Impact of Water Pollution in Tamil Nadu

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International Review of Business and Economics

Volume 1 Issue 3 Article 19


Impact Of Water Pollution In Tamil Nadu

J. Jacob Stanley Inbaraj Ph.D.
Sacred Heart College, [email protected]

A. Kannappan
Sacred Heart College, [email protected]

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Inbaraj, J. Jacob Stanley Ph.D. and Kannappan, A. (2018) "Impact Of Water Pollution In Tamil Nadu,"
International Review of Business and Economics: Vol. 1: Iss. 3, Article 19.
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Impact Of Water Pollution In Tamil Nadu

Water resource is one of the important natural resources it essential for the survival of living organisms.
The adequate safe water is essential to human lives and it is required in day to day life. Water pollution
may take place due to natural causes such as silt carried by run-off, organic wastes of plants and animals,
minerals leaching through soils, thermal pollution and algal blooms. In most of the developing countries
are being polluted beyond their capacity because of high population growth. Increasing the urbanization
and industrialization has reason for create a very large point of water pollution. Agro – based industries
has seriously damaged surface water quality’s, even in many rivers and groundwater has been
contaminated. Polluted water is like poison for human beings. A large number of diseases in Tamil Nadu
can attributed to drinking of sewage mixed water. Various diseases like polio, cholera, patches, jaundice,
fever, viral fever etc are spread through polluted water.

pollution, contaminated, sewage, ground water

This article is available in International Review of Business and Economics:



Dr. J. JACOB STANLEY INBARAJ., Ph.D, Assistant Professor of Economics,

Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur – 635 601.
Email: [email protected]
Mr. A. KANNAPPAN, II Master of Arts Economics, Sacred Heart College
(Autonomous) Tirupattur – 635601. Email: [email protected].
ABSTRACT fall, wastes due to recreational use, intrusion of

W ater resource is one of the important

natural resources it essential for the
survival of living organisms. The adequate
sea water and many more such activities cause
pollution of water bodies.
In the state Tamil Nadu most of the rivers are
safe water is essential to human lives and it affected due to sewage, oil, chemicals and
is required in day to day life. Water pollution effluents. The discharge of domestic waste and
may take place due to natural causes such industrial effluents into water courses such as
as silt carried by run-off, organic wastes of rivers, streams and lakes in Tamil Nadu results
plants and animals, minerals leaching through of physical, chemical and biological changes
soils, thermal pollution and algal blooms. In leads to undesirable condition. The growth of
most of the developing countries are being urbanization is lead to increase in industrial
polluted beyond their capacity because of high activity and dependence of the agricultural
population growth. Increasing the urbanization sector use on chemicals and fertilizers has leaded
and industrialization has reason for create a to pullulated ground waters. In different types
very large point of water pollution. Agro – based water has polluted: surface water pollution, oil
industries has seriously damaged surface water pollution, chemical water pollution, agricultural
quality’s, even in many rivers and groundwater pollution, ground water pollution and thermal
has been contaminated. Polluted water is like pollution.
poison for human beings. A large number of RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
diseases in Tamil Nadu can attributed to drinking In this study based on explanatory research and
of sewage mixed water. Various diseases like adopt a secondary date. The data are collected
polio, cholera, patches, jaundice, fever, viral from different journals, books, government
fever etc are spread through polluted water. annual reports and periodicals for the purpose
KEYWORDS: pollution, contaminated, of the study.
sewage, ground water. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
INTRODUCTION 1.To study the impacts of water pollution.
Water resource is one of the important natural 2.To study the water pollution control policies.
resources it essential for the survival of living 3.To examine the health impact due to
organisms. The adequate safe water is essential contamination of water.
to human lives and it is required in day to day TAMIL NADU POLLUTION CONTROL
life. Water pollution may take place due to BOARD (TNPCB)
natural causes such as silt carried by run-off, Tamil Nadu pollution control board (TNPCB) was
organic wastes of plants and animals, minerals constituted by the Government of Tamil Nadu on
leaching through soils, thermal pollution and 27th February,1982 in pursuance of the Water
algal blooms. It may also be due to the discharge Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1974
of domestic and industrial wastewaters. In (Central Act 6 of 1974). Increasing the pace
most of the developing countries are being of industrialization in Tamil Nadu its need to
polluted beyond their capacity because of high monitoring pollution level continuously. In the
population growth. Increasing the urbanization 3 industries are required to provide pollution
and industrialization has reason for create control measures to meet the standards
a very large point of water pollution. Agro prescribed by the board. In the board field
– based industries has seriously damaged officers are inspect the industries continually
surface water quality’s, even in many rivers with some pollution control measures provide
and groundwater has been contaminated. by the industries sewage, trade effluent and
Toxic chemicals used for agriculture and other emissions. For effective monitoring industries
purposes, solid wastes, oil from garages and are categorized as Red, Orange, Green and
cleaning of vehicles, drainage from farms and White according to their pollution level. Also
manure, land surface drainage, cattle washing, in the industries has been classified a large,
watering and dipping agricultural wastes, dust medium and small scale based on the gross fixed



assets of the industry. And depending upon are cement units, distilleries, sugar, sago, paper,
the category and size industries are monitored dairying, electroplating, chemical and fertilizers
periodically. (Agro chemicals), mining industries, ores/
The various legislations are created by the mineral processing industries and a variety of
government to control the water pollution. other industries which are water consuming
Water pollution control legislations with which and also generate large quantities of effluent.
the TNPCB is concerned are given below. Some of the industries have also provided the
Most of the legislations are implements treated effluent for irrigation with some degree
directly by the TNPCB and some of other of success.
legislations implemented by deportments of COASTAL POLLUTION
the government. The major activities that are responsible for
•The water (prevention and control of pollution) coastal pollution in Tamil Nadu are discharge and
act, 1974 as amended in 1978 & 1988. disposal of untreated domestic and industrial
•Tamil Nadu water (prevention and control of wastes, discharges of coolant waters, harbour
pollution) rules, 1983. activities such as dredging, cargo handling,
•The water (prevention and control of pollution) dumping of ship wastes, spilling of cargo’s 3
cess act, 1977, as amended in 1991 and 2003. chemicals and metal ores, fishing activities
•The water (prevention and control of pollution) etc. There are 14 major industries located in
cess rules, 1978 as amended in 1992. the Ennore-Manali areas. The industries at
•Coastal Regulation Zone notification, 2011. Manali and Ennore are mostly chemical based,
•The Solid Wastes Management Rules, 2016. manufacturing petro-chemicals, fertilizers,
MAJOR CAUSES OF WATER POLLUTION pharamaceuticals, paints etc. There are two
It can be classified under two broad categories. power plants at Ennore, namely, Ennore
• Point source: which occurs when Thermal Power Plant with a production capacity
harmful substance are emitted directly into the of 200 MW and North Chennai Thermal Power
body of water. Plant with a production capacity of 600 MW.
• Non-point source: which occurs when The fly ash continuously deposits in the sea.
harmful substances are emitted directly into The industries at Ennore-Manali are using a
a body of water and ‘nonpoint source’ which wide variety of raw materials and discharge
delivers pollutants indirectly through transport waste products into the air, water or land as
or environmental change. gaseous emissions, liquid effluents and sludge,
Important Driving Forces respectively. In the coastal area of Tamil Nadu
The following are considered to be the major 488.02 MLD of wastewater is generated and
driving forces of water pollution. only 226 of MLD is treated.
1. Urbanization
2. Industrialization SEWAGE POLLUTION
Impact of water pollution in Tamil Nadu The state Tamil Nadu out of 152 municipalities
INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION and 5 corporations, only 15 municipalities
In Tamil Nadu have a more than 3000 industrial and 4 corporations have partial underground
units are classified under highly polluting or red sewerage system. The river water is used
category industry. In the red category industries downstream for irrigation or drinking by
total effluent generated around 6 lakh liters per people/livestock, contamination of the river
day of which more than 5 lakh liters (85%) of has increasingly become a serious problem
total effluent generated by large scale industries. in many of the river basins of the State. River
About 400 units discharge directly into rivers; basins like Palar, Tamiraparani, Cauvery, Noyyal,
of particular concern are the tanneries which Bhavani and Amaravathy face serious pollution
are located in Vellore, Kancheepuram, Dindigul problems due to sewage.
and Erode districts. The effluents have caused RESPONSE
serious problems in the Palar basin. Similarly, All the industries discharging effluents are
there are a large number of textile bleaching regulated by the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control
and dyeing units in Tiruppur, Erode, and Board. In the board fixed the effluent standards
Karur, which have contaminated the Noyyal, in the industries. Industries pay a cess based
Amaravathy and other water bodies. In majority on their water consumption to the Tamil Nadu
of effluents come from main five industrial Pollution Control Board. Most of the industries
complexes in Tamil Nadu: Manali/Ennore, have a own effluent treatment plants. In small
Ranipet, Cuddalore, Mettur and Tuticorin size industrial 109 pollution clusters, although
areas placed chemical, petro-chemical and the units are connected to common effluent
other industries. These complexes have also treatment plants.
become more environmental hotspots. There



COMMON EFFLUENT TREATMENT Radioactive substances produced from nuclear

PLANTS (CETPS) explosions also reach the water bodies and
Leather industry creates emission of high makes drinking water severely contaminated.
incidence is pollution affecting the ground water If one uses this water, one can fall a victim to
quality. In order to arrest the effluents of waste terrible diseases like cancer. The use of such
from the leather industries the board has been water also increases the risk of having children
directing the leather industries come under the with disabilities.
fold of common effluent treatment CONCLUSION
addition to the leather industry, textiles, dying, Polluted water is like poison for human beings.
hotels and lodges are also bound to generate A large number of diseases in Tamil Nadu can
adverse externality. The common effluent attributed to drinking of sewage mixed water.
treatment plant constructed in Nagalkeni near Its creates various diseases like polio, cholera,
Pallavarm is showcasing the effective role of the patches, jaundice, fever, viral fever etc are
TNPCB in abatement of water pollution. spread through polluted water. Tamil Nadu
Pollution Control Board was following the
IMPACTS OF HUMAN HEALTH Indian water pollution control acts, rules and
Polluted water is like poison for human beings. notifications. The TNPCB officers inspecting
A large number of diseases in Tamil Nadu can the industries periodically with some pollution
attributed to drinking of sewage mixed water. control measures. In the board monitoring
Various diseases like polio, cholera, patches, the industries effectively and categorized a
jaundice, fever, viral fever etc are spread Red, Orange, Green and White according to
through polluted water. Polluted water contains their pollution level. In many of the Tamil
lead which when consumed by the humans Nadu river basins contaminates with industrial
while drinking water leads to producing various effluents. River basins like Palar, Tamiraparani,
aliments such as joint pains, kidney disease and Cauvery, Noyyal, Bhavani and Amaravathy face
heart disease in them. serious pollution problems due to sewage.
The waterborne diseases are infectious which In the study concluded that urbanization and
spread primarily from polluted water. Hepatitis, industrialization is the main reason for the
cholera, dysentery and typhoid are the water pollution its creates many diseases in
common waterborne disease, which affect the human beings.
majority of tropical area. If the polluted water REFERENCES
gets stagnated, it becomes a breeding ground 1.Royal Edward Williams A and Parvez Ahmed
for mosquito and many other parasites which MP.(2015), Impact of water contamination in
are very common in tropical areas. In children Domestic Water sources in Tirupattur, Vellore
often get sick if they drink polluted water and District., Research & Review: Journal of Ecology
sometimes they even die due to intensity of the and Environmental Sciencs,Tamil Nadu, ISSN:2347-
diseases. Large amounts of chloride in drinking 7830. P.P 1-5.
water deform the spine which becomes snaky 2.Jesu A, Prabu doss Kumar L and Dheenadayalan
and their teeth go yellow, start falling and more MS.(2013), Environmental Impact of Ground Water
over their hands and feet lose flexibility of the in Dindigul District Tamil Nadu, India. Research and
bones and thieir body deforms. It also increases Reviews: Journal of Engineering and Technology,
the risk of kidney diseases. A large amount e-ISSN: 2319-9873. P.P 26-32.
of sulphide in polluted water is the reason 3.
of various respiratory diseases and drinking 4.
water contaminated with urea increases 5.
intestinal disorder. Thus continuous intake of issues/effects-of-water-pollution/
contaminated drinking water is the reasons 6.
behind various stomach related disorders and does-water-pollution-affect-humans
other diseases like lumps in throat, tooth decay, 7 . h t t p : / / i c e d . c a g . g o v. i n / w p - c o n t e n t /
etc. uploads/2013/09/Water%20pollution.pdf.
Composition of nitrate resulting from fertilizer
and chemicals used in agricultural lands, waste
dumps or pit latrines causes contamination of
the groundwater. Such contaminated drinking
water is the reason of blue baby disease in
kids which changes their skin colour. In this
disease, nitrate contamination in groundwater
results in decreased oxygen carrying capacity of
haemoglobin in babies, leading to their death.




SHARON P.R, PhD Research Scholar, Bishop Heber College ( Autonomous),
Trichy -17.

Dr S. SEETHALAKSHMI, Assistant Professor, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous),

ABSTRACT and comfort conferred by climatic stability.

C limate change is the biggest global health

threat of the 21st century. Climate change is
adversely affecting the human health. Maximum
The world’s climate system is fundamental
to this life-support. But today, humankind’s
activities are altering the world’s climate. We
impact of global warming and climate change are increasing the atmospheric concentration
will be seen on underdeveloped and developing of energy-trapping gases, thereby amplifying
countries like India. In Indian context the the natural “greenhouse effect” that makes
implications of climate change are broadly the Earth habitable. These greenhouse gases
classified into rising sea levels, increasing (GHGs) compromise, principally, carbon dioxide
CO2 levels, rising temperatures and extreme (mostly from fossil fuel combustion and forest
weather conditions. Climate change affects the burning), along with other heat-trapping gases
human health in various ways. In developing such as methane (from irrigated agriculture,
countries like India, the health sector and the animal husbandry and oil extraction), nitrous
infrastructural facilities are very weak. The oxide and various human-made halocarbons.
impact of the human activity on climate system To support this in further, the Fifth Assessment
is the most serious environmental challenge Report (2014) of the UN’s Intergovernmental
nowadays. The impacts of climate change on Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “There
human health will be difficult to reverse in a few is a clear human influence on the climate. It is
years or decades. Yet, these possible impacts can the dominant cause of observed warming since
be avoided or controlled. This paper analyses 1950s.”
the challenges of climate change on health. As humans are the primary cause of sudden
INTRODUCTION changes in the planet’s climate, it is important
Climate change is a geological process which to understand that climate change is a
has been occurring throughout the planet’s significant threat to the health of present
lifetime. The increase and decrease in and future generation of our community. The
atmospheric temperature has been happening impacts of human-induced climate change
at a low rate due to the changes in Earth’s orbit. are increasing worldwide. Rising greenhouse
However the sudden climate change happening gas concentrations have resulted in increased
now can be described as earth’s response to temperature, precipitation changes, increased
human activities which has caused an increase frequency and intensity of extreme weather
in the emission of carbon dioxide and other events, and rising of sea levels. These effects
greenhouse gases. As the level of carbon dioxide of climate change has shown its impacts on
in the atmosphere increases, the oceans are climate-related extremes including alteration
absorbing more carbon dioxide, making them of ecosystems, disruption of food production
more acidic and warmer. As oceans become and water supply, damage to infrastructure
warmer, they can expand and can aid in and settlements, morbidity and mortality, and
shrinking of glaciers and snow. This will further consequences for mental health and human
increase the atmospheric temperature as snow well-being. According to the IPCC, there has been
reflects heat into the space. increased heat-related mortality and decreased
Drastic change in our atmospheric climate is cold-related mortality in some regions as a
having a wide scale impact on the economy result of warming. As the climate continues to
by affecting many global sectors including change, the risks to human health continue to
agricultural sector and industrial sector. The grow. Another key finding from the Working
global economy is further affected, due to the Group II, Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the
long term effects of climate change such as Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
natural disasters and conservation of animal (IPCC) supports this by stating that health
and plant species. issues caused by climate change have occurred
Populations of all animal species depend on in the past and are currently occurring. Even
supplies of food and water, freedom from excess with immediate reductions in greenhouse gas
infectious disease, and the physical safety emissions, the health of our community will be



affected will continue to occur for at least the

foreseeable future. For instance, the changes EXTREME HEAT EVENTS– EFFECT ON
in temperature and rainfall have altered the HEALTH
distribution of water-borne illness and disease Climate change also affects human health
vectors. by increasing the frequency and intensity of
The World Health Organisation (WHO) 2017 extreme heat events. Increase in the overall
estimates that the climate change undermines temperature of the atmosphere and oceans
access to safe water, adequate food, and associated with climate change cause changes
clean air, explaining the approximately 12.6 in the wind, moisture, and heat circulation
million deaths each year that were caused by patterns. These changes contribute to shifts
avoidable environmental risk factors. Between in extreme weather events, including extreme
2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to heat events. Extreme heat events can trigger a
cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths variety of heat stress conditions, such as heat
per year, from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea stroke. Heat stroke is the most serious heat-
and heat stress, and in turn will need billions related disorder which occurs when the body
of dollars to cover the costs of maintaining becomes unable to control its temperature and
a healthy community. The impact of global eventually cause overheating. Extreme heat
warming and the greenhouse effect is cited events (EHEs) cause dehydration which is defined
as the world’s most serious environmental as loss or deficiency of water in body tissues
challenge. caused by sweating, vomiting and diarrhoea.
Our personal health may seem to relate mostly Symptoms for dehydration include excessive
to prudent behaviour, hereditary causes, thirst, nausea, and exhaustion. Furthermore,
occupation and local environmental exposures. heat cramps can be described as a heat event in
However, environmental degradation and which painful and often incapacitating cramps
climate change represent one of the biggest occur in muscles. Symptoms for heat cramps
threats to human health, particularly the include dry, hot skin, high body temperature
health of younger people in future and that of (usually over 105F), and mental dysfunction;
future generations. Although global warming higher atmospheric temperatures are also
may bring some localised benefits, such as linked to the increase respiratory illnesses
fewer winter deaths in temperate climates and present in the current global population. This
increased food production in certain areas, the is because higher temperatures contribute to
overall health effects of a changing climate are the build-up of harmful air pollutants. These
likely to be overwhelmingly negative – as it extreme heat events will lead to an increase in
affects social and environmental determinants heat-related deaths and illness.
According to the National Climate Assessment,
IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON climate change will affect human health
HEALTH by increasing health problems, including
Climate change represents a fundamental diminished lung function, increased hospital
threat to lives and wellbeing. Its effects are admissions and emergency department visits
being felt most immediately and severely for asthma and increase in premature deaths.
among those living in least developed countries Climate change decreases the quality of the air
and developing countries like India. However, we breathe. When we burn fossil fuels, such as
ultimately the global population will be coal, we release carbon dioxide (CO2), which
indirectly or directly affected by the drastic builds up in the atmosphere and causes Earth’s
change in climate. The major climate changes temperature to rise. This extra trapped heat
are raising sea levels, increasing CO2 levels, disrupts many of the interconnected ecosystem
rising temperatures and extreme weather – in our environment. Climate change also affects
which are causing issues which affects the human health by making our air less healthy
human health and quality of life. to be inhaled. Higher temperatures lead to an
Immediate action is now needed to protect increase in allergens and harmful air pollutants.
health from climate change. This is recognised in For instance, longer warm seasons can mean
the reference made in the Paris Agreement for longer pollen seasons – which can increase
the need to protect “the right to health”, and for allergic sensation and asthma episodes,
the need to hold global warming to well below which will in turn diminish productive work.
2 degree Celsius above pre-industrial levels, Exposure to allergens causes health problems
and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature for many people. When sensitive individuals
increase to 1.5 degree Celsius. are simultaneously exposed to allergens and
air pollutants, allergic reactions often become



more severe. People with existing pollen diseases. The development and survival of
allergies may have increased risk for acute ticks, their animal hosts, and the bacterium that
respiratory effects. causes vector-borne diseases are all strongly
Climate change can increase natural disasters influenced by climatic factors.
such as wildfires at a larger scale, which will RAINFALL AND DROUGHT
further reduce air quality and affect people’s Water is fundamental for life. Increase in
health in a number of ways. Firstly, smoke precipitation extremes, either heavy rainfall
exposure can increases acute respiratory events or droughts, can impact our health.
illness, leading to increased respiratory and Warmer temperatures cause more water
cardiovascular hospitalisations, and medical to evaporate into the air and allow that air
visits for lung illnesses. Rising temperatures and to hold more water. This sets the stage for
wildfires and decreasing precipitation will lead heavier downpours. At the same time, global
to increases in ozone, a harmful air pollutant. temperatures influence the way heat and
This issue is being addressed by the Government moisture move around the planet, meaning
of India by introducing compressed natural gas drier conditions will occur in some regions of
(CNG) for transport and replacement of wood the world. Over the last several decades, we
fire for cooking by the liquid petroleum gas have already seen an increase in the number
(LPG) in villages. of heavy precipitation events in India. These
DISASTERS AND HEALTH events have contributed to more severe
Globally, the number of reported weather- flooding in certain regions. Floods are one of
related natural disasters has more than the deadliest weather-related hazards. Living
tripled since the 1960s. The disasters include with poor air quality and damp conditions has
excessive floods, cyclones, storms, tsunamis, been shown to increase health problems. These
droughts and earthquakes. Every year, these health problems include aggravation of asthma
disasters result in over 60,000 deaths - mainly and other upper respiratory tract symptoms
in developing countries. such as coughing and wheezing due to mould
Climate change also affects human health exposure. They also include lower respiratory
by impacting the quality and safety of both tract infections like pneumonia. People living in
our water supply and our recreational water. drought conditions are more likely to encounter
As the earth’s temperature rises, surface certain dangerous situations which can range
water temperatures in lakes and oceans from dust storms to flash floods. Wildfires
are also rising proportionally. Flood waters associated with drought conditions greatly
often contain a variety of contaminants as reduce air quality. This poor air quality affects
floods can overwhelm a region’s drainage or people’s health in a number of ways.
wastewater treatment systems, increasing HEALTH EFFECT DUE TO FOOD
the risk of exposure to bacteria, parasites and INSECURITY
other unhealthy pollutants. There is also loss of Food insecurity has been associated with health
life and property. Increased coastal and inland in variety of ways. Food insecurity refers to the
flooding exposes populations to a range of short lack of nutritious foods in sufficient quantities
term and long term negative health impacts to maintain good health. Food insecurity and
before, during, and after events. hunger have been associated with increased
VECTOR-BORNE AND RODENT-BORNE risk for poor nutritional status and poor health
INFECTIOUS DISEASES outcomes. Climate change can cause food
One way climate change might affect human insecurity as increasing temperatures and more
health is by increasing the risk of vector-bone variable rainfalls and loss of agricultural land are
and rodent-borne infectious diseases. A vector expected to reduce crop yields. This is further
is any organism such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, supported as the dynamic crop models indicate
rodents, rats or ground squirrels when they a decrease in the yield of crops as temperature
carry diseases that can transmit a pathogen, increases in different parts of India. Children
or infectious agent from one host to another. who are food insecure may be at higher risk for
Different insects can carry different diseases. As chronic health conditions, such as anaemia and
warmer average temperatures can mean longer asthma. Malnutrition causes number of deaths
warm seasons, earlier spring seasons, shorter each year and it is one of the important public
and milder winters, and hotter summers - health problems. In India, almost half of the
conditions might become more hospitable for children under age five and more than two out
many carriers of vector-borne diseases, with of five women are undernourished.
malaria and dengue being the most important. MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL-BEING
There is historical evidence of association The effects of global climate change on mental
between climatic conditions and vector-borne health and well-being are integral parts of the



overall climate-related human health impacts. should also be altered to being eco-friendly.
Mental health consequences of climate REFERENCES
change range from minimal stress and distress 1.Rashmi Krmari Shinha, “Climate Change and
symptoms to clinical disorders, such as anxiety, Health”, Third Concept, Vol.21, No.241, March 2007, TO
depression, post-traumatic stress and suicidal Pp 57-58
thoughts. The social and mental health 2.Akshay Gambhir, “Consequences of Warming on Prof. R
consequences of extreme weather events Health”, Green Energy, Vol. 4, No.2, Mar-Apr, 2008, Educa
have been the focus of research for more Pp 31-32 E-mai
than three decades. The mental health and 3.Sachin Tiwale, Dipti Hingmire, “Scapegoating
well-being consequences of extreme events, Climate Change”, Economic and Political Weekly, Dr.S.V
particularly natural disasters are common and Vol. LI. No. 23, June 4, 2016, Pp 69-70 of Econ
form a significant part of the overall effects on Subhrabaran Das and Alfina Khatun Talukdar,
health. The cumulative and interactive effects “Health Status and Demand for Health Care: A “ We, t
of climate change, as well as the threat and District-level Study from India”, Journal of Health planetar
perception of climate change, adversely impact Management, Vol.18, No.4, December 2016, Pp our civi
individual and societal health, mental health, 536-544 destructi
and well-being. Websites news as
→→ Reduction in the use of fossil fuels 6. quickly”
→→ Use of renewable energy resources that Former
do not emit Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) at Oslo,
→→ Reducing deforestation ABSTR
→→ To raise the awareness on climate The pre
change have b
→→ Institutionalisation of disaster risk structur
reduction approaches and assu
→→ To limit the growth of population to recov
→→ To plant more trees alternati
→→ Recycling of waste materials the on
→→ To use bio-technical methods like bio- sustaina
gas and bio-diesel etc Homo s
→→ Reduction of plastic materials climate.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO), to survi
“health is defined as a state of complete irrefutab
physical, mental and social well-being and not of the
merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. and hig
In this regard, this paper shows the linkages in produ
between the climate change and human health. green h
The climate change is now a mainstream earth’s
issue affecting the human health. There are of holes
important mechanisms in which climate change a power
can affect population health: through extreme deprived
heat events, air quality, disasters, vector-borne major c
and rodent-borne infectious disease, rainfall reduced
and drought, food insecurity, mental health and scale hu
well-being. These climate changes are affecting world c
quality of human health directly and indirectly. countrie
Even the developed nations are struggling countrie
to cope up with the challenges posed by the rate of
changing climate; hence concluding that India the cur
needs to put more efforts to counter the same. sustaina
Moreover, the longer we wait to reduce the non-ren
causes of climate change, the more expensive it and has
will become. By concluding this article it is vital employm
to understand that the government policies unplann
alone will not be able to make a large impact explosio
on the climate change. Our day to day activities led to u


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