Brane World

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Some of the key ideas discussed are extra dimensions, branes, bulk-brane topology, and motivations from string theory for considering brane world models. Brane world theories aim to address issues like the hierarchy problem and dark energy.

Some motivations discussed are addressing the coincidence problem between matter and dark energy densities, and providing a solution to the hierarchy problem between the Planck and electroweak scales via the introduction of extra dimensions.

Different brane world models are classified based on properties like the number of extra dimensions, whether the extra dimensions are compactified, the bulk geometry, the number and properties of branes, and whether the bulk contains scalar fields.

An introduction to

brane world

Andreas Müller Advanced seminar

Theory group LSW LSW Heidelberg
ƒ principles
ƒ bulk and brane
ƒ extradimensions
ƒ compactification
ƒ ADD vs. Randall-Sundrum
ƒ scalar fields
ƒ brane collisions
ƒ ekpyrosis and cyclic universe
Standard cosmology
ƒ GR world is 4D manifold: space-time
ƒ Robertson-Walker metric
ƒ Λ cosmology
ƒ cosmological constant, dark energy
ƒ ΛCDM in a flat, expanding universe
ƒ FRW equations
ƒ Hubble constant
ƒ inflation
ƒ Big Bang
Motivation to brane world
ƒ coincidence problem:
ΩΛ ~ Ωm
solution: Λ becomes dynamical
quintessence models (QCDM),
brane worlds
ƒ hierarchy problem:
weakness of gravition!
Planck scale ~ 1019 GeV
electroweak scale ~ 1 TeV
16 decades discrepancy!
solution: extradimensions,
brane worlds
Extradimensions and brane
ƒ extradimensions (XDs):
~1920: Nordström, Kaluza-Klein
~1990: renaissance in QFT, SUSY; Antoniadis
ƒ implications from string theories and M-theory:
compactified extradimensions
ƒ count XDs in particle accelerator black holes?
ƒ standard model of particle physics is confined on a
hypersurface, the brane
(etymology from membrane by Paul Townsend: p-brane has
dimension p)
ƒ brane is embedded in higher-dimensional space, the
Bulk – brane topology
Brane world zoo
ƒ number of extradimensions
ƒ compactification vs.
non- compactification
ƒ flat vs. warped bulk geometry
ƒ number of branes
ƒ static vs. dynamical branes
(brane collisions)
ƒ vacuum bulk vs. bulk scalar fields

SUSY mirror creates particle zoo

String theory
ƒ 5 supersymmetric string theories connected via dualities hint for
ƒ 11D supergravity (SUGRA) connects GR with SUSY
ƒ SUGRA is low-energy limes (l >> lPl) of M-theory and therefore all
string theories
ƒ 11D SUGRA has 11th dimension compactified on an orbifold
(with Z2 symmetry)
ƒ boundaries of 11D space-time are 10D „planes“
ƒ on planes E8 gauge groups confined
ƒ Calabi-Yau threefold represents compactified space
of 6 dimensions of 11D („microscopic ball“)
ƒ heterotic string theory E8 x E8 results in brane world
(Horava & Witten 1996)
String theory: ADD model
ƒ motivation for 5D space-times
with 4D boundary branes
ƒ ADD scenario: large extradimensions (LXDs)
ƒ flat bulk geometry 4+d
ƒ d compactified extradimensions
ƒ reduced Planck scale:
M2P,ADD = M2+dfundRd
Mfund: 4+d Planck scale
ƒ radii < R: non-Newtonian gravity
Newton‘s law modified
ƒ SM restricted to brane, gravity propagates
into bulk
ƒ extradimensions compactified to radius R
ƒ 1st implication: Newton 1/r2 injured for
radii ~ R
ƒ tests with Cavendish experiments show
no evidence up to now
ƒ if LXD exist, then R << 1 mm
2-brane system

hypersurface: Dbrane = Dbulk - 1

Randall-Sundrum I model
ƒ 2-brane system
ƒ warped (curved) bulk geometry 4+d
ƒ bulk metric is slice of Anti de Sitter (AdS5) space-time,
Λ < 0, 5D:

ds2 = e-2K(y) ηµν dxµ dxν + dy2

ƒ new: restauration of Newton‘s law on brane with positive

tension embedded in infinite LXD!
ƒ solution of the hierarchy problem
(1019 GeV Planck vs. 100 GeV electroweak):
2-brane model (RSI)
Randall-Sundrum I model

remark: branes are Minkowski-flat

Randall-Sundrum I model
ƒ highly-curved AdS background
¾ implies large gravitational redshift of
energy-scale between branes
ƒ hierarchy due to large inter-brane distance rc
ƒ Planck scale (on negative tension brane) is
reduced to TeV:
M2P,RS ~ exp(2krc) M53/k, k = (-Λ5κ25/6)1/2
Λ5: 5D negative cosmological constant on bulk
κ5: 5D gravitational coupling constant
M5 : 5D Planck mass
ƒ fine tuning problem:
radius of LXD, rc, tunes hierarchy scale
ƒ radion as bulk scalar field (later!)
Randall-Sundrum II model
ƒ AdS background
ƒ send negative tension brane to infinity
ƒ effectively non-compact 1-brane model
ƒ contrast to KK (all XDs compactified):
gravitational field has continuum of KK modes
ƒ consequence:
correction of gravitational force on brane
Randall-Sundrum II model
ƒ modified Newton potential for point masses on
the brane

with l2 = -6/(Λ5κ25)
ƒ experiments prove l < 1 mm
Randall-Sundrum II model
ƒ modified Friedmann equation in 5D

split in

ƒ tuning between Λ5 and σ establishes Λ4 = 0

ƒ gravitational constant depends on tension σ
ƒ µ is dark radiation term
Observational constraints
ƒ nucleosynthesis
σ > (1 MeV)4,
then classical Friedmann eq. established at znucl, otherwise
abundances significantly changed
ƒ Newton‘s law tests
σ > (100 GeV)4, κ5-3 > 105 TeV,
then classical Friedmann eq. established at znucl, otherwise
abundances significantly changed
ƒ cosmology
µ < 0.1 ρphot; typically assumed µ = 0
Technical aspects
ƒ start with action (Einstein-Hilbert,
ansatz for brane: contains tension)
ƒ derive Einstein equations as EOM, including
Klein-Gordon equation
ƒ solve this set of equations (integration...)
ƒ deduce bulk metric (AdS, Schwarzschild etc.)
ƒ identify tunings (Λ5 – σ – relation etc.)
ƒ discuss resulting cosmology, e.g. modified Friedmann
equations, effective cosmological constants...
Bulk scalar field
Bulk scalar field
ƒ up2now: empty bulks
ƒ now: fill bulk with scalar field
ƒ dynamical brane configurations!
ƒ bulk back reaction parametrized by Weyl tensor and
loss parameter
ƒ discuss modified Friedmann eq.
ƒ Klein-Gordon eq.:
time dependence of scalar field
¾ trace of energy-stress tensor on brane
¾ gradient of bulk potential
ƒ G becomes time-dependent: G = G(z)
ƒ fine-structure constant has time evolution
ƒ bulk scalar field can play role of quintessence
Scalar field
ƒ energy density, pressure, potential energy

e.g. inflaton

ƒ full evolution described by:

¾ modified Friedmann eq.
¾ Klein-Gordon eq.
¾ Raychaudhuri eq.
ƒ assume slow-roll regime
ƒ result: brane world effects slow-roll scenarios
Scalar field - inflaton
ƒ in slow-roll regime (1):
high potential vs. low kinetic
energy of scalar field
ƒ high negative pressure drives
expansion of universe
ƒ fall into potential well (2):
inflation ends, inflaton field
oscillates and decays into
matter and radiation

figure: Steinhardt & Turok 2002

Cosmology of
2-brane systems
ƒ motivation: 1-brane system + scalar field generates
naked singularity (bulk singularity, AdS horizon). This
can be shielded with 2nd brane.
ƒ bulk scalar field fixes inter-brane distance in RSI model
ƒ consider variable inter-brane distance
ƒ radion: inter-brane distance plays role of scalar field
ƒ small radion field at late times: negative tension brane
moves towards bulk singularity and might be destroyed
or repelled
Cosmological constant
ƒ observed Λ ~ 0 invokes extradimension effect
ƒ hierarchy problem reemerges in a fine tuning problem
of the inter-brane distance
ƒ self-tuning idea: XD highly curved, but brane stays
Minkowski-flat. But: bulk scalar field produces naked
singularity. Vanishes with a 2nd brane.
ƒ Friedmann equations modified at high energies
(ρm >> σ ) in brane world models:
H ~ ρm
instead of classical 4D:
H ~ ρm1/2
Ekpyrotic scenario
ƒ initial state two flat 3-branes: our progenitor universe
and a „parallel“ universe
ƒ branes approach as mediated by radion field
ƒ in brane collision event kinetic energy is transformed
into quarks and leptons
ƒ no big bang singularity!
ƒ finite temperature 1023 K
ƒ homogeneous and flat universe
ƒ no inflation!
ƒ no magnetic monopole formation (T too small)

Khoury et al. 2001

Cyclic Universe
ƒ periodic sequences of ekpyrosis
ƒ cycle of
big bang, expansion, contraction,
big crunch
ƒ scalar field acts as dark energy
(precisely quintessence) that
accelerates and decelerates
ƒ scalar field has natural geometrical
interpretation in string theory

Steinhardt & Turok 2001

Cyclic Universe
ƒ (1) Epot dominant
ƒ (2) roll to well due to
universe expansion and
ƒ (3) Epot = 0, Ekin dominates
universe, expansion
ƒ (4) Epot < 0, contraction
ƒ (5) acceleration out of the
minimum, scale factor zero:
ƒ (6) reheating of universe
from kinetic energy
conversion into matter and
ƒ (7) rush back
Steinhardt & Turok 2002
Brane Worlds – συν−οΨις
ƒ existence of extradimensions
ƒ Λ = 0 on the brane easily managed
ƒ impact of brane cosmology on early universe
H ~ ρm instead of H ~ ρm1/2
ƒ dark energy, quintessence represented by scalar field
ƒ ekpyrosis: 1st explanation of big bang!
ƒ universe may evolve in cycles
Open questions
ƒ effects of bulk gravitation on CMB and LSS
ƒ boundary conditions on the brane
ƒ variations of the bulk scalar field around the brane
ƒ bulk scalar field as dark energy constituent
ƒ shielded bulk singularity
ƒ singularity problem in brane collisions
Cosmology news
ƒ w = p/ρ = -1 Einsteins cosmological constant Λ
high-z SN Typ Ia permanence measurements
(Riess et al., February 2004)

ƒ distance ladder
z ~ 7 lensed IR galaxy
(Kneib et al., February 2004)

z ~ 10 lensed IR galaxy Abell 1835 IR 1916

lens magnification factor 25-100, 5 x 108 M, ISAAC/VLT
(Pello et al., March 2004, astro-ph/0403025)
ƒ Brax & van de Bruck, „Cosmology and Brane Worlds: A Review“
(2003), hep-th/0303095
ƒ Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos & Dvali, Phys. Lett. B 429, 263 (1998) ,
hep-th/9905221 (ADD scenario, LXD)
ƒ Randall & Sundrum, „A Large Mass Hierarchy from a Small Extra
Dimension“ (1999) , hep-th/9905221 (RSI model)
ƒ Randall & Sundrum, „An Alternative to Compactification “ (1999) ,
hep-th/9906064 (RSII model)
ƒ Khoury, Ovrut, Seiberg, Steinhardt & Turok, Phys. Rev. D 65, 86
(2002), hep-th/0108187 (ekpyrotic model)
ƒ Steinhardt & Turok, Phys. Rev. D 65, 126 (2002), hep-th/0111030,
hep-th/0111098 (cyclic model)
ƒ M. Cavaglia, „Black Hole and Brane Production in TeV Gravity: A
Review“ (2002), hep-ph/0210296
ƒ H. Goenner, „Einführung in die Kosmologie“ (2000), Spektrum
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ƒ ADD: Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos & Dvali model
ƒ AdS: Anti de Sitter space-time
ƒ BH. Black Hole
ƒ CMB: Cosmic Microwave Background
ƒ D: Dimension
ƒ EOM: Equation of Motion
ƒ FRW: Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
ƒ GR. General Relativity
ƒ GW: Gravitational Wave
ƒ KGE: Klein-Gordon Equation
ƒ KK: Kaluza-Klein
ƒ ΛCDM: Λ cosmology with cold dark matter
ƒ LSS: Large Scale Structure
ƒ LXD: Large Extra Dimension
ƒ QCDM: quintessence cosmology with cold dark matter
ƒ QFT: Quantum Field Theory
ƒ RSI: Randall-Sundrum model I
ƒ RSII : Randall-Sundrum model II
ƒ SM: Standard Model of Particle Physics
ƒ SUGRA: supergravitation
ƒ SUSY: supersymmetry
ƒ XD: Extra Dimension

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