Programme: Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Day

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01.11.21 Science, technology, research and innovation Day

time session title room organisers

8:30 Circle Economy;

Blindspots of net-zero strategies and how to address them Online University College London; Wageningen University; Research Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
9:30 Chatham House

9:30 What does transforming the energy system really mean?

European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA);
Glasgow Horizon Europe Climate, University of Exeter;
10:30 Adaptation, resilience & transition challenges Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to the European Commission
H2020 project NAVIGATE represented by Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;
10:00 Towards an emission neutral society: challenges and H2020 project Paris Reinforce, represented by National Technical University of Athens;
11:00 opportunities H2020 project LOCOMOTION, represented by European Environmental Bureau;
H2020 project VERIFY, represented by Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement
Zero Emissions Platform (ZEP); Delft University of Technology (TUD); Climate Strategies (C4U);
11:30 Policy, business, and social challenges for carbon dioxide JIN Climate and Sustainability (LANDMARC); VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (NEGEM); GEOMAR
12:30 removals and carbon capture & storage Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (OceanNET); The Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons
and Climate Change (GENIE); Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
European Climate Research Alliance;
Climate Psychology Alliance; research projects SOCLIMPACT, COACCH (climate adaptation, modelling),
The Journey from Scientific insights to Societal Action Online
PESETA IV (EU JRC); European University Association; ENGAGE (Exploring National and Global Actions to
reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions), IIASA: The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
13:00 Too much data: How can the composite indicators and Brussels European Commission - Joint Research Centre
14:00 scoreboards explorer help you?

Beyond Cutting Methane Emissions: Why We Need to Online

University of Copenhagen;
Enhance Atmospheric Methane Oxidation Cambridge Centre for Climate Repair

European Commission - Joint Research Centre;

14:30 EO for Climate Action: Mitigation, REDD+, and the Global European Commission - DG DEFIS and DG RTD
15:30 Stocktake European Space Agency
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts

European Environment Agency;

Climate change and health in Europe: knowledge Glasgow European Academies’ Science Advisory Council; CICERO - Center for International Climate Research;
development and sharing efforts Women Leaders for Planetary Health, Lancet Pathfinder

The role of Photovoltaics for the Global Energy Transition Online European Commission - Joint Research Centre

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 1
time session title room organisers

16:00 European Commission - DG CONNECT and DG CLIMA;

Digital solutions as an enabler for climate action Online
UNFCCC; European Green Digital Coalition; GIZ- Make IT Alliance
From Climate Research to Climate Services – Glasgow
European Space Agency;
How Satellite Observations contribute! European Commission - DG RTD; ECMWF; EUMETSAT

17:30 Climate Adaptation enabled through the Copernicus Glasgow The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts & JRC on behalf of DG DEFIS
18:30 Services and international cooperation

Net-Zero and Beyond: How Carbon Removal and Online

South Pole;
Reduction Technologies Champion Climate Targets CCUS Projects Network; Global CCS Institute

19:00 Updates on the Emissions Gap and country action

UNEP DTU Partnership;
Glasgow PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency; NewClimate Institute, Climate Analytics, Imperial College
20:00 from major progress trackers London

Meeting our Sustainable Development Goals through Online Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GERICS,
an integrated carbon management approach CO2Chem, Sheffield University, Global CO2 Initiative, CO2WIN/DECHEMA, Kassel University

02.11.21 Regional perspectives and international partnerships, local actors

time session title room organisers

10:00 EUROCLIMA+: Together for a sustainable and European Commission - DG INTPA;

11:00 low carbon post-pandemic recovery in Latin America AECID, AFD, EF, FIIAPP, GIZ, CEPAL, UNEP

European Commission - Service for Foreign Policy Instruments;

Climate change and conflict: prevention, foresight, Online European External Action Service;
resilience and adaptation of populations at risk International Committee of the Red Cross, PIK

11:30 Solar to power Africa: building partnerships

ISA-EU PSF Project;
Glasgow ISA; European Investment Bank; European Commission - DG ENER and DG INTPA; Ministry of Development
12:30 that deliver results Cooperation, Government of Denmark; ESMAP

German Advisory Council on Global Change;

Long-Term Strategies: Priorities, Lessons and Online German Development Institute; Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument; Climate Recon 2050
Opportunities for International Cooperation members

13:00 Union for the Mediterranean; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Government of
Climate Action in the Mediterranean Glasgow Cyprus; Clima-Med - Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean;
14:00 Clima-Med; MedECC
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD);
Shifting public support and policies towards a clean and Online Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies,
just energy transition in the Global South Government of Nepal

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 2
time session title room organisers

14:30 Supporting green & climate resilient development:

Climate Action Network Europe;
Glasgow SNV Netherlands Development Organisation;
15:30 local to global insights on the AU-EU Partnership German Development Institute (DIE)/European Think Tanks Group (ETTG)

Inspire, Inform, Innovate - EU regional climate adaptation Online

EIT Climate - KIC;
opportunities for global action European Committee of the Regions

16:00 Transforming climate solutions for business, cities

Portuguese Government’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Action;
Glasgow Technical University of Madrid; Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations and Industries; ECODES -
17:00 and civil society in Europe & Latin America Foundation for Ecology and Development; Consejo Empresarial Iberoamericano; Cascais municipality

African Business Roundtable Online African Business Roundtable Network

16:00 Addressing climate change impacts on cultural Brussels Coordination Unit of the Greek Initiative
19:00 and natural heritage

17:30 European Commission - Joint Research Centre;

Connecting the dots: From ambition raising to mission zero Online German Environment Agency; National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation in
18:30 China; Carbone 4

19:00 Working at different public policy scales in West Africa

Expertise France;
Glasgow Economic Community of West African States;
20:00 to meet up the climate challenge and the PA French Development Agency

03.11.21 Biodiversity, nature-based solutions, oceans

time session title room organisers

10:00 Clean energy transition in the Western Balkans: Center for International Forestry Research;
11:00 biomass, renewables, land restoration and green jobs E3 International; Resilient Landscapes; CIFOR-ICRAF; UNDP

11:30 Why Nature based Solutions are crucial for climate

Global Climate Change Alliance Plus;
Brussels CIFOR-ICRAF; Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction; UN Environment
12:30 and resilience. Programme; European Commission - DG INTPA

Unlocking investments to deliver equitable nature-based Glasgow

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; European Commission - DG INTPA
solutions for a green, healthy and resilient future Wildlife Conservation Society; Forests4Climate&People Project; XV World Forestry Congress Secretariat

13:00 EU Polar Cluster;

Polar warming, global warning. Brussels KEPLER; EU PolarNet 2; CHARTER; iCUPE; JUSTNORTH; SIOS; SOCHIC; TiPACCs; British Antarctic Survey;
14:00 Alfred Wegener Institute; European Polar Board; University of Grenoble

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 3
time session title room organisers

13:00 Strengthening nature abilities to deliver effective climate WWF Africa Adaptation Initiative;
14:00 actions in Africa Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC)

14:30 City of Glasgow Council;

Nature for Climate & Biodiversity in Cities: Online Ecologic Institute (coordinator of Horizon2020 INTERLACE); University of Sheffield (coordinator of H2020
entrepreneurship, co-creation and engagement CONEXUS); Climate Alliance; Social Climate (coordinator of NbS incubator in Malaga via H2020 Connecting
15:30 Nature and The Climate Journey); International Federation of Consulting Engineers
Climate change mitigation and adaptation through coastal Glasgow ICRS;
ecosystems conservation and restoration Friendship, GEOMAR

16:00 European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists;

Climate Neutrality and Biodiversity: renewables assets, Glasgow Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); NextEnergy Capital Group; School of Economics and ReSEES Laboratory;
reporting standards and sustainable finance Athens University of Economics and Business; ATHENA Information Technology Research Center; FSR Climate;
17:00 European University Institute; University College London
Resilient by Nature: Scaling-up and Financing Online Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery; World Bank;
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) UN Environment Programme & UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre; Friendship NGO

17:30 Keynote speech on MOSAiC – the greatest Arctic Glasgow Alfred Wegener Institute; Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
18:30 expedition of our time
Achieving sustainability: the role of corporations, strategic Online Germanwatch;
litigation and ecocide law International Bar Association; Stop Ecocide Foundation, Ecosia

04.11.21 Climate and sustainable finance / Carbon markets

time session title room organisers

8:30 IPSF Annual Event - Driving the transition to a sustainable European Commission - DG FISMA;
economy: towards more globally interoperable sustainable Glasgow
The International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF)
9:30 finance approaches
Insurance Europe;
Banks & insurers role in supporting the sustainability Online European Banking Federation; ClimateWise (convened by The University of Cambridge Institute for
transition: investment, lending, underwriting Sustainability Leadership)
Government of the Netherlands, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy; United Nations Environment
10:00 The role of the private sector in the alignment Programme, Climate Change Adaptation Unit;
11:00 of financial flows and the implementation of NDCs Government of Ghana, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation - Environmental Protection
Agency; Government of Switzerland, Federal Office for the Environment

The role of taxonomies to drive market alignment with the Online

European Investment Bank;
Paris Agreement European Bank for Reconstruction and Development; European Commission - DG FISMA

Translating climate ambition into delivery Glasgow European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions; European Court of Auditors
11:30 Opportunities and challenges for sustainable green finance : European Commission - DG INTPA;
12:30 the case of Kenya European Union Delegation to Kenya; National Treasury, Government of Kenya

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 4
time session title room organisers

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition;

13:00 Centre of Engineering and Product Development; European Roundtable on Climate Change
Pricing Carbon to Support a Transition to Net Zero Glasgow and Sustainable Transition (ERCST); International Emissions Trading Association;
14:00 Krajowy Ośrodek Bilansowania i Zarządzania Emisjami; Centre for Climate and Energy Analysis; Redshaw
Advisors; University of Maryland
European Commission - DG GROWTH;
Challenges and opportunities when putting sustainable Online Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile
finance into practice The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change

14:30 European Commission - DG CLIMA;

Mobilising finance for clean tech deployment Brussels
European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA); UNEP
International Carbon Action Partnership;
Carbon markets & net-zero: trends and prospects Glasgow Environmental Defense Fund; European University Institute; Oeko-Institut, World Wildlife Fund; CAKE-KOBIZE,
in the domestic, international and voluntary markets International Emissions Trading Association

Climate action in banking: sharing our progress, learnings Online

European Association of Co-operative Banks;
and challenges Bank of Greece; Nordea; BBVA

16:00 Upscale energy efficiency financing – identifying and European Commission - DG ENER;
17:00 overcoming the investment gap EEFIG; Cool Up

Important considerations and capacity building needs Glasgow

Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; International Energy Agency; Climate Analytic;
to implement the Article 6.4 mechanism NewClimate; Öko-Institut; UNEP DTU Partnership; Global Green Growth Institute

Aligning finance with the Paris Agreement and unlocking Online

The German Institute for Economic Research;
$100 billion Perspectives Climate Group; Frankfurt School; Germanwatch; NewClimate Institute; World Resources Institute

17:30 German Environment Agency; Wuppertal Institut für Klima; Umwelt; Energie gGmbH; South Pole Carbon Asset
Climate responsibility, climate action and carbon credits Glasgow
Management; Carbon Footprint Italy; Carbon Market Watch; NewClimate Institute
EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and the future Online
European Commission - DG FISMA C1;
of sustainability reporting European Commission - DG FISMA A4

17:30 European Commission - DG ECFIN and DG REFORM;

How can public money contribute to a clean transition? Brussels International Monetary Fund; OECD; Institute for Climate Economics; ODI;
19:00 International Institute for Sustainable Development

19:00 Climate Disclosure Standards Board;

Net Zero beyond climate: turning commitments into action Online Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership; South Pole; Alliance of Bioversity International and the
20:00 International Center for Tropical Agriculture

20:30 European Commission - Joint Research Centre;

Building blocks for transformative climate action Online
Institute for Climate Economics; French Development Agency

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 5
05.11.21 Energy transition
time session title room organisers

08:30 Leading the way towards net zero: Hydrogen as a missing

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking;
Brussels European Commission - Research and Innovation Policy on Hydrogen; NovAzure; Engie; EU Public Affairs
09:30 piece of the puzzle for a green energy transition Advisor Northern Netherlands (SNN)

Powering the EU through 2050: turning the bioeconomy Online

Metabolic Institute;
into reality Global Omnium; Finnova

09:45 European Commission - DG ENERGY;

Ensuring a just and people-centred transition Glasgow
International Energy Agency
Global Guarantees of Origin for Clean Hydrogen Brussels Hydrogen Europe
Gas for Climate;
The Market State of Biomethane and Hydrogen – Online DESFA; Enagás; Energinet; Fluxys; Gasunie; GRTgaz; ONTRAS; OGE; Snam; Swedegas; Teréga; European
Providing Insights Biogas Association; Consorzio Italiano Biogas

11:30 Potential of offshore renewable energy and green European Commission - DG ENERGY;
12:30 hydrogen to power the global energy transition IRENA

Secretariat of the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition;

Voices from the regions: sharing first-hand experiences Online Secretariat of the Initiative for Coal Regions in Transition for Western Balkans and Ukraine; CINTRAN H2020
on coal phase out in Europe and beyond project; Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA) Secretariat

13:00 International Passive House Association;

Efficiency: The First Renewable Energy Online
14:30 Building a resilient and decarbonised grid to meet Enedis;
15:30 customers’ expectations Engie; Electric Power Research Institute

Driving Climate Action with Data – the Role of the Glasgow European Commission - DG ENERGY
International Methane Emissions Observatory
Decarbonising Buildings: the importance of energy Online European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Project ABC 21 - Africa-Europe BioClimatic
efficiency and low-carbon construction materials Buildings for XXI Century

16:00 European Commission - DG ENERGY;

UN Energy compacts Glasgow
Delivering on the Global Methane Pledge: What role for Online
Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU;
the EU-Eastern Partnership cooperation? Ministry of Energy of Ukraine; European Commission – DG Energy; Florence School of Regulation

17:30 Renewables Grid Initiative; Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (NL);
Lessons for a net-zero carbon grid Glasgow

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 6
time session title room organisers

17:30 How to achieve an Equitable Energy Transition in OECD Development Centre

18:30 Extractive-based Developing and Emerging Economies? The Commonwealth Secretariat, Carbon Tracker Initiative

19:00 De-risking & scaling-up renewables through market-based Horizon2020 AURES 2 Project;
20:00 policies – practices from EU & the world Guidehouse, Fraunhofer ISI

The role of cities in the energy transition – Hydrogen for Online

German Energy Agency (DENA) and E.ON SE;
urban climate neutrality UNEP DTU Partnership, City of Essen

06.11.21 Circular economy, sustainable industry

time session title room organisers

8:30 EU’s international cooperation on Circular Economy: European Commission - DG INTPA;

9:30 a systemic response to climate change The SWITCH to Green Facility

European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform together with European Commission - DG Environment and
10:00 Circular solutions by communities, business and youth: the EESC;
11:00 scaling up to reach the 1.5-degree target EIT Climate-KIC; Ellen MacArthur Foundation; Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra; Generation Climate Europe; Public
Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM)
Goal 13 Impact Platform;
Businesses combatting climate change: Goal 13 Impact Online Confederation of British Industry; Accounting for Sustainability; Chapter Zero; the Met Office; Dell
Platform, Voices from the Market Report Technologies; Deloitte

11:30 How can ICT companies help enable Europe’s transition to Facebook Inc;
12:30 net zero emissions by 2050 Ericsson

13:00 Green business globally: green technology solutions Mechanical Engineering Industry Association VDMA;
14:00 for climate friendly and circular business design Future Urban Living

Circular economy & local governments: sustainable Online

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat & ACR;
resource management to mitigate climate change HESAM University; UN Habitat; European Circular Cities Declaration

14:30 The role of policy framework, standards & support tool CEN-CENELEC;
15:30 for businesses to become climate-neutral EUROCHAMBRES; BusinessEurope

How can business engage the value chain in achieving Glasgow

Entreprises pour l’Environnement;
the net zero challenge? IHG Hotels & Resorts®; Foretica

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 7
time session title room organisers

14:30 From the mine, to steel to the end products: HYBRIT;

15:30 how to decarbonise an entire value-chain. LKAB

A.SPIRE (Processes4Planet); Planet Tracker;

16:00 Towards a net-zero economy: dialogue of industry, capital European Commission - DG RTD (E.3 Industrial Transformation);
17:00 markets and civil society European Commission - DG GROW (Energy-intensive industries – raw materials);
Zero Waste Europe

Building a case for international green economic and Glasgow

CLG Europe;
political cooperation in a net zero world Stiftung 2 Grad; Japan Climate Leaders’ Partnership; National Business Initiative

16:00 Between Adaptation and Mitigation: the Role of Circular

Veneto Region Regional Council;
Online Regional Council’s political groups;
16:30 Economy in tackling Climate Change Presidency of Kujawsko-Pomorskie RegionPolicy Lab for a Europe made by Circular Regions

16:30 Leading the effort: Regional Policymakers enabling

Veneto Region Regional Council;
Online Regional Council’s political groups: Liga Veneta p.S.P. and Zaia Presidente;
17:00 the transition toward a circular economy Presidency of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region

17:30 Towards climate neutral industrial value chains – Europe as Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment, Energy;
18:30 frontrunner in the global steel transition European Round Table for Industry; IN4climate.NRW; Lund University; Agora Energiewende

Next EU Generation Startup Europe Awards (SEUA) Online

for Circular and Disruptive Solutions in Textiles Zero Waste Scotland

19:00 Leading the way to carbon neutrality – Ministry of the Environment of Estonia and Confederation of Finnish Industries EK;
20:00 best practices and business solutions Stockholm Environment Institute

08.11.21 Agriculture, land use, forestry

time session title room organisers

8:30 Land for climate and biodiversity: scientific challenges European Commission - JRC;
9:30 and highlights from EU-China cooperation Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement Programme

10:00 Policy Coherence, Climate Finance Mobilization and International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems; Food System Economics Commission; World
11:00 Collaborative Action for a Food Systems Transform Economic Forum; Cooperative Partnership for Climate-Smart Food and Forestry

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 8
time session title room organisers

10:00 Digital Climate Advisory Services: bridging the divide

Wageningen University and Research;
Online World Resources Institute (WRI), International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), World Food
11:00 between science, policy and practice Programme (WFP), World business council for sustainable development (WBCSD), Digital Agri Hub

11:30 Tackling climate change from Farm to Fork:

ProVeg International;
Glasgow Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation;Oatly; Organic for Climate; European Alliance for Plant-Based
12:30 Transformative pathways for more sustainable food systems Foods

Options for climate-neutral transition towards sustainable Online

European Commission - JRC;
food systems and forest management Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

13:00 Mobilising private sector engagement for climate-smart SNV Netherlands Development Organisation;
14:00 agricultural innovation CCAFS; World Benchmarking Alliance

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

Achieving NDC commitments through transforming Online
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; University of Kassel; The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart
agri-food systems Agriculture; Platform of Latin America and the Caribbean for Climate Action
in Agriculture; United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification; Adaptation Fund

14:30 Carbon Farming in a 2030 agenda for soil health European Conservation Agriculture Federation;
15:30 and climate South Pole; INRAE; CIRAD; IRD; “4 per 1000” International Initiative

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

Senegal; The Cacao Project; Gaza Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Platform; African Youth Climate Hub;
Transforming agriculture and food systems through Online The State of Bahia; Young Professionals for Agricultural Development; Government of Quebec;
inclusion, resilience and low carbon action International Association of students in Agricultural and related Sciences; World Food Forum;
EU DG Climate; Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad
16:00 Carbon pricing & fiscal policies for a just agriculture True Animal Protein Price Coalition;
17:00 & food transition? SEFARI

17:30 Forest ecosystems trends and innovation: satellite

Helmholtz-Climate-Initiative; Forest ecosystems;
Glasgow Global Forest Resources Assessment; Forestry Division of FAO Firefighting Open Innovation Lab - CILIFO
18:30 observation, simulations, and fire fighting (Finnova)

Local sustainable agricolture and bio wine districts Online

Azienda Agricola Isola Augusta;
towards climate neutrality AgriFormazione in Chianti

19:00 Energy Community’s Contracting Parties vital role towards Climate Action Network Europe;
20:00 the 2050 target of a carbon-neutral European continent Energy Community Secretariat

Tracking private finance for forests: approaches and Online

European Forest Institute (EFI)µ;
opportunities for tropical forest countries United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 9
09.11.21 Adaptation and resilience / Cities
time session title room organisers

Virginijus Sinkevičius, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Environment, Oceans and
08:30 Fisheries;
EU Ocean Day Glasgow
European Commission - DG MARE; Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML); Ocean and Climate Platform and the
09:30 European Bureau for Conservation & Development (EBCD)
Adaptation Without Borders; European Commission – DG CLIMA
Stockholm Environment Institute; Overseas Development Institute; Institute for Sustainable Development and
10:00 The launch of Adaptation Without Borders: a new era in International Relations; ENDA énergie; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; University of the West
11:00 international cooperation on climate change Indies; International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD); Business for Social Responsibility
(BSR); Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University; Winrock International; PlanAdapt; Mediators Beyond
Borders International
Climate adaptation – through infrastructure risk resilience Online
Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure; European Union Delegation to India;
and governance – a global perspective UK Met office; University of Exeter

11:30 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Global Covenant of Mayors; European Commission - DG CLIMA - DG ENER;
Gulbenkian Foundation's Prize for Humanity Glasgow Bloomberg Philanthropies;
12:30 Global Covenant of Mayors Secretariat and Gulbenkian Foundation
TU Berlin;
How to turn a city into a smart and net-zero city? Online
Smart Cities Marketplace; Arctik; Accenture
13:00 Financing sustainable energy access: Building resilient Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE);
14:00 and net-zero local economies GET.invest; European Commission - DG INTPA

ICLEI- Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat;

Facta, non verba: How cities & regions can deliver Online European Commission - DG GROW; City of Aarhus; City of Mannheim; Conference of Peripheral Maritime
the EU Green Deal for a climate neutral future Regions; Eurocities; European Committee of the Regions; Région Centre Val de Loire
14:30 How can better disaster risk finance, data, and innovation
United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU – EHS);
Brussels Munich Climate Insurance Initiative; United Nations Capital Development Fund; Caribbean Catastrophe Risk
15:30 enable sustainable adaptation? Insurance Facility (CCRIF SPC)
Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy; European Covenant Office and Global Covenant;
European Commission - DG ENER, DG CLIMA, DG INTPA and DG NEAR; FPI; European External Action Service;
Localizing the NDCs: how do we fund and implement Glasgow Committee of the Regions; GCoM Canada, USA, Korea, Japan, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Oceania,
action at scale? Sub- Saharan Africa; CoM-Mediterranean, Latin America; C40; ICLEI; UCLG; UN-HABITAT; CEMR; EUROCITIES;
ICLEI Europe; Energy Cities; Climate Alliance; FEDARENE
United Nations Population Fund; Risk-informed Early Action Partnership (REAP), InsuResilience Global
Why investing in scaling up gender-responsive climate Online Partnership (IGP), International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Anticipatory Action
action matter? Task Force (AATF), Anticipation Hub, CARE, European Commission - DG ECHO
16:00 Race to Zero: Transforming cities through data, research United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU – EHS);
17:00 and art ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - Europe

From policymaking to implementation: regional innovative Glasgow

Overseas Countries and Territories Association;
solutions for climate change adaptation The Basque Government; The Government of the Balearic Islands; The European Committee of the Regions
Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy – Europe;
Harnessing collective initiatives to achieve Europe's 2050 Online Global Covenant of Mayors; Climate Alliance;
climate neutrality goal ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability - Europe

17:30 The EU-OACPS Partnership: strengthened cooperation on European Commission - DG INTPA;

climate action and the use of science-based information Brussels
Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
18:30 to build resilience
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 10
time session title room organisers

17:30 Adaptation beyond the EU: perspectives for stronger French Development Agency; IEA,
Glasgow European Climate Change Adaptation conference (CASCADES ECCA 2021); African Union NEPAD; UNDP;
18:30 cooperation with Africa NAP-GN; JPI Climate; Walker Institute

Racing to 1.5°: cities mainstreaming evidence-based Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy - Europe and Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy;
Online EU funded project Clima-Med, Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean; EU-funded ‘ENI CBC MED’
climate & energy policies in Europe & Mediterranean Programme Managing Authority hosted by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in Italy; Municipality of Segrate

19:00 Smarter, Faster and Systemic: Accelerating adaptation

European Investment Bank;
Sniffer; Climate Ready Clyde; European Commission - DG CLIMA; ECMWF (Copernicus Climate Change
Glasgow Service); European Environment Agency; Glasgow City Region; Global Center on Adaptation ; Swedish
20:00 for a climate-resilient tomorrow University of Agricultural Sciences

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions;

Water is coming! A place-based and multidisciplinary lens Online Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici; Joint Programming Initiative Connecting
on coastal adaptation Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate); Joint Programming Initiative for Healthy and Productive Seas and
Oceans (JPI Oceans); Samuel Cohen-Salmon; Sète Agglopôle Méditerranée

10.11.21 European Green Deal, climate-neutrality, just transition

time session title room organisers

High-level roundtables on international just transition Glasgow European Commission - DG CLIMA and ENER;
ClimateWorks Foundation;
Ensuring an effective Global Stocktake: what role Online Center for Climate and Energy Solutions; Independent Global Stocktake; Météo-France; ESM2025;
for civil society & the climate science community? CRESCENDO; 4C; CONSTRAIN; PROVIDE
Carbon pricing in the European Union: an invitation to the
11:30 world.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Measure and the EU Glasgow European Parliament Delegation to COP26
12:30 Emissions Trading System for the aviation and maritime
sectors in a global perspective.
CDP Europe gGmbH, IDDRI, Wuppertal Institute;
Informing the Global Stocktake – Emissions reduction Online CDP; Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales; the independent Global Stocktake
targets and beyond initiative; Wuppertal Institute

New European Bauhaus: a global dimension Brussels European Commission - JRC, New European Bauhaus Unit
How to listen, How to talk, How to act – bringing citizens’ Glasgow
European Commission - DG CLIMA;
voices to COP Climate Pact Ambassadors

14:30 Challenges and opportunities in achieving climate Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe";7
15:30 neutrality: from knowledge to systemic change Inner Green Deal Initiative

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 11
time session title room organisers

14:30 Green Deal as an Example for Green Recovery in The Council of European Municipalities and Regions;
15:30 Developing Countries and Subnational Governments The Global Green Growth Institute

World Benchmarking Alliance;

Partnerships, policy and investment for a just transition Online
European Commission - DG INTPA
16:00 EU initiatives in support of the green and European Commission - DG CONNECT and DG CLIMA;
17:00 digital twin transition UNFCCC; BMZ/GIZ Global Digital Transformation program

Just Transition Mechanism as unique EU's approach Online

European Commission - DG REGIO;
towards climate-neutrality European Commission - DG ENER and DG CLIMA

17:30 Getting serious about the green economy: social and Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Government of Spain;
18:30 economic tools to achieve bold climate targets UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose

Mobilising Climate Capital by 2030 - Citizen and Online

Climate Investment Coalition;
Institutional Action for a Just Transition Finance for Tomorrow; KPMG’s Net-Zero Equity Financing Product
European Commission - DG EMPL, JRC;
19:00 Just Transition: Putting People & Fairness at the Heart of
Scottish Government;
Glasgow Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung;
20:00 the Transition to Climate Neutrality Net Zero Technology Centre;
Associazione TES - Transizione Ecologica Solidale
20:30 Just Transition of workers in the transition IndustriAll Europe;
21:30 to net-zero emissions IndustriAll European Trade Union and IndustriALL Global Union

11.11.21 Citizens, youth, gender

time session title room organisers

08:30 Youth and Climate Action - European Climate Pact,

European Climate Pact & Youth Sounding Board Online European Commission - DG CLIMA;
09:30 We Need YouTH! Youth Sounding Board, DG INTPA

10:00 Launch of the EU-Pacific Green-Blue Alliance: inspiring European Commission -

11:00 stories from Youth leaders DG INTPA

How Education can support transition towards a climate Online

European Commission - JRC and DG EAC;
neutral society? Office for Climate Education and Climate Fresk

European Economic and Social Committee;

11:30 Youth and decision-makers discuss nature, energy, Youth4Nature (Y4N); European Youth Parliament for Water; European Youth Energy Network; Fair Trade
12:30 water and sustainability in the global economy Advocacy Office; Generation Climate Europe; Young leaders in Energy & Sustainability; BRICS Youth Energy
Agency & others

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 12
time session title room organisers

11:30 How Civil Society and Business engage in climate action -

BUND - FoE Germany (in cooperation with CAN International and Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation);
Online Conscience Consulting (for the Coalition for Radical Decarbonisation of Materials); Aiming to End Fuel Poverty
12:30 and where Policymakers need to follow. in Social Housing in P31\\Scotland, Green Digital Finance Alliance

13:00 From Science to Policy and Action: Human Mobility in Platform on Disaster Displacement;
14:00 Times of Climate Change International Youth Federation; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Youth4Nature

European Commission - JRC;

Climate impacts as drivers of displacement: Online European Commission - DG INTPA; UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; UN High
science, human rights and policy response Commissioner for Refugees; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

14:30 Ice Box Challenge Glasgow: Glasgow International Passive House Association
15:30 The results of a public experiment

Shaping the future of our climate through education Online

Zenaga Foundation;
and practice Salamanca University

16:00 Powering climate action through heritage policies, Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change, Europa Nostra, Reimagining Museums
17:00 organisations, research and public programmes for Climate Action and the Climate Heritage Network.

Europe’s mission zero: How science, youth and politicians Online

Helmholtz Climate Initiative;
can make it succesfully YouthCORE; JEF Europe

17:30 9 Years Left to 2030: Bringing in Young European and Italian Climate Network;
18:30 Global Voices. ClimACT - SPARK consortium

Women Against Poverty (WAP); Conservation International and Coordinator of the organization of Indigenous
19:00 Strengthening indigenous resilience: Ecosystem People of the Amazon Basin (COICA);
20:00 restoration and the role of traditional knowledge Center for the Support of the Indigenous peoples of the North; Foundation for Sámi Heritage and
Development; Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology (INFOE); African Malaika; Rich carbon foot print

Energy Transition – Compassionate Leadership towards Online

Brahma Kumaris;
a Sustainable World Coopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité

12.11.21 Sustainable transport

time session title room organisers

10:00 Complementary approaches towards MobiliseYourCity;

11:00 net-zero urban transport FYCMA; Climate Rally

New fuels for a better aviation: the case for using Glasgow European Commission - DG MOVE
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 13
time session title room organisers

10:00 Environmental Defense Fund Europe;

Climate mitigation in EU and global shipping Online
Stiftung Allianz für Entwicklung und Klima
AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe;
11:30 Decarbonising aviation: Views from civil society Sky Gods documentary; Transport & Environment; Overseas Development Institute; Airlines for Europe;
12:30 and industry Airport Council International; Europe; European Regions Airline Association; Civil Air Navigation Services

Sustainable tourism as a driver Online

Mirabilia Network of Chambers of commerce;
to achieving global climate neutrality Ecotrans Network for Tourism Sustainability; Municipality of Poggibonsi

13:00 Destination carbon neutrality - Policies for decarbonisation Transport & Environment;
14:00 of aviation and maritime transport Oeko-Institut

European Academies Science Advisory Council;

Decarbonisation of Road Transport Online Potsdam Institute for climate impact research;
GIZ (Moving Chile, NDC-TIA, TraCS);
14:30 Supporting multi-level cooperation for transport in NDCs: EUROCLIMA+;
15:30 Implementation from global to local SLOCAT Partnership;
16:00 A Green Mobility and Transport system at the service of
International Association of Public Transport;
Glasgow European Union Agency for Railways (ERA); International Union of Railways (UIC); Community of European
17:00 Carbon Neutral EU local communities Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)

17:30 Transitioning to zero carbon mobility in our cities: linking

UN Habitat;
Glasgow GIZ;
18:30 transport to energy, climate and health ISGlobal; UBER

Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 14

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