Lawas Module 1-Enabling Assessment Answer Sheet

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English for Purposive Communication

MODULE 1-Communication Processes Principles and Ethics

Enabling Assessment

Name: __Kenzel Lawas______________________ Date: _Feb. 20, 2023__

Course/Year/Section: ______BSA13__________ Score: ____________

Part 1: One-hundred-word summary

Number of words: __100__

The speaker discussed about how technology reshaped human relationship

during this era. She addressed the big problem regarding lack of social interaction in
real world since we rely our social interaction in online world. According to her, even
though using technologies helped us to be connected with each other wherever we are,
we also getting a new way of being alone together since we spend most of the time in
online communication; hence, we forget our social relationship with our love ones. With
this, we should learn to disconnect ourselves to online world and reconnect it to our
real world.

Part 2: Two-hundred-word Analysis

Number of words: __200__

The speech entitled “Connected, but alone?” talks about the major issue on how
excessive use of technology affects our social relationship with each other. The speaker
stated “Those little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful, that they
don’t only change what we do, they change who we are” since according to her, “We
expect more from technology, and less from each other.”. These statements pointed out
how technologies controlled and altered our relationship with one another, and tend to
forget to communicate with our love ones. In addition, many of us wants to spend time
using technologies, so that’s why she mentioned “That someday, a more advanced
version of Siri, the digital assistant on Apple’s iPhone, will be more like a best friend,
someone who will listen, when others won’t.”. This is one of the most painful truths we
experience nowadays, since in this modern era, technologies became human’s best
friends. And in the ending part of speech, the speaker persuades us to use technology
properly to make our lives better. We should focus on how technology will help us to
connect into our real world, not an online world, since people wanted to be with each

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