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But you, be of good courage, do not lose heart, for there is a

reward for your labor." (2 Chronicles 15: 7)

“Never stop trying, it's better to try than not to try at all”


COVER ……………………………………………………………………………………… i
TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1
1.1. Background Of the Study............................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem.............................................................................................4
1.3. Research Questions.....................................................................................................4
1.4. Hypothesis of the Study...............................................................................................4
1.5. Purposes of the study...................................................................................................4
1.6. Significance of the study.............................................................................................5
1.7. Scope And Limitation..................................................................................................5
1.8. Definition Of Key Term..............................................................................................6
CHAPTER II RIVIEW OF LITERATURE.........................................................................7
2.1. Vocabulary Theories...................................................................................................7
2.1.1. The essence of vocabulary.......................................................................................7
2.1.2. Teaching vocabulary for senior high school.............................................................7
2.1.3. The importance of teaching vocabulary....................................................................9
2.1.4. The teaching strategy of vocabulary.........................................................................9
2.1.5. Procedure of teaching vocabulary through vocabulary notebook.........................11
2.1.6. Steps teaching vocabulary through vocabulary notebook......................................11
2.2. Vocabulary Notebook Theori....................................................................................12
2.2.1. Definition Of Vocabulary Notebook................................................................12
2.2.2. Teaching Vocabulary Notebook........................................................................13
2.2.3. The important Of Learning Vocabulary Notebook...........................................14
2.2.4. Using vocabulary notebook activities................................................................15
2.2.5. The strategy of vocabulary notebook.................................................................16
2.2.6. Advantages of Vocabulary Notebook................................................................16
2.2.7. Disadvantages of Vocabulary Notebook............................................................17
2.3. Relevance previous study..........................................................................................18
2.4. Conceptual Framework.............................................................................................19
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................20

3.1. Research Design........................................................................................................20
3.2. Research Setting and Subject....................................................................................21
3.3. Population, sampling and sample..............................................................................21
3.3.1. Population...............................................................................................................21
3.3.1. Sampling............................................................................................................22
3.3.2. Sample................................................................................................................22
3.4. Identification of Research Variables.........................................................................22
3.4.1. Independent variable..........................................................................................22
3.4.2. Dependent variable.............................................................................................22
3.5. Operational Definition of Research Variables..........................................................23
3.5.1. Vocabulary.........................................................................................................23
3.5.2. Vocabulary Notebook........................................................................................23
3.6. Techniques of Data Collection..................................................................................25
3.7. Research Instrument..................................................................................................26
3.8. Research Procedure...................................................................................................27
3.8.1. The Experimental Treatments............................................................................27
3.8.2. Quantitative Measures........................................................................................28
3.9. Data analysis..............................................................................................................28
3.9.1. Quantitative Measures........................................................................................28






AMBON. Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Science, Language

and Art Department, Pattimura University. April, 2024. Advisors: (1) Jeny

Lekatompessy, S.Pd., M.TESOL. (2) S.J. Hukom, S.Pd, M.Pd.

This study aims to enrich students' vocabulary by using vocabulary notebook in SMA

Negeri 6 Ambon, especially in class X. Making vocabulary notebooks is one of the

excellent methods to enrich students' vocabulary. The research question in this study

is whether there is an effect of students' vocabulary enrichment after using vocabulary

notebooks? This study used 2 classes namely class X.1 and class X.2 which totaled 50

students. The focus in this study is the effectiveness of using vocabulary notebooks to

enrich students' vocabulary in teaching narrative text in the experimental class, and

without using vocabulary notebooks in the control class. The method used in this

research is Experimental method with quantitative approach by using tests, namely

Pre-test and Post-test. To analyze the data, the researcher used normality test,

homogeneity test, and hypothesis test using SPSS V 26. The results showed that

students who used vocabulary notebooks had a very significant improvement. This

can be seen from the average value of 82.21 compared to the control class of 50.50,

meaning that the value in the experimental class using vocabulary notebooks is higher

than the value in the control class using the lecture technique. While the hypothesis

test results show that Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000, less than the significance level of

0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that the technique of using vocabulary notebooks

is more effective for enriching students' vocabulary in class X.1 SMA Negeri 6


Keywords: Enriching,Students Vocabulary, vocabulary Notebook



1.1. Background Of the Study

Vocabulary is part of the aspects of children's language development that must

be stimulated. The importance of vocabulary for children is to give them more

knowledge, so that they can communicate with others easily. According to Nikijuluw

(2020) vocabulary is the core of four skills in languge proficiency, namely listening,

speaking, writing, and reading. From some of the definitions above, it can be

concluded that vocabulary is a series of several words that can form perfect sentences.

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of language teaching. How the

vocabulary must be learned and acquired in the context of a foreign language (Folse,

2004). Namaziandos (2020) emphasized that vocabulary can help students improve

their language skills. In addition, there will be major obstacles in learning a language

if students do not have vocabulary knowledge. That is, students can communicate

well in class due to the large number of vocabularies they know. The more students

learn vocabulary, the more interactive the learning will be. Therefore, teaching

techniques and strategies can help teachers and students in their learning process

(Akramy, 2022).

If the student has a large vocabulary then they will be able to master the

language and other skills. Vocabulary learning using vocabulary notebook is one of

the solutions to enrich students' vocabulary. Vocabulary learning is very important for

students because it is very relative to learning. Vocabulary is very important for

students so they can know and increase their knowledge (Religion and Singaraja,

2020). The teacher must provide suitable learning materials to make students more

active in the classroom. The teacher's attention in considering the desires and needs of

students in learning is also very necessary, so that students do not feel left behind or

pressured during the teaching and learning process in the classroom.

Lack of student vocabulary can affect students' knowledge skills, one of

which is communication skills. Which means that vocabulary knowledge plays an

important role in learning English. Students who have problems mastering vocabulary

will find it more difficult to understand something. Therefore, students must have a

lot of vocabulary knowledge in order to master other skills in a language. The

vocabulary problem faced by students at SMA Negeri 6 Ambon is that some of them

are not interested in learning vocabulary, and even have no intention of learning

English. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on them in order to increase

their understanding and also enrich their vocabulary. Muncie (2002) said that students

with a lot of vocabulary knowledge will make it easier for them to have better


For this reason, researchers conducted a preliminary study at SMA Negeri 6

Ambon and looked at the teaching and learning process, especially vocabulary

learning. In this preliminary research, the researcher received permission from the

teacher to take part in the learning process in class, his role was only to observe the

teaching and learning process in class. Because researchers are only interested in

enriching students' vocabulary, in the learning process students are asked to answer

questions asked by the teacher, and how the teacher can involve all students to be

active in class during the learning process. Teachers teach lessons from English books

and students also have these books. This book contains student worksheets in learning

narrative texts. The teacher begins the lesson by giving communication games to

students so that students are able to communicate with other students using English.

There are students who are able to convey the sentences given by the teacher to their

friends well, but there are also students who do not understand the sentences. The

sentence given by the teacher was Malin Kundang who lived a difficult life with his

mother. During the learning process the teacher asks students to answer the questions

on the student worksheet, there are students who can answer the questions, and there

are also students who cannot answer the questions because of a lack of vocabulary.

Among them, vocabulary teaching strategies for studying vocabulary book

learning material can be applied to students, because it can enrich their vocabulary.

Students will enrich their vocabulary through vocabulary notebook learning. This can

create a more effective atmosphere in the classroom. Memis (2019), has conducted his

research by advising students to use vocabulary books, to guide students in improving

foreign languages in Turkey with quantitative research methods. According to Fanji

Muharam Sudrajat (2020) in his research, he used vocabulary notebooks to increase

students' vocabulary understanding. he used the Quasi-Experiment method to see the

effect of vocabulary notebooks on students' vocabulary mastery in class VII MTs

Negeri 3 Tangerang City. And also Hukom, (2023) in his research focused on the

influence of the vocabulary notebook strategy in enriching students' vocabulary in

semester 3 students in Aru. He used experimental research to see the effect of

treatment between variables, and is also carried out to determine the strength of the

relationship between variables. Meanwhile, my research regarding the effect of use

vocabulary notebook to enrich students' vocabulary use experimental research in

Ambon. Then I chose this topic to be applied at SMA Negeri 6 Ambon, to make it

easier for students to increase their vocabulary knowledge.

Based on previous research, the researcher wants to conduct research at SMA

Negeri 6 Ambon, The effect of using Vocabulary Notebook to enrich students'

vocabulary. In addition, the results of this research were used to test whether the

hypothesis which stated that there was a positive and significant influence the effect

of using vocabulary notebook on enriching students' vocabulary was accepted or not.

1.2. Statement of the problem

The researcher found that there are several problems that affect students' vocabulary

development. These problems are basically related to students who have no interest in

reading. In the learning process students tend to be silent and unable to answer

questions asked by the teacher. This problem is basically related to students' lack of

vocabulary so that students are not active in class.

1.3. Research Questions

There is one research question that is the focus of this study:

1. Is there any effect of students’ vocabulary enrichment after using vocabulary


1.4. Hypothesis of the Study

In this research, there is one hypothesis.

1. There is positive effect toward students’ vocabulary enrichment after using

vocabulary notebook

1.5. Purposes of the study

The purposes of this study are:

1. To find out effect of students’ vocabulary after applying vocabulary notebook

1.6. Significance of the study

The researcher hopes this research can contribute to the learning vocabulary

Notebook. It has two major significances; theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically

The theoretical significance of this research is to contribute to supporting the

theory of teaching Vocabulary Notebook, especially for enriching vocabulary


2. Practically

Hopefully, this study can give benefit to :

 Teacher : To find out students' vocabulary notebooks and how to enrich their


 Students : To develop their vocabulary notebook by using their own learning


 School : To help teachers develop appropriate strategies for students in

learning vocabulary notebooks.

 For the next researchers : The researcher hopes that this research can provide

benefits for further researchers. In addition, this research can be used as a

reference for researchers who wish to discuss the same topic as this research

1.7. Scope And Limitation

This research focuses on the effect of using vocabulary notebook to enrich

students’ vocabulary of grade X.1 at SMA Negeri 6 Ambon.

1.8. Definition Of Key Term

The following terms will use regularly in the study according to definition :

 Vocabulary

Dwi (2017) argues that teachers must first teach vocabulary to students,

because vocabulary is a basic competency that students must master so that

they can achieve other competencies such as reading, writing, speaking, and


 Teaching Vocabulary

Ramli (2003: 218) argues that Vocabulary teaching should be emphasized

since someone learns a language, so that it can make it easier for them in the

learning stage. In language learning, you don't just learn about sentence

structure, but also by imitating the vocabulary spoken by the teacher.

 Vocabulary Notebook

Schmitt (1995) and Fowle (2002) vocabulary notebooks are considered an

effective way for students to be able to organize the vocabulary learning

process that begins, in vocabulary learning, notebooks are memory aids

independently to students.



2.1. Vocabulary Theories

2.1.1. The essence of vocabulary

Vocabulary is a very important aspect of learning a language. As stated by

Richards and Renandya (2002), vocabulary is the essence of language proficiency and

the foundation of language learning. Dwi (2017) argues that vocabulary is taught to

students to learn about language for the first time in order to make it easier for

students to understand learning. Furthermore, according to Santoso and Andriyadi

(2019), they argue that vocabulary is an important component of the language system

to learn. and also, Nunan (2015) states that vocabulary can be used as a reference tool

so that it can help someone keep a word list of the 100 most common words in the

reading. Vocabulary is the main language that a person uses in order to increase their


Therefore, teachers must first teach vocabulary to their students, because vocabulary

is an important role for students in learning a foreign language. students can quickly

learn foreign languages by mastering the vocabulary they learn, and students can also

enrich their vocabulary by writing vocabulary in their vocabulary notebooks to make

it easier for students to be able to remember the vocabulary they learn so that it makes

it easier for students to communicate with others and so on .

2.1.2. Teaching vocabulary for senior high school

Teaching vocabulary is not an easy process for someone to do, because

teaching vocabulary is also something that is quite difficult to teach students.

Therefore, the teacher must find techniques and strategies that can make students

interested and confident in learning the vocabulary taught by the teacher. Faridi

(2012) argues that a teacher can motivate students to use creative and inspiring

teaching methods so that students can easily learn vocabulary through the lessons

applied by the teacher. Vocabulary teaching is the most widely taught teaching in

English as a major foreign language. When the teaching and learning process takes

place, problems will arise for the teacher. They have problem with how to teach

students in class in order to obtain maximum results. Before teaching the teacher must

prepare himself and find out what technique is most appropriate for teaching

vocabulary to students. A good teacher must prepare himself with useful and best


The teacher must be able to master the material to be taught, so that it can be

understood by students and can make students interested and happy in the teaching

and learning process in the classroom, so that students are active during the learning

process. Murcia and Olshtain (2005) suggest three factors that influence students'

vocabulary mastery in learning English. The first is the student factor, and the second

is the teacher factor, and the third is the facility factor in learning. The two points

above can be seen to determine student development and interests, as well as student

activities in learning. Interest is a very important factor for students to increase their

vocabulary and influence their vocabulary. Students who are interested in learning

English can have high spirits when learning. In addition, in teaching vocabulary there

are several sentences and a small part of what is needed to know a word according to

the opinion of (Richards & Renandya, 2002). Therefore, teachers must find

techniques that make students enthusiastic and more active in learning vocabulary.

2.1.3. The importance of teaching vocabulary

Since limited vocabulary in a second language can hinder successful

communication, vocabulary knowledge is seen as an essential skill for second

language learners. Schmitt (2000) highlights that vocabulary knowledge is essential

for communicative competence and more successful second language acquisition.

Nation (2001) also discusses the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and

second language use as complementary. Vocabulary knowledge can facilitate

language use, and conversely, language use leads to increased vocabulary knowledge.

thus the importance of vocabulary can be taught to students on a daily basis both in

and out of school.

Vocabulary teaching is very important in language teaching, because it can

pave the way for students to gather knowledge about vocabulary and broaden their

thinking to be able to communicate English more fluently with others. Knowledge of

vocabulary is far more important than knowledge of grammar in a sentence. Richards

and Schmitt (2010) said that students can bring dictionaries, vocabulary notebooks, so

they can make vocabulary that they encounter in readings and not grammar books.

That is, learning vocabulary is the most basic unit for communicating and not

grammar. Therefore, someone can maintain communication in himself, if he has a lot

of vocabulary and not a lot of grammar.

2.1.4. The teaching strategy of vocabulary

The teacher must carry out vocabulary learning strategies in the classroom,

the goal is to train students to enrich the vocabulary they learn. According to Murcia

(2001) he proposed three strategies for learning vocabulary. the first is the strategy of

guessing the meaning of the context of the sentence. He stated that a sentence context

is rich enough to provide sufficient clues to guess the meaning of the words in the

sentence. and the second strategy is a mnemonic device. He proposed the

International Journal of Teaching and Education, namely the keyword technique.

When students see or hear target words, students are reminded of keywords making it

easier for students to add to their vocabulary. The third strategy is a vocabulary

notebook. He suggests that students should make a vocabulary notebook to make it

easier for them to remember the vocabulary they learn. Thus, students learn more

independently by using vocabulary notebooks in order to enrich their vocabulary and

help them communicate with others.

Many studies have proven that learning vocabulary can enrich vocabulary on

student development (Coady and Huckin, 2003 Tahmasebi also Ghaedrahmat and

Haqverdi, 2013). argues that students who have the most amount of vocabulary tend

to always achieve good results in the learning process. Teachers can introduce new

vocabulary to students so that they can influence their mastery of the vocabulary they

learn. Therefore, the role of the teacher greatly contributes to the development of

increased student vocabulary. Duke and Moses (2003) suggest that strategy is very

important for students because it can enrich students' vocabulary, and enrich their

vocabulary knowledge well.

2.1.5. Procedure of teaching vocabulary through vocabulary notebook

Vocabulary notebook learning can be used in learning vocabulary in the

classroom. There are several activities in the classroom, such as pre-activity, core

activities and post-activity. In pre-activity, there are some apperception activities such

as greetings and prayers, attendance, ice breaking, and knowing students' knowledge

at the beginning of learning. Then, in the core activity, students will be given a

vocabulary notebook format to use in class. While in the post-activity, students can

use the vocabulary notebook outside of school.

2.1.6. Steps teaching vocabulary through vocabulary notebook

The first Pre-activity: the researcher asked the students about their vocabulary

knowledge. This activity aims to find out the students' ability in learning vocabulary.

Then the researcher introduced the vocabulary notebook to the students. According to

Nosratina et al. (2013), teachers should teach vocabulary notebooks to students at the

beginning of the activity because it is very important in pre-activity.

The second is temporary activities: The researcher gave the format of the

vocabulary notebook to the students, and gave the reading to the students. The

researcher asked the students to find new words that they did not know and write

them into the vocabulary notebook. According to Nurdini and Marlina (2017), in the

vocabulary notebook there are target words, word meanings, synonyms and

antonyms, example sentences etc. Thus students can enrich their vocabulary. Thus

students can enrich their vocabulary through various information about words they do

not know.

The last one is post-activity: The researcher gave suggestions to the learners to

apply and use the vocabulary notebook outside of school. They can also write

anything that is new to them. According to Ningtyas (2019), this is the best step for

learners to learn vocabulary outside of school.

2.2. Vocabulary Notebook Theori

2.2.1. Definition Of Vocabulary Notebook

Vocabulary notebooks are often seen as a useful way for learners to become


conscious about the process of learning vocabulary (Lessard-Clouston, 1994; Schmitt

& Schmitt,1995) Gu, 2003; Horst, 2005; Ghazal, 2007). Keeping a vocabulary

notebook requires students to take notes of unfamiliar words while also writing their

meaning and information, such as synonyms, antonyms, collocations, example

sentences, etc. Vocabulary the notebook activates the complex mental processes that

are carried out during the act of recording words. Fowle (2002) argues that while

finding meaning and other aspects of the word are not known, students may use

strategies that involve using a dictionary, guess from context, or consult their teacher

or classmates. Furthermore, the researcher agrees that making a vocabulary notebook

requires students to practice their vocabulary more in the learning process. and

teachers let themselves become more independent in learning. Oxford (1990) shows

that independent learners have an advantage for becoming more confident and

increasing their engagement and proficiency. Once again, (Nation 1990, p.174) states

that the strategies that students can use independently are the most numerous

significant of all ways to acquire vocabulary.

Therefore, students should be trained to keep a vocabulary notebook to enrich their

vocabulary in the classroom. (Ghazal, 2007). McCrostie (2007) argues that

vocabulary notebooks are a useful tool for vocabulary acquisition, but students need

more guidance and training on this lesson. Therefore, vocabulary notebooks can

provide opportunities for students to develop their vocabulary and help them improve

their vocabulary learning strategies, and can also encourage students to be more active

during the learning process.

2.2.2. Teaching Vocabulary Notebook

Vocabulary learning in notebooks in order to increase students' vocabulary and

also increase students' understanding in reading. students can spend time in words that

are better known by themselves. even better known words need to be enriched to

reach the original level of their knowledge. Student satisfaction can be taken from the

growing practice. where students are presented differently and they should be left free

to choose the vocabulary in the readings to write back into their notebooks. Some

students may prefer to use audio supplements for their notebooks, but some students

may also use text to write down vocabulary in their notebooks. Vocabulary inside the

notebook should be each student's personal word store. Although it may be desirable

at first to provide students with lists of words to learn and include in their notebooks.

Teachers should also encourage students to discover their own words from

reading or learning material in class so that notebooks must be a store of words that

students want to make it easier for them to enrich their own vocabulary. The use of

vocabulary notebooks is also a learning strategy that can be used in high schools to

encourage students to find new vocabulary, so that students are able to increase their

knowledge in reading a text. With this learning, students will enter a lot of

information into their notebooks, mostly their own. Sometimes the teacher has to

control the students again, so that students really understand what they write in their

notebooks. (Kramsch 1979). There is no point in asking students to efficiently learn

from mistakes. and (McCarthy 1990) also noted that teachers can learn about student

progress and problems, by reviewing their learning process through the notebooks

they use. so that it can facilitate them in the teaching and learning process in the


2.2.3. The important Of Learning Vocabulary Notebook

The importance of using vocabulary notebooks for students because it can add to

the knowledge and vocabulary that students have through the notebooks they use.

Teachers can encourage students to keep their vocabulary notebooks well. There are

two main purposes of the Vocabulary Notebook. The first objective is to acquire new

vocabulary or difficult and interesting vocabulary for students to be able to memorize

words that lead to better vocabulary retention, (Hulstijn 1992). The second purpose of

the vocabulary notebook is to encourage independent learners to be more active in

using notebooks to enrich students vocabulary. (Fowle, op. cit. Schmitt and Schmitt,

op. cit). suggest that students can choose words for their notebooks.

The scant literature on the role of vocabulary notebooks has highlighted the

positive potential of this teaching and learning tool. Schmitt and Schmitt (op.cit.)

proposes a reasoned principle to consider when using notebooks in order to develop

students' vocabulary including using known or unknown words as a network to which

new words are added. The vocabulary notebook also considers various aspects of

word knowledge and the need for deep semantic processing and rich vocabulary. As a

reminder for students and to pay attention to new vocabulary, as well as rewriting new

vocabulary in a notebook, and the need for teacher attention to students who will learn

the vocabulary they find, so that it can facilitate them in the learning process.

2.2.4. Using vocabulary notebook activities

By using vocabulary notebooks, teachers can create relevant vocabulary

notebooks that can broaden students' horizons in learning to read. With many

activities in class, students can write a lot of vocabulary into their notebooks. The

way to do this is by doing exercises in class using the words in the reading passage,

for example, asking students to write the meaning of words, make sentences and so

on. Ask them to read a story, and write down how many words from the story they

read, then give them some words from sentences in the text and ask how many words

they have in their notebooks that include these words. Nation (1990: 138) suggests

that students review words that can be applied to their vocabulary notebooks,

including asking students to be able to break down words into basic sentences and

affixes, and asking them to convey the words they write in their notebooks so that

they can apply them in their daily lives.

The teacher can give the students a reading passage and ask them to read the

content. Then students can be placed in pairs or groups to teach each other or test the

words from each other's notebooks. And outside of study hours, students can make

words into relevant notebooks or by trying to use some sentences in their reading

lessons every day so as to increase their activities and can encourage them to use the

words they learn in making sentences, so as to enrich their vocabulary and help them

in communicating. Teachers should make students feel that the vocabulary notebook

is very important and helpful to them in the learning process.

2.2.5. The strategy of vocabulary notebook

The vocabulary notebook strategy is a type of learning dictionary that is taught

to students in order to be able to record meanings and different aspects of the words

they encounter in the text such as speech fragments, other word formats, synonyms,

antonyms, as well as contextual phrases (Walter, 2009 as quoted in Chien, 2013: 65).

argues that it is very important for students to make vocabulary notebooks in order to

assist them in transferring the words they learn to English generative vocabulary. one

way that can encourage student learning independence in learning vocabulary, namely

by keeping a vocabulary notebook (Schmitt & Schmitt, 1995: 133). This strategy has

the benefit of providing opportunities for students to find appropriate word structures,

and assisting students in their pronunciation, writing, and reading. The vocabulary

notebook strategy was applied by students in teaching Turkish as a foreign language.

According to Tok and Yığın (2014) the vocabulary notebook strategy used by

students in teaching Turkish as a foreign language is one of the cognitive strategies

often used by students in maintaining their vocabulary notebook correctly.

2.2.6. Advantages of Vocabulary Notebook

Schmitt, N., and Schmitt, D. (1995) provide an overview of some ideas

derived from memory and language research that can be applied to vocabulary

notebook learning:

1. Vocabulary notebooks can make it easier for students to add new words to their

existing knowledge

2. Vocabulary notebooks can help students in learning more easily, effectively, and

regularly by presenting target words in notebooks.

3. To avoid confusion, students are advised not to study words that are similar but have

different meanings. Teachers can help students make their notebooks according to

their needs.

4. To know a word not only about its meaning, but also includes knowledge about

derivation, spelling and pronunciation. Vocabulary notebooks can be created to

facilitate students' comprehensive understanding of these aspects.

5. Vocabulary notebooks can provide opportunities for students to understand the

meaning of words in depth, so they can help students remember these words quickly.

6. Remembering a word can improve a student's future understanding. so that notebooks

can be easily organized for learning, exercises such as making lists of words and

definitions of those words.

2.2.7. Disadvantages of Vocabulary Notebook

The problem with vocabulary notebooks, according to Schmitt, N., and

Schmitt, D. (1995), is that they can become overly simplistic one-way memorization

without deep knowledge or context for students. It may only focus on the meaning of

words, causing children to fail to learn proper language usage. Another drawback is

that students rely solely on their vocabulary notebooks to communicate with others.

2.3. Relevance previous study

Previous study that is relevant to this research is :

1. Dubiner (2017) conducted research on 13 students at a teacher's college in Israel,

learning English. He found that the vocabulary notebook strategy used vocabulary

notebooks to master vocabulary in general and effectively so as to increase their

vocabulary. He also found that vocabulary books can improve students' individual

knowledge and can apply it in sentences. He states that the use of vocabulary

notebooks for vocabulary acquisition can make foreign language teaching and

learning very meaningful and relevant.

2. Apart from that, research conducted (Schmitt & Schmitt, 1995, Fowle 2002) The

results of the research show that vocabulary notebooks can help develop student

awareness and encourage students to carry out learning strategies in other learning

areas. It is a way for students to become aware of the study skills they need to become

more effective students in the classroom. Additionally, vocabulary notebook learning

is a way to help students become more effective at acquiring meaningful vocabulary

with new words they encounter during language learning.

2.4. Conceptual Framework

High vocabulary Vocabulary mastery

mastery increases


Low vocabulary Use of vocabulary

mastery notebooks

Thinking Framework Scheme

In this study, researchers focused on using vocabulary notebooks to enrich students'

vocabulary. Students at SMA Negeri 6 Ambon are less effective in learning English

vocabulary, because there are students who have high vocabulary mastery, and there

are also those who have very low vocabulary mastery. Therefore, students who have

low vocabulary mastery can use vocabulary notebooks to enrich their vocabulary so

that the vocabulary they learn is higher than their previous vocabulary.



3.1. Research Design

The design used in this research is experimental research to see the effect of treatment

between variables. This experimental method aims to determine the effect of the

independent variable on the dependent variable after learning using a vocabulary

book. This research is said to be quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent

comparison group design (pre-test and post-test), because this research uses two

experimental groups as a comparison of two groups that were subjected to different

treatments. According to Creswell (2012), he said that the experimental research

method aims to test a certain concept or procedure so that it can be proven true.

Sugiyono (2006:107) argues that the experimental research method is a research

method conducted to seek the effect of certain treatments on other treatments in

uncontrolled conditions.

The sample in the study is to use two classes. class X.1 is assigned as the

experimental group and class X.2 is assigned as the control group. The experimental

group will receive treatment with Vocabulary Notebook, while the control group will

receive treatment with lecture technique.

The research design can be shown in the table below.

Table 1. Pretest/posttest design

Vocabulary Notebook O1 X O2

Lecture Technique. O3 O4

Where :

X : Learning process (Treatment)

O1 : Pretest learning with Vocabulary Notebook

O2 : Posttest learning with Vocabulary Notebook

O3 : Pretest learning with Lecture Technique

O4 : Posttest learning with Lecture Technique

The research design used in this research is The Static Group Pretest-Posttest Design. In

this design, there are two groups that are given different treatments. The advantage of this

design is that it carries out a pretest and posttest so that it can be known with certainty the

differences in results due to the treatment given.

3.2. Research Setting and Subject

The place used as a research location is SMA Negeri 6 Ambon which is located in

Amahusu for the 2023/2024 academic year with a total of 50 students.

3.3. Population, sampling and sample

3.3.1. Population

Population is the whole group that needs certain information.

According to Arikunto (2013: 173), the population is all students. In this

study, researcher must determine the population before the sample is collected.

Ary (2010: 148), argues that population can be defined as all members of each

class. and the population in this study were all members of class X SMA

Negeri 6 Ambon in the 2023/2024 school year. There are 50 students in class

X that casits of X.1 and X.2.

3.3.1. Sampling

Sampling is a method or technique for taking samples outside the

population. According to McMillan (2011:175) there are many sampling

methods that are often used in educational research, namely simple random

sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, purposive sampling, and

cluster random sampling. and in this research, researchers used purposive


3.3.2. Sample

The sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population

(Sugiyono, 2011: 120). to take samples in this study used, researchers used

purposive sampling. Sugiyono (2010) Purposive sampling is a technique for

determining research samples with several considerations, so that the data

obtained is more representative. The researcher used two classes. The selected

classes were X.1 and X.2, which consisted of 50 students.

3.4. Identification of Research Variables

3.4.1. Independent variable

Independent variable (X) Independent variables are variables that

influence or be the cause of the change or emergence of the dependent

(dependent) variable. The independent variable in this research is the use of a

vocabulary notebook

3.4.2. Dependent variable

Dependent variable (Y) is a variable that is influenced by or resulting

from the existence of an independent variable. The dependent variable in this

research is vocabulary mastery.

3.5. Operational Definition of Research Variables

The research variables aim to be able to create operational concepts that lead

to the preparation of research instruments, through vocabulary notebooks to enrich

students' vocabulary understanding.

3.5.1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary in this study is one aspect of language that is very important for

students. Vocabulary understanding of students in class X. SMA Negeri 6

Ambon was conducted through pre-test before treatment and post-test after

treatment on narrative text material. The measured aspect is the quantity

aspect in the form of the number of words that can be answered by students,

including adjectives, verbs and nouns.

3.5.2. Vocabulary Notebook

Vocabulary notebook learning is very useful for the development of students'

understanding of vocabulary, because it can make it easier for students to

remember the vocabulary they write in their vocabulary notebooks. Learning

using vocabulary notebooks also really helps students to communicate well,

because they have a lot of vocabulary. Researcher use vocabulary notebooks

to enrich students' vocabulary.

The use of vocabulary notebooks can be found in learning steps using:

a) Providing tools and media

1. Laptop

2. LCD

3. Proyektor

4. Vocabulary Notebook

5. Materials

b) The course of learning activities

1. Before teaching and learning activities the teacher gives a pretest to

measure students' abilities.

2. Motivate students before the learning process started.

3. Delivering material to students along with learning objectives.

4. Provide English vocabulary material using a vocabulary notebook so that

students appear enthusiastic in the learning process.

5. The teacher shows the vocabulary notebook format to the students by

explaining how to use it, the students come forward to try to answer the

questions given by the teacher. Each student must answer the questions in


6. Learning ends with an evaluation in the form of a posttest so that you can

measure students' final abilities after the learning process.

c) Materials

The learning strategy used in one vocabulary notebook format, namely the

PAVE (Prediction, Association, Verification and Evaluation) format of the PAVE

procedure, developed by Bannon et al. (1990). This strategy has been shown to be an

effective way of learning for students. new words in previous empirical studies were

distributed to each. Modeling techniques and application of the vocabulary notebook

strategy were provided by the researcher/teacher. The students were already familiar

with the inference technique as they had used it before in class. The reading materials

used, consisted of three short stories from the Internet about narrative texts (see

Appendix B)

3.6. Techniques of Data Collection

Data collection is a very important step in this research. According to Sugiyono

(2010: 62) it can be done in various settings, various sources, and various ways to

collect data. Data collection is a systematic and standard procedure for obtaining the

data needed by researchers. The data collection techniques applied in this research is:

1. Test

In this study, 2 tests were carried out, namely a pre-test and a post-

test, the aim of which was to determine whether students' vocabulary mastery

was successful or not.

 Pre-test

Pre-test is a test given to students before treatment is carried out. The

pre-test will be given to two classes, namely the experimental class and the

control class. The pre-test aims to determine the students' vocabulary mastery

in the experimental and control classes. The pre-test will be given in the form

of a vocabulary knowledge test from three readings that will be given to

students. The pre-test was given by the researcher in the experimental class

and the control class.

 Treatment

Treatment is a step that must be done well by the researcher. The

purpose of treatment in this study is to help and facilitate students in knowing

and understanding, as well as enriching students' vocabulary. Class X.1 will be

taught by using vocabulary notebook as treatment, and class X.2 will only use

lecture technique.

 Post-test

Post Test is the final test conducted after treatment. aims to determine

students' vocabulary mastery. The form of the post test question is different

from the pre test questions. The results of the post test will be used to answer

the research question in this study. The post test has been given by researcher

to the experimental class and control class.

3.7. Research Instrument

The researcher used a vocabulary knowledge test with a choice of different

test objects on the pretest and posttest of 60 objects. On the pretest there were 30

questions completing sentences using English and 30 different questions on the

posttest using English. Researchers gave students 25 minutes to complete the pretest

and posttest. This test is very useful for students to know the development of their

vocabulary knowledge.

According to Arikunto (2006:134). Research instruments are tools or facilities

that are useful for researchers in collecting data. The data obtained is an important

material to answer the problems that occur at the research location. The data obtained

will be used for the purposes of proving the hypothesis. The purpose of this study is to

measure the effect of a treatment given to the object of research, and the tools used in

this measurement are called research instruments.

3.8. Research Procedure

This study is an experimental study and uses a pre-post design. The study used

a quantitative method approach for data collection and data analysis. Data collection,

including testing, was conducted over five meetings, in 2024. The research was

quantitative in nature.

There was one vocabulary notebook template used in this study. In the first

meeting, a pre-test treatment was given to determine the students' proficiency. In the

second meeting, students used the PAVE template to record 10 target words into their

vocabulary notebook by using the vocabulary they chose in the reading passage given

by the researcher. In the third meeting, students did the same by recording 20

vocabulary words. In the fourth meeting, the teacher/researcher gave the students 20

new vocabulary words and also provided justification. There were 3 different readings

given to the students in the treatment. The students were asked to read the passages

carefully and transfer the new or difficult vocabulary to their vocabulary notebooks.

The first part of the experiment was the classroom treatment and at the last meeting a

post-test was conducted to see the results of the students' progress as well as to see the

effect of the students' progress on the vocabulary test given.

3.8.1. The Experimental Treatments.

In this study, there was one vocabulary notebook template used as an alternative,

depending on the student and the use. The PAVE treatment consists of identifying the

target word, word type, word meaning, writing the word in a sentence. Then, students

have to write it in their vocabulary notebook. The suggested sentence consists of at

least ten words, and provides additional information such as verbs, adjectives, and


3.8.2. Quantitative Measures

 The pre-test

Pretest, which was given at the beginning of the lesson to assess students'

initial knowledge of vocabulary. Before starting the experiment, the

teacher/researcher created pretest questions by selecting words from the

readings that might be new to the students, and the words were taken from the

3 readings to be taught to the students. Then the teacher/researcher created

questions, the form of the question was to complete the sentence with the

vocabulary given. The initial test required students to answer 30 numbers with

25 minutes. The entire test can be seen in Appendix C.

 The pos-test

The final test (posttest) was conducted at the last meeting after the learning

process was completed, to assess whether the words recorded in their

vocabulary notebooks worked well or not. This test aims to find out the

students' learning progress as well as the effect of their vocabulary. The

researcher gave the same form of questions, but the sentences were different

from the pretest questions. The researcher gave students 25 minutes to

complete the questions.

3.9. Data analysis

3.9.1. Quantitative Measures

Data analysis in this research used SPSS v.26 software. Data analysis carried out is

descriptive statistics, data prerequisite tests include normality tests and homogeneity

tests. Next, hypothesis testing was carried out with the N-gain test to see the

achievement of learning outcomes and the independent t-test to compare the learning

outcomes of the two classes. The category of interpretation of N-Gain effectiveness in

the form of percent is guided by the opinion of Nasir (2016).

Presentase (%) Interpretation

<40 Not Effective

40-50 Less Effective

56-75 Effective Enough

> 70 Effective

Source: (Nasir,2016)

At the stage of obtaining data on pretest and posttest results, students' answers are

scored for learning outcomes. Then the scores from the learning outcomes tests that

have been obtained will be classified using the Benchmark Reference Assessment

(PAP) according to Ratumanan & Laurens (20150, based on the conversion reference

Methods of Grading in Summative Evaluation from Bloom as follows.

Table 2. Benchmark Assessment

Interval Letter grade Classification

x≥90 A Very High

75≤x< 90 B High

60≤x< 75 C Medium

40≤x <60 D Low

x <40 E Very Low


A. Research Findings

To find out how effective the use of vocabulary notebooks is in teaching narrative

text, the researcher used a quasi experimental design. Data results were obtained by

giving tests to the experimental class and control class before giving treatment and

after giving treatment. The subjects of this study were divided into two classes. They

are the experimental class (X.1) consisting of 25 students, and the control class (X.2)

consisting of 25 students.

The researcher gave a test as a research instrument. The tests given by students

were before treatment and after treatment. The researcher only gave treatment in the

form of vocabulary notebooks to the experimental class, and in the control class the

researcher only conducted lecture techniques in the classroom. Researchers gave post-

test questions for the experimental class and control class. Before conducting the post-

test, the researcher conducted a trial test by measuring students' abilities about the

words they knew in the form of questions and answers with the context of the material

being taught and considered too difficult by students. Therefore, the researcher helped

students to get better results.

Data analysis carried out in this study is in two ways, namely manual statistical

calculations and computer applications Statistical Product and Service Solutions

Version 26 (SPSS) which are presented in the appendix. The use of SPSS for

Windows 26 output is intended to make the calculation more accurate and can be

accounted for. Each class was given a pretest before treatment and a posttest after the

learning process ended. The explanation of the description of test results, prerequisite

tests and hypothesis testing is as follows.

A. Description of Test Results

Table 1. Category of Students Learning Outcomes

Number of Students

Interval Category Vocabulary Lecture Technique


Pretest Posttest Pretes Posttest


x≥90 Very High 0 8 0 0

75≤x< 90 High 0 17 0 1

60≤x< 75 Medium 0 0 0 19

40≤x <60 Low 0 0 0 5

x <40 Very Low 25 0 25 0

Based on table 2.It can be seen the pretest and posttest scores of student learning

outcomes using Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique. In the pretest score,

there were 25 students in the very low category from each class. In the posttest of

learning outcomes using Vocabulary Notebook, there were 17 students in the high

category and 8 students in the very high category. In the posttest of learning outcomes

using Lecture Technique, there were 5 students in the low category, 19 students in the

medium category and 8 students in the high category.

Furthermore, the average student learning outcomes in both classes are presented

in the following table.

Table 2. Average pretest and posttest scores

Class Pretest Posttest

Vocabulary Notebook 23.00 86.32

Lecture Technique 25.96 63.28

From table 3, it can be seen that the average pretest score of the two classes is not

much different, namely in the Vocabulary Notebook class of 23.00 and the Lecture

Technique class of 25.96. While the average posttest value of student learning

outcomes in the Vocabulary Notebook class is 86.32 which is higher than the average

posttest value in the Lecture Technique class of 63.28.

B. Prerequisite Test

1. Normality Test

In this study, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used with the help of IBM SPSS Statistic

v.26 software to determine whether the samples used were normally distributed or not

on the pretest and posttest scores of the two classes and the results were presented in

the table below.

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.

Pretest .147 25 .170 .963 25 .474

Posttest .190 25 .020 .946 25 .200

A. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Tests of Normality


Statistic df Sig.
Statistic Df Sig.

.185 25 .027
Pretest .935 25 .114

.155 25 .125
Posttest .957 25 .365

A. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Table 3. Pretest and posttest normality sig values

Class Sig Α Description

Vocabulary Notebook 0,474 0,05 Accept H0

Pretest Lecture Technique 0,200 0,05 Accept H0

Vocabulary Notebook 0,114 0,05 Accept H0

Posttes Lecture Technique 0,365 0,05 Accept H0

A data is normally distributed if the Sig. value is greater than the significant level.

Based on table 5 which is the result of testing using the Shapiro wilk test, the results

show that the four groups of data have a significance value of more than 0.05. In this

case, it means that H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected, so it can be concluded that the

data is normally distributed.

2. Homogeneity Test

After the data tested was normally distributed, the data was then tested for

homogeneity to determine whether the student learning outcomes of the two classes

were homogeneous or not. Furthermore, the Levene test was used to compare the

pretest and posttest scores of the two classes. The test results are presented in table 5


Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Combined Based on Mean 2.715 1 48 .106

Based on Median 3.107 1 48 .084

Based on Median and with 3.107 1 46.965 .084

adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean 2.760 1 48 .103

Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Combined Based on Mean .082 1 48 .776

Based on Median .119 1 48 .732

Based on Median and with .119 1 46.180 .732
adjusted df

Based on trimmed mean .123 1 48 .728

Table 4. Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique class homogeneity sig value

Class Sig α Description

Vocabulary Notebook 0,106 0,05 Accept H0

Lecture Technique 0,776 0,05 Accept H0

Based on table 4, the significance value obtained from the Vocabulary Notebook class

is 0.106 and the Lecture Technique class is 0.776 which is greater than the 5%

significant level, it can be concluded that the data on the learning outcomes of the two

classes taken from homogeneous samples. From the results of the normality and

homogeneity test analysis, the N-Gain Test and t-independent test of the learning

outcomes of the two classes will be conducted.

C. Hypothesis Test

After knowing and testing the prerequisites that the samples taken are normally

distributed and homogeneous, then the next hypothesis test is carried out using the N-

gain test and the independent t-test. The t-independent test was conducted to

determine the difference in the achievement of student learning outcomes based on

pretest and posttest scores which were first obtained using the N-gain test. The results

of the t-independent test for both classes can be seen in table 5.

Table 5. Independent t-test results of Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique classes

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of Variances

F Sig. t df Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval

tailed) Difference Difference of the Difference

Lower Upper

NGain_Sc Equal .560 .458 13.151 48 .000 31.71599 2.41168 26.86698 36.56501
ore variances

Equal 13.151 44.582 .000 31.71599 2.41168 26.85736 36.57463

not assumed

From Table 5, it is known that the Sig. (2-tailed) value is smaller than the 5%

significant level value (α = 0.05) which is 0.000. Thus it can be concluded that H1 is

accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a significant difference between

student learning outcomes using Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique. The

amount of achievement or improvement in student learning outcomes between

Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique can be known by calculating the pretest

data and posttest data using the Normalised Gain (N-Gain) test. Table 6 shows the

calculation of the N-Gain test using IBM SPSS v.26.

Table 6: N-Gain Test Data of Vocabulary Notebook and Lecture Technique

Vocabulary Notebook Lecture Technique

Xmin Xmax x s Xmin Xmax x S

68,49 95,24 82,21 7,25 28,57 74,63 50,50 9,64

Based on the results of the N-Gain Score Test calculation in the table above, it shows

that the average N-Gain score for the Vocabulary Notebook class is 82.21 or 82%,

including in the effective category. With a minimum N-Gain score of 69% and a

maximum score of 95%. Meanwhile, the average N-Gain Score for the Lecture

Technique class is 50.50 or 51%, including in the moderately effective category. With

a minimum N-Gain Score value of 29% and a maximum value of 75%. It can be

concluded that the use of Vocabulary Notebook is more effective on student learning

outcomes which can be seen based on the average value of the ¬N-Gain test compared

to classes taught using Lecture Technique.

B. Discussions
In this research, there were two classes involved in the experimental class and the

control class. Before receiving treatment, the researcher gave a pretest for both

classes, to measure their knowledge of vocabulary they had. The same form of

questions was given to the experimental class and the control class. After that, the

experimental class was given treatment using vocabulary notebook, and the control

class was only given the lecture technique. After the treatment, the researcher gave a

posttest for the experimental class and the control class to see the difference between

the two classes.

This section describes the effectiveness of the application of vocabulary

notebooks to find out how effective vocabulary notebooks are for students. According

to Fowle (2002: 380-38), he said that vocabulary notebooks can refer to notebooks

kept by students, the purpose of which is to record new words and useful for students.

The use of vocabulary notebooks is one way to assess the extent of the development

of our knowledge of written vocabulary.

Based on the research results, the use of vocabulary books in the experimental

class was more effective compared to lecture techniques in the control class. Based on

the data obtained from student grades, the researcher calculated the average score

between the two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. In the

experimental class the average value was 82.21 and in the control class the average

value was 50.50 after looking for the average value ( x ) then looking for the largest

value (Xmax). The largest value in the experimental class was 92.24 and the largest

value in the control class it was 74.63. After that, the researchers also found that the

standard deviation (s) in the experimental class was 7.25 and the control class was

9.64. Meanwhile, the t test results show that sig. (2-tailed) is smaller than the

significant level value.

Vocabulary notebooks have many benefits for students because they can help

students in memorizing and understanding vocabulary. Fowle (200:283) said that

students who keep vocabulary notebooks can make teachers know students' progress

in learning vocabulary. Because in the learning process the teacher must give tests to

students according to the vocabulary in their notebooks.

The results of this study are supported by previous research conducted by

Nggoloan, D., & Mombilia, H. (2021), specifically he found that there is effectiveness

of vocabulary notebooks in improving students' vocabulary mastery. This finding

supports that the use of vocabulary notebooks is a very effective strategy for students

to enrich their vocabulary.

The application of the vocabulary notebook technique is very evident because it

can enrich students' vocabulary so as to strengthen students' memory of the

vocabulary items they write down, both in the short and long term. Vocabulary

notebook is also one of the most effective learning strategies for students because it

can expand their understanding of vocabulary and help them in various vocabulary

learning techniques.

The researcher provides an interpretation that the use of vocabulary notebook can

affect English learning. Therefore based on the results of the study of English learning

by using vocabulary notebooks get better results compared to not using vocabulary

notebook. Finally the researcher reveals that the use of vocabulary notebook to enrich

students' vocabulary is more effective in learning English, especially in learning

narrative text.


A. Conclusions

Based on the results of the research and discussion on the study of the effect of using

vocabulary notebooks on increasing the vocabulary of class X students at SMA Negeri 6

Ambon, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Theory Conclusion

Vocabulary notebook are an excellent medium to improve students' vocabulary.

Vocabulary notebook are very helpful for students in increasing their knowledge.

Vocabulary is obtained from the reading provided by students, then developed into a

complete sentence so that it helps students in making sentences, and students are able

to develop their knowledge with the vocabulary they acquire. Vocabulary mastery is

the mastery of receptive and productive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is the

process of understanding what words are spoken by others (passive mastery), while

productive vocabulary is the process of communicating ideas, thoughts in everyday


2. Conclusion of Research Results

The results of this study show that there is an influence of using vocabulary books on

increasing students' vocabulary. This is indicated by the calculation of the

experimental class pretest average of 23.00 and the posttest average of 86.32. Thus,

there is an increase in the average pretest and posttest, namely 82.21. This was seen

after the students were given treatment using vocabulary notebooks and experienced

changes. This is proven by the known Sig. value

(2-tailed) = 0.000 < α = 0.05, thus it can be concluded that H1 is accepted and H0 is

rejected, meaning that the vocabulary notebook has an impact in enriching students'

English vocabulary.

B. Suggestions

Based on the above conclusions, the researcher provides suggestions to several parties

as follows:

1. For Teachers

Teachers should maximise the use of learning models and learning media that support

students. This is in order to increase students' activities in learning and students'

absorption of the material presented, so that students' vocabulary mastery is more.

One of the learning media that can be applied is vocabulary notebook media, so that

students can be creatively involved in creating learning situations, and are interested

in learning English.

2. For Students

Vocabulary notebook is one of the learning media that can be used by students in

learning vocabulary. vocabulary learning can also make students actively engage in

new vocabulary so that students are able to know the meaning of words, types of

words, and students are able to make a sentence using the vocabulary they get well.

3. For Other Researchers

Future researchers should be more creative in developing more innovative learning

activities so that students can be actively involved in the learning process. one of the

good learning media used by future researchers is to use vocabulary notebooks.

Vocabulary notebooks are one of the media that can enrich students' vocabulary, so

that it can make it easier for students to communicate well in learning English.


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Santoso, I., & Andriyadi, A. (2019). The Use of My Dictionary Application to Improve Students’

Vocabulary Mastery. Eltin Journal, Journal of English Language Teaching In

Indonesia, 7(1), 35.

Schmitt, N. (2000). Vocabulary in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schmitt, N., & Schmitt, D. (1995). Vocabulary notebooks: Theoretical underpinnings and practical

suggestions. ELT journal, 49(2), 133-143.

Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta.

Sulistiana, E., Nadzifah, W., & Arifin, M. S. (2019). Intensive English Program (IEP) increases

vocabulary mastery. Journal of teacher and learning studies, 2(3), 236-240.

Uzun, L. (2013). Promoting vocabulary learning through vocabulary notebooks: Teaching and

learning strategies and gender. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 7(1), A1-A13.

Procedure for PAVE Template

The procedure will consist of five stages: (1) students write the types of words

(2) What is the meaning of the word (3) they write a sentence word create in a sentence. A

sample of the PAVE template can be seen on the following page.

Target word :

Types of words :

Target word in What is the meaning of the

text sentence word :

Writing the word in a sentence:

Bannon, E., Fisher. P.J.I , Pozzi, L. & Weasel, D (1990).

Effective definitions to word learning Journal of Rtading. 34, 301-302.

Three readings of selected narrative texts: Batu Badaong (Leafy Stone) Legend of Snake

n'Daung, Batu Menangis (The Crying Stone)

Batu Badaong (Leafy Stone)

Once there , in a village located in Tanimbar Island ( Maluku ) , there lived a rich man

with a wife and 2 children that had already been teenagers . The children were

extremely spoiled by their father so that they became lazy conceited children . They

lives were so dependent upon other people . There were a lot of servants at their


One day , the father passed away . Instead of being more mature because of the fact

that they had no longer their father around , they were getting more spoiled . Their

attitude toward their servants were not getting better . They often said rude words ,

and because of that all servants in their home felt that they couldn't stay longer . They

felt that they couldn't accept to be treated in that way .

Then one day , all the servant left the home . Knowing that she had no longer people

that could help her , the mother now took care of all the job at the house . Cleaning ,

cooking , watering flower , washing , were all done by the mother . Her children ?

They couldn't really be counted on . The children treated her mother as if she was a

servant . They often used rude word when they asked her to do something .

She was actually sad and angry every time she coped with the fact that her children

treated her badly , but she couldn't do anything as she knew that she had failed on

teaching her children on how to behave . She remembered that she hardly taught her

children how to appreciate others . She was only able to cry and regret with

everything happened now . One day , in the lovely morning , the children woke up

from their sleep and suddenly they burst into a scream

" Mom ..... we are hungry . Where is the food ? !!!! "

Getting no response , they screamed again

" Mom , don't you hear me ? "

After getting no response on their second scream , they got up from their bed and

walked to the kitchen . They were now in anger , as they learned that there were no

food served there . Then they looked for their mother in the house , but they found no

one . Then they decided to go to the river , their mother might be washing clothes

there .

The mother were washing the clothes in the river when suddenly there were a loud

voice from behind . " Mom !!! What are you doing ? Why didn't you prepare food for

us " said the boy and he kicked the basket full of clean clothes . " We are hungry ,

mom !!! " said the girl , and she gave a slap of her hand on her mother back . There

were some of people that also in the river that witnessed what the children did to the

mother Meanwhile , the children kept screaming and hitting her crying mother . Then

, suddenly the mother stopped crying and said " You two ! You are my own blood !

Your father has left you lots of wealth but believe me , they will be all gone soon .

You had no respect for me , and now you are no longer my children . You can do

everything you want to do now , because I don't care anymore ! " Then the mother

walked toward a big black stone near the river and she whispered to the stone " Dear

stone , please open your body and let me in . Change me into a lovely flower that is as

lovely as a jasmine "

Then the stone cracked open , and the mother went inside the stone . No longer after

that , a beautiful flower grew on the top of the stone , a beautiful white flower.People

on the river that saw it were crying and also angry at the same time to the children .

They then drove the children out the village and they took all the remained wealth in

the children's house . The children were crying as they had been expelled from their

own house and also from the village . They walked to the river to see the stone . They

wish the stone would open and they could come inside the stone to meet their mother ,

but they know that it won't happen . They regretted the way they treated their mother .

They wish they could have changed it , but they knew they couldn't . Now they had to

leave the house and the village , and also they had to lose their mother.

Snake Legend n'Daung

Long ago, at the foot of a mountain in the area of Bengkulu there lived an old

woman with three children. They are very poor and live only from the sale of its

gardens are very narrow. One day the old woman was seriously ill. Smart people in

his village was predicted that she would remain sick if not given special

medications. The cure is foliage forest cooked with coal from mountaintop occult.

How sad the family for the sake of knowing that fact. The problem was fired from the

top of the mountain is said to be guarded by a snake supernatural. According to the

story of the villagers, the snake will prey on anyone who tried to approach the top of

the mountain.

Among the three children girl old lady, only the youngest who undertakes

these requirements. In fear he climbed the mountain residence of the Snake

n'Daung. Really like the story, the residence of this snake is very creepy. Trees -

pohon around the cave was large and mossy. Leaves cover the sun so that the place

becomes dim.

Not to worry the Youngest exhausted, suddenly he heard the sound of a loud

rumble and roar. Ground shaking. This is a sign of the Snake n'Daung approaching his

cave. The highlight snake eyes sharp and protruding tongue-julur. Scarcely had the

Youngest approached him and said, "Snakes are sacred, give me a magical coals to

cook the drug for sick mother. Unexpectedly, the snake replied courteously, "coal that

will give him that you are willing to be my wife! The Youngest suspect that the words

of this snake is just to test it. So Judas afford it. The next day after he took embers

home, he kept his promise on Snake n'Daung. He returned to the top of the mountain

cave to diperisteri serpent.

Surprise, the youngest witness miraculous events. Namely, in the evening, it

turns out that the snake turned into a handsome knight named Prince Abdul Rahman

Alamsjah. In the morning he would go back into a snake. It is caused by because he

was bewitched by his uncle into a snake. His uncle wanted the position as the future

king. After the departure of the youngest, his mother being healthy and living with her

siblings were envious. They want to know what happened to the Youngest. So they

went to the mountaintop. They arrived there at night the day. What a surprise them

when they peeked not seen a snake but a handsome man. Arise envy in

themselves. They want to defame her sister.

They settle into the cave and steal the snake skin. They burn the snake

skin. They thought it would be a knight so angry and drove her brother. But just the

opposite happened. With the snake skin burned, they accidentally frees the prince of

the curse . When finding a snake skin was on fire, the prince became very excited. He

ran and embraced the Youngest. At that magic uncle ceritakannya it will go away

when people voluntarily burn the snake skin. Then, the Snake n'Daung that has

forever become the Youngest Prince Alamsjah brought to his

palace. Uncle evil expelled from the palace. The youngest was then invited his family

lived in the palace. But the two brothers were jealous refused because he felt ashamed

of his actions.

Batu Menangis (The Crying Stone)

Along time back in Borneo, on a slope far from the town, there carried on a

dowager who was poor with her girl. The little girl was exceptionally lovely.

Tragically, she had an awful state of mind. The young lady was exceptionally languid,

never helped her mom did the tasks. It worked simply trimming every day. Other than

apathetic, she was ruined girl’s. All solicitations of her must be complied. Each time

she requested something to her mom must be in truth, paying little respect to the

condition of the poor mother, consistently must drudge searching for a chomp of rice.

One day the young lady welcomed her down to the town for shopping. The

format of the town showcase as such, so they needed to walk very much a tiring. The

young lady was strolling breezed by wearing great garments and dress. Individuals in

the way who saw her future appreciated her magnificence while her mom strolled

behind, conveying a crate with an extremely grimy garments. Since they carry on a

segregated spot, nobody realized that the lady who runs was a mother with a girl.

When they started to enter the town, individuals taking a gander at them. They

were so entranced the magnificence of the young ladies, particularly the young fellow

who awed by the substance of the young lady. Yet, when individuals saw whom

strolling behind her, starkly appears differently in relation to the circumstance. It

makes one marvel.

Among the individuals who saw it, a young fellow drew nearer and asked her,

“Hey, lovely young lady. Is that running behind you, isn’t your mom?”

In any case, what a terrible answer of the young lady.

“No,” she said haughtily. “She is a hireling!”

Both mother and tyke were then proceeded on strolling. Not how much, again a young

fellow drew nearer and asked the young lady tyke.

“Hey, nectar. Is that keeps running behind you that your mom?”

“No, no,” answered the young lady gazed upward. “He is worker!”

That each man she met, somebody along the way, who got some information about

his mom, she generally addressed it. Her mom was dealt with as hirelings or slaves.

Mother felt so miserable.

At first heard her answer when asked the defiant, the mother still could hold back. In

any case, after more than once listening to the same answer and extremely terrible, at

long last the poor mother couldn’t help it. The mother asked.

“Gracious God, I can not take this affront. My little girl called me hireling that so how

awful she is. God… .., rebuff this insubordinate youngster! Rebuff her … .”

Of the force of God Almighty, gradually treacherous young lady’s body swung to the

stone. The change began from the feet. At the point when the progressions it had

come to a large portion of the body, the young lady was crying asking for

benevolence to her mom.

“Gracious, Mom… i am so sad, please excuse me… , forget the wrongdoing of your

little girl for this. Mother … Mother … overlook your little girl ..” The young lady

kept on wailing and cry spoke to her mom. On the other hand, everything was past the

point of no return. The entire assortment of the young lady was in the end transformed

into stone. Indeed, even into stone, however every one could see that her eyes still

shed tears, as was sobbing. Hence, shakes got from the young lady who got her

mom’s condemnation called “Batu Menangis (Crying Stone).”



Complete the sentences below, using the vocabularies in the box!

Live, Becomes, Cooked , Guarded, Like, Witness,

Returned , Undertaks, Give, Protruding , Go, Heard,
Perfectly, Prey , Knowing, Roaring, saddened

Fired, Climbed, Approach, Rumble, Running, Shaking,

Replied, Complied, Exhausted, Suspect, Keep, Burn ,
Complied, Shopping, Differently,

1. They the end of the street

2. She ...... fried rice earlier
3. My dog ........ the house all night
4. You will ..........the food trust me
5. She.........angry you stole her money
6. Can you .......... me some money
7. I have .......... your money
8. The Lions were the mountains
9. You need to...... there
10. I have............ about her
11. vocabs me happy
12. He was ..........because off corruption
13. We are going to find a new........ today
14. I ...........that car to see how it looks
15. They ............the The mountain of Banda yesterday
16. His scores..............mine
17. The store makes a huge..............
18. They put on something................ to the cat

19. I'm...........because of the fever
20. I.........her text 3 days after
21. She was ............ from singing all night
22. He is................ her to ask for her number
23. The 10-minute song by Taylor Swift got me.................
24. He is the main .............on the case
25. mother's old pictures
26. I got............ away by the movie
27. She ..............and collected albums
28. everyone's favorite thing to do
29. Miss Swift treats cats..............from dogs
30. He's...............away with plenty of money

Complete the sentences below, using the vocabularies in the box!

Started, Might, Decided, Left, Screaming,

Process, Look, Writing, Help, Poor, Cried, Kicked
Graduate, Successfully, Stopped, Listen, Called,
Failed, Young adults, Gotten, Asked, Treated, Found,
Grown, Know, Walk, Saw, Leave, Have, There

1. The case is currently on...............

2. She's.........a song for her cat
3. His career is..............making him rich
4. Own a cat it' to have some company
5. We grew up..........
6. The rain has............
7. ...............aren't known for their wisdoms
8. Cats can........... to you but they ignore you
9. My mom.........over a drama on TV
10. I was.........the office
11. He’s over.............
12. I..........four cats
13. I' next year
14. He's...........a new phone
15. They adopt a kitten
16. She..........her exams and blamed me past tense
17. All of us should be..........equally
18. It has to be..........first present perfect
19. She..........come over later
20. buy this house

21. I put it on the..........pocket
22. My cat is............. for food
23. He was..........on the dumpster
24. The ball her
25. We will............together
26. I.........a cute girl passed by
27. I from somewhere
28. You’ve...........even taller
29. I'll............for college on June
30. You......sad

Pre-Test Post-Test
Live Process
Cooke Writing
Guarded Successfully
Like Help
Becomes Poor
Give Stopped
Returned Young adults
Roaring Hear
Go Cried
Heard Called
Knowing Over
Fired Own
Prey Graduate
Approached Gotten
Climbed Asked
Undertakes Failed
Rumble Treated
Protruding Studied
Shaking Might
Replied Decided
Exhausted Left
Approaching Screaming
Saddened Found
Suspect Kicked
Kept Walk
Carried Saw
Compiled Known
Shopping Grown
Differently Leave
Running Look



1 AULI 5 17 26 87
2 FTRY 4 13 26 87
3 REC 8 27 24 80
4 JRDY 3 10 25 83
5 FANL 7 23 26 87
6 FIT 9 30 26 87
7 ISRA 6 20 24 80
8 WILL 7 23 26 87
9 ADLF 9 30 24 80
10 SEP 8 27 26 87
11 JIBR 2 7 26 87
12 JACK 6 20 27 90
13 CALS 8 27 24 80
14 FREN 5 17 25 83
15 HAIKL 10 33 28 93
16 RISK 9 30 27 90
17 GLEDS 5 17 26 87
18 KRN 11 37 30 100
19 JEIN 8 27 23 77
20 PRSl 6 20 27 90
21 GRST 6 20 28 93
22 MRSI 6 20 28 93
23 CHRTY 9 30 25 83
24 KAR 9 30 28 93
25 ANGLN 6 20 23 77



1 GRAN 7 23 19 63
2 GRESS 6 20 18 60
3 JEL 7 23 20 67
4 GER 7 23 19 63
5 WND 8 27 18 60
6 GRRY 7 23 20 67
7 LYT 8 27 21 70
8 GICL 10 33 25 83
9 FRC 8 27 20 67
10 NIN 9 30 22 73
11 MARS 7 23 19 63
12 MESK 6 20 18 60
13 KEIZ 6 20 17 57
14 YOHN 9 30 19 63
15 BYT 9 30 15 50
16 CHSY 9 30 19 63
17 RENS 10 33 21 70
18 JOEL 9 30 18 60
19 ALFA 8 27 18 60
20 ENDRO 8 27 15 50
21 LONA 7 23 18 60
22 DLJ 10 33 21 70
23 DANI 8 27 22 73
24 SEPT 5 17 17 57
25 NARA 7 23 16 53





Jenjang Sekolah : SMA

Kelas/semester : X/Genap

Alokasi waktu : 145 menit (3x pertemuan)

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Metode pembelajaran : Discovery Learning

Model pembelajaran : Tatap muka

Profil pelajar pancasila :

1. Berpikir kritis
2. Kreatif
3. Mandiri
4. Bergotong royong
5. Jujur
Capaian pembelajaran : Peserta didik membaca teks narative dan dapat mengetahui
berbagai informasi di dalam cerita, serta mengevaluasi inti dari teks . Pemhaman mereka
tentang ide pokok, isu-isu atau perkembangan plot di dalam teks serta mampu
mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan ketrampulannya untuk memahami
informasi tersirat di dalam teks.

* Tujuan pembelajaran :
1. Memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan narrative teks
2. Mengetahui jenis-jenis teks narrative dengan benar
3. Memahami ciri-ciri narrative teks
4. mengidentifikasi stucture narrative tex dengan benar
5. Mengetahui kebahasaan yang benar dari teks narrative

Sarana – prasarana : 1. Buku Catatan Kosakata
2. Papan tulis, Spidol, Laptop,

Target peserta didik : Siswa regular yang aktif di dalam kelas selama kegiatan
pembelajaran, dan bernalar kristis dalam menemukan jawaban dan tidak pantang menyerah
dalam belajar
Kegiatan pembelajaran utama :
1. Pengaturan siswa : Individu
2. Metode : Individu
1. Formatif
a. Tertulis : Buku catatan kosakata
2. Sumatif : Mengerjakan soal yang berada dalam template buku catatan kosakata
Kompettensi Awal : Peserta didik mampu menentukan struktur teks, tujuan, serta ciri-ciri
kebahasaan dalam teks dan mengetahui informasi terkait cerita pendek sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.
Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
Pertemuan ke 1.
Langkah-langkah Alokasi waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan  Kelas di mulai 10 menit
dengan salam
menanyakan kabar
siswa, doa, dan
mengecek kehadiran
 Melakukan tanya
jawab dengan siswa
tentang materi yang
akan dipelajari
 Guru memberikan
pertanyaan pematik
berdasarkan materi
yang di ajarkan
 Have you
hear the story
abou Criying
 What do you
think about

the story?

 Guru menjelakan
tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi
dasar yang akan di

Kegitan Inti  Building knowledge 25 menit

of the field (BkoF)
Peserta didik
template buku
catatan kosakata
untuk di kerjakan
 Modelling of the text
Guru membagikan
teks tulis kepada
peserta didik dari
cerita Batu
 Join construction of
the text (JcoT)
Guru memberikan
buku catatan
kosakata kepada
masing-masing siswa
untuk dikerjakan
 Indepenent
construction of the
text (IcoT)
Peserta didik di
minta untuk menulis
kosakata, dan

kedalam buku
catatan kosakata

Kegiatan Penutup  Guru memberikan 10 menit

kesimpulan kepada
siswa tentang materi
pembelajaran hari ini
 Guru mengecek
kembali buku catatan
kosakata siswa
 Kelas di akhiri
dengan Doa dan





Jenjang Sekolah : SMA

Kelas/semester : X/Genap

Alokasi waktu : 145 menit (3x pertemuan)

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Metode pembelajaran : Discovery Learning

Model pembelajaran : Tatap muka

Profil pelajar pancasila :
6. Berpikir kritis
7. Kreatif
8. Mandiri
9. Bergotong royong
10. Jujur
Capaian pembelajaran : Peserta didik membaca teks narative dan dapat mengetahui
berbagai informasi di dalam cerita, serta mengevaluasi inti dari teks . Pemhaman mereka
tentang ide pokok, isu-isu atau perkembangan plot di dalam teks serta mampu
mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan ketrampulannya untuk memahami
informasi tersirat di dalam teks.

* Tujuan pembelajaran :
1. Memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan narrative teks
2. Mengetahui jenis-jenis teks narrative dengan benar
3. Memahami ciri-ciri narrative teks
4. mengidentifikasi stucture narrative tex dengan benar
5. Mengetahui kebahasaan yang benar dari teks narrative

Sarana – prasarana : 1. LKPD

2. Papan tulis, Spidol, Laptop,

Target peserta didik : Siswa regular yang aktif berdiskusi di dalam kelompok selama
kegiatan pembelajaran, dan bernalar kristis dalam menemukan jawaban dan tidak pantang
menyerah dalam belajar
Kegiatan pembelajaran utama :
1. Pengaturan siswa : Individu, kelompok
2. Metode : Individu dan diskusi kelompok
1. Formatif
a. Tertulis : Menggunakan LKPD
2. Sumatif : Mengerjakan soal yang diberikan di akhir pembelajaran
Kompettensi Awal : Peserta didik mampu mnentukan struktur teks, tujuan, serta ciri-ciri
kebahasaan dalam teks dan mengetahui informasi terkait cerita pendek sederhana, sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Langkah-langkah pembelajaran
Pertemuan ke 1.
Langkah-langkah Alokasi waktu
Kegiatan Pendahuluan  Kelas di mulai 10 menit
dengan salam
menanyakan kabar
siswa, doa, dan
mengecek kehadiran
 Melakukan tanya
jawab dengan siswa
tentang materi yang
akan dipelajari
 Guru memberikan
pertanyaan pematik
berdasarkan materi
yang di ajarkan
 Have you
hear the story
abou Criying
 What do you
think about
the story?

 Guru menjelakan
tujuan pembelajaran
atau kompetensi
dasar yang akan di

Kegitan Inti  Building knowledge 25 menit

of the field (BkoF)
Peserta didik
diberikan cerita
tentang Batu
 Modelling of the text
Guru membagikan
teks tulis kepada

peserta didik dari
cerita Batu Managis.
 Join construction of
the text (JcoT)
Guru membagi
peserta didik dalam 3
kelompok dan setiap
kelompok diberikan
LKPD untuk
 Indepenent
construction of the
text (IcoT)
Peserta didik di
minta untuk menulis
karakter di dalam
cerita serta

Kegiatan Penutup  Guru memberikan 10 menit

kesimpulan kepada
siswa tentang materi
pembelajaran hari ini
 Guru mengecek
kembali pekerjaan
siswa pada LKPD
 Kelas di akhiri
dengan Doa dan









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