Guide To Wayang Kulit
Guide To Wayang Kulit
Guide To Wayang Kulit
TUNED IN tab for dark backgrounds
Things You Epic!
Should Know Most wayang kulit stories are
taken from the Ramayana and
Mahabharata, Indian epics
about Hindu gods and men.
1 Wayang kulit is a form of shadow puppetry commonly
practised on the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali.
The Man
Behind the
• In wayang kulit, a puppet
master is known as a dalang.
Puppet Intricate designs carved with
the help of very sharp tools.
joints Movable
What do the You can tell more about a character by looking at the
Colours Mean?
puppet’s face. Most of the time, the ‘good guys’ have faces
which are painted black, gold or white, while the ‘bad guys’
tend to have red faces, like those often seen on a demon*.
Decorated Puppets
on a screen? That’s because audience
members can sit on either side of
the screen where they can see the
shadows or the puppets themselves.
2 *Source:
The Good,
In wayang kulit, some characters can be divided into halus (gentle and
the Bad
good) characters and others into kasar (coarse and evil) characters.
Puppets that are placed on the dalang’s right side usually posses
and Wayang
halus personalities, whereas those that are placed to his left have
kasar personalities. Sometimes, you can guess if a character is halus
or kasar by looking at the details on the puppet.
Here are a few facial features you might want to pay attention to*.
1) Dasamuka 2) Dewi
a. Good or bad? b. Why? Sumbadra
a. Good or bad? b. Why?
3) Arjuna 4) Kumbhakarna
a. Good or bad? b. Why? a. Good or bad? b. Why?
Not all characters can be divided neatly into good or evil characters. Some ‘good’
characters can have negative traits, while some ‘bad’ characters can have positive
traits. How do you think these puppets would look?
3 *Source:
Other Puppets
Semar is a special character in wayang kulit epics. The gunungan (mountain) or kayon (tree) will
He represents the universe and is an advisor to the always be present in a traditional wayang kulit
warriors in the Mahabharata and Ramayana. His performance. It is used to mark the beginning and
round body symbolises the round earth. The smile the end of a performance, the change from one
on his face symbolises joy but his swollen and puffy scene to another, the entrance of a major character
eyes symbolise sadness. He also represents both and as a mere prop.
men and women as well as the young and old.
Not all character puppets take a human form. Some puppets come in the form of animals or mythical creatures.
Your Turn Now that you know a little more about wayang kulit puppets,
design your own original character.
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