outs, and adhered wear debris. The wear mechanism
recorded to be 4.49 ± 0.09 mm3/Nm × 10−6 and 6.21 ± 0.12 mm3/ was found to be predominantly adhesive for both the uncoated
Nm × 10−6 at 25 N and 6.05 ± 0.12 mm3/Nm × 10−6 and 7.35 ± steels at the two testing loads. With an increase in load, at 50 N
0.15 mm3/Nm × 10−6 at 50 N. The specific wear-rates for the more adhered material, larger material pull-outs, and delamination
coated specimens got reduced by ∼134 and ∼127 times at 25 N of the compressed top layers were observed.
Fig. 20 The SEM micrographs and the EDS examination results for the coated H13 steels after wear testing at 50 N load: (a) room
temperature, (b) 400 °C, and (c) 800 °C
The FE-SEM images of worn-out Cr3C2–NiCr-coated H11 and carbide particles resulting in pulling out of coating surface. The
H13 specimens after the wear and friction experimentation at EDS analysis showed the presence of coating elements (Cr, C,
room temperatures are shown in Figs. 14(a), 16(a), 18(a), and and Ni) in the worn-out surface along with Fe and O in small per-
20(a), respectively. Wear tracks were mild and shallow on the centages. This showed that the coating was intact with the substrate
coated specimens. The wear mechanism was found to be adhesive material after 50 min of wear experimentation.
in nature. Mild abrasive grooving was also observed. Small At 400 °C test temperature, there was an appreciable decrease in
craters, material pull-outs, and wear debris were observed on the the average COF values. The values for the uncoated H11 and H13
worn surfaces. Houdkova et al. [34] reported in their work that were recorded as ∼0.43 and ∼0.44 at 25 N load, respectively. The
the wear mechanism for Cr3C2–NiCr-coated specimens at RT was values were observed to be 0.4 and ∼0.39 for the uncoated H11 and
due to the gradual loss of the metal matrix that weakened the H13 at 50 N load, respectively. In case of the coated H11 and H13