Programme: Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Day
Programme: Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Day
Programme: Science, Technology, Research and Innovation Day
The role of Photovoltaics for the Global Energy Transition Online European Commission - Joint Research Centre
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 1
time session title room organisers
17:30 Climate Adaptation enabled through the Copernicus Glasgow The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts & JRC on behalf of DG DEFIS
18:30 Services and international cooperation
Meeting our Sustainable Development Goals through Online Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies; GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, GERICS,
an integrated carbon management approach CO2Chem, Sheffield University, Global CO2 Initiative, CO2WIN/DECHEMA, Kassel University
13:00 Union for the Mediterranean; Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Government of
Climate Action in the Mediterranean Glasgow Cyprus; Clima-Med - Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean;
14:00 Clima-Med; MedECC
International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD);
Shifting public support and policies towards a clean and Online Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies,
just energy transition in the Global South Government of Nepal
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 2
time session title room organisers
16:00 Addressing climate change impacts on cultural Brussels Coordination Unit of the Greek Initiative
19:00 and natural heritage
10:00 Clean energy transition in the Western Balkans: Center for International Forestry Research;
11:00 biomass, renewables, land restoration and green jobs E3 International; Resilient Landscapes; CIFOR-ICRAF; UNDP
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 3
time session title room organisers
13:00 Strengthening nature abilities to deliver effective climate WWF Africa Adaptation Initiative;
14:00 actions in Africa Africa Protected Areas Congress (APAC)
17:30 Keynote speech on MOSAiC – the greatest Arctic Glasgow Alfred Wegener Institute; Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
18:30 expedition of our time
Achieving sustainability: the role of corporations, strategic Online Germanwatch;
litigation and ecocide law International Bar Association; Stop Ecocide Foundation, Ecosia
8:30 IPSF Annual Event - Driving the transition to a sustainable European Commission - DG FISMA;
economy: towards more globally interoperable sustainable Glasgow
The International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF)
9:30 finance approaches
Insurance Europe;
Banks & insurers role in supporting the sustainability Online European Banking Federation; ClimateWise (convened by The University of Cambridge Institute for
transition: investment, lending, underwriting Sustainability Leadership)
Government of the Netherlands, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy; United Nations Environment
10:00 The role of the private sector in the alignment Programme, Climate Change Adaptation Unit;
11:00 of financial flows and the implementation of NDCs Government of Ghana, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation - Environmental Protection
Agency; Government of Switzerland, Federal Office for the Environment
Translating climate ambition into delivery Glasgow European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions; European Court of Auditors
11:30 Opportunities and challenges for sustainable green finance : European Commission - DG INTPA;
12:30 the case of Kenya European Union Delegation to Kenya; National Treasury, Government of Kenya
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 4
time session title room organisers
16:00 Upscale energy efficiency financing – identifying and European Commission - DG ENER;
17:00 overcoming the investment gap EEFIG; Cool Up
17:30 German Environment Agency; Wuppertal Institut für Klima; Umwelt; Energie gGmbH; South Pole Carbon Asset
Climate responsibility, climate action and carbon credits Glasgow
Management; Carbon Footprint Italy; Carbon Market Watch; NewClimate Institute
EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and the future Online
European Commission - DG FISMA C1;
of sustainability reporting European Commission - DG FISMA A4
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05.11.21 Energy transition
time session title room organisers
11:30 Potential of offshore renewable energy and green European Commission - DG ENERGY;
12:30 hydrogen to power the global energy transition IRENA
Driving Climate Action with Data – the Role of the Glasgow European Commission - DG ENERGY
International Methane Emissions Observatory
Decarbonising Buildings: the importance of energy Online European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Project ABC 21 - Africa-Europe BioClimatic
efficiency and low-carbon construction materials Buildings for XXI Century
17:30 Renewables Grid Initiative; Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (NL);
Lessons for a net-zero carbon grid Glasgow
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time session title room organisers
19:00 De-risking & scaling-up renewables through market-based Horizon2020 AURES 2 Project;
20:00 policies – practices from EU & the world Guidehouse, Fraunhofer ISI
European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform together with European Commission - DG Environment and
10:00 Circular solutions by communities, business and youth: the EESC;
11:00 scaling up to reach the 1.5-degree target EIT Climate-KIC; Ellen MacArthur Foundation; Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra; Generation Climate Europe; Public
Waste Agency of Flanders (OVAM)
Goal 13 Impact Platform;
Businesses combatting climate change: Goal 13 Impact Online Confederation of British Industry; Accounting for Sustainability; Chapter Zero; the Met Office; Dell
Platform, Voices from the Market Report Technologies; Deloitte
11:30 How can ICT companies help enable Europe’s transition to Facebook Inc;
12:30 net zero emissions by 2050 Ericsson
13:00 Green business globally: green technology solutions Mechanical Engineering Industry Association VDMA;
14:00 for climate friendly and circular business design Future Urban Living
14:30 The role of policy framework, standards & support tool CEN-CENELEC;
15:30 for businesses to become climate-neutral EUROCHAMBRES; BusinessEurope
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 7
time session title room organisers
17:30 Towards climate neutral industrial value chains – Europe as Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment, Energy;
18:30 frontrunner in the global steel transition European Round Table for Industry; IN4climate.NRW; Lund University; Agora Energiewende
19:00 Leading the way to carbon neutrality – Ministry of the Environment of Estonia and Confederation of Finnish Industries EK;
20:00 best practices and business solutions Stockholm Environment Institute
8:30 Land for climate and biodiversity: scientific challenges European Commission - JRC;
9:30 and highlights from EU-China cooperation Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement Programme
10:00 Policy Coherence, Climate Finance Mobilization and International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems; Food System Economics Commission; World
11:00 Collaborative Action for a Food Systems Transform Economic Forum; Cooperative Partnership for Climate-Smart Food and Forestry
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 8
time session title room organisers
13:00 Mobilising private sector engagement for climate-smart SNV Netherlands Development Organisation;
14:00 agricultural innovation CCAFS; World Benchmarking Alliance
14:30 Carbon Farming in a 2030 agenda for soil health European Conservation Agriculture Federation;
15:30 and climate South Pole; INRAE; CIRAD; IRD; “4 per 1000” International Initiative
19:00 Energy Community’s Contracting Parties vital role towards Climate Action Network Europe;
20:00 the 2050 target of a carbon-neutral European continent Energy Community Secretariat
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 9
09.11.21 Adaptation and resilience / Cities
time session title room organisers
Virginijus Sinkevičius, Member of the European Commission, responsible for Environment, Oceans and
08:30 Fisheries;
EU Ocean Day Glasgow
European Commission - DG MARE; Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML); Ocean and Climate Platform and the
09:30 European Bureau for Conservation & Development (EBCD)
Adaptation Without Borders; European Commission – DG CLIMA
Stockholm Environment Institute; Overseas Development Institute; Institute for Sustainable Development and
10:00 The launch of Adaptation Without Borders: a new era in International Relations; ENDA énergie; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; University of the West
11:00 international cooperation on climate change Indies; International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD); Business for Social Responsibility
(BSR); Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University; Winrock International; PlanAdapt; Mediators Beyond
Borders International
Climate adaptation – through infrastructure risk resilience Online
Coalition of Disaster Resilient Infrastructure; European Union Delegation to India;
and governance – a global perspective UK Met office; University of Exeter
11:30 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Global Covenant of Mayors; European Commission - DG CLIMA - DG ENER;
Gulbenkian Foundation's Prize for Humanity Glasgow Bloomberg Philanthropies;
12:30 Global Covenant of Mayors Secretariat and Gulbenkian Foundation
TU Berlin;
How to turn a city into a smart and net-zero city? Online
Smart Cities Marketplace; Arctik; Accenture
13:00 Financing sustainable energy access: Building resilient Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE);
14:00 and net-zero local economies GET.invest; European Commission - DG INTPA
17:30 Adaptation beyond the EU: perspectives for stronger French Development Agency; IEA,
Glasgow European Climate Change Adaptation conference (CASCADES ECCA 2021); African Union NEPAD; UNDP;
18:30 cooperation with Africa NAP-GN; JPI Climate; Walker Institute
Racing to 1.5°: cities mainstreaming evidence-based Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy - Europe and Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy;
Online EU funded project Clima-Med, Acting for Climate in South Mediterranean; EU-funded ‘ENI CBC MED’
climate & energy policies in Europe & Mediterranean Programme Managing Authority hosted by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in Italy; Municipality of Segrate
High-level roundtables on international just transition Glasgow European Commission - DG CLIMA and ENER;
ClimateWorks Foundation;
Ensuring an effective Global Stocktake: what role Online Center for Climate and Energy Solutions; Independent Global Stocktake; Météo-France; ESM2025;
for civil society & the climate science community? CRESCENDO; 4C; CONSTRAIN; PROVIDE
Carbon pricing in the European Union: an invitation to the
11:30 world.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Measure and the EU Glasgow European Parliament Delegation to COP26
12:30 Emissions Trading System for the aviation and maritime
sectors in a global perspective.
CDP Europe gGmbH, IDDRI, Wuppertal Institute;
Informing the Global Stocktake – Emissions reduction Online CDP; Institut du Développement Durable et des Relations Internationales; the independent Global Stocktake
targets and beyond initiative; Wuppertal Institute
New European Bauhaus: a global dimension Brussels European Commission - JRC, New European Bauhaus Unit
How to listen, How to talk, How to act – bringing citizens’ Glasgow
European Commission - DG CLIMA;
voices to COP Climate Pact Ambassadors
14:30 Challenges and opportunities in achieving climate Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe";7
15:30 neutrality: from knowledge to systemic change Inner Green Deal Initiative
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time session title room organisers
14:30 Green Deal as an Example for Green Recovery in The Council of European Municipalities and Regions;
15:30 Developing Countries and Subnational Governments The Global Green Growth Institute
17:30 Getting serious about the green economy: social and Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Government of Spain;
18:30 economic tools to achieve bold climate targets UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 12
time session title room organisers
13:00 From Science to Policy and Action: Human Mobility in Platform on Disaster Displacement;
14:00 Times of Climate Change International Youth Federation; Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Youth4Nature
14:30 Ice Box Challenge Glasgow: Glasgow International Passive House Association
15:30 The results of a public experiment
16:00 Powering climate action through heritage policies, Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change, Europa Nostra, Reimagining Museums
17:00 organisations, research and public programmes for Climate Action and the Climate Heritage Network.
17:30 9 Years Left to 2030: Bringing in Young European and Italian Climate Network;
18:30 Global Voices. ClimACT - SPARK consortium
Women Against Poverty (WAP); Conservation International and Coordinator of the organization of Indigenous
19:00 Strengthening indigenous resilience: Ecosystem People of the Amazon Basin (COICA);
20:00 restoration and the role of traditional knowledge Center for the Support of the Indigenous peoples of the North; Foundation for Sámi Heritage and
Development; Institute for Ecology and Action Anthropology (INFOE); African Malaika; Rich carbon foot print
New fuels for a better aviation: the case for using Glasgow European Commission - DG MOVE
Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)
Please note that this programme is a draft version (03/11/21) and may be subject to change and any missing information will be completed 13
time session title room organisers
13:00 Destination carbon neutrality - Policies for decarbonisation Transport & Environment;
14:00 of aviation and maritime transport Oeko-Institut
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