A Warped Scalar Portal To Fermionic Dark Matter: Adrian Carmona, Javier Castellano Ruiz, Matthias Neubert
A Warped Scalar Portal To Fermionic Dark Matter: Adrian Carmona, Javier Castellano Ruiz, Matthias Neubert
A Warped Scalar Portal To Fermionic Dark Matter: Adrian Carmona, Javier Castellano Ruiz, Matthias Neubert
C (2021) 81:58
Received: 23 November 2020 / Accepted: 8 January 2021 / Published online: 20 January 2021
© The Author(s) 2021
Abstract We argue that extensions of the SM with a warped case, we know for a fact that the SM cannot accommodate
extra dimension, together with a new Z2 -odd scalar sin- some other observed phenomena. One of the most striking
glet, provide a natural explanation not only for the hierarchy examples is the existence of dark matter (DM). We know that
problem but also for the nature of fermion bulk masses and there is no viable DM candidate in the SM, so already this fact
the observed dark matter relic abundance. In particular, the asks for the presence of new physics. Extensions of the SM
Kaluza-Klein excitations of the new scalar particle, which with a warped extra dimension (WED) compactified on an
is required to naturally obtain fermion bulk masses through S1 /Z2 orbifold contain the necessary features for address-
Yukawa-like interactions, can be the leading portal to any ing simultaneously both of these issues, the absence of a
fermion propagating into the bulk of the extra dimension and viable DM candidate and the hierarchy problem. Moreover,
playing the role of dark matter. Moreover, such scalar exci- they can also explain the large hierarchy existing between
tations will necessarily mix with the Higgs boson, leading to the different fermions masses, providing a calculable ver-
modifications of the Higgs couplings and branching ratios, sion of partial compositeness [1–7], which makes them very
and allowing the Higgs to mediate the coannihilation of the attractive extensions of the SM.
fermionic dark matter. We study these effects and explore the Fermion masses in WED compactified on a S1 /Z2 orb-
viability of fermionic dark matter in the presence of these new ifold need to have a dynamical origin, since the five-
heavy scalar mediators both in the usual freeze-out scenario dimensional (5D) bulk masses must be Z2 -odd functions on
and in the case where the freeze-out happens during an early the orbifold [8,9]. Indeed, one can easily see that the 5D
period of matter domination. Dirac fermion bilinear ¯ i i is odd under the orbifold sym-
metry, excluding the presence of a constant mass term. The
most natural solution to this problem is to dynamically gener-
1 Introduction ate these masses with the help of a Z2 -odd bulk scalar field.
Indeed, if such scalar field develops a vacuum expectation
The discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC represented value (VEV) with a non-trivial profile along the extra dimen-
the last step towards establishing the Standard Model (SM) sion, fermion bulk masses can arise dynamically through
as a solid theory describing the constituents of matter and Yukawa-like interactions. We have explored this possibility
their interactions down to very short distances. However, in detail in [10], studying in particular its phenomenologi-
there are still some questions which do not have an answer cal consequences. In particular, one finds that the VEV has
within the SM. One of the most significant examples is the so- a kink-like profile, approaching the traditional sign function
called hierarchy problem, the question why the Higgs boson for large values of the odd scalar mass, whenever the WED
is much lighter than the characteristic scale of gravity. One is significantly larger than its inverse curvature.
could argue that this problem is merely a by-product of our A natural question which arises in scenarios addressing
theoretical prejudices and that nature did not ask for a dynam- the origin of the fermion bulk masses concerns the possible
ical explanation for this difference of scales. Still, even in this interplay with a bulk Higgs boson. In [10] we have con-
sidered a brane-localized Higgs field, which does not mix
a e-mail: [email protected] (corresponding author) at tree-level with the Z2 -odd scalar field. However, in the
b e-mail: [email protected] more general case of a Higgs boson in the bulk of the extra
c e-mail: [email protected]
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dimension [11–17], such a mixing is unavoidable and needs 2 A bulk Higgs in a WED
to be taken into account. Studying the effect of this mixing
is one of the main goals of this work. On the other hand, We consider a Randall–Sundrum (RS) model [21] with the
since the odd scalar field is responsible for all fermion bulk extra dimension compactified on an S1 /Z2 orbifold with two
masses, it represents a unique window into any femionic dark D3-branes localized at the fixed points, an ultraviolet (UV)
sector propagating into the bulk of the WED. Models with brane at tUV = and an infrared (IR) brane at tIR = 1,
WEDs already feature an irreducible mediator between visi- where t is the coordinate describing the extra dimension.
ble and dark sectors, since gravity couples to matter through This coordinate is defined in terms of the usual φ = y/π
the energy-momentum tensor. However, as we will see, when coordinate by t = ekr φ , where = e−kr π ∼ O(10−16 ). In
the DM candidates are fermionic weakly interacting parti- this notation, the metric reads
cles (WIMPs) with masses of O(TeV), the resonances aris-
ing from the 5D Z2 -odd scalar field can provide the most 2 μ ν dt 2
ds = g M N d x d x = 2 ημν d x d x − 2
2 M N
, (1)
important mediators for the DM coannihilation cross sec- t MKK
tion. Moreover, due to the mixing with the bulk Higgs field,
where MKK ≡ k and ημν = diag(1, −1, −1, −1) is the
these fermionic dark sectors are mostly Higgs-mediated for
4D Minkowski metric. It is useful to define the quantity
DM masses below the TeV scale. We examine thoroughly the
L = kr π ∼ 30, which is a measure of the size of the extra
resulting model of scalar-mediated fermionic DM for a large
dimension in natural units. Here k and r are the AdS curvature
range of DM masses. We focus on the case where the DM
and the radius of the S1 . Note that in RS models addressing
particle is a vector-like (VL) fermion, the first Kaluza–Klein
the hierarchy problem implies L 1.
(KK) excitation of a 5D dark fermion. However, most of our
Let us start by reviewing the well-known case where the
results also hold in the case where the DM candidate gets an
Higgs field does not mix at tree-level with the odd bulk scalar
external mass, which can be chiral, VL or even of Majorana
[17,22]. For simplicity, a quartic term is only introduced on
the IR brane in order to induce electroweak symmetry break-
This work is organized as follows: In order to set up the
ing (EWSB). The Higgs action reads
notation, we review the bulk Higgs case (disregarding the
portal coupling) in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3 we solve the coupled 5 √
S = d x g g MN (D M H )† D N H − V (H )
system of field equations obtained after switching on the
portal coupling between both types of bulk scalar fields by (2)
|ĝk |
diagonalizing the resulting 4D mass matrix perturbatively. In − √ V̂ k (H ) δ(t − tk ) ,
Sect. 4 we proceed to discuss the phenomenology assuming k=UV,IR
a non-negligible portal coupling and the presence of Nχ dark
where g = det(g M N ), ĝk = det(gμν |t=tk ), and we define the
fermion bulk fields. First, we discuss the impact of the scalar
Higgs doublet in the unitary gauge as
mixing on the SM Higgs couplings. We then continue by
examining the impact of the dark fermions on the Higgs invis- T
ible decay width. Then, we discuss the predictions for the DM H (x, t) = 0, √ [ϕ H (t) + h(x, t)] . (3)
coannihilation cross-section mediated by the Higgs field and
the first KK resonance of the Z2 -odd scalar field, comparing For the Higgs field and its VEV we follow the treatment of
these contributions with the ones mediated by KK gravitons. [16]. The bulk and brane-localized potentials for the bulk
We compute the prediction for the DM relic abundance as Higgs field are taken to be of the form
a function of the velocity-averaged coannihilation cross sec- V (H ) = μ2H |H |2 ,
tion in the usual freeze-out scenario as well as in the case
of a matter-dominated universe [18–20]. Finally, we com- V̂ UV = σUV |H |2 , (4)
pute the constraints arising from direct detection using data V̂ IR
= −σIR |H | + ρIR |H | .
2 4
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The notation + and 1− refers to the orbifold fixed points, with 1 = H and 2 = (1/ 2) denoting the Higgs dou-
approached from the appropriate side. Above we have blet and the (real) odd scalar field, which is a gauge singlet.
defined We consider mixed BCs for the Higgs field, while the odd
σUV σIR ρIR k scalar field satisfies Dirichlet BCs. Such BCs for the bulk
m UV = , m IR = , λIR = . (7) Higgs are a consequence of the brane-localized potentials,
2k 2k 4r
which are forbidden for the odd scalar, since it vanishes on
This set of EOM and BCs leads to the well-known solution
the two branes. In our model, both bulk scalar fields develop
ϕ H (t) = Nv t 1+β − rv t 1−β , (8) a VEV. We can express the 5D odd scalar in terms of its back-
ground configuration ϕ S (t) and its 5D excitation S(x, t) as
where t
2 + β − m UV (x, t) = ϕ S (t) + √ S(x, t). (15)
rv = 2β , r
2 − β − m UV
(9) The bulk potential reads
M 2 (m IR − 2 − β) + rv (m IR − 2 + β)
Nv2 = KK . μ2S 2 λ S 4
2λIR (1 − rv )3 V (H, ) = μ2H |H |2 − + + λ H S |H |2 2 ,
2 4
Note that, unless β is very small or m UV is extremely fine- (16)
tuned to the value 2 − β, it is safe to set rv ∝ 2β → 0.
Then, the Higgs VEV will be peaked towards the IR brane where μ H , μ S are the mass parameters and λ S , λ H S the
and expression (8) simplifies to quartic couplings. The brane-localized potentials for the bulk
Higgs field are the same as those shown in (4).
ϕ H (t) Nv t 1+β = ϕ H (1) t 1+β , (10)
3.1 Background solutions
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In order to calculate the O(λ̄) terms we need the unperturbed and will not be considered here.) Therefore, for positive val-
solutions for the profiles. For the Higgs KK modes they are ues of λ̄
given by
0 ≤ λ̄ κh20 ∼ λ̄ 10−3 . (32)
L t Jβ (x h n t) As a result, in this case values of λ̄ larger than 10−3 are not
χn (t) =
( , (27)
π J 2 (x ) − J (x )J (x ) allowed, regardless of the value for x h20 .
β hn β+1 hn β−1 hn
One could also entertain the possibility of considering
where Jβ (x) is a Bessel function and the eigenvalues x h n solutions in which both quantities x h20 and κh20 are simul-
satisfy taneously O(1), but they cancel each other out leading to a
light Higgs mass. Since κh20 > 0 by definition, one would
x h n Jβ+1 (x h n )
= 2 (m IR − 2 − β) ≡ 2δ. (28) need to have either x h20 or λ̄ negative. The first possibility
Jβ (x h n ) corresponds to a tachyonic Higgs field (before turning on the
mixing with the odd scalar) and leads to the BC
At zeroth order in λ̄ and for x h20 1 the expression for the
zero-mode profile χ0h (t) is approximately given by x h n Iβ+1 (x h n )
= −2 (m IR − 2 − β) ≡ −2δ (33)
Iβ (x h n )
L on the IR brane, where In (x) are modified Bessel functions.
χ0h (t) (1 + β) t 1+β , (29)
π This condition is similar to that in (28), but with a relative
minus sign. However, such a path leads nowhere since, as can
up to O(x h20 ) corrections.
be proven, this equation is incompatible with the presence of
The contributions to the mass matrix at first order in λ̄ can a Higgs VEV [15,17]. Therefore, the only viable option is to
be read from allow for negative values of λ̄. In that case, Eq. (26) becomes
2 kr λ S 1 dt ϕ 2H (t) S
κ S2m = [χm (t)]2 , m 2h ≈ x h20 − |λ̄| κh20 MKK
. (34)
(μ S r )2 r t MKK 2
and we can always reproduce the Higgs mass regardless of
4 λS
κh n Sm =
the value of λ̄ < 0, by choosing the appropriate value of x h20 .
μS r r
1 At any rate, the mixing between the even and odd bulk
dt ϕ H (t) (30) scalars leads to
× 2 M
v S (t)χnh (t)χmS (t) ,
t KK
2 h 0 (x) = h phys (x) + sin θh S S(x) + sin θh H H(x), (35)
κh n h m =
kr where H(x) = h 1 (x) + O(λ̄) and S(x) = S1 (x) + O(λ̄) are
dt 2 the profiles of the first KK modes in the limit where λ̄ = 0,
× v (t)χnh (t)χmh (t) ,
3 S
κh20 S1 κh20 S1
where κh2n ≡ κh2n h n in (25). The different powers of t in the sin θh S = λ̄ ≈ λ̄ ,
denominator result from our particular normalization of the x S21 − x h20 x S21
VEV of the new scalar field in (15), which differs from the κh20 h 1 κh20 h 1
normalization of the Higgs VEV in (3). sin θh H = λ̄ ≈ λ̄ .
x h21 − x h20 x h21
A priori, both x h 0 and κh 0 are naturally O(1) numbers, so
in order to obtain a 125 GeV Higgs boson one needs to tune In general, the mixing of the lightest Higgs eigenmode with
the first odd excitation can be expressed as
m 2h 0.125 2 1
≈ x h20 + λ̄ κh20 ∼ ∼ 10−3 . (31) λ S x4 kr
MKK 5 sin θh S 4λ̄ (1 + β) dt t 2β v S (t)χ1S (t),
r x S2 μ S r
This is a well-known feature of bulk Higgs models in WEDs (37)
[11–17]. We can achieve this in two different ways. For posi-
tive values of λ̄, both terms in the sum need to be small simul- and a similar expression can be derived for sin θh H , i.e.,
taneously. In the case of x h20 , this can be achieved by tuning 2λ̄ 1 + β 1
the parameters in the Higgs potential, as it is customary for a sin θh H 2 dt t β−2 v S2 (t)χ1h (t). (38)
xh1 kr
bulk Higgs with no additional scalars (see e.g. [16,17]). For
λ̄ κh20 the only possibility is to make λ̄ small enough, since κh20 As we can see, when λ̄ is positive the constraint set by the
is an O(1) number unless very large values of β are chosen. physical Higgs mass does not allow for a large mixing. Its
(The limit β → ∞ corresponds to a brane-localized Higgs upper bound is saturated when one assumes that the leading
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Fig. 2 Maximum allowed value for the parameter (sin θh S )max consider the maximum possible values of λ̄ > 0 and λ S /r , whereas we
describing the mixing between the lightest Higgs mode and the first fix λ S /r to 100 in the middle plot, with λ̄ still saturating the resulting
KK resonance of the Z2 -odd scalar as a function of β, for fixed values upper bound. Finally, in the right plot we fix both μ S r and λ S /r and
of MKK and k/m Pl . In the left and middle plots, we show this depen- consider three different negative values of λ̄
dence for different values of μ S r and positive λ̄. In the left plot, we
contribution to the Higgs mass is given by the λ̄ κh20 term in For all these reasons, we find that sin θh S can be much larger
(31). Then than in the case of a positive λ̄.
1 −1 In Fig. 2, we show the different predictions for the max-
x h2 x h2 imum allowed value of the parameter (sin θh S )max , which
λ̄max = 2 = dt t v S (t)
2β−1 2
. (39)
κh 0 2(β + 1) measures the mixing between the lightest Higgs scalar and
the first KK mode of the new Z2 -odd scalar as a function
In this case, plugging in the expression for κh20 S1 and x S21 , we
of β. In the left plot, we show this dependence for different
values of μ S r after saturating the upper bounds on λ S /r and
x h2 x4 k λ S dt t 2β v S (t)χ1S (t) λ̄ > 0. In the middle plot, we display the maximum allowed
(sin θh S )max 2 2 )1 , (40) value of sin θh S for the same values of μ S r and a fixed value
x S μS r dt t 2β−1 v 2 (t)
1 S λ S /r = 100, together with λ̄ = λ̄max > 0. Note that for
where λ S /r in the above equation needs to saturate its upper μ S r = 25 and β ∼ 50, λ S /r = 100 takes its maximum
bound value. This explains why, in this case, the line stops before
1 one can reach β = 100. Finally, in the right plot we show
λS μ4 2
≤ 4S dt t 2β−1 v S2 (t), (41) (sin θh S )max for different values of λ̄ < 0 and fixed values
r k kr x42 x h2
μ S r = 25 and λ S /r = 100. In all these plots we assume
which results after inserting (39) into Eq. (21). This leads to MKK = 5 TeV and k = m Pl /8. One can readily see that,
)1 for a given value of λ S /r , the maximum allowed value for
x h 23/2 μ S r dt t 2β v S (t)χ1S (t) sin θh S is much more significant in the case λ̄ < 0, since
(sin θh S )max 2 , (42)
x S1 (kr )3/2 ) 1 dt t 2β−1 v 2 (t) 1/2 larger values of |λ̄| can be taken. In addition, when λ̄ is nega-
tive one could also consider bigger values of λ S /r than in the
which only depends on β and μ S r , given that kr ∼ O(10) λ̄ > 0 case. All this results into larger mixing angles when λ̄
in order to solve the hierarchy problem and that the eigen- is negative compared to the λ̄ > 0 case.
values xi and the scalar profiles are determined once these For the Higgs mixing with its first KK mode, parametrized
parameters have been fixed. by sin θh H , we found a monotonic behavior, with sin θh H
When λ̄ is negative, on the other hand, λ S /r is uncon- getting smaller for large values of β independently of the
strained by relation (21). In this case, an upper bound on μ S r parameter. This can be seen in Fig. 3, where we show
λ S /r arises if one wants to prevent the theory from becom- (sin θh H )max as a function of β for MKK = 5 TeV and
ing strongly coupled, since the couplings of the KK scalar
√ k = m Pl /8. In particular, we display on the left panel this
field S to the different fermions are proportional to λ S /r , as functional dependence for three different values of μ S r ,
one can see from Eqs. (A7) and (A8) in the appendix. More- after saturating λ̄ to its upper bound. In the right panel we
over, in this case sizable values of |λ̄| ∼ O(1) are allowed.
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exhibit the case where μ S r = 25 is kept fixed, while λ < 0 genuinely five dimensional. Such a connection is unavoid-
takes on different (negative) values. Comparing this panel able and constitutes a defining feature of the model. In the
with the right panel of the previous figure, we can see that presence of a dark fermionic sector, the required Yukawa
(sin θh H )max is a steeper function of β than (sin θh S )max couplings between the odd scalar field and the bulk fermions
when λ̄ < 0. For the choice of parameters at hand, and has two interesting consequences. On the one hand, for light
depending on the value of |λ̄|, sin θh H becomes bigger than enough dark fermion masses, it induces a Higgs invisible
sin θh S for β smaller than values between 1 and 10, depend- decay width, and this in turn implies constraints on the size
ing on the other parameters of the model, whereas the oppo- of the scalar mixing between both 5D scalar fields. We study
site happens when β takes larger values. Henceforth, for prac- this in detail in Sect. 4.2. On the other hand, the dynamical
tical purposes, we will neglect the differences between S and generation of the 5D fermion masses naturally connects the
S1 , as well as between H and h 1 , since they are proportional visible and the invisible sectors via the KK resonances of the
to the small mixing angles sin θh S and sin θh H , respectively. odd scalar field, with S1 giving the leading contribution. In
particular, this introduces an efficient coannihiliation chan-
nel for the lightest dark fermion, which is naturally stable and
4 Phenomenology therefore a good DM candidate. We study this possibility both
in the regular freeze-out scenario and in the case of a matter-
Once the Higgs boson is allowed to propagate into the bulk dominated freeze-out in Sect. 4.3. Finally, in Sect. 4.4 we
of the extra dimension, its mixing with the Z2 -odd scalar study in detail the constraints coming from direct-detection
becomes unavoidable. This mixing will leave its imprint on experiments using recent Xenon1T data [23,24].
different aspects of the phenomenology. In particular, it can
lead to effects on experiments as diverse as high-energy col-
liders, both present and future ones. Moreover, as we will
see, assuming the presence of dark fermions, it can natu-
rally explain the observed DM relic abundance and leave its 4.1 Modified Higgs couplings
imprint on DM direct-detection experiments.
We have seen how the quartic coupling leads to a mass As we have seen in the previous section, the physical Higgs
mixing of the Higgs-boson zero mode with both its first KK boson can be expressed with very good approximation as a
resonance h 1 and the lowest-lying Z2 -odd scalar, S1 . This linear combination of the interaction eigenstates h 0 , h 1 and
mixing induces modifications on the Higgs-boson couplings S1 . Since these interaction eigenstates couple differently to
to SM particles. In Sect. 4.1 we will explore these modifica- the SM particles, this mixing induces modifications of the
tions and study its impact on current and future colliders. SM Higgs couplings. Here, we study the implications of these
A key aspect of our model is that the odd scalar field con- modifications.
stitutes a unique window into dark sectors featuring fermions The 4D effective couplings of the different scalars to the
propagating into the bulk. Indeed, since all the 5D fermion fermions are obtained by integrating the profiles of the differ-
bulk masses are generated through Yukawa-like interactions ent fields over the fifth dimension and a subsequently rotate
with the odd scalar, the scalar KK modes necessarily con- into the mass basis. In particular, the coupling of the Higgs-
nect any dark fermionic sector with the SM if the former is boson zero mode and KK modes to a pair of fermion chiral
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zero modes, ¯ a b , is given by The quantity f measures the ratio of the Yukawa coupling of
1 the Higgs-boson zero mode relative to that of the SM Higgs
y∗ 2+β
yabh n = √ √ dt f a (t) f b (t)χnh (t) , (43) boson, whereas the parameters f H and f S describe the
kr 2(1 + β) admixtures of the Higgs-boson and Z2 -odd scalar KK modes
where y∗ is defined as a function of the 5D dimensionful into the physical Higgs. Note that we have taken y SM f h equal
Yukawa coupling Y5D [16] to y f L f R h 0 in the denominator of f H and f S , since the
√ difference is O(λ̄ vSM 2 /M 2 ) and thus subleading. On the
k(1 + β) other hand, f is blind at this order to the Higgs mixing with
y∗ = Y5D , (44)
2+β the odd scalar. This is a byproduct of the induced light-heavy
where the latter is defined by (for an up-type quark field Rb , fermion mixing after EWSB and the shift in the 5D Higgs
the Higgs-boson field H must be replaced by H̃ ) VEV. It has been studied e.g. in [17] for the RS case. In
particular, for MKK = 5 TeV, b never exceeds 2.5 · 10−2
√ ¯ La (x, t)H (x, t) Rb (x, t) + h.c. . when 1 ≤ β ≤ 10. In the case of lighter quarks, even smaller
SY ⊃ − d 5 x g Y5D
values are expected. In this work we concentrate on f S and
(45) f H , since they are direct probes of the mixing of the bulk
Higgs field with the Z2 -odd scalar field.
On the other hand, the coupling of two light SM fermions to
Hereafter, we will focus on the bottom quark. The reasons
the scalar S only appears through a mass insertion. Indeed,
for this are twofold. On the one hand, we expect the mod-
before EWSB there is no direct coupling between S and two
ifications of the Yukawa couplings to be larger for heavier
SM-like fermion fields. Such a coupling is only generated
quarks, while on the other hand, the bottom Yukawa cou-
after taking into account the fermion mixing induced by the
pling is among those measured most accurately, having in
Higgs VEV vSM . We will compute the corresponding cou-
addition the most promising prospects. Indeed, existing mea-
pling perturbatively, as it is expected to be suppressed by a
surements of the h → bb̄ signal strength (relative to the SM
factor of O(vSM /MKK ). This coupling arises from the inter-
expectation) lead to μh→bb = 1.01±0.12 (stat.) +0.16 −0.15 (syst.)
actions of the S scalar to the different fermion zero modes
[25]. Assuming SM production this translates into a mea-
and the first KK resonance with opposite chirality, once we phys SM 2
rotate to the fermion mass basis after EWSB. Specifically, surement of (ybh /ybh ) with an uncertainty of about 20%.
the coupling between S, a chiral fermion zero mode a, and However, the expected relative precision to be reached at
its first KK resonance A with opposite chirality, is given by future particle colliders such as the ILC, CLIC and the FCC
λS k
ya AS = 2 ca dt f a (t) f AR (t)χ1S (t), or
r μS
1 (46)
λS k
y Aa S = 2 ca dt f A (t) f a (t)χ1 (t),
r μS
depending on the zero-mode chirality, where ca is defined in
appendix A. Then, after rotating the fermion fields to the mass
basis, we induce an interaction term y f S S f¯L f R between the
SM-like chiral fields, f L and f R , and S.
We can write
phys yfh
δy f h ≡1− (1 − f ) + f H + f S , (47)
y SM
where we have defined f = y f L f R h 0 /y SM
f h . Here y f h is the
resulting Higgs Yukawa coupling
1 phys
L ⊃ − √ y f h h f¯L f R + h.c., (48)
Fig. 4 bH and bS as functions of β for two different values of
and y SM
f h denotes the corresponding parameter in the SM one. y∗ and fixed values of λ̄, λ S /r , MKK and k/m Pl . For each case, we
Moreover have generated Npoints = 3000 random values of ct R ∈ [−0.6, 0.2] and
yf f h yfS obtained cq 3 and cb R by correctly reproducing the top- and bottom-
f H = sin θh H L R 1 , f S = sin θh S . (49) quark masses
y f L f R h0 y f L f R h0
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Fig. 6 Left panel: mass fraction x1 = m 1 /MKK of the first fermion KK 5D Lagrangian along with a sign function, as it is usual in RS models.
mode in terms of the 5D dimensionless bulk-mass parameter cχ for the We also show the value for which m χ = m h /2 with a dashed gray
case of a left-handed chirality, with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary line. Higgs decays into a pair of DM particles χ1 χ̄1 are kinematically
conditions on the UV and the IR brane, respectively, for two differ- allowed only if x1 falls below this line. Right panel: value of yχ S as a
ent values of μ S r . The yellow line corresponds to the case where the function of cχ for the same choice of boundary conditions and values
fermion bulk masses do not have a dynamical origin, but appear in the of μ S r
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where K n (x) are modified Bessel functions. The parameter does not have a dramatic impact on cq 3 and cb R , which remain
x f in (55) is obtained by solving the implicit equation almost unchanged. Therefore, the increase of the coannihi-
lation cross section is mostly due to a larger St L t R coupling,
mχ 45 which is indeed the leading one for DM masses below about
x f = ln gχ 3 m Pl σ v , (57)
2π 8x f gS (m χ /x f ) 10 TeV. Such a larger coupling is the consequence of a big-
ger overlap with S and the increase in the Yukawa coupling
where gχ = 4Nχ is the number of DM degrees of freedom. Y coming with c. In the case of y∗ = 1.5, on the contrary,
Alternatively, one can also consider that DM freeze-out changes in |ct R | do have a dramatic impact on cq 3 , since the
happens in an early period of matter domination, as proposed RH top can not account for the top mass alone, requiring
in [19,20]. Indeed, nothing prevents this from happening if a fairly IR-localized third-generation quark doublet. There-
radiation becomes dominant again before big-bang nucle- fore, the contribution to St L t R coming from the mixing of
osynthesis. The fact that DM decoupling happens during both top chiralites are similar, which leads to bigger changes
matter domination changes the freeze-out dynamics, since in the cross section in the region of DM masses between 1 and
the Hubble rate has a different parametric dependence com- 4 TeV as one can see from Fig. 8 top-right panel. On the other
pared to the usual case, H ∝ T 3/2 versus H ∝ T 2 . We hand, bigger values of β lead in general to a larger mixing
do not elaborate here in detail on the dynamics behind this between fermion-zero modes and their KK resonances after
scenario, which is not crucial for our current analysis. One EWSB, increasing the effective coupling y f S after diagonal-
possibility would be to have a scalar field φ localized on the ization. Therefore, in general, one expects a larger coannihi-
UV brane, which starts behaving like matter at a critical tem- lation cross section for m χ 10 TeV and increasing values
perature T ∼ m φ that we assume to be much larger than of β. Changing β also affects the St L t R coupling indirectly,
MKK . If φ is sufficiently long-lived, its contribution to the since reproducing the observed quark masses results in dif-
energy density grows until it ultimately dominates the total ferent values of the mass parameters c. This explains why the
energy density regardless of its initial contribution (1 − τ ) at dashed blue line in the top-right panel of Fig. 8 is below the
T , where τ ∈ [0, 1] denotes the fraction of energy in radi- other ones, since cq3L accidentally gets close to zero and thus
ation at T = T . Following [19,20] we will take τ = 0.99 reduces the left-handed doublet contribution to the St L t R
as a benchmark value. Freeze-out happens at a temperature coupling, as can be seen in Eq. (46). Finally, note that the
T f , in a matter-dominated universe, before φ instantaneously abrupt deep around m χ ∼ 8 TeV is due to the zero in yχ S
decays at T < T f < T , reheating the bath to TRH and fur- shown in Fig. 6. Indeed, the cross section should exactly van-
ther diluting the DM freeze-out abundance. Hereafter we will ish at this point, but our numerical scan is unable to capture
assume TRH ∼ 1 GeV. We refer the reader to appendix C for such an steep behavior.
more details. In the bottom panels of Fig. 8, on the other hand, we show
We show in Fig. 8 the velocity averaged coannihilation σ v for different values of λ S /r as a function of m χ . In both
cross section σ v at the freeze-out temperature as a func- bottom panels, we fix β = 2, y∗ = 3 for both third-generation
tion of m χ , for Nχ = 1, MKK = 5 TeV and k = m Pl /8. In the quark sectors, as well as ct R = −0.2. The left-bottom panel
top panels, we consider benchmarks with different values of corresponds to the choice sin θh S = 10−5 , whereas for the
β, y∗ as well as ct R (the parameter fixing the localization of bottom-right one we take sin θh S = 10−6 . By reducing the
the RH top). In both top panels, we consider sin θh S = 10−5 mixing, one effectively suppress the Higgs mediated contri-
and λ S /r = 75, as well as two different values of β and bution to the coannihilation cross section, which is mostly
ct R . In particular, we show β = 2 (pink), β = 10 (blue), relevant for small DM masses and, in particular, around
ct R = −0.2 (dashed line) and ct R = −0.4 (solid line). In m χ ≈ m h /2. This will have an impact on direct detection as
the top-left panel we fix y∗ = 3 for both the up and the we will see later, since the Higgs provides the leading con-
down third-generation quark sector, with cq 3 and cb R being tribution to such experiments, and larger values of sin θh S
determined by reproducing the top and bottom quark masses will typically lead to more severe bounds from these exper-
for a given choice of ct R . The same is done in the top-right iments. The parameter λ S /r controls the effective Yukawa
panel but for y∗ = 1.5. In both cases, for the sake of sim- coupling of the S scalar to fermions yχ S , see Eqs. (46) and
plicity, light quark masses are reproduced with UV localized (52). We consider λ S /r = 50 (red), λ S /r = 100 (pink) and
fermions with identical bulk mass parameters (modulo a sign λ S /r = 150 (blue). Increasing λ S /r has the effect of increas-
difference between opposite chiralities) and different values ing the coannihilation cross section in general, besides for
of y∗ with y∗s = 1/2 (for our purposes, such a not-so-refined values of m χ m S /2 where the rise in the coupling is off-
study is more than enough). We can see that increasing the IR set by the increase of its decay width. One should note that the
localization of the RH top, i.e. having bigger values of |ct R |, resonant-like peak starting around 7–8 TeV is not only due
leads to a bigger cross section for most DM masses when to the S resonance but also to the fact that new heavy-light
y∗ = 3. Since y∗ is large enough in this case, changes in ct R final states become kinematically accessible in the coanni-
Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:58 Page 13 of 20 58
Fig. 8 Velocity-averaged annihilation cross section σ v at the freeze- first KK graviton. We also show the velocity averaged cross section
out temperature as a function of the DM mass m χ , for Nχ = 1, reproducing the relic density experimental value from Planck in dashed
MKK = 5 TeV and k = m Pl /8. In the top panels, we fix sin θh S and black, and the equivalent for a matter dominated freeze out in gray, for
λ S /r and consider two different values of y∗ . In both cases, we take two different values of TRH , after using T = 105 GeV and τ = 0.99.
two different values of β and ct R . In the bottom panels, we fix β, y∗ For these lines the section in dot-dashed gray corresponds to predic-
and ct R and consider different values of λ S /r for sin θh S = 10−5 (left) tions for which x f < 3, and therefore in this regime the DM decouples
and sin θh S = 10−6 (right). In all four panels, we also show in dashed relativistically [19,20]
gray the σ v prediction for diagrams mediated by the exchange of the
hilation. They consist of a first KK fermion resonance of eventually include the decays of S to a pair of low-lying KK
mass ∼ 15 TeV together with a SM-like fermion. We do not fermions, which will make S much wider of what is sensible
show values of m χ beyond ∼ 15 TeV since the DM mass in a perturbative theory.
can not be made heavier than this value for MKK = 5 TeV. In addition, we display for comparison the contribution
One could entertain the possibility of adding brane-localized due to diagrams mediated by the first KK graviton, which
masses or kinetic terms for this to happen, but for the sake are also irreducible in models with WEDs (see e.g. [33,35]
of concreteness we do not explore such possibilities here. for useful expressions). We can see that, for the chosen val-
At any rate, for such large values of m χ , one would need to ues of MKK and k/m Pl , corresponding to MKK = 5 TeV
58 Page 14 of 20 Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:58
and π = m Pl e−kπr = 40 TeV, the contribution of the odd independent cross section
scalar resonance S dominates over the KK graviton one. In 4 2 * +2 4
particular, this happens for all values of m χ , with the excep- σχ N ≈ μχ N Z f p + (A − Z ) f n μ2χ N A2 f n2 , (58)
π π
tion of the small region where the coupling yχ S goes to zero.
with Z and A the atomic number and atomic mass of the
The relative importance of each contribution and the loca-
target nucleus, respectively, and μχ N the reduced mass of
tion of the graviton peak can be changed by modifying the
the DM and nucleus system [32,33,38]. In order to compute
ratio π /MKK and/or by including brane kinetic terms [36].
such cross section we use following effective Lagrangian
We will not explore such possibilities, being our aim here to
show that the scalar contribution can naturally be the leading Leff = f p (χ̄χ)( p̄ p) + f n (χ̄ χ )(n̄n). (59)
one, as one can readily see from the figure. In addition to the
The terms f p and f n are effective coupling constants and
KK-graviton contribution, one also expects a contribution to
can be written as
the coannihilation cross section arising from the exchange of
f p,n ( p,n) αq 2 ( p,n) αq
the radion. This contribution is rather model dependent, since = fT q + f , (60)
the radion mass is subject to the specifics of the stabilization m p,n mq 27 T g mq
q=u,d,s q=c,b,t
mechanism. A natural expectation is that the radion is much
where αq stands for the effective four-fermion interac-
lighter that the first KK graviton. This case was considered
tion vertex, obtained by considering the scalar t–channel
e.g. in [37], where the authors considered a light radion inter-
exchange. In our model αq has the following form
acting with IR-localized matter and found the radion contri-
, -
bution to be mostly irrelevant. A similar result is expected yq S yqh sin θh S
here, for a light radion not mixing with the other bulk scalars. αq = yχ S + . (61)
m 2S m 2h
The interesting case where the stabilizing scalar mixes with
both the Higgs and the Z2 -odd scalar would require a fairly ( p,n)
Finally, f T g
is defined as
extensive case study, which is beyond of the scope of this
( p,n) ( p,n)
paper. fT g =1− fT q , (62)
Finally, we also show the values of the velocity averaged q=u,d,s
cross section for which the observed DM relic abundance q q
and the values for f p and f n are [33,39]
is reproduced, both in the usual scenario and in the case
of an early period of matter domination. In particular, we f pu = (20.8 ± 1.5) · 10−3 , f pd = (41.1 ± 2.8) · 10−3 ,
show in dashed black the values of σ v for which a value of
f nu = (18.9 ± 1.4) · 10−3 , f nd = (45.1 ± 2.7) · 10−3 ,(63)
χ h 2 = 0.12 is reproduced, in the case of a regular freeze-
out mechanism, and in the scenario of matter domination f ps = f ns = 0.043 ± 0.011.
in gray, for τ = 0.99, T = 105 GeV and two values of One can compare the contribution of each scalar to the
TRH , 1 and 102 GeV, respectively. The lines in dot-dashed direct detection cross section by computing the ratio between
gray correspond to regions where x f < 3, where the DM the terms appearing in Eq. (61). We find that the channel
is expected to decouple relativistically and the current treat- mediated by the Higgs boson is dominant provided that
ment loses validity, see [19,20] for more details. We can see
m 2h yq S
that the observed relic abundance can be reproduced in the sin θh S > ∼ 10−7 , (64)
case of matter domination for masses m χ ∼ 8–10 TeV. In m 2S yqh
the usual case of radiation domination, σ v can be a non- i.e. we expect the Higgs mediated interaction to be the leading
negligible fraction of the one which is required to reproduce contribution for sin θh S > 10−7 . This tells us in particular
the observed relic abundance for m χ ∼ 15 TeV, which is in that we can relax the constraints coming from direct detec-
the ballpark of the naturally expected fermion masses. tion by making the mixing smaller, while keeping the same
coupling yχ S to the DM fermions. However, this is only
4.4 Direct detection possible up to the point when the odd scalar contribution
becomes dominant,
Direct detection experiments can also set very important con- yχ S yq S
straints on the parameter space in scalar-mediated models of (αq )min ≈ . (65)
m 2S
DM. Indeed, they constraint all the parameter space in the
case of Higgs-mediated DM, with the exception of a small We show in Fig. 9 the constraints coming from direct
region around the Higgs resonance, see e.g. [34]. We study detection and invisible Higgs decays for the velocity aver-
here the constraints from direct detection experiments in our aged coannihilation cross section σ v as a function of m χ .
model. In particular we will compare our predictions with We used Nχ = 1, MKK = 5 TeV, k = m Pl /8 and different
results from Xenon1T [23,24]. We are interested in the spin- mixing values between the odd scalar and the Higgs boson,
Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:58 Page 15 of 20 58
Fig. 9 Velocity averaged coannihilation cross section at the freeze-out in gray and the limits from Xenon1T in purple. We show the velocity
temperature for different values of the mixing between the odd scalar averaged cross section reproducing the relic density experimental value
and the Higgs boson, sin θh S = {10−3 , 10−4 , 10−5 , 10−6 }, from top from Planck in dashed black, and the equivalent for a matter domi-
left to bottom right. The first two cases correspond to negative values nated freeze out in gray, for two different values of TRH , where we used
of λ̄. We have set Nχ = 1, MKK = 5 TeV and k = m Pl /8. We show in T = 105 GeV and τ = 0.99. For these lines the section in dot-dashed
yellow the predictions for two different benchmarks with different val- gray corresponds to predictions for which x f < 3, and therefore in this
ues of y∗ and λ S /r . In both cases, we have fixed ct R = −0.2 and β = 2. regime the DM decouples relativistically [19,20]
We show the constraints coming from the Higgs invisible decay width
sin θh S = {10−3 , 10−4 , 10−5 , 10−6 }, from top left to bottom ues of y∗ , starting with y∗s = 1/2). In both cases, we have
right. The first two mixing angles can only be achieved for set β = 2 and ct R = −0.2, while λ S /r has been chosen
λ̄ < 0, whereas the last two can be obtained for positive and in such a way that S /m S ≈ 0.7. More specifically, we
negative values of λ̄. We display in each figure two differ- have taken λ S /r = 120 and λ S /r = 65, for y∗ = 3 and
ent benchmarks, corresponding to the choices y∗ = 3 (solid y∗ = 1.5, respectively. Since the width is mostly given by
line) and y∗ = 1.5 (dashed line) for the third generation the decay of S into a third generation quark and its first
quarks t and b (as before, light generations have identical KK resonance, such assignment ensures that the overall cou-
bulk mass parameters in absolute value and different val- pling of the odd scalar field to the visible sector is roughly
58 Page 16 of 20 Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:58
the same in both cases. However, the smaller value of y∗ matter domination, being the values of σ v corresponding
in the benchmark {y∗ = 1.5, λ S /r = 65} leads to a more to the top of the resonant peak excluded by direct detec-
IR-localized third-generation left-handed doublet q L3 and to tion bounds. For even smaller values of sin θh S like 10−5 or
a much larger coupling of S to b̄ L b R and q̄ L3 plus its first KK 10−6 , the data from Xenon1T never constrains the predic-
resonance, even with a smaller value of λ S /r . At the end of tions for the coannihilation cross section obtained in both
the day, however, the solid lines are above the dashed ones benchmarks, since the Higgs coupling to DM yχ h becomes
for most values of m χ , since the DM coupling yχ S is smaller too small. Therefore, by assuming an early period of matter
by a factor 120/65 ∼ 1.4, which makes up for the small domination, we are able to explain the observed DM relic
differences existing among the couplings to the visible sec- abundance for moderately small values of sin θh S without
tor. The differences between both benchmarks are magnified conflicting current direct detection experiments. Even in the
once the purely S-mediated channel, corresponding to the case of radiation domination, we can get to values of σ v
right column of Fig. 7, is the most dominant one. This hap- relatively close to the ballpark of what is needed, expecting S
pens in particular for large DM masses and/or small values to be a non-negligible fraction of the required coannihilation
of sin θh S , as one can readily see by comparing the different cross section, even though additional mediators accounting
panels in Fig. 9. for most of the coannihilation are certainly needed.
The gray region shows the area excluded by the LHC
experimental limits on the Higgs invisible decay width, and in
purple we show the Xenon1T constraints. The latter are found
by plotting the velocity averaged coannihilation cross sec- 5 Summary
tion obtained after rescaling yχ S such that σχ N saturates the
Xenon1T experimental bound, σ vXenon1T . For the values We have demonstrated that the addition of a Z2 -odd scalar
of sin θh S shown in this figure, the leading contribution to the field developing a VEV in extra-dimensional models can not
DM-nucleon cross section is by far the one arising from the t- only account for the origin of the 5D fermion masses, but
channel exchange of a Higgs boson, with the exception of the also provide a unique window into any 5D fermionic dark
last case where sin θh S = 10−6 and the S contribution, while sector. Indeed, since such a scalar field generates dynami-
still subleading, starts to be relevant. This explains why the cally fermion bulk masses through Yukawa-like interactions
Xenon1T bound for the {y∗ = 3, λ S /r = 120} benchmark is with the different 5D fermions, it will also irrevocably con-
weaker than the limit obtained for {y∗ = 1.5, λ S /r = 65}, nect the SM with any possible dark sector featuring bulk
whenever the coannihilation cross section is dominated by fermions. Moreover, in realistic models the Higgs scalar field
the S contribution. Indeed, in the former case, the couplings propagates into the bulk of the WED, and thus a mixing
of S to the visible sector are slightly larger. This leads to with the new scalar field is unavoidable. In this work, we
a larger value of σ vXenon1T after rescaling yχ S and to a have studied in detail the phenomenological consequences
weaker bound from direct detection. When σ v is domi- of such a portal, showing that the lightest KK dark fermion
nated by the Higgs exchange, direct detection bounds become is stable and can coannihilate efficiently thanks to the media-
indistinguishable for both benchmarks, since the Higgs cou- tion of the odd-scalar resonances as well as the Higgs boson.
plings to the SM quarks are mostly fixed and SM-like. Indeed, we have demonstrated that it is possible to repro-
We also show the velocity averaged cross section repro- duce the observed DM relic abundance for an O(10) TeV
ducing the observed relic density both in the usual freeze-out KK dark fermion assuming that freeze-out occurs during an
scenario (dashed black) and in the case of an early period early period of matter domination, without conflicting with
of matter domination, for values of TRH = 102 GeV (dark current data from direct-detection experiments. Even in the
gray) and 1 GeV (light gray). For both gray lines, we used regular case of a radiation dominated freeze-out, this irre-
T = 105 GeV and τ = 0.99. Similarly to Fig. 8, lines in dot- ducible contribution to the coannihilation cross-section can
dashed gray correspond to regions where x f < 3 and the DM account for a non-negligible part of the required value when
is expected to decouple relativistically. We can see that for the DM mass is ∼ 15 TeV. We have also shown that these
sin θh S = 10−3 , one can not explain the observed relic abun- scalar contributions to the coannihilation cross section can be
dance without exceeding the bounds from Xenon1T. How- more important than those arising from the exchange of KK
ever, this is not the case in the matter dominated scenario gravitons. The bounds arising from direct detection are only
with TRH = 1 GeV, where the required coannihilation cross relevant when the parameter sin θh S controlling the mixing
section to explain the DM relic abundance does not exceed between the SM-like Higgs boson and the first KK resonance
the Xenon1T bound for y∗ = 3. In the case of y∗ = 1.5, the S of the Z2 -odd scalar field is 10−4 . For smaller values,
required cross section is excluded by the Xenon1T bound. the contribution to the direct-detection cross section given by
In the case of sin θh S = 10−4 we can reproduce the correct t-channel Higgs exchange becomes less and less important,
amount of DM for both values of TRH , in the scenario of to the point of becoming of the same order as the one from
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