Terrace Gardening

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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(1), ISSN: 2394-9333

Study on Terrace Garden
Akash Patel, 2Rohit Yadav and 3Bhagirathi Singh,
1, 2, 3
M.Tech Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, S.R.K. University, Bhopal, India

Abstract: In today's urban environment high rise buildings,  The study is limited to Landscape elements and plants
parking areas, network of roads have acquired major urban used (Detail of elements or plants won’t be studied)
land. In such congested environment rooftop and terrace of  Restricted to climate of Nagpur only.
buildings provide a valuable potential source of outdoor space
accessible to users of building. Need of terrace gardens have II. WHAT IS TERRACE GARDEN?
increased with increasing number of high rise buildings which A terrace garden is a garden which is established on a terrace,
deprive their occupants of any visual contact with nature. roof, or patio, usually in a house where there is limited
Terrace gardens bring back the missing link between man and gardening space. These types of terrace gardens are especially
nature though on a moderate scale. The factors which make popular in urban areas. (www.wisegeek.com)
roof gardens important part of architecture throughout the
world is:-  Terrace gardens are commonly created at three
different levels, which are:
 Full use of terrace, which is normally a discarded area in  On rooftop of a building.
crowded cities. Maximum meaningful use of minimum  Porches, window boxes, portico , balconies and such
available space. projected levels out of tower block, above the ground
 An economical way of balancing green space with level
uncontrolled growth of cement structure in urban areas.  At the podium level, around the base or on roof of
They provide additional insulation to building large basements.
 The introduction of vegetation/ greenery in the urban
I. INTRODUCTION fabric may help to relieve the ill effects of Urban heat
The trend of terrace garden is not new, for centuries it has been island effect, pollution, global warming etc.
common to use rooftops as a living space/Recreational space.  Green roofs – “Terrace Gardens” bring green spaces
•The first known historical reference to a roof garden is the into urban areas while offering thermal benefits and
stone temples in the region of Mesopotamia . Civilizations in energy savings for the user.
Mesopotamia built roof gardens thousands of years ago on the  A major reason for the needs of the terrace garden is
landings of Ziggurats, or stepped pyramids. the contribution they make to the building insulation
and energy savings.
A. Utilization:
 Planted roofs at the individual and the organizational
level may become places of recreation.
 Terrace gardens used as organic farming unit.
B. Construction
Figure 1: Terrace Garden There are two types of green roof systems, namely:
The next known successor to the roof gardens are the Hanging  Intensive (Deep)
Gardens of Babylon built by the Persians around the 500 B.C .  Extensive (Shallow)
The roof gardens along with being a visual delight cooled the
hot landscapes and provided greenery. C. Extensive Roof
A. Objective:  Thin growing medium; little or no irrigation; stressful
conditions for plants; low plant diversity.
1. To study and understand what is terrace garden and
its need and utilization. Overall depth:70-120mm
2. To study its construction ,Impact on building , Weight max:80-125kg/sq.m
Elements involved in terrace garden and architectural
aspects of terrace gardens.
3. Case study and its analysis, Green roof- A case for
B. Scope:
This includes study of design of terrace garden, basic study of
plant materials, structural implication and Construction
C. Limitation:
 Case specific- Restricted to study of residential and
housing. Figure 2: Terrace Garden

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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(1), ISSN: 2394-9333
 Lightweight; roof generally does not require There are three distinct layers in a green roof from the bottom,
reinforcement. namely:
 Suitable for large areas. 1. Structural layer
 Low maintenance and long life. 2. Growing media
 Often no need for irrigation and specialized drainage 3. Vegitative layer
 Often suitable for retrofit projects.
 Can leave vegetation to grow spontaneously.
 Relatively inexpensive.
 Looks more natural.
E. Disadvantages:
 Less energy efficiency and storm water retention
 More limited choice of plants.
 Unattractive to some, especially in winter.
Figure 4: Terrace Garden
F. Intensive Green Roof
• Roof Deck -
 Deep soil; irrigation system; more favourable - The most important layer on a green roof is its decking,
conditions for plants; high plant diversity; often which can be concrete, wood, metal, plastic, gypsum or
accessible. composite as it determines whether the structure is capable of
Overall depth:150-1500mm taking the load of the green roof.
Weight max:200kg/sq.m
• Waterproofing -
The primary purpose of waterproofing is to keep the unwanted
moisture from rain and condensation away from the structure
• Insulation –
The roof is the primary location for heat transfer and the
insulation restricts the transfer of heat energy through the roof
by creating a barrier between spaces of different temperature
• Protection Layer -
As green roofs contain living and growing materials, a
protection layer and a root barrier are one of the most
important elements of the assembly . -As roots grow they can
penetrate the waterproofing membrane and create leak
locations. The root barrier placed above the membrane ensures
Figure 3: Terrace Garden that no roots pass through and harm the membrane . -A
protection layer shields the waterproofing membrane from
G. Advantages: damage after it has been installed.
 Greater diversity of plants and habitats. • Drainage and retention Layer –
 Good insulation properties.
A drainage course allows moisture to move laterally through
 Can be made very attractive visually.
the green roof system. It prevents oversaturation, ensures root
 More diverse utilization of the roof. i.e. for recreation,
ventilation and provides additional space for the roots to grow .
growing food.
-It is a porous, continuous layer over the entire roof surface
 More energy efficiency and storm water retention just above the concrete slab.
 Longer membrane life. • Root Permeable filter Layer –
H. Disadvantages: This layer separates the growing medium from the drainage
layer and protects the medium from shifting and washing
 Greater weight loading on roof. away. -It restricts the flow of fine soil particles and other
 Need for irrigation and drainage systems requiring contaminants while allowing water to pass through freely to
energy, water, materials. avoid clogging.
 Higher capital & maintenance costs.
 Green Roof System Components IV. WHAT IS HEAT ISLAND EFFECT?
 Green roofs consist of both horticultural elements and -The urban heat island is the overheating of urban and
traditional roofing components. suburban areas, relative to the surrounding countryside, due to
Increased paved, built-over, and hard surface areas.

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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(1), ISSN: 2394-9333

Figure 5: Heat island effect

How does terrace garden help in reducing HEAT ISLAND Figure 6: Green roof- A case for Nagpur (Bungalow)
• The terrace garden is developed on the 6th floor.
 As rooftops make up a significant percentage of the • Approximate area of terrace garden is 200sq.m
reflective non vegetated surfaces in the city. • Garden developed is extensive type.
 Introduction of greenery through green roofs in the • Slab depth 600mm with waterproofing.
urban areas can reduce impervious surfaces and • Studying climate of Nagpur -Nagpur, which lies in
soften streetscapes. composite climatic zone of India where maximum
 Plants use heat energy for evapo-transpiration to temperature is around 48˚C and minimum
achieve a cooling effect. By reducing the heat gain temperature is around 25˚C during sunshine hours.
through the roof ambient temperature is lowered • Construction material (if changes) -The construction
leading to less energy consumption material remains same which is used in any other part
 Internal building temperature by 0.5˚C of India. The type may vary depending upon the
 Reduces electricity consumption for air conditioning slab/requirement of the user.

• Roof life longevity Green roof

Green roofs help to protect roofing membranes from extreme • Type of vegetation according to climate of Nagpur -The type
temperature fluctuations, the negative impact of ultraviolet of vegetation mainly depends upon the type of terrace garden
radiation. which is to be developed (ex. Intensive or Extensive type). -
The plants with roots growing in vertical direction or not
• Aesthetic benefit recommended.
-green roofs can play an important role in providing
recreational spaces in urban regions where there is little ground
level green areas. As these spaces are visible from many
vantage points, it adds to the visual character of the urban
• Energy efficiency and temperature control
The greater insulation offered by terrace garden can reduce the
amount of energy needed in a building.
• Food production
Roof surfaces offer the opportunity for growing food,
particularly in high density urban areas where garden space
may be limited . -food producing plants can substitute for
ornamental plants in conventional roof gardens. • Does Type (terrace garden) change according to
building typology? -The type of terrace garden does
• Air cleaning not change according to the building typology. It
Green roofs filter out fine, airborne particulate matter as the air changes as per the demand of the user. -In Nagpur
passes over the plants. Airborne particulates tend to get where the temperature in summer is up to 48 degree,
trapped in the surface areas of the greenery. it is recommended to have more soil depth. The
greater the soil depth, the better the plants are
• Sound insulation/controls noise pollution. insulated from the high surface temperatures by the
Hard surfaces of urban areas reflect sound and are unable to cooler soil below.
absorb it. Green roofs due to the vegetation absorb sound • Potential of terrace garden in residential building/
waves . Bungalow.
• -A terrace garden in a bungalow gives an opportunity
of practicing organic farming .

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International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 6(1), ISSN: 2394-9333
• -In Nagpur where the summers are extremely hot,
terrace gardens reduce the interior temperature by 2 to
6 percent.
• -It can be used as a recreational space.
• -Reduction of energy consumption.
• -Terrace gardens last longer than conventional roof.
As the world is heading towards the depletion of natural
resources and the loss of forest/garden area due to
urbanization, there is a dire need of terrace gardens. Due to the
population explosion with a house for every citizen in the
country, all the open areas are eaten away by concrete
buildings. This has created the ecological imbalance, which
can cause tremendous harm to our future generations. When
we cannot avoid utilizing open spaces on the ground for the
construction of buildings and other utilities, then at least the
open spaces available above these buildings can be utilized for
plantations and gardens to minimize the ecological imbalance,
if not eliminate it altogether. There are many benefits of these
terrace gardens, such as waste recycling, ecological benefits,
energy conservation, water conservation, decorative
enhancement of buildings, occupant’s health benefits and
attracting birds and insects.
[1] Research Paper by KHYATI D. VASANI
[2] Green Roofs-United States EPA
[3] Scholars Research Library-2012
[4] Green Roofs-Wikipedia
[5] BijliBachao Team-2015
[6] Roof Garden Impact on Energy Savings -Patric Dixon

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