TechLead 161107

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Puzzled Successful

Amazed Purposeful Immersed

Firm Captivated

A Week in the Life of a Passionate

Technical Lead
Technical Lead Role Details
• Technical Lead: Improve the technical
quality of the support group or virtual
product/technology team by helping the
manager to identify areas of development
for the engineers as well as providing high
quality service delivery.
• Development and Mentoring: Mentor
engineers and other technical leads. Email communication
Conduct face-to-face meetings with with product Perform technical Email communication
group/peers. triages with with product Reviewing customer Updating "WebCast
engineers/vendors. Drive learning and group/peers. Series" project with
engineers in team. service requests.
development opportunities. Ensure Conference call project team and
with technical leads Initiating an
technical readiness; influence engineer’s management
team. escalation to
technical development. Reviewing customer product group.
Reviewing customer service requests. Reviewing customer
Perform technical
• Knowledge Sharing Contribution: Drive service requests. service requests.
Interview with
weekly technical triages, reviewing existing vendor for open
open cases until solution is delivered; being Lunch Break
Lunch Break
first contact for cross group collaboration Lunch Break Lunch Break
/ consulting others; Lead cross-technology
Team meeting. Reviewing customer
virtual efforts with the product team to 1:1 meeting Develop new
service requests. with engineer process for Case
assess future needs. Develop workshops Assignments for
Lunch Break
and trainings - supportability reviews, top Reviewing customer Updating open Queue Tracker.
service requests. escalation with Reviewing customer
1:1 meeting
support issues etc., for all communities; Product group/per service requests. Mentor engineers with engineer.
customers, peers and vendors. form needed internal in CritSit in online
repros in lab. Conference call
Session with
with EMEA
• Effective Communication: Manage Support Team.
customer Updating team
customer escalation and provide 1:1 with portal server
Conference Call Team Manager with latest news,
appropriate help. Report feedback to with Product group/ Self-Study bloc
k tools, etc.
product groups, advising on potential escalation services to
Worldwide conf
discuss open hotfix/
software improvements during the design call to discuss
Self-study comments requests. Perform Technical
Interview with vendor common support Assist engineer in
and pre-release process. issues case handover to
for open position.
24x7 support in
• Service Delivery Provision: Facilitate the
the US.
timely resolution of customer issues and
case escalations; mentoring engineers in
critical situations. Contribute to process
and internal tools development.
• Staffing & Recruiting: Conduct
interviews and assist with hiring and
recruiting process.
Knowing Thrilled Composed Thoughtful Dynamic

My Personal Development Microsoft Customer Service

What is it? Technical certification is of key importance to
and Support (CSS)
The first thing to understand is that Development, Microsoft and I can be assured of their full support
be it Technical or Professional, does not always in achieving my technical accreditation. Microsoft Customer Service and
occur in a classroom; it is actually divided between Support is a global organization focused
Classroom, Self Study, Academy, Distance Professional Skills Training isn’t neglected on helping customers and partners
Learning, Offline learning, mentoring and “on the either. Good Professional Skills are necessary for maximize the use of their Microsoft
technology investments. Serving millions
job” training. successful interaction with both customers and
of customers in over forty languages and
partners as we deliver their solutions.
60 locations, the organization supports
CSS Onboarding all customer segments from Consumer,
The myCSS Hire On-Boarding Framework, Two different types of communities are also in Developer, and IT Pros to Partners
Programs and Tools are designed to welcome place at Microsoft to provide further assistance and the Enterprise. Through direct
and acclimatize you to Microsoft and your new and help drive my productivity, success and contact with customers and partners,
team. They will assist you to identify and engage fulfilment in my new role. CSS is a core driver of the Customer
with the people, processes, tools and resources Partner Experience (CPE) at Microsoft
that will enable you to excel in your new job. Your Technical Communities are led by Subject and continuously evolves policies and
processes based on feedback received
onboarding program consists of 9 components. Matter Experts and share technical knowledge
from customers and partners around the
and best practices on Microsoft Technologies
in a variety of different formats. They serve to
educate and inspire.
One of the largest support networks
in the industry, Microsoft Customer
Role Communities provide support Service and Support (CSS) helps nearly 1
from other like-minded professionals billion customers around the world each
with the delivery aspects of my role. year. The organization is responsible
for providing the product groups
with customer feedback, proactively
improving customer’s IT infrastructure
by carrying out regular risk assessment
reviews and making sure customers are
able to receive support in their local
language wherever possible.

In Europe, the Middle East and Africa

(EMEA), Microsoft responds to 600,000
unique requests for technical support,
fields 21 million phone calls and provides
My Career approximately 130 million customers
with online technical information and
real-time support.
Twice yearly reviews: serves as a checkpoint on performance
Performance management at Microsoft is a against objectives to date.
In Microsoft Customer Service and
continuous process to inspire and develop
Support we continually seek individuals
Employees. My Objectives are aligned with those The Career Model is a framework for moving with a keen passion for technology,
of my manager, organization and customers. across functions and professions within desire to make an impact, commitment
Regular 1:1 sessions support me and provide Microsoft. It enables me to manage my to their work, ability to elevate the
development, helping to ensure my personal career not only within my existing role but to performance of their teammates and
satisfaction and growth. understand what I need to do to move into enjoyment for solving complex technical
others. It identifies where I am within my current problems.
The Annual Performance Review assesses career stage and reviews the results expected
my performance against my objectives from of the next stage. It focuses on developing Is this you?
the last fiscal year and sets new ones for the competencies and gaining experiences as part
coming one. The Microsoft performance of a personal development plan.
philosophy means the higher the rating you
achieve, the higher the reward so you can be The Talent Management Program identifies
assured that you’re being recognized for the individuals who have the potential to take on
results you’re achieving. roles of significantly greater responsibility,
in an accelerated timeframe; Development
The Mid-Year Career Discussion is a Programs stretch and develop those individuals
dedicated time for managers and employees with ability, commitment and an aspiration
to work together on identifying career and to succeed such that they grow to be top
professional development plans and also performers at the next level.

For more information about Microsoft Customer Service and Support roles visit our website

© 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft is an equal opportunities employer. Ref : MSSVCS032007

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